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Stress and Strain

1.Introduction to Mechanics of Materials

Mechanics of materials is a branch of applied mechanics that deals with the behavior of solid bodies subjected to various types of loading. It is a field of study that i s known by a variety of names, including “strength of materials” and “mechanics of deformable bodies”. The solid bodies considered in this book include axially-loaded bars, shafts, beams, and columns, as well as structures that are assemblies of these components. Usually the objective of our analysis will be the determination of the stresses, strains, and deformations produced by the loads; if these quantities can be found for all values of load up to the failure load, then we will have obtained a complete picture of the mechanics behavior of the body.

Theoretical analyses and experimental results have equally important roles in the study of mechanics of materials . On many occasion we will make logical derivations to obtain formulas and equations for predicting mechanics behavior, but at the same time we must recognize that these formulas cannot be used in a realistic way unless certain properties of the been made in the laboratory. Also , many problems of importance in engineering cannot be handled efficiently by theoretical means, and experimental measurements become a practical necessity. The historical development of mechanics of materials is a fascinating blend of both theory and experiment, with experiments pointing the way to useful results in some instances and with theory doing so in others①. Such famous men as Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519) and Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) made experiments to adequate to determine the strength of wires , bars , and beams , although they did not develop any adequate theo ries (by today’s standards ) to explain their test results . By contrast , the famous mathematician Leonhard Euler(1707-1783) developed the mathematical theory any of columns and calculated the critical load of a column in 1744 , long before any experimental evidence existed to show the significance of his results ②. Thus , Euler’s theoretical results remained unused for many years, although today they form the basis of column theory.

The importance of combining theoretical derivations with experimentally determined properties of materials will be evident theoretical derivations with experimentally determined properties of materials will be evident as we proceed with

our study of the subject③. In this section we will begin by discussing some fundamental concepts , such as stress and strain , and then we will investigate bathe behaving of simple structural elements subjected to tension , compression , and shear.


The concepts of stress and strain can be illustrated in elementary way by considering the extension of a prismatic bar [see Fig.1.4(a)]. A prismatic bar is one that has cross section throughout its length and a straight axis. In this illustration the bar is assumed to be loaded at its ends by axis forces P that produce a uniform stretching , or tension , of the bar . By making an artificial cut (section mm) through the bar at right angles to its axis , we can isolate part of the bar as a free body[Fig.1.4(b)]. At the right-hand end the force P is applied , and at the other end there are forces representing the action of the removed portion of the bar upon the part that remain . These forces will be continuously distributed over the cross section , analogous to the continuous distribution of hydrostatic pressure over a submerged surface . The intensity of force , that is , the per unit area, is called the stress and is commonly denoted by the Greek letter б. Assuming that the stress has a uniform distribution over the cross section[see Fig.1.4(b)], we can readily see that its resultant is equal to the intensity бtimes the cross-sectional area A of the bar. Furthermore , from the equilibrium of the body show in Fig.1.4(b),

Fig.1.4 Prismatic bar in tension

we can also see that this resultant must be equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force P. Hence, we obtain

б=P/A ( 1.3 )

as the equation for the uniform stress in a prismatic bar . This equation shows that

stress has units of force divided by area --------for example , Newtons per square millimeter(N/mm2) or pounds of per square inch (psi). When the bar is being stretched by the forces P ,as shown in the figure , the resulting stress is a tensile stress; if the force are reversed in direction, causing the bat to be compressed , they are called compressive stress.

A necessary condition for Eq.(1.3) to be valid is that the stressбmust be uniform over the cross section of the bat . This condition will be realized if the axial force p acts through the centroid of the cross section , as can be demonstrated by statics. When the load P doses not act at thus centroid , bending of the bar will result, and a more complicated analysis is necessary . Throughout this book , however , it is assumed that all axial forces are applied at the centroid of the cross section unless specifically stated to the contrary ④. Also, unless stated otherwise, it is generally assumed that the weight of the object itself is neglected, as was done when discussing this bar in Fig.1.4.

3. Strain

The total elongation of a bar carrying force will be denoted by the Greek letterб[see Fig .1.4(a)], and the elongation per unit length , or strain , is then determined by the equation

ε=δ/L (1.4)

Where L is the total length of the bar . Now that the strain ε is a nondimensional quantity . It can be obtained accurately form Eq.(1.4) as long as the strain is uniform throughout the length of the bar . If the bar is in tension , the strain is a tensile strain , representing an elongation or a stretching of the material; if the bar is in compression , the strain is a compressive strain , which means that adjacent cross section of the bar move closer to one another.

( Selected from Stephen P.Timoshenko and James M. Gere, Mechanics of

Materials,Van NostrandReinhold Company Ltd.,1978.)







应力和应变的概念可以用图解这种方法。考虑等截面杆发生的延伸。[如图1.4(a)].等截面杆沿长度方向和轴线方向延伸。在这个图中的杆假设在它的两端承受轴向载荷P致使产生一致的延伸,即杆的拉力。通过杆的假想(mm)截面是垂直于轴的直角面。我们可以分离出杆的一个自由体作为研究对象[图1.4(b)]. 在右边的端点上是拉力P的作用,而在另一端是被移走的杆上的一部分作用在这部分上的力。这些力分布在水的表面上。强度就是单位面积上的载荷叫应力,用希腊字母ζ表示。假设应力均匀连续分布在横截面上[看图1.4(b)]。而且在图1.4(b)中看到物体的平衡,我们能够得出这样的合力在大小上必须等于相反方向的载荷P。我们得到等截面杆的应力均匀分布的方程式:ζ=P/A

