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A Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words listed in the box. Change the forms of these words if necessary.

1. Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.

2. Now that the situation becomes critical, one must keep calm.

3. The natural environment for the survival of children has improved.

4. Beautiful colored illustrations enhanced the book.

5. He tried to tempt me to cheat in the examination.

6. Scientists explore what is and engineers create what has never been.

7. While the inclination to procrastinate is common, one must fully consider the detrimental impact of unnecessary delays.

8. The news that he was in trouble determined me to act at once.

9. She?s too hasty; she should learn to think twice before speaking.

10. Approval of the plan presupposes that the money will be made available.

11. Intensive efforts are being made to resolve the dispute.

12. Her work has been crucial to the project?s success.

B Fill in the blanks in the following passage with the words in the box. Make changes wherever necessary.

transition relax adapt resolve academic

available tackle assignment procrastinate social

According to statistical data from the National College Health Association, stress is the number one impediment to academic performance among college students. College life can be stressful, to be sure, but there are a number of resources available to help freshmen get rid of stress. There are things you can do to make the transition easier.

Beginning college usually involves adapting to a whole new lifestyle, which can be very stressful if you're not adept at tackling this change. Developing fulfilling relationships is a great way to acclimate yourself to the college environment and reduce some of this stress. To reduce your stress level, it may help to make yourself a daily or weekly schedule so you can focus on assignments as they become due. Procrastination can lead to stress if you let your academic work build up to much, so try to resolve the issues as you've scheduled them to avoid getting behind.

College involves a great deal of work, but it's important to be able to relax, too. Some students relieve stress through exercising, socializing, attending films or plays, or playing games. Not everyone relaxes in the same way, so find what works for you.



There are two main forms of teaching in Nottingham University: seminar and lecture. They are

very different from the sort of teaching most often used in high schools and have a major impact on freshmen.

In seminars you will have a discussion focusing on a text or topic set in advance in a friendly and informal atmosphere. The purpose is to provide an opportunity to try out new ideas and to think through problems with fellow-learners,and learn how to cope with difficulties. Students develop friendship through groups and expand their network of friends.The value of the lecture is that it can present to a large number of people information which is not readily available in books, and that it can show visual material to a wide audience.

You will feel strange since there are fewer teaching hours in the school timetable. Each week in the first year you may attend about six lectures and four to six seminars or tutorials. For the rest of the time you are working on your own, doing the necessary reading in preparation for tutorials or writing seminar papers. When writing an essay or carrying out a project work, you can often discuss with your companions about the title and topic.


referee score select judgment barometer attach complete competent formula calculate basement instructor

1.In my judgment, the student's solution to the problem is workable.

2. We can't make a judgment over this issue, so we have to invite a referee to make a decision.

3. You can e-mail this article as a (n)attachment to your instructor.

4. Scientist is trying to calculate when the spaceship would reach the Mars.

5. The student’s answer to the question is complete but not correct.

6. Getting good score in computer game does not mean you can pass the exam with good credit.

7. Take this baromete r, measure the pressure of the air and judge if the weather will change today.

8. To be able to use English, we have to develop fluent communicative competence instead of accurate grammatical knowledge.

9. The superintendent of this building has his office in the basement

10. To pass the coming physics examination, you have to learn by heart all these formulae.

11. Our language instructor is a nice lady who has been working in this college for 20 years.

12. The reading selections in this unit are mostly taken from The New York Times.

B.colleague proportion discontent admit

determine pedantic superintendent

credit disguise stair

I went down to the basement and there I saw Mr. Richardson, the superintendent of the building. He is tall but his head is too big, just out of proportion to his narrow shoulders. Mr. Richardson told me he was rather discontent with the students who kept on coming to him for the height of the building. He admitted that he had collected a number of barometers from students as gift. The students told Mr. Richardson that they were determined not

to follow their pedantic instructors who knew nothing but the “only one correct answer” to examination questions. They said they gave Mr. Richardson gifts for the height of building not for credit but for fun. At this moment, we heard someone coming down from the stairs. It was a man, coming silently towards us. When the man came nearer, I found he was no one but my colleague in disguise of a senior student.

