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加强企业社会责任推动和谐社会建设 ——在“中国-瑞典企业社会责任高层论坛”上的演讲 Strengthening CSR for a Harmonious Society ---Speech at the Sino-Swedish CSR High-level Forum 商务部副部长于广洲 (2008年4月14日) By Yu Guangzhou, Vice Minister of Commerce April 14, 2008 尊敬的赖因费尔特首相, 各位来宾,女士们、先生们: Your Excellency Prime Minister Reinfeldt, Delegates, Ladies and gentlemen, 下午好!Good afternoon. 四月的北京,春意盎然,鲜花盛开。值此美好时刻,我们迎来了“中国—瑞典企业社会责任高层论坛”的召开。去年6月胡锦涛主席访问瑞典期间,商务部与瑞典外交部代表两国政府签署了《关于企业社会责任合作的谅解备忘录》,标志着两国在这一领域的合作正式启动,对促进两国经济的持续稳定健康发展具有十分重要的意义。今天,两国朋友们齐聚一堂,就企业社会责任开展深入交流,必将对两国企业社会责任建设产生积极的影响。 Here in Beijing in April, spring is high in the air and flowers are in full blossom. On this delightful day, we celebrate the convening of the

Sino-Swedish CSR High-level Forum. Last June during the visit of President Hu Jintao to Sweden, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs signed an MOU on Cooperation in CSR on behalf of their respective governments, which officially kicked off our bilateral CSR cooperation and was vitally important for the sustained, steady and sound development of our economies. Today, we have Chinese and Swedish friends gathered here to discuss in greater depth on the topic of CSR, which I believe will positively shape our future CSR collaboration. 企业社会责任运动自上世纪80年代兴起后,已经成为世界潮流。强调企业社会责任,就是要求企业对投资者负责的同时,对员工负责,对消费者负责,对商业伙伴负责,对环境和社会负责。国内外企业的成功经验表明,社会责任也是企业的品牌,是企业核心竞争力的组成部分,是企业长盛不衰的重要法宝。企业要生存和发展,就必须增强社会责任意识,积极履行社会义务。我们有理由相信,未来的企业竞争,将不再仅仅是产品的竞争、技术的竞争和人才的竞争,更是履行社会责任的竞争。“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”。企业在履行社会责任、促进社会和谐的同时,自身也会得到更大的发展。 Since the 1980s, CSR has gone from being a new term to a global trend. Putting emphasis on CSR means companies not only have to be responsible to their investors, but also to their employees, customers,


介绍美国文化的英语演讲稿篇一:介绍美国文化的英语演讲稿 the american heritage festival 1. united states is a cultural powers. short but rich history and unique it makes for an ethnic melting pot, and bring together the worlds culture. if the thought of this huge social and human treasures of get in, we may wish to take a short cut, that is, on his holiday to be a general understanding of the culture, because it is a microcosm of the festival. 2. day(情人节情人节)(february valentines day(情人节)(february 14)(the first sunday after the first full moon following 1, halloween is the traditional festival of the west. halloween, namely 31 october night, children enjoy a good time to play. as night fell, the children put on colorful costume, and wore a mask of all sorts, put on a pumpkin lamp ran out to with parity, the demons were


美国各州的缩写及主要城市 一、亚拉巴马州 英文州名(缩写):Alabama (AL) 区号:205 – 251 – 256 – 334 主要城市: 1、伯明翰(Birmingham) 2、蒙哥马利(Montgomery) 3、亨次维尔(Huntsville) 4、土斯卡鲁沙(Tuscaloosa) 5、木比耳(Mobile) 二、阿拉斯加州 英文州名(缩写):Alaska (AK) 区号:907 主要城市: 1、朱诺(Juneau) 2、安克拉奇(Anchorage) 3、费尔班克斯(Fairbanks) 三、亚利桑那州