这个方程式表明应力是在面积上分成微分载荷。例如 N/mm或psi。当杆被载荷P拉伸,可以用数值来表示。因此产生的应力为拉应力。如果载荷是相反的方向,造成杆的压缩,这就叫压应力。

方程(1.3)所必须具备的条件就是应力ζ均匀分布在杆的面上。轴向载荷P 通过截面的形心,这个条件必须实现。可以用静力学来说明:当加载P不能经过形心,将会导致杆的弯曲,而且有一个更复杂的分析。在本书过程中,如果没有特别说明,我们假定的所有轴向力都作用在横截面的形心上。同样的,除另外的状态,当我们对图1.4讨论时同,对于一般地物体本身是重可忽略。


由于轴向载荷使杆伸长的总量是用希腊字母ζ表示[看图1.4(a)]。单位长度的伸长即应变。得到方程式ε=ζ/L L为杆的长度。


(从选出:史蒂芬.Timoshenko 和詹姆士M.盖尔,材料力学,NostrandReinhold厢式客货两用车有限公司,1978)

Shear Force and Bending Moment in Beams

Let us now consider, as an example , a cantilever beam acted upon by an inclined load P at its free end [Fig.1.5(a)]. If we cut through the beam at a cross section mn and isolate the left-hand part of the beam as free body [Fig.1.5(b)], we see that the action of the removed part of the beam (that is , the right-hand part)upon the left-hand part must as to hold the left-hand in equilibrium. The distribution of stresses over the cross section mn is not known at this stage in our study , but wee do know that the resultant of these stresses must be such as to equilibrate the load P. It is convenient to resolve to the resultant into an axial force N acting normal to the cross section and passing through the centriod of the cross section , a shear force V acting parallel to the cross section , and a bending moment M acting in the plane of the beam.

The axial force , shear force , and bending moment acting at a cross section of a beam are known as stress resultants. For a statically determinate beam, the stress resultants can be determined from equations of equilibrium. Thus , for the cantilever beam pictured in Fig.1.5, we may writer three equations of stactics for the free-body diagram shown in the second part of the figure. From summations of forces in the horizontal and vertical directions we find, respectively,


and ,from a summation of moments about an axis through the centroid of cross section mn, we obtain M=Pxsinβ

where x is the distance from the free end to section mn. Thus ,through the use of a free-body diagram and equations of static equilibrium, we are able to calculate the stress resultants without difficulty. The stress in the beam due to the axial force N acting alone have been discussed in the text of Unit.2; Now we will see how to obtain the stresses associated with bending moment M and the shear force V.

The stress resultants N, V and M will be assumed to be positive when the they act

in the directions shown in Fig.1.5(b). This sign convention is only useful, however , when we are discussing the equilibrium of the left-hand part of the beam is considered, we will find that the stress resultants have the same magnitudes but opposite directions[see Fig.1.5(c)]. Therefore , we must recognize that the algebraic sign of a stress resultant does not depend upon its direction in space , such as to the left or to the right, but rather it depends upon its direction with respect to the material against , which it acts. To illustrate this fact, the sign conventions for N, V and M are repeated in Fig.1.6, where the stress resultants are shown acting on an element of the beam.

We see that a positive axial force is directed away from the surface upon which is acts(tension), a positive shear force acts clockwise about the surface upon which it acts , and a positive bending moment is one that compresses the upper part of the



A simple beam A

B carries two loads , a concentrated force P and a couple Mo, acting as shown in Fig.1.7(a). Find the shear force and bending moment in the beam at cross sections located as follows: (a) a small distance to the left of the middle of the beam and (b) a small distance to the right of the middle of the beam .


The first step in the analysis of this beam is to find the reactions R A and R B. Taking moments about ends A and B gives two equations of equilibrium, from which we find

R A=3P/4 – Mo/L R B=P/4+mo/L

Next, the beam is cut at a cross section just to the left of the middle, and a free-body diagram is drawn of either half of the beam. In this example we choose the left-hand half of the bean, and the corresponding diagram is shown in Fig.1.7(b). The force p and the reaction R A appear in this diagram, as also do the unknown shear force V and bending moment M, both of which are shown in their positive directions. The

couple Mo does not appear in the figure because the beam is cut to the left of the point where M o is applied. A summation of forces in the vertical direction gives V=R – P= -P/4-M0/L

Which shown that the shear force is negative; hence, it acts in the opposite direction to that assumed in Fig.1.7(b). Taking moments about an axis through the cross section where the beam is cut [Fig.1.7(b)] gives

M = R A L/2-PL/4=PL/8-M o/2

Depending upon the relative magnitudes of the terms in this equation, we see that the bending moment M may be either positive or negative .

To obtain the stress resultants at a cross section just to the right of the middle, we cut the beam at that section and again draw an appropriate free-body diagram [Fig.1.7(c)]. The only difference between this diagram and the former one is that the couple M o now acts on the part of the beam to the left of the cut section. Again summing force in the vertical direction, and also taking moments about an axis through the cut section , we obtain

V= - P/4- M o/L M=PL/8+M o/2

We see from these results that the shear force does not change when the section is shifted from left to right of the couple M o, but the bending moment increases algebraically by an amount equal to M o .

( Selected from: Stephen P.Timosheko and James M. Gere,Mechanics of

materials, Van Nostrand reinhold Company Ltd.,1978.)



