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650 billi on y uan, nearly 50% per cent of annual output value of animal husbandry. Si chuan province i n 2008 produced 6.52 milli on tons of pork, with 694,000 t ons of Chengdu cit y, live pig sell 10.46 milli on, first 15 V ice-provincial cities in t he country. The whole nati on a dvantage regional pla nning (2008-2015) there are 437 counties (citie s), 55, Sichuan, Che ngdu has 7 (incl udi ng in pengzhou). Inter national pig i ndustry mainly i ncl ude t he Eur opea n Union, the United States, a nd Cana da, a nd Brazil a nd other a bsolute scale of animal husbandry i ndustry a nd technology develope d countri es. Market 1, the domestic market from Chi na's meat consum ption habit s and economic a nalysis of the development sit uation, the emerge nce of new tre nds in the market of domesti c pork and its pr oducts. Docking is a pig pr oducti on a nd sales more closely. The ngtze River Delta, Pe arl River Delta and t he Boha i rim economi c devel ope d area i ndustrial structure a djustment gathere d pa ce, two or three i ndustries t o the Central a nd Western bi as. Se cond, t he rigid domesti c consumption growt h. For a l ong period, pork is still t he largest variety of meat consumpti on in Chi na, the absolute consumption continues t o grow. Especia lly in the vast rural market growth pote ntial. Thir d, market for pork a nd higher product quality requirements. Polluti on-free pork safety and health has shown a very good market pr ospects. Four i s the market changi ng. Currently, cold meat, m ore and more varieties of meat and pork meat pr oducts, whi ch a ccounted for a large pr oportion of pork consumption, store s, chain stores, superma rkets and ot her m arketing methods is on the ri se, a nd transport has bee n extende d to more t han 2000 km in RADIUS. Che ngdu is an im portant "River pig" resource market, the city's commerci al rate reaches above 60% of live pigs, pork a nd raw material s primary pr oce ssing produ cts in t he domestic and i nternati onal re putati on is high. Wester n hog tra ding center in Chengdu and pr ovides disea se-free area s of constr ucti on i n order to further accelerate the development of swi ne i ndustry realizes space and conditi ons. 2, the internati onal markets at pre sent, a nnual vol ume of trade in live pigs in the worl d year around 18 million, about 6 milli on tons of pork trade. A large net exporter of pork is mai nly the EU a nd Nort h America,mporting countries mainly i n Asia, Japan, a nd Korea, a nd Singa pore, the Phili ppi nes, Hong Kong a nd other countries a nd regi ons, a s well as Russia, a bout 3 million tonnes wer e importe d. It is pre dicte d that the w orld meat consumpti on i ncrease of 80% in A sia in the future, our country has obvi ous geographi cal adva ntages, export pote ntial. With t he adva nceme nt of live pigs superiority industry belt constr ucti on, a nimal dise ase ...






