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1.Tomorrow is Ms.Lin’s birthday and we want to give _____ a big surprise.

A. her

B. him

C. she

D. he




考查人称代词宾格。A. her她,宾格;B. him他,宾格;C. she她,主格;D. he他,主格。短语give sb. sth.:把某物给某人,sb.需用宾格形式,本词指代Ms.Lin(林老师)女性,可知填her,故选A。



2.Many people in Nanjing walked on Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge when it reopened(重开) _____ December

29th ,2018.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. by




考查时间介词。(1)in:在某年/月/季节/在某世纪/在某年代或特定世纪某年代/在早上、下午、晚上等在较长的时间里用介词in。(2)on:“在具体的某一天”或“(在具体的某一天的)早上、中午、晚上”等使用介词on。(3)at“某一具体时刻(即几点几分时)”或表示“在中午、在夜晚、在周末”时或很短的时间,使用介词at。(4)by:在……之前。本句用在“2018年12月29日”前,可知使用介词on;故选B。3.—Hello, Peter. I can not hear you well on the phone.

—Oh, Jerry and I _____ lunch in Wanda Plaza.

A. enjoy

B. enjoys

C. is enjoying

D. are enjoying




考查动词时态。根据上文“Hello, Peter. I can not hear you well on the phone.”语境可知是现在正在做某事,

使用现在进行时,其构成are/is/am doing sth.,本句主语是Jerry and I复数,可知填are enjoying;故选D。

4.—_____ mask is for Daniel?

—The one like a rabbit.

A. What

B. Which

C. Where

D. Whose




考查特殊疑问句。A. What什么;B. Which哪一个,哪些;C. Where在哪里;D. Whose谁的。根据下文“像兔子一样的那个。”可知问句是“哪个面具是给丹尼尔的?”;故选B。

5.—The Nike bag is not the right _____ for me.

—You are very lucky. It is 50% off today.

A. colour

B. size

C. style

D. price




考查名词辨析。A. colour颜色;B. size尺寸,大小;C. style款式;D. price价格。根据下文“你真幸运。今天五折。”可知上句是“对我来说价格不合适”;故选D。

6.—What does Paul like doing in his free time?

—I don’t know bec ause we _____ talk about study when we meet.

A. sometimes

B. always

C. seldom

D. never




考查频度副词。A. sometimes有时候;B. always总是;C. seldom很少;D. never从不。根据上文“我不知道保罗业余时间喜欢做什么”可知“因为我们见面时总是谈论学习。”故选B。

7.Alan needs someone _____ her babies when she goes shopping.

A. to look after

B. looking after

C. looks after

D. look after




考查动词短语。短语need sb. to do sth.:需要某人做某事;故选A。

8.How many syllables(音节) does the word “material” have?

A. five

B. four

C. three

D. two




考查语音知识。material [m??t??ri?l]中有三个元音[?],[??],[i?]可知有三个音节,分别是[m?],[t??]和[ri?l];故选C。

【点睛】(1) 音节是英语读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。在英语中元音特别响亮,一个元音可构成一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅音音素结合也可以构成一个音节。一般说来,元音可以构成音节,辅音不响亮,不能构成音节。从单词拼写形式上看,有几个元音音素(不是元音字母)就有几个音节。出现在词尾且不发音的e 不能构成音节。但英语辅音字母中有4 个辅音[m],[n],[ng],[l]是响音,它们和辅音音素结合,也可构成音节。它们构成的音节往往出现在词尾,一般是非重读音节。英语的词有一个音节的,两个音节的,多个音节的,一个音节叫单音节,两个音节叫双音节,三个音节以上叫多音节。(2) 划分音节的方法:元音是构成音节的主体,辅音是音节的分界线。两辅音之间不管有多少个元音,一般都是一个音节。如:bed 床。两元音字母之间有一个辅音字母时,辅音字母归后一音节,如:stu'dent 学生。有两个辅音字母时,一个辅音字母归前一音节,一个归后一音节,如:win'ter 冬天。不能拆分的字母组合按字母组合划分音节。如:fa'ther 父亲。

9.—_____ does it take the children in that poor area to go to school on foot?

—They walk a long way to school. Some of them even walk for hours.

A. How far

B. How often

C. How much

D. How long




考查特殊疑问句。A. How far多远,询问距离;B. How often多长时间一次,询问频度;C. How much多少,询问不可数名词的数量;D. How long 多长时间,多久,多长,询问时间或物体的长度。根据下文回答“他们走很长的路去学校。其中一些人甚至步行数小时。”可知询问做某事用了多长时间;故选D。

10.—Can I have _____ fruit to eat?

—Of course. There _____ a banana and some oranges in the kitchen.

A. any, is

B. any, are

C. some, is

D. some, are




考查some和any用法,以及主谓一致。some修饰可数名词的复数或不可数名词,主要用于肯定句和表示请求或建议的疑问句中(一般含有情态动词)。any可以修饰可数名词的单数或复数,也可以修饰不可数名词。一般用于否定句和疑问句中,也可用于表示“任何”含义的肯定句中。本句是表请求的一般疑问句,可知使用some;there be句型中be动词形式是就近原则,根据a banana是单数,可知填is;故选C。


I am a teacher in AME school. Now I’d like to tell you about our exchange students’ trip to Madri d.

The host families(寄宿家庭)are very friendly. They make our students feel ___11___ in their homes. But some host families are ___12___ the school, and our students have to get up early in the morning to get to school on time.

The Spanish school teachers help our students ___13___ a lot from the visit. They ask the tour guides to speak Spanish ___14___ for our students. They show our students ___15___ the city and some places of interest. The students can know some of the ___16___ of Spain. But the local students in Spain have to stay at school during these activities. ___17___our exchange students don’t have much time with them.

Most of our students have lots of chances to speak Spanish with their host families and local students. But some local students don’t want to speak Spanish with our exchange students, because sometimes we can’t ___18___ them, and they have to talk with them in English. They don’t feel the talking between them is ___19___.

All in all, _____20_____ the local students in Spain and our British students find the trip a great one.

Our students still want to have such experiences in other foreign countries in the future.

