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新概念英语1(Lesson1-Lesson144)词汇表Lesson 1

1 excuse [?k'skju:z] v.原谅

2 me [mi:] pron.我(宾格)

3 yes [jes] adv.是的

4 is [?z] v.be动词现在时第三人称单数

5 this [e?s] pron.这

6 your [j?:] 你的,你们的

7 handbag ['h?ndb?g] n.(女用)手提包

8 pardon ['pɑ:d?n] int.原谅,请再说一遍

9 it [?t] pron.它

10 thank you ['θ??k-ju:]感谢你(们)

11 very much ['veri-mvt?]}非常地

Lesson 2

1 pen [pen] n.钢笔

2 pencil ['pensl] n.铅笔

3 book [b?k] n.书

4 watch [w?t?] n.手表

5 coat [k??t] n.上衣,外衣

6 dress [dres] n.连衣裙

7 skirt [sk??t] n.裙子

8 shirt [???t] n.衬衣

9 car [kɑ:] n.小汽车

10 house [ha?s] n.房子

Lesson 3

1 umbrella [?m'brel?] n.伞

2 please [pli:z] int.请

3 here [h??] adv.这里

4 my [ma?] 我的

5 ticket ['t?k?t] n.票

6 number ['n?mb?] n.号码

7 five [fa?v] num.五

8 sorry ['s?ri] adj.对不起的

9 sir [s??] n.先生

10 cloakroom ['kl??kru:m] n.衣帽存放处Lesson 4

1 suit [su:t] n.一套衣服

2 school [sku:l] n.学校

3 teacher ['ti:t??] n.老师

4 son [s?n] n.儿子

5 daughter ['d?:t?] n.女儿

Lesson 5

1 Mr. ['m?st?] 先生

2 good [g?d] adj.好

3 morning ['m?:n??] n.早晨

4 Miss [m?s]小姐

5 new [nju:] adj.新的

6 student ['stju:d?nt] n.学生

7 French [frent?] a.& n.法国人

8 German ['d???m?n] a.& n.德国人

9 nice ['na?s] adj.美好的

10 meet [mi:t] v.遇见

11 Japanese [?d??p?'ni:z] adj.& n.日本人

12 Korean [k?'r??n] adj.& n.韩国人

13 Chinese [?t?a?'ni:z] adj.& n.中国人

14 too [tu:] adv.也

Lesson 6

1 make [me?k] n.(产品的)牌号

2 Swedish ['swi:d??] adj.瑞典的

3 English ['??gl??] adj.英国的

4 American [?'mer?k?n] adj.美国的

5 Italian [?'t?l??n] adj.意大利的

6 Volvo ['v?lv??] n.沃尔沃

7 Peugeot n.[p?????]标致

8 Mercedes ['m?:se?di:z] n.梅赛德斯

9 Toyota ['t??j??t?] n.丰田

10 Daewoo ['dɑ:wu:]n.大宇

11 Mini ['m?n?] n.迷你

12 Ford [f?:d] n.福特

13 Fiat ['f?:?t] n.菲亚特

Lesson 7

1 I [a?] pron.我

2 am [?m] v.be动词现在时第一人称单数

3 are [ɑ:] v.be动词现在时复数

4 name ['ne?m] n.名字

5 what [w?t] adv.& pron.什么

6 nationality [?n???'n?l?ti] n.国籍

7 job [d??b] n.工作

8 keyboard ['ki:b?:d] n.电脑键盘

9 operator ['?p?re?t?] n.操作人员

10 engineer [?end??'n??] n.工程师Lesson 8

1 policeman [p?'li:sm?n] n.警察

2 policewoman [p?'li:sw?m?n] n.女警察

3 taxi driver ['t?ksi-'draiv?]出租汽车司机

4 air hostess ['e?-'h??st?s]空中小姐

5 postman ['p??stm?n] n.邮递员

6 nurse [n??s] n.护士

7 mechanic [m?'k?n?k] n.机械师

8 hairdresser ['he??dres?] n.理发师

9 housewife ['ha?swa?f] n.家庭妇女

10 milkman ['m?lkm?n] n.送牛奶的人Lesson 9

1 hello [h?'l??] int.喂(表示问候)

2 hi [ha?] int.喂,嗨

3 how [ha?] adv.怎样

4 today [t?'de?] adv.今天

5 well [wel] adj.身体好

6 fine [fa?n] adj.美好的

7 thanks [θ??ks] int.谢谢

8 goodbye [?g?d'ba?] int.再见

9 see [si:] v.见

Lesson 10

1 fat [f?t] adj.胖的

2 woman ['w?m?n] n.女人

3 thin [θ?n] adj.瘦的

4 tall [t?:l] adj.高的

5 short [??:t] adj.矮的

6 dirty ['d??ti] adj.脏的

7 clean [kli:n] adj.干净的

8 hot [h?t] adj.热的

9 cold [k??ld] adj.冷的

10 old [??ld] adj.老的

11 young [j??] adj.年轻的

12 busy ['b?zi] adj.忙的

13 lazy ['le?zi] adj.懒的

Lesson 11

1 whose [hu:z] pron.谁的

2 blue [blu:] adj.蓝色的

3 perhaps [p?'h?ps] adv.大概

4 white [wa?t] adj.白色的

5 catch [k?t?] v.抓住

Lesson 12

1 father ['fɑ:e?] n.父亲

2 mother ['m?e?] n.母亲

3 blouse [bla?z] n.女衬衫

4 sister [s?st?] n.姐,妹

5 tie [ta?] n.领带

6 brother ['br?e?] n.兄,弟

7 his [h?z] 他的

8 her [h??] 她的

Lesson 13

1 colour ['k?l?] n.颜色

2 green [gri:n] adj.绿色

3 come [k?m] v.来

4 upstairs [??p'ste?z] adv.楼上

5 smart [smɑ:t] adj.时髦的,巧妙的

6 hat [h?t] n.帽子

7 same [se?m] adj.相同的

8 lovely ['l?vli] adj.可爱的,秀丽的Lesson 14

1 case [ke?s] n. 箱子

2 carpet ['kɑ:p?t] n. 地毯

3 dog [d?g] n. 狗

Lesson 15

1 Customs ['k?st?mz] n. 海关

2 officer ['?f?s?] n. 官员

3 girl [g??l] n. 女孩,姑娘

4 Danish ['de?n??] a.& n. 丹麦人

5 friend ['frend] n. 朋友

6 Norwegian [n?:'wi:d??n] a.& n. 挪威人

7 passport ['pɑ:sp?:t] n. 护照

8 brown [bra?n] adj. 棕色的

9 tourist ['t??r?st] n. 旅游者

Lesson 16

1 Russian ['r???n] adj.& n. 俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人

2 Dutch [d?t?] adj.& n. 荷兰人的;荷兰人

3 these [ei:z] pron. 这些(this的复数)

