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江苏省连云港灌云县第一中学高中英语 unit 1 Getting along with others Reading教案 牛津版必修5

江苏省连云港灌云县第一中学高中英语 unit 1 Getting along with others Reading教案 牛津版必修5
江苏省连云港灌云县第一中学高中英语 unit 1 Getting along with others Reading教案 牛津版必修5

江苏省连云港灌云县第一中学高中英语必修五:unit 1 Getting

along with others Reading 教案

Teaching Aims:

●To learn two letters written to an agony aunt of a teenage magazine and

how to understand the feelings and emotions in a text

●To learn how to get along with others and gain some insight into the problems

that can exist between friends.

●To improve their reading comprehension skill by fully participating in akk

the activities

Teaching Key Points:

◆How to improve their reading ability through teaching activities

◆Ho w to help studen ts to understand a writer’s the feelings and emotions

◆How to let them gain some insight into friendship and get on well with their

classmates at school

Teaching Difficulties:

◆The usages of words such as betray, mean, swear etc.

Teaching Procedure:

Step One: Leading-in

T: (Greet the students as usual)In the last lesson we learnt four proverbs and talked about friendship. Could you tell me the proverbs and their Chinese meanings?

Ss: … (Ask four students to answer the questions)

T: Ok. Now please look at the screen and discuss the following que stions in groups of four.

1)Do you keep in touch with your friends?

2)Have you ever argue with a good friend?

3)If you had a quarrel with your friend, how would you deal with it? Would

you feel embarrassed when you met them again?

4)How would you mend a broken a friendship?

5)What do you thin k are the reasons that might lead to a broken friendship?

(Choose several groups to present their di scussions to the class. Any

forms of presentation are acceptable. Collect the answers to the question


Possible answers to the question 5:

?Having little in common

?Lacking trust


?Being jealous of each other

?Conflicts of interest

Step Two: Reading Comprehension

T: Good. Besides these, I think there are other reasons that might cause a

broken friendship. Next you will read two letters about broken friendships.

Now open your book to page 2. Go through the questions in part A first and

then read the two letters silently as quickly as possible to find the answers

to the three questions:

1)Are the writers of the two letters feeling happy or sad?

They are feeling sad.

2)What did Sarah get for the surprise Maths test?

She got a D.

3)Is Matthew usually a quiet boy?

No, he is usually cheerful and outgoing

(Remind students to only focus on and identify the information needed to

answer these questions.)

T: Wonderful! Now lets’ read the passage again (read aloud) and answer th e question in part C1 and fill in the table in part C2.

Part C1:

1)What did Sarah think about the surprise Maths test?

She thought it was easy.

2)What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls’ toilets?

She told Hannah how badly she had done in the Maths test.

3) W hy did Sarah tell Hannah that they weren’t going to be friends any more?

Because she thought that Hannah had told everyone how badly she had done in the Maths test

4) Why did Andrew shout at Matthew after the match?

He th ought Matthew played badly and did not try hard enough. As a result, they lost the game.

5) What did Matthew think about losing the match?

He thought it wasn’t his fault.

6) What king of boy is Mathew?

He is usually cheerful and out going?

Part C2:

(Make sure that students can distinguish and pick out the relevant information

within the given time. After students finish the exercises, check the answers Letters How Sarah/Andrew felt Why she/he felt so



She felt betrayed.

She thought her best friend

Hannah didn’t keep her secret.

She felt ashamed. She scored the lowest mark in

her class She was upset and felt like


She found a piece of paper on

her desk that said ‘Stupid

Sar ah got a D’



He had a dilemma.

His best friend Matthew has

stopped talking to him.

He felt really guilty.

He said some cruel things to Matthew. He was angry with Matthew.

They lost the game because of

Matthew’s carelessness.

as a whole. While checking the answers of part C2, pay close attention to students’ mistakes. Some stude nts might be confused about the statements or expressions about feelings and those about thoughts. )

T: Now you have read the two letters. Different types of passages require different reading strategy. In these two letters, strong feelings about an unforgettable situation are illustrated clearly. Please read Reading Strategy on page 3.

(Remind them to concentrate on the difference between feelings and thoughts by emphasize the information in the table: on the left are feelings while on the right are thoughts)

T: Ok, from the letters we know that these two students are involved in difficult situations, so they write to Agony Aunt Annie for help. And Annie wrote back to the two students but some words are missin g in the two letters. Next please use the given words to fill in the blanks in Part E.

Part E:

Dear Sarah,






Dear Andrew,




9.friendship 10.determined

Step Three: Post-reading Discussion

T: Well done. Now, could you tell me what have learnt from the two letters?

Please discuss the following questions:

1)If you were Sarah or Andrew, would you try to fix the broken friendship

with your friend? What would you do to fix it?

2)If you had a problem with your friend, would you write to an agony aunt?

If not, who would you talk to?

3)If you were the agony aunt from the magazine, what advice would you give

to Sarah or Andrew?

