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当前位置:文档库 › 2018年上海市黄浦区民办立达中学初三年级第一学期10月英语单元练习含答案




2019学年牛津英语六年级上学期期末复习题 一、把下列单词翻译成英语或者汉语(20分) 1、always__________________________ 2、member________________________ 3、yesterday________________________ 4、pavement______________________ 5、spend____________________________ 6、arrive________________________ 7、holiday__________________________8、special________________________ 9、collect__________________________10、fight__________________________ 11、开始__________________________12、剑____________________________ 13、电影院________________________14、成年人________________________ 15、大笑__________________________16、变化__________________________ 17、最喜爱的______________________18、足够的________________________ 19、健康的________________________20、宇宙飞船______________________ 二、把下列词组翻译成汉语或者英语。(20分) . 1、几百年前________________________________ 2、去看电影__________________________________ 3、灭火_____________________________ 4、许多不同的工作__________________________________ 5、中秋节_______________________________ 6、足够的钱____________________________________ 7、一瓶水_______________________________ 8、成长,长大__________________________________ 9、去购物_______________________________10、在冰箱里___________________________________ 11、loo left_______________________12、on one’s way to school ________________________ 13、wor hard___________________________ 14、write a letter ___________________________ 15、ride our bicycles_________________16、on the right of the building __________________ 17、mae a model _____________________ 18、fly an aeroplane ___________________________ 19、get off ____________________20、tae the underground to school ______________________ 三、选出下列各题的最佳答案,把序号填在括号里。(30分) ()1、My mother is tall, _________your mother is taller . A、and B、but C、or . ()2、We _________ a bus to Shenyang tomorrow . A、will taing B、going to tae C、are going to tae ()3、________ do you ________ do ? I ‘m a doctor . A、What job , / B、How , usually C、What , usually ()4、He wants to be a fireman ,because he ____________ people. A、lie to help B、lies to help C、lie help ()5、Tom lives on the __________ floor . A、ninth B、nineth C、nine ()6、Jane ________ to school _________ underground every day .


上宝中学2017学年第一学期期中考试卷2017.11.7 Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分语音、语法和词汇) Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分) 26. The temperate dropped to minus ten degrees centigrade. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /'men?s/ B. /'mi:n?s/ C. /'ma?n?s/ D. /'m?n?s/ 27. I’m feeling a little depressed at the moment, but I’m sure good times are just ______. A. on the corner B. in the corner C. at the corner D. around the corner 28. The happiest are not those who _____ all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life ______. A. owns, on their own B. own, with their own hearts C. own, of their own D. own, by their own hearts 29. He is keen on scientific research but indifferent to promotion. Which of the following can’t b e used to replace the underlined part? A. is interested in B. is fond of C. is in favor of D. goes in for 30. Products produced by Apple Co. are quite popular ____ young people. A. with B. about C. in D. of 31. A mistake ______ have been made on our bill. We didn’t order any fish today. A. should B. would C. must D. can 32. The basic design of the house is very _____ that of earlier models, but ___ than it. A. same as, twice bigger B. same as, bigger twice C. similar to, twice bigger D. similar to, bigger twice 33. The fact that the examiners had failed over half the candidates discouraged us, ____? A. didn’t it B. hadn’t they C. did it D. had they 34. He is unwilling to admit ____ the assignment. A. having trouble understanding B. having trouble with understanding C. to have trouble understanding D. to have trouble with understanding 35. I’m not prepared to _____ some private matter _____. A. discuss about, by telephone B. discuss, over the telephone C. talk, on the telephone D. talk about, by the telephone 36. If the fire _____, anybody should ______ 119 at once and the firemen would come in no time. A. broke out, ring B. was broken out, phone C. broke out, dial D. was broken out, talk 37. Do not wait for good things to ______ you. You need walk towards happiness. A. happen on B. happen to C. take place on D. take place to 38. The three ______ assisted several ____ to find their hotel. A. boy volunteers, women tourists B. boy volunteers, woman tourists C. boys volunteers, women tourist D. boys volunteers, woman tourists 39. Wechat attracts ____ the people, they spend 80-90 _____ their spare time on it. A. a large percent of, percent of B. a high percent of, percentage of