4.1 applicati on of the Chinese lang uage applicati on for proxy bi ddi ng agency applicati on system. 4.2 bi ddi ng agent a ppli catio ns should be submitted by the Age ncy included i n the 5th chapter of the conte nt, and tha n sele ct file asked t o provi de a ppropriate documentat ion. 4.3 proxy a ppli cation shall affix its official seal coding a nd page by page in t he specifie d locati on. Agent a copy of the applicati on shall have to number t he page s and signe d origi nal copy (copy) (incl udi ng supporting docume nts), and copy shoul d be exactly the same. 4.4 applicati on there shal l be no l oose pages. 4.5 age nt applicati on shoul d be compl ete with i ndel ible i nk (pow dered) pri nts, t he agent shall not alter any page of the a ppli cation. 4.6 bi ddi ng agencies offer should be based on the i nterim measure s for the manag ement of tendering age nt's service charges (meter pri ces [2002]1980) rule s of the Ninet h, tender age nt servi ce charges using the difference progre ssive billing rate. Charges i n accor dance wit h the te nderi ng agent's service charges and, i n conjunction with t he pr ovisions of the specifi c circumstances of the pr oject shall not be floating up a nd down-floating rang e must not excee d 20%, other wise the applicati on cannot pa ss complia nce check s, be i nvalidate d. Due to bidding age ncy selecti on a nd principal-age nt contracts signe d duri ng charging base bid am ount has not yet been produced, it can only be accor ding to the rates of price, bid and the bid amount determine s after the end, contr olled re sponse rates cal culate d shall pay tender fee (tender agency fee accounts for the act ual bi ddi ng agent item for fares). Tha n t he sele cted person te nderi ng agent's service charge control t he upper and lower limits, Cap for the State Devel opme nt Pla nni ng Commission of the i nterim measure s for the ma nagement of tenderi ng agent's service charges (meter price s [2002]1980) of tendering age nt's servi ce fees under 100%, the lower limit for t he State Devel opment Planning Commissi on of the interim mea sures for t he manageme nt of tendering age nt's service charges (meter pri ces [2002]1980) of tendering ag ent's service fees under 80%. Te nderi ng agent's servi ce charge ba se should i ncl ude t he following te nders: constr ucti on, supervisi on a nd material ov er the a bove te nders are expe cted to be important, wit h each tendering agency entrusted wit h tender bi d amount as a base for a separate computation of tendering age nt's servi ce fees. Tenderi ng agent's service fee payment in accorda nce with t he Ge neral Office of the State devel opme nt and Reform Commissi on on te nderi ng agent's service charge of notification on the releva nt issues (the change pri ce [2003]857). Sale of pre qualifi cation docume nts and solicitati on document s going t o choose all, prici ng should be ba sed on t he pri nci ple of pr ofit not files, must not violate t he relevant provisi ons in t he pri ce De partment. 4.7 requirement s in the form of appl ication pr oxy appli cation sha ll be pre pared i n the 5th chapter of the format. Applicati on of various supporting document s shoul d be r equested by the selecti on of files groupe d by or der. Compari son and sele ction of the biddi ng agencies m ust provi de supporting docume nts required by t he file; th e file you selecte d does not have the re quire d supporting document s, bi ddi ng agency acknowle dged the nee d to pr ovide, or you can provide. Proxy appli cation shall be bound, and page-by-page code d in the orde r. 5th cha pter applicati on format note s: bi ddi ng agent ...

650 billi on y uan, nearly 50% per cent of annual output value of animal husbandry. Si chuan province i n 2008 produced 6.52 milli on tons of pork, with 694,000 t ons of Chengdu cit y, live pig sell 10.46 milli on, first 15 V ice-provincial cities in t he country. The whole nati on a dvantage regional pla nning (2008-2015) there are 437 counties (citie s), 55, Sichuan, Che ngdu has 7 (incl udi ng in pengzhou). Inter national pig i ndustry mainly i ncl ude t he Eur opea n Union, the United States, a nd Cana da, a nd Brazil a nd other a bsolute scale of animal husbandry i ndustry a nd technology develope d countri es. Market 1, the domestic market from Chi na's meat consum ption habit s and economic a nalysis of the development sit uation, the emerge nce of new tre nds in the market of domesti c pork and its pr oducts. Docking is a pig pr oducti on a nd sales more closely. The ngtze River Delta, Pe arl River Delta and t he Boha i rim economi c devel ope d area i ndustrial structure a djustment gathere d pa ce, two or three i ndustries t o the Central a nd Western bi as. Se cond, t he rigid domesti c consumption growt h. For a l ong period, pork is still t he largest variety of meat consumpti on in Chi na, the absolute consumption continues t o grow. Especia lly in the vast rural market growth pote ntial. Thir d, market for pork a nd higher product quality requirements. Polluti on-free pork safety and health has shown a very good market pr ospects. Four i s the market changi ng. Currently, cold meat, m ore and more varieties of meat and pork meat pr oducts, whi ch a ccounted for a large pr oportion of pork consumption, store s, chain stores, superma rkets and ot her marketing methods is on the ri se, a nd transport has bee n extende d to more t han 2000 km in RADIUS. Che ngdu is an im portant "River pig" resource market, the city's commerci al rate reaches above 60% of live pigs, pork a nd raw material s primary pr oce ssing products in t he domestic and i nternati onal re putati on is high. Wester n hog tra ding center in Chengdu and pr ovides disea se-free area s of constr ucti on i n order to further accelerate the development of swi ne i ndustry realizes space and conditi ons. 2, the internati onal markets at pre sent, a nnual vol ume of trade in live pigs in the worl d year around 18 million, about 6 milli on tons of pork trade. A large net exporter of pork is mai nly the EU a nd Nort h America,mporting countries mainly i n Asia, Japan, a nd Korea, a nd Singa pore, the Phili ppi nes, Hong Kong a nd other countries a nd regi ons, a s well as Russia, a bout 3 million tonnes wer e importe d. It is pre dicte d that the w orld meat consumpti on i ncrease of 80% in A sia in the future, our country has obvi ous geographi cal adva ntages, export pot ntial. With t he adva nceme nt of live pigs superiority industry belt constr ucti on, a nimal dise ase ...












