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Remarks by the First Lady at Number Seven School

Chengdu, China

March 25, 2014

Ni hao. It is truly a pleasure to be here at the Number Seven School. Thank

you so much for your warm welcome.

Now, before I get started, on behalf of myself and my husband, I want to say that our hearts go out to all those with loved ones on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. As I said this past weekend when I spoke at Peking University, we are very much keeping all of them in our thoughts and our prayers at this tremendously difficult time.

So now, let me start by thanking your Principal, Principal Liu, and your classmate, Ju Chao, for that wonderful introduction. Your English, Ju Chao, is excellent, and you should be very proud. Thank you so much. (Applause.) And I want to thank all of the students here today, both those of you here in person and those of you joining remotely from across the region. I’m thrilled to be visiting your wonderful school.

Now, in preparation for this visit, before I left the U.S. I visited the Yu Ying School. It’s a public school near the White House in Washington, D.C., and all of the students at this school study Chinese. And I met with the sixth-grade class, kids who are 11 and 12 years old. They had recently taken a trip here to China, and they were bursting with excitement. They were eager to tell me about everything about what they had seen.

But they admitted that before their trip, they had all kinds of misconceptions about China. They thought they would see palaces and temples everywhere they went, but instead they found massive cities filled with skyscrapers. They weren’t sure that they’d like the food here in China, but they actually loved it, and they learned how to use chopsticks. And in the end, one of the students told me –- and this is his quote -- he said, “Coming home was really exciting, but was at the same time sad.”

Now, meeting these students reminded me that when we live so far away from each other, it’s easy to develop all kinds of misconceptions and stereotypes. It’s easy to focus on our differences –- how we speak different languages and eat different foods and observe different traditions. But as I travel the world, and I meet young people from so many countries, I’m always struck by how much more we have in common. And that’s been particularly true during my visit here in China.

You see, the truth is that I grew up like many of you. My mom, my dad, my brother and I, we lived in a tiny apartment in Chicago, which is one of the largest cities in America. My father worked at the local water plant. And we didn’t have much money, but our little home was bursting with love. Every evening, my family would laugh and share stories over dinner. We’d play card games and have fun for hours. And on summer nights, I remember, when our apartment got too hot, we’d all sleep outside on our back porch.

Family meant everything to us, including our extended family. My grandparents lived nearby, and my elderly great aunt and uncle lived in the apartment downstairs from us. And when their health started to decline my parents stepped in, helping my

uncle shave and dress each morning, dashing downstairs in the middle of the night to check on my aunt.

So in my family, like in so many of your families, we took care of each other. And while we certainly weren’t rich, my parents had big dreams for me and my brother. They had only a high school education themselves, but they were determined to send us both to universities.

So they poured all of their love and all of their hope into us, and they worked hard. They saved every penny. And I know that wasn’t easy for them, especially for my father. You see, my father had a serious illness called multiple sclerosis. And as he got sicker, it got harder for him to walk, and it took him longer to get dressed in the morning.

But no matter how tired he felt, no matter how much pain he was in, my father hardly ever missed a day of work, because he was determined to give me and my brother a better life. And every day, like so many of you, I felt the weight of my parents’sacrifices on my shoulders. Every day, I wanted to make them proud.

So while most American kids attend public schools near their homes, when it was time for me to attend high school, I took an exam and got into a special public high school where I could get a better education. But the school was very far from my home, so I had to get up early every morning and ride a bus for an hour, sometimes an hour and a half if the weather was bad. And every afternoon, I’d ride that same bus back home and then immediately start my homework, often studying late into the night -- and sometimes I would wake up at 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning to study even more.

And it wasn’t easy. But whenever I got tired or discouraged, I would just think about how hard my parents were working for me. And I would remember something my mother always told me –- she said: “A good education is something that no one can take away from you.”

And when it was time for me to apply to university, I had many options, because in America, there are many kinds of universities. There are four-year universities. There are two-year community colleges which are less expensive. There are universities where you take classes at night while working during the day. So you don’t have to be a top student to attend a university. And even if your parents don’t have much money or you live in a tiny town in a rural area, in America, you can still attend university. And you can get scholarships and government loans to help pay your tuition.