(This serves as a consolidating exercise for students to practise their

spoken English.)

Step Four: Language Points

1)betray vt. 出卖,泄露;辜负,对……不忠;流露(情感)

betray sb/sth (to sb) 泄露消息(给某人);(向某人)出卖某人

betray oneself 暴露自己的真面目

e.g. He betrayed my secret to all hi s friends.

e.g. Judas betrayed Jesus to his enemies to in the last dinner.

e.g. The expression on his face betrayed his anger.

2)overlook vt.忽略;俯视;视而不见,不予理会;不予考虑

e.g. We couldn’t overlook such a serious offence.

e.g. She’s been overlooked for promotion several times.

e.g. His apartment on the twenty-second floor overlooks a little park.

3)swear vt./vi.发誓,许诺;咒骂

swear to do sth发誓做某事

swear at 咒骂,辱骂,诅咒

swear by 依靠,信任;确定

swear in 宣誓就职

e.g. He swore to tell the truth.

e.g. The boss is always swearing at the workers.

e.g. He swore in a mayor yesterday

e.g. I think she said she was going to the library, but I couldn’t swear by it.

4)forgive vt.原谅;宽恕

forgive sb sth 原谅某人某事

forgive sb (for sth) 原谅某人(某事)

e.g. The teacher forgave the student for his coming late

e.g. Could you forgive me my fault?

5)mean vt. 意思是;意味着;图谋,打算

mean doing sth 意味着做某事

mean to do 打算做某事

be meant to do sth 应该做某事

e.g. What do you mean by saying that?

e.g. I didn’t mean to hurt you.

e.g. You were meant to ask why I was disappointed with the idea.

e.g. Learning a foreign language doesn’t mean just worki ng in a class.

mean adj. 自私的;吝啬的;麻烦的,困难的

e.g. Tom is mean.

e.g. This is the meanest storm in years.

6)stand vi.站(起);坐落,位于

vt. 忍耐,忍受;为……付账,请客

stand for 代表,象征;

stand by 站在旁边,和……站在一起

stand sb a dinner 请某人吃饭

e.g. On the riverside stands a row of weeping willows.

e.g. The Monument to People’s Heroes stands at the center of the square.

7)apologize vi.道歉,认错,悔过

apologize to sb (for sth/ doing sth )(因某事/做了某事)向某人道歉

apologize for oneself 为自己辩解或辩护

e.g. Tom apologized to her for stepping on her foot.

e.g. You should apologize to your teacher for your fault.

8)since conj./prep.自……以后,自……以来;既然,因为

e.g. I have been there many times since the war.

e.g. Since many of the customers work during the day, Billy has to collect

the money at night.

Step Five: Homework

?to complete the part D on page 4

?to do parts A1 and A2 on page 90 in workbook

江苏省连云港市灌南县2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中物理试卷 (有解析)

江苏省连云港市灌南县2019-2020学年九年级上学期期中物理试卷 一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共20.0分) 1.下列几种杠杆类工具.在使用时属于费力杠杆的是() A. 测物体质量的天平 B. 夹取食物的筷子 C. 开啤酒瓶盖的扳手 D. 剪铁皮的剪刀 2.下列关于力做功说法中,正确的是() A. 人提着箱子站在地面不动,手的拉力对箱子做了功 B. 人把箱子从二楼提到三楼,手的拉力对箱子做了功 C. 汽车在水平公路上匀速行驶,汽车所受重力对汽车做了功 D. 过山车向下运动过程中,车上乘客所受重力对乘客没有做功 3.在水平地面上有一长方体木箱,小林用水平推力F把木箱向前推动,如图甲所示,此过程中, 推力F随时间t的变化情况如图乙所示,木块前进的速度v的大小随时间t的变化情况如图丙所示,下列说法正确的是() ①0?1s内,没有推动箱子的原因是推力小于摩擦力 ②0?1s内,推力做功的功率为100W③1?3s内,木箱受到的滑动摩擦力为300N ④3?5s内,木箱受到的滑动摩擦力为200N⑤3?5s内,木箱移动的距离为2m A. 只有①②③ B. 只有②④⑤ C. 只有①③ D. 只有④⑤ 4.用弹簧测力计拉着重8N的物体在水平面上以2.5m/s的速度做匀速直线运动,弹簧测力计的示 数为2N。当绳子突然断开时,则() A. 物体速度保持不变,受到的摩擦力小于2N B. 物体速度逐渐减小,受到的摩擦力等于2N C. 物体速度逐渐减小,受到的摩擦力等于8N D. 物体立即停止,受到的摩擦力为零 5.下列现象中物体的动能、势能都发生变化的是()