11. A. hot B. sad C. warm D. cold

12. A. far from B. close to C. next to D. near

13. A. listen B. hear C. find D. learn

14. A. quickly B. slowly C. quietly D. fast

15. A. about B. around C. from D. again

16. A. history B. story C. geography D. biology

17. A. Or B. If C. So D. Because

18. A. like B. hate C. answer D. understand

19. A. interesting B. boring C. difficult D. lovely 20 A. between B. both C. most D. among 【答案】11. C 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. B 16. A 17. C 18. D 19. C 20. B






考查形容词辨析。A. hot热;B. sad悲伤;C. warm温暖;D. cold寒冷。根据上文The host families(寄宿家庭)are very friendly.可知“他们让我们的学生在家里感到温暖。”故选C。



考查介词辨析。A. far from离……远;B. close to接近,离……近;C. next to紧靠……旁边,紧挨着;D. near 在……附近。根据下文“我们的学生必须一大早起床才能准时上学”可知“有些寄宿家庭离学校很远”;故选A。【13题详解】


考查动词辨析。A. listen听;B. hear听见;C. find发现,找到;D. learn学习。根据下文“他们请导游为我们的学生慢慢讲西班牙语。……学生们可以了解西班牙的一些历史。”可知“西班牙学校的老师帮助我们的学生从这次访问中学到很多东西。”故选D。



考查副词辨析。A. quickly迅速地,快地,一般指频度快;B. slowly慢速地,缓慢地;C. quietly轻声地,安静地;D. fast快,快速,一般指速度快。根据常识可知“他们请导游为我们的学生慢慢讲西班牙语。”故选B。【15题详解】


考查动词短语。动词短语show sb. around sp.:带领某人参观某地;故选B。



考查名词辨析。A. history历史;B. story故事;C. geography地理;D. biology生物。根据语境可知“学生们可以了解西班牙的一些历史。”故选A。



考查连词辨析。A. Or或者,表示选择关系;B. If如果,表示条件;C. So因此,后面跟结果;D. Because因为,后面跟原因。上文But the local students in Spain have to stay at school during these activities.是此句的原因,此句是结果,可知填So;故选C。



考查动词辨析。A. like喜欢;B. hate讨厌;C. answer回答;D. understand理解。根据下文“他们不得不用英语和他们交谈”可知“有时我们听不懂他们的话”;故选D。



考查形容词辨析。A. interesting有趣;B. boring无聊;C. difficult困难;D. lovely可爱。根据上文“他们可以用西班牙语和英语交谈”可知“他们觉得他们之间的谈话不难。”故选C。



考查介词。A. between在…中间(两者);B. both两个,两个都;C. most最多;D. among在……中(三者或以上)。短语both…and…:……和……都,可知填both;故选B。

【点睛】完形填空相对于其它题型来说是比较难的一种题型,也是学生得分点不高的一种题型。它考查学生的综合能力。它集语法,细节理解,语境理解和短语词意辨析考查于一体。做此题时,首先正确理解单词的含义,然后根据上下文猜测句意,根据句意,固定短语,固定句型,语法与语境做出正确的选择。第5小题是考查动词短语。动词短语show sb. around sp.:带领某人参观某地;句意:他们带我们的学生参观城市和一些名胜。故选B。



21. If you get one of these cards, you may go for

A. big dinner

B. an outdoor picnic

C. a birthday party

D. a tea party

22. Which of the following is NOT mentioned ?

A. Olivia will turn 7 years old in March

B. Ashley lives on 241 Sea Street.

C. Dylan will have a pizza party this year

D. You should take a sleeping bag to Olivia's

【答案】21. C 22. D




细节题。三个卡片内容分别是邀请参加Oliva的七岁生日的茶话会,庆祝Ashley12岁的生日,和庆祝Dylan 的8岁生日,可知“如果你得到一张卡片,你可以去参加一个生日聚会”;故选C。


细节判断题。根据卡片一中You are invited to attend Olivia’s 7th birthday tea party! …March 18, 2019可知“奥利维亚三月份就要7岁了”,故A正确;根据卡片二中241 Sea Street,ST25 3AB 可知“艾希礼住在海洋街241号”,故B正确;根据卡片三中Pizza Party可知“迪伦今年要办一个披萨派对”,故C正确;根据卡片一Sunday, 2:30 pm to 4:00可知“奥利维亚聚会的时间是下午2:30到4:00,所以“你应该带个睡袋去奥利维亚家”是错误的,故选D。

The best sofa

What colour: White.

How long: 1. 5m.

How much: S159.

From where: America.

What you can do with it: Sit and sleep.

Customer Reviews(客户评论):

I think it's a 5-star sofa. The colour is beautiful. It looks great in my house. I only spent 5 minutes putting up the sofa. It's quite easy. The price is not high. I'm happy to have it. After work, I sit on the sofa to read books or sleep to have a good rest.


I bought it last Friday. But it arrived at my home this Thursday. It took too long time. I'm not happy about this. Well, the sofa isn' t comfortable, either. I don't like it at all. I don't want to wait so long. It is my first time to go shopping online.

Jessie Before I got it. I was a little worried. I read the customer reviews. Some people said it was not good. But I'm glad I bought it. Great colour and great price! I love it. White is my favourite colour but it is easy to be dirty. It is soft to sit on. Every day I read newspapers and books. My wife watches TV on the sofa. My son often plays with his toys on the sofa.


23. Which is TRUE about the sofa?

A. It is 159 yuan

B. It is 1.5 metres long.

C. It is from the UK.

D. People can jump on it

24. Why does Megan think it is a 5-star sofa?

① It is her favourite colour.② It is easy to put up.

③ it is very comfortable. ④The price is good

A. ①②

B. ②③

C. ③④

D. ②④

25. The passage mainly talks about_____.

A. how beautiful the sofa is

B. why people buy the sofa

C. people' s feelings after they buy the sofa

D. how the sofa store sells its sofas quickly

【答案】23. B 24. D 25. C




细节题。根据第2行How long: 1. 5m.可知“沙发1.5米长”;故选B。


细节题。根据客户一(Megan)评论中I only spent 5 minutes putting up the sofa It's quite easy. The price is not high.可知“梅根认为这是一个五星级的沙发的原因是很容易搭建和价格好的”,故选D。




It's a hot summer and there is no rain. A crow lives in a big tree near a village. He has no parents or friends. One day, he feels very thirsty. "Oh, I must find some water! I am too thirsty. Where can I find water? "

The crow flies to a house in the village, Outside the house, he sees a vase with some water. However, there is only a little bit of water. So he can’t drink it.

The cow doesn't know what to do. He begins to cry, "Who can help me? I need help! "He cries and cries, but no one hears him. He is tired and he wants to do something. The crow tries to put the vase down, but he is not strong enough to do that. Then, he has a good idea. He goes to find some little stones. He comes back and puts the stones into the vase. At last, the crow can drink the water! “What nice water!” says the crow.“I am happy I do not waste all my time crying.”

He is a clever crow. We all know the name of the story is The Crow Drinking Water. We like the story. It tells us when we are in trouble, we should think it over and try our best to solve it .