4 red [red] adj. 红色的

5 grey [gre?] adj. 灰色的

6 yellow ['jel??] adj. 黄色的

7 black [bl?k] adj. 黑色的

8 orange ['?r?nd?] adj. 橘黄色的

Lesson 17

1 employee [?m'pl??'i:] n.雇员

2 hard-working [hɑ:d'w??k??] a. 勤奋的

3 sales reps ['seilz-'rep]推销员

4 man [m?n] n.男人

5 office ['?f?s] n.办公室

6 assistant [?'s?st?nt] n.助手

Lesson 19

1 matter ['m?t?] n. 事情

2 children ['t??ldr?n] n. 孩子们(child 的复数)

3 tired ['ta??d] adj. 累,疲乏

4 boy [b??] n. 男孩

5 thirsty ['θ??sti] adj. 渴

6 mum ['m?m] n. 妈妈(儿语)

7 sit down [?s?t'-da?n] 坐下

8 right [ra?t] adj. 好,可以

9 ice cream ['a?s-'kri:m] 冰淇淋

Lesson 20

1 big [b?g] adj.大的

2 small [sm?:l] adj.小的

3 open ['??p?n] adj.开着的

4 shut [??t] adj.关着的

5 light [la?t] adj.轻的

6 heavy ['hevi] adj.重的

7 long [l??] adj.长的

8 shoe [?u:] n.鞋子

9 grandfather ['gr?nd?fɑ:e?] n.祖父,外祖父

10 grandmother ['gr?n?m?e?] n.祖母,外祖母Lesson 21

1 give [g?v] v. 给

2 one [w?n] pron. 一个

3 which [w?t?] 哪一个

Lesson 22

1 empty ['empti] adj.空的

2 full [f?l] adj.满的

3 large [lɑ:d?] adj.大的

4 little ['l?tl] adj.小的

5 sharp [?ɑ:p] adj.尖的,锋利的

6 small [sm?:l] adj.小的

7 big [b?g] adj.大的

8 blunt [bl?nt] adj.钝的

9 box [b?ks] n.盒子,箱子

10 glass [glɑ:s] n.杯子

11 cup [k?p] n.茶杯

12 bottle ['b?tl] n.瓶子

13 tin [t?n] n.罐头

14 knife [na?f] n.刀子

15 fork [f?:k] n.叉子

16 spoon [spu:n] n.勺子

Lesson 23

1 on [?n] prep. 在…之上

2 shelf [?elf] n. 架子,搁板

Lesson 24

1 desk [desk] n.课桌

2 table ['te?bl] n.桌子

3 plate [ple?t] n.盘子

4 cupboard ['k?b?d] n.食橱

5 cigarette [?s?g?'ret] n.香烟

6 television [tel?'v???n] n.电视机

7 floor [fl?:] n.地板

8 dressing table [dresi?-'te?bl]梳妆台

9 magazine [?m?g?'zi:n] n.杂志

10 bed [bed] n.床

11 newspaper ['nju:s?pe?p?] n.报纸

12 stereo ['ster???] n.立体声音响Lesson 25

1 Mrs. ['m?s?z] 夫人

2 kitchen ['k?t??n] n.厨房

3 refrigerator [r?'fr?d??re?t?] n.电冰箱

4 right [ra?t] n.右边

5 electric [?'lektr?k] adj.带电的,可通电的

6 left [left] n.左边

7 cooker ['k?k?] n.炉子,炊具

8 middle ['m?dl] n.中间

9 of [?v] prep.(属于)…的

10 room [ru:m] n.房间

11 cup [k?p] n.杯子

Lesson 26

1 where [we?] adv.在哪里

2 in [?n] prep.在…里

Lesson 27

1 living room ['l?v??-ru:m] 客厅

2 near [n??] prep.靠近

3 window ['w?nd??] n.窗户

4 armchair ['ɑ:mt?e?] n.手扶椅

5 door [d?:] n.门

6 picture ['p?kt??] n.图画

7 wall [w?:l] n.墙

Lesson 28

1 trousers ['tra?z?z] n.〔复数〕长裤Lesson 29

1 shut [??t] v.关门

2 bedroom ['bedru:m] n.卧室

3 untidy [??n'ta?di] a.乱,不整齐

4 must [m?st] modal verb.必须,应该

5 open ['??p?n] v.打开

6 air [e?] v.使…通风,换换空气

7 put [p?t] v.放置

8 clothes [kl??ez] n.衣服

9 wardrobe ['w?:dr??b] n.大衣柜

10 dust [d?st] v.掸掉灰尘

11 sweep [swi:p] v.扫

Lesson 30

1 empty ['empti] v.倒空,使…变空

2 read [ri:d] v.读

3 sharpen ['?ɑ:p?n] v.削尖,使锋利

4 put on [?p?t'-?n] 穿上

5 take off [teik-?f脱掉

6 turn on [t??n-?n] 开(电灯)

7 turn off [t??n-?f]关(电灯) Lesson 31

1 garden ['gɑ:dn] n.花园

2 under ['?nd?] prep.在…之下

3 tree [tri:] n.树

4 climb [kla?m] v.爬,攀登

5 who [hu:] pron.谁

6 run [r?n] v.跑

7 grass [grɑ:s] n.草,草地

8 after ['ɑ:ft?] prep.在…之后

9 across ['?kr?s]

10 cat [k?t] n.猫

Lesson 32

1 type [ta?p] v.打字

2 letter ['let?] n.信

3 basket ['bɑ:sk?t] n.篮子

4 eat [i:t] v.吃

5 bone [b??n] n.骨头

6 clean [kli:n] v.清洗

7 tooth [tu:θ] n.牙齿

8 cook [k?k] v.做(饭菜)

9 milk [m?lk] n.牛奶

10 meal [mi:l] n.饭,一顿饭

11 drink [dr??k] v.喝

12 tap [t?p] n.(水)龙头Lesson 33

1 day [de?] n.日子

2 cloud [kla?d] n.云

3 sky [ska?] n.天空

4 sun [s?n] n.太阳

5 shine [?a?n] v.照耀

6 with [w?e] prep.和…在一起

7 family ['f?m?li] n.家庭(成员)

