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当前位置:文档库 › 四年级上册期中英语质量试卷测试卷(含答案)



1.—Mum, I’m hot. I’d like _______. ( )

—OK. Here you are.

A.a sweet B.a glass of water C.some umbrella 2.—______ eggs do you have? ( )


A.How nice B.How old C.How many 3.—What do you have? ( )

—I have ________ apple pie.

A.a B./ C.an

4.—Do you have ________ apple? ( )

—No, I have ________ oranges.

A.an; an B.an; some C.a; any 5.This is my brother. He’s ________. His mouth is big. His hair is ________. ( ) A.short; short B.long; long C.tall; tall 6.Mike and Yang Ling are ________ the snack bar. ( )

A.in B.at C.on

7.I’m hungry. I’d like a ______. ( )

A.rice B.sandwich C.cup of coffee 8.—________ you play football well? ( )

—No, I _______.

A.Can, can't B.Do, can't C.Can, can 9.—____________ books? ( )


A.How many B.How nice C.How old 10.—____________? ( )

—I’d like a white skirt for my doll.

A.What are you B.Where are you C.Can I help you 11.—How ________ is the fan? ( )

—It’s nine yuan.

A.many B.about C.much 12.—_____ my toy animals? ( )

—_____ in the bedroom.

A.Where; They’re B.Where are; They’re C.Where is; It’s 1: _______ are the birds? ( )

B: They are _______ the tree.

A.What; in B.Where; on C.Where; in 14.I can’t find my books. Where ______? ( )

A.is it B.are they C.are you

15.I like ______. I have a chocolate ______. ( )

A.a cake; cake B.cakes; cake C.cakes; cakes


16.This is _____ (we) dog. _____ (she) is cute. _____ (she) mouth is big, but _____ (she) ears are small.

17.—Helen can _____ (play) table tennis. Can you?

—Yes, I can. I can play it very_____ (good).

18.Mike’s eyes are big, but ________ (he) mouth is small.

19.Yang Ling and I ________ (be) good friends.

20.In winter (冬天), Helen and Wang Bing can go to make ______ (snowman).

21.He's tall. _________ (he) eyes are big.

22.This is _________ (we) fruit salad.

23.Here are two _____ (glass) of juice.

24.—How ______ (many) is the cap?

—It’s twelve yuan.

25.I’d like two ________ (glass) of milk.

26.My sister can swim very ________ (good).

27.I can _____ (play) football.

28.I'd like three cups of _____ (coffee).

29._____ (she) eyes are big, _____ (she) mouth is small. _____ (she) is beautiful.

30.How much _____ (be) the fan and the umbrella?


31.—Look! We can make fruit salads now, mum.

—______ ______ (干得好).

32.We have ______ desks in our classroom. ()

33.I’d like some ______ for lunch.

34.—Can your brother ______?

—Yes, he can.

35.Shh! Don't talk. There's a __________ under the tree.

36.This pair of ______ is for my brother.

37.—How much are these dolls?

—They’re only ______ yuan.


A: ___________ are my ___________?

B: ___________ ___________ in your desk?

A: No, they ___________.

B: Look! They are ___________ the door.

A: Thank you.

39.Don’t be__________, Bobby. I can’t fly e__________ (也).

40.Look at our doll. Her e__________are big. Her n__________is small.



Hello, friends! I'm Mary. I'm a girl. I'm from America. There are four people in my family. Look! They are my parents, my brother and me. I have many friends in China. These are Lily and Mike. Lily has long hair and big eyes. She has a ruler. Where is her ruler? Look! It's under the book. These are Sarah and Tom. Tom has many storybooks. Look! Here they are. Today is Sarah's birthday. We have lunch together.

41、______ is Mary's family. ( )


42、Mary has ______ friends in China. ( )

A.four B.five

43、______ is Lily. ( )


44、Lily's ruler is ______ the book. ( )

A.in B.under

45、______ has many storybooks. ( )

A.Sarah B.Tom



A crow (乌鸦) is flying in the trees. He is thirsty now. He would like some water. He goes to the river. But there’s no water in the river. He is so sad now. He flies again for some water. He sees a bottle under a tree. There’s some water in it. But the bottle is too long, he can’t drink the water. He is tired and sad. Then he has a good idea. He gets some stones, and puts them in the bottle. At last (最后), he drinks the water. He is happy now.