I hope he didn?t come to get the height of the building!


王教授认为,大学里现在的考试制度和评分标准不利于培养学生的创造性思维能力。他认为,教师在教学中应鼓励学生充分发表自己的见解,在考试中充分发挥想像,合理应用专业(professional)知识来解决问题,而不是趋同(go for)一个惟一“正确”的标准答案。他的大多数同事不同意他的看法。他们认为,学生在大学里应学到高水平的知识和技能;一个称职的教师应诲人不倦(not fed up with),教会学生科学的思维方法;学生在学习中应严谨求实,深入到问题深层的逻辑关系中,追求绝对(absolute)的真理。

Professor Wang argues that the present evaluation and grading system at college is set up against the growth of students' creative thinking ability. He believes that instructors must encourage their students to fully voice their own views in class and use their imagination extensively in tests. Students should be taught to answer questions with the aid of their professional knowledge instead of going for the only "correct" answer. To this view most of Professor Wang's colleagues disagree. They believe that a college is where higher learning is promoted. A competent teacher should never be fed up with giving instructions. He has to show his students some scientific ways of thinking. On the other hand, students need to be objective and precise in their learning, going deep into the inner logic of the subject for absolute truth.


V ocubulary

A.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words listed in the box.Change the forms

of these words if necessary.

Confession soul occasionally assignment click regard position occur adjust inevitable favor master

1.Teacher—student dating is inevitable universities or colleges all over the world.

2.At first ,we had a hard time adjusting to university life. Now everybody has become used to it.

3.I rushed into the classroom, but didn?t see a soul .Then I realized it was Sunday.

4.The moment our TA came into the class, something clicked .I had never believed in love first

sight before.

5.Lisa made a full confession of her romantic relationship with the TA,which surprised her


6.An educational system which only favor s students good at earning hign marks is not perfect.

7.My brother is pursuing his master degree in economics at Harvard University.

8.The TA brings me flowers most of time, but occasionally he gives me a box of chocolate.

9.After the outbreak of SARS, people began to have a high regard for the work of a nurse.

10.If I had been in Lisa?s position, I might have developed a romantic relationship with that TA.

11.Mary had a feeling that something might happen between the TA and her. But nothing


12.To show her interest in the TA, Susan began putting her telephone number on her assignment.

B.Fill in the blanks in the following passage with the words in the box.Make changes wherever


Prospect seize objective curse seduce bias romantic dismiss dude liaison

When Allen left, Mom could hardly wait to ask me when the TA and I began our liaison and how we got involved. I told her everything and confessed that it was I who first showed great interest in the TA, not the other way around. Mom simply didn?t believe what I said. She just consi-dered Allen as a dude, who was good at seducing female students. But I didn?t think Mom was mak-ing a objective judgment .It was clear that she had a strong bias against Allen .She demanded that we stop our romantic relationship.

The next day, when I came back to the university, I tried to stay away from Allen and he seemed to understand what had happened. But he seized an opportunity and asked me out. I made up an excuse and refused him politely. Then I ran to the dorm , threw myself on the bed and tried to forget everything. But I found myself just unable to dismiss the TA from my mind .The second day came the terrible news of Allen?s death .He was said to have committed suicide. The prospect of be-ing cursed by my classmates terrified me and I never went back to school.



A year out of college, I found a job as a teacher assistant at China Agriculture University. As I had no teaching experience. I did not know how to establish my authority in front of students. And the prospect of a classroom filled up with curious students. The students participated actively in class discussion. And they appeared very cooperative and enthusiastic. Once I found that a girl had left a cell phone number on her assignment. It was clear that she was displaying an interest in me and was conveying that special message. But I did not want to develop a romantic relationship with a student, for if I did my students would no longer show any respect for me, they would think I had used my position to seduce the girl and what?s more, my students would doubt whether I could make any objective evaluation of them.


A. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words listed in the box. Change the forms of these words if necessary.

insert paste margin fragment superficial random gateway resource demonstrate jumble

1.The demonstration made by the technician on the new software was really impressive .