8 walk [w?:k] v.走路,步行

9 over ['??v?] prep.跨越,在…之上

10 bridge [br?d?] n.桥

11 boat [b??t] n.船

12 river ['r?v?] n.河

13 ship [??p] n.轮船

14 aeroplane ['e?r?ple?n] n.飞机

15 fly [fla?] v.飞

Lesson 34

1 sleep [sli:p] v.睡觉

2 shave [?e?v] v.刮脸

3 cry [kra?] v.哭,喊

4 wash [w??] v.洗

5 wait [we?t] v.等

6 jump [d??mp] v.跳

Lesson 35

1 photograph ['f??t?grɑ:f] n.照片

2 village ['v?l?d?] n.村庄

3 valley ['v?li] n.山谷

4 between [b?'twi:n] prep.在…之间

5 hill [h?l] n.小山

6 another [?'n?e?] prep.另一个

7 wife [wa?f] n.妻子

8 along [?'l??] prep.沿着

9 bank [b??k] n.河岸

10 water ['w?:t?] n.水

11 swim [sw?m] v.游泳

12 building ['b?ld??] n.大楼,建筑物

13 park [pɑ:k] n.公园

14 into ['?nt?] prep.进入

Lesson 36

1 beside [b?'sa?d] prep.在…旁

2 off [?f] prep.离开

Lesson 37

1 work [w??k] v.工作

2 hard ['hɑ:d] adv.努力地

3 make [me?k] v.做

4 bookcase ['b?k-ke?s] n.书橱,书架

5 hammer ['h?m?] n.锤子

6 paint [pe?nt] v.上漆,涂

7 pink [p??k] n.& adj.粉红色

8 favourite ['fe?v?r?t] adj.最喜欢的Lesson 38

1 homework ['h??mw??k] n.作业

2 listen ['l?s?n] v.听

3 dish [d??] n.盘子,碟子

Lesson 39

1 front [fr?nt] n.前面

2 in front of 在…之前

3 careful ['ke?f?l] adj.小心的,仔细的

4 vase [vɑ:z] n.花瓶

5 drop [dr?p] v.掉下

6 flower ['fla??] n.花

Lesson 40

1 show [???] v.给…看

2 send [send] v.送给

3 take [te?k] v.带给

Lesson 41

1 cheese [t?i:z] n.乳酪,干酪

2 bread [bred] n.面包

3 soap [s??p] n.肥皂

4 chocolate ['t??kl?t] n.巧克力

5 sugar ['??g?] n.糖

6 coffee ['k?fi] n.咖啡

7 tea [ti:] n.茶

8 tobacco [t?'b?k??] n.烟草,烟丝Lesson 42

1 bird [b??d] n.鸟

2 any ['eni] det.一些

3 some [s?m] det.一些

Lesson 43

1 of course [?v-'k?:s] 当然

2 kettle ['ketl] n.水壶

3 behind [b?'ha?nd] prep.在…后面

4 teapot ['ti:p?t] n.茶壶

5 now [na?] adv.现在,此刻

6 find [fa?nd] v.找到

7 boil [b??l] v.沸腾,开

Lesson 45

1 can [k?n] 能够

2 boss [b?s] n.老板,上司

3 minute ['m?n?t] n.分(钟)