A. 匀速上升的气球 B. 空中加速下落的冰雹 C. 沿斜坡匀速驶下的汽车 D. 在水平铁轨上加速行驶的火车 6.已知铝、铁、铜的比热容依次减小,它们的初温和质量相同.吸收相同的热量后,比较铝、铁、 铜的温度则() A. 铝的温度最高 B. 铜的温度最高 C. 铁的温度最高 D. 三者的温度都相同 7.下列过程中,说明消耗内能可以做功的是() A. 重物从高处落下可以做功 B. 瀑布的下方总会有一个被水冲出的深潭 C. 风力推动风车做功 D. 锅内沸腾的水不停地掀动锅盖 8.关于功率的概念,正确的说法是() A. 力对物体做功的时间越多,功率就越大 B. 力对物体做功的时间越短,功率就越大 C. 功率是表示力对物体做功的快慢程度的物理量 D. 提高功率就是提高效率 9.如图,用大小相等的拉力F,分别沿斜面和水平面拉木箱,拉力方向和运动方向始终一致,运 动时间t ab>t cd,运动距离s ab=s cd,比较两种情况下拉力所做的功和功率() A. ab段做功较多 B. ab段与cd段的功一样多 C. ab段功率较大 D. ab段与cd段的功率一样大 10.在小明的卧室里,同一盏吊顶灯用两个开关控制,一个安装在进门处,另一个安装在床头附近。 操作任意一个开关均能独立地开灯和关灯,下面四幅图中能够满足要求的是(其中A项中的S1及C项中的S1、S2均为单刀双掷开关)()


Grammar and usage Verb-ing Form & Verb-ing Phrases

Do you know any thing about verb- ing form or verb-ing phrases?

Please fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs 1. They burst into laughter when they heard the (amuse) story. 2. Is there any hope of our team ____________ (win) the match? 3. ________ (finish) his composition, he went to have a heart- to- heart talk with his father. 4. ________ (send) to the countryside, he had to leave the city. 5. The building __________ (build) now is our physics lab.

6. When __________ (leave) the airport, they waved again and again to us. 7. ________ (not know) how to give first aid to the inii irnrl cirl hn tplpnhnnnrl thp rlnntnr fnr hnln Please fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given verbs 8. This same thing, ________ (happen) in the peacetime, would be a great disaster. 9. The chemical composition of water is H2O5 whether (be) solid, liquid or vapor. 10. We introduced a lot of advanced equipment, thus (save) much time and labor. 11 ? We held a party, _______ (celebrate) the arrival of the new baby.. 12. They sat together, _______ (study) carefully the design of


灌南县情简介 灌南县位于江苏东北沿海,是全国首批开放城市—连云港市的南大门。县域总面积1030平方公里,辖14个乡镇,4个工业园区,2个农业园区,76万人口。近年来,全县经济社会发展呈现强劲态势,在连云港市综合目标考评中勇夺“八连冠”,连续八年获得省财政收入上台阶先进县、省社会治安安全县、市信访稳定先进县等称号,实现了从“苏北洼地锅底”到“连云港经济强县、苏北发展快县、江苏产业名县”的根本转变,探索走出了一条具有灌南特色的科学发展、跨越发展、和谐发展之路,被《新华日报》赞誉为“最具活力是灌南”。 灌南是活力迸发的新兴县份。坚持创新为魂、实干为本、富民为先,全县上下呈现出前所未有的发展活力,综合实力跻身苏北第一方阵。境内的连云港化工产业园、县经济开发区、船舶产业园、现代农业示范区等特色园区不断发展壮大,共实施和建成重大项目400多个,化工医药、船舶物流、冶金机械、板材家具、酿酒食品五大支柱产业初步形成。特别是2005年以来,灌南大力实施战略东进,率先拉开灌河开发序幕,临港产业异军突起,灌河半岛新区累计完成300亿元的资金投入,进驻企业达到200多家,灌河沿线厂房林立,巨轮穿梭,产业兴旺,经济繁盛,正发展成为全县经济发展的第一增长极和江苏沿海新兴的化工、钢铁、船舶产业基地。 灌南是海河联运的水绿新城。按照“优质精品城市、水绿生态新都、现代宜居家园”的城市发展定位,全县每年多元化投入城市建设资金100多亿元,城市形象现代靓丽,城市功能配套完善,城市品位显著提升。南环、北环、城区路网纵横交错,人民立交桥、盐河二桥、盐河三桥、盐河四桥飞架东西,英雄广场、海西公园、幸福林海以及悦来河、周口河、盐河等“三河风光带”彰显“苏北水绿新城”的旖旎风光。宁连、沿海高速及规划建设中的连盐、连淮铁路穿越全境,内河航运东临黄海,南连大运河,北接连云港港,具备了通江达海、海河联运的独特优势,随着盐灌船闸的正式通航,灌南迎来了发展海河经济的春天。 灌南是神奇瑰丽的魔术之乡。公元前101年,汉武帝刘彻为奖赏贰师将军李广利,下诏封其为“海西侯”,置海西侯国,灌南全境为之