英文州名(缩写):Arizona (AZ) 区号:480 – 520 – 602 – 623 – 928 主要城市: 1、菲尼克斯[凤凰城](Phoenix) 2、吐桑(Tucson) 3、孟沙(Mesa) 四、阿肯色州 英文州名(缩写):Arkansas (AR) 区号:501 – 870 主要城市: 1、小石城(Little Rock) 2、菲页维尔(Fayetteville) 五、加利福尼亚州 英文州名(缩写):California (CA) 区号:209 – 213 – 310 – 323 – 408 – 415 – 510 – 530 – 559 – 562 – 619 – 626 – 650 –661 – 707 – 714 – 760 – 805 – 818 – 831 – 858 – 909 – 916 – 925 – 949 主要城市: 1、萨克拉门托(Sacramento) 2、索诺马(Sonoma) 3、圣荷西(San Jose) 4、洛杉矶(Los Angeles)


一、xx 英文州名(缩写):Alabama (AL) 区号:205–251–256–334 主要xx: 1、xx(Birmingham) 2、xx(Montgomery) 3、xx次维尔(Huntsville) 4、xx(Tuscaloosa) 5、xx(Mobile) 二、xx 英文州名(缩写):Alaska (AK) 区号:907 主要xx: 1、xx(Juneau) 2、安克拉奇(Anchorage) 3、xxxx(Fairbanks) 三、xx 英文州名(缩写):Arizona (AZ) 区号:480–520–602–623–928 主要xx: 1、菲尼克斯[凤凰城](Phoenix)

2、xx(Tucson) 3、xx(Mesa) 四、xx 英文州名(缩写):Arkansas (AR) 区号:501–870 主要xx: 1、xx(Little Rock) 2、菲页维尔(Fayetteville) 五、xx 英文州名(缩写):California (CA) 区号:209–213–310–323–408–415–510–530–559–562–619–626–650–661–707–714–760–805–818–831–858–909–916–925–949 主要xx: 1、萨克拉门托(Sacramento) 2、xx(Sonoma) 3、圣xx(San Jose) 4、xx(Los Angeles) 5、xx(San Diego) 6、旧金山(San Francisco) 六、xx 英文州名(缩写):Colorado (CO)

区号:303–719–720–970 主要xx: 1、xx(Denver) 2、xxxx(Boulder) 3、科罗拉多泉(Clolrado Springs) 七、xx 英文州名(缩写):Connecticut (CT) 区号:203–860 主要xx: 1、xx(Hartford) 八、xx 英文州名(缩写):Delaware (DE) 区号:302 主要xx: 1、多佛(Dover) 2、xx(Wilmington) 3、xx(Newark) 九、xx 英文州名(缩写):Florida (FL) 区号:305–321–352–386–407–561–727–754–772–786–813–850–863–904–941–954


城市介绍英文版 Seattle is located between an inlet of the Pacific Ocean to the west called Puget Sound and Lake Washington to the east. The city's chief harbor, Elliott Bay, is an inlet of the Sound. West beyond the Sound are the Kitsap Peninsula and Olympic Mountains on the Olympic Peninsula; east beyond Lake Washington and the eastside suburbs are Lake Sammamish and the Cascade Range. Lake Washington's waters flow out through the Lake Washington Ship canal, a series of two man-made canals and Lake Union, to the Hiram C. Chittenden Locks at Salmon Bay, to Shilshole Bay, which is part of Puget Sound. The sea, rivers, forests, lakes, and fields were once rich enough to support one of the world's few sedentary hunter-gatherer societies. Areas lending themselves well to sailing, skiing, bicycling, camping, and hiking may be reached almost year-round.[ 西雅图(Seattle)是美国太平洋西北地区的最大城市,它位于华盛顿州普吉特海湾和华盛顿湖之间的国王县,距离加美边境约154公里。西雅图建于1869年,是美国太平洋西北部商业,文化和高科技的中心,也是贯穿太平洋及欧洲斯堪的纳维亚半岛的主要旅游及贸易港口城市。大西雅图地区常年被青山绿水环绕,而远处,就是美国最高的火山——雷尼尔山