作用在截面上的轴向应力、剪切力和弯曲应力就是应力的合成力。比如静止的固定梁合成力可由平衡方程得出,如图1.5所示悬臂梁结构。这样就可以得到图形另一部分中的图示自由部分的三个平衡方程式。由水平合力和垂直合力的方向,可得: N=Pcosβ如果将平衡梁在截面mn处截断且将其左边部分作为隔离体(图1.5(b)。可以看出隔离体截面(右边)的作用国必须和左边的作用力平衡,截面mn处应力的分布情况我们现阶段是不知道的,但我们知道这些应力的合力必须和拉力P平衡。按常规可将合力分解成为通过质点作用于横截面的轴向应力N、平行于截面的剪切力V和作用在平衡梁平面中的弯矩M。


N=Pcosβ V=Psinβ


作用在截面上的轴向应力、剪切力和弯曲应力就是应力的合成力。比如静止的固定梁合成力可由平衡方程得出,如图1.5所示悬臂梁结构。这样就可以得到图形另一部分中的图示自由部分的三个平衡方程式。由水平合力和垂直合力的方向,可得: N=Pcosβ V=Psin β

由通过截面mn质心的轴向总弯矩,可得 M=Pxsinβ



左半部分受力平衡时,符号很重要的。如果考虑到右半部分时我们会发现合成力大小相等且方向相反,如图 1.5(c),然而,我们必须意识到应力的代数符号不是取决于应力的空间方向,如左、右之类而更取决于与其作用的材料有关的方向。为了说明事实,应力N、V和弯矩M的规定方向在图1.6平衡梁微元中反复使用。大家知道轴向应力:以弯矩压缩梁的上部为正,从它作用的面指向外为正(拉伸)剪切力是其作用面内顺时钟作用为正。




(a)距中心左侧微小距离 (b) 距中心点右侧微小距离


A 和R





A =3P/4 - M

/L R








反方向的,弯矩M0 没有标出,因为平衡梁刚好被从M


V=R - P= -P/4-M0/L


M = RAL/2-PL/4=PL/8-Mo/2

由方程中两项的大小关系可以看出弯矩M子可能是负的。为了得到截面右侧的应力合力,将平衡梁用如上方法切开,其隔离体如图 1.7(c)所示,此图和前者的维一不同之处是弯矩M0作用在这物体左侧截面处,再由垂直方向的合力和截面处的轴向弯矩得:

V= - P/4- Mo/L M=PL/8+Mo/2

综上所述,剪彩应力不会随着截面从左侧到有M0 作用的右侧的改变而改变,但是弯矩代数值增加到了与M0相等。

(从中选出来:史蒂芬盖尔,P. Timosheko 和詹姆士M.材料力学,reinhold Nostrand 厢式客货两用车有限公司,1978 。)


领导风格外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 原文: 1. Introduction The leadership in organizing a government so far has tended to be only one leadership style for all employees’ abilities, namely instruction leadership style, so it has impacted and caused low-level service performance, [1]. An ofiicer’s leadership is no more than as a power figure, who is highly chained by formal rules. So, there is no possibility for appreciations to occur. The implication which occurs toward human resources of employees is that there is a strong tie with formal rules, so there is no room for employees to take initiatives, innovative actions, and to make significant development. Therefore, the time has come for the single-style bureaucratic leadership style orientation to change into the situational leadership style, a style based on situations and conditions of the subordinate/employees’ abilities. Besides the leadership style, the officer’s motivation also plays an important role in achieving high performance because it is related with :



旅游服务贸易的国际竞争力:罗马尼亚的案例 引言 旅游业是唯一的可以为任何发展水平的国家提供贸易机会的服务活动。然而,它也是一个很大程度因为国家的能力和在全球经济中的表现而又有明确的利益分配不均行业,而这又需要提高自己的竞争力。 自20世纪90年代初,罗马尼亚旅游业经历了出口量,生长速率和结构的重大变化。这些不同的波动都影响了罗马尼亚在国际旅游市场上相对的竞争地位并引起了其旅游贸易平衡的变化。同时,新的和更多的错杂的欧式建筑,引起了罗马尼亚的区域旅游竞争力的显著变化。 在此背景下,本文试图提出一个框架,以竞争力和旅游贸易表现之间的关系为重点,来评估罗马尼亚的旅游服务贸易的国际竞争力。 一、国际竞争力视角:国际竞争力之与国际旅游业的相关性 国际竞争力的概念,尽管有争议,难以捉摸,但现在已经得到认可,并继续吸引世界各地的学者和决策者的关注。 到目前为止,为提高国际竞争力已采取措施,都被认为是在经济层面进行的(加瑞利,2003)通常是指一个国家生产的商品和服务,以满足国际市场的考验,并同时保持和增加公民的收入的能力(欧洲委员会,2007)。 由于竞争力最终取决于一国企业在国内和国际的市场成功,所以对竞争力的注意力都集中在企业层面的竞争力上(波特,1990),对于此的普遍理解是指“……该公司保持,并更好的是,扩大其全球市场份额,增加和扩大利润的能力” (克拉克和盖,1998, 经济合作与发展组织,1993)。 因此,虽然广泛流传但是国际竞争力作为与国家经济和其国际贸易相关

