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当前位置:文档库 › 2017-2018学年福建师大附中高二上学期期末考试英语试题(实验班)Word版含答案






第一部分:听力(共20题;每小题1分, 满分20分)



1. What is the purpose of the woman's call?

A. To ask about a bill.

B. To pay the gas bill.

C. To open a new account.

2. Whose account should be updated?

A. Carl‘s.

B. Charlene‘s.

C. Charlie‘s.

3. Where are the speakers?

A. On a train.

B. At a farm.

C. At their house.

4. What did the woman just do?

A. She argued with the man.

B. She shouted at another woman.

C. She left her work to someone else.

5. What time will the man arrive in London?

A. At 8:30

B. At 8: 00.

C. At 7: 30.




6. Why does the woman feel uncomfortable?

A. There is not enough sauce.

B. She is not used to the food.

C. The man is forcing her to eat.

7. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. At the man‘s house.

B. In an Italian restaurant.

C. In a Thai restaurant.


8. How long will the man‘s friend be staying in the apartment?

A. Less than a month.

B. Another month or more.

C. At least two months.

9. What does the woman want the man‘s friend to do?

A. Move out.

B. Find a job in a month.

C. Help out with household expenses.


10. How many children will be in the barbecue?

A. Two.

B. Four.

C. Six.

11. How will the Smiths probably get to the speakers‘ house?

A. By car.

B. On foot.

C. By subway.

12. What will the woman do next?

A. Do some cleaning.

B. Buy some burgers.

C. Find the badminton set.


13. What is the woman's opinion about smells?

A. It is personal.

B. It is general.

C. It is strange.

14. What is special about smells, according to the woman?

A. They are as pleasant as music.

B. They can last about thirteen days.

C. They make things more memorable.

15. What does the smell of the sea remind the woman of?

A. Her college life.

B. Her friend's house.

C. Happy family holidays.

16. What is the woman‘s favorite smell?

A. Roses.

B. Her garden.

C. Aircraft fuel.


17. Where are the listeners at the moment?

A. On Green Island.

B. In the water.

C. On a boat.

18. How many islands are part of the Great Barrier Reef?




19. What makes Green Island different from others in the area?

A. It has a rainforest.

B. It was formed a long time ago.

C. It is home to 8000 species of fish.

20. Who has the most knowledge about life on the island?

A. The captain.

B. The park guide.

C. The diving guides.

第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分30分)

第一节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分, 满分22.5 分)


Management Consultant Suzy Welch remembers the moment 14 years ago when her life ―imploded(内爆).‖ She was speaking to an auditorium full of insurance executives in Hawaii w hen she saw the faces of two of her children, then six and five, pressed against the glass door. She had parked them in a dance class, but they‘d fled out to find her. She wrapped up her remarks and canceled the Q&A. ―I was trying to please everyone but pleasing no-one,‖ she says, ―I had to rethink the way I made my decisions.‖ Author of the bestselling Winning (written with husband Jack Welch, former head of GE), Suzy Welch, 49, has a new book, 10-10-10, that details the strategy(策略) she created after the big decision-making moment. The mother of four explains: ―When faced with a vital decision, ask yourself, how will my choice affect my life ten minutes from now? Ten months from now? Ten years from now?

―Too often we decide something by avoiding the immediate ouch. But by looking at the middle and

longer time frames(框架) as well as the short-term, we‘re accessing our real values. My business trip is an example. Had I applied the strategy to it back then, I would have declined it. I had other work travel coming up. I was needed at home.

―Many people have found ?10-10-10‘ thrilling. A businessman moved forward with a new business plan but without the girlfriend, who didn‘t share his goals. A mum of a troub led teen finally got him to a psychologist after putting it off. Often, in our most stressful moments, we make decisions by instinct (本能)only. Or we ask a friend for advice. Or we make no decision and suffer for it. We can live much more deliberately by taking control of choices and really understanding them.

―Sure, there‘s still room for spontaneity(自发的行为). But when you look at things from three evident time frames and assess the consequences, never again will you say, ?I have no idea why I made this decis ion.‘‖

1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Suzy and her husband used to work in GE, and they achieved great success in business.