2.You've written so many sentence fragments , which make your meaning unclear.

3.He inserted the key in the lock but found it wasn't the right one.

4.His understanding of scientific laws is very superficial; that is why his thesis appears so

illogical and is full of mistakes.

5.There was a messy jumble of clothes and books on Peter's bed.

6.His book is full of notes in the margin and we all know that he is a hard-working student.

7.Higher education can be the gateway to a successful career.

8.Students are encouraged to use library resources for their schoolwork.

9.His essay is but a collection of random thoughts; he really lacks sense of organization.

10.Don't paste this note on the computer screen. You just make it dirty.

B. Fill in the blanks in the following passage with the words in the box. Make changes wherever necessary.

feature query sustain plagiarism bibliography due reference assign constantly semester

I selected a course, Practical and Creative Writing, this semester taught by an old and stern professor Mr. Collins from Department of Literature. It was said that usually he wouldn't assign a lot of readings to his students. You know this was important for a poor student like me who had financial difficulties to sustain my education. Besides, too many books would take up much room of my dormitory. Although there wasn't much reading, the writing load was pretty heavy and constantly I had to struggle to write the assigned essays before they were due . One of the writing topics was "The Linguistic Features of Oscar Wilde."

For weeks I could hardly find any references and the only book relating to it I had found in the library was written by an unknown critic whose language seemed hard to understand.

I was almost desperate when the deadline was approaching. The other night I suddenly had an idea: why not get on-line and find something useful? I turned on the computer and tossed a query on the topic. Suddenly an article of the same title jumped in front of my eyes and I realized that was just what I wanted. Without much hesitation, I copied the article and submitted(提交) it to Mr. Collins the next day after making a few minor alterations(改动). A week later, Mr. Collins sent word asking me to his office.

Looking into my eyes, he said, "Good job! Was this essay written by you?" "Ye ... yes." I hesitated. "Have you checked your bibliography before you handed in? Do you know who wrote the book A Linguistic Study of Two Complementary Writers?" "Eh ... No." "Then have a look!" I almost fainted when I saw Mr. Collins… name in it. "Your essay looks very familiar to me. It was written by one of my Ph.D. student if my memory is correct. You should fail this course according to rules because this is absolute plagiarism. But what you did made me reflect on

myself, that is, I may have given my students too much pressure that is too hard for them to cope with. So I decide to relieve your writing load from now on. More importantly, I'll let you go this time. But NEVER do this again!"


因为学术研究要占据一个人大量的时间并耗费很多的精力,且不能立即带来经济回报,大学里的一些教授就不愿意花时间做艰苦的研究工作,而把注意力放在其他的事情上,甚至放在与自己的工作毫不相干的活动上。没有时间做研究,但为了晋升(promotion),教授们就把一些过了时的学术成果(academic works)做一些修改然后署上自己的名字当作自己的作品发表,这就导致了一些高等教育机构里的学术剽窃(academic plagiarism)现象。

Since academic research takes up a huge amount of one's time and energy and can not bring immediate economic return, some professors in universities are not willing to take time with hard academic research, but focus on something else, even those that have little relation to their work. Having no time for research, but in order to get promoted, professors put their names on some out-of-date research works after making some alterations and get them published as their own. That results in the academic plagiarism in some higher educational institutions.



A Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words listed in the box. Change the forms of these words if necessary.

1. Our sales campaign is failing badly and we will have to make some fundamental changes to it.

2. The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter.

3. It really is a sad situation, and I feel sympathy for the people involved.

4. They endeavored to make her happy but in vain.

5. To achieve this goal, you must have ambition; likewise you need to exert great efforts.

6. The little boy shows an excessive enthusiasm for sport.

7. The sunshine could not penetrate where the trees were thickest.

8. The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for damage caused by misuse.

9. Nuclear weapons constitute a real threat to world peace.

10. Clever advertisements are just temptations to spend money.

11. Scientists first conceived the idea of the atomic bomb in the 1930s.

12. You give this portion of the ticket to the inspector and keep the other.

B Fill in the blanks in the following passage with the words in the box. Make changes wherever necessary.

equal relieve sacrifice echo bright

suffer long finally upward edge

Three passions, simple but extremely strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

I have sought love, first, because it brings joy—joy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours of this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness—that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the edge of the world into the cold immeasurable lifeless hole. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the bright vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I soughed, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what —at last—I have found.