2020-2021上海民办立达中学小学六年级数学上期末试卷(带答案) 一、选择题 1.下图是对一份杂志(共208页)各版块的统计结果,体育版约占()页。 A. 10 B. 30 C. 50 D. 100 2.原有7克糖和15克水,现在放入5克糖和25克水,糖水会() A. 变淡了 B. 变甜了 C. 没有甜味了 D. 没有那么甜了3.把25克盐放入100克水中,那么盐水的含盐率是( )。 A. 25% B. 30% C. 20% 4.下图是一个半圆,它的半径是5cm,周长是()cm。 A. 5π +10 B. 5π C. 10π D. 10π+10 5.如果一个圆的半径由1分米增加到2分米,它的周长增加了()分米。 A. 2 B. 6.28 C. 12.56 D. 18.84 6.李大叔步行上班,小时走了千米,那么平均一小时走() A. 千米 B. 千米 C. 千米 D. 千米 7.商场在学校北偏东30°的方向上,那么学校在商场()的方向上。 A. 东偏北30° B. 南偏西30° C. 西偏南30° 8.根据下面的线段图所表示的数量关系,说法正确的是()。 A. 女生人数× =女生比男生多的人数 B. 男生人数× =女生人数 C. 男生人数与女生人数的比是5:7 D. 女生人数×(1+ )=男、女生总人数9.2:5的后项加上5,要使比值不变,前项应加上()。 A. 3 B. 2 C. 4 二、填空题 10.这是六年级一班期中数学成绩统计图,请根据下列信息解答相关问题。

①不合格率为________ % 。 ②已知得优的有12人,比得良等级的人数少________人。 11.光明小学把图书馆的书分成三类(如下图),A表示科技类,B表示文学类,C表示艺术类,所占的百分比如图所示,若该校共有图书8500册,则艺术类的书共有________册。 12.如图有________条对称轴,如果圆的半径是2cm,那么每个圆的周长是________cm,长方形的周长是________cm. 13.________=18÷________=0.6=________%=6: ________. 14.小红小时可行千米,她平均每小时行________千米,行1千米需________小时。15.一只蚂蚁从甲地出发,先向东偏南40°方向爬了55米到达乙地:接着由乙地出发向西偏北40°方向爬了70米到达丙地,这是蚂蚁离甲地________米。 16.________是60m的,吨的是________吨 三、解答题 17.光明小学对六年级同学进行了一次“锻炼身体情况”的调查,得到以下信息: 类别经常锻炼偶尔锻炼基本不锻炼 占百分比56%30%14%


Reading Comprehension(1) A.True or False.(判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符 合的用“F”表示)(7分) American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms(学期)in a school year. The first term is from September to January and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school(高中). After high school, many students go to university(大学). They can go to a small one or large one. They usually have to pay a lot. So many university students go to work after class. They want get money for their studies. ( )1. In America a school year has two terms. ( )2. The first term ends in February. ( )3. American children can go to school when they are five years old. ( )4. Most students are about 18 years old when they finish high school. ( )5. American students in universities need a lot of money for their studies. ( )6. American students go to work after class because they want to go to universi- ties. ( )7. In China the first term in general is from September to January, too. B.Choose the best answer.(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案)(7分) Jim was not bad at school, but he was not clean. His face and hands were always dirty because he washed them with water only. He never used soap. Jim had an aunt. One day she went to see him. She looked at Jim and said,”Jim, I can tell what you ate for breakfast this morning.” Jim looked at his aunt and said, What did I have for breakfast this morning?”“You had eggs,” said his aunt. “Your face and mouth tell me that.” “Eggs?” said Jim, “I didn’t have eggs today and I didn’t have eggs yesterday. I had eggs the day before yesterday.” ( )8.Jim ______ at school. A.studied very well B.was not a very good student C.was clean D.did badly ( )9.Jim’s face and hands were always dirty because he ______ . A.never washed them B.didn’t was them with water C.washed them only with water, but not soap D.washed them only with soap, but not water ( )10.Jim’s aunt saw ______. A.Jim’s face was dirty B.there was an egg on Jim’s face C.Jim’s face was very clean D.there was an egg in Jim’s mouth ( )11.What did Jim have that morning? A.Eggs. B.Hamburgers. C.Bread. D.We don’t know. ( )12.Jim ate eggs ______. A.yesterday B.tomorrow C.the day before yesterday D.this morning

上海民办立达中学物理电功率单元综合测试(Word版 含答案)

