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Crop Circles麦田怪圈

Crop Circles Livia 20110201152 Crop circles are patterns that appear in fields. The first crop circle photographed in the UK was in 1976, however many farmers report circles in their fields going back considerably further than this date. There is a woodcut dating back to the 1600’s known as the “Mowing Devil” which seems to show some kind of circle pattern in crop field. But whether this can be directly linked to crop circle is still on argument. In 1990, more than 500 circles emerged in Europe. Up to now, approximately 10,000 crop circles have been reported internationally. The answer of whom or what is creating these crop circles remains unknown. Various theories have been put forth. While human beings still can’t find out how the crop circles are formed, all of them are made by human hoaxers. The most controversial theory is that crop circles are the work of aliens from other planets, though no one can put up the evidence that aliens really exist, I still think it is possible because crop circle is too big for human beings to make. The average size of the crop circles is around 200-300 feet in diameter, how could hoaxers make such big patterns and people can not discover them? But it makes sense if the aliens land here and bury something below several kilometers, then they need to make a sign to recognize these places. Besides, others theories such as winds, aircrafts, earth energies are on the table too. More and more crop circles have been found out from locations such as the UK, Japan, the US and Canada. Over 2000 different shapes of the patterns have appeared

Chariots of the Gods

Chariots of the Gods? Unsolved Mysteries of the Past Written in 1968 by Erich von D?niken. This author presents a hypothesis that many ancient civilizations' technologies and religion were given to them by space travelers who were welcomed as gods. The book shows photographs and gives detailed information that sheds serious light on his theory. Von D?niken claims ancient art throughout the world can be interpreted to illustrate astronauts, air and space vehicles, non-human but intelligent creatures, and artifacts of high technology. Von D?niken also points out details that are similar in art of unrelated cultures around the world. According to von D?niken, the oral and literal traditions of most religions contain references to visitors from 'stars' and vehicles traveling through air and space. One such is Ezekiel's revelation in Old Testament, which he interprets as a detailed description of a landing spacecraft. As a real-life example, von D?niken uses the "cargo cults" that formed during and after World War II, when once-isolated tribes in the South Pacific mistook the advanced American and Japanese soldiers for gods. Artifacts have been found which represent higher technological knowledge than is presumed to have existed at times when they were manufactured. Von D?niken maintains that these artifacts were produced either by extraterrestrial visitors or by humans who learned the necessary knowledge from them. Such artifacts include the Egyptian pyramids, Stonehenge, the head statues of Easter Island and the Antikythera mechanism

一些麦田圈在google earth的坐标

一些麦田圈在google earth的坐标 51°21'23.17"N 0°11'54.13"E 38°24'5.51"N 90°37'12.63"W 52°33'35.88"N 0°23'9.79"W 44°40'51.62"N 10°19'2.16"E 53°41'40.64"N 1°33'32.44"W 53°32'28.25"N 1°32'7.94"W 53°31'55.52"N 1°21'25.43"W 53°32'14.78"N 1°30'19.99"W (这里有两个的)51°56'46.13"N 0°23'28.61"W 39°14'49.05"N 85°54'35.37"W 51° 0'37.09"N 0° 1'9.07"E 51°28'49.86"N 0°53'57.45"W 51°37'15.10"N 4°30'30.75"E 52°14'44.34"N 0°39'32.80"W 51°45'55.68"N 1° 9'44.49"W 53.5317438273,-1.35673994018 53°31'54.28"N 1°21'24.26"W 25° 0'1.16"北 51°11'26.28"东 43°55'54.55"北 114°47'43.72"西 39°9'17"北

116°59'49"东 UFO: 16h30m01.6s -26 32 00 16h29m51.16s -26 34 37.39 16h30m10.57s -26 36 13.33 16h20m36.55s -25 36 26.73 (超级巨大,貌似已经被涂黑)3h44m27.80s 18 26 34.77" 传说中的大和号 16h27m13.52s -26 03 12.96 点击下载地标文件:Google Earth下的UFO降落台 沉船坐标: 35°9'18.10"N 129°8'50.35"E 12°48'2.36"N 45° 1'2.46"E

