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All i have to do is learn English. 我所要做的就是学英语

Can you give me a wake-up call? 你能打电话叫醒我吗?

Let's take over the dinner.


It's up to date.


A friend is easier lost than found.


A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终

I'll fix you up.


You may as well tell me the truth.


It's rude to start at other people.


He is heavily insured against death. 他给自己投了巨额的人身保险

I will seek from my doctor's advice. 我将请教医生的建议

Happy Valentine's Day.


You'd better look before you leap.


Ice cream is popular among children.


He could hardly contain his excitement/anger. 他抑制不住内心的激动/气愤

If I were in your shoes.


I will furnish my house with furniture. 我要为我的房子置办家具

Caution is the parent of safety.


None of us is afraid of difficulties.


That couldn't be better.


He was charged with smuggling.


We are divided in our opinions.


It is an excellent novel in every way.


Have you got a backup plan?


Who ever comes will be welcomed.


I'm occupied.


Why don't you attend an aerobic class? 你为什么不去参加一个有氧健身班呢?

Nothing but death can part the couple. 除死之外,什么也拆不散这一对

What are your plans for the weekend? 你周末的计划是什么?

He never touches alcohol


It worths a shot


We were able to fix the computer blindfolded. 我们轻松搞定计算机(闭眼都能做)

Are you kidding me?


Break the news to somebody.


Make a hole.


Let me see your driver's license. 请让我看看你的驾驶执照

Go right back to the beginning. 直接回到起始位置

We are in the same boat.


He can hardly speak.


With clothes the new are best;with friends the old are best. 衣服越新越好,朋友越老越好

Custom is a second nature.


Sleep tight.


Don't let me down.


I am behind you.


The scalded cat fears cold water. 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳

I was intemperate in my youth.


We should learn to be temperate in eating and drinking. 饮食节制

Cancer is a deadly disease.


It's been a long time.


It never rains,it pours.


Footsteps announced his return.


I can not put up with my noisy roommates. 我受不了我那些吵闹的室友了

May I ask for quarter?


What took you so long? 怎么那么久

Do you have matches? 你需要帮忙吗?

Do you take money?


You need a thick skin. 你需要经得住批评

He's in a bad skin.


That excuse simply doesn't hold water.


He is a man of ex-plays/ex-convict/ex-con. 他是个有前科的人

Don't lose your head.


Time is running out.


You left the light on.


He turned the tables on his opponent and won the match. 她反败为胜赢得了比赛

You are in for a treat.


I put my foot in my mouth.


The ice is hard enough to skate on. 冰已经厚得可以滑冰了

You put the cart before a horse.


No sweat, I'm happy to help you. 不费多大力,我很愿意帮助你

He keeps griping about having no money. 他不断抱怨自己没有钱

I cannot cope with such a pile of work.


Please push the ladder against the wall. 请把梯子靠在墙壁上

Let's go for a walk,shall we?


Maybe some other time.


Ducks know how to swim when they are born. 鸭子天生会游泳

She ran her stockings.


Is there any sugar in the bottle?


A day of reckoning.


I find amusement in collecting stamps. 我发现了集邮的乐趣

I don't like what you are saying.


I need a place to stay.



每日一句英语励志名言 生命不要求我们成为最好的,只要求我们做最大努力。下面由小编与大家分享每日一句英语励志名言,希望能够帮助你们! 每日一句英语励志名言(经典) 1、失言就是一不小心说了实话。 Gaffes is accidentally say the truth。 2、即使被遗弃了,也不要伤感下去。 Even if abandoned, don't be sad。 3、假如我不能我一定要;假如我一定要我就一定能! If I cannot I must; If I must I can! 4、老师糊涂一时,学生糊涂一世。 Is wise at all time, the teacher students confused。 5、去做你害怕的事,害怕自然就会消失。 To do the thing you fear, the fear will disappear naturally。 6、感谢太阳又升起,继续点燃我的梦想。 Thank the sun rises again, continue to light my dream。 7、智者的梦再美也不如愚人实干的脚印。 Wise dream again beautiful also not fool pragmatic footprints。 8、是英雄表现出来,是人才体现出来,是蠢才显现出来。 Is a hero, is talented person, is a fool。 9、没有激流就称不上勇进没有山峰则谈不上攀登。 Not without a torrent yong into no peaks are not climb。 10、信心好比一粒种子,除非下种,否则不会结果。 Confidence is like a seed, unless seeding, no fruit。 11、每个人都要长大、但不是每个人都懂得长大。 Everyone has to grow up, but not everyone understand grew up。 12、行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。