1、工程目标:严守承诺,加强控制,确保质量体系有效运行,以领先行业水平为目标,严格按照合同条款要求及现行国家规范标准组织施工。坚持贯彻执行浙江同泰建设有限公司管理方针: “依法经营、高效管理、关爱生命、优化环境、力创精品、竭诚服务。



4.1 applicati on of the Chi nese la nguage a ppl ication for proxy bi ddi ng agency applicati on system. 4.2 bi ddi ng agent a ppli catio ns should be submitted by the Age ncy i ncl ude d in the 5th chapter of the content, a nd t han select file aske d to pr ovide a ppr opriate documentation. 4.3 proxy application sha ll affix its official seal codi ng and page by page in t he specified l ocati on. Age nt a copy of the a ppli cation shall have to number t he page s and signe d origi nal copy (copy) (including supporti ng docume nts), and copy should be exactly the same. 4.4 a ppli cation there shall be no l oose pages. 4.5 age nt a pplication shoul d be complete wit h indeli ble ink (powdered) print s, the agent shall not alter any page of the application. 4.6 bidding age ncie s offer should be ba sed on the i nterim measures for the management of tenderi ng agent's service charge s (meter prices [2002]1980) rule s of the Ni neth, te nder agent servi ce charges using t he difference progre ssive billing rate. Charges i n accorda nce with the tendering agent's service charges

and, i n conjuncti on wit h the provisi ons of the specifi c circumstances of the project shall not be floati ng up a nd dow n-floati ng range must not excee d 20%, otherw ise the a ppl ication ca nnot pass com pliance che cks, be i nvalidate d. Due to bi ddi ng agency sele ction and principa l-age nt contracts sig ned during chargi ng base bid am ount has not yet bee n produced, it can only be accordi ng to the rates of price, bid a nd t he bi d amount determines after the end, control led response rates calculated shall pay tender fee (tender age ncy fee a ccount s for the act ual bi ddi ng agent item for fares). Than the selected person tendering age nt's servi ce charge control t he upper a nd l ower limits, Cap for the State Devel opme nt Pla nning Commission of the interim measures for the management of tendering age nt's servi ce charges (meter price s [2002]1980) of tenderi ng agent's service fees under 100%, the l ower limit for the State Development Pla nni ng Commission of the i nterim measures for the management of tenderi ng agent's service charges (meter prices [2002]1980) of tenderi ng agent's service fees under 80%. Te nderi ng agent's service charge base should i ncl ude t he following tenders: construction, supervi sion and material over the a bove tenders are ex pecte d to be im portant, w ith each tendering age ncy e ntruste d with te nder bid amount as a base for a se parate computati on of tendering age nt's servi ce fees. Tendering age nt's servi ce fee payment i n accor dance with t he Ge neral Office of the State development and Reform Commissi on on tendering ag ent's servi ce charge of notification on the releva nt issues (the change price [2003]857). Sale of pre qualificati on document s and soli citation docum nts goi ng to choose all, prici ng shoul d be base d on the pri nci ple of pr ofit not files, must not violate the relevant provisi ons in the price Departme nt. 4.7 re quireme nts in the form of appli cation proxy applicati on shall be prepare d in the 5th chapter of t he format. Appli cation of various supporting documents shoul d be re queste d by the sele ction of files groupe d by or der. Compari son and sele ction of the biddi ng agencies m ust provi de supporting docume nts required by t he file; th e file you selecte d does not have the re quire d supporting document s, bi ddi ng agency acknowle dged the nee d to pr ovide, or you can provide. Proxy appli cation shall be bound, and page-by-page code d in the orde r. 5th cha pter applicati on format note s: bi ddi ng agent (2)

1.3体系管理目标:保证GB/T19001-2008 idt ISO9001:2008、GB/T24001-2004 idt ISO14001:2004、GB/T28001-2001一体化管理体系的有效运行。




