4 ask [ɑ:sk] v.请求,要求

5 handwriting ['h?nd?ra?t??] n.书写

6 terrible ['terib?l] a.糟糕的,可怕的

Lesson 46

1 lift [l?ft] v.拿起,搬起,举起

2 cake [ke?k] n.饼,蛋糕

3 biscuit ['b?sk?t] n.饼干

Lesson 47

1 like [la?k] v.喜欢,想要

2 want [w?nt] v.想

Lesson 48

1 fresh [fre?] adj.新鲜的

2 egg [eg] n.鸡蛋

3 butter ['b?t?] n.黄油

4 pure [pj??] adj.纯净的

5 honey ['h?ni] n.蜂蜜

6 ripe [ra?p] adj.成熟的

7 banana [b?'nɑ:n?] n.香蕉

8 jam [d??m] n.果酱

9 sweet [swi:t] adj.甜的

10 orange ['?r?nd?] n.橙

11 Scotch whisky ['sk?t?-'wiski] 苏格兰威士忌

12 choice [t???s] adj.上等的,精选的

13 apple ['?pl] n.苹果

14 wine [wa?n] n.酒,果酒

15 beer [b??] n.啤酒

16 blackboard ['bl?kb?:d] n.黑板

Lesson 49

1 butcher ['b?t??] n.卖肉的

2 meat [mi:t] n.(食用)肉

3 beef [bi:f] n.牛肉

4 lamb [l?m] n.羔羊肉

5 husband ['h?zb?nd] n.丈夫

6 steak [ste?k] n.牛排

7 mince [m?ns] n.肉馅,绞肉

8 chicken ['t??k?n] n.鸡

9 tell [tel] v.告诉

10 truth [tru:θ] n.实情

11 either ['a?e?] adv.也(用于否定句) Lesson 50

1 tomato [t?'mɑ:t??] n.西红柿

2 potato [p?'te?t??] n.土豆

3 cabbage ['k?b?d?] n.卷心菜

4 lettuce ['let?s] n.莴苣

5 pea [pi:] n.豌豆

6 bean [bi:n] n.豆角

7 pear [pe?] n.梨

8 grape [gre?p] n.葡萄

9 peach [pi:t?] n.桃

Lesson 51

1 Greece [gri:s] n.希腊

2 climate ['kla?m?t] n.气候

3 country ['k?ntri] n.国家

4 pleasant ['plez?nt] a.宜人的

5 weather ['wee?] n.天气

6 spring [spr??] n.春季

7 windy ['w?ndi] adj.有风的

8 warm [w?:m] adj.温暖的

9 rain [re?n] v.下雨

10 sometimes ['s?mta?mz] adv.有时

11 summer ['s?m?] n.夏天

12 autumn ['?:t?m] n.秋天

13 winter ['w?nt?] n.冬天

14 snow [sn??] v.下雪

15 January ['d??nj??ri] n.1月

16 February ['febr??ri] n.2月

17 March [mɑ:t?] n.3月

18 April ['e?pr?l] n.4月

19 May [me?] n.5月

20 June [d?u:n] n.6月

21 July [d??'la?] n.7月

22 August ['?:g?st] n.8月

23 September [sep'temb?] n.9月

24 October [?k't??b?] n.10月

25 November [n??'vemb?] n.11月

26 December [d?'semb?] n.12月Lesson 52

1 the U.S. 美国

2 Brazil [br?'z?l] n.巴西

3 Holland ['h?l?nd] n.荷兰

4 England ['??gl?nd] n.英国

5 France ['frɑ?ns] n.法国

6 Germany ['d??:m?ni] n.德国

7 Italy ['?t?li] n.意大利

8 Norway ['n?:we?] n.挪威

9 Russia ['r???] n.俄罗斯

10 Spain [spe?n] n.西班牙

11 Sweden ['swi:dn] n.瑞典Lesson 53

1 mild [ma?ld] adj.温和的,温暖的

2 always ['?:lwe?z] adj.总是

3 north [n?:θ] n.北方

4 east [i:st] n.东方

5 wet [wet] adj.潮湿的

6 west [west] n.西方

7 south [sa?θ] n.南方

8 season ['si:z?n] n.季节

9 best [best] adv.最

10 night [na?t] n.夜晚

11 rise [ra?z] v.升起

12 early ['??li] adv.早

13 set [set] v.(太阳)落下去

14 late [le?t] adv.晚,迟

15 interesting ['?ntr?st??] adj.有趣的,有意思的

16 subject ['s?bd??kt] n.话题

17 conversation [?k?nv?'se???n] n.谈话Lesson 54

1 Australia [?'stre?l??] n.澳大利亚

2 Australian [?'stre?lj?n] n.澳大利亚人

3 Austria ['?str??] n.奥地利

4 Austrian ['?str??n] n.奥地利人

5 Canada ['k?n?d?] n.加拿大

6 Canadian [k?'ne?d??n] n.加拿大人

7 China ['t?a?n?] n.中国

8 Finland ['finl?nd] n.芬兰

9 Finnish ['f?n??] n.芬兰人

10 India ['?nd??] n.印度

11 Indian ['?nd??n] n.印度人

12 Japan [d??'p?n] n.日本

13 Nigeria [na?'d???r??] n.尼日利亚

14 Nigerian [na?'d???r??n] n.尼日利亚人

15 Turkey ['t??ki] n.土耳其

16 Turkish ['t??k??] n.土耳其人

17 Korea [k?'r??] n.韩国

18 Polish ['p??l??] n.波兰人

19 Poland ['p??l?nd] n.波兰

20 Thai [ta?] n.泰国人

21 Thailand ['ta?l?nd] n.泰国

Lesson 55

1 live [l?v] v.住,生活

2 stay [ste?] v.呆在,停留

3 home [h??m] n.家adv.在家,到家

4 housework ['ha?sw?:k] n.家务

5 lunch [l?nt?] n.午饭

6 afternoon [?ɑ:ft?'nu:n] n.下午

7 usually ['ju:???li] adv.通常

8 together [t?'gee?] adv.一起

9 evening ['i:vn??] n.晚上

10 arrive [?'ra?v] v.到达

11 night [na?t] n.夜间

Lesson 57

1 o'clock [?'kl?k] adv.点钟

2 shop [??p] n.商店

3 moment ['m??m?nt] n.片刻,瞬间Lesson 59

1 envelope ['env?l??p] n.信封

2 writing paper ['ra?t??-'pe?p?] 信纸

3 shop assistant ['??p-?'s?st?nt] 售货员

4 size [sa?z] n.尺寸,尺码,大小

5 pad [p?d] n.信笺簿

6 glue [glu:] n.胶水

7 chalk [t??:k] n.粉笔

8 change [t?e?nd?] n.零钱,找给的钱

Lesson 61

1 feel [fi:l] v.感觉

2 look [l?k] v.看(起来)

3 must [m?st] 必须

4 call [k?:l] v.叫,请

5 doctor ['d?kt?] n.医生

6 telephone ['tel?f??n] n.电话

7 remember [r?'memb?] v.记得,记住

8 mouth [ma?θ] n.嘴

9 tongue [t??] n.舌头

10 bad [b?d] adj.坏的,严重的

11 cold [k??ld] n.感冒

12 news [nju:z] n.消息

Lesson 62

1 headache ['hede?k] n.头痛

2 aspirin ['?spr?n] n.阿斯匹林

3 earache ['??re?k] n.耳痛

4 toothache ['tu:θe?k] n.牙痛

5 dentist ['dent?st] n.牙医

6 stomach ache ['st?m?k-e?k] 胃痛

7 medicine ['med?s?n] n.药

8 temperature ['temp?r?t??] n.温度

9 flu [flu:] n.流行性感冒

10 measles ['mi:z?lz] n.麻疹

11 mumps [m?mps] n.腮腺炎Lesson 63

1 better ['bet?] a.形容词well的比较级

2 certainly ['s??tnli] adv.当然

3 get up [get-?p] 起床

4 yet [jet] adv.还,仍

5 rich [r?t?] adj.油腻的

6 food [fu:d] n.食物

7 remain [r?'me?n] v.保持,继续

Lesson 64

1 play [ple?] v.玩

2 match [m?t?] n.火柴

3 talk [t?:k] v.谈话

4 library ['la?br?ri] n.图书馆

5 drive [dra?v] v.开车

6 so [s??] adv.如此地

7 quickly ['kw?kli] adv.快地

8 lean out of 身体探出

9 break [bre?k] v.打破

10 noise [n??z]

Lesson 65

1 Dad [d?d] n.爸(儿语)

2 key [ki:] n.钥匙

3 baby ['be?bi] n.婴儿

4 hear [h??] v.听见

5 enjoy [?n'd???] v.玩得快活

6 yourself [j?:'self] pron.你自己

7 ourselves [a??'selvz] pron.我们自己

8 mum [m?m] n.妈妈

Lesson 66

1 myself [ma?'self] pron.我自己

2 themselves [e?m'selvz] pron.他们自己

3 himself [h?m'self] pron.他自己

4 herself [h??'self] pron.她自己

Lesson 67

1.greengrocer ['gr i:n?gr??s?] n.蔬菜水果零售商

新概念英语第一册 单词表 打印版

【英语学习】新概念英语(一)单词表Lesson 1 excuse [ik'skju:z] v.原谅 me [mi:, mi] pron.我(宾格) yes [jes] ad.是的 is [iz, s, z, ?z] 动词现在时第三人称单数this [eis] pron.这 your [j?:, j?:, j?r, j?:r] 你的,你们的handbag ['h?ndb?g] n.(女用)手提包pardon ['pɑ:d?n] int.原谅,请再说一遍. it [it] pron.它 thank you 感谢你(们) very much 非常地 Lesson 2 pen [pen] n.钢笔 pencil ['pensl] n.铅笔 book [buk] n.书 watch [w?t?] n.手表 coat [k?ut] n.上衣,外衣 、dress [dres] n.连衣裙 skirt [sk?:t] n.裙子 shirt [??:t] n.衬衣 car [kɑ:] n.小汽车 house [haus] n.房子 Lesson 3 umbrella [?m'brel?] n.伞 please [pli:z] int.请 here [hi?] ad.这里 : my [mai] 我的 ticket ['tikit] n.票 number ['n?mb?] n.号码 five [faiv] num.五 sorry ['s?ri] a.对不起的 sir [s?:] n.先生 cloakroom ['kl?ukru:m] n.衣帽存放处 Lesson 4 suit [su:t, sju:t] n.一套衣服 !