英语口语社团活动 庆阳市东方红小学米婷 不知不觉这学期的社团工作已经进入尾声。本学期,按照学校的安排,我负责英语社团,主要是由四、五年级的学生组成,其中大部分是英语成绩好的,有些是对英语感兴趣的。在社团活动中,我从中高年级学生自我意识明显、语言学习能力强、接受新鲜事物快的实际情况出发,侧重于开展口语拓展训练,通过读chant,tongue twister ,模仿日常对话,与外教现场交流,外教远程视频授课等方法为学生交流语言习得、展示语言交际功能提供了平台。回顾一学期的工作,特总结如下:本学期社团共有14次课程,期末社团展示的方式为诵读表演。 一、注重学生英语习惯的培养 为提高我校学生学习英语的兴趣,增强英语意识和英语能力,进一步发展校本课程,进一步完善策略,建立此社团。学生在“英语口语社团”活动中收获的不仅仅是知识与能力的提高,更重要的是行为习惯与人生境界的升华。通过社团活动,学生进一步体验了学习英语的快乐,激发了学习英语的兴趣,养成了学生良好的习惯,发展了学生的个性,提高了学生的综合素质促进了学生的全面的发展,展示了学生的英语才华。

英国着名哲学家弗兰西斯.培根说:“习惯真是一种顽强而巨大的力量,它可以主宰人生。人自幼就应该通过完美的教育,去建立一种良好的习惯。”因此对于四、五年级的孩子来说,培养一种良好的学习英语的习惯是多么的重要,本学期初我就对本社团的同学以及家长做出了要求,必须养成每天学习英语的习惯,比如早上起床听听英语或晚上睡觉前听听英语,一个星期结束了巩固一下所学的知识等等。 二、注重学生英语学习兴趣的培养 要想学好英语,兴趣是至关重要的。所以培养学生对英语的兴趣是组织英语社团的首要任务。在本学期的英语兴趣活动中,我大胆使用课外教材,以新的切入点进行英语教育,并运用学生喜欢的方式进行授课,例如用英语演情景剧、唱英文歌、英语小游戏等等。使学生感觉到学习英语是一件好玩又有趣的事,从而对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣。 三、注重学生英语口语的培养 英语还是一门语言课,因此能说会说才是真正的重点,因此我将课堂中的大部分时间用在与学生进行口语交际上。第四周的时候,我请来陇东学院的外教,与学生面对面交流,让孩子们在真实的情景中进行运用,其他时间主要通过学生跟读、师生对话、学生相互情景对话的方式增加学生的口语锻炼,纠正学生的发音,使学生真正领悟英语的精髓,而不是单纯的学“哑巴英语”。 四、注重学生实践与合作意识的培养