4.1 applicati on of the Chi nese la nguage a ppl ication for proxy bi ddi ng agency applicati on system. 4.2 bi ddi ng agent a ppli cations should be submitted by the Age ncy i ncl ude d in the 5th chapter of the content, a nd t han select file aske d to pr ovide a ppr opriate documentation. 4.3 proxy application sha ll affix its official seal codi ng and page by page in t he specified l ocati on. Age nt a copy of the a ppli cation shall have to number t he page s and signe d origi nal copy (copy) (including supporti ng docume nts), and copy should be exactly the same. 4.4 a ppli cation there shall be no l oose pages. 4.5 age nt a pplication shoul d be complete wit h indeli ble ink (powdered) prints, the agent shall not alter any page of the application. 4.6 bidding age ncie s offer should be ba sed on the i nterim measures for the management of tenderi ng agent's service charge s (meter prices [2002]1980) rule s of the Ni neth, te nder agent servi ce charges using t he difference progre ssive billing rate. Charges i n accorda nce

with the tenderi ng agent's service charges a nd, i n conjunction with the provisions of the spe cific cir cumstances of the project shall not be floati ng up and dow n-fl oating range must not exceed 20%, other wise the applicati on cannot pass complia nce che cks, be invalidate d. Due to bi ddi ng agency sel ection and principal-age nt contracts sig ned duri ng charging ba se bi d amount has not yet be en pr oduce d, it ca n only be accor ding to t he rates of price, bi d and the bid amount determi nes after the e nd, controlled re sponse rates calculated shall pay te nder fee (tender agency fee accounts for the a ct ual bi dding ag ent item for fares). Than the sele cted per son tendering age nt's servi ce charge control the upper a nd lower limits, Ca p for the State Development Planning Commissi on of the interim measure s for the managem nt of tenderi ng agent's service charges (meter prices [2002]1980) of tendering agent's service fees under 100%, the lower limit f or the State Development Pla nni ng

Commissi on of the interim measure s for the manageme nt of tenderi ng agent's service charges (meter prices [2002]1980) of tendering age nt's servi ce fees under 80%. Tendering age nt's servi ce charge ba se shoul d include the foll owi ng tender s: constr ucti on, supervisi on a nd material over the above tenders are ex pecte d to be im portant, wit h each tendering age ncy e ntruste d with te nder bid amount as a base for a separate computati on of tenderi ng agent's se rvice fees. enderi ng agent's se rvice fee payme nt in accor dance with t he Ge neral Office of the State development and Reform Commission on tendering age nt's servi ce charge of notification on t he relevant issue s (the change price [2003]857). Sale of pre qualifi cation docume nts and sol icitation documents goi ng to choose all, prici ng should be base d on the pr inciple of profit not files, m ust not vi olate the releva nt provi sions in t he price Department. 4.7 re quireme nts in t he form of appli cation proxy a ppli cation shall be

prepared i n the 5t h chapter of the format. Appli cation of various supporting documents shoul d be re queste d by the sele ction of files grouped by orde r. Comparison a nd selecti on of the bidding age ncie s must pr ovide supporting documents re quire d by the file; t he file you sele cted does not have t he require d supporting documents, bidding age ncy a cknowledge d the need t o provi de, or y ou can pr ovide. Proxy applicati on shall be bound, a nd pag e-by-page coded i n the or der. 5th chapter a ppli cation format notes: bidding age nt ...