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题 (01—12) 姓名:____________________ 得分:____________________ 一、选择正确的字母组合,完成下列单词(1分/题,共10分) ( )01.c___t A.oe B.oa C.ou ( )02.umbre___ https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f015127948.html, B.al C.lla ( )03.ti___t A.ke B.cke C.ckt ( )04.n___mber A.a B.o C.u ( )05.f___ A.ive B.evi C.vie ( )06.cl___kroom A.oa B.ao C.ou ( )07.s___t A.ai B.ui C.iu ( )08.sch___l A.oa B.ou C.oo ( )09.tea___ A.cher B.her C.cer ( )10.h___se A.ou B.au C.oa 二、根据汉译提示填空,使句意完整(1分/题,共10分) 01.__________(怎样)are you today? 02.I’m very__________(好). 03.That man is__________(胖). 04.That woman is__________(瘦). 05.That__________(男警察)is tall. 06.__________(谁的)shirt is that? 07.My shirt is__________(蓝色的). 08.__________(大概)that is Tim’s desk. 09.Is your car__________(白色的)? 10.Can you__________(抓住)that ball?


英语分类词汇大全 新概念英语分类词汇大全 分类记忆,针对重点 运筹帷幄,决胜千里 (来源网络,并非原创)

英语分类词汇大全报刊常用词汇 accredited journalist n.特派记者advertisement n.广告cut n.插图vat.删减(字数)cut line n.插图说明 advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair(e)n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事daily n.日报dateline n.新闻电头deadline n.截稿时间 assignment n.采写任务dig vat.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);"挖"(新闻) digest n.文摘 attribution n.消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n.小道消息 back grounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly.坏事传千里banner n.通栏标题editorial n.社论editorial office编辑部editor’s notes编者按exclusive n.独家新闻 beat n.采写范围expose n.揭丑新闻;新闻曝光 extra n.号外 blank vat. "开天窗" body n.新闻正文eye-account n.目击记;记者见闻 faxed photo传真照片 boil vat.压缩(篇幅) box n.花边新闻feature n.特写;专稿 brief n.简讯feedback n.信息反馈 bulletin n.新闻简报file n.发送消息;发稿 filler n.补白 byline n.署名文章 caption n.图片说明First Amendment (美国宪法)第一修正案(内容有关新 闻、出版自由等) caricature n.漫画 carry vat.刊登five "W’s" of news新闻五要素 flag n.报头;报名 cartoon n.漫画 censor vat.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报fool (=follow-up) n.连续报道 Fourth Estate第四等级(新闻界的别称) freedom of the Press新闻自由 free-lancer n.自由撰稿人 full position醒目位置 column n.专栏;栏目columnist n.专栏作家 continued story n.连载故事;连载小说contributing editor n.特约编辑contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人Good news comes on crutches.好事不出门。grapevine n.小道消息 gutter n.中缝 hard news硬新闻;纯消息 headline n.新闻标题;内容提要 hearsay n.小道消息 copy desk n.新闻编辑部copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事)correspondence column n.读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vat.采访;采写highlights n.要闻 hot news热点新闻 human interest人情味 in-depth reporting深度报道 insert n.& vt.插补段落;插稿interpretative reporting解释性报道invasion of privacy侵犯隐私(权) inverted pyramid倒金字塔(写作结构) cover girl n.封面女郎 covert coverage n.隐性采访;秘密采访crop vat.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势

新概念第三册单词lesson 53 In the public interest

新概念第三册单词lesson 53 In the public interest Lesson 53:In the public interest 为了公众的利益 Listen to the tape then answer the question below. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What could not be reported in the official flees? The Scandinavian countries are much admired all over the world for their enlightened social policies. Sweden has evolved an excellent system for protecting the individual citizen from highhanded or incompetent public officers. The system has worked so well, that it has been adopted in other countries too. The Swedes were the first to recognize that public officials like civil servants, police officers, health inspectors or tax-collectors can make mistakes or act over-zealously in the belief that they are serving the public. As long ago as 1809, the Swedish Parliament introduced a scheme to safeguard the interest of the individual. A parliamentary committee representing all political parties appoints a person who is suitably qualified to investigate private grievances against the State. The official title of the person is 'Justiteombudsman', but the Swedes commonly refer to him as the 'J.O.' or 'Ombudsman'. The Ombudsman is not subject to political pressure. He investigates complaints large and small that come to him from all levels of society. As complaints must be made in writing, the Ombudsman receives an average of 1,200 letters a year. He has eight lawyer assistants to help him and he examines every single letter in


新概念英语一测试题答案 (1) 数词, 冠词, 介词, 动词时态变化, 比较级和最高级 一写出复数 1. radios 2. knives 3. glasses 4. shelves 5. bosses 6. dresses 7. housewives 9. leaves 10. churches 11. mouths 12. families 13. ties 14. tomatoes 15. pianos 16. babies 17. teeth 18. countries 19. keys 20 potatoes 21. matches 22. boxes 23. hours 24. heroes 二用冠词a, an, the 或some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用/ 代替. 1. Alice is _an___ air-hostess. Her father is __an__ engineer and her mother is ___a__ housewife. They all play __/____ tennis very well. 2. He has __an__ uncle and his uncle lives in __the__ United Kindom. He first saw him in __the__ autumn of 1978. 3. It is better to tell ___the___ truth than to tell ___/____ lies. 4. Will you have ____/__ more tea There’s plenty in the pot. 5. There is __a_university near my home. Every Saturday evening,_some__ students hold ___a_ party. _Some__ are dancing, _some___ are singing. They make a lot of noise. 6. Get me ____some____ cigarettes, please. ____Any__ kind will do. 7. We need __some___ ink, is there __any___ left 三用适当介词填空. 1. Can you see the words written ____ on ____ the blackboard (in, on, by, with)