46、Where is the crow? ( )

A.He is in the trees. B.He is at home. C.He is at school. D.He is in the bottle.

47、文中划线单词bottle的意思是:( )


48、What’s the matter with the crow? ( )

A.He is hungry. B.He has a cold. C.He is thirsty. D.He is ill.

49、What’s in the bottle? ( )

A.There’s some milk.B.There’s some juice.C.There’s some tea. D.There’s some water.

50、Can the crow drink the water at last? ( )

A.No, he can’t.B.Yes, he is. C.Yes, he does. D.Yes, he can.



Welcome to our toy shop. We have many lovely toys here. Look! This robot is very cool. It is only twelve yuan. He’s short. His mouth is big, but his nose is small. That brown toy tiger is very cheap. It is only nine yuan. It has big eyes and a small nose. It has a long tail. The toy tiger is cute and funny. I like it very much. The toys are all very cute. You can buy them all.

51、This is a _________ shop. ( )

A.clothes B.fruit C.toy

52、The robot’s mouth is _________ and his nose is _________. ( )

A.big; small B.small; big C.long; short

53、The toy tiger is _________. ( )

A.yellow B.brown C.white

54、The toy tiger is _________ yuan. ( )

A.twelve B.eight C.nine

55、The toy tiger is _________. ( )

A.funny B.cute C.A and B



Hello! I'm Billy. I'm a student. I have a big and happy family. My grandmother has short white hair. She looks very nice. My grandfather has short white hair, too. He's very kind. My father has short black hair and small eyes. He is a little fat. He works in a hospital. He is a doctor. My mother works in a school. She is an English teacher. She likes sports. My baby sister is very cute. Her name is Sue. I love my family.

56、How many people are there in the family? ( )

A.Two B.Six C.Five

57、Who has short white hair? ( )

A.Grandparents B.Father C.Grandmother

58、What's the baby sister's name? ( )

A.Sue B.Billy C.Amy

59、What's the mother's job? ( )

A.A doctor B.A teacher C.A nurse

60、He works in a hospital. Here, “hospital” means (意思是). ( )





【详解】句意:—妈妈,我热。我想要_________。—好的。给你。本题考查名词辨析,选项A 一块糖,选项B一杯水,选项C一些雨伞,根据常识可知热了可以喝水,故选B。


【详解】句意:—你有________个鸡蛋?—十三个。A多漂亮,B几岁,C多少?本题考查特殊疑问句,根据答句回答数量,可知问句用How many提问,故选C。


【详解】句意:—你有什么?—我有一个苹果派。本题考查不定冠词,apple pie是可数名










【详解】句意:迈克和杨玲在快餐店。the snack bar快餐店,小地点前用介词at,故选B。7.B





【详解】句意:—你足球踢得好吗?—不,我不能。根据句意可知用can引导一般疑问句,否定回答是No, 主语+can't. 故选A。






【详解】句意:我想要给我的娃娃一件白色短裙。What are you你是做什么的;where are you你在哪;Can I help you需要买点什么;由答句可知问的是购物需求。故选C。



【详解】句意:—风扇……?—它9元钱。根据答语指钱数,问句用how much多少钱引导。故选C。

【点睛】本题考查了How much多少钱,注意牢记疑问词用法。



【详解】句意:—我的玩偶动物________?—________在卧室里。toy animals是名词复数形式,所有系动词用are,人称代词用They,由答句句意可知问句提问地点,所以B选项符合题意,故选B。












解析: our She Her her


17. play well

【详解】句意:—海伦会打乒乓球。你会吗?—是的,我会。我能打得很好。本题考查动词的形式及副词的用法。play table tennis打乒乓球,can后跟动词原形;good好的,该空修饰实义动词play,用副词形式well。故答案为play;well。