【全国校级联考】江苏省连云港市灌南县2017-2018学年七 年级上学期期中考试语文试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、字词书写 1.请将下面的句子用正楷或行楷抄写一遍,要求正确、美观。 天行健,君子以自强不息;地势坤,君子以厚德载物。 二、句子默写 2.在下列各小题的横线上,写出相应的诗文名句或作家、作品。 (1)水何澹澹,___________________________。(曹操《观沧海》) (2)__________________,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。(马致远《天净沙·秋思》) (3)夜发清溪向三峡,_______________________。(李白《峨眉山月歌》) (4)正是江南好风景,______________________。(杜甫《___________》)(5) _____________________,受降城外月如霜。(李益《夜上受降城闻笛》) (6)遥怜故园菊,______________________。(__________)《行军九日思长安故园》) (7)《次北固山下》中描写时序交替中的景物,暗示时光流逝,蕴含自然理趣的诗句是____________________,______________________。 三、选择题 3.下列文学文化常识中,表述错误的一项是() A.《天净沙·秋思》作者马致远,元代戏曲家、散曲家。天净沙,曲牌名。思,思绪。B.朱自清,字佩弦,散文家、诗人、学者。著有诗文集《背影》《踪迹》。 C.古人称谓有谦称和尊称的区别,像“令郎”是对对方儿子的尊称,“小儿”“犬子”是对自己儿子的谦称。 D.《论语》是儒家经典著作,与《孟子》《大学》《中庸》合称“四书”。


江苏省海州高级中学2020-2021学年高三第一学期1月调研考试 英语试题 第一部分听力(共两节, 满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 例:How much is the shirt? A.19.15 B.9.18 C.9.15 答案是C。 1.What does the man always do on Saturday? A. See a film. B. Have a class. C. Review his notes. 2. How does the woman deal with difficult lectures? A. By recording them. B. By talking with lecturers. C. By attending them again. 3. Where will the man fetch his notebook?

A. In the library. B. In the classroom. C. In the teachers’ office. 4. What kind of music does the man often listen to? A. Jazz music. B. Classical music. C. Rock music. 5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. Sarah’s happy retirement. B. The man’s art classes. C. Their hobbies. 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6. Why does the man apologize to the woman? A. He lost her dictionary. B. He made her desk dirty. C. He damaged her glasses. 7. What does the woman ask the man to do? A. Buy her an ice cream. B. Look up some new words. C. Tidy up her desk carefully. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。 8. What makes the man change his appointment? A. An unexpected visitor.


江苏省连云港市灌南县2017-2018学年七年级英语上学期期中试题 牛津译林版 第I卷 ( 选择题, 共90分) 友情提醒:请考生一律在答题纸上作答。 Ⅰ. 听力(共20小题。1-10每小题1分,11-20每小题2分,满分30分) A.听对话,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个适当的答案,每段对话听两遍。 1. What does the boy often do after school in spring? A B C 2. Which boy is Dick? A B C 3. What’s Simon good at? A B C 4. How does the girl’s brother usually go to school? A. B. C. 5. How often does Jim go on a picnic? A. Every week. B. Twice a month. C. Once a month. 6. What does Jack want to do first? C. Do his homework. 7. Where are Kate’s glasses?

A. On the table. B. Under the chair. C. In the bag 8. What does the girl’s uncle do? A. He’s a worker. B. He’s a teacher. C. He’s a driver. 9. How old is Peter’s mother? A. 48 B. 40 C. 38 10. What club is Simon in? A. the Football Club. B. the Drawing Club. C. the Singing Club. B. 听下面的对话或短文,从所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个适当的答案,每段对话或 短文听两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 11. Where does Lucy live now? A. In Beijing. B. In Shanghai. C. In Xuzhou. 12. What does Lucy like doing after school? A. Reading. B. Swimming C. Singing. 听第一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 Miss Wu Job (工作) 13 How to go home She goes home 14 on Saturday. Hobby She likes 15 and swimming. 13. A. A doctor B. A policeman C. A teacher 14. A. in her car B. by bus C. on foot 15. A. dancing B. cooking C. singing 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20小题。 16. What are they good at? A. English. B. Math. C. Chinese. 17. What do they like to do in their holidays? A. Play ping-pong and run. B. Swim and ride bikes. C. Swim and play basketball.