的理论基础已经不太在学术文献进行分析。因此,一个国家国际竞争力的性质,效益和局限性仍然含糊不清(科尔德威尔,2000,克鲁格曼,1994, 1996)。 国际竞争力,是指一个国家在货物和服务贸易方面巩固和保持贸易优势相对于世界其他地区的贸易优势。 每当一个国家的经济福利通过贸易流量的增加,或通过从初始平衡状态的贸易条件的改变而增加,他的国际竞争力都会得到提高(科尔德威尔,2000)。 贸易理论表示,经济福利依赖于一个国家有比较优势的货物和服务的生产。这实际上意味着当生产符合一国的比较优势的情况时国际竞争力能得到保障。如果一国能在国际上表现良好并在出口市场竞争成功,这可能就是他们健全的国际竞争力的标志。 因此,在国际上,竞争力定义为一个经济体能够吸引其出口需求和投资供给需求的能力和在所有社会规范内提升公民生活水平的能力。这反过来又取决于宏观和微观经济政策,影响生产的经济生产率要素和经营成本的法规和制度。 一个可用的文献回顾和实证证据支持国际竞争力可以解释为在一定程度上,一个国家的出口能力这一观点(道乐和沃尔夫,1993, 格博格等. 2004)。还有就是,事实上,是出口表现和国际竞争力之间的循环关系。出口是国际竞争力的第一衡量指标。出口情况的改善会导致了一个国家的竞争力提升。这种效果是一个企业的技能,知识,创新和运用新技术并能够在一个成功的商业方式中利用技术机会等的结果。 另一方面,为了在竞争激烈的全球市场努力成功实现出口,一个国家被迫提高竞争力。更具竞争力的国家,它的经济更强大。因此,它更有能力在全球市场竞争,以吸引具有较高的知识,技能,水平人们去购买新技术等,


重庆大学网络教育学院 学生毕业设计(论文)开题报告 一、课题的目的及意义(含国内外的研究状况分析): 近年来,随着国民经济的发展,市场竞争日益加大,再加上中国加入世贸组织,国 门逐渐打开,越来越多的国外企业在中国的市场上发展壮大,抢夺市场占有份额,对国内企业 造成了很大的冲击,特别是中小企业更难立足和发展,因此提高我们企业的竞争力迫在眉睫。 我们都是知道人才对于企业的生存和发展都有着重要的意义,并起着越来越重要的作用, 尤其对于我国的中小企业而言,由于其财力、物力有限,不可能与大企业比资金、比实力,因 而人才,尤其是优秀的人才对我国的中小企业的生存与发展就有着决定性的作用。但是,由于 社会、历史和自身等诸多因素的影响,人才在我国的中小企业中往往难以发挥自己的才能,人 才流失现象相当严重,往往自己培养的核心员工成为别人的得意助手,给企业带来了不可估量 的损失。中小企业如果想要获得长足发展必须在人才方面下功夫,应该将人才战略作为整个 企业发展战略的核心,但是中小企业在人才引进、聘用、培育、留守方面存在着种种的不利和 弊端,这些直接导致了企业请进了人才而又留不住人才的尴尬局面的出现。因此如何留住人才, 如何解决人才流失这一问题就显得尤为必要。 二、课题任务、重点研究内容、实现途径、条件: 本文主要利用文献研究方法,通过多种途径收集有关中小企业人才流失现状及对策的文献 资料。主要包括相关著作、期刊杂志以及相关网站查找资料,收集数据等多个关于人才流失的 的相关著作及论文,收集我国关于中小企业相关的文献资料及法律法规等。通过搜集和整理大 量的与中小企业人才流失相关的资料,在指导老师的指导和帮助下,分析中小企业在人力资源 管理中的人才流失问题,找出原因,并结合自己所学的知识、收集的资料并整理消化写成论文。 通过新颖的论点和想法来提出自己论文的创新点,并运用所学习的知识来补充和加工。本文 先阐述课题背景和目的,从而引出人才流失的研究现状,结合现状并运用课题的研究方法来分



译文: 零售企业的营销策略 Philip Kotlor 今天的零售商为了招徕和挽留顾客,急欲寻找新的营销策略。过去,他们挽留顾客的方法是销售特别的或独特的花色品种,提供比竞争对手更多更好的服务提供商店信用卡是顾客能赊购商品。可是,现在这一切都已变得面目全非了。现在,诸如卡尔文·克连,依佐和李维等全国性品牌,不仅在大多数百货公司及其专营店可以看到,并且也可以在大型综合商场和折扣商店可以买到。全国性品牌的生产商为全力扩大销售量,它们将贴有品牌的商品到处销售。结果是零售商店的面貌越来越相似。 在服务项目上的分工差异在逐渐缩小。许多百货公司削减了服务项目,而许多折扣商店却增加了服务项目。顾客变成了精明的采购员,对价格更加敏感。他们看不出有什么道理要为相同的品牌付出更多的钱,特别是当服务的差别不大或微不足道时。由于银行信用卡越来越被所有的商家接受,他们觉得不必从每个商店赊购商品。 百货商店面对着日益增加的价格的折扣店和专业商店的竞争,准备东山再起。历史上居于市中心的许多商店在郊区购物中心开设分店,那里有宽敞的停车场,购买者来自人口增长较快并且有较高收入的地区。其他一些则对其商店形式进行改变,有些则试用邮购盒电话订货的方法。超级市场面对的是超级商店的竞争,它们开始扩大店面,经营大量的品种繁多的商品和提高设备等级,超级市场还增加了它们的促销预算,大量转向私人品牌,从而增加盈利。 现在,我们讨论零售商在目标市场、产品品种和采办、服务以及商店气氛、定价、促销和销售地点等方面的营销策略。 一、目标市场 零售商最重要的决策时确定目标市场。当确定目标市场并且勾勒出轮廓时,零售商才能对产品分配、商店装饰、广告词和广告媒体、价格水平等作出一致的决定。如沃尔玛的目标市场相当明确:


沈阳理工大学应用技术学院题目:浅谈华为公司的领导风格 姓名 院(中心、所)经济管理学院 学号 年级2011级 专业工商管理 考试科目组织行为学 考试时间 考试分数 教师签字

