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In this section you will hear a mini-lecture.You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY.While listening,take notes on the important points.Your notes will not be marked,but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over,you will be given two minutes to check your notes,and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEETONE,using no more than three words in each gap.Make sure the word(s)you fill in is(are)both grammatically and semantically acceptable.You may refer to your notes while completing the https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ea4956747.html,e the blank sheet for note-taking.

Now,listen to the mini-lecture.

Understanding Academic Lectures

Listening to academic lectures is an important task for university students.Then, how can we comprehend a lecture efficiently?

I.Understanding all(1)____






II.Adding information

A.lecturers:sharing information with audience


C.sources of information-knowledge of(5)____

-(6)____of the world

D.listening involving three steps:-hearing





-overcome noise

-save time




IV.Evaluating while listening

A.helps to decide the(10)____of notes

B.helps to remember information

1.____正确答案:parts of meanings本题解析:本讲座介绍了理解学术讲座的方法。演讲者通过具体的例子详细介绍了四种方法。本题针对第一种方法设题。演讲者提到的The first thing is that you need to be aware of all of the parts of the language that carry meaning.就是第一种方法,即理解语言的含义。

2.____正确答案:sound/vocal features本题解析:本题针对第一种方法的具体说明设题。本空与words同级,演讲中并未直接出现答案,故需听完第一种方法后进行推断。结合stress和intonation推断,两者均属于语音语调。所以答案可用sound features,也可用vocal features。

3.____正确答案:rhythm本题解析:本题针对第一种方法的具体说明设题。演讲者提到的And another thing you need to listen for is rhythm.即本空答案出处。

4.____正确答案:absorbing本题解析:本空针对第二种方法的具体说明设题。结合所给结构,第二种方法从四个角度说明如何添加信息。本空为听讲者的角度。演讲者提到的So remember,listening is not a matter of just absorbing the speaker’s words…即本空答案出处。

5.____正确答案:a particular subject本题解析:本空针对第二种方法的具体说明设题。从信息来源的角度说明如何添加信息。演讲者提到的And listeners have an ability to add this information due to two sources of information.That is,one,their knowledge of a particular subject…即包含了本空答案——某一学科的知识。

6.____正确答案:knowledge or experience本题解析:本空针对第二种方法的具体说明设题。从信息来源的角度说明如何添加信息。演讲者提到的And listeners have an ability to add this information due to two sources of information.That is,one…and two, their knowledge or experience of the world.即包含了本空答案——世界知识或体验。

7.____正确答案:reinterpreting本题解析:本空针对听讲的其中一个步骤设题。演讲者提到的Rather,listening involves hearing the speaker’s words and reinterpreting them,adding information if necessary.即包含了本空答案——重新诠释。

8.____正确答案:Predicting while listening本题解析:本题针对第三种方法设题。演讲者提到的OK,the third thing that a listener needs to do,and this is to me the most important thing of all.And that’s to predict as you listen.即本空答案——边听边预测。

9.____正确答案:Types本题解析:本空针对第三种方法的具体说明设题。演讲者首先从两个方面阐述了预测的原因,然后介绍了预测的两种类型,即内容预测和结构预测。演讲者提到的And there’re two types of predictions that you can make,predictions of content and predictions of organization.即本空答案出处。

10.____正确答案:content本题解析:本空针对第四种方法的具体说明设题。第四种方法主要介绍在听讲的过程中如何进行评估,并从两个方面阐述了这样做的原因。演讲者提到的There’re again two reasons for this.The first one is evaluating helps you to decide what to take notes about,what’s important to write down,what’s not important to write down.即包含了本空答案——有助于判断记什么样的内容。


In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY.Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.

Questions1to5are based on an interview.At the end of the interview you will be given10seconds to answer each of the following five questions.Now listen to the interview.

11.Theresa thinks that the present government is____.

A.doing what they have promised to schools

B.creating opportunities for leading universities

C.considering removing barriers for state school pupils

D.reducing opportunities for state school pupils

正确答案:D本题解析:选[D]。注意关键词the present government,而且题干为一般现在时,听音时注意当今政府正在进行的行为。作为反对党成员的特蕾莎一开口就定调:当今政府的特点(hallmark)就是言行不一(what they say and what they actually do is always different),因此本题应该从有否定含义的选项入手。接下来她进一步指出,当今政府声称为所有人提供机会(opportunity for all),而其所作所为实际上是在减少机会和选择(cutting opportunity and reducing choice),所以答案为[D]。特蕾莎没有提到当今政府为顶尖大学创造机会,故排除[B]。首相曾经说过“We should give people opportunity and choice”,但紧接着受访者提到“The hallmark of this government is that what they say and what they actually do is always different…”,由此可知政府并未履行他们所言,故排除[A]。特蕾莎提到,政府在散布一个信息:如果你来自公立学校,你前面的路会有障碍,[C]与特蕾莎的意思相反,故排除。【点晴】but actually为转折标志,其后内容一般为听音重点。另外,对话开始处对人物身份等背景内容的介绍一般对人物观点、态度有一定的提示作用,听音时应注意记录。

12.What does Theresa see as a problem in secondary schools now?

A.Universities are not working hard to accept state school pupils.

B.The number of state pupils applying to Oxford fails to increase.

C.The government has lowered state pupils’expectations.

D.Leading universities are rejecting state school pupils.

正确答案:C本题解析:选[C]。注意关键词a problem in secondary schools,听音时注意中学现在面临的问题是什么。特蕾莎提到,很多中学面临的一个问题是政府正在降低它们的期望,而不是提高期望(levelling down expectations rather than raising them),由此可知,答案为[C]。特蕾莎说,我们已经使越来越多的学生进入重点大学,大学也在努力招收学生,[A]、[D]与此意相反,故排除。特蕾莎提到,多年来,进入顶尖学校的公立学校的学生数量已经增加了,而牛津的例子是说明进入顶尖学校的公立学校的学生数量所占比例小,所涉及的是另外一个问题,故排除[B]。【点晴】[C]中的lower是对采访中level down的同义转述。

13.In Theresa’s view,school freedom means that schools should____.

A.be given more funding from education authorities

B.be given all the money and decide how to spend it

C.be granted greater power to run themselves

D.be given more opportunities and choices

正确答案:B本题解析:选[B]。注意题干的关键词school freedom,问题是问“学校自由”的含义,听音时需注意对话双方就该问题所谈论的内容。特蕾莎在谈到学校的自由问题时指出,“我们”(特蕾莎所在的党派)由衷地希望学校能够能根据实际情况来自主决定所有资金的使用权,学校应该拥有这些资金而且也有决定如何花费的权利,由此可知答案为[B]。特蕾莎在进一步回答“学校自由”这个问题时提到,当前教育资金的一部分流向当地教育主管部门(goes to local education authorities),可见学校资金(funding)并非来源于教育主管部门,故排除[A]。[C]项中只说出了“学校自由”中的一个方面,叙述


14.According to Theresa,who decides or decide money for schools at the present?