区号:205 – 251 – 256 – 334主要城市: 1、伯明翰(Birmingham) 2、蒙哥马利(Montgomery) 3、亨次维尔(Huntsville) 4、土斯卡鲁沙(Tuscaloosa) 5、木比耳(Mobile) 二、阿拉斯加州 英文州名(缩写):Alaska (AK) 区号:907 主要城市: 1、朱诺(Juneau) 2、安克拉奇(Anchorage) 3、费尔班克斯(Fairbanks) 三、亚利桑那州

区号:480 – 520 – 602 – 623 – 928主要城市: 1、菲尼克斯[凤凰城](Phoenix) 2、吐桑(Tucson) 3、孟沙(Mesa) 四、阿肯色州 英文州名(缩写):Arkansas (AR) 区号:501 – 870 主要城市: 1、小石城(Little Rock) 2、菲页维尔(Fayetteville) 五、加利福尼亚州 英文州名(缩写):California (CA)

区号:209 – 213 – 310 – 323 – 408 – 415 – 510 – 530 – 559 – 562 – 619 –626 – 650 – 661 – 707 – 714 – 760 – 805 – 818 – 831 – 858 – 909 – 916 – 925 – 949 主要城市: 1、萨克拉门托(Sacramento) 2、索诺马(Sonoma) 3、圣荷西(San Jose) 4、洛杉矶(Los Angeles) 5、圣地亚哥(San Diego) 6、旧金山(San Francisco) 六、科罗拉多州 英文州名(缩写):Colorado (CO) 区号:303 – 719 – 720 – 970 主要城市: 1、丹佛(Denver) 2、波尔德(Boulder) 3、科罗拉多泉(Clolrado Springs)


美国主要城市中英文名称对照 2006-10-18 15:39 城市英文名城市中文名地区代码Alaska 阿拉斯加 907 Albany(NY) 奥尔巴尼 518 Annapolis 安纳波利斯 410 Atlanta(GA) 亚特兰大 404 Augusta(ME) 奥古斯塔(缅因) 207 Austin(TX) 奥斯汀 512 Baton Rouge 巴吞鲁日 504 Bismarck 俾斯麦 701 Boise 博伊西 208 Boston 波士顿 617 Carson City 卡森城 702 Charleston(WV) 查尔斯顿 304 Cheyenne 夏延 307 Chicago 芝加哥 312 Cincinati 辛辛那提 513 Cleveland(OH) 克利夫兰 440 Columbia(SC) 哥伦比亚 803 Columbus(OH) 哥伦布 740 Concord(NH) 康科德 603 Dallas 达拉斯 214 Denver 丹佛 303 Des Moines 得梅因 515 Detroit 底特律 313 Dover(DE) 多佛 302 Frankfort(KY) 法兰克福 502 Harri聪明人urg 哈里斯堡 717 Hartford(AL) 哈特福德 334 Hawaii 夏威夷 808 Helena(MT) 海伦娜 406 Houston 休斯敦 713 Indianapolis 印第安纳波利斯 317 Jackson(MS) 杰克逊 228 Jefferson City(MO) 杰斐逊城 573 Kansas City(KS) 堪萨斯城 913 Lansing(MI) 兰辛 517 Lincoln(NE) 林肯 402 Little Rock 小石城 501 Los Angeles 洛杉矶 213 Madison(WI) 麦迪逊 608 Memphis 孟菲斯 901 Miami(FL) 迈阿密 305


美国文化的英语作文 本文是关于美国的话题作文,仅供大家参考! 美国文化的主要内容是强调个人价值,追求民主和自由,小编收集了关于美国文化的作文,欢迎阅读。 第一篇:美国文化 This Thursday is Thanksgiving Day. The writer O’Henry called it the one day that is purely American. Thanksgiving is not a religious holiday. But it has ritual meaning. Some Americans attend religious services on the day before Thanksgiving or on Thanksgiving morning. Others travel long distances to be with their families. They have a large dinner which is the main part of the celebration. For many Americans, Thanksgiving is the only time when all members of the family gather. The holiday is a time of family reunion. Thanksgiving week is generally one of the busiest travel times of the year. However, experts say this year probably will be different. On September 11th, thousands of people died when terrorists hijacked airplanes that struck buildings in Washington D.C. and New York City. Many people now say they are worried about flying on a plane. Travel experts say almost 6 percent fewer people will make long trips this Thanksgiving compared