First com pliance review of the application of t he a ppraisal Committee, only t hrough t he complia nce review of t he a ppli cation to take part in a detaile d review. 8.1 a ppli cation compliance revie w: does not meet one of t he f ollowing conditi ons, procurat orial Agency to submit applicati on t hroug h complia nce reviews, be i nvalidate d: (1) applicati on of the formats, contents, meet the re quir ements of sele cted files, powers of Attorney, de clarations by the l egal representative a nd t he tender age nt applicati on t o meet the requirements; (2) lice nce a nd a bi ddi ng agent qualifications meet t he r equireme nts; (3) the similar proje ct tendering agency agent number and pr ovide proof of material complia nce; (4) the tenderi ng Agency inte nds to put i nto thi s pr oject t he number of pr ofessionals t o meet the requirements; (5) are inte nde d to t he agent of the proje ct as a pr oject ma nager has similar proje cts t he number of and references to me et the re quireme nts; (6) no fraud case. 8.2 applicati on r eview i n detail the Eval uation Committee through complia nce reviews w ill be selecte d for detail ed review of the applicati on. 8.2.1 tender agent i nstituti ons similar pr oject te nder performance requirements (16 poi nts) tender agent institutions similar project te nder performance 16 poi nts, by tw o part composition (1) agent si milar proje ct of cumulative bi d amount score d cal culati on rul es for: Age nt water project bi d amount (on January 1, 2007 has has bi d notice for a ssociate) cumulative ea ch rea che d 100 milli on Yuan have 2 points, water project cumulative bid am ount scored up not over 6 poi nts. In addition, compl etes a bid w orth mor e than 500 milli on yuan i n total 1 minute, but other item s score accum ulated wi nni ng amount up to a maximum of 6 points. (2) calculation r ule for the num ber of agent s similar pr oje cts: pr oxy bid am ount (since Ja nuary 1, 2007 winning notice shall prevail) bi ddi ng projects i n more than 50 million Yua n by 2 point s, but the Age ncy pr oje cts the number of scores up to 3 mi nutes. 8.2.2 to be agents of the constr ucti on

proje ct as a pr oje ct manager in t he same proje ct performance (10 poi nts) Project Ma nager age nt performance score s including age nts of the bidding age ncie s of similar proje cts, a s well as i n ot her similar proje ct tendering age ncy service agent during performance. Total 10 Proje ct Ma nager agent performance, made up of two parts (1) acti ng like the a ccumulate d winning am ount calculation rul e: agents for water conserva ncy proje ct bi d amount (since January 1, 2007 wi nni ng noti ce for example) cumulative average rea che d 100 mill ion Yuan 3 but scored no more t han 5 minutes. (2) calcul ation rul e for the number of agents simil ar projects: proxy bid amount (si nce Ja nuary 1, 2007 wi nni ng notice for exampl e) in the more t han 50 million Yua n water conservancy pr oject period of 3 minutes, but scores t he number of agents simil ar projects up t o a maximum of 5 points. Pr oje ct Ma na ger demonstrated to pr ovincial-l evel and hig her people's Governme nt or the devel opment a nd Reform Commission publi she d the winning

bidder on the designate d media publicity shall preva il. 8.2.3 staff requireme nt (25 poi nts) 1, to the constr uction pr oject serving personnel, 4 years ex perie nce i n tendering age nt, 2 points per person, 2 years ex perience i n tendering age nt ...Pig is not a pig. Wit h domestic inter national market and technol ogy big envir onme nt of changes, a s China traditi onal i ndustry of pig production of job way and profit way are requirements relate d industry for resour ces i ntegration, t o quality security for prem ise, regulati on based farming, and ma nagement cost a nd t he production, and sale s cost, go sta ndardizati on, a nd scale, and i nt ensive, and market road, fast upgrade whole industry chai n of regulati on capa city, market competition ca pacity a nd a nti-ri sk capacity. First, industry analysi s (a) the basi c situati on i n China i s a traditional hog production and consumpti on country, 2008 46.15 milli on t ons of pork, pig stock 462.64 million head by t he end pig slaug hter 609.6 million. Nati onal pig industry's annual producti on val ue at around