1.Is it possible for a woman to be a successful mother and have a successful professional career? Should society encourage or discourage women from combining the two? Yes, I think a woman can be a successful mother and have a successful professional career but it is a little difficult. Because women usually are the caregivers for husbands, children and, often, for ageing parents. And even in full-time employment, they are expected to continue to play this role. But I don’t think the two are conflicted. Society should encourage women from combining the two, because man and woman are equal. It is not just mothers’ obligation to care for the children. On the other hand, how difficult to find a job for a divorced woman in such a high-divorce society? Both men and women should learn to balance their work and family. 2. Should University students focus on their specialized areas or fundamental courses? I think university students should focus on their fundamental courses. Specialized areas are based on fundamental courses. For example, how can you build a tall building without a solid foundation? The same is true of learning. Usually the knowledge we learned in university are disjointed from development of society. So when we are applying for jobs after graduation, we may find the professional knowledge we have is out of date. It will be difficult to learn new things without a solid foundation. Despite all the apparent changes, what remains essentially the same are the fundamental courses. I believe fundamental courses are the roots of great innovation. 3.Should students choose their majors to meet their personal needs and interests or the need of society? I think students should choose majors to meet the need of society. Here are some reasons. First, from a personal perspective, the ultimate aim of going to college is to find a job and make money. So what we need to think about is how to meet the requirements of society and enterprises. Only in this way can we find a job easily so that we can realize our value. If we only consider personal needs and interests when choose majors, we are likely to fail to find a job after graduation.


1.在家中 ●从起床到出门 早晨好 Good morning 闹钟响了吗? *go off是闹钟“响”的意思。 Did the alarm clock go off? 该起床了 -It's time to get up! -I don't wanna get up. 快点儿起床! -Get up soon. -I don't want to. 你醒了吗? *get up是动词,表示“起床”、“起”的动作。awake是形容词,表示“醒了”、“没睡”-Are you awake? -I am now. (我刚醒。) 你不舒服吗? -Are you feeling sick? -No, I'm just tired. 睡得好吗? -Did you sleep well? -Yes, I slept very well. / -No, I couldn't fall asleep. ? Would you turn off the alarm clock? -You finally got up. -I'm still sleepy. (我还困着呢!) 今天是个好天! -It's a nice day! -It sure is. ? Did you stay up late last night? 把被子叠好。 Let's fold up the futon. *snore“打呼噜”。 -Did I keep you up? -You were snoring last night. 过去进行时 我做了个可怕的梦。 -I had a nightmare. -It's all right now. 你一直没关灯啊。 You left the light on. I have to go wash my face. 该吃早饭了。 It's time to eat/have breakfast. 我还困着呢。 I'm still sleepy. 我还打哈欠呢。 I'm still yawning. ['j?:ni?] I have a hangover. I'm a night person. 我是用咖啡来提神的。 Coffee wakes me up. 刷牙了吗? Did you brush your teeth? I have to comb my hair. [k?um] vt 梳头发 穿什么好呢 -What should I wear/put on? -The red one. (穿红的吧!) 快换衣服。 Hurry up and get dressed. 把睡衣收好。*put away 收拾,放好-Put those pajamas away! [p?'d?ɑ:m?z] 睡衣 啊,我正要洗呢。) 我走了。妈妈再见! -I'm leaving. Bye mom! -Study hard. 今天我们逃学吧。*play hooky为俚语“逃学”。 -Yeah, let's. 你毛衣穿反了。 You're wearing your sweater inside out. 上下颠倒了。 It's upside down. 可别忘了扔垃圾! ['ɡɑ:bid?] n垃圾,废物 -Don't forget to take out the garbage. -I won't. 今天该你扔垃圾了。 It's your turn to take out the garbage. 今天你们干嘛? -What are you doing today? -We're having a track and field meet. *运动会 你快点儿,我们该迟到了! If you don't hurry, we'll be late. 快点儿,上学该迟到了。 -Hurry or you'll be late for school. -What time is it? 你锁门了吗? Did you lock the door? 没忘了什么东西吧? -Aren't you forgetting something? 都已经8点了! It's already 8:00. 我晚了! I'm late! 我得赶紧走! I have to rush! 你今天会回来得晚吗? -Are you gonna be late today? -No, I'll be home at the usual time. 几点回来? -What time are you coming home? -Around seven o'clock. 饭盒带了吗? -Have you got your lunch box? -Yes, right here. 今天好像要下雨。 -It might rain today. -Take your umbrella with you. [?m'brel?] 出门的时候,可别忘了锁门。 Don't forget to lock the door when you leave. ●从回家到就寝 我回来了。 I'm home. 你回来了。 Welcome home! 今天过得愉快吗? Did you have a good time? 今天怎么样? How did it go today? 我可以出去玩儿会儿吗? -Can I go out to play? -After you finish your homework. 我饿了。 -I'm hungry. -We have some snacks. *[sn?k] 点心 点心在哪儿?