So I attended Princeton University for my undergraduate degree, and I went on to Harvard University for my graduate degree in law. And with those degrees I was able to become a lawyer at a large law firm, and then I worked as an executive at a city hospital, and then I was the director of an organization that helped disadvantaged

young people.

And my story isn’t unusual in America. Some of our most famous athletes, like LeBron James, and artists, like the singer Janelle Monae, came from struggling families like mine, as do many business leaders –like Howard Schultz. He’s the head of a company called Starbucks, which many of you may have heard of. When Mr. Schultz was a boy his father lost his job, leaving their family destitute. But Mr. Schultz worked hard. He got a scholarship to a university, and eventually built the largest coffeehouse company in the world.

And then there’s this other guy I know who was raised by a single mother who sometimes struggled to afford food for their family. But like me, this guy got scholarships and loans to attend universities. He became a lawyer and a professor, and then he was a state senator and then a national senator. And then, he became President of the United States. This guy I’m talking about is my husband, Barack Obama. (Applause.)

These stories are the stories of so many Americans, and of America itself. Because in America, we believe that no matter where you live or how much money your parents have, or what race or religion or ethnicity you are, if you work hard and believe in yourself, then you should have a chance to succeed. We also believe that everyone is equal, and that we all have the right to say what we think and worship as we choose, even when others don’t like what we say or don’t always agree with what we believe.

Now of course, living up to these ideals isn’t always easy. And there have been times in our history where we have fallen short. Many decades ago, there were actually laws in America that allowed discrimination against black people like me, who are a minority in the United States. But over time, ordinary citizens decided that those laws were unfair. So they held peaceful protests and marches. They called on government officials to change those laws, and they voted to elect new officials who shared their views.

And slowly but surely, America changed. We got rid of those unjust laws. And today, just 50 years later, my husband and I are President and First Lady of the United States. And that is really the story of America –- how over the course of our short history, through so many trials and struggles, we have become more equal, more inclusive, and more free.

And today in America, people of every race, religion and ethnicity live together and work together to build a better life for their children and grandchildren. And in the end, that deep yearning to leave something better for those who come after us, that is something we all truly share. In fact, there’s a Chinese saying that I love that says, “To achieve true happiness, help the next generation.”

And like so many of your parents, my parents sacrificed so much so that I could have opportunities they never dreamed of. And today, as a mother myself, I want even more opportunities for my own daughters. But of course, as I always tell my daughters, with opportunities come obligations.

And that is true for all of you as well. You all have the opportunity to receive an education from this wonderful school, and you all have an obligation to take the fullest advantage of this opportunity. And I know that’s exactly what you all are doing.

You’re winning prizes in math and science. Here, you are staging musical performances around the world. You’re volunteering in your communities. And many of you are working hard to get an education your parents never dreamed of.

So you all have so much to offer –- and that’s a good thing, because the world needs your talent. The world needs your creativity and energy more than ever before. Because we face big challenges that know no borders –- like improving the quality of our air and water, ensuring that people have good jobs, stopping the spread of disease. And soon, it will all fall to all of you to come together with people on every continent and solve these problems together.

Now, fortunately, here at this wonderful school, you’re already well on your way. For more than a decade, you’ve been building special relationships with a American school in -- an American high school, and many of you will attend universities in America or find other ways to reach out beyond your borders.

So in the years ahead, much like you and I are doing here today, you will be creating bonds of friendship across the globe that will last for decades to come. And over the past week, as I have seen both the ancient wonders and the modern achievements of your fascinating country, and as I’ve met with extraordinary young people like all of you, I am more confident than ever before in our shared future. And I cannot wait to see everything that you will achieve here in China and around the world.