数十年破解麦田怪圈真相 专家揭秘里面隐藏的内容

数十年破解麦田怪圈真相专家揭秘里面隐藏的内容 不知道大家看了这个麦田圈有种怎样的感觉?它出现 的当时,农场主山德极其的愤怒,甚至直呼要把那些搞恶作剧的酒鬼们狠狠揍一顿!可是,当他看到这个麦田圈的航拍图时,突然震惊了:古老的英国巨石阵旁边静静地躺着一个如艺术画般的精美图案。内心一阵触动,农场主大吼:去他的!这个一般人绝对做不出来!不可思议!他的儿子甚至对这个绝美的麦田圈搞起了参观收费项目,在当时传为一段佳话。而这个麦田圈的背后,却隐藏着不可思议的数学规律,而这一切仅在15分钟内形成。 想自己做一个麦田怪圈可没那么容易:看下图大家看了上面这个麦田圈可能会怀疑了,怎么这么丑,和平时那些看起来异常庞大精美的差好多啊!嗯,大家猜得没错,这其实是超自然现象专家埃里克贝克约德(Erik Beckjord)在1991年自己一个人弄的。 他调查超自然现象多年,深深相信麦田圈是外星人的回音。于是,他灵机一动在麦田上压下了一行字:TALK TO US(请联系我们),希望得到外星人的回复。几天后,奇迹出现了,一个仿佛用远古拉丁文书写的麦田圈出现了!一开始没人相信,后来经过各路调查者长达10年的破译,一段来自地外

文明的讯息终于浮出了水面!这就是震惊一时的外星人回信麦田圈,上半图则是人类的呼叫请求麦田圈。这个仿佛古老字母亦或是象形图符的麦田圈总长度为55米,宽达5.5米。英国考古学家迈克尔·格林(Michael Green)觉得这些字母很像古希伯来语。基于巴斯克字母表,他从右往左对其进行了翻译:Phehthi或Ptah(古埃及创造之神)和Ea-cheche 或Ea-Enki(古苏美尔人智慧之神)。根据考古学家的解释,这些字母的释义非常明显:我们是创造者,智慧与博爱。(图:巴斯克字母,使用者为欧洲最古老的民族)之后,《解码巨石阵》作者霍金斯杰拉尔德(Gerald Hawkins)教授决定亲自考察破解。他带着12位学者,经过大量的运算和分析,最终得出一个让人振奋的结果:首先整个字符图没有任何一个字母是人类可读的。经过对比42种语言的18000个常用短语,他发现两边的圆形是句号,左右两边各是一个单词。第一个字是[我反对](拉丁文:OPPONO),然后还缺了一个宾语。第二个字以O-结尾,可解读为“OS”(复数)。最后他们锁定了最可能的结果“ASTOS”,也就是“astus”的复数。意思是:人造与虚假(acts of craft and cunning),最终的翻译就是:我反对人造与虚假。(图:英国巨石阵顶尖研究者霍金斯杰拉尔德教授)随后,1995年另一位调查组西蒙伯顿(Simon Burton)开始了他的破译工作。他认为这是一种可以用于使用不同语言的人交流的一种通用语种。而拉丁语正


伏尼契手稿真相 欢迎来到聘才网,以下是聘才小编为大家搜索整理的,欢迎大家阅读。 伏尼契手稿真相 回顾80 年,以UFO现象为主体的多种不明现象,一次又一次地冲击着现代科学的根基,使人类的思维面临着前所未有的挑战。外星人到底是否存在,下面这个37个惊人证据将为你揭秘外星人神秘面纱! 1、带着头盔的外星“木乃伊” 1987 年,南斯拉夫的《宇宙杂志》披露了“苏联太空船拍摄到外星人‘木乃伊’”照片的内幕: 一艘苏联太空探测船拍到一张显示银色物体的照片,经电脑影像处理,断定是一具外星人的“木乃伊”。照片显示出“木乃伊”的胸部和手臂上挂满星状的徽章,头戴巨型头盔,上面有两条延伸至背部的长管。 科学家作分析后认为,估计这个外星人生前是一位太空船指挥官,可能在一次星球旅程中逝世,并为他做了“太空葬礼”。不明飞行物为“发现号”护航。 苏联太空研究部最近宣称,美国“发现号”航天飞机在航行过程中,曾得到两具不明飞行物的护航。 带着头盔的外星“木乃伊” 据说,“发现号”进入轨道之后,即有两具UFO 尾随其