目录 摘要···························································· 1.华为公司领导者的介绍 0 2.任正非的领导风格 0 2.1低调 0 2.2狼性精神 (1) 2.3用毛泽东兵法治商 (1) 2.4危机管理理念 (2) 3.任正非的领导秘诀 (2) 3.1“一法”——《华为基本法》——明确的发展纲领·2 3.2“两制”——规范的HR机制、严密的运营机制 (3) 3.3朴实无华的宣教 (3) 4.结束语 (3) 参考文献: (4) 摘要 领导是管理的重要的职能,领导的水平的高低常常决定着组织的生存死亡。领导的有效性是组织成败的关键。领导者身负组织领导的重任,其思想观念、心理素质和特殊心理机制,不仅影响到个人工作的成效,更影响到其部署和群体作用的发挥乃至整个组织的行为绩效。领导的本质是影响力,即对一个组织、一个群体或一些人的行为与观念是施加影响的过程。领导能力意味着影响着团队中成员的发展、留任和激发成员的能力,具有魅力的领导有能力将其自身的价值观与其下属的相统一,他能够影响其下属视其为了集体的利益而舍弃自身的利益。具有魅力的领导,可以激发团队的成员对于团队的项目的热情、发展其忠诚度,建立成


1.华为公司领导者的介绍 正所谓“上梁不正下梁歪”,作为一个领导者不能起到楷模作用,那么他的下属也只能成为乌合之众,不能有所作为,领导者的领导风格对下属和团队将产生重要的影响。华为公司的创始人任正非出生在贵州的一个贫困的小村庄,任正非虽然生在农村,但他从小就开始接受教育,可谓“贫贱不能移”,任正非凭借着其才能和智慧以及对知识的孜孜不倦的追究,使他进入一个技术密集型行业。1978年,任正非从部队转业,以2万元注册资本创办了深圳华为技术有限公司,现任华为有限公司的总裁。公司主营电信设备,发展迅猛,成为中国市场GSM设备、交换机产品及接入系统的佼佼者。2000年他被美国《福布斯》杂志评选为中国富豪第三位。个人财产估计为5亿美元。2005年他入选《时代周刊》全球“建设者与巨子”100名排行榜,他是中国唯一入选的企业家。同一档为有美国的苹果电脑公司董事长及首席执行官乔布斯、传媒大亨默多克、俄罗斯石油巨头阿布拉莫维奇、2011年任正非以11亿美元首次进入福布斯富豪榜,排名全球第1056名,中国第92名。在《财富》中文版第七次发布中,位居“中国最具影响力的商界领袖”榜单之首。 2.任正非的领导风格 2.1低调 低调的人做有高度的事业。木秀于林,风必摧之,故老子云:“夫唯不争,故天下莫能与之争”,不争者胜天下。任正非深谙这道理,为人处世一向低调。他对各种采访、会议、评选都躲得远远的,不论是直接有利于华为形象的宣传活动,还是政府的活动,或者令许多商界精英趋之若鹜的媒体盛世,他都统统拒绝。他向华为高层发下死命令:“除非重要客户或合作伙伴,其他活动一律免谈,谁来游说我,我就撤谁的职。”人们几乎没有看过他在电视屏幕上登场亮相,也几乎没有听到过他激情的演讲。任正非一贯的追求是“做事业,做有高度的事业”。唯有练好内功,方可与对手论高下。“桃李不言,下自成蹊”,就是这样,也许唯


文献出处:Barattieri A. The mechanism of service trade liberalization[J]. Journal of International Economics, 2014, 92(1): 1-13. (声明:本译文归百度文库所有,完整译文请到百度文库。) 原文 The mechanism of service trade liberalization Barattieri A Abstract In this paper, Service trade liberalization is the key areas of the United States to promote the TPP negotiations, the United States in the negotiations are pushing mechanism of a high standard of service trade liberalization. In this paper the progress of the TPP negotiations and services trade issues important position, on the basis of the acceptance, architecture design, focus on services, regulatory consistency four aspects in the TPP uncovers the "high standards" service trade liberalization mechanism establishment. American "high standards" service trade liberalization mechanism is tailored to the interests of the United States, actually services in the service of the United States. These mechanisms are through to strengthen and promote the TPP platform, forming reversed transmission to other countries. Key words: the TPP; The United States; Service trade liberalization; High standards; Mechanism design America is the first largest exporter global trade in services, and for many years, continues to service trade surplus. Competitive advantage based on service industry and service industry The importance of promoting American exports, jobs and economic growth, the United States in the multilateral, bilateral and regional multiple layers jointly promoting service trade liberalization. In the Uruguay round negotiations, the United States has overcome many obstacles, for the first time to include the Service Trade in multilateral negotiations, contributed to the general Agreement on Trade in services (the Genre - al Agreement on Trade and Service,

文献翻译 (2)

对行销售人员激励机制分析 1激励机制的描述 1.1激励理论主要是研究激发人们行为动机的各种因素。由于人类行为 的原动力是需要,因此这种理论实际上就是围绕着人们的各种需要来进行研究。主要包括马斯洛的赫茨伯格的双因素理论、奥尔德弗的“ERG”理论、需要层次理论和麦克利兰的成就需要激励理论。 1.2 过程型激励理论重点研究人从动机产生到采取行动的心理过程。 包括亚当斯的公平理论、佛隆的期望理论和斯金纳的强化理论。 二对行销售人员激励机制分析 美国心理学家佛隆在1964年首先提出期望理论,人之所以能够完成某项工作并达成组织目标,因为这些组织目标和工作会帮助他们达成自己的目标。根据期望理论,某一活动对某人的激发力量取决于他所能得到的结果的全部预期价值乘以他认为达成该结果的期望概率。这就要求要处理好三个方面的关系:绩效与奖励的关系、努力与绩效的关系、奖励与个人需要的关系,任何一个环节都不能出现问题,否则都会导致无效激励。 从以期望理论为代表的过程型激励理论与内容型激励理论的观点来看,激励过程的科学性和合理性、激励手段对销售人员个性化需求的满足程度构成了激励的两要素。由此看出,销售人员的激励机制确实有改进的必要。 三销售人员激励体制中不足原因 3.1激励方式单一,过分依靠货币等物质激励手段而忽视精神激励的重要作用,销售人员没有归属感,缺少团队凝聚力。即使在物质激励方面,也是“佣金制”和“提成制”的天下,收入的多少完全依据销售额或利润额的多少,无视死去差异和个人实际努力程度,激励不公现象十分普遍。 3.2晋升制度僵硬,论资排辈,讲资历而忽视能力,讲关系而忽视业务水平,人浮于事,优秀人才流失严重,已不再适应市场竞争的需要。 3.3多数企业没有完整的培训激励机制,企业只注重“挖人”而非培养,因而满足不了销售人员自我发展的需要。