Thank you again for hosting me and my family at this extraordinary school, and I wish you all the best of luck in your journey ahead. Xie-Xie. (Applause.)













































我们一些最有名的运动员,比如勒布朗.詹姆斯(LeBron James),还有艺术家,比如歌手加奈儿.梦奈(Janelle Monae),都来自困难家庭……还有很多商界领袖,

































米歇尔北大演讲稿中英对照 Remarks of First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama Stanford Center at Peking University Beijing, China March 22nd,2014 Ni-hao. It is such a pleasant and an honor to be here with all of you at this great university…Thank you so much for having me. 你好,能够在这所伟大的大学里与你们大家在一起,真是莫大的荣幸......非常感你们的邀请。 And before I get started today, on behalf of myself and my husband, I just want to say a few very brief words above Malaysian(sic) Airline Flight 370. 在开始今天讲话之前,我想代表我自己和我丈夫就马来西亚航空公司370航班简短地说几句。 As my husband has said, the United States is offering as many resources as possible to assist in the search. 如我丈夫所说,美国正提供尽可能多的资源协助搜寻工作。 And please know that we are keeping all the families and loved ones of those on this flight in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time. 请相信,在这个非常艰难的时刻,我们的心和航班上人员的家属和亲人在一起,我们为他们祈祷。 And with that, I want to start by recognizing our news Ambassador to China Ambassador Baucus…President Wang…Chairman Zhu…Vice President Li. Director Cueller, Professor Oi and the Stanford center…President Sexton from New York University which has an excellent study abroad program in Shanghai…and John Thorton, Director of the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University…thank you all so much for joining us. 现在,我们首先来认识一下美国新任驻华大使,博卡斯大使、王校长、朱主席、副校长、 Cuelluer主任、Oi教授和斯坦福中心,纽约大学的塞克顿斯校长,该校在开设了一个优秀的海外留学项目,以及清华大学全球领袖项目主任约翰桑顿,由衷地感大家的到来。 And most of all, I want to thank all of the student for being here today…and I particulary want to thank Eric Schafer and Zhu Xuanhao for that extraordinary English and Chinese introduction.


英语演讲稿 英语演讲:米歇尔·奥巴马在迪拉德大学毕业典礼上的演讲(中英字幕+文本) MRS. OBAMA: Oh, my goodness! Good morning! AUDIENCE: Good morning. MRS. OBAMA: I am so happy to be here with you all. I’m proud to be here in the Big Easy. Look at you all! (Applause.) You look good. STUDENT: You do too! MRS. OBAMA: Thank you. (Laughter.) I want to start by thanking Nicole for that very kind introduction and for sharing her story, which is not too unfamiliar to me -- because they told me I couldn’t be where I am, too. So I want to thank Nicole. I’m proud of her. Thank you for the selfie; I think that’s the first selfie I’ve done at a commencement. So, Nicole, you’re my first. (Laughter.) And of course, I want to thank the Dillard University Choir. Oh, oh, oh! (Applause.) Oh! That’s all I can say. It’


奥巴马励志演讲稿(精选多篇) 奥巴马竞选演讲稿 2014年11月07日星期五下午10:42 请在此处输入标题 hello, chicago! 芝加哥,你好! if there is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. 假如还有人不相信美国是一个不存在不可能的地方,还有人怀疑开国之父们的梦想依然在影响着我们这个时代,还有人质

疑美利坚民主的力量,那么,他们的疑惑在今夜得到了解答。 it’s the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference. 在学校和教堂外面,人们排起了长长的队伍,人数之多在美国历史上前所未有。为了投上自己的一票,他们可以等待三个小时、四个小时。许多人是一生中第一次参加投票,因为他们坚信这一次必须有所变革,而他们的声音将举足轻重。 it’s the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, democrat and republican, black, white, latino, asian, native american, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled —americans who sent a