上海民办立达中学物理电功率单元综合测试(Word版含答案) 一、初三物理电功率易错压轴题(难) 1.电路中的电流I==,小灯光的额定功率P=U L I=2.5V×.在“测定小灯泡电功率”的实验中,小灯泡额定电压为2.5V。 (1)图甲中有一根导线连接错误,请在错误的导线上画“×”,并在图中改正(导线不许交叉)。 (_______) (2)正确连接电路后,闭合开关,移动滑动变阻器的滑片,发现小灯泡始终不亮。两电表无示数。为判断故障、将电压表与滑动变阻器并联,电压表有示数,则电路发生故障的原因是_____。 (3)排除故障后闭合开关,移动滑动变阻器的滑片P到某一点,电压表示数如图乙所示为_____V。 (4)根据实验记录绘制Ⅰ﹣U图象如图丙所示,根据图象信息,计算小灯泡的额定功率是_____W。 (5)完成上述实验后,小敏设计了如图丁所示的电路,测出了额定电流为I额的小灯泡的额定功率。实验方案如下:(电源电压不变,滑动变阻器R1的最大阻值为R1) ①按电路图连接电路。 ②闭合开关_____,移动R1滑片,使电流表的示数为I额灯泡正常发光。 ③闭合开关_____,保持R1滑片位置不动,移动R2滑片,使电流表的示数为I额。 ④保持_____滑片位置不动,将另一个滑动变阻器滑片移到最左端,电流表的示数为I1,再将此滑动变阻器的滑片移到最右端,电流表的示数为I2。 ⑤小灯泡额定功率的表达式为P额=_____。(用I额、I1、I2、R1表示)

【答案】滑动变阻器断路 2.2 0.5 S1 S2 R2 I 额 2?21 12 I R I I 【解析】 【分析】 (1)本实验中,电压表应并联在灯泡的两端,由此分析图甲的错误修改; (2)通过小灯泡不亮,两电表无示数,判断出电路中出现断路,然后根据具体情况判断断路处; (3)由图乙明确电压表量程和分度值,再读数; (4)由图象读出额定电压下通过灯泡的电流,根据P=UI计算额定电功率; (5)已知灯泡的额定电流,可通过R2等效替代正常发光灯泡,再根据电路特点,利用电源不变计算出R2的阻值,由P=I2R计算额定功率。 【详解】 (1)由图甲知,电压表串联在了电路中,应将其与灯泡并联,将滑动变阻器与灯泡串联,电路图如图所示: (2)小灯泡不亮,两电表无示数,电路可能有断路发生,将电压表并联在滑动变阻器两端,发现电压表有示数,此时电压表两接线柱到电源两极间是通路,则说明与电压表并联的滑动变阻器断路; (3)由图乙知,电压表使用0﹣3V量程,分度值为0.1V,所以电压表示数为2.2V;(4)当U=2.5V时灯泡正常发光,由图象知此时灯泡中的电流I=0.2A,所以灯泡的额定功率: P=UI=2.5V×0.2A=0.5W; (5)①按电路图连接电路。 ②闭合开关S1,移动R1滑片,使电流表的示数为I额灯泡正常发光。此时灯泡与R1串联; ③闭合开关S2,保持R1滑片位置不动,移动R2滑片,使电流表的示数为I额。

上宝中学2018学年第一学期期中考试 上海市 英语试卷

上宝中学2018学年第一学期期中考试 Part2 Phonetics,Vocabulary and Grammar 第二部分语音,词汇和语法 II.Choose the best answer.(20分) 26.He didn’t just command.He personally fought in several healthy battles.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word. A. [k?’ma:nd] B. [k?’m?:nd] C. [ki’m?nd] D.[k?’ma:nd] 27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.For the first few ye ars I didn’t draw any sal ary at all. B.I’d like a full-time position with more responsibility. C. Weber gave a fair hearing to anyone who held a different opinion. D.He has served the farm faithfully for 20 years. 28.While he was investing ways to improve the telescope,Newton made _____discovery which completely changed_____man’s understanding of color. A.a;/ B. a;the C. /;the D.the;a 29.The students also take SAT and CAT_______mathematics and chemistry. A. except B. except for C. beside D.besides 30.It is not rare in______that people in_____fifties are going to university for future education. A. 90s;/ B. the 90’s;/ C.90s;their D.the 90’s;their 31.The hunter______the fox,took off its skin and_____it on the tree. A. hung;hanged B. hung;hung C. hanged;hanged D.hanged;hung 32.The room is used to____parties by the young man.He is used to_____parties here. A.holding;hold B. hold;holding C.holding;holding D.hold;hold 33.Tom must have played the guitar______if he has got one. A. Some times B. sometimes C. for some time D.sometime 34.When she was asked about the missing calculator,she_______ever seeing it. A. refused B.denied C.opposed D.pretended 35.______our country has plenty of oil,theirs has none. A. When B. While C.As D.Since 36.A library with five thousand books,______to the nation as a gift. A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D.have offered 37.As soon as everyone taking the examination_______,the test paper were______. A. was seated;given up B.seated;given off C.sat;given in D.was seated;given out 38.The news came as no surprise to me. I_______for sometime that the factory was going to shut down. A. had known B. knew C.have known D.know 39.The taxi driver had no choice but_____help.