A.Local education authorities and the central government.

B.Local education authorities and secondary schools together.

C.Local education authorities only.

D.The central government only.

正确答案:A本题解析:选[A]。注意题干的关键词who decide(s)money for schools,问题是问学校的资金使用情况是由谁来决定的,听音时需注意采访中提到的决定资金使用的机构或组织名称。特蕾莎提到目前是当地教育主管部门(local education authorities)在决定学校的资金使用情况,这笔资金会被教育当局阻拦(money is held back at those education authorities),而且在一开始也会受到中央政府阻拦(and is held back initially at central government as well),由此可知答案为[A]。[B]项中的中学(secondary schools)是混淆内容,文中并没有提到中学有决定资金使用情况的权利,可排除;[C]项和[D]项叙述不全面,故排除。

15.Throughout the talk,the interviewer does all the following EXCEPT____.

A.asking for clarification

B.challenging the interviewee

C.supporting the interviewee

D.initiating topics

正确答案:C本题解析:选[C]。题干中的关键词interviewer提示本题考查采访者在整个采访中的行为,因此需要根据通篇采访所使用的语调以及主要探讨问题的内容进行综合考虑,然后逐一排除。听音时需注意采访者在提问时的语气和用词,从中体会其意图。采访者在采访交流过程中多次使用重复语句和反问句式,如All of it?Does it mean,I repeat the question…,will it?I mean…straightforward question,isn’t it?等,由此可见采访者一直在要求特蕾莎将相关问题澄清,故排除[A]。采访者几次在特蕾莎回答完提问时紧接着以but开头的转折句式进行回应,表现出对特蕾莎的说法的某种质疑,故排除[B]。整个采访过程中都是采访者在主动提出问题,故排除[D]。采访者提到特蕾莎就国家教育系统正在发生的改变所做的演讲,并指出从演讲中他看不出特蕾莎描绘的路线与当前政府的举措有什么不同之处,由此可见,他并不支持被采访者,故答案为[C]。


In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY.Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.

Question6is based on the following news.At the end of the news item,you will be given10seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.

16.What is the main idea of the news item?

A.Fewer people watch TV once a week.

B.Smartphones and tablets have replaced TV.

C.New technology has led to more family time.

D.Bigger TV sets have attracted more people.


Questions7and8are based on the following news.At the end of the news item, you will be given20seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news. 17.How many lawmakers voted for the marijuana legalization bill?






18.The passing of the bill means that marijuana can be____.

A.bought by people under18

B.made available to drug addicts

C.provided by the government

D.bought in drug stores

正确答案:D本题解析:选[D]。新闻中提到,乌拉圭总统说过他支持大麻合法化法案,该法案将允许药店销售大麻。由此可知,法案的通过意味着大麻可以在药店中购买,故答案为[D]。[D]中的drug stores与新闻中提到的pharmacies同义,均指“药店”。新闻中提到,只有18岁以上的成年人才能购买大麻,故排除[A]。法案规定购买大麻要登记,由此可推断大麻应该是不允许毒品上瘾者购买的,故排除[B]。新闻中未提及大麻由政府提供,故排除[C]。

Questions9and10are based on the following news.At the end of the news item, you will be given20seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news. 19.What did the review of global data reveal?

A.Diarrhea is a common disease.

B.Good sanitation led to increase in height.

C.There were many problems of poor sanitation.

D.African children live in worse sanitary conditions.


20.The purpose of Dr Alan Dangour’s study was most likely to____.

A.examine links between sanitation and death from illness

B.look into factors affecting the growth of children

C.investigate how to tackle symptoms like diarrhea

D.review and compare conditions in different countries


In this section there are four reading passages followed by a total of20 multiple-choice questions.Read the passages and then mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO.


In2011,many shoppers opted to avoid the frenetic crowds and do their holiday shopping from the comfort of their computer.Sales at online retailers gained by more than15%,making it the biggest season ever.But people are also returning those purchases at record rates,up8%from last year.

What went wrong?Is the lingering shadow of the global financial crisis making it harder to accept extravagant indulgences?Or do people shop more impulsively—and therefore make bad decisions—when online?Both arguments are plausible. However,there is a third factor:a question of touch.We can love the look but, in an online environment,we cannot feel the quality of a texture,the shape of the fit,the fall of a fold or the weight of an earring.And physically interacting with an object makes you more committed to your purchase.

When my most recent book Brandwashed was released,I teamed up with a local bookstore to conduct an experiment about the differences between the online and offline shopping.I carefully instructed a group of volunteers to promote my book in two different ways.The first was a fairly hands-off approach.Whenever a customer would inquire about my book,the volunteer would take them over to the shelf and point to it.Out of20such requests,six customers proceeded with the purchase.

The second option also involved going over to the shelf but,this time,removing the book and then subtly holding onto it for just an extra moment before placing it in the customer’s hands.Of the20people who were handed the book,13ended up buying it.Just physically passing the book showed a big difference in sales. Why?We feel something similar to a sense of ownership when we hold things in our hand.That’s why we establish or reestablish connection by greeting strangers and friends with a handshake.In this case,having to then let go of the book after holding it might generate a subtle sense of loss,and motivate us to make the purchase even more.

A recent study conducted by Bangor University together with the United Kingdom’s Royal Mail service also revealed the power of touch,in this case when it came to snail mail.A deeper and longer-lasting impression of a message was formed when delivered in a letter,as opposed to receiving the same message online.FMRIs(功能性磁共振成像)showed that,on touching the paper,the emotional centre of the brain was activated,thus forming a stronger bond.The study also indicated that once touch

becomes part of the process,it could translate into a sense of possession.In other words,we simply feel more committed to possess and thus buy an item when we’ve first touched it.This sense of ownership is simply not part of the equation in the online shopping experience.

As the rituals of purchase in the lead-up to Christmas change,not only do we give less thought to the type of gifts we buy for our loved ones but,through our own digital wish lists,we increasingly control what they buy for us.The reality, however,is that no matter how convinced we all are that digital is the way to go, finding real satisfaction will probably take more than a few simple clicks.

21.According to the author,shoppers are returning their purchases for all the following reasons EXCEPT that____.