主备:朱坤上课时间:月日执教: 教学目标知识目标 学会- Cl、-2 4 SO、-2 3 CO、+ 4 NH等离子检验的实验技能,能用焰色反应法、离子检验法设计简单的实验方案探究某些常见物质的组成成分。 能力目标初步认识实验方案设计、实验现象分析等在化学学习和科学研究中的应用。情感目标 初步学会独立或与同学合作完成实验,记录实验现象,并学会主动交流。逐 步形成良好的实验习惯。 教学重点Cl-、SO 42-、CO 3 2-、NH 4 +等离子的检验。 教学难点Cl-、SO 42-、CO 3 2-、NH 4 +等离子的检验。 教学过程二次备课 【自学质疑】 1、铵盐与强碱溶液混合加热时有生成。如氯化铵与 氢氧化钠混合溶液的反应,化学方程式为 氨气能使湿润红色石蕊试纸变,人们常用氨的这一性 质来检验铵根离子。 2、盐酸、氯化钠、氯化铵等溶液中的氯离子能与硝酸银溶液中 的反应,生成白色沉淀,该沉淀不溶于。 化学方程式为。 3、溶液中的硫酸根离子能与氯化钡溶液中的反应, 生成白色沉淀,该沉淀不溶于。化学方程式 为。 4、许多金属或它们的化合物在燃烧时都会使火焰呈现特殊的颜 色,这叫。根据火焰所呈现的特殊焰色, 可以检验或的存在。例如 钠的焰色为,钾的焰色为。 实验操作:洗烧:用鉑丝蘸取在酒精灯上灼烧, 直至火焰为色。 蘸烧:用鉑丝蘸取,放 在火焰上灼烧,观察火焰颜色(钾要透过) 洗烧:实验完毕后,用洗净鉑丝,并放在火焰上灼 烧至无颜色 【互动探究】 (探究实验一):见教材P21 现象: 1.总结:铵盐(NH 4 +)的检验方法:铵盐与强碱共热,能放出 具有刺激性气味且能使湿润的红色石蕊试纸变蓝的气 体 (探究实验二):取两支试管,分别加入氯化铵、氯化钾,再各

江苏省连云港市 高中段学校招生统一文化考试数学试题

江苏省连云港市2018年高中段学校招生统一文化考试数学试题 一、选择题(本大题共有8个小题,每小题3分,共24分) 1.2的相反数是 A .2 B .-2 C . 2 D .12 【答案】B 。 【考点】相反数。 【分析】根据相反数意义,直接求出结果。 2.a 2·a 3等于 A .a 5 B .a 6 C .a 8 D .a 9 【答案】A 。 【考点】指数乘法运算法则。 【分析】根据指数乘法运算法则,直接求出结果:23235a a a a a +?==。 3.计算 (x +2) 2的结果为x 2+□x +4,则“□”中的数为 A .-2 B .2 C .-4 D .4 【答案】D 。 【考点】完全平方公式。 【分析】根据完全平方公式,直接求出结果。 4.关于反比例函数y =4x 图象,下列说法正确的是 A .必经过点(1,1) B .两个分支分布在第二、四象限 C .两个分支关于x 轴成轴对称 D .两个分支关于原点成中心对称 【答案】D 。 【考点】反比例函数图象。 【分析】根据反比例函数图象特征,y =4x 图象经过点(1,4),两个分支分布在第一、三象限 ,图象关于直线y =x 和y =-x 成轴对称 ,两个分支关于原点成中心对称。 5.小华在电话中问小明:“已知一个三角形三边长分别是4,9,12,如何求这个三角形的面积?”小明提示说:“可通过作最长边上的高来求解.”小华根据小明的提示作出的图形正确的是 【答案】C 。 【考点】辅助线的作法,三角形的高。 【分析】C 是作的最长边上的高。A ,B 作的不是最长边上的高,D 作的不是三角形的高。 6.已知抛一枚均匀硬币正面朝上的概率为12 ,下列说法错误..的是 A .连续抛一均匀硬币2次必有1次正面朝上 B .连续抛一均匀硬币10次都可能正面朝上 C .大量反复抛一均匀硬币,平均100次出现正面朝上50次 D .通过抛一均匀硬币确定谁先发球的比赛规则是公平的 【答案】A 。 【考点】概率。 【分析】根据概率定义,直接得出结果。 B . A . D . C .


2017年江苏省连云港市灌南县中考英语三模试卷 一、单项选择(15分) 1. ﹣﹣﹣It's nice to play _________ chess and _________ cards in the new park. ﹣﹣﹣How pleasant!() A the, / B /, / C /, the D the, the 2. _______ people lost their homes in Japan's earthquake.() A Two thousands B Thousand C Thousands of D Thousand of 3. Mr Wu ______ the Great Wall three times since he came to China.() A has been to B has been C has gone to D has gone 4. The old man doesn't feel _______, though he lives _________ in the village.() A lonely; lonely B alone; alone C alone; lonely D lonely; alone 5. Bob used to ________ to bed late. But now he is used to ________ up early.() A go, getting B going, get C go, get D going, gettin 6. The Smiths ________ for more than 20years.() A married B have married C got married D have been married 7. After hearing the ______ news, everyone was ______.() A exciting; excited B exciting; exciting C excited; exciting D excited;excited 8. I have learned English _____ two years ago.() A for B in C since D during 9. Daniel________to Japan. He'll come back in two weeks.() A goes B went C has gone D will go 10. ﹣﹣﹣ _______ have you studied English? ﹣﹣﹣ For ten years.() A How far B How often C How long D How soon 11. Nothing in the world is _______ if you set your mind to do it.() A . impossible B wonderful C interesting D necessary 12. _______ this term, I'm sure I'll get better grades because I study very hard.() A In the end B At the end C In the end of D At the end of 13. It took us about ______ to fly to Hong Kong Disneyland.() A two and half an hours B two and a half hours C two hours and half D two hour and a half 14. ________ is Nanjing from Xuzhou?一About five hours' ride.() A How far B How long C How soon D How often 15. ﹣I'm going to visit the Shanghai Science Museum tomorrow. ﹣________.() A Glad to hear that B Have a good time C I think so D I'm afraid not 二、完形填空(10分) 16. Many changes have (1)_______place in people's life in the past 20years. In the past, people kept in touch with(与…联系)others by(2)_______1etters. People would listen to the radio (3)_______news and other information when they were free. People