3月22日上午,美国第一夫人米歇尔造访北京大学,并接受北大校长赠书。之后,米歇尔在北大斯坦福中心以“读万卷书不如行万里路”为主题的演讲。在米歇尔的演讲中,“留学”成为关键词。她化用中国古语“读万卷书,不如行万里路”,并结合自身经历现身说法,希望让更多青年人拥有留学的机会。以下为米歇尔演讲的双语全文: MRS. OBAMA: (Applause.) Thank you. Well, ni-hao. (Laughter.) It is such a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you at this great university, so thank you so much for having me. 谢谢。你好。很高兴也很荣幸来到这里,在这所伟大的大学和你们共聚一堂。非常感谢你们邀请我。 Now, before I get started today, on behalf of myself and my husband, I just want to say a few very brief words about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. As my husband has said, the United States is offering as many resources as possible to assist in the search. And please know that we are keeping all of the families and loved ones of those on this flight in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time. 在我今天开始之前,代表我自己和我的丈夫,我想就马来西亚航空公司的MH370航班简短说两句。如我丈夫所说,美国正提供尽可能多的资源协助搜寻工作。请相信,在这个非常艰难的时刻,我们的心和航班上人员的家属和亲人在一起,我们为他们祈祷。 Now with that, I want to start by recognizing our new Ambassador to China, Ambassador Baucus. President Wang; Chairman Zhu; Vice President Li; Director Cueller; Professor Oi, and the Stanford Center; President Sexton from New York University, which is an excellent study abroad program in Shanghai; and John Thornton, Director of the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University. Thank you all for joining us. 现在,我们首先来认识一下美国新任驻华大使——博卡斯大使。王校长、朱主席、李副校长、 Cuelluer主任、Jean Oi教授和斯坦福中心,纽约大学的塞克顿斯校长(该校在上海开设了一个优秀的海外留学项目),以及清华大学全球领袖项目主任约翰·桑顿,由衷地感谢大家的到来。 But most of all, I want to thank all of the students who are here today. And I particularly want to thank Eric Schaefer and Zhu Xuanhao for that extraordinary English and Chinese introduction. That was a powerful symbol of everything that I want to talk with you about today. 最重要的是,我要感谢今天所有到场的学生们......我要特别感谢埃里克·谢弗和朱宣皓的精彩英文和中文介绍。这绝佳地诠释了我今天要和大家聊的全部话题。 See, by learning each other’s languages, and by showing such curiosity and respect for each other’s cultures, Mr. Schafer and Ms. Zhu and all of you are building bridges of understanding that will lead to so much


奥巴马开学演讲稿——我们为什么要上学 阿文弗吉尼亚州,阿林顿市,2009年9月8日嗨,大家好!你们今天过得怎么样?我现在和弗吉尼亚州阿林顿郡韦克菲尔德高中的学生们在一起,全国各地也有从幼儿园到高三的众多学生们通过电视关注这里,我很高兴你们能共同分享这一时刻。 我知道,对你们中的许多人来说,今天是开学的第一天,你们中的有一些刚刚进入幼儿园或升上初高中,对你们来说,这是在新学校的第一天,因此,假如你们感到有些紧张,那也是很正常的。我想也会有许多毕业班的学生们正自信满满地准备最后一年的冲刺。不过,我想无论你有多大、在读哪个年级,许多人都打心底里希望现在还在放暑假,以及今天不用那么早起床。 我可以理解这份心情。小时候,我们家在印度尼西亚住过几年,而我妈妈没钱送我去其他美国孩子们上学的地方去读书,因此她决定自己给我上课——时间是每周一到周五的凌晨4点半。 显然,我不怎么喜欢那么早就爬起来,很多时候,我就这么在厨房的桌子前睡着了。每当我埋怨的时候,我妈总会用同一副表情看着我说:“小鬼,你以为教你我就很轻松?” 所以,我可以理解你们中的许多人对于开学还需要时间来调整和适应,但今天我站在这里,是为了和你们谈一些重要的事情。我要和你们谈一谈你们每个人的教育,以及在新的学年里,你们应当做些什么。 我做过许多关于教育的讲话,也常常用到“责任”这个词。 我谈到过教师们有责任激励和启迪你们,督促你们学习。 我谈到过家长们有责任看管你们认真学习、完成作业,不要成天只会看电视或打游戏机。 我也很多次谈到过政府有责任设定高标准严要求、协助老师和校长们的工作,改变在有些学校里学生得不到应有的学习机会的现状。 但哪怕这一切都达到最好,哪怕我们有最尽职的教师、最好的家长、和最优秀的学校,假如你们不去履行自己的责任的话,那么这一切努力都会白费。——除非你每天准时去上学、除非你认真地听老师讲课、除非你把父母、长辈和其他大人们说的话放在心上、除非你肯付出成功所必需的努力,否则这一切都会失去意义。 而这就是我今天讲话的主题:对于自己的教育,你们中每一个人的责任。首先,我想谈谈你们对于自己有什么责任。 你们中的每一个人都会有自己擅长的东西,每一个人都是有用之材,而发现自己的才能是什么,就是你们要对自己担起的责任。教育给你们提供了发现自己才能的机会。 或许你能写出优美的文字——甚至有一天能让那些文字出现在书籍和报刊上——但假如不在英语课上经常练习写作,你不会发现自己有这样的天赋;或许你能成为一个发明家、创造家——甚至设计出像今天的iPhone一样流行的产品,或研制出新的药物与疫苗——但假如不在自然科学课程上做上几次实验,你不会知道自己有这样的天赋;或许你能成为一名议员或最高法院法官,但假如你不去加入什么学生会或参加几次辩论赛,你也不会发现自己的才能。 而且,我可以向你保证,不管你将来想要做什么,你都需要相应的教育。——你想当名医生、当名教师或当名警官?你想成为护士、成为建筑设计师、律师