顾客满意策略与顾客满意营销 原文来源:《Marketing Customer Satisfaction 》自20世纪八十年代末以来, 顾客满意战略已日益成为各国企业占有更多的顾客份额, 获得竞争优势的整体经营手段。 一、顾客满意策略是现代企业获得顾客“货币选票”的法宝随着时代的变迁, 社会物质财富的极大充裕, 顾客中的主体———消费者的需求也先后跨越了物质缺乏的时代、追求数量的时代、追求品质的时代, 到了20世纪八十年代末进入了情感消费时代。在我国, 随着经济的高速发展,我们也已迅速跨越了物质缺乏时代、追求数量的时代乃至追求品质的时代, 到今天也逐步迈进情感消费时代。在情感消费时代, 各企业的同类产品早已达到同时、同质、同能、同价, 消费者追求的已不再是质量、功能和价格, 而是舒适、便利、安全、安心、速度、跃动、环保、清洁、愉快、有趣等,消费者日益关注的是产品能否为自己的生活带来活力、充实、舒适、美感和精神文化品位, 以及超越消费者期望值的售前、售中、售后服务和咨询。也就是说, 今天人们所追求的是具有“心的满足感和充实感”的商品, 是高附加值的商品和服务,追求价值观和意识多元化、个性化和无形的满足感的时代已经来临。 与消费者价值追求变化相适应的企业间的竞争, 也由产品竞争、价格竞争、技术竞争、广告竞争、品牌竞争发展到现今的形象竞争、信誉竞争、文化竞争和服务竞争, 即顾客满意竞争。这种竞争是企业在广角度、宽领域的时空范围内展开的高层次、体现综合实力的竞争。它包括组织创新力、技术创新力、管理创新力、产业预见力、产品研发力、员工向心力、服务顾客力、顾客亲和力、同行认同力、社会贡献力、公关传播沟通力、企业文化推动力、环境适应力等等。这些综合形象力和如何合成综合持久的竞争力, 这就是CSft略所要解决的问题。CS寸代,企业不再以“自己为中心”,而是以“顾客为中心”;“顾客为尊”、“顾客满意”不再是流于形式的口号, 而是以实实在在的行动为基础的企业经营的一门新哲学。企业不再以质量达标, 自己满意为经营理念, 而是以顾客满意, 赢得顾客高忠诚度为经营理念。企业经营策略的焦点不再以争取或保持市场占有率为主, 而是以争取顾客满意为经营理念。因此, 营销策略的重心不再放在竞争对手身上而是放在顾客身上, 放在顾客现实的、潜在的需求上。当企业提供的产品和服务达到了顾客事先的期望值, 顾客就基本满意;如果远远超越顾客的期望值, 且远远高于其他同行, 顾客才真正满意;如果企业能不断地或长久地令顾客满意, 顾客就会忠诚。忠诚的顾客不仅会经常性地重复购买, 还会购买企业其它相关的产品或服务;忠诚的顾客不仅会积极向别人推荐他所买的产品, 而且对企业竞争者的促销活动具有免疫能力一个不满意的顾客会将不满意告诉16-20个人, 而每一个被告知者会再传播给12-15个人。这样, 一个不满意者会影响到二、三百人。在互联网普及的今天, 其影响则更大。据美国汽车业的调查, 一个满意者会引发8笔潜在的生意, 其中至少有一笔会成交。而另一项调查表明, 企业每增加5%的忠诚顾客, 利润就会增长25%-95%。一个企业的80%的利润来自20%的忠诚顾客;而获取一个新顾客的成本是维持一个老顾客成本的6倍。所以,美国著名学者唐?佩 珀斯指出: 决定一个企业成功与否的关键不是市场份额, 而是在于顾客份额。 于是, 企业纷纷通过广泛细致的市场调研、与消费者直接接触、顾客信息反馈等方式来了解顾客在各方面的现实需求和潜在需求。依靠对企业满意忠诚的销售、服务人员, 定期、定量地对顾客满意度进行综合测定, 以便准确地把握企业经营中与“顾客满意” 目标的差距及其重点领域, 从而进一步改善企业的经营活动。依靠高亲和力的企业文化、高效率的人文管理和全员共同努力, 不断地向顾客提供高附加值的产品, 高水准的亲情般的服