江苏省海州高级中学2020学年度第一学期高二语文期中考试试卷(命题人:仲济民) 第Ⅰ卷 一.选择题(每题3分,共14题) 1.下列词语中,加点字读音正确的一项是() A.龟.(jūn)裂枕藉.(jí) 贮.(zhù)藏嗜. (shì) 好B.慵.(yōng)懒乳媪.(ǎo) 桀.(jié)骜绯. (fēi) 红C.创. (chuàng) 伤俯瞰.(kàn) 醴.(lǐ)酪眩. (xuàn) 晕D.镌.(juàn)刻匍匐.(fú) 铁砧.(zhēn) 蛊.(gǔ)惑 2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一项是() A.洗涤浸渍呆滞殒身不恤 B.端详梳妆愁怅兴高采烈 C.仓皇急躁暮蔼千里迢迢 D.情愫题纲屠戮再接再励 3.把下列句中画线的熟语换成一个意义相当的成语,不恰当的一项是()A.你这种此地无银三百两的做法,到头来只会落得个贻笑大方的结局。(故弄玄虚)B.厂长让我这个只有小学文化的大老粗负责车间的科技攻关项目,真是赶鸭子上架呀!(强人所难) C.新来的技术员严把质量关,开始有人不理解,认为他是鸡蛋里挑骨头,对他冷眼相看。(吹毛求疵) D.张主任本来以为问题不大,谁知道他们两个公说公有理,婆说婆有理,谈不到一块。(各执一词) 4.下列各句中,没有语病的一项是() A.连战和胡总书记达成了许多共识,国务院台湾事务办公室专门就其中一些台胞特别关注的问题在记者会上进行了说明。

B.探测器在成功登陆土星最大的卫星土卫六以后,通过飞船成功传回了拍摄的土卫六照片和其它科学数据。 C.“三农”问题长期得不到根本解决的原因,就在于“二元”经济社会结构下的城乡之间长期处于相互分割、相互隔绝的状态没有得到根本改变造成的恶果。 D.这里我们要向读者讲述的,依然是一则市委书记牛玉儒慎用而又善用权力,将百姓冷暖装在心上的故事。 5.下列句子中,标点使用有误的一项是() A.许多自然学者直到最近还保持着的和我以前所保持的观点——每一物种都是被独立创造的观点——是错误的。 B.倘使我能够相信真有所谓“在天之灵”,那自然可以得到更大的安慰,——但是,现在,却只能如此而已。 C.明代徐勃有一首《咏荔枝膜》诗,描写吃荔枝时把壳和膜丢落在地上,好似“盈盈荷瓣风前落,片片桃花雨后娇,”是夸张的说法。 D.酒神精神的潜台词是:就算人生是幕悲剧,我们也要有声有色地演这幕悲剧,不要失掉了悲剧的壮丽和快慰。(武俊平《中国人文思想:寻找自己的精神家园》)6.填入下列各句中的词语,正确的一项是() ①然而在这样的生活艰难中,预定了《莽原》全年的就有她。 ②我没有亲见,听说,她,刘和珍君,那时是前往的。 ③但是中外的杀人者却昂起头来,不知道个个脸上有着血污……。 ④苟活者在淡红的血色中,会依稀看见微茫的希望;真的猛士,将更而前行。 A.居然奋然毅然欣然 B.毅然欣然居然奋然C.奋然毅然欣然居然 D.欣然居然奋然毅然二.阅读下面的文字,完成7~10题。 禽流感 禽流感是禽流行性感冒的简称,这是一种由甲型流感病毒的一种亚型引起的传