奥巴马经典演讲稿 奥巴马经典演讲稿Hello, everybody! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. All right, everybody go ahead and have a seat. How is everybody doing today? (Applause.) How about Tim Spicer? (Applause.) I am here with students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. And we’ve got students tuning in from all across America, from kindergarten through 12th grade. And I am just so glad that all could join us today. And I want to thank Wakefield for being such an outstanding host. Give yourselves a big round of applause. (Applause.) 大家好!谢谢你们。谢谢你们。谢谢你们大家。好,大家请就坐。你们今天都好吗?(掌声)蒂姆·斯派塞(Tim Spicer)好吗?(掌声)我现在与弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿郡韦克菲尔德高中的学生们在一起。美国各地从小学预备班到中学12年级的学生正在收听收看。我很高兴大家今天都能参与。我还要感谢韦克菲尔德高中出色的组织安排。请为你们自己热烈鼓掌。(掌声) I know that for many of you, today is the first day of school. And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, it’s your first day


2009届的毕业生们,我现在能说的就是:哇,大家下午好!我为在座的毕业生感到无比骄傲。因此,在我开始讲话前,让我们先用热烈的掌声祝贺你们!这是一个无比奇妙的日子。我要感谢迪克对我热心介绍。因此如果你必须参加就职典礼的话,他会是一个很棒的陪同。他能够和我一起参加典礼让我非常高兴。真的很感激他,他所做的一切使得今天如此特别。在开始前,我还要感谢另外一些人,我要感谢国会议员杰瑞1迈克纳尼、副州长约翰·加拉曼迪、首席检察官杰瑞·布朗以及议长凯伦·贝斯。你们有出色的领导能力,并在公众服务方面为我们做出了杰出的榜样,因此,我要感谢你们。 当然,我还要感谢名誉校长康先生,他安排的欢迎仪式令人难以相信。同事还要感谢校长尤道夫先生和教务长凯斯·艾利。他们为准备毕业典礼的到来所做的一切,让这一天如此美好。全体毕业生,各位家长,摩塞德社区的所有人们,感谢你们!非常高兴今天能来到这里和你们分享这一刻,我感到无比高兴,无比激动。 我知道这里有很多国内记者,而且一些人可能也很想知道:作为第一夫人我为什么会选择在加利福利亚大学摩塞德分校进行我的第一次毕业典礼演讲呢? 