A.they are unsatisfied with the quality of the purchase

B.they eventually find the purchase too expensive

C.they change their mind out of uncertainty

D.they regret making the purchase without forethought

正确答案:C本题解析:[A]they are unsatisfied with the quality of the purchase (第二段第六句指出,网络购物时无法了解商品的质量,收到货物以后可能会因为对质量不满意而退货)[B]they eventually find the purchase too expensive(由第二段第二句可知,全球金融危机带来的挥之不去的阴影可能会让人们更难接受奢侈的消费,因此人们最终可能会觉得所买物品太贵而退货)[C]they change their mind out of uncertainty 人们的不确定(uncertainty)应该是在收到货之前,因为那时候无法触摸到货物,而收到货物之后就不存在不确定的情况了,因此“他们由于不确定而改变主意”并不是文中提到的购物者退货的一个原因。[D]they regret making the purchase without forethought (由第二段第三句可知,人们在网络购物时可能会因为冲动而做出错误的决定,他们购物后可能会因为在购物之前没有考虑清楚而后悔)。

22.What is the purpose of the experiment in the bookstore?

A.To see which promotion method is preferred by customers.

B.To find out the strengths and weaknesses of both methods.

C.To try to set up a new retailer-customer relationship.

D.To see the effect of an approach on customers’decisions.

正确答案:D本题解析:[A]To see which promotion method is preferred by customers.(实验中确实采用了两种促销方法,也对比了效果,但实验的目的并不是要看哪一种更受顾客喜爱,而是想说明其中一种方法中所采用的触摸手段对于购买所起的作用)[B]To find out the strengths and weaknesses of both methods.(实验中并没有提到两种方法的优缺点)[C]To try to set up a new retailer-customer relationship.(利用第四段倒数第二句中的establish…connection设的干扰,并非实验的目的)[D]To see the effect of an approach on customers’decisions.实验对比了两种促销方法的不同效果,第四段后半部分分析了第二种方法更有效的原因:触摸让顾客产生了拥有感(sense of ownership),从而刺激了他们的购买欲(motivate the purchase)。由此可知,本实验的目的就是为了观察该方法对顾客的决定产生的影响。

23.Why does the author cite the study by Bangor University and the Royal Mail Service?

A.To compare similar responses in different settings.

B.To provide further evidence for his own observation.

C.To offer a scientific account of the brain’s functions.

D.To describe emotional responses in online shopping.

正确答案:B本题解析:验都说明了触摸的作用,但作者引用这一研究只是想进一步说明触摸的作用,而不是为了把两种情况进行对比)[B]To provide further evidence for his own observation.第五段作者指出,最近班戈大学联合英国皇家邮政进行的一项研究也说明了触摸的作用(also revealed the power of touch),而前面第三、四段中作者介绍了他组织实施的一项实验,该实验中作者发现了触摸对于购买的作用,由此可推知作者在第五段中引用该研究是为了进一步证明他实验中观察到的结果。[C]To offer a scientific account of the brain’s functions.(针对第五段第三句…the emotional centre of the brain was activated…设的干扰)[D]To describe emotional responses in online shopping.(文中描写的是线下购买时触摸会引起情感反应,而不是线上购买会引起情感反应)。

24.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Real satisfaction depends on factors other than the computer.

B.Despite online shopping we still attach importance to gift buying.

C.Some people are still uncertain about the digital age.

D.Online shopping offers real satisfaction to shoppers.

正确答案:A本题解析:[A]Real satisfaction depends on factors other than the computer.文章末句指出,不论我们多么确信数字化是必然要走的路,真正的满足感(real satisfaction)都不可能是几次简单的敲击就能带来的(take more than a few simple clicks),也就是说,要获得真正的满足感,除了计算机外还需要依赖其他因素。[B]Despite online shopping we still attach importance to gift buying.(对文意的曲解,文中并不是强调要重视礼物购买)[C]Some people are still uncertain about the digital age.(与文章末句中的no matter how convinced we all are that digital is the way to go 矛盾)[D]Online shopping offers real satisfaction to shoppers.(与文意相反)。


My professor brother and I have an argument about head and heart,about whether he overvalues IQ while I lean more toward EQ.We typically have this debate about people—can you be friends with a really smart jerk(怪物)?—but there’s a corollary to animals as well.I’d love it if our dog could fetch the morning paper and then read it to me over coffee,but I actually care much more about her loyal and innocent heart.There’s already enough thinking going on in our house,and we probably spend too much time in our heads.Where we need some role modeling is in instinct,and that’s where a dog is a roving revelation.

I did not grow up with dogs,which meant that my older daughter’s respectful but unyielding determination to get one required some adjustment on my part.I often felt she was training me:from ages of6to9,she gently schooled me in various breeds and their personalities,whispered to the dogs we encountered so they would charm and persuade me,demonstrated by her self-discipline that she was ready for the responsibility.And thus came our dog Twist,whom I sometimes mistake for a third daughter.

At first I thought the challenge would be to train her to sit,to heel,to walk

calmly beside us and not go wildly chasing the neighborhood rabbits.But I soon discovered how much more we had to learn from her than she from us.

If it is true,for example,that the secret to a child’s success is less rare genius than raw persistence,Twist’s ability to stay on task is a model for us all, especially if the task is trying to capture the sunbeam that flicks around the living room as the wind blows through the branches outside.She never succeeds,and she never gives up.This includes when she runs square into walls.

Then there is her unfailing patience,which breaks down only when she senses that dinnertime was15minutes ago and we have somehow failed to notice.Even then she is more eager than indignant,and her refusal to whine shows a restraint of which I’m not always capable when hungry.

But the lesson I value most is the one in forgiveness,and Twist first offered this when she was still very young.When she was about7months old,we took her to the vet to be spayed(切除卵巢).We turned her over to a stranger,who proceeded to perform a procedure that was probably not pleasant.But when the vet returned her to us,limp and tender,there was no recrimination(反责),no How could you do that to me?It was as though she already knew that we would not intentionally cause her pain,and while she did not understand,she forgave and curled up with her head on my daughter’s lap.

I suppose we could have concluded that she was just blindly loyal and docile. But eventually we knew better.She is entirely capable of disobedience,as she has proved many times.She will ignore us when there are more interesting things to look at,rebuke us when we are careless,bark into the twilight when she has urgent messages to send.But her patience with our failings and fickleness and her willingness to give us a second chance are a daily lesson in gratitude.

My friends who grew up with dogs tell me how when they were teenagers and trusted no one in the world,they could tell their dog all their secrets.It was the one friend who would not gossip or betray,could provide in the middle of the night the soft,unbegrudging comfort and peace that adolescence conspires to disrupt.An age that is all about growth and risk needs some anchors and weights,a model of steadfastness when all else is in flux.Sometimes I think Twist’s devotion keeps my girls on a benevolent leash,one that hangs quietly at their side as they trot along but occasionally yanks them back to safety and solid ground.