With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men.

I have wished to know why the stars shine.

Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart.



Man is, at one and the same time, a solitary being and a social being. As a solitary being, he attempts to protect his own existence and that of those who are closest to him, to satisfy his personal desires, and to develop his innate abilities. As a social being, he seeks to gain the recognition and affection of his fellow human beings, to share in their pleasures, to comfort them in their sorrows, and to improve their conditions of life. The individual is able to think, feel, strive, and work by himself; but he depends so much upon society —in his physical, intellectual, and emotional existence —that it is impossible to think of him, or to understand him, outside the framework of society.


多电子原子核外电子的排布遵循以下三条原则:a.能量最低原理 b.泡利不相容原理c.洪特规则。











新视野大学英语读写教程预备级1课后翻译答案 UNIT 1 Section A Translation V 1.It is reported that he is very rich and that he is a man who trades in weapons. 据报道,他非常富有,是做武器交易的。 2.Men or women of any country should be against war as it can destroy the country. 任何国家的人,无论男女,都反对战争,因为战争会毁灭国家。 3.People call Nobel a man of peace and a man full of love 人们称诺贝尔是一个致力于和平事业的人和一个富有爱心的人 4.It is very dangerous to cross the river during the raining season. 在雨季度过那条河非常危险 5.He did not know what to do, as it was new to him to build roads through mountains. 他不知所措,因为对他来说开山修路是件新鲜事 Translation VI 1.诺贝尔在最合适不过的时候发明了他的炸药。 Alfred Nobel invented his explosive at a perfect moment in time. 2.他要考虑在他逝后让人们用最佳的方法使用他的遗产。 He wanted to think of the best way for people to use his money after his death 3.全世界按照他所希望的方式怀念他,铭记他:诺贝尔,一个致力于和平事业 的人。 The world thinks of him the way he wanted to be remembered: Nobel, a man of peace 4.他做出决定,在他去世之后,他的遗产应当用来奖励那些在科学、文学和世 界和平等领域做出卓越贡献的人。 He decided that after he died, his money should be used for a prize to honor people who did great things in science, writing, and world peace 5.最早的诺贝尔奖在1901年授予的,这个奖项不久便成会人们在上述领域所 获得的最高荣誉。 The first Nobel Prizes were awarded in 1901, and they very soon became the greatest honor that a person could receive in these fields UNIT 2 Section A Translation V 1.He has visited 20 countries, as he is interested in all sorts of cultures and customs. 因为他对各种文化和习俗感兴趣,他访问过20个国家 2.Nobel preferred people to remember him as a man of peace. 诺贝尔希望人们把他当作热爱和平的人来记住他 3.But not everyone would agree with you that men and women have the same abilities. 但不是人人都同意你的观点,认为男人和女人具有同样的能力 4.That is a very good example of how the language has changed as a result of the women’s movement.


U n i t1 1. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4. 公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town. 5. 这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. 1. 他们花了多年的时间寻找内心的平静,但是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success. 2. 这种新药的成功研制已经使许多疾病的治疗发生了根本性的变革。