American culture Literature Review Like the Hollywood coverage of the American culture,the culture over …the Holl ywood culture”exhibiton highlighted the gap between scholarly trends and pop ular understandings of history.But rather than make this a cause for lamentatio n or the occasion for propagating a correct view,we should decide to study Am erican culture in Hollywood film further more. For a century, Hollywood, …a district of Los Angeles, California. The principal Centre of the American film industry, plays an important role in the circulation of American culture. It serves as the nation's preeminent instrument of cultural expression. It?s well known for its representation of modern American culture, and attracts thousands of movie fans and visitors every year. Movies offer a wi ndow into American cultural and social history, it provide a host of insights into Americans' shifting ideals, fantasies, and preoccupations.America?s Culture A daptation and adoption from one culture to the next is prevalent within any cult ure and country. When examining the effects of this, finding its original root is key. Oftentimes a country will adapt an aspect of another culture; however it w on?t be preserved and practiced identically given only a few years to be foster ed in its new civilization. America culture in Hollywood is a prime example. Du ring the American germination ,we were known as the melting pot of every her itage—each immigrant internally packed his or her previously known culture. A lthough that was over two-hundred years ago, the American culture really cha nged too much in relation to mixing a little of this and a little of that. Even if Am ericans tried to avoid dabbling in the cultures of countries abroad or even right next door, it couldn?t be possible to preserve any type of American Culture. The most significant of reasons preventing this is due to the foundation Ameri can culture was settled upon, that being of a melting pot. This concept of an A merican culture or way of life is created only because each one of the Europe ancestors arrived with their own religious practices, holiday traditions, and eve n recipes to European Favorite dishes that make the American culture so commonly deem as it in Ho llywood film. Relating this on a more contemporary level beyond the original in habitants arriving from places abroad on boats, the American culture is still as dynamic as ever. With modern technology enabling travel, communication, an d information from one place to the next, Hollywood films create an accessible means to share ideas, beliefs, and values between places on opposite ends of the earth. On an even broader perspective, due to the economic structure o f international trading and developing, each country is exposed to products an d practices of another. Although this concept of sharing cultural components is widespread, the American culture in Hollywood films adaptation patterns are li mited by that very same economic structure. That?s the reason why we should research about the American culture in Holly wood films.


纽约的城市介绍 New York is the most popular city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most popular metropolitan areas in the world. New York has a significant impact upon global commerce, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. The home of the United Nations Headquarters, New York is an important center for international affairs and is widely deemed the cultural capital of the world. The city is also known as New York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from the state of New York, of which it is a part. 第五大道 Fifth Avenue which is the center of Manhattan, is one of the most world famous business the Rockefeller Center to the 58th Street,there are many luxury avenue’s most illustrious name is still Tiffany, the jeweller brought to fame by the 1961 film Breakfast at Tiffany’this movie,every day morning ,Audrey Hepburn came to New York's fifth avenue of Tiffany window, eating her bread and dreaming that she could have breakfast in the jewelry shop one day. the Metropolitan Museum大都会艺术博物馆 One of New York City's most popular tourist attractions, the Metropolitan Museum of Art welcomes over 5 million visitors a year. The Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection and special exhibits offer something for everyone -- from Ancient Egyptian Vases and Roman Statues to Tiffany Stained Glass