后,若隐若现。当驾驶员抵达指定空间后,这两具UFO 便隐没而去。但在“发现号”返航时,两具UFO 又再度出现机旁,直至“发现号”顺利地进入大气层返回地面。与此同时,苏联方面则接收到神秘的电波讯号。 2、来自外空的怪异婴孩 来自外空的怪异婴孩 1983 年7 月15 日晚8 时左右,苏联咸海东侧的索斯诺夫卡村空中,坠落下来一个长、高、宽均约米的椭圆形金属物体,下有撑脚。在24 小时前,当地上空曾发生过火红发光体的爆炸事件。当着陆球体的门被打开后,人们发现里面有一个像在熟睡的外星婴儿。 这个男婴先后被送到伏龙芝医学研究所以及阿拉木图儿童医院抢救和护理。据有关人士说,外星来客在地球空间飞行时出了事,于是在高空将孩子放入救生舱,向地面释放下来。孩子降落地面3 个月后,虽经医学专家们多方努力,终于在10 月3 日死去。 一位医生说:“那孩子很像我们地球人的婴儿,所不同的是他的手指和脚趾间有蹼,这说明他曾在水里生活过很长时间。他可能有1 岁,体长66 厘米,体重公斤。他没有头发,没有眉毛和睫毛,他的眼睛是紫色的,没有眼皮。” 医生还说:“他的血压正常,他的大脑活动比我们成年人的大脑活动还要频繁。他从来不哭,研究所派4 名医生专


Crop Circles The earliest crop circle was found in Scotland in 1647. In 20 century 80s, British discovered many crop circles in the wheat field. Therefore, the phenomenon was called crop circles. Many people believed that crop circles were made by aliens. It is reported that many places where lots of crop circles took place frequently may appear UFO. Besides, the crop circles made by human being were rough and the wheat couldn’t continue to grow up any more. However, some crop circles were so perfect that it is impossible to make by human. In addition, some people considered that crop circles were just made by human. Moreover, crop circles became tourist attractions, which promoted local economic development. Therefore, some people think crop circles were made by British government to increase the income. Besides, some people thought that crop circle was just a natural phenomenon. It was made by tornado, magnetic field or radiation. In my opinion, I believe that crop circles are made by aliens. Because some crop circles are so perfect and amazing that we human couldn’t make in such a short time. We couldn’t make sure who made the crop circles yet, however, with the development of technology, we will find out the truth.


麦田怪圈揭秘 某天傍晚,太阳从英格兰南部的一处耕地落山。第二天早上,当太阳升起时,这处耕地居然变成了一幅艺术巨作。大片的农作物被压倒,并且形成了圆、环 以及其他复杂的几何形状。而这巨作的创作者究竟是谁呢? 麦田怪圈是外星来客的杰作吗?还是由带电气流造成的自然现象?或者是聪明 能干、意志坚定的怪圈制作者精心打造的骗局?支持和反对各种说法的人都自 有一套理论,但真相仍扑朔迷离。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ed9980427.html, 供图 2004年6月在英格兰艾顿巴恩斯(Alton Barnes )发现的麦田怪圈 在本文中,我们将研究麦田怪圈现象——它们是什么、出现在何处、如何制造(根据那些声称自己是麦田怪圈制作者的人的介绍) ,以及研究人员如何对它们进行研究,以便区分超自然和科学。 麦田怪圈是出现在田地里的图案。当特定区域的农作物被压倒,而其他区域的农作物保持原样时, 就会形成图案。而且图案边缘总是干净利落,仿佛是用机器切割而成。即便麦杆是弯曲的,但也并未受损。大多数时候这些农作物都会继续正常生长。 有时麦田里的图案只是简单的圆圈。有时则精美复杂,包含众多互相连接的几何形状。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ed9980427.html, 供图 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ed9980427.html, 供图 在英格兰威尔特郡的Tan Hill 发 现的怪圈造型