1.那是个正规宴会,我照妈妈对我讲的那样穿着礼服去了。 (formal) As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me t o. 2.他的女友劝他趁抽烟的坏习惯尚未根深蒂固之前把它改掉。(take hold) His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold. 3.他们预料到下几个月点的需求量很大,决定增加生产。(anticipate) Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have de cided to increase its production. 4.据说比尔音译在违反公司的安全规章而被解雇。(violate) It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’ s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’ s safety rules. 5.据报道地方政府已采取适当措施避免严重缺水(water shortage)的可能性。 (avoid,severe) It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the poss ibility of a severe water shortage. 1.半个小时过去了,但末班车还没来。我们只好走回家。(go by) Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home. 2.玛丽看上去对汉语考试很担心,因为她还没背熟课文。 (learn by heart) Mary seems to be very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by heart. 3.既然篮球赛已被推迟,我们不妨去参观博物馆。(postpone) Since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum. 4.整个二次世界大战期间他一直和父母住在澳大利亚。 (all the way) He stayed in Australia with his parents all the way through WWⅡ. 5.自1985年从南京大学毕业至今,可以说我与我的大学同学失去了联系。(kind of,lose touch) Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have kind of lost touch with my classmates. 1.正如科学家所预言的那样,全球污染成了人类面临的最严重的问题之一。(global) As is predicted by scientists, global pollution has become one of the most serious problems huma ns are faced with. 2.谋求这些职位的竞争很激烈——今年的求职者(applicant)是去年的五倍。(competition) Competition for these jobs is very tough – we have five times as many applicants this year as we did last year/ there are five times as many a pplicants this year as there were last year. 3.正如事实表明的那样,教育大纲应该符合国家的经济发展计划。(fit into)


Main Content :UNIT 1 MA THEMA TICS I.Text Organization Parts Part One Paragraphs Paras. 1-3 Main Ideas Game theory can be defined as the science of strategy which studies both pure conflicts (zero-sum games) and conflicts in cooperative forms. Part Two Paras. 4-11 There are two distinct types interdependence: sequential-move simultaneous-move game.of strategic game and Part Three Paras.The typical examples of game theory are given as the 12-19basic principles such as prisoners’dilemma, mixing moves, strategic moves, bargaining, concealing and revealing information. Part Four Para. 20 The research of game theory has succeeded in illustrating strategies in situations of conflict and cooperation and it will focus on the design of successful strategy in future.


Unit 1 1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题作好了准备。(confront) He has prepared answers to the questions that he may confront during the interview. 2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad experience touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(hand in hand) The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing. 4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。(in common) People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在3年内买一幢新房子。(look into) Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。(give in to) He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。(lock away) We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相帮助。(part) Although we have parted from each other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we used to. 10.在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。(summon) At the critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨天抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期3天的友好访问。(head) A government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa yesterday, starting a three-day friendly visit to the country. 2.看看这些讽刺社会弊端的漫画实在好笑。(awfully funny) It is awfully funny to look at these caricatures which satirize social ills. 3.计算机是最有用的教学工具之一,所有的功课以及所有的问题和答案都可在屏幕上显示出来。(show on a screen) Computers are one of the most useful teaching tools, for all your lessons as well as all the questions and all the answers can be shown on a screen. 4.张利的母亲前天突然病倒,他赶紧派人请来医生。(send for) Zhang Li’s mother fell ill the day before yesterday, so he sent for a doctor immediately.


Lesson 1 1) Little donkeys thread their way among the throngs of people. little donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another 2) Then as you penetrate deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and you come to the muted cloth-market. Then as you pass through a big crowd to go deeper into the market, the noise of the entrance gradually disappear, and you come to the much quieter cloth-market. 3) they narrow down their choice and begin the really serious business of beating the price down they drop some of items that they don't really want and begin to bargain seriously for a low price. 4) he will price the item high, and yield little in the bargaining He will ask for a high price for the item and refuse to cut down the price by any significant amount. 5) As you approach it, a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to impinge on your ear As you get near it, a variety of sounds begin to strike your ear. X.1)一条蜿蜒的小路淹没在树荫深处 A zig-zag path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods. 2)集市上有许多小摊子,出售的货物应有尽有 At the bazaar there are many stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold. 3) 我真不知道到底是什么事让他如此生气。 I really don't know what it is that has made him so angry. 4)新出土的铜花瓶造型优美,刻有精细、复杂的传统图案。 The newly unearthed bronze vase is pleasing in form and engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs. 5)在山的那边是一望无际的大草原。 Beyond the mountains there is a vast grassland that extends as far as the eye can see. 6)他们决定买那座带有汽车房的房子。 They decided to buy that house with. a garage attached. 7)教师们坚持对学生严格要求。 The teachers make a point of being strict with the students. 8)这个小女孩非常喜欢他的父亲。 This little girl is very much attached to her father.