每日一句英语励志名言精选 面对人生的烦恼与挫折,最重要的是摆正自己的心态,积极面对一切。再苦再累,也要保持微笑。笑一笑,你的人生会更美好!下面由小编与大家分享每日一句英语励志 名言,希望你们喜欢!欢迎阅读! 每日一句英语励志名言 1、失言就是一不小心说了实话。 Gaffes is accidentally say the truth。 2、即使被遗弃了,也不要伤感下去。 Even if abandoned, don't be sad。 3、假如我不能我一定要;假如我一定要我就一定能! If I cannot I must; If I must I can! 4、老师糊涂一时,学生糊涂一世。 Is wise at all time, the teacher students confused。 5、去做你害怕的事,害怕自然就会消失。 To do the thing you fear, the fear will disappear naturally。 6、感谢太阳又升起,继续点燃我的梦想。 Thank the sun rises again, continue to light my dream。 7、智者的梦再美也不如愚人实干的脚印。 Wise dream again beautiful also not fool pragmatic footprints。 8、是英雄表现出来,是人才体现出来,是蠢才显现出来。 Is a hero, is talented person, is a fool。 9、没有激流就称不上勇进没有山峰则谈不上攀登。 Not without a torrent yong into no peaks are not climb。 10、信心好比一粒种子,除非下种,否则不会结果。 Confidence is like a seed, unless seeding, no fruit。 11、每个人都要长大、但不是每个人都懂得长大。 Everyone has to grow up, but not everyone understand grew up。 12、行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。 Action is the ladder of success, the more, the higher the。


日常英语口语总结 最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!太平洋英语,免费体验全部外教一对一课程:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/d413320331.html, Unit 3 The Working Environment 工作环境 Part One: Expressions 1. I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr. Smith, please. 我想预约和史密斯先生见面。 2. Could you tell me where his office is? 你可以告诉我他的办公室在哪儿吗? 3. Ted stopped by to see you. 特德顺道过来拜访你。 4. Can I leave this for him? 我可以把这个留给他吗? 5. Could you give him this message? 你可以把这个口信留给他吗? 6. Where is the meeting room located? 会议室在哪儿? 7. How do I use this copy machine? 复印机怎么用? 8. Just a second. 稍等一下。 9. I’ll have it finished by tomorrow morning. 我不迟于明早会将它完成。 10. Hard work pays off, you know. 你知道,辛苦工作总会有回报。 Part Two: Dialogues 1. On the job工作中 A: Is Betty Sue in her office? B: I’m sorry. She’s in a meeting right now. A: I see. B: Can I give her a message for you? A: Yes, please tell her I stopped by. B: And your name, please? A: Ted. Oh, and could you give her this document for me? B: Certainly. A: 贝蒂·苏在她办公室吗? B: 抱歉,她现在在开会。


