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摘要................................................. (2)

Abstract........................................... . (3)

第一章礼貌的定义和原则 (4)

1.1礼貌和礼貌原则 (4)

1.2Leech的礼貌原则综述 (5)

1.3礼貌原则之六大准则 (5)

第二章商务信函的特点以及在实例中的运用 (7)

2.1商务信函的特点 (7)

2.2何谓“7c”原则以及在实例中的运 (7)

2.3礼貌原则在商务信函中的具体运用 (10)

结语................................................. . (12)

参考文献 (13)







Inthecountriesoftheworldunderthebackgroundofincreas inglyfrequenteconomicandtradecooperation,businessle tterhasbecomeanimportantmeansofcommunicationinthefi eldofeconomy.Itplaysinbusinessactivitiestopromoteun derstanding,conveyritealetterofpolitenessandbusines slettersisnotonlyamostbasicrequirementforbusinesswo rkers,isalsoanimportantprerequisiteforsmoothbusines sactivities.courtesy,asawidespreadsocialphenomenon, itsmainfunctionistomaintainsocialorder,maintainfrie ndlyinterpersonalcontacts,andreduceconflictandmisun derstandingthroughpolitespeechactsinordertoobtainex


Thepolitenessprinciple,whichwasproposedbytheenglish scholargeoffrey.n.Leechcannotbeonlyappliedtoverball anguage,butalsotoformalstyle.basedonthistheory,toge therwiththecharacteristicsofbusinesscorrespondence, thispaperanalyzestheapplicationofpolitenessprincipl etobusinesscorrespondencethroughspecificexamples3.A conclusionisdrawnthatpolitenessprincipleplaysanimpo rtantroleinmodernbusinesscorrespondence.


2hickey,Leo.(ed.)ThepragmaticsofTranslation.shangha iForeignLanguageeducationpress,20XX.

3Jaszczolt,K.m...semanticsandpragmatics----meaningI nLanguageandDiscourse.peking



Layoff(1973),brown&Levinson(1978/1987),Leech(1983), blum-Kulak(1990)等都对语言使用礼貌原则。礼貌原则,面子,威胁面子对言语行为有着一定的影响力。在这些礼貌现

象的研究当中,最具影响力的当推英国学者geoffrey.Leech 的礼貌原则(politenessprinciples)以及p.brown和










商务信函的英文书写规则 写信的原则(Writing Principles已从原来的3个"C"(Conciseness, Clearness, Courtesy发展到目前的7个"C":Completeness, Clearness, Concreteness, Conciseness, Correctness, Courtesy, Consideration。 实例 Dear Sirs, Copper Wire With reference to your letter of April 9, we are pleased to accept your offer of 100 tons of Copper Wire as per your Offer Sheet No.8/070/02B. Please go ahead and apply for your Export Licence. As soon as we are informed of the number of the Export Licence we will open the L/C by cable. 关于你们四月九日涵,我们高兴地接受你们第8/070/02B号报盘单所报100吨紫色铜丝。请着手办理申请出口许可证。的一经接到出口许可证号码的通知,当即电开信用证。 要求书信“完整”的理由有三: 1、一封完整的书信比一封不完整的书信,有更大的可能性带来预期的效果; 2、一封完整的书信,有助于建立和表达友善关系; 3、一封完整的书信,可以避免由于遗漏重要情况(情报所导致的诉讼(Lawsui t; 4、有时,某些不显眼的书信或文件,由于所提供的情况完整而又生动有力(Complete and Effective而成为极为重要的文件。一封信写得是否完整,建议用五个"W"来检验,既:Who, What, Where, When,Why(包括How。 例如:在定货的信中,必须明确说明:


1 Introduction Business English can be regarded as an application of English language in commercial occasions, aiming at enabling speakers to communicate and interact effectively using the most correct and clearest business language. Business English Correspondence is an important carrier of international commercial activities which is used to deli ever information, address commercial issues and as a way of communication. Lexicon is an important factor of a passage. In the writing of business English correspondence, we should pay particular attention to the selection of lexicon. Different words may carry different meaning and even the mood of them can be very distinct. Therefore, it is of great necessity to do research of the features of lexicon in the writing of business English correspondence. This thesis attempts to do some researches on the following subjects: To have a good knowledge of characteristics of lexicon in business English correspondence. To make sense of the reason why the business English correspondence have such requirements of lexicon. To provide some suggestions that learners can improve their writing skills. 2 Description of Business English correspondence 2.1 Definition of business English correspondence Nowadays more and more people choose to work in companies and do commercial work. As China joined the WTO, enterprises are all choosing to open their markets and expand them into the international world, thus making English inevitably become the most used language in the world. And in this way a new subject appeared that we call it “business English”. In terms of business English, we refer to the language used in order to adapt to the job market whose contents include a lot of aspects (Kansi, 1983; 134). Unlike the general English learners, people who learn business English are more


写信的原则(Writing Principles)已从原来的3(Conciseness, Clearness, Courtesy)发展到目前的7个"C": Completeness, Clearness, Concreteness, Conciseness, Correctness, Courtesy,Consideration) 实例 Dear Sirs, Copper Wire With reference to your letter of April 9, we are pleased to accept your offer of 100 tons of Copper Wire as per your Offer Sheet No.8/070/02B. Please go ahead and apply for your Export Licence. As soon as we are informed of the number of the Export Licence we will open the L/C by cable. (信的本文汉译): 关于你们四月九日涵,我们高兴地接受你们第8/070/02B号报盘单所报100吨紫色铜丝。请着手办理申请出口许可证。 一经接到出口许可证号码的通知,当即电开信用证。 要求书信的"完整",理由有三: 1.一封完整的书信比一封不完整的书信,有更大的可能性带来预 期的效果;

2.一封完整的书信,有助于建立和表达友善关系; 3.一封完整的书信,可以避免由于遗漏重要情况(情报)所导致 的诉讼(Lawsuit); 4.有时,某些不显眼的书信或文件,由于所提供的情况完整而又生动有力(Complete and Effective)而成为极为重要的文件。一封信写得是否完整,建议用五个"W"来检验,既:"Who, What, Where, When 及Why(包括How)" 例如:在定货的信中,必须明确说明"需要什么商品"(What you want) " 何时需要" (When you need the goods) " 货物发到何地何人收"(to Whom and Where the goods to be sent) " 如何付款"(How payment will be mande) 如对对方的要求作出否定的答复时(如不能报盘,不能理赔等)应说明理由" 为什么"(Why) Clearness(清楚) (一).避免使用可能产生不同理解或意义不明确的词汇〈例一〉As to the steamers sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services. (从香港到旧金山有直达船,) 但是bimonthly 究竟是一个月两次即半月一次呢,还是两个月一次?不明确。因此,最好清楚明白地说明"一个月两次"还是"两个月一次":(a)We have two direct sailings every month from Hongkong to