2020-2021上海民办立达中学八年级数学上期末试卷(带答案) 一、选择题 1.世界上最小的鸟是生活在古巴的吸蜜蜂鸟,它的质量约为0.056盎司.将0.056用科学记数法表示为() A.5.6×10﹣1B.5.6×10﹣2C.5.6×10﹣3D.0.56×10﹣1 2.如图,已知圆柱底面的周长为4 dm,圆柱的高为2 dm,在圆柱的侧面上,过点A和点C 嵌有一圈金属丝,则这圈金属丝的周长的最小值为() A.45 dm B.22 dm C.25 dm D.42 dm 3.如果a c b d =成立,那么下列各式一定成立的是() A.a d c b =B. ac c bd b =C. 11 a c b d ++ =D. 22 a b c d b d ++ = 4.若长度分别为,3,5 a的三条线段能组成一个三角形,则a的值可以是() A.1B.2C.3D.8 5.风筝会期间,几名同学租一辆面包车前去观看开幕式,面包车的租价为180元,出发时又增加两名同学,结果每人比原来少摊了3元钱车费,设前去观看开幕式的同学共x人,则所列方程为() A.180180 3 2 x x -= + B. 180180 3 2 x x -= + C.180180 3 2 x x -= - D. 180180 3 2 x x -= - 6.若 b a b - = 1 4 ,则 a b 的值为() A.5B.1 5 C.3D. 1 3 7.如图,在△ABC中,点D在BC上,AB=AD=DC,∠B=80°,则∠C的度数为() A.30°B.40°C.45°D.60°

8.如图,已知△ABC 中,∠A=75°,则∠BDE+∠DEC =( ) A .335° B .135° C .255° D .150° 9.下列计算正确的是( ) A .235+= B .a a a +=222 C .(1)x y x xy +=+ D .236()mn mn = 10.下列计算正确的是( ) A .2a a a += B .33(2)6a a = C .22(1)1a a -=- D .32a a a ÷= 11.如图,在△ABC 中,AB=AC ,∠B=50°,P 是边 AB 上的一个动点(不与顶点 A 重合),则 ∠BPC 的度数可能是 A .50° B .80° C .100° D .130° 12.下列条件中,不能作出唯一三角形的是( ) A .已知三角形两边的长度和夹角的度数 B .已知三角形两个角的度数以及两角夹边的长度 C .已知三角形两边的长度和其中一边的对角的度数 D .已知三角形的三边的长度 二、填空题 13.将两张三角形纸片如图摆放,量得∠1+∠2+∠3+∠4=220°,则∠5=__. 14.分解因式:2a 2﹣8=_____. 15.若x 2+kx+25是一个完全平方式,则k 的值是____________. 16.若实数,满足,则______. 17.若分式242 x x --的值为0,则x 的值是_______. 18.因式分解:328x x -=______. 19.连接多边形的一个顶点与其它各顶点,可将多边形分成11个三角形,则这个多边形是______边形.


上宝中学2017学年第一学期期中考试卷 2017.11.7 Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分语音、语法和词汇) Ⅱ. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分) 26. The temperate dropped to minus ten degrees centigrade. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /'men?s/ B. /'mi:n?s/ C. /'ma?n?s/ D. /'m?n?s/ 27. I’m feeling a little depressed at the moment, but I’m sure good times are just ______. A. on the corner B. in the corner C. at the corner D. around the corner 28. The happiest are not those who _____ all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life ______. A. owns, on their own B. own, with their own hearts C. own, of their own D. own, by their own hearts 29. He is keen on scientific research but indifferent to promotion. Which of the following can’t b e used to replace the underlined part? A. is interested in B. is fond of C. is in favor of D. goes in for 30. Products produced by Apple Co. are quite popular ____ young people. A. with B. about C. in D. of 31. A mistake ______ have been made on our bill. We didn’t order any fish today. A. should B. would C. must D. can 32. The basic design of the house is very _____ that of earlier models, but ___ than it. A. same as, twice bigger B. same as, bigger twice C. similar to, twice bigger D. similar to, bigger twice 33. The fact that the examiners had failed over half the candidates discouraged us, ____? A. didn’t it B. hadn’t they C. did it D. had they 34. He is unwilling to admit ____ the assignment. A. having trouble understanding B. having trouble with understanding C. to have trouble understanding D. to have trouble with understanding 35. I’m not prepared to _____ some private matter _____. A. discuss about, by telephone B. discuss, over the telephone C. talk, on the telephone D. talk about, by the telephone 36. If the fire _____, anybody should ______ 119 at once and the firemen would come in no time. A. broke out, ring B. was broken out, phone C. broke out, dial D. was broken out, talk