英语口语测试总结 为了达到素质教育的人才培养目标,课程改革逐步落到了实处,我校在环翠区统一组织安排下,对初四学生进行了英语口语测试。此次英语口语测试共检测了三个部分:教师提问、朗读短文、口头作文。我校全部九位英语老师担任了口语测试的评分老师,分三组对学生进行了测试。现对这次口语测试做一个总结: 1. 学校对这一次口语测试相当重视、准备充分,组织有序;大部分考生表现良好,能按要求准备话题,发音准确,有较好的语音语调,表达自如、语言流利,A等级达到90%以上。 2. 大部分学生在回答问题时,信心十足,声音洪亮,对英语的学习充满自信。 3. 三个部分的测试中,第三部分的口头作文测试不够理想,普遍存在时态问题,如在表达my family时有同学表述为my father very like playing football,应该是my father likes playing football very much.有语法上的混淆,也有汉语的思维习惯。 4. 英语口语存在两极分化和发展不平衡的现象。有的同学笔试成绩很出色,但是口语发音却极不准,究其原因是因为平常只注重了笔头,而忽视了口头。当然还有很多表现优异的学生,如5班的夏鹏飞同学在谈到my dream job的时候,说他想当一名像Kobe,James那样的职业篮球运动员,叙述中思路清晰,旁征博引,眼界开阔,可谓精彩。4班夏川谈到my life in 10 years 的时候,对未来的生活做出了切实精彩的计划和猜想。1班的曲莹莹同学用真切的语气叙述了和她my friend之间的故事,给老师们留下了深刻的印象。虽然大部分学生的英语口语水平不错,但每个班仍有一至二人基础较差。 5. 教学建议:(1). 加强单词、课文的领读教学,培养学生的朗读习惯、多用录音跟读,引导学生学习连读、失去爆破等发音方法。(2). 课堂多用英语教学,培养学生听和说的能力,把Chinglish变为English,夯实基础知识。(3).尽量调动所有学生的学习热情,重视对学习英语困难学生的自信心培养和个别辅导。总之,这次测试让每位老师认识到帮助学生树立信心,实现英语的实用性的重要性,认识到语言的教学,不管教什么,怎么教,一定要帮助学生把好基础关,没有基石,不可能有大厦,更不可能有理想的放飞,而这些,都将从帮助我们的学生大声地朗读 开始,从口语开始


英语口语8000句-10重要的提醒和忠告 ●教诲、告诫 约翰,向她道歉。 John, apologize to her. John, apologize to her. (约翰,向她道歉。) I'm really sorry. (真对不起。) 约翰,你听我说! John, you listen to me! John, you listen to me! (约翰,你听我说!) I don't want to. (我不想听。) 危险,别淘气。 Watch out! Don't play with that thing. Mom, watch! (妈妈,你看!) Watch out! Don't play with that thing. (危险,别淘气。) 自己的事情自己做。 Do it yourself. Can you fix my bicycle? (能帮我修一下自行车吗?) Do it yourself. (自己修。) Do it by yourself. Do it for yourself. 你别半途而废。 You should finish what you start. I'm going to give up. (我想放弃了。) You should finish what you start. (你别半途而废。) Don't leave things half done. *也可用half done来表示“半途而废”。 我认输了。 I'm ready to throw in the towel. *这是一句拳击用语,用来比喻“认输”。You failed the exam again. (你又没考上。) I'm ready to throw in the towel. (我认输了。) 这是你(应尽)的责任。 It's your duty (to do that). *duty “(法律、道德上的)义务,应尽的责任”。It's up to you to do that. (这是你应该做的。) It's your responsibility. (这是你分内的工作。) 要善待他人。 Be good to others. Do unto others as you would have done to you.*正式的说法。 You should treat others kindly. Do unto others.


每日一句英语名言 导读:本文是关于每日一句英语名言,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、没有哪种教育能及得上逆境。No education can and adversity。 2、没有口水与汗水,就没有成功的泪水。No saliva and sweat,no success of tears。 3、含泪播种的人一定能含笑收获。The sow in tears will reap with a smile。 4、我走得很慢,但我从不后退。I walked slowly,but I never retreat。 5、每一次发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。Behind every strenuously,there will be a double reward。 6、伟业的建立,不在能知,乃在能行。The establishment of the great,can not know,is in the can。 7、世界会向那些有目标和远见的人让路。The world will give way to those who have goals and vision。 8、感谢太阳又升起,继续点燃我的梦想。Thank the sun rises again,continue to light my dream。 9、做对的事情比把事情做对重要。Do the right thing is more important than doing things right。