We’ve weighed so many decisions so carefully in raising our daughters—what school to send them to and what church to attend,when to give them cell phones and with what precautions.But when it comes to what really shapes their character and binds our family,I never would have thought we would owe so much to its smallest member.

25.In the first paragraph,the author suggests that____.

A.a person can either have a high IQ or a low EQ

B.her professor brother cares too much about IQ

C.we need examples of how to follow one’s heart

D.she prefers dogs that are clever and loyal

正确答案:C本题解析:[A]a person can either have a high IQ or a low EQ(第一段第一句提到,作者和哥哥分别倾向于重视情商和智商,但这并不表明一个人智商高情商便低)[B]her professor brother cares too much about IQ(从第一段第一句中whether引导的从句可以明确看出作者的教授哥哥过于在乎智商,这个选项是对原文的同义转述,不需要进行推断,故排除)[C]we need examples of how to follow one’s heart第一段作者首先指出自己和哥哥对人的智商和情商的不同看法,由此引入作者对狗的智商和情商的观点。第三句作者指出她更注重狗的忠心和诚实而不是它的聪明,第四、五句解释了原因:在家里我们已经思考得够多了,或许花费了太多时间去动脑思考。我们需要感性一些的行为榜样,言外之意是这个家需要的不是高智商,而是高情商,要学习用心而不是用脑。[D] she prefers dogs that are clever and loyal(第一段第三句表明,作者偏爱忠诚的狗,而不是聪明的狗)。

26.According to the passage,all the following are Twist’s characteristics EXCEPT____.





正确答案:A本题解析:[A]resignation第七段第一句作者首先指出她一开始对Twist 的错误认识:只是盲目地忠诚和顺从。随后表明事实并非如此,指出Twist完全有能力做一些叛逆的事情,由此可见resignation“(无奈的)顺从”并不是Twist的特点之一。[B] patience(第五段第一句明确指出Twist有着极大的耐心)[C]forgiveness(第六段第一句表明宽恕也是Twist的特点)[D]tenacity(第四段指出坚持完成任务的Twist是我们的榜样,随后以Twist坚持不懈地追逐卧室中摇曳不定的光束为例进行说明,由此可见坚持不懈也是Twist的特点之一)。

27.According to the context,the meaning of the word“square”is closest to____.





正确答案:C本题解析:[A]fast(第四段旨在说明Twist坚持不懈的性格特点,用以描述速度的“fast”并不符合语境)[B]blindly(第四段作者赞美了Twist坚持不懈,blindly 表达消极含义,与语境不符)[C]straight第四段作者旨在说明Twist具有坚持不懈的性格特点,并以她追逐卧室中摇曳不定的光束为例进行说明。倒数第二句指出,虽然Twist 从未抓住过光束,但她从不放弃。最后一句通过“……撞墙”来证明没有什么事能阻止Twist 追逐光束。根据语境,straight“直接地”能使句意通顺。[D]stubbornly(第四段作者赞美了Twist坚持不懈,stubbornly表达消极含义,与语境不符)。

28.That Twist’s devotion keeps my girls on a benevolent leash means that____.

A.Twist is capable of looking after the girls

B.Twist and the girls have become friends

C.Twist knows how to follow the girls

D.Twist’s loyalty helps the girls grow up

正确答案:D本题解析:[A]Twist is capable of looking after the girls(第八段旨在说明Twist指引孩子们,是榜样,并未涉及她对孩子的照顾)[B]Twist and the girls have become friends(Twist和孩子们已经成为朋友是事实,但第八段着重说明的是Twist 在孩子们成长过程中发挥的指引作用)[C]Twist knows how to follow the girls(第八段最后一句中提到的one that hangs quietly at their side…是一种比喻,旨在说明Twist在孩子们成长过程中的作用,而不是要表达Twist知道如何跟随孩子们)[D]Twist’s loyalty helps the girls grow up第八段第一至三句指出狗的性格特点:不背后议论人,

也不会背叛朋友,这些特点使它们能够指引成长中的、正处于冒险年纪的人,在他们飘忽不定的时候树立一个坚定的榜样。由此可以推断Twist’s devotion keeps my girls on a benevolent leash旨在表达Twist不背后议论人、不会背叛朋友的性格特点对孩子们的成长有益。最后一句中的one that hangs quietly…进一步说明Twist平时会默默地陪伴在孩子们周围,但一旦她们偏离了发展轨道,她就会将她们拉回正常轨道上。

29.What does the author try to express in the last paragraph?

A.Difficulties in raising her children.

B.Worries about what to buy for kids.

C.Gratitude to Twist for her role.

D.Concerns about schooling and religion.

正确答案:C本题解析:[A]Difficulties in raising her children.(末段中未体现出来)[B]Worries about what to buy for kids.(末段中未体现出来)[C]Gratitude to Twist for her role.最后一段第二句以but转折引出Twist在塑造孩子们的性格和团结家庭方面做出了突出的贡献,作者对Twist深表感激。[D]Concerns about schooling and religion.(是对末段第一句的误解)。


Most West African lorries are not in what one would call the first flush of youth,and I had learnt by bitter experience not to expect anything very much of them.But the lorry that arrived to take me up to the mountains was worse than anything I had seen before:it tottered on the borders of senile decay.It stood there on buckled wheels,wheezing and gasping with exhaustion from having to climb up the gentle slope to the camp,and I consigned myself and my loads to it with some fear. The driver,who was a cheerful fellow,pointed out that he would require my assistance in two very necessary operations:first,I had to keep the hand brake pressed down when travelling downhill,for unless it was held thus almost level with the floor it sullenly refused to function.Secondly,I had to keep a stern eye on the clutch, a willful piece of mechanism that seized every chance to leap out of its socket with a noise like a strangling leopard.As it was obvious that not even a West African lorry-driver could be successful in driving while crouched under the dashboard,I had to take over control of these instruments if I valued my life.So,while I ducked at intervals to put on the brake,amid the rich smell of burning rubber,our noble lorry jerked its way towards the mountains at a steady twenty miles per hour; sometimes,when a downward slope favoured it,it threw caution to the winds and careered(猛冲)along in a reckless fashion at twenty-five.

For the first thirty miles the red earth road wound its way through the lowland forest,the giant trees standing in solid ranks alongside and their branches entwined (盘绕)in an archway of leaves above us.Slowly and almost imperceptibly the road started to climb upwards,looping its way in languid curves round the forested hills. In the back of the lorry the boys lifted up their voices in song: Home again,home again.