美国文化背景简介 【熔炉】(The Melting Pot) 美国的别称。因为美国是一个由来自世界各地不同民族的移民融合组成的国度。这些移民说的英语不像英国人的英语那样具有较强的阶层性与地域多样性。他们形成了相似的生活习惯与礼节;城乡居民的差别也不像其他国家的那样明显。美国社会虽然竞争性强,且存在着种族歧视,但它在同化来自不同民族的移民方面又表现出相当大的弹性与包容性。因而,形成了全新的整体文化与共同的民族意识,使美国成为“一个多民族组成的国家”。美国人的人生观是基于个人奋斗、自我管束与竞争精神之上的。 【雅皮士与雅非士】(Yuppies and Yuffies) 雅皮士是美国人根据嬉皮士(Hippies)仿造的一个新词,意思是“年轻的都市专业工作者”。雅皮士从事那些需要受过高等教育才能胜任的职业,如律师、医生、建筑师、计算机程序员、工商管理人员等。他们的年薪很高。雅皮士们事业上十分成功,踌躇满志,恃才傲物,过着奢侈豪华的生活。与嬉皮士们不同,雅皮士们没有颓废情绪,不关心政治与社会问题,只关心赚钱,追求舒适的生活。雅非士意为“都市中失败的年轻人”。他们虽然觉得自己的生活无法与雅皮士的生活相比,但又不愿意有失落感,并发誓要找到自己的归宿。 【山姆大叔】(Uncle Sam) 它是美国的绰号与象征。山姆大叔的英文为Uncle Sam,缩写是U.S.,正好与美国的英文缩写相同。但它怎样成为美国的绰号和象征的呢?普遍的说法是:1812年,美英战争期间,美国特罗城有一个专门供应军用牛肉的商人(也有的说是军事订货的官员)名叫山姆尔〃威尔逊(Samuel Wilson,1776—1854),人们平时都叫他山姆大叔(Uncle Sam)。美国政府收购他的牛肉箱上都盖U.S.字样。人们遂开玩笑说这些盖有U.S.字样的箱子都是山姆大叔的。后来“山姆大叔”便成了美国的绰号。19世纪30年代,美国画家又将“山姆大叔”画成一个留有山 羊胡子的瘦长老人,帽子和裤子都有星条旗的标志。 【黑色星期五】(Black Friday) “黑色”这一词,源出耶稣殉难日(Good Friday)。1987年10月19日,纽约股票市场的股票价格暴跌,因这天是星期五,故称股票市场的“黑色星期五”。10月19日纽约股市的股票指数普遍大幅度下降,超过了1929年10月28日引发经济大萧条的股票暴跌纪录。这天开市不久,即出现抛售股票的狂潮,纽约股市创下了破纪录的股市交易6043亿股,使得美国几家大公司损失惨重,上市的5000家公司的整个股票价值,一天中就折损了5000亿美元。股值暴跌迅速度卷世界各地大金融市场,引起了西方的极大恐慌,这次股票暴跌,是第一次世界大战以来股市最糟的一次,也是华尔街有史以来下跌幅度最剧烈的一次。 【汽车旅馆】(Motel=Motor+Hotel) 汽车旅馆起源于公路两旁独立经营带有停车场的小旅馆。60年代初随着汽车逐渐成为美国、英国、欧洲、加勒比海地区和日本的主要交通工具,这些旅馆的规模也不断扩大。一般汽车旅馆有游泳池,大多数房间配有电视。进入70年代后,一些国家政府允许个人以联营汽车旅馆的名义,从事独自经营。这样,只需较少的投资,即可为联营企业获取较大的利润,从而加快了汽车旅馆业的发展。尤其是北美的汽车旅馆比任何地方都多。 【美国主要报刊】(Major Newspapers and Journals in the U.S.)