10、只要路是对的,就不怕路远。As long as the road is right,is not afraid of road far。 11、不为失败找借口,只为成功找方法。Not to find excuses for failure,only to find a successful way。 12、嫉妒别人,仇视异己,就等于把生命交给别人。Envy others,hostile alien,is to give life to others。 13、不要和女人讲道理,尤其是生气的女人。Women and not reasonable,especially the angry woman。 14、永远不要后退,退到最后是无路可退。Never retreat,back to the last is no way to retreat。 15、每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。Behind each strenuously,there will be a double reward。 16、生活就像一面镜子,你若对她笑,她就对你笑。If life is like a mirror,you smile to her,she will smile to you。 17、人生最艰难的时候就是离胜利最近的时候。Life is the most difficult time is closest to the victory。 18、不懂得自爱的人,是没有能力去爱别人的。People who do not know love,there is no ability to love others。 19、有决心,就有力量;有毅力,就会成功!Willed it;I have strength;Has the perseverance,you will succeed! 20、让我们将事前的考虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧。Let we will consider in advance,change to advance thinking and


Hiolidays I like the Spring Festival most among various traditional festivals in China as it is the biggest and most exciting festival for Chinese. I like the Spring Festival also because I can eat a lot of delicious food and do a lot of interesting thing. For me, I have enough time to visit my classmates who isn’t in the same city with me and we can visit our teacher together. Everytime our teacher see us, she is very happy. The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back. Current customs to observe traditional Chinese festivals get more and more simplified and the old customs are gradually gone. For some people, festivals only mean the symbolic foods, such as moon cake for the Mid-Autumn Festival. The growing popularity of Western holidays in China might be one reason for the weakening cultural elements in China's traditional holidays. Another important reason I think is that many festivals, considered important days on China's lunar calendar, are not public holidays, especially in cities, as people have to work.


三年级英语非纸笔测试总结 辛店小学白艳艳为不断促进我校小学英语口语表达能力的提高,逐渐强化小学英语综合语言运用能力,激发学生说英语,用英语,学英语的兴趣,我们三年级应教研室及学校要求,在2018年一月四日进行了英语非纸笔测试,现将本次的情况总结如下: 一、非纸笔测试试卷 非纸笔测试试卷是考察学生实践操作能力,综合评价学生。试卷分字词朗读、句子朗读、角色扮演、看图识词,口语选择,朗读对话六个部分,每项测试内容分评价标准不同。每部分内容紧扣课本,按照上级要求,全面考察学生的英语素养。 二、非纸笔测试参与学生 三年级全体学生 三、非纸笔测试操作过程 1、三年级英语备 课组所有教师参与评 价,首先在备课组长 带领下集中学习非纸 笔测试评价方案,并 对本组老师进行非纸 笔测试评价培训,统 一评价意见。 2、分组进行评 价,在备课组长带领 下进行统一测试。 3、综合评价成绩 各班考评完毕后,老师把班上每组成绩汇总到一起,将成绩交给教导处。 四、非纸笔测试的反思

本次进行非纸笔试测试,孩子们很兴奋。主要是因为非纸笔测试与纸笔测试比较,孩子往往更喜欢前者。他们在准备和接受测试的过程中,享受到了学习的快乐。但也有部分同学由于程度差,感觉较难。 1、通过本次测试,我们更准确的了解到孩子们存在的问题: (1)字词朗读。部分 单词拿不准读音,尤其长 错误较多。 (2)句子朗读。能 达到准确朗句子,但不够 流利。 (3)角色扮演。这 部分孩子做的较好,可见 平时老师要求的都做到 了。当然也有10%的学生 完成较差。 (4)看图识词。这部分孩子做的较好。 (5)口语选择。这是本次测试较薄弱的环节。学生的英语表达能力不够好。 (6)朗读对话。能达到准确朗对话,但感情不够充沛。 2、从此次测试中了解到,平时对英语学科感兴趣的学生能一气呵成地 完成测试,但部分后进生则不敢开口,或是开口声音比较小;今后教师在教学中应多创设英语教学情境,营造英语学习氛围,开展丰富的课内、外活动,激发学生的英语学习兴趣,注重课堂40分钟教学的有效性,加强课后教学内容的复习与巩固,鼓励差生开口学说、唱英语,多读多练多唱; 教师要多检查、多督促、多指导。 五、反思与期待:这次口语测试能较好地反映出我校小学英语教学 的基本现状,客观上确实存在着一定差距。在今后的工作中,我们要及时总结经验、及时反思不足、不断改进教学,使今后的英语口语教学能更上一层楼。借鉴好的经验,祢补不足,认真搞好日常口语教学。