When shall I see ma home?

The driver hummed the refrain(副歌)softly to himself glancing at me to see if I would object.To his surprise I joined in and so while the lorry rolled onwards,

the boys in the back maintained the chorus while the driver and I harmonized and sang complicated bits.

Breaks in the forest became more frequent the higher we climbed,and presently a new type of undergrowth began to appear:massive tree-ferns standing at the roadside on their thick,squat,hairy trunks.These ferns were the guardians of a new world,for suddenly,as though the hills had shrugged themselves free of a cloak, the forest disappeared.It lay behind us in the valley,while above us the hillside rose majestically,covered in a coat of waist-high grass.The lorry crept higher and higher,the engine gasping and shuddering with this unaccustomed activity.I began to think that we should have to push the wretched thing up the last two or three hundred feet,but to everyone’s surprise we made it,and the lorry crept on to the brow of the hill,trembling with fatigue,spouting steam from its radiator like a dying whale.We crawled to a standstill and the driver switched off the engine.

“We must wait small-time,engine get hot,”he explained,pointing to the forequarters of the lorry,which were by now completely invisible under a cloud of steam.Thankfully I descended from the red-hot inside of the cab and strolled down to where the road dipped into the next valley.From this vantage point I could see the country we had travelled through and the country we were to enter.

30.That it tottered on the borders of senile decay means that the lorry was____.

A.about to break down

B.a very old vehicle

C.unable to travel the distance

D.a dangerous vehicle

正确答案:A本题解析:[A]about to break down首段第三句作者对乘坐的这辆卡车进行了描述:它的轮胎已经变形,(想到)要爬那道通往营地的缓坡,就先累得气喘吁吁了;该句也是对it tottered on the borders of senile decay这句话的补充说明,即作者乘坐的这辆卡车已经快要散架了。was about to对应on the borders of。[B]a very old vehicle(不够准确,不能说明这辆车快要报废)[C]unable to travel the distance(文中说的是这辆卡车快要报废了,但还能用)[D]a dangerous vehicle(危险并非这辆卡车的自身特征,把这样一辆卡车开上路才是危险的行为)。

31.Which of the following words in the first paragraph is used literally?





正确答案:C本题解析:[A]Flush.(原意为“红晕,红光”,此处表示“活力”)[B]Borders.(原意为“边缘,边界”,文中的on the borders of表示“几乎快要”)[C]Operations. operation意为“(对机器等的)操作”,首段第三句冒号后讲述的是对汽车的两种操作,由此可见,operation在文中使用的正是其原意。[D]Gasping.(原意为“喘气”,此处被用来形容卡车,因此已经被引申为“机器因老化而发出的噪音”)。

32.We learn from the first paragraph that the author regards the inadequacies of the lorry as____.

A.inevitable and amusing

B.dangerous and frightening

C.novel and unexpected

D.welcome and interesting

正确答案:B本题解析:[A]inevitable and amusing(原文未提及)[B]dangerous and frightening首段第三句后半部分提到,作者带着行李坐上车时心里不禁有些害怕(fear),

由此可见,卡车所存在的种种缺陷让作者担心旅途不安全,有些害怕。[C]novel and unexpected(原文未提及)[D]welcome and interesting(原文未提及)。

33.All the following words in the last but one paragraph describe the lorry as a human EXCEPT____.





正确答案:B本题解析:[A]trembling(意为“颤栗,颤抖”,用于形容卡车累得像人一样颤抖)[B]spouting倒数第二段末句明确提到,(卡车)从散热器里喷出蒸汽,像一头垂死的鲸鱼一样,由此可见,此处是将卡车比喻成一头垂死的鲸鱼,而非人。[C] shuddering(意为“颤栗,发抖”,用于形容卡车累得像人一样发抖)[D]crept(意为“爬行,缓慢地行进”,用于形容卡车吃力地爬上山顶)。

34.We can infer from the passage that the author was____.

A.bored by the appearance of the grasslands ahead

B.reluctant to do any walking in so hot a climate

C.unfriendly towards the local driver and boys

D.a little surprised to have to help drive the lorry

正确答案:D本题解析:[A]bored by the appearance of the grasslands ahead(原文倒数第二段第三句提到,山坡上覆盖着一层及腰高的草,作者在这里只是客观地描述景色,没有对心情或态度的描写)[B]reluctant to do any walking in so hot a climate(原文末段第二句提到,作者庆幸终于能离开蒸笼般的车厢,漫步山谷,由此可知,作者还是乐意在这么热的天气里行走的)[C]unfriendly towards the local driver and boys(原文倒数第三段提到,作者跟司机和孩子们一起唱歌,因此作者对司机和孩子们是友好的)[D] a little surprised to have to help drive the lorry首段第四句提到,卡车司机表示在卡车行驶过程中需要作者的帮助,第六句描写的是作者对这一要求的看法:如果自己珍惜生命的话就应该答应卡车司机的要求,言外之意是,虽然这一要求不符合常理,有些出人意料,但是考虑到卡车的状况,如果想安全到达目的地的话,就得配合卡车司机。由此可以推断,作者在听到需要帮助司机驾驶卡车时感到惊奇。

35.A suitable title for the passage would be____.

A.A journey that scared me

B.A journey to remember

C.The wild West African lorry

D.A comic journey in West Africa

正确答案:D本题解析:[A]A journey that scared me(作者所乘坐的卡车虽然有些让人害怕,但在整个旅途中并未发生让人恐惧的事情)[B]A journey to remember(范围太广,主题太宽泛)[C]The wild West African lorry(卡车在行驶过程中并未出现失控的情况)[D]A comic journey in West Africa本文主要描写的是作者在西非的一段旅程,作者用诙谐的语言对所乘坐的卡车进行了详细描述,由此也让读者体会到这段旅程充满了喜剧性。


Have you ever noticed a certain similarity in public parks and back gardens in the cities of the West?A ubiquitous woodland mix of lawn grasses and trees has found its way throughout Europe and the United States,and it’s now spread to other cities around the world.As ecologist Peter Groffman has noted,it’s increasingly difficult to tell one suburb apart from another,even when they’re located in vastly

different climates such as Phoenix,Arizona,or Boston in the much chillier north-east of the US.And why do parks in New Zealand often feature the same species of trees that grow on the other side of the world in the UK?

Inspired by the English and New England countrysides,early landscape architects of the19th century created an aesthetic for urban public and private open space that persists to this day.But in the21st century,urban green space is tasked with doing far more than simply providing aesthetic appeal.From natural systems to deal with surface water run-off and pollution to green corridors to increasing interest in urban food production,the urban parks of the future will be designed and engineered for functionality as well as for beauty.