全球领导力文献综述与分析 2014年02月25日17:53 来源:《领导科学》(郑州)2012年11(中)期作者:李云飞字号 打印纠错分享推荐浏览量【作者简介】李云飞,天津商业大学F2U合作学院。 一、全球领导力的定义 全球领导力在世界范围内是个热门话题,同传统的领导力一样,始终没有一个被所有人认可的定义。研究全球领导力的专家学者根据各自的经验、不同的文化背景从不同的视角给出了不同的定义。 最初全球领导力的概念是借鉴进而延伸传统的国内领导力而来的(Yeung and Ready,1995),但是学者们很快意识到由于全球竞争的不定性和多种压力,全球领导力远比国内领导力复杂,这种不定性和压力增加了领导者的工作范围(Weber,1998)。Adler(2001)阐明了这个问题:“全球领导力不同于国内领导力,它涉及人与人之间的相互作用和不同文化之间的观念,而不仅仅是指领导者在本国特定的领导风格的有效性,也不是比较不同国家的不同领导方式……” 有些学者是从跨文化视角定义全球领导力的。Dorfman(2003)将全球领导力定义为一种跨越地理和文化边界的影响,并且这种影响不局限于全球化事物,也不局限于个人及其知识、技能和能力,也不局限于组织中的CEO。Carey等(2004)提出,全球领导力能够跨越地理和文化的边界以激发组织成员共同的愿景、促进合作的决策、适应全球变化浪潮、激励和授权多样化的员工队伍。 Mendenhall(2011)对全球领导者和领导力做了广义的界定:全球领导者是指那些通过建立在相互信任基础上的有效沟通而在组织中产生重大正量改变,在跨界利益相关者、外部权力机构的不同来源,以及在当时复杂的地理和文化条件下建立有效的组织结构和程序的领导者。 基于以上不同的定义,笔者认为,全球领导力概念的核心就是多元化,包括文化、人力资源、地理等。不同范畴的多样化增加了领导力环境的复杂性,因此,有效性成为全球领导力的终极目标。 二、研究历史回顾 领导力的研究在国际上可以追溯到1900年,距今已有100多年的历史了。在1900年至1940年期间,领导力研究致力于挖掘领导者独特的素质,最有代表性的是伟人理论,这个理论强调领袖是天生的,而不是制造的。根据Toyne和Nigh(1997)的研究,20世纪五六十年代国际商务的出现促使学者着手研究不同文化背景下的领导力以及不同文化对领导力的影响,然而这些研究并非当时国际商务研究的主流。 20世纪60年代,有些研究商业管理的学者开始关注管理跨国公司的相关问题,他们的研究促使人们对民族文化本质以及这些文化本质的不同对管理不同国家员工带来的影响有了更深刻的理解,这个研究量规被称作“比较管理”。这些学者把人类学文化框架扩展至商业应用领域,起到了开创性作用(Redding 1997;Schollhammer 1969)。


毕业论文文献综述 国际经济与贸易 中英金融服务贸易国际竞争力比较研究 金融服务贸易国际竞争力相关理论综述 服务贸易是以服务作为交易标的的一种贸易行为。《服务贸易总协定》(GATS)所界定的国际服务贸易是指以过境交付、境外消费、商业存在和自然人流动这四种形式进行的各国间的服务交易。该定义已成为有一定权威性和指导性的定义为各国接受。 根据《服务贸易总协定》中的服务部门清单,可以将服务贸易分为12类:商业性服务,销售服务,金融服务,娱乐服务,通讯服务,教育服务,卫生服务,运输服务,建筑服务,环境服务,旅游服务和其他服务。而对于金融服务贸易,国内外并没有确切的定义。本文将对金融服务贸易国外及国内有代表性的研究进行综述。 一、GATS与OECD对金融服务贸易的定义 根据GATS的定义,金融服务贸易是指由一成员国的金融服务提供者所提供的任何金融性质的服务。它包括两个部分:所有保险和保险相关的服务、银行和其他金融服务(保险除外),其中其他金融服务指证券和金融信息服务。 经济合作和发展组织(OECD)对金融服务贸易的定义为由金融机构提供服务的收入,或者接受付出的支持,包括得到的和付出的直接投资收益(未分配收益和利息);从其他金融投资得到的和付出的收益(得到的和付出的利息和红利);得到的、付出的手续费和佣金。 可见,经济合作和发展组织对金融服务贸易的界定强调了金融服务贸易交易的提供方,而忽略了金融服务贸易的消费方。金融服务贸易的发展主要是以此换取其他贸易领域的发展,而且金融服务贸易可以促进本国金融业与国际金融业的接轨,从而在国际竞争中促进本国金融业的发展。 二、国外对金融服务贸易相关研究 对于金融服务贸易研究,国外学者从不同角度出发,有不同的看法。 列为恩(1996)认为,各种金融服务可以实现五种基本功能:方便商品和劳务的交易;易于风险管理;加速资源流动;获取信息,评估企业和配置资本;提供公司法人治理。同时,更多的相关文献表示,金融中介可以降低由于信息不对称产生的管理成本(戴蒙德1984;威廉森1987)也可以对规模经济产生积极的效应。 莫施里安(Moshirian 1994)认为,金融服务贸易和制造业类似,一些基本要素赋予了