【详解】句意:我和杨玲是好朋友。be是,该句可用一般现在时,主语Yang Ling and I是复数,be动词用are。故答案为are。


【详解】句意:冬天,海伦和王兵可以去堆雪人。snowman雪人,本题考查动词短语,make snowmen堆雪人,故答案为snowmen。







【详解】句意:这儿有两杯果汁。glass作杯子来说是可数名词,所以两杯要用复数,glass 加es,故答案为glasses。



【详解】句意:—这个帽子是多少钱?—十二元。根据答语,可知问句询问价格,用How much提问。故答案为much。






【详解】句意:我能_____足球。该句时态为一般现在时,情态动词can后应用动词原形play,play football意为踢足球,为固定用法,故答案为play。





解析: Her her She

【详解】句意:_____眼睛很大,_____嘴巴很小。______很漂亮。she她,第一空做eyes 的定语,故用形容词性物主代词her她的,第二空做mouth的定语,故用形容词性物主代词her她的,第三空做主语,故用人称代词主格she,故答案为Her;her;She。



【详解】句意:风扇和雨伞多少钱?主语the fan and the umbrella是复数,be用are,故答案为are。


31. Well done

【详解】句意:—看!现在我们会做水果沙拉了,妈妈。—干得好。根据中文提示可知,本题考查固定搭配,干得好well done,故答案为Well;done。












解析: Where books Are they aren’t behind

【详解】根据图片及下文可知该句是询问书在哪里,Where are my books? 故答案为Where;books。

根据答语可知该句是一般疑问句,即它们在你的书桌里吗?Are they in your desk? 故答案为Are;they。

根据前面的No可知做否定回答,No, they aren’t. 故答案为aren’t。


39. sad either##ither


40. eyes##yes nose##ose










41、句意:______是玛丽的家人。根据“There are four people in my family.”可知她家有四口人。故选B。

42、句意:在中国玛丽有_____朋友。A四个,B五个,根据“These are Lily and Mike.These are Sarah and Tom.”可知有四个。故选A。

43、句意:______是莉莉。根据“Lily has long hair and big eyes. ”可知她有长头发和大眼睛。故选A。

44、句意:莉莉的尺子在书的______。A在……里,B在……下面,根据“Where is her ruler? Look! It's under the book.”可知在书的下面。故选B。

45、句意:_____有很多故事书。根据“Tom has many storybooks. ”可知是汤姆。故选B。









46、句意:乌鸦在哪里?A它在树上,B它在家,C它在学校,D它在瓶子里,根据“A crow (乌鸦) is flying in the trees.”一只乌鸦正在树上飞,故选A。

47、根据“He sees a bottle under a tree. There’s some water in it.”它看见树下有一个瓶子,里面有一些水。bottle的中文意思是瓶子,故选C。

48、句意:乌鸦怎么了?A它饿了,B它感冒了,C它口渴了,D它生病了,根据“He is thirsty now.”它现在是口渴的,故选C。

49、句意:瓶子里面有什么?A有一些牛奶,B有一些果汁,C有一些茶,D有一些水,根据“There’s some water in it.”里面有一些水。故选D。

50、句意:这只乌鸦最后能喝到水吗?根据“At last (最后), he drinks the water.”最后,它喝到了水。该句是由can引导的一般疑问句,作肯定回答,故选D。









51、句意:这是一个_____商店。A衣服,B水果,C玩具,根据“Welcome to our toy shop.”可知是玩具店。故选C。

52、句意:机器人的嘴很_____,他的鼻子很______。big大的,small小的,long长的,short矮的,根据“His mouth is big, but his nose is small. ”可知他的嘴很大,但是他的鼻子很小。故选A。

53、句意:玩具老虎是______。A黄色的,B棕色的,C白色的,根据“That brown toy tiger is very cheap.”可知是棕色的。故选B。

54、句意:玩具老虎_____元。A十二,B八,C九,根据“It is only nine yuan.”可知是九元。故选C。

55、句意:玩具老虎很_____。A有趣的,B可爱的,CA和B都对,根据“The toy tiger is cute and fun ny.”可知它即可爱又有趣。故选C。