Unit One Washington D、C、 Good morning, everyone、I want to welcome you to Washington D、C、Tour USA is going to take around nation’s capital this morning、I’m Martha Anderson and I will be your guide、The tour will take 2 hours, so we will be back about noon、 We are starting at the Capitol Building, where the senators and representatives vote on laws for the country、And there across the street is the Supreme Court, the highest court in the United States、Next to the Court is the Library of Congress、Just imagine, the Library of Congress has a copy of every book printed in the United States、 Here is the Washington Monument、It is such a beautiful tall monument, reaching up into the sky、That is one of the most popular sights in Washington、And there is the White House, where the president and his family live、If you have time, you should take a tour of the White House and see the rooms where the American president lives、 Now we’re coming to the Lincoln Memorial、This is one of the most loved places in America, because Abraham Lincoln was such a great man、Now the bus is going across the Potomac River to Arlington National Cemetery, where so many American heroes are buried、 If you have any questions about Washington, please ask me、I hope you have enjoyed seeing Washington D、C、with Tour USA、、 Unit Two New York City Good morning, good morning! I want to welcome you to New York City, the Big Apple, this exciting city of Skyscrapers、I’m Jack Marino, and I‘ll be your guide today for Tour USA、After our tour, you will take the ferry to the Statue of Liberty, which stands out in New York Harbor、As you see, Central Park is a very large park, right in the middle of all the tall buildings、Look at all the people walking in the park, bicycling, jogging, and picnicking on the grass、And there is the lake with many small boats、 Now we are going down Fifth Avenue、New Yorkers love to walk along Fifth Avenue and look in the store windows、There are clothing stores with beautiful dresses and suits, and jewelry stores with diamonds and gold、 Here we are on Broadway, where you can see plays and musicals、There are many famous theaters right here、When you visit New York you must go and see a play or a musical、 Now we are going by the Empire State Building、From the 102nd floor you can see all up and down the island of Manhattan、It is a wonderful way to see the city、 Here is Wall Street, the money center of the United States、These streets are the heart of American business、The people going along the street look very small with such tall buildings on both sides、 And there’s the ferry that will take you to the Statue of Liberty、I hope you enjoyed seeing New York City with Tour USA、 Unit Three Boston Hello, everyone! I want to welcome you to Boston, called Bean town for the wonderful Boston baked beans、Tour USA is going to show you the old and the new city、I'm Barbara Smith, and I'll be your guide today、The tour takes one hour、 We are starting at the State Capitol, with its beautiful gold-covered dome shining in the sun、


The flag of the United States has 13 stripes(条形) and 50 stars.The 13 stripes stand for the original 13 colonies(殖民地) in North America.And the 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states(州). Broad way(百老汇) is the main street of Manhattan(曼哈顿)。It is the birth place of the drama and music play in America. New York Nickname: (纽约) The Big Apple(大苹果) The City Never Sleeps(不夜城) The capital of world(世界之都)

The statue of liberty 自由女神像is the symbol of the United States. Empire State Building (帝国大厦) Built:1930 Floor :102 Height:443meters United Nations Headquarters (联合国总部) The Pentagon(五角大楼)is another name for the Department of Defense(国防部). Seen from the surface of the Pentagon, it is like a spider net(蜘蛛网).


美国U S A各州的缩写及 主要城市 Revised by BLUE on the afternoon of December 12,2020.

美国各州的缩写及主要城市 一、亚拉巴马州 英文州名(缩写):Alabama (AL) 区号:205 – 251 – 256 – 334 主要城市: 1、伯明翰(Birmingham) 2、蒙哥马利(Montgomery) 3、亨次维尔(Huntsville) 4、土斯卡鲁沙(Tuscaloosa) 5、木比耳(Mobile) 二、阿拉斯加州 英文州名(缩写):Alaska (AK) 区号:907 主要城市: 1、朱诺(Juneau) 2、安克拉奇(Anchorage) 3、费尔班克斯(Fairbanks) 三、亚利桑那州

英文州名(缩写):Arizona (AZ) 区号:480 – 520 – 602 – 623 – 928 主要城市: 1、菲尼克斯[凤凰城](Phoenix) 2、吐桑(Tucson) 3、孟沙(Mesa) 四、阿肯色州 英文州名(缩写):Arkansas (AR) 区号:501 – 870 主要城市: 1、小石城(Little Rock) 2、菲页维尔(Fayetteville) 五、加利福尼亚州 英文州名(缩写):California (CA) 区号:209 – 213 – 310 – 323 – 408 – 415 – 510 – 530 – 559 –562 – 619 – 626 – 650 – 661 – 707 – 714 – 760 – 805 – 818 –831 – 858 – 909 – 916 – 925 – 949 主要城市: 1、萨克拉门托(Sacramento) 2、索诺马(Sonoma) 3、圣荷西(San Jose)

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