B. Suzy and her husband had four children.

C. Suzy believed that many people reached a decision by avoiding direct pains.

D. Suzy failed to give up her work travel because she hadn‘t had her great strategies then.

2. Which of the following is probably one of the strategies in Suzy‘s book?

A. When doing business, you should learn to please everyone.

B. Before making a vital decision, you should ask yourself instead of others.

C. When carrying out a new plan, you‘d better take your girlfriend.

D. The assessment of consequences plays a vital role in decision-making.

3. Suzy‘s new book was mai nly about _______.

A. how to deal with numbers when doing business

B. how to make decisions by following her strategies

C. how to obtain more benefits in business

D. how to make detailed strategies in business


There‘s no doubt that our cha racter has a profound effect on our future. What we must remember, however, is not merely how powerful character is in influencing our fate, but how powerful we are in shaping our own character and, therefore, our own fate. Character may determine our fate, but character is not determined by fate.

It‘s a common mistake to think of character as something that is fully formed and fixed very early in

life. It calls to mind old proverbs like ―A leopard can‘t change its spots‖ and ―You can‘t teach an old dog new tricks.‖

This perspective that our character is etched in stone is supported by a great deal of modern psychology emphasizing self-acceptance. As Popeye says, ―I am what I am.‖ The hidden message is: d on‘t expect me to be more, better, or different.

Ultimately, these views of humanity totally undervalue the lifelong potential for growth that comes with the power of reflection and choice.

How depressing it would be to believe that we can‘t choose to be better, more honest, more respectful, more responsible, and more caring. None of us should give up the personal seeking to improve our character. Not because we‘re bad, we don‘t have to be sick to get better, but because we‘re not as good as we could be.

There are so many things in life we can‘t control, whether we‘re beautiful or smart, whether we had good parents or bad, whether we grew up with firmness or negation. It‘s inspiring to remember that nothing but moral will power is needed to make us better.

No, it isn‘t easy. But if we make a great effort to bec ome more aware of the habits of heart and mind that drive our behavior, we can begin to place new emphasis on our higher values so that we become what we want our children to think we are.

4. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. is carved in the stone with knives.

B. is controlled by oneself.

C. can be better and different.

D. can‘t be changed easily.

5. Which of the following would the writer agree with?

A. A leopard can‘t change its spots.

B. We must attach importance to self-acceptance.

C. We should value our lifelong potential for growth.

D. We should make choices constantly.

6. What do we need to improve ourselves according to the author?

A. Our smartness.

B. Our will power.

C. Our fate.

D. Our character.

7. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Character can be formed and fixed.

B. Character determines our fate.

C. We shape our own character.

D. Changing our character isn‘t easy.


This is a story told or read to children of young ages. The heroine, Cinderella, treated cruelly by her stepmother and her two ugly stepsisters, is helpless until the right magic comes along. She meets her prince and they live together happily.

Just a sweet, pretty tale? Not in the view of Ellen Macintosh, who has written much about fairy tales. ―Instead of standing up to her cruel stepmother and stepsisters, Cinderella just waits for a fairy godmother to appear and solve her problem.But would' t you want a daughter of yours to show more spirit?‖ The story is long-lasting, whatever its shortcomings, and it doesn‘t take much to see its influence on a number of recent Hollywood productions.In these versions for the silver screen, the Cinderella character no longer has to clean the house and has no sisters to make her life terrible, though she keeps the way of not showing much courage. The character of the rich and handsome stranger, however, is kept, and in some cases really is a prince. The role of the fairy godmother is often played by luck; we live in a civilized age when even very young children might reject the idea of fairies.In the majority of film versions, the heroine has a profession and is even permitted to continue working after marrying her prince — this is the twenty first century, after all.

Doesn‘t the success of these films indicate that the story has relevance(关联) to children even today? ―Yes,‖ answers Ellen, who sees its message as being rooted in a fundamental childhood desire for love and attention. ―Most children experience a sense of inner loneliness as they are growing up and empathize with (与…共鸣)the character who faces some sort of challenge.This can be seen in the original story of Cinderella, where the fairy godmother tells the heroine that she must become elegant and confident if she is to go to the ball. She has to grow spiritually, and by maturing, she becomes attractive to the prince, thus ensuring that the ending of the story will be happy.‖ ―In the later versions, thus element (因素)is missing,‖ says Ellen, ― and the theme of the story is simply that a girl‘s role in life is to be more beautiful than other girls so that she can carry off the prize: the handsome prince. Is this really what we want girls to grow up believing?‖

8. Why does Ellen disapprove of the Cinderella story?

A. The plot is too simple.

B.The description is not vivid.

C. The heroine is not brave enough.

D.The story is unfit for the children today.

9. In the film versions of the Cinderella story, __________.

A. luck plays an important role in the heroine' s happy life

B. Cinderella‘s family background remains unchanged

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