那么让我告诉大家,我的答案很简单:是因为你们激发了我,你们感动了我。你们知道,几乎没有什么比看到年轻人认识到他们能够实现自己的梦想更有价值了。你们确实认识到了这一点。你们邀请我来见证这一美好时刻,期间你们所付出的努力充分展示了你们的坚韧和想象力。 那么,让我告诉大家你们都做了什么。各位家长,你们可能不知道,你们中也有一些人参与其中。我收到了上千封学生们的来信,当然还有情人节明星片,每一封信每一张明信片中都充满了期待和热情。这不仅感动了我,还感动了我所有的同事们。他们过来跟我说:“米歇尔,你必须去参加。”“你必须到那里去。” 那些信和明信片都写得棒极了。比如,来自克里斯多夫·卡苏卡的信中写道:“亲爱的奥巴马夫人,请来参加加州大学莫塞德分校毕业典礼吧!我们真的可以使用公众舆论。”那真的触动了我的心灵。 来自吉姆·格林伍德的信中说,他不仅仅是代表他自己给我写信,还代表他的妻子。他的妻子已经是两个孩子的母亲了,她是今天在座的毕业生中的一员。 还有一封来自安德里亚·梅尔卡多的信。我想这是我最喜欢的来信中的一封。安德里亚在信中写道:“第一夫人的角色就是要在政治和理智之间寻求平衡。”谢谢你,安德里亚,谢谢你给我的信任投票。 我收到了所有与这个大学相关的人的来信——不只是学生,还有他们的父母、祖父母、堂表兄妹、姑舅叔姨以及他们的邻居和朋友,所有的人告诉我,你们是多么地努力,而这一天对于你们和整个摩塞德分校有多么重要。 我还收到了一段精彩的视频,名为“我们相信”。那么让我告诉你们,这一切真的很奏效,因为我最终来到了这里。 我要特别感谢萨姆·放和亚莎·萨巴以及所有发起“亲爱的米歇尔”活动的学生们。你们的努力让我感受到了极大的荣耀,我很高兴和你们一起庆祝这一重要时刻。 但是我明白,这种基于社区而写信的活动并不仅仅针对我。这个社区,摩赛德社区用同样的方式使得加利福利亚大学在摩赛德成立了新的分校。这个县城里的每一个学生都给加利福利亚大学董事会寄了一张明信片,以说服他们在这里成立分校。我很高兴因为事实上,今天在座的一些毕业生当时也参与了那次活动,而他们用同样的方式说服我来到了这里。这真是太奇妙了。这说明一点,万众齐心必然能够创造奇迹。而且我也想说明下一年的毕业演讲人,你可要当心了。摩赛德分校的学生可知道如何实现他们的愿望。 这种行动主义和乐观主义不仅诠释;这儿的学生和教职员工,也是摩赛德个性和历史的体现。摩赛德是由劳动者和来自世界的移民共同建立的县城。早期的拓荒者以及19世纪末淘金热中的一些先驱来到这里建立了学校、商业区和教堂,这些现在依然存在。当时非裔美国人利用沿99号铁路线做卡车司机的机会逃离了南方奴隶制度和种族主义的压迫。墨西哥裔美国人来到北方在这里的农场找工作,成为我们农业生产的支柱。还有亚裔美国人,他们来到旧金山,在这里扎根繁衍,逐渐成为圣华金河谷社区的一部分。 过去的这些年,摩赛德的人口结构虽发生了变化,但是它的价值观和品格没有改变——在漫长的炎炎烈日下一代又一代的男男女女辛勤劳作,不分种族,他们像得到的就是为了子孙后代建设美好生活的机会;辛勤劳作的人们相信,接受良好教育就是通往更加美好未来的阶梯。你们知道,我在一个有着相似价值观的社区长大。就像摩赛德一样,芝加哥南部是一个过去人们在经济困境中挣扎的社区,但是那里的人们辛勤工作、彼此照料,以子女为中心。你们