商务信函的写作特点_写作指导 商务信函的写作特点 商务信函的写作特点写作商务信函并不要求您使用华丽优美的词句。所有您需要做的就是,用简单朴实的语言,准确的表达自己的意思,让对方可以非常清楚的了解您想说什么。围绕这一点,我们总结了几方面的内容,希望对您写作商务信函有借鉴作用。口语化每一封信函的往来,都是您跟收信人彼此之间的一次交流。人都是感性的,所以您需要在您的信函里体现感性的一面。然而很多人都有一种误解,以为写作商务信函就应该用一种特殊的“生意腔”,于是把一封本来应该是热情而友好的信函写得呆板而死气沉沉。他们宁愿写“your letter has been received”,“your complaint is being looked into”而不是“i have received your letter”或者“we are looking into your complaint”。其实我们简单的来理解一下,每次信函的往来不就是跟对方进行了一次交谈吗?只不过是把交谈的内容写到了纸上而已。多用一些简单明了的语句,用我/我们做主语,这样才能让我们的信函读起来热情,友好,就象两个朋友之间的谈话那样简单,自然,人性化。想象一下,如果您由于无法准时交货而在电话上跟您的合作伙伴表示歉意时,您会怎么说?我想您会说“i am sorry we cannot deliver the goods today”。既然在电话中您会这样说,为什么在信件中要改成“it is regretted that goods cannot be delivered today”?放弃这种所谓的“生意腔”吧,让您的信也象谈话那样简单,自然,人性化。语气语调由于您写的信函都是有其目的性的,所以您信函里所采用的语气语调也应该符合您的目的。在写之前先不妨仔细考虑一下,您写这封信函是想达到一个什么样的目的,您希望对收信人产生一种怎样的影响呢?是歉意的,劝说性的,还是坚决的,要求性的。这完全可以通过信函中的语气语调来表现。真诚不管是生活中的交往还是生意上的合作,真诚是最重要也是最基础的,所以您的信函也必须能够充分体现您的真诚。不管说什么,都要带着您的诚意去说。把写好的信函拿起来读一遍,确保如果此时对方正在电话中与您通话,他一定能够感受到您的自然和真诚。直接跟您一样,您的合作伙伴们每天都要阅读大量信函文件。所以,信函一定要写得简明扼要,短小精悍,切中要点。如果是不符合主题或者对信函的目的不能产生利益的内容,请毫不留情的舍弃它们。因为这些内容不仅不能使交流通畅,反而会混淆视听,非但不能让读者感兴趣,反而会让他们恼火,产生反感。礼貌我们这里所说的礼貌,并不是简单用一些礼貌用语比如your kind inquiry, your esteemed order等就可以的。而是要体现一种为他人考虑,多体谅对方心情和处境的态度。如果本着这样的态度去跟别人交流,那么就算您这次拒绝了对方的要求,也不会因此失去这个朋友,不会影响今后合作的机会。特别要注意,当双方观点不能统一时,我们首先要理解并尊重对方的观点。如果对方的建议不合理或者对您的指责不公平时,请表现一下您的高姿态,您可以据理力争,说明您的观点,但注意要讲究礼节礼貌,避免用冒犯性的语言。还要提醒一点,中国人有句话叫做“过犹不及”。任何事情,一旦过了头,效果反而不好。礼貌过了头,可能会变成阿谀奉承,真诚过了头,也会变成天真幼稚。所以最关键的还是要把握好“度”,才能达到预期的效果。共2页,当前第1页12商务信函的写作特点相关内容:劳动合同一般写法 劳动合同一般写法性质:_甲方:。乙方:_名称:_姓名:_用工形式:_鉴证编号:_编号:_甲方因生产、工作需要,经考核录用乙方为工人。遵照国家有关劳动法规和政策,经双方协商达成如下协议:一、甲方录用乙方从事,某某工作(岗位...


商务信函的书写规则(七) (四)运用被动语气有时,运用被动语气,比主动语气客气,如: a) You made a very careless mistake. A very careless mistake was made b) You did not enclose the check with your order. The check was not enclosed with your order. c) For the past two years, you did not give us any order. For the past two years, no order has been given us. Or: For the past two years, no business has been materialized between us. (五)避免(或力争避免)使用语气强烈或容易引起不快的词汇 a) we demand immediate payment from you demand的意思是ask for(sth) as if ordering, or as if one has a right to, 即带有命令意味的要求。非不得已,应尽可能避免使用demand而改用request 如: We request your immediate payment. b) We are disgusted with your manner of doing business. disguste意味hate而且有strong feeling of dislike or distasted, 既"厌恶"的意思,因此,还是婉转或含蓄一些为宜,如: We are not completely satisfied with your manner of doing business. c) We must refuse your offer. Must.........带有威胁性的意味(minatory tone),不如改为: We regret that we are unable to accept your offer. Or: We regret that we are not in a position to accept your offer. d) We want you to assist us 带有傲慢或长者的口吻(superior tone),不如改为: Your assistance would be appreciated. (六)使用高兴,遗憾,感谢等词汇及表达法 (1) We have pleasure of -ing....... We have pleasure in -ing....... It is with pleasure that we do so It gives us(great, much) pleasure to do so We are pleased for us to do so It's a pleasure for us to do so. We are glad(or: delighted) that you do so We shall gladly do so We shall feel happy if you will do so We are happy to do so (2) 表示感谢的表达法有: We are (very, most) appreciative of your doing so We are gratified to learn that you do so We shall be (or: feel) obliged by your doing so We shall be obliged if you will do so You will oblige us by doing so We shall be grateful to you if you will do so We shall appreciate your doing so We shall appreciate it if you will do so We shall thank you to do so It will be appreciated if....... We are thankful that you do so (3) 表示遗憾的表达法有: It is a matter for regret that we cannot do so It is with regret that we must do so We express our regret at -ing..... To our regret we cannot do so It is regrettable that we must do so We regret that we cannot do so We regret to do so It is to be regretted that you do so We are regretful that we must do so It is a pity that you cannot do so We are sorry we cannot do so We are sorry to do so 注:以上的表达法只是常用的一部分。 写信要做到COURTESY,但要注意: (1)不要使用已经过时的毫无意义的老套子,如: our esteemed clients; your esteemed letter; your respectable house; your good self(or good selves); your valued order; your esteemed reply等等 (2)要分清"礼貌"与"卑恭"的界限,如: (a) We are extremely and sincerely sorry for the error and ask that you accept our humble and sincere apology for the undue