57、句意:谁有短的白头发?A祖父母;B父亲;C奶奶;根据文中My grandmother has short white hair. My grandfather has short white hair, too.可知爷爷奶奶都是白色的短发。故选A。

58、句意:妹妹的名字是什么?根据文中My baby sister is very cute. Her name is Sue. 可知她的名字是Sue。故选A。

59、句意:妈妈的工作是什么?A一个医生;B一个老师;C一个护士;根据文中 My mother works in a school. She is an English teacher. 可知她是一个英语老师。故选B。



一、阅读理解 My name is Lucy. I’m ten years old. I’m a student. This is my new home. Look! There’s a nice desk in the bedroom. On the desk, there are some books and a bag. My cat is in the kitchen. We call her (称呼她) Mimi. She’s hungry. She would like a hot dog. Tom is my brother. He is eight. He is in the bathroom now. 1、How old is Lucy? ( ) A.Eight. B.Ten. C.Twelve. 2、Where are the books? ( ) A.In the bathroom. B.In the kitchen. C.On the desk. 3、Is the desk in the bedroom? ( ) A.No, it isn’t.B.Yes, it is. C.Yes, it can. 4、Who is Lucy’s brother? ( ) A.Mimi. B.Mike. C.Tom. 5、How is Mimi now? ( ) A.She’s hungry.B.She’s happy.C.She’s sad. 阅读短文, 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 Classes are over at 3:30 p. m. , so we always play after that. Most of us like to play at school some do their homework, some play at school. Sometimes we clean our classroom and school garden. Sometimes we play ballgames in the playground. On weekends we always visit Mrs. Li. She is an eighty-year-old woman. We read newspaper to her. Tell her some interesting things about school. We talk to her. We help her do some housework. Mrs. Li likes to be with us. We feel happy with each other. 6、 at 3:30 p. m. ( ) A.We always go home B.Classes are over C.We always do our homework 7、Some of us do our homework . ( ) A.in the library B.at school C.in Mrs. Li's home 8、Some of us play ball games . ( ) A.in the garden B.in the playground C.in the park 9、We like to Mrs. Li. ( ) A.help B.learn from C.play with 10、We go to Mrs. Li's home on . ( ) A.Monday B.weekends C.Tuesday This is my home. You can see a bedroom, a bathroom, a study, a kitchen and a living room. This is my living room. It's big and nice. This is my study. It's clean. There are many books in it. This is my bathroom. It's small. This is my bedroom. It's nice and clean. This is my kitchen. It's big. I like my home. 11、What's in the study? ( ) A.Many books. B.A key. C.A desk. 12、The living room is ___________. ( ) A.big B.clean C.big and nice


一、阅读理解 (It’s six o’clock in the evening. Sarah and her mother are in a restaurant.) Waiter: Welcome! What would you like for dinner? Mum: I’d like some rice and fish. Would you like some beef, Sarah? Sarah: No, thanks. I’d like some chicken. Waiter: Sorr y, we don’t have chicken today. Here are today’s specials. Would you like some noodles and soup? Sarah: Yes, please.Can I have a knife and fork? Mum: Oh, Sarah, we are in China. Try chopsticks for noodles. Sarah: OK, mum. I will try. 1、How many people are there in the dialogue(对话)? ( ) A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. 2、Where are they? ( ) A.At home. B.In the classroom. C.In a restaurant. 3、What would Mum like to eat? ( ) A.Rice and chicken. B.Fish and rice. C.Noodles. 4、_______ is today’s special. ( ) A.Juice B.Fish C.Soup 5、They spent(花费) _______ yuan for dinner. ( ) A.20 B.26 C.18 On Christmas morning, children like to get up early to find the presents in the stockings(长筒袜) or under the Christmas trees. On Christmas Day, Mike got up at six twenty. He quickly put on the clothes and looked for his presents in the stocking. “Wow, what a lovely toy dog! I like it very much.” He said happily. Then he ran down to the ground floor to see what’s in the box. He shook(摇) the box. His sister, Nancy came to him, “Oh,Mike, you are taking my present.” “What? Open it and have a look!” Then they opened the box, a pretty dress in it. Mike looked around, and he saw another box for him under the tree. He was happy. 6、Mike got up at __________. ( )