26. The crow lives .

A. in a village

B. near a village

C. with his parents

D. with his friends

27. What does the crow see outside the house?

A. A vase

B. A tree

C. Some stones.

D. Some people.

28. Why does the bird cry?

A. Because he is tired

B. Because he is not strong

C. Because he can’t drink the water.

D. Because he can't find his friends

29. What does the underlined word"waste"mean?

A. 忽视

B. 利用

C. 浪费

D. 珍惜.

30. According to the story, the writer wants to tell us________ .

A. When we are thirsty, we should find some water

B. When we see a vase, we should put stones in it

C. When we have problems, we should cry for help

D. When are in trouble, we should find ways to solve it

【答案】26. B 27. A 28. C 29. C 30. D





细节题。根据第1段第2句A crow lives in a big tree near a village.可知“乌鸦住在一个村庄附近”;故选B。【27题详解】

细节题。根据第2段第1句The crow flies to a house in the village, Outside the house, he sees a vase with some water.可知“乌鸦在屋外看到了一个花瓶”;故选A。


细节题。根据第2段中However, there is only a little bit of water. So he can’t drink it.和第3段中The cow doesn't know what to do. He begins to cry,…He cries and crie s, but no one hears him.可知鸟哭的原因是他不能喝到水;故选C。


词句猜测题。根据上文语境“乌鸦把小石子放进花瓶里,水位升高,他最终喝到水了,而没有像开始那样哭”,可知此句I am happy I do not waste all my time crying.句意是:我很高兴我没有浪费时间哭。可知waste的汉



主旨题。根据第4段最后一句It tells us when we are in trouble, we should think it over and try our best to solve it .可知作者想告诉我们当我们遇到困难的时候,我们应该想办法解决它;故选D。

【点睛】词义猜测题是阅读理解中常见的一种题型,所猜测词汇可以是生词,也可以是熟词新义,还可以是人称代词的指代内容。词义猜测题主要考查考生根据上下文推测词义和语义的能力,突出考查对语境的分析和把握能力。常见的猜词法有:(1)利用上下文语境。猜测任何词义都离不开上下文,所以要借助上下文对需要猜测的词或短语进行合乎逻辑的推测。(2)利用定义或解释性的线索。阅读文章中的有些生词往往在其后会有对该词进行解释说明的短语或句子,利用它们猜词义较容易(3)利用文章的逻辑关系答题。如并列、对比、因果、转折关系等。这些逻辑关系往往通过一些相应的词或短语表达出来,如but, or, however, so, because等。(4)利用构词法知识答题。熟记一些前缀、后缀所表达的意思,不仅可以扩大词汇量,而且帮助我们猜测词义。第4小题的词义猜测题就是利用第1种解题方法。


Do you like exercising in the sun? How much sunlight do you get every day? How much time do you spend in the sun? As we all know,enough sunlight is good for our health.It gives us strong bones and good eyesight.It makes us happy and sleep better.Now scientists find out that it can even make you smarter.

Scientists did tests (实验) on mice.They give mice lots of sunlight.After that,the mice produce a special thing in their bodies.Its name is glutamic acid(谷氨酸).Glutamic acid does many things for our body.It can improve(提高) some of our abilities like learning and remembering things.

It is OK to enjoy some sunlight for about an hour every day.But you should be careful because it is summer now.The sun is very strong around noon.Keep yourself away from the sun around the noon,or it may burn your skin.It is best to enjoy sunlight in the morning or before sunset.

Why not go out and enjoy the sunlight with your family or your best friends? I’m sure you can be smarter soon.

31. Scientists did tests on mice__________________.

A. because they want to make the mice smarter

B. to find out why mice are smarter than people

C. to find out if sunlight can make them smarte

D. to find out if they have a special thing in their bodies in the sun

32. The underlined word “produce” in Paragraph 2 may mean”____________” in the passage.

A. protect

B. make

C. enjoy

D. spend

33. What does “it” refer to(指) in in Paragraph 2?

A. Sunlight

B. The mouse

C. Glutamic acid

D. Our body

34. What can we do to make ourselves smarter?

A. Spend an hour in the sun every day

B. Play with mice every day.

C. Enjoy sunlight only around noon

D. Stay away from the sun.

35. The sunlight can help us in the following EXCEPT_______________.

A. learning things better

B. sleeping better

C. becoming stronger

D. getting more exercise

【答案】31. C 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. D




细节理解题。根据文章Now scientists find out that it can even make you smarter.可知,科学家发现阳光能让人变聪明,因此用老鼠做实验,故答案是C。


细节理解题。根据文章After that,the mice produce a special thing in their bodies.Its name is glutamic acid(谷氨酸).可知,在照射阳关之后,老鼠的体内应该是“产生了”谷氨酸,所以produce的应是是产生了,制造出了,故答案是B。


细节理解题。根据上文Glutamic acid does many things for our body.可知,谷氨酸可以对我们人体做很多事情,所以it指代的是上文的主语,谷氨酸故答案是C。


细节理解题。根据文章It is OK to enjoy some sunlight for about an hour every day.可知,可以每天享受一小时的阳光,故答案是A。


细节理解题。根据文章It gives us strong bones and good eyesight.It makes us happy and sleep better.Now scientists find out that it can even make you smarter.可知,阳光能强壮骨骼增强视力,能让我们开心,睡眠更




36. Koi fish (锦鲤)becomes one of the most_____ (受欢迎的)words in 2018.

37. Children in the USA usually like to ____(用颜料涂) their faces or wear masks to play“trick or treat”at Halloween.

38. Chinese food has many kinds of cooking ways and there isn't too much______/'??g?/ in it.

39. Simon wants to wear a red and grey tie to____(般配) his clothes for the fashion show.

40. The governments of the USA and Russia say no one can kill polar bears for their soft and _______/smu?e/ fur.【答案】36. popular

37. paint 38. sugar

39. match 40. smooth




one of:……之一,of后面的名词需要复数形式,one of后的形容词一般使用最高级,popular:流行的,形容词,最高级是the most popular;故答案为popular。



短语like to do sth.:喜欢做某事,可知填动词原形;paint:用颜料涂,在……上刷油漆,动词;故答案为paint。



sugar [???ɡ?(r)]:糖,不可数名词;故答案为sugar。






本词修饰名词fur可知填形容词;smooth [smu?e]光滑的,平坦的,形容词;故答案为smooth。


41. _______(be) Peter and Sally's friend your classmate?

42. Millie hopes to take _____(photo)with Sun Yang because she thinks he is the best swimmer in China.

43. I like Chongqing Restaurant in Sunshine Shopping Mall best. The f?sh there ___(taste) so nice

44. Simon is interested in______. (collect) stamps, so Daniel buys some for him as a present.

45. Our school library is a good place__(study). We can get almost any information from the books here

【答案】41. Are

42. photos 43. tastes

44. collecting

45. to study




本句主语Peter and Sally's friend复数,可知be动词使用Are,注意句子开头首字母大写,故答案为Are。【42题详解】


短语take photos:照相,photo是可数名词,可数名词单独使用使用复数形式表示泛指;故答案为photos。【43题详解】


根据前句时态是一般现在时,可知此句时态是一般现在时,本句主语The f?sh(鱼肉)三单,可知谓语动词使用单数,taste:有…味道的,尝出,尝起来,三单形式是tastes;故答案为tastes。



短语be interested in:对……感兴趣,in是介词,后面跟动词使用ing形式;故答案为collecting。



本句是动词不定式做后置定语,a good place to study:学习好地方;故答案为to study。


Do you know Singles Day (November 11) in China? Many people, even your parents, go to bed late that night. They are___46___things online to get big savings. Well, the US has something like it called Black Friday.

Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving. It is one of the biggest shopping days in the US. People want to start shopping for Christmas___47___ . They go shopping on this day to save money.

It's called Black Friday because shops recorded sales with black ink in the past. When there was a lot of black ink on a page, the shop sold a lot.

That day, people go shopping at actual stores (实体店).It ___48___ Singles Day. People stand in line (排队)and ___49___for hours. Sometimes they fight over things because there are only . ___50___left in the shops. TVs, computers and video game systems are some of people's favourite things to buy.

【答案】46. looking for

47. gifts 48. is different from

49. wait 50. a few




本句是现在进行时,其构成be doing sth.,可知填现在分词;根据常识可知光棍节人们一直在网上寻找能省下大笔钱的东西;looking for:寻找;故答案是looking for。






根据上文可知中国的光棍节网购,而美国的黑色星期五在实体店购物,可知“它不同于光棍节。” is different from:不同于……,与……不同;故答案是is different from。



根据上文“人们排队”可知“等候数小时”,wait:等,wait for hours:等候数小时;故答案是wait。



根据上文“有时他们会为一些事情争吵”可知“因为商店里只剩下几个了”,a few:几个,少许,代词(代替可数名词复数)或形容词(修饰可数名词复数);故答案是a few。



My dream home is a flying home. I get the idea from the film up《飞屋环游记》.Look at the photo! Isn't it a cool home? Do you think it is a strange idea?

It is a wooden house, so it is light. I am going to tie some helium balloons to the house, so it can fly in the air.

They bring the house up into the air. It can fly for one hour at a time. It takes us to a different place every season.

The house is not very big in size. We only need six comfortable rooms--two bedrooms,a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, and a modem bathroom. The room flies to warm places in winter and cool places in summer.

Where can we get energy and water? We get energy from the sun and we collect rain water to use. So it is a green house .

What school I can study in if I live in that home? And they also say I think it would be a cool home. But my parents say it is a crazy idea. They must work in Nanjing. They cannot live in a different place every month.

They must live in the same place all the time. But I still hope my dream can come true one day. This is a great idea, right? Do you like the flying home?

My Dream Home

【答案】51. wooden

52. up 53. heavy

54. seasons

55. size 56. number

57. modern 58. green

59. school 60. leave




句意:一个木屋。根据第2段第1句It is a wooden house, so it is light.和表格右边内容“我要在房子上绑些氦气球。他们把房子抬到空中。我用木头盖房子。所以它一点也不重。它带我们在不同的季节去不同的地方。”可知主要讲述它是“一个木屋。”故答案为wooden。


句意:他们把房子升到空中。根据第2段中I am going to tie some helium balloons to the house, so it can fly in the air. They bring the house up into the air.可知“我要在房子上绑些氦气球。他们把房子抬到空中。”bring …up

in the air:把……带到空中,升空;故答案为up。【53题详解】句意:我用木头盖房子。所以它一点也不重。根据第2段第1句It is a wooden house, so it is light.可知“我用木头盖房子。所以它一点也不重”;light:轻的,意思是not heavy;故答案为heavy。


句意:它带我们在不同的季节去不同的地方。根据第2段第5句It takes us to a different place every season.

可知“它带我们在不同的季节去不同的地方。” every season意思是in different seasons;故答案为seasons。


句意:它的体积很小。根据第3段第1句The house is not very big in size.可知“它的体积很小。”故答案为



句意:房间的数量是六间,包括一个现代化的浴室。根据第3段第2句We only need six comfortable rooms--two

bedrooms a living room, a kitchen, a dining room, and a modem bathroom.可知“房间的数量是六间”,the number



句意:房间的数量是六间,包括一个现代化的浴室。根据第3段第2句We only need six comfortable rooms--…

a modem bathroom.可知“房间的数量是六间,包括一个现代化的浴室”,故答案为modern。


句意:绿色家园。根据第4段第2句We get energy from the sun and we collect rain water to use. So it is a green

house和表格右边内容It gets energy from the sun and it can collect rainwater.可知它是绿色家园;故答案为green。


句意:如果我住在家里,我就不能上学。根据第5段第1句What school I can study in if I live in that home?



句意:我父母不想离开南京,因为他们必须在同一个地方工作。根据第5段中They must work in Nanjing. They

cannot live in a different place every month. They must live in the same place all the time.可知“我父母不想离开

南京,因为他们必须在同一个地方工作。”want to do sth.:想做某事,可知填动词原形;故答案为leave。


There are a lot of elective courses(选修课) in Australian high schools. One of the courses I take is a

commerce(商业)course. We have an activity called Market Day where we sell products to the w___61___ school. All the teachers and students come to it. Our school holds this activity o___62___ a year.

Before the activity, we set up groups and p ___63___ things in groups. Each person in the group can

s___64___up to $20 buying goods from stores. We also make a logo(徴标) and an advertisement(广告) for our group. After t___65___ about our ideas, we decide to sell ice cream sandwiches and name our business Ice Cream Cookie Cottage(冰激凌曲奇小屋). We make the cookies ourselves. The sandwiches are m ____66____ of ice cream. We buy ice cream with our p ___67___ money. On Market Day all the groups get t___68___ before lunchtime to set up stalls (摊位位)in the hall. As soon as the bell rings, the activity begins. The market is noisy b ___69___ fun. I see some of my friends and run over to them to sell our products. They buy some of our ice cream sandwiches. They think our sandwiches are really great. Although we cannot sell all of our sandwiches, everyone s_____70_____ happy and excited。

【答案】61. whole

62. once 63. plan

64. spend 65. talking

66. made 67. pocket

68. there 69. but

70. seems




句意:我们有一个叫做市场日的活动,我们向全校销售产品。根据下文All the teachers and students come to it.可知“向全校销售产品”,the whole school:全校,whole:全部的,整体的;故答案为whole。


句意:我们学校每年举行一次这个活动。短语once a year:一年一次;根据语境可知“我们学校每年举行一次这个活动”,故答案为once。


句意:活动开始前,我们先分组计划。根据常识可知“活动开始前,我们先分组计划。”本句谓语是and 连接的两个动词短语,根据set up动词原形,可知填动词原形;故答案为plan。


句意:该组中的每个人最多可以花费20美元从商店购买商品。情态动词can 后面跟动词原形,短语spend sm. doing sth.:买某物花费多少钱;故答案为spend 。



想法后,我们决定出售冰淇淋三明治,给我们的生意起名叫冰激凌曲奇小屋。after 是介词,后面跟动词使用ing 形式;短语talk about :讨论,谈论;故答案为talking 。