新概念英语单词 2017年新概念英语单词汇总 abandonvt.放弃 abruptlyad.突然 absorbvt.使精神贯注 abstracta.抽象的 abusen.责骂 abusevt.滥用 academyn.专科院校,中等学校accessn.接近 accomplishmentn.成就 accordn.调和,一致 accountn.考虑 accountantn.会计 accumulatevt.积累,累积accumulatevt.积累,累积 accusationn.罪名,谴责 accusevt.谴责 acquaintvt.使认识 acquirevt.获得 acquisitionn.获得

acrossad.阔 actn.(戏剧的)一幕actionn.战斗 adamanta.不动摇的 addvt.增添 additionn.增添物adjustmentn.调整admittedlyad.公认地adoptvt.采纳 adorevt.崇拜 adornvt.装饰 adultn.成年人 advancea.(只作定语)预先的advancen.进展advantagen.有利条件adventn.出现advertisementn.广告advertisern.做广告的人advisevt.劝告,建议advisorya.咨询的Aegeana.爱琴海的afflictvt.使苦恼agonizinga.使人坐卧不安的

agreeablea.宜人的agriculturen.农业airvt.发表 air-flightn.班机,航班air-raidn.空袭 alarmn.惊恐 alarmn.警报 aliena.外国的 alikead.一样地 all-nighta.通霄的alonead.仅,只alongad.向前alongsideprep.在...旁边altervt.改变,改动alternativea.两者挑一的amassvt.积聚 amazevt.使惊奇 amber-likea.琥珀色的ambitionn.抱负ambitiousa.野心勃勃的amountn.数额 amplyad.足够地amusementn.开心,逗乐


abruptly ad.突然 absorb vt.使精神贯注 abstract a.抽象的 abuse n.责骂 abuse vt.滥用 academy n.专科院校,中等学校access n.接近accomplishment n.成就 accord n.调和,一致 account n.考虑 accountant n.会计accumulate vt.积累,累积accumulate vt.积累,累积accusation n.罪名,谴责accuse vt.谴责 acquaint vt.使认识 acquire vt.获得 acquisition n.获得 across ad.阔 act n.(戏剧的)一幕 action n.战斗 adamant a.不动摇的 add vt.增添 addition n.增添物 adjustment n.调整 admittedly ad.公认地 adopt vt.采纳 adore vt.崇拜 adorn vt.装饰 adult n.成年人 advance a.(只作定语)预先的advance n.进展 advantage n.有利条件 advent n.出现 advertisement n.广告advertiser n.做广告的人 advise vt.劝告,建议 advisory a.咨询的 Aegean a.爱琴海的 afflict vt.使苦恼 agonizing a.使人坐卧不安的agreeable a.宜人的agriculture n.农业 air vt.发表 air-flight n.班机,航班 air-raid n.空袭 alarm n.惊恐 alarm n.警报 alien a.外国的 alike ad.一样地 all-night a.通霄的 alone ad.仅,只 along ad.向前 alongside prep.在...旁边 alter vt.改变,改动 alternative a.两者挑一的 amass vt.积聚 amaze vt.使惊奇 amber-like a.琥珀色的 ambition n.抱负 ambitious a.野心勃勃的 amount n.数额 amply ad.足够地 amusement n.开心,逗乐 anchor vi.下锚 annual a.一年一度的 anonymous a.匿名的 ant n.蚂蚁 anticipate vt.预期,预料 antique n.古玩 antique furniture n.古老家俱 anxiety n.忧虑,担忧 anxious a.急要的,渴望的 aphides n.蚜虫 apologetic a.道歉的 apologize vi.道歉 appeal n.感染力 appeal vi.有吸引力 appearance n.露面,出场 appoint vt.任命 appreciate vt.重视 apstream ad.向上游 arc light n.弧光灯 arcade n.有拱廊的街道 archaeologist n.考古学家 architectural a.建筑学的 archway n.拱形门廊 arduous a.艰苦的 argue vi.争论 argument n.争吵 aristocrat n.贵族 arithmetical a.算术的 army n.大群 arouse vt.唤起 arrange vt.排列 article n.物品 artificial a.人工的 artistic a.艺术的 ascertain vt.查明 ashamed a.羞愧 ashtray n.烟灰缸 assail vt.缠住 assemble vt.装配 assess vt.估价 assiduously ad.勤奋地 associate vt.使发生联系 assorted a.各式各样的 assume vt.假定 assumption n.设想 asterisk n.星号 astound vt.使吃惊 astride prep.跨 astronomer n.天文学家 atmosphere n.大气 attach vt.系,缚 attach vt.喜爱,依恋 attack vt.攻击 attack vt.攻击 attainment n.达到 attend vi.照料 attic n.顶楼,屋顶室 attract vt.吸引 audience n.听众,观众,接见,拜见 automatically ad.自然而然地 automation n.自动化 available a.可得到的


—-可编辑修改,可打印——别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务—— 全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环 节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模 式 ★ ?Lesson 1 excuse [ik'skju:z] v.原谅 me [mi:, mi] pron.我(宾格) yes [jes] ad.是的 is [iz, s, z, ?z] v.be动词现在时第三人称单数 this [eis] pron.这 your [j?:, j?:, j?r, j?:r] 你的,你们的handbag ['h?ndb?g] n.(女用)手提包pardon ['pɑ:d?n] int.原谅,请再说一遍 it [it] pron.它 thank you 感谢你(们) very much 非常地

?Lesson 2 pen [pen] n.钢笔 pencil ['pensl] n.铅笔 book [buk] n.书 watch [w?t?] n.手表 coat [k?ut] n.上衣,外衣 dress [dres] n.连衣裙 skirt [sk?:t] n.裙子 shirt [??:t] n.衬衣 car [kɑ:] n.小汽车 house [haus] n.房子 ?Lesson 3 umbrella [?m'brel?] n.伞 please [pli:z] int.请 here [hi?] ad.这里 my [mai] 我的 ticket ['tikit] n.票 number ['n?mb?] n.号码 five [faiv] num.五 sorry ['s?ri] a.对不起的 sir [s?:] n.先生 cloakroom ['kl?ukru:m] n.衣帽存放处 ?Lesson 4 suit [su:t, sju:t] n.一套衣服 school [sku:l] n.学校 teacher ['ti:t??] n.老师 son [s?n] n.儿子 daughter ['d?:t?] n.女儿?Lesson 5 Mr. ['mist?] 先生 good [gud] a.好 morning ['m?:ni?] n.早晨 Miss [mis] 小姐 new [nju:] a.新的 student ['stju:d?nt] n.学生 French [frent?] a.& n.法国人German ['d??:m?n] a.& n.德国人nice ['nais] a.美好的 meet [mi:t] v.遇见 Japanese [?d??p?'ni:z] a.& n.日本人Korean [k?'ri?n] a.& n.韩国人Chinese [?t?ai'ni:z] a.& n.中国人 too [tu:] ad.也 ?Lesson 6 make [meik] n.(产品的)牌号Swedish ['swi:di?] a.瑞典的 English ['i?gli?] a.英国的 American [?'merik?n] a.美国的Italian [i't?li?n] a.意大利的 Volvo ['v?lv??] n.沃尔沃 Peugeot n.标致 Mercedes ['m?:sidi:z] n.梅赛德斯Toyota ['t??j??t?] n.丰田 Daewoo n.大宇 Mini ['mini] n.迷你 Ford [f?:d] n.福特 Fiat ['fai?t, -?t] n.菲亚特 ?Lesson 7