一、阅读理解 My name is Sarah. This is a photo of my family. In the photo, there are four people and a dog. The tall and strong man is my father. He is a basketball player. And the thin woman is my mother. She is a nurse. And the short girl is my little sister. She is four years old. And the tall girl is me. I am a student. I have no job. And the dog’s name is Zoom. It’s so cute. We like it very much. In the photo, you can also see a big cake on the table. This is my sister’s birthday cake. We are a happy family. 1、There are ______ people in the photo. ( ) A.four B.five C.six 2、Sarah’s mother is a ______. ( ) A.cook B.nurse C.doctor 3、How old is Sarah’s sister? ( ) A.She is two. B.She is three. C.She is four. 4、Zoom is very ______. ( ) A.cute B.quiet C.strong 5、The birthday cake is for my ______. ( ) A.father B.mother C.sister Come in please. This is my parents’ bedroom. They put all their clothes (衣服) here. Look, my mother’s new dress is on the bed. It’s very nice. And my mum likes it very much. My father’s s hoes are under the bed. His jeans are behind the TV. They’re old. They’re too small. He’d like a new pair. Maybe (可能) we can go shopping this weekend. 6、Mum’s new _______ is on the bed. ( ) A.jacket B.dress C.skirt 7、Where are Dad’s shoes? ( ) A.They’re in my schoolbag. B.They’re under the bed.C.They’re on the chair. 8、My father’s jeans are _______. ( ) A.new B.too long C.old 9、My father would like _______. ( ) A.a new pair of jeans B.a new pair of gloves C.a new pair of shoes 10、We may _______ this weekend. ( ) A.go swimming B.go fishing C.go shopping Woman: Good afternoon. Can I help you? Man: Yes, please. Tomorrow (明天) is my son’s (儿子的) birthday. I’d like a birthday cake. Woman: Look at the small one. It’s cheap and nice. Man: How much is it? Woman: It’s fifty-nine yuan. Man: What about the big one? Woman: It’s ninety-five yuan. Man: OK. I’ll take the big one. Can I have twelve candles (蜡烛), please? Woman: Sure. Here you are.


一、选择填空 o you like _________? ( ) A.cat B.this cats C.it 2.—______ that pair of shoes? ( ) —Fifty yuan. A.How much are B.How many is C.How much is 3.Go and get my big kite with _______ elephant sticker. ( ) A.a B./ C.an 4.The horse _______ swim. ( ) A.likes B.is C.can’t 5.I’m not hungry. I don’t want _________. ( ) A.a pie B.a jacket C.a ball 6.Would you like ________ rice? ( ) A.some B.a C.any 7.—Can you play ________? ( ) —Yes. A.a basketball B.football C.the table tennis 8.—Can you play football? ( ) —______ A.Yes, I can. B.Good idea. C.No, I can. 9.—____________ my skirts? ( ) —They're on the sofa. A.Where's B.Where are C.Where is 10.—How ________ is the fan? ( ) —It’s nine yuan. A.many B.about C.much 1on't be sad. I can't get the apple __________. ( ) A.too B.to C.either 12.This is John. _____ my brother. _____ hair is long. ( ) A.She’s; Her B.He’s; His C.His; He’s 13.I sleep in my _____. And I take a shower (洗澡) in the _____. ( ) A.bedroom; bathroom B.bathroom; bedroom C.bathroom; kitchen 14.Tom is a tall boy. ______ hair ______ long. ( ) A.He’s; is B.He’s; are C.His; is 15.—Do you have ________ toy cars? ( ) —Yes. I have ________ robots too. A.some; any B.any; some C.any; any 二、用单词的适当形式填空 16.Tina just would like two ______ (glass) of juice and some cakes. 17.This is _________ (we) fruit salad.