商务信函的英文书写规则(3) 商业书信必须写得正确,因为它涉及到买卖双方的权利、义务和厉害关系,是各种商业单据的依据。广义的说,商业书信的正确性表现在: (一)运用正确的语言水平 (二)叙述得正确 (三)数字要正确 (四)正确理解和运用商业术语 (五)合适的写作技巧或方法,以及正确运用其他的六个"C"。 (一)正确的语言水平 (1)、正式的和非正式的语言水平所用词汇比较: formal informal terminate domicile deem transpire conflagration edifice endeavor obtain; procure peruse remunerate

utilize subsequent ascertain contingent upon anticipate interrogate end home think(or: believe) happen fire building try get read or study pay use next or following find out depending on expect ask (2)、正式的和非正式的语言比较

formal informal Will attain the age of 18 years. Will be 18 years old Render us more detail We will institute a mail search Send us more information We will ask the post office to send out a tracer. We thank you in anticipation of this courtesy and assure you that it will be a pleasure to serve you in a similar manner We shall appreciate your helping us. Let us know when we can return the favor. Inform me of your intentions as to the liquidation of this balance Let me know when you can settle this aount. Give consideration to a plan. Consider a plan This plan will effect a saving of $10,000. This plan will save $10,000. To effect certain modifications in a procedure contingent upon the concurrence of management To make certain changes if management agrees. The conclusions ascertaind from a perusal of the pertinent data is that a lucrative market exists for the product in this vicinity. The data studied show that the product is in good demand in this area.


商务函电写作的7C原则 函电的作用,一是索取信息或传递信息,二是处理商务交流中有关事宜,三是联络与沟通感情。 商务函电的写作应掌握7C原则,即: 完整(complete) 正确(correctness) 清楚(clearness) 简洁(concreteness) 具体(concreteness) 礼貌(courtesy) 体谅(consideration) 完整:商务函电应完整表达所要表达内容和意思,何人、何时、何地、何事、何种原因、何种方式等。 正确:表达的用词用语及标点符号应正确无误,因为商务函电的内容大多涉及商业交往中双方的权利、义务以及利害关系,如果出错势必会造成不必要的麻烦。 清楚:所有的词句都应能够非常清晰明确地表现真实的意图,避免双重意义的表示或者模棱两可。用最简单普通的词句来直截了当地告诉对方。 简洁:在无损于礼貌的前提下,用尽可能少的文字清楚表达真实的意思。 清楚和简洁经常相辅相成,摒弃函电中的陈词滥调和俗套,可以使交流变得更加容易和方便。而一事一段则会使函电清楚易读和富有吸引力。 具体:内容当然要具体而且明确,尤其是要求对方答复或者对之后的交往产生影响的函电。 礼貌:文字表达的语气上应表现出一个人的职业修养,客气而且得体。最重要的礼貌是及时回复对方,最感人的礼貌是从不怀疑甚至计较对方的坦诚。商务交往中肯定会发生意见分歧,但礼貌和沟通可能化解分歧而不影响双方的良好关系。 体谅:为对方着想,这也是拟定商务函电时一直强调的原则:站在对方立场。在起草商务函电时,始终应该以对方的观点来看问题,根据对方的思维方式来表达自己的意思,只有这样,与对方的沟通才会有成效。 商务函电的种类包括:商洽函、询问函、答复函、请求函、告知函、联系函。从商务函电的具体使用功能来讲,又可分为:来函处理答复函、订货函、任命函、祝贺函、感谢函、介绍函、邀请函、联络函、致歉函、慰问函、唁函、推销函。