新概念英语第一册阶段性测试题 满分(100分) 一、单词填空(0.5分/题,共10分) 01. excuse(原谅)02. handbag(手提包)03. dress(连衣裙) 04.house(房子) 05.umbrella(伞)06.ticket (票) 07.number(号码) 08.teacher(老师) 09.morning(早晨)10.nice/fine(美好的)11.meet(遇见)12.nationality(国籍) 13.engineer(工程师)14.policeman(警察)15. today(今天)16.perhaps(大概) 17. catch (抓住) 18.mother(母亲) 19.blouse(女衬衫)20. tie (领带) 二、写出下列单相对应的反义词(1分/题,共10分) 01.fat thin 02.tall short 03.dirty clean 04.hot cold/cool 05.old young/new https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f015127948.html,zy hardworking 07.white black 08.stand sit https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f015127948.html,e go 10.these those 三、用括号中正确的词填空(1分/题,共5分) 01.What’s her job?-She’s a (engineer/housewife) 02.What are their jobs?-They’re (policeman/policemen) 03.What’s Michael’s job?-He’s a (sales rep/keyboard operators) 04.What’s his job?-He’s an (Customs officer/office assistant) 05.What are Tim and John’s jobs?-They’re (milkmen/housewives) 四、用me,him,her,us或them填空(1分/题,共5分) 01.Give the boy these pens. And give his these pencils. 02.Give Anna and me some magazines. And give us some newspapers. 03.Give the men these cigarettes. And give them some glasses. 04.Give the woman this blue book. And give her that black one. 05.Those are my books. Give me my books, please. 五、用单词的适当形式填空(1分/题,共10分) 01. Excuse me! Is this your(you) pencil? 02. This is not my(I) bike. 03. Mary is a new student. She is French(France) 04.Here is David’s (David) shirt. 05.Paul is here. That is his(he) coat. 06.Zhang Bin and Li Gang are Chinese(China). 07.He is my teacher’s (teacher) friend. 08.I can’t find her(she) dress. 09.Cindy has two oranges (orange). 10.Peter is a good student. He always help his(he) friends.


Lesson 1 puma ['pju:m?] n.美洲狮 spot [sp?t] v.看出,发现 evidence ['evid?ns] n.证据 accumulate [?'kju:mjuleit] v.积累,积聚 oblige [?'blaid?] v.使…感到必须 hunt [h?nt] n.追猎;寻找;v.打猎 blackberry ['bl?kb?ri] n.黑莓 human ['hju:m?n] 人类 corner ['k?:n?] v.使走投无路,使陷入困境;n.角落trail [treil] n.一串,一系列 print [print] n.印痕 cling [kli?] v.粘 convince [k?n'vins] v.使…信服 somehow ['s?mhau] ad.不知怎么搞的,不知什么原因disturb [dis't?:b] v.令人不安 Lesson 2 equal ['i:kw?l] v.等于 vicar ['vik?] n.牧师 raise ['reiz] v.募集,筹(款) torchlight ['t?:t?lait] n.电筒光 Lesson 3 goddess ['g?dis] n.女神 archaeologist ['a:ki?'l?d?ist] n.考古学家 aegean [i:'d?i:?n] a.爱琴海的

explore [iks'pl?:] v.考察,勘探 promontory ['pr?m?nt?ri] n.海角 prosperous ['pr?sp?r?s] a.(经济上)繁荣的,昌盛的civilization ['sivilai'zei??n] n.文明 storey ['st?:ri] n.楼层 drainage ['dreinid?] n.排水 worship ['w?:?ip] n.祟拜 sacred ['seikrid] a.宗教的,神圣的 fragment ['fr?gm?nt] n.碎片 remains [ri'meinz] n.遗物,遗迹,废墟classical ['kl?sik?l] a.(希腊和罗马)古文化的reconstruct ['ri:k?ns'tr?kt] v.修复 rest [rest] v.倚放,放置 hip [hip] n.屁股,臀部 full-length a.(裙衣)拖地长的 graceful ['greisful] a.优雅的 identity [ai'dentiti] n.身份 Lesson 4 manual ['m?nju?l] a.体力的 collar ['k?l?] n.衣领 sacrifice ['s?krifais] v.牺牲,献出 privilege ['privilid?] n.好处,特权 dustman ['d?stm?n] n.清洁工 corporation ['k?:p?'rei??n] n.公司 overalls n.工作服 shower ['??u?, '?au?] n.淋浴



excuse v.原谅 me pron.我(宾格) yes ad.是的 is v.be动词现在时第三人称单数 this pron.这 your pron.你的,你们的 handbag n.(女用)手提包 pardon int.原谅,请再说一遍 it pron.它 thank you vt.感谢 very much 非常地 pen n.钢 笔 pencil n. 铅笔 book n. 书 watch n. 手表 coat n. 上衣,外衣 dress n. 连衣裙 skirt n. 裙子 shirt n. 衬衣 car n.小 汽车 house n. 房子 umbrella n.伞 please int.请 here ad. 这里 my pron. 我的 ticket n. 票 number n. 号码 five num. 五 sorry a. 对不起的 sir n.先 生 cloakroom n. 衣帽存放处

suit v.适于 school n.学校 teacher n.老师 son n.儿子 daughter n.女儿 Mr. 先生 good a.好 morning n.早晨 Miss 小姐 new a.新的 student n.学生 French a.& n.法国人 German a.& n.德 国人 nice a.美好的 meet v.遇见 Japanese a.& n.日本人 Korean a.& n.韩国人 Chinese a.& n.中 国人 too ad.也 make n.(产品 的)牌号 Swedish a.瑞典的 English a.英国的 American a.美国的 Italian a.意大利的 Volvo n. 沃尔沃 Peugeot n.标致 Mercedes n.梅赛德斯 Toyota n. 丰田 Daewoo n. 大宇 Mini n. 迷你 Ford n. 福特 Fiat n.菲 亚特


-- Name: 新概念英语1期末测试题 (满分:100分,考试时间:80分钟) 一。英译汉,汉译英(10分) 1. give ______ 2.哪一个______ 3. one______ 4.空的______ 5.地板______ 6. cupboard. ______ . _____ 8.杯子______9. room ______10. picture______ 二. 单项选择(20分) ( )1. Are those your pictures? Yes, . A、they‘re B、they are C、those are D、it is ( )2. How many ______ do you want? A kilo, please. A. potato B. bananas C. bread D. milk ( )3. ---Are they your _______? --- Yes , they are. C. parent D. parents ( )4. I'm hungry. Please bring me some ______. A. kites B. desks C. boxes D. cakes ( )5. There are _____ new books for you.