650 billi on y uan, nearly 50% per cent of annual output value of animal husbandry. Si chuan province i n 2008 produced 6.52 milli on tons of pork, with 694,000 t ons of Chengdu cit y, live pig sell 10.46 milli on, first 15 V ice-provincial cities in t he country. The whole nati on a dvantage regional pla nning (2008-2015) there are 437 counties (citie s), 55, Sichuan, Che ngdu has 7 (incl udi ng in pengzhou). Inter national pig i ndustry mainly i ncl ude t he Eur opea n Union, the United States, a nd Cana da, a nd Brazil a nd other a bsolute scale of animal husbandry i ndustry a nd technology develope d countri es. Market 1, the domestic market from Chi na's meat consum ption habit s and economic a nalysis of the development sit uation, the emerge nce of new tre nds in the market of domesti c pork and its pr oducts. Docking is a pig pr oducti on a nd sales more closely. The ngtze River Delta, Pe arl River Delta and t he Boha i rim economi c devel ope d area i ndustrial structure a djustment gathere d pa ce, two or three i ndustries t o the Central a nd Western bi as. Se cond, t he rigid domesti c consumption growt h. For a l ong period, pork is still t he largest variety of meat consumpti on in Chi na, the absolute consumption continues t o grow. Especia lly in the vast rural market growth pote ntial. Thir d, market for pork a nd higher product quality requirements. Polluti on-free pork safety and health has shown a very good market pr ospects. Four i s the market changi ng. Currently, cold meat, m ore and more varieties of meat and pork meat pr oducts, whi ch a ccounted for a large pr oportion of pork consumption, store s, chain stores, superma rkets and ot her marketing methods is on the ri se, a nd transport has bee n extende d to more t han 2000 km in RADIUS. Che ngdu is an im portant "River pig" resource market, the city's commerci al rate reaches above 60% of live pigs, pork a nd raw material s primary pr oce ssing products in t he domestic and i nternati onal re putati on is high. Wester n hog tra ding center in Chengdu and pr ovides disea se-free area s of constr ucti on i n order to

further accelerate the development of swi ne i ndustry realizes space and conditi ons. 2, the internati onal markets at pre sent, a nnual vol ume of trade in live pigs in the worl d year around 18 million, about 6 milli on tons of pork trade. A large net exporter of pork is mai nly the EU a nd Nort h America,mporting countries mainly i n Asia, Japan, a nd Korea, a nd Singa pore, the Phili ppi nes, Hong Kong a nd other countries a nd regi ons, a s well as Russia, a bout 3 million tonnes wer e importe d. It is pre dicte d that the w orld meat consumpti on i ncrease of 80% in A sia in the future, our country has obvi ous geographi cal adva ntages, export pot ntial. With t he adva nceme nt of live pigs superiority industry belt constr ucti on, a nimal dise ase ...























4.1 applicati on of the Chi nese la nguage a ppl ication for proxy bi ddi ng agency applicati on system. 4.2 bi ddi ng agent a ppli catio ns should be submitted by the Age ncy i ncl ude d in the 5th chapter of the content, a nd t han select file aske d to pr ovide a ppr opriate documentation. 4.3 proxy application sha ll affix its official seal codi ng and page by page in t he specified l ocati on. Age nt a copy of the a ppli cation shall have to number t he page s and signe d origi nal copy (copy) (including supporti ng docume nts), and copy should be exactly the same. 4.4 a ppli cation there shall be no l oose pages. 4.5 age nt a pplication shoul d be complete wit h indeli ble ink (powdered) print s, the agent shall not alter any page of the application. 4.6 bidding age ncie s offer should be ba sed on the i nterim measures for the management of tenderi ng agent's service charge s (meter prices [2002]1980) rule s of the Ni neth, te nder agent servi ce charges using t he difference progre ssive billing rate. Charges i n accorda nce with the tendering agent's service charges

and, i n conjuncti on wit h the provisi ons of the specifi c circumstances of the project shall not be floati ng up a nd dow n-floati ng range must not excee d 20%, otherw ise the a ppl ication ca nnot pass com pliance che cks, be i nvalidate d. Due to bi ddi ng agency sele ction and principa l-age nt contracts sig ned during chargi ng base bid am ount has not yet bee n produced, it can only be accordi ng to the rates of price, bid a nd t he bi d amount determines after the end, control led response rates calculated shall pay tender fee (tender age ncy fee a ccount s for the act ual bi ddi ng agent item for fares). Than the selected person tendering age nt's servi ce charge control t he upper a nd l ower limits, Cap for the State Devel opme nt Pla nning Commission of the interim measures for the management of tendering age nt's servi ce charges (meter price s [2002]1980) of tenderi ng agent's service fees under 100%, the l ower limit for the State Development Pla nni ng Commission of the i nterim measures for the management of tenderi ng agent's service