Everyday Use for Your Grandmama I. Give brief answers to the following questions, using your own words as much as possible: 1) In real life what kind of woman is the mother 2) What kind of woman would Dee like her mother to be? 3) How does the mother act when she meets a strange white man? 4) What kind of girl is Maggie? 5) Why do you think colored people asked fewer questions in 1927? 6) Why does the mother say Dee will never bring her friends to visit them? What does this tell about Dee? Give other instances to prove your point. 7) Why did Dee want the quilt so much? 8) Why did Maggie want the quilt? 9) Why did Dee visit her mother and sister? 10) What is the mother ' s feeling toward Dee? How is it changed in the course of the story? 11) What is implied by the subtitle ‘ for your grandmama ''? II. Paraphrase: 1) She thinks her sister has held life always in the palm of one hand 2) ”no” is a word the world never learned to say to her 3) Johnny Carson has much to do to keep up with my quick and witty tongue. 4) It seems to me I have talked to them always with one foot raised in flight 5) She washed us in a river of make-believe


Unit1 1、任何年满18岁得人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote、 2、每学期开学前,这些奖学金得申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester、 3、遵照医生得建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking、 4、公园位于县城得正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town、 5、这所大学提供了我们所需得所有材料与设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire、 1、她们花了多年得时间寻找内心得平静,但就是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success、 2、这种新药得成功研制已经使许多疾病得治疗发生了根本性得变革。(revolutionize) The successful development of the new drug has revolutionized the treatment of many diseases、 3、由于这个国家得经济不景气,这家公司濒于破产。(on the edge of) The company is on the edge of bankruptcy due to the economic depression in the country、 4、大学毕业后她成为了一名护士。她认为护士这一职业可能很有发展前途。(rewarding) He became a nurse after college、He thought nursing could be a very rewarding career、 5、她像往常一样在文件上签了名。(just as) He signed his name on the paper just as he has always done it、 Unit2


Uint1 1这一切不是一朝一夕可以实现的(achieve实现) All this can’t be chieved overnight 2下午6点种左右体育馆通常很忙(tend to 通常、易于) The gum tend to be busy at around 6 o’clock in the ofrrrnoon 3这个地区现在不安全,还是远离它为好(take away from 远离) The area is not safe at the moment,so it’sbetter to stay away from it 4就销售而言,他们是4该地区五大超市之一(in terms of 在。。。方面、就。。。而言) In terms of sales, they are one of top five supermarket in the area 5这间房既要作卧室又要作客房(severs as 作为) The room serve as not only bedrome but also livingroom 6生产部负责监督这个项目的进展(monitor 监督) The product department is responsible for monitoring the progress 7上个月经理忙于一项对营销活动的研究工作(be involved in 参与卷入) The product was involved in a research on marking activities last month 8现在许多大公司都利用网站来推销他们的产品和服务(promote 推销) Uany big companies use websites to promote their products and seroices Uint2 1在这所新医院上面已经花费了大笔资金(a great deal of 大量) A great deal of mony has been spent on the new hospital 2成功与否取决于你的努力和能力(depend on 取决于) Success depends on your efforts ands ability 3很难时刻掌握科技方面的新发展(keep track of记录了解动态) It is difficult to keep track of new development in science and technology 4所有投诉都将由经理来处理(deal with 处理) All complains will be deal with by the managers 5不要试着自己去做,这需要专业知识(specialized 专业的) Don’t try doing it yourself, it requires specialized know ledge 6他作为最佳运动员获得了一个金牌(award 获得) He was awarded a goldcup for being the best athlete 7为什么不关掉电视区锻炼一下身体(turn off 关闭)