一、选择填空 1.—Where’s the clock? ( ) —It’s __________ the living room, _______ the wall. A.in; in B.on; on C.in; on 2._____ big egg! ( ) A.What B.What a C.How 3.This is my cousin. _______ a thin boy. _______ eyes are big. ( ) A.He’s; He’s B.He’s; His C.His; His 4.—Can you make a toy? ( ) —Yes, ______. A.I can B.you can C.I can’t 5.—Where _____ my new shoes?( ) —_____ in the box. A.is; It's B.are; They're C.are; It's 6.Would you like ________ rice? ( ) A.some B.a C.any 7.Don’t eat in the _______. ( ) A.snack bar B.kitchen C.library 8.—What ________ you like? ( ) —I'd like a cup _______ coffee. A.do; of B.would; for C.would; of 9._______ a big egg! ( ) A.How B.What C.What’s 10.—______Tina and Helen? ( ) —They’re in the living room. A.Who are B.What are C.Where are 11.—I’m hungry, mum. ( ) —All right. Here’s some ______ you. A.rice for B.tea to C.juice at 12.—____________? ( ) —I’d like a white skirt for my doll. A.What are you B.Where are you C.Can I help you 1: _______ are the birds? ( ) B: They are _______ the tree. A.What; in B.Where; on C.Where; in 14.—I can’t fly. ( ) —Don’t be sad, Bobby. I can’t fly ______. A.either B.too C.to 15.—________? ( ) —I can play basketball.


一、阅读理解 A: Welcome to my home, Yang Ling. B: Thank you, Helen. Your home is big and nice. A: Thank you. Come in, please. B: What's that on the desk? Is it a toy car? A: No. It's a telephone (电话). B: How nice! Are those oranges on the table? A: No. They're sweets. Eat a sweet, please. B: Thank you. What are those on the sofa? A: They're toy pigs. B: How lovely! 1、Who's A? ( ) A.Yang Ling. B.Helen. C.Mum. 2、Is Helen's house big? ( ) A.Yes, it is. B.No. It's big. C.No, it isn't. 3、What's that on the desk? ( ) A.A dog. B.A telephone. C.An orange. 4、What are those on the table? ( ) A.Sweets. B.Oranges. C.Eggs. 5、What are those on the sofa? ( ) A.Toy cows. B.Toy dogs. C.Toy pigs. On Christmas Eve-the night before Christmas Day, children are very happy. They put their stockings at the end of their beds before they go to bed. They want Father Christmas to give them some presents. Mr Green tells his children that Father Christmas is very kind man. He comes on Christmas Eve. he lands on top of each house and comes down the chimney (烟囱) into the fireplace (壁炉) and brings them a lot of presents. Christmas Day always begins before breakfast. The children wake up very early. They can't wait to open the presents in their stockings. Then they wake up their parents and call: "Merry Christmas! Do you know what Christmas means? Christmas Day is the birthday of Jesus Christ (耶稣基督).When Christ was born, many people gave him presents. So today, people still do the same thing to each other. 6、A Christmas Eve is ______. ( ) A.the night before December 24 B.the night after December 25 C.the night of December 24 7、Father Christmas often puts the presents ______. ( ) A.into children's hats B.into children's stockings C.under children's beds 8、At Christmas, the children wake up early to ______. ( ) A.give their parents presents B.open the presents C.play with their friends 9、Father Christmas comes into the house through the ______. ( ) A.window B.front door C.chimney