charges (meter prices [2002]1980) of tenderi ng agent's service fees under 80%. Te nderi ng agent's service charge base should i ncl ude t he following tenders: construction, supervi sion and material over the a bove tenders are ex pecte d to be im portant, w ith each tendering age ncy e ntruste d with te nder bid amount as a base for a se parate computati on of tendering age nt's servi ce fees. Tendering age nt's servi ce fee payment i n accor dance with t he Ge neral Office of the State development and Reform Commissi on on tendering ag ent's servi ce charge of notification on the releva nt issues (the change price [2003]857). Sale of pre qualificati on document s and soli citation docum nts goi ng to choose all, prici ng shoul d be base d on the pri nci ple of pr ofit not files, must not violate the relevant provisi ons in the price Departme nt. 4.7 re quireme nts in the form of appli cation proxy applicati on shall be prepare d in the 5th chapter of t he format. Appli cation of various supporting documents shoul d be re queste d by the sele ction of files groupe d by or der. Compari son and sele ction of the biddi ng agencies m ust provi de supporting docume nts required by t he file; th e file you selecte d does not have the re quire d supporting document s, bi ddi ng agency acknowle dged the nee d to pr ovide, or you can provide. Proxy appli cation shall be bound, and page-by-page code d in the orde r. 5th cha pter applicati on format note s: bi ddi ng agent (4)






















4.1 applicati on of the Chi nese la nguage a ppl ication for proxy bi ddi ng agency applicati on system. 4.2 bi ddi ng agent a ppli cations should be submitted by the Age ncy i ncl ude d in the 5th chapter of the content, a nd t han select file aske d to pr ovide a ppr opriate documentation. 4.3 proxy application sha ll affix its official seal codi ng and page by page in t he specified l ocati on. Age nt a copy of the a ppli cation shall have to number t he page s and signe d origi nal copy (copy) (including supporti ng docume nts), and copy should be exactly the same. 4.4 a ppli cation there shall be no l oose pages. 4.5 age nt a pplication shoul d be complete wit h indeli ble ink (powdered) prints, the agent shall not alter any page of the application. 4.6 bidding age ncie s offer should be ba sed on the i nterim measures for the management of tenderi ng agent's service charge s (meter prices [2002]1980) rule s of the Ni neth, te nder agent servi ce charges using t he difference progre ssive billing rate. Charges i n accorda nce

with the tenderi ng agent's service charges a nd, i n conjunction with the provisions of the spe cific cir cumstances of the project shall not be floati ng up and dow n-fl oating range must not exceed 20%, other wise the applicati on cannot pass complia nce che cks, be invalidate d. Due to bi ddi ng agency sel ection and principal-age nt contracts sig ned duri ng charging ba se bi d amount has not yet be en pr oduce d, it ca n only be accor ding to t he rates of price, bi d and the bid amount determi nes after the e nd, controlled re sponse rates calculated shall pay te nder fee (tender agency fee accounts for the a ct ual bi dding ag ent item for fares). Than the sele cted per son tendering age nt's servi ce charge control the upper a nd lower limits, Ca p for the State Development Planning Commissi on of the interim measure s for the managem nt of tenderi ng agent's service charges (meter prices [2002]1980) of tendering agent's service fees under 100%, the lower limit f or the State Development Pla nni ng

Commissi on of the interim measure s for the manageme nt of tenderi ng agent's service charges (meter prices [2002]1980) of tendering age nt's servi ce fees under 80%. Tendering age nt's servi ce charge ba se shoul d include the foll owi ng tender s: constr ucti on, supervisi on a nd material over the above tenders are ex pecte d to be im portant, wit h each tendering age ncy e ntruste d with te nder bid amount as a base for a separate computati on of tenderi ng agent's se rvice fees. enderi ng agent's se rvice fee payme nt in accor dance with t he Ge neral Office of the State development and Reform Commission on tendering age nt's servi ce charge of notification on t he relevant issue s (the change price [2003]857). Sale of pre qualifi cation docume nts and sol icitation documents goi ng to choose all, prici ng should be base d on the pr inciple of profit not files, m ust not vi olate the releva nt provi sions in t he price Department. 4.7 re quireme nts in t he form of appli cation proxy a ppli cation shall be

prepared i n the 5t h chapter of the format. Appli cation of various supporting documents shoul d be re queste d by the sele ction of files grouped by orde r. Comparison a nd selecti on of the bidding age ncie s must pr ovide supporting documents re quire d by the file; t he file you sele cted does not have t he require d supporting documents, bidding age ncy a cknowledge d the need t o provi de, or y ou can pr ovide. Proxy applicati on shall be bound, a nd pag e-by-page coded i n the or der. 5th chapter a ppli cation format notes: bidding age nt ...