英语口语8000句免费下载:在家中 ●从起床到出门 Good morning, mom. 早晨好,妈妈。 Did the alarm clock buzz? Did the alarm clock ring? 该起床了! 我真不想起。 gonna=be going to美语口语常用说法 Get up soon. 快点儿起床! I don't want to. 我真不想起。 Are you awake? 你醒了吗? I am now. 我刚醒。 Are you feeling sick? 你不舒服吗? No, I'm just tired. 没有,仅仅有点儿累 Did you sleep well? 睡得好吗? Yes, I slept very well. 嗯,睡得挺好。着 I'm a night person.我是个夜猫子--I'm not. I'm a morning person. 我喜欢早起。 Coffee wakes me up.我 是用咖啡来提神 I have to get moving. be late today? 你今天会 回来得晚吗? 时 What time are you coming home? Around seven o'clock. 大概7点左右 your lunch box?饭盒带了 吗嗯,在呢。 今天好像要下雨。 Take your umbrella with you. 带上伞 Coffee gets me going. Did you brush your teeth?

Have you brushed your teeth? I have to comb my hair. 我该穿什么好呢? The red one. 穿红的吧! Which dress should I wear? Which one should I wear? What should I put on? 快换衣服 Put those pajamas away! 把睡衣收好 Don't forget to lock the door when you leave. ●从回家到就寝 Oh, I'm washing those. 啊,我正要洗呢 I'm leaving. Bye mom! I'm home! / I'm back! 我回来了。 Study hard. 好好学习啊! I'll see you when I get back. I'm taking off now. See you. /See you later. 今天我们逃学吧 Yeah, let's. 好哇,走吧! You're wearing your Welcome home! / Welcome back! How did it go today? How was your day? After you finish your homework. 写完 作业再去吧。 Please turn off the alarm clock. You finally got up. 你终于起来了。 It's a nice day! 今天是个好天! It sure is. 是不错啊。 It's a beautiful day! It's a wonderful day! It's a great day!

每日一句 英语名言警句

本文档如对你有帮助,请帮忙下载支持! 1·All things in their being are good for something. ·天生我才必有用。 2.A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. -- Thomas Addison ·强者能同命运的风暴抗争。-- 爱迪生 3.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真交。 4.An idle youth, a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 5.After a storm comes a calm. 雨过天晴。 6Art is long, but life is short. 人生有限,学问无涯。 7.A good medicine tastes bitter. 良药苦口。 8.Action speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 9.Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue. 勇敢和坚决是美德的灵魂。 10.Diligence is the mother of success. 勤奋是成功之母。 ·11 Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people. ·困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。 12Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难。 13.East, west, home is best. 金窝、银窝,不如自己的草窝。14.Energy and persistence conquer all things. -- Benjamin Franklin ·能量加毅力可以征服一切。-- 富兰克林 15· Failure is the mother of success. - Thomas Paine ·失败乃成功之母。 16· For man is man and master of his fate. ·人就是人,是自己命运的主人。 17.Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. 天才一分来自灵感,九十九分来自勤奋。 18.Great hopes make great man. 远大的希望,造就伟大的人物。 19· He who seize the right moment, is the right man. -- Goethe ·谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成。-- 歌德 20.He who laughs last laughs best. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。 21.In doing we learn. 经一事,长一智。 22.Kill two birds with one stone. 一石双鸟。 23· Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. -- John Ruskin 生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。-- 罗斯金24.Light come, light go. 来得容易,去得快。 25.Live and learn. 活到老,学到老。 26· Nothing seek, nothing find. ·无所求则无所获。