商务英语信函写作的注意事项 在国际贸易竞争日益激烈的今天,为了通过发送商务信函达到有效交流,传达友好情感,增加商务合作机会的目的,商务信函必须在风格和语言上发生变化。现代商务信函的主要文体特征可以概括为以下五点: 内容的清晰性、表达的简洁性、词语的专业性、风格的正式性、措辞的礼貌性。因此我们要将商务信函本身的特点和英语的语言特点结合起来,分析和总结其翻译思路和技巧。 发送商务信函的目的在于建立商务往来关系,就某一细节进行商讨,努力达成共识,以便促进一项商务活动的开展。要达到这些目的,首先必须保证阅读者能够清楚了解写信人的意图,迂回或闪烁其辞的话语会让读信人产生不信任,甚至会怀疑对方的语言表达能力,对进一步开展商务活动很不利。模棱两可的话轻则阻碍读信人对信函意思的理解,重则会对发函方造成不必要的损失。例如: As to the steamers sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco,we have bimonthly direct services. 此处bimonthly 有歧义,可以是twice a month 或者once two month. 故读信人就迷惑了,可以改写为We have two direct sailings every month from Hongkong to San Francisco. 翻译要保留原文的清晰度相当重要。由于在较为正式的场合中,为了将一概念定义完整和清楚,英文常常用关联词将几个短句并在

一起形成一个长句,而中文无法照样只用一句话来翻译,即使这样译了也很难达到通顺和自然。这时,我们就采取将长句按特定的事情发展的顺序拆分成两个或两个以上的小句子的方式来翻译。必要时还要增加或省略一些词语,让整段文字结构更合理、内容更清楚。例如: The prices stated are based on current freight rates,any increase or decrease in freight rates at time of shipment is to be the benefit of the buyer,with the seller assuming the payment of all transportation charges to the point or place of delivery.例句中以一个介词with 来分界,译为“合同价格是以运费计算,装运时运费的增减均属买方。卖方则承担至交货地的全部运费”。在原文中with 分句是一个状语,翻 译时采用中国人平铺直叙的思维方式,用分述的方式把这个句子拆成两句,清楚地表达了原文的语言信息。 是不是一封书信只要包含了全部关键信息就可以成为一封好的书信了呢? 拟信人还应注意语言组织的条理性,或按事情发展的先后顺序,或按各要素的重要性排序编写。东扯一句,西扯一句的写法必定会影响文章的清晰度。 简洁就是用最精炼的语言来表达意思,在商务信函中言简意赅就是为了方便高效率沟通与工作。能用一个字表达的不用一个词组,能一个词组讲清的事就不用讲成一句话。商务信函不用因顾及礼貌


商务信函中的五W原则-商务英语【商务邮件】 Dear Sirs, With reference to your letter of April 9, we are pleased to accept your offer of 100 tons of Copper Wire as per your Offer Sheet No.8/070/02B. Please go ahead and apply for your Export License. As soon as we are informed of the number of the Export License we will open the L/C by cable. 关于你们四月九日函,我们高兴地接受你们第8/070/02B号报盘单所报100吨紫色铜丝。请着手办理申请出口许可证。一经接到出口许可证号码的通知,当即电开信用证。对商业信函的"完整"要求 1.一封完整的书信比一封不完整的书信,有更大的可能性带来预期的效果; 2.一封完整的书信,有助于建立和表达友善关系; 3.一封完整的书信,能够避免因为遗漏重要情况(情报)所导致的诉讼(Lawsuit); 4.有时,某些不显眼的书信或文件,因为所提供的情况完整而又生动有力(Complete and Effective)而成为极为重要的文件。 一封信写得是否完整,建议用五个"W"来检验,既:

"Who, What, Where, When 及Why(包括How)" "需要什么商品"(What you want) "何时需要" (When you need the goods) "货物发到何地何人收"(to Whom and Where the goods to be sent) "如何付款"(How payment will be mande) 如对对方的要求作出否定的答复时(如不能报盘,不能理赔等)应说明理由"为什么"(Why)。


商务信函翻译练习 1. First Enquiry Dear Sirs, The Overseas Tradi ng Co., Ltd., Man Chester inform us that you are exporters of hand-made gloves in a variety of artificial leathers. Would you please send us details of your various ranges, including sizes, colours and prices, and also samples of different qualities of material used. We are one of the largest department stores here and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned. When repl ying, please state the terms of payme nt and disco unts you allow on purchase of qua ntities of not less tha n five gross of in dividual items. Yours faithfully, 贵公司: 据曼彻斯特海外贸易有限公司告知,贵公司出口多种人造皮革手套,请寄包括尺码、颜色和价格在内的各类产品详细资料,以及所用各质量的材料样品于我公司。 我公司为本地最大百货公司之一,坚信价格公道的人造皮革手套在本地区将有良好销路。回信时请附上付款条件以及购买单类商品五*以上时的折扣办法。 此致 敬礼 2. Specific Enquiry Dear Sirs, We ack no wledge with tha nks receipt of your letter of March 11 enq uiri ng about the possibility of selli ng your Men 's Shirts, Tiantan Brand in our markets. In reply, we wish to inform you that we are well connected with major dealers in the line of textiles. There is always a ready market here for meris shirts, provided they are of good quality and competitive in price. Therefore, it will be appreciated if you will let us have your best firm offer, preferably by fax, and rush us samples by airmail. If your shirts agree with the taste of our market, we feel con fide nt of plac ing a trial order with you. Please give this enquiry your prompt atte nti on. Yours faithfully, 贵公司: 我方已收到贵公司于三月十一日寄来的信函,询问我地市场能否销售贵公司天坛牌男士衬 衫,现答复如下: 望贵公司知晓,我公司与纺织品主要经销商有良好往来,如贵公司的衬衫质量优良,价格具有竞争性,则定能有很好地市场。因此,请报你方最低实盘,最好是以传真方式,并尽快空运样品于我公司。若你方衬衫适合于我方市场需求,我们将有信心试订。 请尽快回复我方询问。 此致


商务信函(下) 投诉信结构: 投诉事由 详述事件/投诉理由 提出要求 常用句型: Letters of complaint I am writing to complain about … I am not satisfied with … I must therefore insist that … 例题 ●You recently attended a one-day training course on health and safety. You were disappointed with the course and you have decided to write a letter of complaint to the training company. ●Read the advertisement below, which gives details of the course. You have already made some notes on the advertisement. ●Then, using all your handwritten notes, write your letter to Moira Geddings at GBG Certification Services. ●Do not include postal addresses. ●Write 120-140 words on a separate sheet.

[范文] Dear Mrs Geddings, I write regarding a training course on health and safety which I attended 27 November. When I booked this course, I chose your company as it came highly recommended and the courses seemed to be of a high standard. I was promised an experienced trainer but unfortunately he was sick and the replacement was not as good as expected. Regarding the information packs these were only a pile of loose photocopies, which was not promised. The class was supposed to be about 8 people but in mine there were about 15. Finally, I should make it clear that the class started 1 hour late, and the lunch that was served, was cold. I am sure you can understand my disappointment. I would therefore be glad if you could investigate this matter. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Lisa Kostevska Cabin Attendant 索赔:


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 商务信函礼貌原则 篇一:商务信函之礼貌原则 目录 摘要................................................. (2) Abstract........................................... . (3) 第一章礼貌的定义和原则 (4) 1.1礼貌和礼貌原则 (4) 1.2Leech的礼貌原则综述 (5) 1.3礼貌原则之六大准则 (5)

第二章商务信函的特点以及在实例中的运用 (7) 2.1商务信函的特点 (7) 2.2何谓“7c”原则以及在实例中的运 (7) 2.3礼貌原则在商务信函中的具体运用 (10) 结语................................................. . (12) 参考文献 (13) 摘要 在世界各国经济贸易合作日益频繁的大背景下,商务英语信函已成为人们在经济领域中的一个重要的交际手段。它在商务活动中起着增进了解、传递信息、联系业务、处理问题等作用。能够写出一封礼貌有加的商务信函不仅是对商务工作者的一个最基本的要求,也是顺利展开商务活动的一个重要前提。礼貌,作为一种普遍的社会现象,它的主要功能是维护社会秩序,维护的友好的人际的联系,减少冲突和误解并通过礼貌的言语行为以便获得交流的目的。英国学者

geoffrey.n.leech的礼貌原则不仅适用于口头语言,同样适用于书面语体1。本文以该理论为依据,以礼貌的理论、礼貌原则性以及具体实例论述外贸函电中的应遵从的礼貌原则及礼貌用语,体现出当代外贸函电中的礼貌表现及其重要性。结合商务信函的特点,通过具体的实例分析了礼貌原则商务信函中的运用和表现,认为,礼貌原则在现今商务信函中发挥着举足轻重的作用。 关键词:礼貌原则;外贸函电;重要性 1 Abstract Inthecountriesoftheworldunderthebackgroundofincreas inglyfrequenteconomicandtradecooperation,businessle tterhasbecomeanimportantmeansofcommunicationinthefi eldofeconomy.Itplaysinbusinessactivitiestopromoteun derstanding,conveyritealetterofpolitenessandbusines slettersisnotonlyamostbasicrequirementforbusinesswo rkers,isalsoanimportantprerequisiteforsmoothbusines sactivities.courtesy,asawidespreadsocialphenomenon, itsmainfunctionistomaintainsocialorder,maintainfrie ndlyinterpersonalcontacts,andreduceconflictandmisun derstandingthroughpolitespeechactsinordertoobtainex


商务信函的书写规则(一) 写信的原则(Writing Principles)已从原来的3(Conciseness, Clearness, Courtesy)发展到目前的7个"C":Completeness, Clearness, Concreteness, Conciseness, Correctness, Courtesy,Consideration) 实例 Dear Sirs, Copper Wire With reference to your letter of April 9, we are pleased to accept your offer of 100 tons of Copper Wire as per your Offer Sheet No.8/070/02B. Please go ahead and apply for your Export License. As soon as we are informed of the number of the Export License we will open the L/C by cable. (信的本文汉译): 关于你们四月九日涵,我们高兴地接受你们第8/070/02B号报盘单所报100吨紫色铜丝。请着手办理申请出口许可证。一经接到出口许可证号码的通知,当即电开信用证。 要求书信的"完整",理由有三: 1.一封完整的书信比一封不完整的书信,有更大的可能性带来预期的效果; 2.一封完整的书信,有助于建立和表达友善关系; 3.一封完整的书信,可以避免由于遗漏重要情况(情报)所导致的诉讼(Lawsuit); 4.有时,某些不显眼的书信或文件,由于所提供的情况完整而又生动有力(Complete and Effective)而成为极为重要的文件。一封信写得是否完整,建议用五个"W"来检验,既:"Who, What, Where, When 及Why(包括How)" 例如:在定货的信中,必须明确说明"需要什么商品"(What you want) " 何时需要" (When you need the goods) " 货物发到何地何人收"(to Whom and Where the goods to be sent) " 如何付款"(How payment will be made) 如对对方的要求作出否定的答复时(如不能报盘,不能理赔等)应说明理由"

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