2020年江苏省连云港市灌南县中考英语调研试卷 一、单项选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选 项中,选出最佳选项. 1. Which of the underlined part is pronounced differently(发音不同) from the other three?() A ch oo se B fl oo d C sp oo n D t oo l 2. It's good to take ________ walk for half an hour after ________ supper in good weather.() A a; the B a;不填 C 不填; the D the;不填 3. Most people are ______ building paper factory near here because of the pollution.() A for B with C against D beyond 4. ﹣ Do you think the ______ of this skirt suits me? ﹣Of course! You always look beautiful in white.() A size B design C material D colour 5. ﹣ Can you tell us about our new teacher? ﹣ Oh, I'm sorry. I know ____about him because I haven't seen him before.() A something B anything C nothing D everything 6. Pay no attention to those who laugh at you.What __________ most is how you see yourself.() A cares B minds C matters D counts 7. ﹣ Sorry, I can't afford to go abroad. ﹣ What about having a country travel with a little ______ price?() A cheaper B higher C lower D less 8. ﹣ We've prepared all kinds of food for the picnic. ﹣ Do you mean I ______ bring anything?() A can't B needn't C mustn't D won't 9. ﹣ Are you going to Beijing to enjoy the art festival? ﹣ I'm not sure. It ______ time.() A works on B goes on C carries on D depends on 10. Some animals carry seeds from one place to another, ________plants can spread to new places.() A so B or C but D for 11. Rio 2016 Olympics ______ in August,marking the first time that the games have been held in South America.() A take place B took place C will take place D have taken place 12. ______ amazing the magic is! He can see through the walls.() A What B How C What a D What an 13. Which of the following sentences CAN'T be used to remind students to do better in exams?() A Think twice before acting. B You can't be too careful. C Actions speak louder than words. D A miss is as good as a mile. 14. ﹣ Could you tell me ______? ﹣ Sure. Walk straight along this street and you'll find it.() A how can I get to Bank of China B where is Bank of China C which is the way to


主备: 上课时间: 月 日 执教: 教学目标 知识目标 使学生学会对配制一定物质的量浓度的溶液的过程进行误差分析。 能力目标 学会物质的量浓度的综合计算,了解生产和研究中经常使用的中和滴定等定量分析方法。 情感目标 掌握物质的量浓度计算的基本思维方式,从物质的量浓度基本定义出发,寻找各物理量之间的联系。 教学重点 配制一定物质的量浓度的溶液的误差分析和物质的量浓度的综合计算。 教学难点 配制一定物质的量浓度的溶液的误差分析和物质的量浓度的综合计算。 教学过程 二次备课 【自学质疑】 1.回顾教材P24页互动和探究,回忆配制一定物质的量浓度的溶液的基本步骤,主要包括 , , , , 。 【精讲点拨】 一、误差分析: 分析要点:应从物质的量浓度的定义式 出发, 分析错误的操作引起的结果会导致式中哪个物理量的变化。 原因 对结果的影响 称 砝码沾油污或锈蚀 砝码残缺 溶解 溶质未完全溶解 溶解后溶液未冷却到室温 搅拌过程中溶液溅出 洗涤 未洗涤小烧杯玻璃棒 定容 仰视刻度线 俯视刻度线 摇匀 后 发现液面低于刻度线,又补加几滴水 二、能运用定量进行的化学反应进行定量分析: 对于能定量进行的化学反应(如“中和反应”、某些“氧化 还原反应”),用已知物质的量浓度的溶液(标准溶液)与一定 体积的未知物质的量浓度的溶液(待测液)反应,根据反应时 V 溶液 V n c B B

消耗的已知浓度的溶液(标准溶液)的体积,通过计算可以确定未知浓度溶液(待测液)的组成。 【例1】课本P25例5 练习1,课本P25问题解决 【例2】:已知36.5%的盐酸的密度为1.19g·cm-3,计算该盐酸中HCl的物质的量浓度。 三、有关物质的量浓度与溶质的质量分数的换算: 若已知某溶液的质量分数为a%,溶液密度为ρg·cm-3,溶质的摩尔质量为 M g·mol—1 则: 1000mL×ρg·cm-3×a% C = --------------------- 1L×M g·mol—1 【练习3】98.0%H2SO4(密度 1.84g·cm-3) 物质的量浓度为. 【问题解决】 【例3】将20.0mL0.500mol/LNaOH溶液加水稀释至500mL,求稀释后所得溶液的物质的量浓度? 【迁移应用】1.用36.5%的浓HCl(ρ=1.2 g·cm-3)配1mol·L -1的稀HCl 100 mL,配制过程需用到哪些仪器,且先后顺序正确的是 ①100 mL量筒②10 mL量筒③50 mL 烧杯④托盘天平 ⑤100 mL容量瓶⑥胶头滴管⑦玻璃棒 A.①③⑤⑥⑦ B.②③⑦⑤⑥ C.③⑤⑦⑥① D.④③⑦⑤⑥ 2.精确配制一定物质的量浓度的NaOH溶液,下面实验操作中正确的是 A.称量时,将NaOH固体直接放在天平托盘上面的纸上 B.将称好的NaOH固体放入容量瓶中,加入少量水溶解 C.在烧杯中溶解NaOH固体后,立即将溶液注入容量瓶中 D.将烧杯中已冷却的N aOH溶液注入未经干燥的容量瓶中 1. 课堂练习 课堂小结