句意: 三明治是冰淇淋做的。短语be made of :某物用……做的;故答案为made 。


句意:我们用零花钱买冰淇淋。短语pocket money :零花钱;故答案为pocket 。


句意:在市场日所有的人都在午饭前到达那里,在大厅里摆摊。根据语境可知“在午饭前到达那里”,get there :到达那里;故答案为there 。


句意:铃一响,活动就开始了。市场很吵但很有趣。noisy 和fun 意思相反,是转折关系,可知填but ;故答案为but 。


句意:虽然我们不能把所有的三明治都卖了,但每个人似乎都很高兴和兴奋。本句是不定代词everyone 做主语,可知谓语动词使用单数形式;seem +adj.:似乎……,seem 的三单形式是seems ;故答案为seems 。 书面表达 71.临近期末,学校将组织学生在学习小组内展开自评和组评,并在每个年级推选十名学生成为“ Star of Our School",假如你是 Shiny 小组的组长Heny ,请根据下面表格的提示,用英文写一封信给潘老师推荐你组的Paul 为“ Star of Our School"”候选人

译林版七年级上册英语课文翻译Unit1 This is me ! 第 6 页部分 1 0h, I love e-dogs. 哦,我喜欢电子狗。 2 I'm Eddie. What's your name? 我是埃迪。你叫什么名字?My name is Hobo. 我的名字叫霍波。 3 Are you my master? 你是我的主人吗Yes, I am. 是的,我是。 4 Good. Now read this book. 好。现在读这本书。 How to Look After Your E-dog 如何照顾你的电子狗 New school, new friends 新学校,新朋友 This is the first day at Sunshine Middle School. Let's get to know some of the new students. 这是阳光中学 的第一天。让我们了解一些新学生。 Task: Introduce yourself to your classmates. 任务:把你自己介绍给你的同学们。 Unit1 Welcome to the unit A 部分课文翻译 The new students in Class 1, Grade 7 at Sunshine Middle School are greeting each other. Read what they say. 阳光中学七年级一班的新同学们在互相问候。阅读他们所说的话。 Good morning. I'm Amy. 早上好。我是埃米。 Hi, I'm Simon. 你好,我是西蒙。 Hello, I'm Millie. 你好,我是米莉。 I'm Kitty. 我是基蒂。 Hi, I'm Sandy. What's your name? 你好,我是桑迪。你叫什么名字?

Unit one 短语归纳: look after \ take care of 照顾on the first day 在第一天 Class 1,Grade 7 7年级1班 play football 踢足球after school 放学后 be\come from 来自 be good at \do well in 擅长 fly kite s 放风筝 go home 回家 listen to music 听音乐play a game 玩游戏 wear glasses 戴眼镜 at school 在学校 all the lessons 所有的课程 talk about 谈论 over there 那里 a lot of hobbies 许多爱好 用法集萃: love\like doing sth 喜欢做某事 let’s +动词原形让我们 I am\My name is 我叫 welcome to +地点欢迎来到 This is 这是 be good at \do well in doing 擅长做 in Class…Grade…在几年级几班 live with…in…和谁住在哪里 I’m …year old. 我几岁了。 I have…hair.我留着……头发典句背诵 What’s your name?你叫什么名字? Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你。 I love reading. 我喜欢阅读 Now let’s meet our new classmates. 现在让我们认识下我们的新同学。 I often play football after school.放学后我经常踢足球。 She is tall and slim. 她个头很高,身材苗条。 He is from Nanjing. 他来自南京。 He is good at Maths. 他擅长于数学。 Millie is 11 years old.米莉11岁。 They are all very nice.他们都很好。 I am good at dancing. 我擅长于跳舞。 语法:连系动词be 的一般现在时 动词be 的三变化 am is are. 我(I)用am ,你(you)用are ,is 用于他(he)她(she)它(it),单数名词用is,复数名词都用are 句型结构: 1、肯定句:主语+am\is\are … It is a football. 2、否定句:主语+am\is\are+not… It is not a football. 3、一般疑问句:Am\Is\Are+主语+其他? Is it a football? 回答 Yes, it is. No, it isn’t 4、特殊疑问句:疑问句+am/is/are +主语+其他? What’s your name? 用be 动词的适当形式填空 1、She ________ my cousin. Her name _______ Li Jie. 2、Tom and I ________ good friends 3、What _____ this in English? It ______ a book

译林版七年级英语上册单词表全(音标、翻译) 第一课单词 e-dog ['i:d ??] n.电子狗master ['m a :st?] n.主人year [j?:, ji?] n.年、岁grade [greid] n.年级readi ng ['ri:di?] n. 阅读club [kl ?b] n.俱乐部、兴趣小组after [' a :ft?] conj.在…以后slim [slim] adj.苗条的,细长的Iong [l ??] adj.长的music ['mju:zik] n.音乐hard [h a :d] adv.努力地adj.硬的困难的short [ ??t] adj.短的,矮的swimmi ng ['swimi?] n. 游泳 wear [wxy] v.穿、戴glasses ['gla:siz] n. 眼镜enjoy [in'd ??i]v.享受,喜欢polite [p ?'lait]adj.有礼貌的 helpful ['helpful]adj.有帮助的,有益的hobby ['h ?bi] n.业余爱好badminton ['b? dmint?n] n.羽毛球volleyball ['v ?lib?:l]n.排球court [k ?:t] n.球场 football field [ 5futbC:l-fi:ld]n 足球场swimming pool ['swimi? -pu:l]n 游泳池swim [swim] 游泳 eat [i:t] v.吃 fish [fi ? n.鱼 maths [m? 0 s] n.数学 walk [w ?:k] n.散步,步行v.带…散步fly [flai] n.飞行v.飞翔,放飞lunchtime ['l ?nt?aim] n.午餐时间every ['evri] adj.每个的 day [dei] n.白天 walking ['w ?:ki?] v.散步、步行drawing ['dr ?:i?] n.绘图,图画always [' ?:lweiz] adv. 总是weeke nd [wi:k'e nd, 'wi:ke nd]n. 周末usually ['ju: ???li] adv.通常 run [r ?n] n.奔跑,路程v.跑, hour ['au ?] n.小时