Imagine travelling among the cities of the mid-21st century and finding a unique set of urban landscapes that capture local beauty,natural and cultural history, and the environmental context.They are tuned to their locality,and diverse within as well as across cities.There are patches that provide shade and cooling,places of local food production,and corridors that connect both residents and wildlife to the surrounding native environment.Their functions are measured and monitored to meet the unique needs of each city for food production,water use,nutrient recycling,and habitat.No two green spaces are quite the same.

Planners are already starting to work towards this vision.And if this movement has a buzzword it is“hyperfunctionality”—designs which provide multiple uses in a confined space.At the moment,urban landscapes are highly managed and limited in their spatial extent.Even the“green”cities of the future will contain extensive areas of buildings,roads,railways,and other built structures.These future cities are likely to contain a higher proportion of green cover than the cities of today,with an increasing focus on planting on roofs,vertical walls,and surfaces like car parks.But built environments will still be ever-present in dense megacities.We can greatly enhance the utility of green space through designs that provide a range of different uses in a confined space.A hyperfunctional planting, for example,might be designed to provide food,shade,wildlife habitat,and pollution removal all in the same garden with the right choice of plants and management practices.

What this means is that we have to maximize the benefits and uses of urban parks, while minimizing the costs of building and maintaining them.Currently,green space and street plantings are relatively similar throughout the Western world,regardless of differences in local climate,geography,and natural history.Even desert cities feature the same sizable street trees and well-watered and well-fertilized lawns that you might see in more temperate climes.The movement to reduce the resources and water requirements of such urban landscapes in these arid areas is called “xeriscaping”—a concept that has so-far received mixed responses in terms of public acceptance.Scott Yabiku and colleagues at the Central Arizona

Phoenix project showed that newcomers to the desert embrace xeriscaping more than long-time residents,who are more likely to prefer the well-watered aesthetic.In part,this may be because xeriscaping is justified more by reducing landscaping costs —in this case water costs—than by providing desired benefits like recreation,

pollution mitigation,and cultural value.From this perspective,xeriscaping can seem more like a compromise than an asset.

But there are other ways to make our parks and natural spaces do more.Nan Ellin, of the Ecological Planning Center in the US,advocates an asset-based approach to urbanism.Instead of envisioning cities in terms of what they can’t have,ecological planners are beginning to frame the discussion of future cities in terms of what they do have—their natural and cultural assets.In Utah’s Salt Lake City,instead of couching environmental planning as an issue of resource scarcity,the future park is described as“mountain urbanism”and the strong association of local residents with the natural environment of the mountain ranges near their home.From this starting point,the local climate,vegetation,patterns of rain and snowfall,and mountain topography are all deemed natural assets that create a new perspective when it comes to creating urban green space.In Cairns,Australia,the local master plan embraces“tropical urbanism”that conveys a sense of place through landscaping features,while also providing important functions such as shading and cooling in this tropical climate.

The globally homogenized landscape aesthetic—which sees parks from Boston to Brisbane looking worryingly similar—will diminish in importance as future urban green space will be more receptive to local values and cultural perceptions of beauty.This will lead to a far greater diversity of urban landscape designs than are apparent today.Already,we are seeing new purposes for urban landscaping that are transforming the20th century woodland park into bioswales—plantings designed to filter stormwater—green roofs,wildlife corridors,and urban food gardens.However,until recently we have been lacking the datasets and science-based specifications for designs that work to serve all of these purposes at once.

In New York City,Thomas Whitlow of Cornell University sends his students through tree-lined streets with portable,backpack-mounted air quality monitors. At home in his laboratory,he places tree branches in wind tunnels to measure pollution deposition onto leaves.It turns out that currently,many street tree plantings are ineffective at removing air pollutants,and instead may trap pollutants near the ground.Rather than relying on assumptions about the role of urban vegetation in improving the environment and health,future landscaping designs will be engineered based on empirical data and state of the art of simulations.

New datasets on the performance of urban landscapes are changing our view of what future urban parks will look like and what it will do.With precise measurements of pollutant uptake,water use,plant growth rates,and greenhouse gas emissions, we are better able to design landscapes that require less intensive management and are less costly,while providing more social and environmental uses.

36.According to the passage,which of the following serves as the BEST reason for the similarity in urban green space throughout the West?



C.Functional purposes.

D.Design principles.

正确答案:D本题解析:[A]Climate.(与第五段第二句不符,该句提到不论处于什么气候区或地理位置,整个西方世界的绿地和街道绿化的模式都差不多)[B]Geography.(同上)[C]Functional purposes.(与第三段第四、五句不符,功能性使不同的绿地呈现差异)[D] Design principles.首段末句就新西兰与英国公园里树木种类为何相同设问,第二段首句作出回答:由于受到英国和新英格兰乡村的启发,19世纪早期的景观设计师创造出了一种适合城市公共和私人开放空间的审美标准,这种审美标准一直持续到今天,可见西方绿地的相似性来源于一致的设计理念。

37.The following are all features of future urban green space EXCEPT that____.

A.each city has its distinct style of urban green space

B.urban landscape will focus more on cultural history

C.urban green space will be designed to serve many uses

D.more green cover will be seen on city roofs and walls

正确答案:B本题解析:[A]each city has its distinct style of urban green space (与第三段第二句相符,该句提到未来城市的景观充满多样色彩)[B]urban landscape will focus more on cultural history张冠李戴。文中第三段首句提到…urban landscapes that capture local beauty,natural and cultural history…,但不符合题干中的green space。[C]urban green space will be designed to serve many uses(与第二段末句相符,该句举例说明未来城市公园的设计要兼顾诸多功能)[D]more green cover will be seen on city roofs and walls(与第四段第五句相符,该句提到未来城市更关注房顶、垂直墙面的绿化)。

38.Why are some local residents opposed to“xeriscaping”?

A.It cannot reduce water requirements.

B.It has proved to be too costly.

C.It is not suited for the local area.

D.It does not have enough advantages.

正确答案:D本题解析:艺”的目的是降低干旱地区的城市景观对资源和水的需求)[B]It has proved to be too costly.(与第五段第六句不符,该句提到“节水型园艺”能降低景观成本)[C]It is not suited for the local area.(文中未提到“节水型园艺”不适合当地)[D]It does not have enough advantages.第五段第六句提到,“节水型园艺”的合理性更多地体现在降低水资源成本上,而非提供人们预想中的诸如休闲、减少污染和文化价值等益处,可见“节水型园艺”缺乏足够的优势。第五段末句也提到,“节水型园艺”更像是一种妥协,而不是一种资源。

39.According to the passage,if planners adopt an asset-based approach,they will probably____.