篇一:米歇尔演讲稿 英文原稿: first lady michelle obama: 孩子们应该受到很好的教育,说道这个问题,barack 懂得,就像我们中很多人一样,没有助学金他就也不可能上大学。 你们相信吗?在我和他新婚之时,我们的助学贷款的压力甚至远大于房贷。当时我们那么年轻,还负债累累。 thats why barack has fought so hard to increase student aid and keep interest rates down, because he wants every young person to fulfill their promise and be able to attend college without a mountain of debt. 因此,barack 竭尽全力提高助学金额度,同时压低利息,他希望让每一个年轻人都能大展宏图,不必为了求学债台高筑 so in the end, for barack, these issues arent political – theyre personal. because barack knows what it means when a family struggles. he knows what it means to want something more for your kids and grandkids. 他懂得希望子孙过上好日子是这样一种感受。他知道什么是美国梦,因为他曾亲身经历。他希望每一个人都能有相同的机会。 barack knows the american dream because hes lived it...and he wants everyone in this country to have that same opportunity, no matter who we are, or where were from, or what we look like, or who we love. 他知道什么是美国梦,因为他曾亲身经历。他希望每一个人都能有相同的机会。无论身份,无论家乡,无论种族,无论信仰和情感。 and he believes that when youve worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity...you do not slam it shut behind you...you reach back, and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.他相信当每一个人努力奋斗,出人头地,在通过机遇的大门之后,不会自私地关上大门,而会转身伸出援手。给予人们共同的机会一起成功! 如果你要问我白宫这四年是否改变我的丈夫?我可以坦诚相告,不论是看他的品格,信仰,还是内心,此时此刻的他是彼时彼地我相爱的那个人! 如今的他还会像那时一样,拒绝高薪工作,而深入社区基层,去帮助濒临倒闭的钢厂的职工和家属。去重建那样的社区,帮助人们再度就业。因为对他来讲,成功的标准并不是收入,而是你对他人生的积极影响 hes the same man who, when our girls were first born, would anxiously check their cribs every few minutes to ensure they were still breathing, proudly showing them off to everyone we knew. 他还是那个当女儿刚降生时,会分分钟钟就跑到婴儿床边查看女儿是否还在呼吸的那个父亲。会抱着女儿去找所有的熟人显摆。 thats the man who sits down with me and our girls for dinner nearly every night, patiently answering their questions about issues in the news, and strategizing about middle school friendships. 他至今仍每晚和我跟女儿一起吃晚餐。耐心地回答她们关于新闻和时事的问题,为她们在学校交朋友的事儿出谋划策。 i see the concern in his eyes...and i hear the determination in his voice as he tells me, you wont believe what these folks are going through, michelle...its not right.


米歇尔·奥巴马在伦敦一所女校发表讲话,充满热情地以自身经历敦促每个学生认真对待教育。她说这些有才质的一代新人将会缩小现实世界与理想世界的差距。 Remarks by America?s First Lady, Michelle Obama at the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson School, Islington, U.K. 美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马在英国伦敦伊斯灵顿·伊丽莎白·安德森女校的演讲 2009年4月3日 美国第一夫人米歇尔?奥巴马在英国伦敦伊斯灵顿伊丽莎白?安德森女校的英语演讲稿中英对照: This is my first trip. My first foreign trip as a first lady. Can you believe that? (Applause) And while this is not my first visit to the U.K., I have to say that I am glad this is my first official visit. The special relationship between the United States and the U.K. is based not only on the relationship between governments, but the common language and the values that we share. And I'm reminded of that by watching you all today. During my visit I've been especially honored to meet some of Britain's most extraordinary women. Women who are paving the way for all of you. 这是我的第一次出访。是我作为第一夫人的第一次外事出访。你们能相信这个事实吗?(掌声)虽然这不是我第一次来英国,我必须说很高兴我的首次官方访问是来英国。美国和英国之间的特殊关系,不只是基于政府之间的关系,而且基于我们有共同的语言和价值观。看见你们大家就使我想到这一点。在访问期间我特别荣幸地会见了英国一些最出色的女士。这些女士在为你们所有女孩子铺路。 And I'm honored to meet you, the future leaders of Great Britain and this world. And although the circumstances of our lives may seem very distant, with me standing here as the First Lady of the United States of America, and you, just getting through school. I want you to know that we have very much in common. For nothing in my life's path would have predicted that I'd be standing here as the first African-American First Lady of the United States of