这个“光学迷宫”造型位于威尔特郡的Savernake森林附近,包括180个直 立和平躺的独立结构,跨度约60米。 几个世纪以来都有农民报告说在他们的田地里发现了奇怪的圆圈。最早提及的麦田怪圈要追溯到16 世纪。而一 幅17世纪的英国木刻画则展示了一个恶魔样的生物在制作麦田怪圈。住在该地区的人把这个生物叫做“割谷魔”。 在1880年的一期《自然》杂志中,业余科学家John Rand Capron报道了在英格兰南部萨里的吉尔福德附近出现的怪圈造型。他这样描述自己的发现:“一片竖立着小麦的耕地被大面积连续击打——但是并非全部遭到击打,而是分为若干块,从远处看就像一个个圆点。”他还写到,“……我在现场找不到任何让这块耕地出现这些特殊形状的环境条件……它们给人的感觉像是由某种飓风造成……” 人们对麦田怪圈的谈论一直处于零星状态,直到20世纪60、70年代,这些怪圈开始在英格兰和美国出现。但人们对这种现象的关注却始于1980年,当时英格兰威尔特郡的一名农夫在自己的燕麦地里发现了三个怪圈,每个的跨度约18米。UFO研究者和媒体都纷纷来到农场,首次向全世界介绍了“麦田怪圈”。 到20世纪90年代,麦田怪圈已经成为一项旅游热点。仅1990年,欧洲就出现了500多个麦田怪圈。随后几年里,又出现了数千个。游客从世界各地前来观看。有些农夫甚至对前来观看自己田地里的神秘景观的人收费。 麦田怪圈不光是圆圈,还会以许多不同形状出现。最基本的(也是最常见的)麦田怪圈是单个圆圈。但也可能成组出现,包括两个圆圈(二联体)、三个圆圈(三联体)或四个圆圈(四联体)。圆圈也可能环绕在细细的外圈之中。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ed9980427.html,供图 威尔特郡内Ogbourne St. George的怪圈造型


前面这一部分是引子,相当于一个小故事 In the summer of 1978 an English man named Steven was driving histractor through a field of wheat when he discovered something strange .Some of his wheat (小麦)was lying on the ground . The flattened(倒伏的)wheat formed(形成)a circle about six meters across . Around thiscircle were four smaller circles of flattened wheat .【插入图片】 Three years later a farmer who lived nearby discovered almost the samecircles in one of his fields . These circles were larger—nearly 15 metersacross . That same year , another English farmer discovered three circlesof flattened wheat on his land—one large circle between two small circles .During the following years , farmers in England found circles in their fieldsmore and more often ......【插入图片】【最好能在这里插入一小段视频,找不到合适的就算了】 这部分是麦田怪圈的介绍 麦田怪圈的解释 The second is a tornado, said. Records from the point of view, most of theseason Crop circles appear in the spring and summer, it was consideredchangeable summer weather, tornadoes, the main cause of the cycle.【图】 Some people believe that Crop Circles behind a kind of mysterious power,like the Bermuda Triangle the same. According to this speculation, somepeople put Crop circles as a "disaster trailer" in order to spread heresy.【图】 你分配一下每个人念哪段吧 1/ 1


麦田怪圈 In the UK farmers recall simple circles appearing on their land for generations. The British media first reported on the circles in the early 1980s. By 1990 crop circles had exploded into the public mind as the new phenomenon changed from simple circular patterns into huge and complex, geometric formations. The crop circles are a world-wide phenomenon and each year new reports come from an ever increasing number of countries. However, the main concentration of events are to be found in Southern England, many around ancient sites such as Stonehenge, Avebury and Silbury Hill (the largest manmade mound in Europe). 在英国,农夫们可以追述到数代人以前,简单的圆圈图案已经出现在麦田内。英国媒体在八十年代初期,首次报导这些麦田神秘圆圈图案。到了九十年代麦田圈震憾世界各地人士,因为这些神秘的圆圈图案由简单的图形变成面积巨大、充满高深的几何学又复杂的美丽图案!麦田圈是全球出现的现象,每年新的图案在各地以令人难以置信的数目冒出。终的来说全球的注意力都集中在英国南部,这里出现的数量最多而且也出现在靠近上古文明遗迹如:史前巨石阵、埃夫伯里(英国威尔特郡一村庄,附近有球形白垩石砌坑壁等新石器时代遗迹)和Silbury 山(欧洲最大的史前人造山)。 Although there are many theories as to their creation, none have been able to explain satisfactorily exactly how the circles are made. But, perhaps some of the most persuasive evidence comes in the form of video taped footage showing small bright balls of white light in and around the crop circles. Many of these lights have been filmed in broad daylight and the objects