D. any ( )6. There is _______ ruler on the desk. D. Any ( )7、 My name ____ Wang Ming . I ____Chinese. A. are, am B. is, am C. am, am D. is, is ( )8. _____ are good friends. A. I and Nancy B. Nancy and I C. Nancy and me D. Me and Nancy ( )9. How many ____ are there in your classroom? A. desks B. desk C. chair D. door ( )10. -- Are there _____ shops near here? -- No, there are _____ any shops near here. A. some, not B. some, any C. any, not D. any, no 三、用恰当的be动词填空。(20分) 1)I _______ a student. 2) He _______ a good football player. 3)This bag _____ heavy.



Lesson 1 1 private ['praivit] a.私人的 2 conversation [k?nv?'sei??n] n.谈话 3 theatre ['θi?t?] n.剧场,戏院 4 seat [si:t] n.座位 5 play [plei] n.戏 6 loudly ['laudli] ad.大声地 7 angry ['??gri] a.生气的 8 angrily ['??grili] ad.生气地 9 attention [?'ten??n] n.注意 10 bear [be?] v.容忍 11 business ['biznis] n.事 12 rudely ['ru:dli] ad.无礼地,粗鲁地 Lesson 2 1 until [?n'til, ?n'til] prep.直到 2 outside [aut'said] ad.外面 3 ring [ri?] v.(铃、电话等)响 4 aunt [ɑ:nt] n.姑,姨,婶,舅妈 5 repeat [ri'pi:t] v.重复Lesson 3 1 send [send] v.寄,送 2 postcard ['p?ustkɑ:d] n.明信片 3 spoil [sp?il] v.使索然无味,损坏 4 museum[mju:'zi?m] n.博物馆

5 public ['p?blik] a.公共的 6 friendly ['frendli] a.友好的 7 waiter ['weit?] n.服务员,招待员 8 lend [lend] v.借给 9 decision [di'si??n] n.决定 10 whole [h?ul] a.整个的 11 single ['si?g?l] a.唯一的,单一的 Lesson 4 1 exciting [ik'saiti?] a.令人兴奋的 2 receive [ri'si:v] v.接受,收到 3 firm [f?:m] n.商行,公司 4 different ['difr?nt] a.不同的 5 centre ['sent?] n.中心 6 abroad [?'br?:d] ad.在国外 Lesson 5 1 pigeon [pid?in] n.鸽子 2 message ['mesid?] n.信息 3 over ['?uv?] v.越过 4 distance ['dist?ns] n.距离 5 request [ri'kwest] n.要求,请求 6 spare [spe?] 备件 7 service ['s?:vis] n.业务,服务 Lesson 6 1 beggar ['beg?] n.乞


新概念英语第三册Lesson32~34必背词汇 新概念英语第三册Lesson32必背词汇 ●salvage v. 救助,营救;打捞 ●Barents n. 巴伦支(海) ●sunken adj. 沉没的 ●cargo n. 货物 ●bullion n. 金条;银条 ●scour v. 彻底搜索 ●chest n. 大箱子 ●contents n.(复数)所装的东西 ●belongings n. (复数)所有物 ●item n. 物件 ●cruiser n. 巡洋舰 ●find n. 找到的物品 ●log book 航海日志 ●piece v. 拼成整体 ●convoy n. 护航 ●torpedo v. 用鱼雷攻击 ●submarine n. 潜水艇 ●naval adj. 海军的

新概念英语第三册Lesson33必背词汇 ●prelude n. 序幕,前奏 ●unforeseen adj. 意料之外的 ●series n. 系列 ●catastrophe n. 大祸,灾难 ●cr ockery n. 陶器,瓦器 ●suburb n. 郊区 ●collide v. 猛撞 ●learner n. 初学者 ●panic n. 惊慌,恐慌 ●windscreen n. (汽车的)挡风玻璃 ●alongside prep. 在……的旁边,与……并排●slide v. 滑 ●stray adj. 离群的 ●confusion n. 混乱 ●greedily adv. 贪婪地 ●devour v. 狼吞虎咽地吃 ●prelude n. 序幕,前奏 a prelude to sth ……的前奏 Eg: a prelude to serious trouble 麻烦的前奏introduction 导言,绪论


新概念英语第一册(1-144课)期末测试试卷 (1) 数词, 冠词, 介词, 动词时态变化, 比较级和最高级 一写出复数 1. radio 2. knife 3. glass 4. shelf 5. boss 6. dress 7. housewife 8.postman 9. leaf 10. church 11. mouth 12. family 13. tie 14. tomato 15. piano 16. baby 17. tooth 18. country 19. key 20 potato 21. match 22. box 23. hour 24. hero 二用冠词a, an, the 或some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用/ 代替. 1. Alice is ____ air-hostess. Her father is ____ engineer and her mother is _____ housewife. They all play ______ tennis very well. 2. He has ____ uncle and his uncle lives in ____ United Kindom. He first saw him in ____ autumn of 1978. 7. We need _____ ink, is there _____ left? 3. It is better to tell ______ truth than to tell _______ lies. 4. Will you have ______ more tea? There’s plenty in the pot. 5. There is ___university near my home. Every Saturday evening,___ students hold ____ party. ___ are dancing, ____ are singing. They make a lot of noise. 6. Get me ________ cigarettes, please. ______ kind will do. 三用适当介词填空. 1. Can you see the words written ________ the blackboard? (in, on, by, with) 2. She is taking the children out _______ a walk. (in, on, for, by) 3. You can choose the best one ________ them. (in, on, among, by) 4. Jack broke the chocolate _______ several pieces. (in, on, with, into) 5. There are two bridges ______ the river. ( in, on, with, into) 6. There is a slogan(标语) _______ the wall. (on, in, over, above) 7. He sits ________ his desk all day _______his head _______ his hands. He is deep in thought. (on, in, at, with) 8. _______ the help _______ the teachers, the students have made great progress _______their study. (on, in, of, with) 9. He will be back _______ a minute. ( on, in, for, by) 10. The teacher is standing _______ the class. (on, before, to, in) 11.Our train arrived_____Shanghai_____6:30______a foggy November day .(on, in, at, by) 四用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Tom ______ (be) ill last week, he ______ (be) much better now. 2. Jimmy and his sister _______ (be) here several days ago. They ________ (leave) for Beijing yesterday. 3. He ___________ (have ) a bath when the telephone ________(ring). 4. While I __________ (cook ) the dinner, he ___________(read) the paper. 5. He arrived just as I _____________ (answer) the phone.

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