很多考生在拿到图片以后,只盯着图片不放。没有对考官问的问题给以足够的注意力。比如。考官说,你的同伴刚从英国旅游回来,请你对他的行程进行提问。这本来是用过去时来问和答的,却有相当一部分考生用将来时。这样考官会认为你没有听懂他的问题,即使问答很熟练,也不会得高分。 2. 不要忽视练习。 考前多练习,有助于提高自信心。在口语考试时,语法问题并不复杂,但是熟练准确运用人称代词、时态、从句等语法规则非常重要。 3. 不要畏惧错误。 一般情况下,不建议考生“自我更正”,因为这样会影响表达的流利程度。万一说错不要紧张,应镇定更正。 由于紧张,难免有听不懂的时候,这时可要求考官或同伴重复一次或请他们换一种表达。 口试虽然语法不难,但考生要想拿高分,平时必须注意基本能力的培养,多听多说,听不懂便无法进行交流,克服

聋哑英语。必要时,要在考前作些强化训练。这样考试时才能充满自信,发挥出应有的水平模仿:模仿是口语学习的主要方法之一,邱政政老师首创的“M7英语听说教学法”中 就把Model放在了重要的位置。而对比又是模仿的关键。好英先是读出来的,大声的朗读并对比自身和英美人士的差距,不仅可以练习语音、语调,还能增强语感,达到既练嘴又练耳的目的。。我们知道,英语单词是由音、形、义三部分构成而英语的本质是表音文字,声音是语言的灵魂。模仿时要声地朗读,读准字音,读出节奏,抑扬顿挫,读出语气。简之,就是要融入进去,读出感情。多多模仿标准录音,才能对章或对话的语音语调形成一个整体印象,通过这样的训练,我们才能体会英语语句的优美和英语语音的韵律,才能形成语感。就发音方面来说,上面提到的Friends帮助就很大。 们六个人都是一口标准的美语。模仿他们的日常对话不仅能纠正你的发音,更能体会老美的日常生活,感受他们的文化何乐而不为呢?一定要注意模仿的时候,要把自己当成是仿那个人,融入思想和感情,不是为了模仿而模仿,是为了掌握而模仿。所以不是单纯的鹦鹉学舌,而是经过自己体会后的了解和掌握。这才是模仿的最终目的,就是要把别人的变自己的。 虽然口语学起来有难度,但是,有个外教就格外的好我觉得。大家都说没有外教,其实外教可以随时随地在我们身


超级实用英语口语 8000句

had enough. 我已经吃饱了。 166.If I were in your shoes. 如果我站在你的立场上。 167.Is that OK? 这样可以吗? 168.Is this seat taken? 这位子有人坐吗? 169.It all depends. 视情形而定。 170.It can happen to anyone. 这事可能发生在任何人身上。171.It doesn't make any difference. 都一样。 172.It doesn't matter to me. 这对我来说无所谓。 173.It doesn't work. 它出故障了。 174.It drives me crazy. 他使我快要发疯了。 175.It isn't much. 这是微不足道的。 176.It really comes in handy. 有了它真是方便。 177.It slipped my mind. 我不留神忘了。 178.It takes time. 这需要时间。 179.It will come to me. 我会想起来的。

180.It will do you good. 这会对你有好处。 181.It won't happen again. 下不为例。 182.It won't take much time. 不会发很多时间的。 183.It won't work. 行不通。 184.It's nice meeting you. 很高兴认识你。 185.It's a deal. 一言为定。 186.It's a long story. 真是一言难尽。 187.It's a nice day today. 今天天气很好。 188.It's a once in a lifetime chance. 这是一生难得的机会。 189.It's a pain in the neck. 这真是苦不堪言。 190.It's a piece of cake. 这很容易。 191.It's a small world. 这世界真小。 192.It's a waste of time. 这是浪费时间。 193.It's about time. 时间差不多了/是时候了。194.It's all my fault. 都是我的错。