Part1 Grammar and Vocabulary Ⅰ. Choose the best answer:(9分) 26.It____ six hours and a half to travel from Shanghai to Tibet. A.costs B. spends C.takes D. Pays 27.The Wang family_____ to Bali Island twice. A.Went B. has been C.has gone D.have been 28.Singapore is_____ the south-west of Japan. A. to B. on C.in D.at 29.He’s got two tickets _____ the concert tonight. Would you like to go with him? A.to B. for C. about D. Of 30.At last they found a hotel________. A.to stay B. to live C.to stay in D. to live in 31.______ useful piece of information we found on the Internet! A.What B. How C. What a D. How an 32.I haven’t ____ John since he went to France for futher study. A.received from B. heard C. written a letter D. heard from 33.The writer put some pictures beside the article to keep the readers _____. A.interesting B.interested C. interest D. Interestingly 34._____ the end of last summer, the housing price in Shanghai_____ about 10%. A.At, had been raised B. By, had risen C. In, had risen D. On, had been raised 35.The student _____ from the chair to ask how the money _____ for the charity would be used. A.rose, raising B.rose, raised C. raised, rose D. raised, rising 36.The tour guide suggests we______ at the weekend. A.will back B. should back C. be back D.will be back 37.The disabled are thankful______ the volunteer______ helping them cross the road. A. for, to B. to, for C. for, for D. to,to 38. I don’t think the question of______ they are old or young is important. A. which B. whether C. how D. Why 39. I have no idea______. A. what does this sign means B. what this sign means C. what the meaning of this sign D. what kind of a meaning is this sign 40.I’m afraid I can’t _____ to go on holiday because I lost my job last week. A. take B. cost C. spend D. Afford 41.If Tony isn’t careful enough with his lesson, more mistakes ______ later. A.have made B. will make C. have been made D. will be made 42.______ you have been in America for many times, you must know something about this country. A.Since B. Although C. Unless D.When 43.Would you mind helping me with the heavy box? _______. A.Never mind B. Certainly not C. It’s OK. I’m strong. D. No, I can’t. Ⅱ. Phonetic symbols and word transformation: (8分) 44.The ______ offers a wide choice of hotels, apartments and holiday homes.[?b r????(r)] 45. They believed _____ Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.[?e?n??nt] 46. Franklin joined her and the children whenever his crowded ______ allowed.[?k?l ind?] 47. _____ investors around the world have become worried about China’s economy.(nation) 48. An art ____ and collector, he was also a practising architect.(history)


上海民办立达中学中考模拟化学试题 一、选择题 1.如图所示图像中,能正确反映对应变化关系的是() A B C D 向饱和石灰水中加入一定 量CaO 一定温下,向不饱和 硝酸钾溶液中加入硝 酸钾固体 一定质量的红磷在密 闭容器内燃烧 电解水生成氢气和氧气 质量 A.A B.B C.C D.D 2.下列图像中有关量的变化趋势与选项要求相符合的是 A.向硝酸溶液中不断加水 B.过氧化氢分解生成氧气,一份加入二氧化锰,一份不加入二氧 化锰 C.在恒温条件下,将饱和NaCl溶液蒸发适量水

D.向一定量的稀硫酸和硫酸镁的混合溶液中滴入氢氧化钠溶液至过 量 3.一定质量的Mg、Al、Fe的混合物,与足量稀硫酸反应,生成0.4g的H2。则该金属混合物的质量可能是 A.2.4g B.3.6g C.4.8g D.11.2g 4.向某盐酸和氯化镁的混合溶液中加入某浓度的氢氧化钠溶液,产生沉淀的质量与加入氢氧化钠溶液的质量关系如图所示。下列说法不正确的是 A.a点溶液中滴入紫色石蕊试液变红 B.bc段(不含b点)反应的化学方程式为: MgCl2 +2NaOH==Mg(OH)2↓+2NaCl C.整个变化过程中氯离子数目没有改变 D.d点溶液中含有两种溶质 5.除去下列各物质中的少量杂质,所选用的试剂、方法能达到目的的是 选项物质杂质(少量)试剂操作方法 A N2O2碳粉将混合气体通过灼热的碳粉 B NaOH溶液Na2CO3溶液氢氧化钙溶液加入适量氢氧化钙溶液,过滤 C氯化钠固体泥沙水加水溶解,蒸发结晶 D KC1溶液K2SO4溶液Ba(NO3)2溶液加入适量Ba(NO3)2溶液,过滤 A.A B.B C.C D.D 6.下表除去杂质的方法中,正确的是

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