新译林版七年级上册英语全册知识点归纳总结 Unit one 一、词汇知识点整理: look after \ take care of 照顾 ; 表示look 的短语:look after照顾look at 看…; look for 寻找look like 看起来像… on the first day 在第一天Class One, Grade Seven (先说班级,再说年级,且大写)。 play football 踢足球 after school 放学后 be\come from 来自be good at \do well in 擅长 fly kites 放风筝go home 回家 listen to music 听音乐play a game 玩游戏 wear glasses 戴眼镜at school 在学校 all the lessons 所有的课程 talk about 谈论 over there 那里 a lot of hobbies 许多爱好 二、结构用法: love\like doing sth 喜欢做某事 let’s +动词原形让我们 I am\My name is 我叫 welcome to +地点欢迎来到 This is 这是 be good at \do well in doing 擅长做 in Class…Grade…在几年级几班 be from = come from + 地点, 意思是“来自某地”。 He is from Nanjing. P8 他来自南京。 live with…in…和谁住在哪里 live with sb 和某人住一起;live in+ 城市名,住在某地;live on the ground floor 住在一楼(用介词on) I’m…year old. 我几岁了。year(s) old ,……岁,如果数词大于1,year 要用复数years. 问年龄要用How old “几岁”提问。例如:- is your sister? --- She is 11. 应填How old. I have (short/long)hair.我留着短(长)头发 三、句式用法 What’s your name?你叫什么名字? Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你。 I love reading. 我喜欢阅读英语.表示“喜欢”的用法:like喜欢/love喜爱/enjoy喜欢+ V.-ing 形式。 Now let’s meet our new classmates. 现在让我们认识下我们的新同学。 I often play football after school.放学后我经常踢足球。 She is tall and slim. 她个头很高,身材苗条。 He is from Nanjing. 他来自南京。He comes from Nanjing. He is good at Maths. 他擅长于数学。 He does well in Maths. Millie is 11 years old.米莉11岁。 They are all very nice.他们都很好。

译林版英语七年级上册译林版英语期末试卷及答案 第Ⅰ卷 一、听力测试 A. 听对话回答问题。(听两遍) 1. Who is Amy’s friend? A. B. C. 2. What time does Jim usually get up? A. B. C. 3. How does Daniel usually go to school ? A. B. C. 4. What sport does David like best? A. Football. B. V olleyball. C. Basketball. 5. Where is the girl? A. In a gift shop. B. In a flower shop. C. In a toy shop. 6. Which festival does Simon like best? A. Dragon Boat Festival. B. Christmas. C. Mid-Autumn Festival. 7. What does the Daniel think about Biology? A. Interesting. B. Difficult. C. Easy. 8. What will Amy buy for her mother? A. Candies. B. Books. C. Flowers. 9. What will the girl wear for Andy’s birthday party? A. B. C. 10. What is the girl going to buy? A. A new dress. B. A pair of shoes. C. A pair of glasses. B. 听对话或短文,选择正确答案。(听两遍)

一.词汇:(20分) A根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词的适当形式,使句子意思完整、正确。(10分) 1. Now I have many new _______ (同学) 2.My grandparent is about ninety _________ (岁) old. 3. Is ______ (每人) here? 4.Sandy is tall and __________(苗条). 5.As we all know,Hobo is an _________ (电子狗). 6.I am in Class 1,_________ (年级) 7 at Sunshine Middle School. 7.Daniel , your __________ (眼镜)look too cool. 8.--- Do you like any sports ? ---- yes, I like _________ (散步). 9. Li Hua is my favourite football player . I hope his __________ (梦想)comes true. 10.--- What do you usually do in your _______(空闲的) time? ----I usually do some _______(画画). B.用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. I love_________(I) school. 2. Sandy often __________ (listen) to English songs. 3. Which class___________ (be) Millie and Simon in? 4. We are good at __________ (swim). 5.Eddie doesn’t know how to _________ (look ) after Hobo. 6.This is my new friend .He loves __________ (read).

第一单元评估检测题听力材料及参考答案 听力材料 A. 根据所听的内容,选择正确图片,每段对话读两遍。 1. W: What is your uncle, Jim?M: He is a policeman. 2. W: Look! What are the boys doing there?M: Oh, they are reading books. 3. W: What’s this in English?M: It’s a rubber. 4. M: Are my glasses by the telephone?W: No. Here they are, under the table. B. 根据所听的内容,选择正确答案。听两遍。 5. M: What is Millie doing?W: She is swimming. 6. M: Could you tell me your telephone number?W: Sure, It’s 84561968. 7. M: Hi, Lucy. Is this white blouse yours?W: No, it isn’t. It’s Lily’s. 8. W: How many boys and girls are there in Class One?M: There are 24 boys and 19 girls in it. 9. W: Who in our class has a ruler? M: Tom has a green ruler. Mike has a brown one. David has a yellow one. 10. M: Can I help you, sir?W: I’d like to buy a book. C. 听对话,选择正确答案. 听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 M: Hello, Amy. Are you at home now?W: Yes. I’m staying with my cousin at home. M: What’s he doing?W: He’s playing a new computer game. M: Are you playing the game with him now?W: No. I’m reading a book. 听第一篇短文,回答13-15题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。听两遍。 Miss Wu is only twenty-one. She is tall and thin, and she has brown, long hair. She likes children and her teaching work. From Monday to Friday she stays at school and gives the children classes. She has much work to do , but she often plays games with her students after school . The children like her very much. On Sunday she goes home by bus and stays with her father and mother. Sometimes she goes to see her friends on Sunday. She likes singing and swimming. She’s a nice teacher. 听第二篇短文,选择正确答案,共听两遍。 Jack and John are twins. They are good at English. They like to swim and ride bikes in their holidays. They like to fly kites too. They often fly kites near the lake. But they are not all the same .Jack likes playing football, but John likes playing ping-pong. Jack likes listening to music, but John likes drawing pictures. They often help each other. 参考答案 I. 1~5 BCAAA 6~10 BABCB 11~15 ABABC 16~20 ABAAA II. 21~25 CBBCA 26~-30 CBBCC 31~35 DDBDD 36~40 CDBDB III. 41~45 BABBB 46~50 BCABC IV. 51~55 CCBDB 56~60 BBCCA 61~65 CBCAD 66~-70 CAABC 阅读理解A短文:试题分析: 51.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Their father , Mr King , is a teacher .””理解可知,故选C. 52.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Lily can play the guitar .”理解可知,故选C. 53.细节理解题,根据文中语句““Mrs King ,is a teacher ,too .She teaches Chinese .”理解可知,故选B。 54.细节理解题,根据文中语句““Mr and Mrs King are in different schools .”理解可知,故选D. 55.细节理解题,根据文中语句““They are in the same class in the NO.1 Middle School .”理解可知,故选B.