一、阅读理解 A crow (乌鸦) is flying in the trees. He is thirsty now. He would like some water. He goes to the river. But there’s no water in the river. He is so sad now. He flies again for some water. He sees a bottle under a tree. There’s some water in it. But the bottle is too long, he can’t drink the water. He is tired and sad. Then he has a good idea. He gets some stones, and puts them in the bottle. At last (最后), he drinks the water. He is happy now. 1、Where is the crow? ( ) A.He is in the trees. B.He is at home. C.He is at school. D.He is in the bottle. 2、文中划线单词bottle的意思是:( ) A.罐子B.石头C.瓶子D.碗 3、What’s the matter with the crow? ( ) A.He is hungry. B.He has a cold. C.He is thirsty. D.He is ill. 4、What’s in the bottle? ( ) A.There’s some milk.B.There’s some juice. C.There’s some tea.D.There’s some water. 5、Can the crow drink the water at last? ( ) A.No, he can’t.B.Yes, he is. C.Yes, he does. D.Yes, he can. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 My father’s day My father is a teacher. He teaches Chinese. He likes his job and his students. And the students like him, too. He goes to work from Monday to Friday. He does not work on the weekend. Every day, he gets up at five thirty. At six, he has breakfast. Then he goes running. He goes to school at seven. He has lunch at school. He goes home at five in the afternoon. At six o'clock, he has dinner. He doesn’t watch TV. He likes reading books with me. He goes to bed at nine thirty. 6、This is day. () A.my B.my father’s C.my mother’s 7、My father is a . () A.farmer B.doctor C.teacher 8、When does my father have breakfast?() A.At five. B.At five thirty. C.At six. 9、Where does my father have lunch? () A.At home. B.At school. C.In a snack bar. 10、My father likes in the evening. () A.watching TV B.playing basketball C.reading books Hi, I’m Lily. I am a quiet girl. I have a big family, my parents, my sister, my baby brother, my little puppy and me. My father is tall and strong. He likes basketball. He is a doctor. My mother has long hair and big eyes. She is very beautiful. She is a nurse. My sister is short and thin. She has glasses. She is a student. And I am a student, too. My baby brother is so lovely. He is only 1 year old. Oh, where is my little puppy? Look, he’s in the bedroom.


一、阅读理解 Hello, friends! I'm Mary. I'm a girl. I'm from America. There are four people in my family. Look! They are my parents, my brother and me. I have many friends in China. These are Lily and Mike. Lily has long hair and big eyes. She has a ruler. Where is her ruler? Look! It's under the book. These are Sarah and Tom. Tom has many storybooks. Look! Here they are. Today is Sarah's birthday. We have lunch together. 1、______ is Mary's family. ( ) A.B. 2、Mary has ______ friends in China. ( ) A.four B.five 3、______ is Lily. ( ) A.B. 4、Lily's ruler is ______ the book. ( ) A.in B.under 5、______ has many storybooks. ( ) A.Sarah B.Tom My name’s Nancy. I’m eleven. I’m a student of Grade four. On Monday, I get up at six o'clock. I have breakfast at seven and then I ride my bike to school. I have four lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon. I like English and Music. I have a brother Tom. He likes Science and English. He’s twelve. He has a bike too. We like riding bikes on Sunday. 6、Nancy is _____. ( ) A.ten B.eleven C.twelve 7、Nancy gets up at _____ o'clock on Monday. ( ) A.seven B.four C.six 8、How many lessons does Nancy have on Monday? ( ) A.Four. B.Seven. C.Three. 9、What subjects do Tom and Nancy like? ( ) A.Science. B.A bike. C.English. 10、Which is wrong (错误的)? ( ) A.Nancy can’t ride bikes.B.Tom is twelve years old. C.Tom can ride bikes. Good morning! Welcome to our shop. We have many lovely toys here. Look! This robot is very cool. His mouth is big, but his nose is small. It can sing and dance. It is


一、阅读理解 A: Dad, it’s Mother’s Day. I want to make a card for Mum. B: Good idea! There’s some red and yellow paper (纸) on the desk. A: Great. Mum likes red. What’s the time, Dad? B: It’s seven thirty. Have breakfast, Peter. A: Oh, I like the sandwich. Bu t I’ll be late. Where’s my school bag? B: It’s on the bed. A: No, that blue bag is Tim’s. My bag is brown. B: Look, it’s on the sofa. 1、It’s __________ today. ( ) A.Father’s Day B.Mother’s Day C.Women’s Day 2、It’s time for _________. ( ) A.breakfast B.lunch C.bed 3、Mike wants to make _________ for his mum. ( ) A.a sandwich B.a yellow card C.a red card 4、Peter’s school bag is _________. ( ) A.on the sofa B.on the desk C.on the bed 5、Tim’s school bag is ___________. ( ) A.red B.brown C.blue Mother and I went to the supermarket yesterday afternoon. We bought lots of things, a hat for Grandma, a sweater for father and a dress for me. Mother also bought herself a coat. Then we had dinner in KFC (肯德基). I ate some delicious food and drank lots of Coke (可乐). We came back home at seven o'clock. I was very tired (劳累). And I had a stomach ache. 6、Mother and I went to the ______ yesterday afternoon. ( ) A.park B.cinema C.supermarket 7、We bought a ______ for my father. ( ) A.hat B.sweater C.coat 8、I ate some delicious ______. ( ) A.food B.foot C.drinks 9、We came back home at ______. ( ) A.8 o'clock B.9 o'clock C.7 o'clock 10、l had a ______. ( ) A.headache B.stomach ache C.cold Hello! My name is Jim. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father is a cook. He is in the kitchen now. He is tall and strong. My mother is a doctor. She is friendly. My brother and I are students. My brother is tall and thin. I'm short and quiet. Dinner is ready. We would like beef noodles and vegetables for dinner. 11、How many people are there in Jim’s family? ( ) A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. 12、What’s Jim’s father’s job? ( )