Lesson2 Exercises 1. Put the following into Chinese. (1)Ohm’s law states that the voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current flowing through the resistor. The constant of proportionality is the resistance value of the resistor in ohms. 流过电路里电阻的电流,与加在电阻两端的电压成正比,与电阻的阻值成反比。这就是欧姆定律。 (2)Many materials, however, closely approximate an ideal linear resistor over a desired operating region. 不过,许多材料在规定的工作范围内非常接近理想线性电阻。 (3)It should be noted that an ideal voltage source (dependent or independent ) will produce any current required to ensure that the terminal voltage is as stated, whereas an ideal current source will produce the necessary voltage to ensure the stated current flow. 应该注意:一个理想电压源(独立或受控)可向电路提供任意电流以保证其端电压为规定值,而电流源可向电路提供任意电压以保证其规定电流。 (4)A different class of relationship occurs because of the restriction that some specific type of network element places on the variables. Still another class of relationship is one between several variable of the same type which occurs as the result of the network configuration, i. e., the manner in which the various element of the network are interconnected. 一种不同类型的关系是由于网络元件的某种特定类型的连接对变量的约束。另一类关系由于网络结构,即网络的不同元件互相连接的方式所产生的相同形式的一些变量间的关系。 (5)The thermal conductivity of metals is as much as several hundred times that of glass. 金属的导热率比玻璃高几百倍。 (6)Magnetic line of force will,whenever passible, travel through iron or other magnetic materials. 磁力线只要有可能就会通过铁或其它磁性材料。 (7)Actually, 0 o C is indeed the lower limit to temperatures capable of being attained. 事实上绝对零度确是所能达到的温度的最低限度。 2. Translate the following into English. (1)电路元件吸收或释放的功率为元件两端的电压与流过该元件电流的乘积。 The power absorbed or supplied by a circuit element is the product of the voltage across the element and the current through it. (2)理想独立电源是一个有源元件,它所提供的电压或电流不依赖于电路中其他变量。 An ideal independent source is an active element that provides a specified voltage or current that is completely independent of other circuit variables. (3)受控电源是一个有源元件,它所提供的电压或电流受电路中某部分电压或电流控制。 An ideal dependent (or controlled) source is an active element in which the source quantity is controlled by another voltage or current. (4)叠加定理为:线性电路中,任一电压或电流都是电路中各个独立电源单独作用时,在该处产生的电压或电流的叠加。 The superposition principle states that the voltage across (or current through) an element in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across (or current through) that element due to each independent source acting alone. (5)计算机可分为模拟计算机和数字计算机两种。Computers may be classfied as analog and digital.(6)新型晶体管的开关时间缩短了三分之二。The switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened three times. (7)超导体在电气应用上的重要性不能被估计过高。The importance of superconductor in the uses of electricity cannot be overestimated.


新视野大学英语课后习 题翻译答案 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

新视野大学英语(第二版)读写教程2 1至7单元课后翻译答案总结 IA:她连水都不愿意喝一口,更别提留下来吃饭了。 She wouldn’t take a drink , much less would she stay for dinner. 他认为我在对他说谎,但实际上我讲的是实话。 He thought I was lying to him , whereas I was telling the truth. 这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你怎样解释 How do you account for the fact you have been late every day this week 他们利润增长的部分原因是采用了新的市场策略。 The increase in their profits is due to their new market strategy. 这样的措施很可能会带来工作效率得提高。 Such measures are likely to result in the improvement of work efficiency.

我们已经在这个项目上投入了大量时间和精力,所以我们 只能继续。 We have already poured a lot of time and energy into the project , so we have to carry on. IIA: 尽管她是家里的独生女,他父母也从不溺爱她。 Despite the fact that she is the only child in the family , her parents never baby her . 迈克没来参加昨晚的聚会,也没有给我打电话作任何解 释。 Mike didn’t come to the party last night , nor did he call me to give an explanation. 坐在他旁边的那个人确实发表过一些小说,但绝不是什么 大作家。 The man sitting next to him did publish some novels , but he is by no means a great writer. 他对足球不感兴趣,也从不关心谁输谁赢。 He is not interested in football and is indifferent to who wins or loses.