文献出处: Dalman, M. Deniz, and Junhong Min. "Marketing Strategy for Unusual Brand Differentiation: Trivial Attribute Effect." International Journal of Marketing Studies 6.5 (2014): 63-72. 原文 Marketing Strategy for Unusual Brand Differentiation: Trivial Attribute Effect Dalman, M. Deniz & Junhong Min Abstract This research investigates that brand differentiation creating superior values can be achieved not only by adding meaningful attributes but also meaningless attributes, which is called "trivial attribute effect." Two studies provided empirical evidences as following; first, trivial attribute effect creates a strong brand differentiation even after subjects realize that trivial attribute has no value. Second, trivial attribute effect is more pronounced in hedonic service category compared to the utilitarian category. Last, the amount of willingness to pay is higher when trivial attribute is presented and evaluated in joint evaluation mode than separate evaluation mode. Finally, we conclude with discussion and provide suggestions for further research. Keywords: brand differentiation, evaluation mode, service industry, trivial attribute Introduction Problem Definition Perhaps the most important factor for new product success is to create the meaningful brand differentiation that provides customers with superior values beyond what the competitors can offer in the same industry (Porter, 1985). Not surprisingly, more than 50 percent of annual sales in consumer product industries including automobiles, biotechnology, computer software, and pharmaceuticals are attributed to such meaningful brand differentiation by including new or noble attributes (Schilling &Hill, 1998). However, the brand differentiation that increases consumer preference is not only by introducing meaningful attributes but also meaningless attributes. For


xxxxxxxxx 毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 (本科学生用) 题目:Poduct Line Engineering: The State of the Practice 生产线工程:实践的形态 学生姓名:学号: 学部(系): 专业年级: 指导教师:职称或学位: 2011年3月10日

外文文献翻译(译成中文1000字左右): 【主要阅读文献不少于5篇,译文后附注文献信息,包括:作者、书名(或论文题目)、出版社(或刊物名称)、出版时间(或刊号)、页码。提供所译外文资料附件(印刷类含封面、封底、目录、翻译部分的复印件等,网站类的请附网址及原文】 Requirements engineering practices A precise requirements engineering process— a main driver for successful software development —is even more important for product line engineering. Usually, the product line’s scope addresses various domains simultaneously. This makes requirements engineering more complex. Furthermore, SPL development involves more tasks than single-product development. Many product line requirements are complex, interlinked, and divided into common and product-specific requirements. So, several requirements engineering practices are important specifically in SPL development: ? Domain identification and modeling, as well as commonalities and variations across product instances Separate specification and verification for platform and product requirements ? Management of integrating future requirements into the platform and products ? Identification, modeling, and management of requirement dependencies The first two practices are specific to SPL engineering. The latter two are common to software development but have much higher importance for SPLs. Issues with performing these additional activities can severely affect the product line’s long-term success. During the investigation, we found that most organizations today apply organizational and procedural measures to master these challenges. The applicability of more formal requirements engineering techniques and tools appeared rather limited, partly because such techniques are not yet designed to cope with product line evelopment’s inherent complexities. The investigation determined that the following three SPL requirements engineering practices were most important to SPL success. Domain analysis and domain description. Before starting SPL development, organizations should perform a thorough domain analysis. A well-understood domain is a prerequisite for defining a suitable scope for the product line. It’s the foundation for efficiently identifying and distinguishing platform and product requirements. Among the five participants in our investigation, three explicitly modeled the product line requirements. The others used experienced architects and domain experts to develop the SPL core assets without extensive requirements elicitation. Two organizations from the first group established a continuous requirements management that maintained links between product line and product instance requirements. The three other organizations managed their core assets’ evolution using change management procedures and versioning concepts. Their business did not force them to maintain more detailed links between the requirements on core assets and product instances. The impact of architectural decisions on requirements negotiations. A stable but flexible architecture is important for SPL development. However, focusing SPL evolution too much on architectural issues will lead to shallow or even incorrect specifications. It can cause core assets to ignore important SPL requirements so that the core assets lose relevance for SPL development. Organizations can avoid this problem by establishing clear responsibilities for requirements management in addition to architectural roles. The work group participants reported that a suitable organizational tool for balancing requirements and architecture is roundtable meetings in which requirements engineers,


关于杭州中心地区服务业竞争力及其发展 战略的评价(节选) 郑建壮,中国浙江省浙江大学城市学院 江海霞,中国浙江省浙江工业大学 摘要:服务行业的竞争力是直接反映在区服务业的发展水平和潜在能力之中的。本文研究了杭州服务行业的发展现状,从中心区的角度构建了一个服务行业的评价指标体系,并分析了杭州每个中心城区服务业的可持续发展的优势和劣势。最后,文章给杭州的服务行业竞争力的提高提出了战略建议。 关键词:中心地区,服务业,竞争力 1. 引言 20世纪80年代以来,全球经济已呈现从“工业经济”转向于“服务经济”的变化趋势。服务业已成为全球经济好转的一个关键的引擎(2005年李和王),它在改善国家经济、增加就业率、调整产业结构和提高生活水平等方面的重要作用是显而易见的。一般来说一个地区的服务行业发展主要集中于中部地区,而不是郊区,因为中心区一般被视为一个城市经济发展的“心脏”,它在地理位置、交通和文化等方面都占有有利因素,不仅可增强生产要素、人口和产业聚集的力量,也有利于市场的发展。因此,中部地区正在成为服务行业的主要区域(李2007)。本文在分析杭州中心城区的服务业竞争力的基础上,进行了相关的评价,旨在寻找到一种有效的策略以提高城市的服务行业发展。 2. 服务产业竞争力的文献研究 大部分关于服务行业的竞争力的学术研究都是基于它们的地区竞争能力之上的。因此,服务业的竞争力可以简单地定义为“服务行业在竞争中获取和利用资源的能力”。国外的研究学者更倾向于特定的服务行业的竞争力分析与研究,如商业服务行业(2001年Rubalcaba和加戈)、保险业(哈德威克和窦1998)、知识密集服务(1999年Windrum和汤姆林森)。然而,在中国,学者们的研究重点则集中于一个特定的区域,而不是一个特定的行业,如中国的31个主要省份(吴2003),中国六大发展先进的省份(2004年刁、庄),中国16个主要省份(2005年苏、张)。由于很多的因素都可以影响服务业的竞争力和复杂性,大多数中国学者认为,我们应该建立一个多层次的综合评价指标体系,如“总目标指导指数”。

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