奥巴马演讲稿英文版 篇一:奥巴马中英文演讲稿 Good afternoon. It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you. I'd like to thank Fudan University's President Yang for his hospitality and his gracious welcome. I'd also like to thank our outstanding Ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who exemplifies the deep ties and respect between our nations. I don't know what he said, but I hope it was good. 下午好。能够有机会在上海跟你们大家交谈,我深感荣幸。我要感谢复旦大学的杨校长,感谢他的款待和热情的欢迎。我还要感谢我们出色的大使Jon Huntsman,他代表了我们两国之间的深远联系和相互尊重。我不知道他刚才说什么,但是希望他说的是好的。 What I'd like to do is to make some opening comments, and then what I'm really looking forward to doing is taking questions, not only from students who are in the audience, but also we've received questions online, which will be asked by some of the students who are here in the audience, as well as by Ambassador Huntsman. And I am very sorry that my Chinese is not as good as


米歇尔奥巴马演讲“机遇之门”视频及全文 半夏时光376226转发:米歇尔奥巴马机遇之门演讲全文 美国第一夫人米歇尔?奥巴马在9月4日民主党全国代表大会上发表演讲,以下是演讲稿的英文全文。First Lady Michelle Obama:Thank you so much, Elaine…we are so grateful for your family’s service and sacrifice…and we will always have your back.Over the past few years as First Lady, I have had the extraordinary privilege of traveling all across this country.And everywhere I’ve gone, in the people I’ve met, and the stories I’ve heard, I have seen the very best of the American spirit.I have seen it in the incredible kindness and warmth that people have shown me and my family, especially our girls.I’ve seen it in teachers in a near-bankrupt school district who vowed to keep teaching without pay.I’ve seen it in people who become heroes at a moment’s notice, diving into harm’s way to save others…flying across the country to put out a fire…driving for hours to bail out a flooded town.And I’ve seen it in our men and women in uniform and our proud military families…in wounded warriors who tell me they’re not jus t


关于奥巴马就职演讲稿参考 barack obama’s inaugural address my fellow citizens: i stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. i thank president bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition. forty-four americans have now taken the presidential oath. the words have been spoken during rising tides of prosperity and the still waters of peace. yet, every so often the oath is taken amidst gathering clouds and raging storms. at these moments, america has carried on not simply because of the skill or vision of those in high office, but because we the people have remained faithful to the ideals of our forbearers, and true to our founding documents. so it has been. so it must be with this generation of americans. that we are in the midst of crisis is now well understood. our nation is at war, against a


米歇尔在北京大学斯坦福中心演讲稿 Ni-Hao. It is such a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you at this great university...thank you so much for having me. And before I get started today, on behalf of myself and my husband, I just want to say a few very brief words about Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. As my husband has said, the United States is offering as many resources as possible to assist in the search. And please know that we are keeping all the families and loved ones of those on this flight in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time. And with that, I want to start by recognizing our new Ambassador to China, Ambassador Baucus...President Wang...Chairman Zhu...Vice President Li...Director Cueller, Professor Oi and the Stanford Center...President Sexton from New York University which has an excellent study abroad program in Shanghai... and John Thornton, Director of the Global Leadership Program at Tsinghua University...thank you all so much for joining us. And most of all, I want to thank all of the students for being here today. ..and I particularly want to thank Eric Schafer and Zhu Xuanhao for that extraordinary English and Chinese introduction. That was such a powerful symbol of everything I want to talk with you about today. You see, by learning each other's languages - and by showing such curiosity and respect for each other's cultures - Mr. Schafer and Ms. Zhu and all of you are building bridges of understanding that lead to so much more. And I'm here today because I know that our future depends on connections like these among oeoole like you across the globe. We also come to schools like this one to meet with students like you. Because we believe that relationships between nations aren't just about relationships between,That's why when my husband and I travel abroad,we don't just visit palaces and parliaments and meet with heads of state. We also come to schools like this one to meet wiht students like you. Because we believe that relationships between nations aren't just about relationships between governments or leaders...they're about relationships between people, particularly our young people. So we view study abroad programs not just as an educational opportunity for students... but also as a vital part of America's foreign policy. You see, through the wonders of modern technology, our world is more connected than ever before. Ideas can cross oceans with the click of a button. Companies can do business and compete with companies across the globe. And we can text, email and skype with people on every continent. So studying abroad isn't just a fun way to spend a semester 一it's quickly becoming the key to success in our global economy. Because getting ahead in today's workplaces isn't just about getting good grades

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