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Unit 5
1. 如果肾小球损害严重, 红细胞穿过肾小球, 形成血尿。
If the glomeruli are severely damaged, erythrocytes pass through causing haematuria.
2. 毒素在体内堆积。
Toxins build up in the body.
3. 只有一个肾脏可以即可以正常发挥作用。
Kidneys can carry out their normal functions even if only one is working.
4. 最常见的肾衰的原因是糖尿病和高血压。
The most common causes of kidney failure are diabetes and high blood pressure.
5. 过滤血浆
filter the blood of waste products and excess water
6. 如果这些肾单位不能正常滤过, 肾脏将会停止工作。
If nephrons don't carry out the filtering process, the kidney will stop functioning.
7. 减少食物中胆固醇量
reducing intake of protein and phosphate
8. 肾脏具有强大的功能储备
The kidneys have a large functional reserve.
9. 在等待肾移植时,可以进行血液透析
Dialysis is used while waiting for a suitable transplant opportunity.
10. 肾脏可以将废物滤出体外
Kidneys can filter waste products out of the body.
11. 大分子蛋白进入尿中形成蛋白尿
Large protein molecules are lost in the urine causing proteinuria
12. 肾脏衰竭通常是一个渐进性的过程
Usually kidney failure is a gradual process.
13. 如果肾单位不能进行滤过,肾脏将停止工作
If nephrons don't carry out the filtering process, the kidney will stop functioning.
14. 在肾病的晚期,肾脏皱缩,表面不平,变硬
When kidney disease is advanced, the kidneys are shrunken, have an uneven shape and are firm to touch.
15. 减少蛋白及核苷类食物摄入以减轻肾脏负担
Reducing intake of protein and phosphate can ease the strain on the kidneys.

Unit 6
1. 糖尿病 diabetes mellitus
2. 碳水化合物 carbohydrate
3. 胰腺 pancreas
4. 急慢性病 acute and chronic disease
5. 高血糖症 hyperglycemia
6. 传染性病 communicable disease
7. 脱水 dehydrate
8. 蛋白质代谢 protein metabolism
9. 感染 infection
10. 并发症 complication
11. 胰岛素是胰腺分泌的一种能调节糖、脂肪等物质代谢的激素。
Insulin is a hormone that is secreted from the pancreas, which is able to regulate the metabolisms of the nutrients, such as carbohydrate , fat.
12. 糖尿病是一种因体内胰岛素的相对或绝对不足而引起糖、脂肪和蛋白质代谢紊乱的慢性代谢性疾病。
Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease caused by insufficient production of insulin, including either absolutely or relative to the body’s needs, which lead to the disorders of carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabolism.
13. 糖尿病的早期症状有:食欲增加, 尿量增加, 体重减轻, 疲劳、视力模糊等。
The early symptoms of diabetes are manifested as increased appetite, polyuria, weight loss, fatigue, blured vision, etc.
14. 糖尿病的慢性并发症与血管疾病有关, 包括小血管和大血管疾

The complications of diabetes are associated with vascular diseases, including microvascular and macrovascular diseases.
15. 糖尿病的治疗因人而异, 其方法包括减轻体重, 饮食控制, 锻炼, 口服药物, 注射胰岛素等等。
The treatment of diabetes must be individualized, which involves reducing body weight, diet control, physical exercise, medication and insulin injection.

Unit 7
1. 中风 stroke, apoplexy
2. 瘫痪paralysis
3. 康复rehabilitation
4. 中枢神经系统central nervous system
5. 周围神经系统 peripheral nervous system
6. 颅内出血intracerebral haemorrhage
7. 脑梗塞由血栓堵塞脑部血管所致
cerebral infarction results from the blockage of blood vessels in the brain induced by a blood clot
8. 蛛网膜下腔出血通常表现有突然的剧烈头痛
subarachnoid haemorrhage is commonly manifested as sudden,severe headache.
9. 中风的治疗包括药物、手术、住院治疗和康复治疗
The treatment of stroke includes medications, surgery, hospitalization, and rehabilitation
10. 中风患者的恢复情况取决于大脑受损的程度
The recovery of stroke depends on the extent of brain tissue damaged
12. 血液受阻的原因可能是动脉堵塞或者动脉壁破裂
The obstruction of blood circulation may be caused by the blockage or rapture of an artery.
13. 短暂性脑缺血症状可与中风相似, 但患者在24小时内得以恢复
The symptoms of transient ischemic attack resemble to those of a stroke, but they may resolve within 24 hours.
Arterial Spasm causes the cerebral ischaemia in the part of brain.
hypertensive patients are more likely to have aneurysms than normotensive people.

Unit 8
1. 血红蛋白Hemoglobin
2. 白蛋白 Albumin
3. 晕厥 Syncope
4. 促红细胞生成素Erythropoietin
5. 网织红细胞 Reticulocyte
6. 急/慢性出血 Acute / chronic bleeding
7. 静脉痉挛Venouspasm
8. 劳累性心动过速Fatigue tachycardia
9. 再生障碍性贫血Aplastic anemia
10. 失血性贫血Hemorrhagic anemia
11. 突发性的严重的出血可诱发低血容量性休克, 心血管衰竭, 甚至死亡。
Sudden,severe hemorrhage can induce hypovolemic shock, cardiovascular failure, and death.
12. 慢性失血会消耗铁储备引起缺铁性贫血。
Chronic blood loss will deplete iron stores and produce an iron deficiency anemia.
13. 正常人可以轻易耐受总血容量20%的失血量。
Blood volume losses of up to 20%of the total blood volume are readily tolerated by a normal individual.
14. 骨髓对贫血的反应能力部分取决于促红细胞生成素的刺激水平
The capacity of marrow to respond(to the anemia) depends on the level of erythropoietin stimulaiton.
15. 慢性内出血诊断更难。
Slower bleeding internally can be harder to diagnose.

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