最新译林版英语七年级上册词汇表 Unit1 1.oh哦,啊 2.*e-dog电子狗 3.*master主人 4.grade年纪 5.student学生 6.reading阅读 7.classmate同班同学 8.after school放学后 9.*slim苗条的 10.be good at擅长于 11.over穿过 12.classroom教室 13.dancing跳舞,舞蹈 14.swimming游泳 15.age年龄 16.*looks相貌,容貌 17.cute可爱的;讨人喜欢的 18.hobby业余爱好 19.glad高兴地 20.everyone每人,人人 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e318130571.html,e from来自 22.glasses【复】眼镜 Unit2 1.walking散步,步行 2.really的确,确实 3.bowl碗,盆 4.time次,回 5.tennis网球 6.volleyball排球 7.enjoy享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱 8.go swimming去游泳 9.player运动员 10.member成员 11.club俱乐部 12.free空闲的 13.hope希望14.dream梦想;梦 15.true真的,真实的 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e318130571.html,e true变为现实,成为事实 17.drawing画画 18.weekend周末 19.at/on weekend(s)在周末 20.of course当然 21.shop购物 22.table tennis乒乓球 23.else另外;其他 24.lot许多,好些 25.a lot of=lots of许多;大量 26.fun享乐,乐趣;有趣的事 27.team队;组 28.talk about/of谈论 29.match比赛,竞赛 30.hero偶像;英雄 Unit3 1.which哪一个 2.best最,最好地 3.so因此,所以 4.*biology生物 5.geography地理 6.history历史 7.date日期 8.meeting会议;集会 9.o’clock…点钟 10.OK好,对;不错 11.gate大门 12.so如此,这么;非常 13.show引,带,领 14.around到处,向各处 15.Show somebody around.领某人参观 16.front前面 17.in front of在…前面 18.building建筑物,房子,楼房 19.ground地,地面

译林版七年级教学情况单元调查练习 一.词汇:(20分) A根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词的适当形式,使句子意思完整、正确。(10分) 1. Now I have many new _______ (同学) 2.My grandparent is about ninety _________ (岁) old. 3. Is ______ (每人) here? 4.Sandy is tall and __________ (苗条). 5.As we all know,Hobo is an _________ (电子狗). 6.I am in Class 1,_________ (年级) 7 at Sunshine Middle School. 7.Daniel , your __________ (眼镜)look too cool. 8.--- Do you like any sports ? ---- yes, I like _________ (散步). 9. Li Hua is my favourite football player . I hope his __________ (梦想)comes true. 10.--- What do you usually do in your _______(空闲的) time? ----I usually do some _______(画画). B.用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. I love_________(I) school. 2. Sandy often __________ (listen) to English songs. 3. Which class___________ (be) Millie and Simon in? 4. We are good at __________ (swim). 5.Eddie doesn’t know how to _________ (look ) after Hobo. 6.This is my new friend .He loves __________ (read). 8.Andy __________ (have) some new friends at Sunshine Middle School. 9.Nice ____________ (see) you, Millie. 10.____________the girl __________(come) from the USA? 二、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 1. ----Are you my new English teacher? ----________________. A.Yes, I do B.Yes, I am C. Yes, I can. D. I’m sorry. I don’t know. 2. Simon likes________, but I ________playing football after school. A. reading; loving B. read; love C. reading; love D. read;loving 3.Mike is very good _________ Maths and English. A. in B. at C. to D. for 4. --- ________________? --- He looks strong. A.How old is he? B.How does he look? C. What does he like? D. Where is he from? 5. ___________you __________the bus every day? A. Are; take B. Do; take C. Does; take D. Do; takes 6.___________he ____________Japanese? A. Do; read B. Does; say C. Does; speak D. Do; write 7. ----______________your classroom clean? ----Yes. We ____________it after school every day. A. Does; cleans B. Are; clean C. Do; cleans D. Is ; clean 8. Li Hua wants______________ in the next World Cup. A. to play B. play C. to playing D. playing 9.Amy wants_____________ home. A.walk B.to walk C. to walk to D. walking

译林版英语七年级上册译林版英语期末试卷及答案-百度文库 听力部分 根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的选项。 1. A. [a?] B. [?] C. [ɑ:] 2. A. [??] B. [?:] C. [u:] 3. A. [ni:d] B. [we?k] C. [f?:st] 4. A. [‘b?r??] B. [‘kw?:t?(r)] C. [‘?e?(r)] 5. A. [kju:t] B. [gre?d] C. [gl?d] 6. A. really B. history C. only 7. A. 8:20 B. 7:45 C. 8:15 8. A. luck B. but C. fun 9. A. the boy wit short hair B. the boy on the hill C. the boy over there 10. A. 8756435 B. 8765435 C. 8756534 根据你所听到的内容,选择对应的图片,将其序号填入相应的空格内。 A B C D E 1. ______ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________ 根据你所听到的句子,选择相应的答语。 11. A. 38 B. At the age of 38. C. November 15. 12. A. Twice. B. Once a week. C. Half an hour. 13. A. On the playground. B. At Moonlight Middle School. C. At two o’clock in the afternoon. 14. A. The USA. B. At home. C. In the school. 15. A. Yes, he is. B. Because he gets up late. C. Do you know the reason? 根据你所听到的长对话,选择正确答案.

译林版七年级英语上册单词表全(音标、翻译) 第一课单词 e-dog ['i:d??] n. 电子狗 master ['mɑ:st?] n. 主人 year [j?:, ji?] n. 年、岁 grade [greid] n. 年级 reading ['ri:di?] n. 阅读 club [kl?b] n. 俱乐部、兴趣小组 after ['ɑ:ft?] conj. 在...以后 slim [slim] adj. 苗条的,细长的 long [l??] adj. 长的 music ['mju:zik] n. 音乐 hard [hɑ:d] adv. 努力地adj. 硬的困难的 short [??:t] adj. 短的,矮的 swimming ['swimi?]n. 游泳 wear [wxy] v. 穿、戴 glasses ['gla:siz] n. 眼镜 enjoy [in'd??i]v. 享受,喜欢 polite [p?'lait]adj. 有礼貌的 helpful ['helpful]adj. 有帮助的,有益的 hobby ['h?bi] n. 业余爱好 badminton ['b?dmint?n] n. 羽毛球 volleyball ['v?lib?:l]n. 排球 court [k?:t] n.球场 football field [ 5futbC:l-fi:ld]n足球场 swimming pool ['swimi?-pu:l]n 游泳池 swim [swim] 游泳 eat [i:t] v. 吃 fish [fi?] n. 鱼 maths [m?θs] n. 数学 walk [w?:k] n. 散步,步行v. 带…散步 fly [flai] n.飞行v.飞翔,放飞 lunchtime ['l?nt?taim] n. 午餐时间 every ['evri] adj.每个的 day [dei] n. 白天walking ['w?:ki?] v. 散步、步行 drawing ['dr?:i?] n. 绘图,图画 always ['?:lweiz] adv. 总是 weekend [wi:k'end, 'wi:kend]n. 周末 usually ['ju:???li] adv. 通常 run [r?n] n. 奔跑,路程v. 跑, hour ['au?] n. 小时 then [een] adv. 那么然后, sometime ['s?mtaim] adv.有时 often ['?(:)fn, '?:ft?n] adv. 经常dinner ['din?] n. 主餐,晚餐,晚宴 grandparent ['gr?ndpe?r?nt] n. (外)祖父(母) restaurant ['rest?r:?, -r?nt]n. 餐馆,饭店sport [sp?:t] n. 运动,体育 news [nju:z] n. 新闻,消息 score [sk?:, sk??] n. 得分 player ['plei?]n. 比赛者,运动员 team [ti:m] n. 队,组 member ['memb?] n. 成员,会员 goal [g?ul] n. 目标,终点 next [nekst] n. 下一个 birthplace ['b?:θpleis]n. 诞生地 match [m?t?] n. 比赛, well [wel] adv. 很好 win [win] v. 赢得,胜利,成功 again [?'gein] adv. 又,再 really ['ri?li] adv. 真正地,实在strong [str??] ad j. 强壮的 rubber ['r?b?] n. 橡皮、橡胶 borrow ['b?r?u] v.借,借用 say [sei] v. 说,讲 understand [,?nd?'st?nd] v. 理解,了解start [stɑ:t] v. 开始 begin [bi'gin] v.开始 dark [dɑ:k] adj. 黑暗的 lots of 许多、大量