A.incorporate the area’s natural and cultural heritage into their design

B.make careful estimation of the area’s natural resources before designing

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ea4956747.html,bine natural resources and practical functions in their design

D.envision more purposes for urban landscaping in their design

正确答案:A本题解析:[A]incorporate the area’s natural and cultural heritage into their design第六段第三句提到,在以资源为本的城市规划方法中,规划者们首先考虑城市拥有的自然和文化资源,即将当地的自然和文化遗产融入设计之中。[B]make careful estimation of the area’s natural resources before designing(仔细评估当

地的自然资源是设计前的必要步骤,并非以资源为本的城市规划方法的独有特点)[C] combine natural resources and practical functions in their design(与第六段第三句不符,该句还提到要将文化资源融入设计)[D]envision more purposes for urban landscaping in their design(文中并未提到以资源为本的城市规划方法在设计中设想更多的目的)。

40.According to the passage,future landscaping designs will rely more on____.

A.human assumptions

B.field work

C.scientific estimation

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ea4956747.html,boratory work

正确答案:C本题解析:[A]human assumptions(与第八段末句不符,该句提到未来的景观设计将不再依赖人们的假设)[B]field work(原文未提及)[C]scientific estimation 第八段末句提到,未来的景观设计将不再依赖人们对于城市植被在改善环境和有益健康方面作用的假设,而将以科学实验数据和最先进的模拟为基础,可见未来的景观设计将更多地依靠科学评估。[D]laboratory work(针对第八段第二句中的laboratory设置的干扰项,实验室工作只是科学评估的一种途径)。


41.Which party is in power now in the UK?

A.The Conservative Party.

B.The Labour Party.

C.The Liberal Democrats.

D.The Scottish National Party.

正确答案:A本题解析:选[A]。本题考查英国政治。英国有三个主要政党:保守党(The Conservative Party)、工党(The Labour Party)和自由民主党(The Liberal Democrats,常缩写为LibDems),目前执政的是保守党。保守党被官方称为保守与统一党(Conservative and Unionist Party),俗称托利党(Tories),是英国历史最悠久的政党,也是全国最大的保守右翼政党。按下院所占议席数计算,保守党现在是英国第一大党。工党是英国一个中间偏左,社会民主主义和民主社会主义的政党。自由民主党是英国中间偏左的自由主义政党,于1988年由前自由党和短暂存在的社会民主党合并而成(两党于合并前就已结为政治同盟数年)。自由民主党目前是英国国会中的第三大党,仅次于保守党和工党。2010年英国大选后,保守党与自由民主党宣布组成联合政府。苏格兰民族党(The Scottish National Party)是苏格兰的左翼政党,主要致力于苏格兰独立运动。故本题答案为[A]。

42.Which of the following lakes does Canada share with the United States?

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ea4956747.html,ke Winnipeg.

B.The Great Slave Lake.

C.The Great Bear Lake.

D.The five Great Lakes.

正确答案:D本题解析:选[D]。本题考查地理知识。五大湖(The five Great Lakes)是位于加拿大与美国交界处的五个大型淡水湖泊,按面积从大到小分别为:苏必利尔湖(Lake Superior)、休伦湖(Lake Huron)、密歇根湖(Lake Michigan)、伊利湖(Lake Erie)和安大略湖(Lake Ontario)。除密歇根湖全部属于美国之外,其他四湖均为加拿大和美国共有。温尼伯湖(Lake Winnipeg)是加拿大南部边界最大的湖泊。大奴湖(The Great Slave Lake)又称大斯雷夫湖,是加拿大第二大湖,位于加拿大西北部,近艾伯塔省北界。大熊湖(The Great Bear Lake)是加拿大第一大湖,北美洲第四大湖,因湖区多北极熊得名,位于加拿大西北部,北极圈经其北部。故本题答案为[D]。

43.U.S.senators serve for_______years after they are elected.






44.Who were the natives of Australia before the arrival of the British settlers?

A.The Eskimos.

B.The Maori.

C.The Indians.

D.The Aborigines.

正确答案:D本题解析:选[D]。本题考查澳大利亚的历史知识。澳大利亚土著(The Aborigines)是最早居住在澳大利亚及其附近岛屿的民族。自欧洲人来澳定居至今,仍然有土著居民住在澳大利亚。爱斯基摩人(The Eskimos)生活在北极地区,现称因纽特人(Inuit),分布在从西伯利亚、阿拉斯加到格陵兰的北极圈内外,分别居住在格陵兰、美国、加拿大和俄罗斯,属蒙古人种北极类型,先后创制了用拉丁字母和斯拉夫字母拼写的文字。多数爱斯基摩人信奉万物有灵和萨满教,也有部分人信奉基督教新教和天主教。毛利人(The Maori)是新西兰最早的定居者。印第安人(The Indians),亦作Amerindian或Amerind,是对除因纽特人外的所有美洲原住民的总称。美洲土著居民中的绝大多数为印第安人,分布于南北美洲各国,传统上将其划归蒙古人种美洲支系。故本题答案为[D]。

45.____is best known for the technique of dramatic monologue in his poems.

A.Robert Browning


C.William Blake

D.William Wordsworth

正确答案:A本题解析:选[A]。本题考查英国文学知识。罗伯特·勃朗宁(Robert Browning)是英国诗人、剧作家,对英国诗歌的最大贡献是发展和完善了戏剧独白诗(dramatic monologue)这种独特的诗歌形式;《我最后的公爵夫人》(My Last Duchess)是勃朗宁早期戏剧独白诗中最著名的一首。威廉·巴特勒·叶芝(William Butler Yeats),爱尔兰诗人、剧作家。叶芝早年的创作具有浪漫主义风格,进入不惑之年后,在现代主义诗人伊兹拉·庞德等人的影响下,尤其是在其本人参与爱尔兰民族主义政治运动的切身经验的影响下,叶芝的创作风格发生了比较激烈的变化,更加趋近于现代主义的风格。威廉·布莱克(William Blake)是英国第一位重要的浪漫主义诗人、版画家,英国文学史上重要的伟大诗人之一,主要作品有诗集《纯真之歌》《经验之歌》等,其早期作品简洁明快,中后期作品趋向玄妙深沉,充满神秘色彩。威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)是英国浪漫主义诗人,其小诗清新,长诗清新而又深刻,一反新古典主义平板、典雅的风格,开创了新鲜活泼的浪漫主义诗风。故本题答案为[A]。

46.Which of the following is a contemporary British poet?

A.Ted Hughes.