江苏省连云港市新海高级中学2020-2021学年高一上学期10 月学情调研数学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.命题“2,220x x x ?∈++≤R ”的否定是( ) A .2,220x x x ?∈++>R B .2,220x R x x ?∈++≤ C .2,220x x x ?∈++>R D .2,220x x x ?∈++≥R 2.已知集合{} 16,A x x x N =<<∈,{}1,2,3B =-,那么A B =( ) A .{}1,2,3,4 B .{}1,2,3,4,5 C .{}2,3 D .{}2,3,4 3.函数268y x x =++的零点是( ) A .2,4 B .-2,-4 C .(2,0),(4,0)-- D .(2,0),(4,0) 4.若0a b <<,那么下列不等式中正确的是( ) A < B .2a ab > C . 11a b < D .22a b < 5.已知集合2{2,25,12}A a a a =-+,且3A -∈,则a 的值为( ) A .1-或32 - B .1- C .32 - D .1 6.已知,x y 都是正数,且 21 1x y +=,则x y +的最小值等于 A .6 B . C .3+D .4+7.设r 是q 的充分条件,s 是q 的充要条件,t 是s 的必要条件,t 是r 的充分条件,那么r 是t 的( )条件. A .既不充分也不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充分不必要条件 D .充分必要条件 8.已知方程22240x ax a -+-=的一个实根在区间()1,0-内,另一个实根大于2,则实数a 的取值范围是( )


2018年中考英语模拟试题 满分:120分时间: 100分钟 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分) 一、单项选择(共15小题;每小题l分,满分l5分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ( ) 1. Tom likes playing ______ guitar, he usually talks about it with his friends at ________lunchtime. A. an, a B. the, a C. a , an D. the, an ( ) 2. The Belt and Road(B&R一带一路) will be a _____ to help the countries to develop, so more and more countries want to catch it. A. change B. chance C. charm D. charge ( ) 3. ---I'm going to give a talk on the Dragon Boat Festival to the exchange students. ---Great! But don't forget to tell them______. A. what should they eat at the festival B. why people enjoy the full moon C. what kind of race is often held D. How do people celebrate it ( ) 4. —“How can a small animal like you be the King of the forest?” said the tiger angrily. —“Let’s take a walk in the forest, and you can see for _____ whether they are afraid of me. ” The fox said to the tiger. A. me B. you C. yourself D. yourselves ( ) 5. When H7N9 bird flu first appeared, people didn't know ________ doctors could cure


江苏省连云港灌云县第一中学高二语文《清平乐》教案苏科版 教学目标: 1、了解作者黄庭坚。了解北宋后期词浓郁的抒情色彩和精致的艺术表现。 2、把握联想、想象及拟人在诗歌表达感情中的作用。 3、通过体会作者“惜春”“恋春”的真情挚意,培养学生珍惜时间,热爱生活的美好情感。 教学重点:把握联想、想象及拟人在诗歌表达感情中的作用。 教学难点:通过体会作者“惜春”“恋春”的真情挚意,培养学生珍惜时间,热爱生活的美好情 感。 教学方法:诵读法、讨论法 课时安排:1课时 教学过程 一、作者简介 黄庭坚,字鲁直,号山谷道人,洪州分宁人。北宋诗人、词人、书法家。工诗文,早年受知于苏轼,与张耒、晁补之、秦观并称“苏门四学士”, 诗与苏轼并称“苏黄”,政治上与苏共进共退,屡遭贬谪。词与秦观齐名,词风流宕豪迈, 较接近苏轼。有《山谷集》。 二、写作背景 因新党重新执政,作者政见偏于保守,晚年屡遭贬谪,死于西南荒僻的贬所。这首词写于被 贬之时,词人借伤春悼春来抒写暮年无为的感慨。 三、整体感知 上片: .春归何处?寂寞无行路。 春天回到哪里去了呢?寂寞之中不知春天走到哪里去了。 若有人知春去处,唤取归来同住。 如果有人知道春天的去处,唤她回来,我们与她同住。 下片: 春无踪迹谁知?除非问取黄鹂。 但春天归去又没有踪迹,谁知道呢?除非去问问黄鹂鸟。 百啭无人能解,因风飞过蔷薇。 但黄鹂鸟千啼百啭婉转多变,没有人理解她说的是什么,黄鹂鸟趁着风飞过夏季开花的蔷薇。 四、词赏析 1.春归何处?寂寞无行路。若有人知春去处,唤取归来同住。春天回到哪里去了呢?寂寞之中不知春天走到哪里去了。 如果有人知道春天的去处,唤她回来,我们与她同住。 (1)“春归何处,寂寞无行路。”词人为什么要寻找春的踪迹?结果如何? 词人因春天的消逝而感到寂寞,感到无处觅得安慰。关键词在于“寂寞”。 (2)“寂寞”表达什么感情? 惜春之情。 此词赋予抽象的春以具体的人的特征。词人因春天的消逝而感到寂寞,感到无处觅得安慰, 象失去了亲人似的。这样通过词人的主观感受,反映出春天的可爱和春去的可惜,给读者以强烈的感染。 (3)“若有人知春去处,唤取归来同住。”运用怎样的手法,表达了怎样的情感。 表达词人强烈的留春情感,多么希望再回到往日春风得意之时,因此千呼万唤地召唤春天“归

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