一、阅读理解 I’m Ben. I live in the UK. My grandpa has a farm. I like to go to the farm with my brother Jack. There are four black cows and five white cows on the farm. They like to eat grass. The cows are very big. They give us milk to drink. Grandpa has five brown hens too. The hens give us eggs to eat. I like eating eggs. They are good for our health. Look! There are seven fat pigs. I like to play with the pigs. Pigs like to roll in the mud. I can do this too! It is fun to go to Grandpa’s farm. We always have a good time! 1、How many cows are there on the farm? ( ) A.Nine. B.Four. C.Five. 2、The _______ give us milk to drink. ( ) A.pigs B.hens C.cows 3、What colour are the hens? ( ) A.They are brown. B.They are black. C.They are white. 4、Who can roll in the mud? ( ) A.Jack. B.Ben. C.Grandpa. 5、They are _______ on the farm. ( ) A.fat B.sad C.happy 根据短文对话,选择正确答案。 Tim: Good morning, Sam. Sam: Hi, Tim. Tim: Let’s go to the park. Sam: Good idea. Tim: What can you see over there? Sam: I can see some flowers and a tree. Tim: Oh, look. What can you see on the lake? Sam: A boat. Tim: Can you draw a boat? Sam: Yes. It’s easy. Look! Tim: Well done. It’s a beautiful boat. Sam: Look, that’s a hill. Tim: Let’s go and play on the hill. 6、They go to the park in the ________. ( ) A.morning B.evening C.afternoon 7、They can see ________ and ________ in the park. ( ) A.some flowers; a tree B.a flower; some trees C.a flower; a tree 8、They can see ________ on the lake. ( ) A.a duck B.a boat C.a tiger


一、选择填空 1.—Is my clock ______ the living room? ( ) —Yes, _________ A.in; it is B.in; they are C.on; they are 2.—Can I _________? ( ) —OK! A.have look B.have a try C.have a like 3.This toy is _______ your brother. ( ) A.with B.to C.for 4.______ animals are cute. ( ) A.This B.these C.These 5.—________ umbrellas do you have? ( ) —I have one. A.How many B.How much C.What colour 6.I’m not hungry. I don’t want _________. ( ) A.a pie B.a jacket C.a ball 7.My sister can skate very _________. ( ) A.well B.nice C.good 8.—_________ you have any grapes? ( ) —No, I _________. A.Can; don’t B.Do; can’t C.Do; don’t 9.--- ______ is the cake? ---Ten yuan. ( ) A.How many B.How much C.How old 10.I'm ____________. I'd like some noodles. ( ) A.hungry B.cool C.sad 11.—____________? ( ) —I’d like a white skirt for my doll. A.What are you B.Where are you C.Can I help you 12.—I can play table tennis. What about you? ( ) —______. A.I have a friend B.Me too C.That’s great 13.--Whose classroom is this? ( ) --It’s__________ classroom. A.we B.us C.our 14.—Do you have ______ toy ______? ( ) —No, I don’t. A.a; cars B.any; car C.a; car 15.—What are ________ in the big tree? ( ) —They’re cats. A.this B.those C.that

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