B.William Wordsworth.

C.E. E.Cummings.

D.Carl Sandburg.

正确答案:A本题解析:选[A]。本题考查英国文学知识。特德·休斯(Ted Hughes,1930年-1998年)与菲利普·拉金一起,为公认的第二次世界大战后英国最重要的两位诗人。威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth,1770年—1850年)是英国浪漫主义诗人,其诗歌理论动摇了英国古典主义诗学的统治,有力地推动了英国诗歌的革新和浪漫主义运动的发展。爱德华·埃斯特林·卡明斯(Edward Estlin Cummings,1894年-1962年),美国著名诗人、画家、评论家、作家和剧作家。卡尔·桑德堡(Carl Sandburg,1878年-1967年)是美国诗人、历史学家、小说家、民谣歌手、民俗学研究者,曾三次获普利策文学奖。故本题答案为[A]。

47.Who was the author of Moby-Dick?

A.Nathaniel Hawthorne.

B.Ralph Waldo Emerson.

C.Herman Melville.

D.Washington Irving.

正确答案:C本题解析:选[C]。本题考查文学知识。《白鲸记》(Moby-Dick)是19世纪美国最重要的小说家之一——赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville,1819年—1891年)于1851年发表的一篇海洋题材的小说,其中描写了亚哈船长为了追逐并杀死白鲸莫比·迪克,最终与白鲸同归于尽的故事。故事营造了一种让人置身海上航行、随时遭遇各种危险甚至是死亡的氛围。纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)是19世纪前半期美国最伟大的小说家,其代表作品有:短篇小说集《古宅青苔》《重讲一遍的故事》等,长篇小说《红字》《带七个尖顶的阁楼》《福谷传奇》《玉石人像》等。拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson)是美国思想家、文学家、诗人,1836年出版处女作《论自然》。他在文学上的贡献主要是散文和诗歌。华盛顿·欧文(Washington Irving)是19世纪美国最著名的作家,号称美国文学之父其第一部重要作品是《纽约外史》。1819年,他的《见闻札记》出版,引起欧洲和美国文学界的重视,奠定了他在美国文学史上的地位。故本题答案为[C]。

48.The words“tennis,badminton,golf,basketball and football”constitute a____ field.





正确答案:A本题解析:选[A]。本题考查语言学知识。semantic“语义的”;connotative “含蓄的,隐含的”;conceptual“概念(上)的;观念(上)的”;collocative“搭配的”。tennis,badminton,golf,basketball和football同属于球类名词,构成一个语义场(semantic field),故本题答案为[A]。

49.A:Do you like ice cream?B:Yes,I do.

This is an example of____.





正确答案:B本题解析:选[B]。本题考查修辞学知识。reference“指称”;substitution “替代”;conjunction“连接”;ellipsis“省略”。答语中的do用作代动词,替代like ice cream。故本题答案为[B]。

50.Which of the following is a voiceless consonant?





正确答案:C本题解析:选[C]。本题考查语音学知识。题干中的voiceless consonant意为“清辅音”,选项中只有[p]是清辅音,故[C]为答案。


When I was in my early teens,I was taken to a spectacular show

on ice by the mother of a friend.Looked round at the luxury of the rink,my friend’s mother remarked on the“plush”seats we had been given.I did not know what she meant,and being proud of my vocabulary,I tried to infer its meaning from the context.“Plush”was clearly intended as a complimentary,a positive evaluation:that much I could tell it from the tone of voice and the context,so I started to use the word.Yes,I replied,they certainly are plush,and so are the ice rink and the costumes of the skaters,aren’t they?My (1)____




friend’s mother was very polite to correct me,but I could tell from her expression that I had not got the word quite right.

Often we can indeed infer from the context what a word roughly means,and that is in fact the way which we usually acquire both

new words and new meanings for familiar words,specially in our

own first language.But sometimes we need to ask,as I should have asked for plush,and this is particularly true in the

aspect of a foreign language.If you continually surrounded by

speakers of the language you are learning,you can ask them directly, but often this opportunity does not exist for the learner of English.

So dictionaries have been developed to mend the gap.(5)____






51.(1)____正确答案:looking本题解析:【快速找错】看下一行可知my friend’s mother 为整个句子的主语,注意到Looked around与主语my friend’s mother的语态不一致,考虑语态错误。【解析】Looked—Looking。非谓语结构的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致时,非谓语动词应该用主动形式,本行中Looking around…即my friend’s mother发出的动作,故用主动形式。

52.(2)____正确答案:but本题解析:【快速找错】本行连词and前面的I did not know…与and后面的being proud of my…的时态以及语态以及句子结构均无误,从句子前后意思判断连词and有误。【解析】and—but。连词后面的分句being proud of my vocabulary,I tried to…与连词前面的分句I did not know what she meant的意思发生了转折,不是并列或顺承的关系,应该用转折连词but表明前后分句的转折关系。

53.(3)____正确答案:compliment本题解析:【快速找错】上一行的“Plush”到本行冒号前的evaluation这部分为一个简单句,该句中主谓成分完整无误,因此考虑宾语成分a complimentary,a positive evaluation中某个词的意义或形式有误。【解析】complimentary—compliment。complimentary为形容词,不能用不定冠词a修饰,故将complimentary(形容词)改为compliment(名词),与后面的名词positive evaluation 并列作intended的宾语。

54.(4)____正确答案:it本题解析:【快速找错】本行So I后面的句子结构完整,语态、时态无误,而that much I…context中谓语could tell的宾语是前面的that,因此判断本行it有误。【解析】it—/。much是程度副词,作状语,表明I could tell…from 的程度,that指代冒号前的a compliment,a positive evaluation,作谓语could tell 的宾语,因此it在此处多余,应去掉。

55.(5)____正确答案:too本题解析:【快速找错】第一分句为主系表结构,系动词与主语一致,时态、语态无误,转折连词表明第二分句I could tell…quite right与第一分句意思相反,而第二分句时态、语态以及句子结构无误,因此判断第一分句结构very…to…有误。【解析】very—too。转折连词but表示后面与前面的内容意思相反,后面的分句提到作者从朋友母亲的表情判断出自己并没有理解对那个单词,所以前一句就应是朋友的母亲“太客气了而没有纠正”作者,即too…to…的固定句型。

56.(6)____正确答案:in本题解析:【快速找错】第一个分句包含what引导的宾语从句,做动词infer的宾语,时态、语态以及宾语从句的语序均无误,故将错误锁定在第二个分句。【解析】the way∧which—in。第二个分句包含which引导的定语从句we usually acquire…new words and meanings for familiar words,主、谓、宾结构完整,先行词

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