要求:1.词数100左右;短文中不得出现真实的人名、班级名; 2.短文应包括表格内所有内容要点,不要逐条翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯通顺。 My plan for the winter holiday Winter holiday is coming, now I want to say something about my plan for the winter holiday. _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________ 范文: Winter holiday is coming, now I want to say something about my plan for the winter holiday. I plan to get up at eight in the morning. I am going to eat more healthy food and do more exercise to keep fit. It’s important for me to wear cotton clothes and comfortable trainers because they are good for our health. At the same time, I am going to spend two hours doing my homework. I like reading, so I also plan to read some books and newspapers every day. In the afternoon, I am going to draw pictures, because I am interested in it. So I have no time to play computer games. At the Spring Festival, I am going to have a great party with my family to celebrate this most important festival. There is a big mall near my home. I often go shopping with my friends. I am sure we’ll have a great time during my winter holiday. 作文二: 假设你叫Li Ping, 收到你英国朋友Daniel的来信,要求你简单介绍你是怎样保持身体健康的。请你根据下面表格内所给的信息,用英语给Daniel写一封

译林版七年级上册英语教案本篇文章是为您整理的译林版七年级上册英语教案,希望对大家有帮助。 第一单元备课教案 一、语言知识与技能 1.根据读音规则和音标拼读单词。 2.理解和领悟词语的基本含义、语法项目以及语言形式的基本结构和常用表意功能; 3.能在日常交际情景中听懂对话,例如,能听懂连续的指令并据此完成任务;能引出话题并进行几个回合的交谈; 4.能听懂接近正常语速、熟悉话题的语段和简单故事,获取相关信息; 5.能运用…..词汇和…..语言形式就熟悉的话题进行交谈;能运用…..词汇和…..语言形式及(或)所给提示描述人、物、事件、行为、特征等,表达简单的观点; 6.能在教师的指导下进行简单的角色表演; .能连贯、流畅地朗读课文;能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意;根据上下文猜测生词的意思; 8.每天课外阅读量最少达到100词。 9.能运用…..词汇和…..语言形式以及参照范例写出简

单的文段等,包括起草和修改。 二、文化意识 10.了解语言和语用的文化因素,体验跨文化交际。 三、学习策略 11-利用读音规则和音标拼读词汇,利用上下文、非语言信息等理解词义,联想学习和记忆词汇,构词法等。 11-利用情境等理解语法结构和表意功能,发现语言规律并举一反三。 11-复习、整理归纳所学内容。 11-利用预测、语调、重音、问题等来获取听力信息。 11-在课内外活动中借助体态语用英语交流。 11-利用预测、跳读、寻读、细节读等来获取文章信息。 11-仿写短文,准备素材、起草短文并修改。 11-明确目标,制定计划, 11-了解并跨文化交际。 四、情感态度 12.乐于参与英语活动,敢于用英语表达,积极与他人合作,体验自己的学习效果。 备教学 重、难点 内容 课标具体知识、技能、文化目标

短语归纳: look after \ take care of 照顾on the first day 在第一天Class 1,Grade 7 7年级1班play football 踢足球 after school 放学后be\come from 来自 be good at \do well in 擅长fly kite s 放风筝 go home 回家listen to music 听音乐 play a game 玩游戏wear glasses 戴眼镜 at school 在学校all the lessons 所有的课程talk about 谈论over there 那里 a lot of hobbies 许多爱好 用法集萃: love\like doing sth 喜欢做某事let’s +动词原形让我们 I am\My name is 我叫welcome to +地点欢迎来到 This is 这是be good at \do well in doing 擅长做 in Class…Grade…在几年级几班live with…in…和谁住在哪里 I’m …year old. 我几岁了。I have…hair.我留着……头发 典句背诵 What’s your name?你叫什么名字? Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你。 I love reading. 我喜欢阅读 Now let’s meet our new classmates. 现在让我们认识下我们的新同学。 I often play football after school.放学后我经常踢足球。 She is tall and slim. 她个头很高,身材苗条。 He is from Nanjing. 他来自南京。 He is good at Maths. 他擅长于数学。 Millie is 11 years old.米莉11岁。 They are all very nice.他们都很好。 I am good at dancing. 我擅长于跳舞。 语法:连系动词be 的一般现在时 动词be 的三变化am is are. 我(I)用am ,你(you)用are ,is 用于他(he)她(she)它(it),单数名词用is,复数名词都用are 句型结构: 1、肯定句:主语+am\is\are …It is a football. 2、否定句:主语+am\is\are+not…It is not a football. 3、一般疑问句:Am\Is\Are+主语+其他? Is it a football? 回答Yes, it is. No, it isn’t 4、特殊疑问句:疑问句+am/is/are +主语+其他? What’s your name? 用be 动词的适当形式填空 1、She ________ my cousin. Her name _______ Li Jie. 2、Tom and I ________ good friends 3、What _____ this in English?It ______ a book 4、________ you Jack? Yes, I _______ 5、What ________ those? They ______ his notebooks.

译林版七年级上英语第一单元测试卷1 班级姓名 一、选择填空 ( )1. — Do you like playing football? — Yes. I do. A. a B.the C. \ D. an ( )2. — What’s your cousin’s ? — He is 19. A. name B. age C. work D. class ( )3. Which girl is Diana? She loves swimming. A. B. C. D. ( )4. What grade is Lily ? A. on B. in C. at D. after ( )5. Jack’s is playing computer games. A. hobby B. grade C. glasses D. looks ( )6. — all the students at school today? —No. Jim at home. A. Is; is B. Are; are C. Is; are D. Are; is ( )7. I live my parents Nanjing. A. with; in B. in; with C. in; in D. with; with ( )8. — The girl is _____. A. 13 year old B.13 years old C.13 year -old D. .13 years-old ( )9. This is a good book. I love it very much. A. reading B. looking C. writing D. doing ( )10. — I am a new student _____ No.6Middle School. A. at B. in C. with D to ( )11. — is your new friend at school? — Eric is. He is a good boy. A. Who B. Where C. How D. What ( )12. — is your brother today? — He is fine, thanks. A. Who B. How C. What D. How old ( )13. —Hello!____________? — My name is Lucy. A. How are you? B. How old are you? C. What’s your name? D. Good afternoon ( )14. — ? — No. My name is Mark.

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