综合英语1课后翻译 答案 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

Unit 1 1.他对这次面试中可能提到的问题作好了准备。(confront) He has prepared answers to the questions that he may confront during the interview. 2.他悲惨的遭遇深深打动了我们,使我们几乎哭出声来。(touch) His sad experience touched us so deeply that we nearly cried. 3.他们俩手挽着手沿着河边散步,有说有笑。(hand in hand) The two of them are walking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing. 4.听到这令人激动的消息之后,他眼睛里涌出欢乐的泪水。(well up) When he heard the exciting news, tears of joy welled up in his eyes. 5.上海人容易听懂苏州话,因为上海话和苏州话有许多共同之处。(in common) People from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai dialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common. 6.亨利和妻子正在考虑能不能在3年内买一幢新房子。(look into) Henry and his wife are looking into the possibility of buying a new house within three years. 7.女儿再三请求到国外去深造,他最终让步了。(give in to) He finally gave in to his daughter’s repeated requests to further her education abroad. 8.我们在动身去度假之前把所有的贵重物品都锁好了。(lock away) We locked all our valuables away before we went on holiday. 9.虽然咱们分手了,但我希望咱们依然是好朋友,像以前一样互相关心,互相帮助。(part) Although we have parted from each other, I hope that we will remain good friends and that we will care for and help each other just as we used to. 10.在紧急关头,军长召集全体军官开会,制定新的克敌战略战术。 (summon) At the critical moment, the army commander summoned all the officers to work out new strategies and tactics to conquer the enemy. Unit 2 1.一个由外交部长率领的政府代表团昨天抵达南非,开始对该国进行为期3天的友好访问。(head) A government delegation headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs arrived in South Africa yesterday, starting a three-day friendly visit to the country.

实用英语1课后习题(unit 1-unit 5)

新编实用英语综合教程1课后翻译答案(Unit 1-Unit 5) UNIT 1 1像许多人一样,你大概也在学习如何推销自己. You, like most people, probably are learning how to market yourself. 2对一名新雇员来说,最重要的不一定是工作经验,而是怎样不断更新知识。To a new employee, the most important is not necessarily work experience, but how to update knowledge. 3对不起,我那位闲不住的老板让我立刻就走。 I’m so sorry. My go-go boss asks me to leave right now. 4那位主妇只是不停地诉说她的家事,我就知道我会被拉进这样的谈话。 That housewife just continued on with some sort of story about her family. I knew I must be caught in such a conversation. 5对我来说,失去时间就是失去生命。我不能还没实现自己设定的目标就离开这个世界。 For me, missed time is missed life. I can not leave this world without reaching the goal I set. 6我的锻炼计划是建立在每天锻炼基础上的,它不一定会让我长高,但会使我身体健康。 My exercise plan is built on a daily basis. It could help me become healthier, not necessarily taller. 1.像你的许多同学一样,你可能也曾有过亲身经历:有人请求你为外国友人帮忙做点事。 像大部分妇女一样,她自己可能也曾遭遇过被人误解的局面。 You, like many of your classmates, probably have been in such a situation where you are asked to do something to help a foreign friend. She, like most women, probably has been in such a situation where she herself is being misunderstood. 2. 对不起,这会儿他一定外出在图书馆里。 对不起,你的汽车现在必须得停用一个月。 I'm sorry, he must be out in the library at the moment. I'm sorry, your car must be out of use at the moment for one month. 3. 我知道我去年错修了一门课程。 一开始他就知道他在错失一个好机遇。 I knew I took a wrong course last year. He knew he was missing a good opportunity at the beginning. 4.不着正装可能会被看成对他人的一种不礼貌。 没有好习惯可能会被看作是没有受过良好的教育。 Not dressing formally can be seen as being impolite to other people. Not having good habits can be seen as having no good education. 5. 别在经理面前说笑话tell jokes,给他留下“此人不严肃”的印象。 别跟那小女孩大声嚷,让她觉得“这人不友善”。 Don't tell jokes before the manger leaving him thinking “that person is not serious”.
