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abstract 作业

abstract 作业
abstract 作业

Writing Task

Writing an Abstract (Words: 50-100)

In the next task, you will bring together and use all the information in this unit. You will write an Abstract according to the model using the grammar and vocabulary you have learned,

In this unit you have seen the two models of Abstracts and the vocabulary conventionally used has been collected. Remember that when you write, your sentence patterns should also be conventional, so use the sentence patterns of the Abstracts in this unit and in your target articles as models for the sentence patterns in your writing.

Choose one of the models, follow it exactly this time, and in future, use it to check your Abstract so that you can be sure that you have done what your readers expect you to do in this section.


Imagine that you and your team have designed a machine which can remove chewing gum from floors and pavements by treating the gum chemically to transform it into powder and then using vacuum suction to remove it.

In the Introduction, you began by saying that chewing-gum removal is a significant environmental problem. You then provided factual information about the composition of chewing gum 1,2 and the way in which it sticks to the floor. 6 After that, you looked at existing chewing-gum removal machines 3,4 and noted that research has shown that they are unable to use suction to remove gum without damaging the floor surface. 10 You referred to Gumbo et al., who claimed that it was possible to use chemicals to dissolve chewing gum. 5 At the end of the Introduction you announced that you and your research team had designed a chewing gum removal machine (CGRM), which you call GumGone. GumGone sprays a non-toxic chemical onto the gum which transforms it to white powder. The machine can then remove the gum using suction without damaging the floor surface.

In the Methodology you described the design and construction of the machine. You compared your CGRM, GumGone, to two existing machines, Gumsucker 3 and Vacu-Gum. 4 You then gave details of a set of trials which you conducted to test the efficiency of the new CGRM and a further set of trials which showed the effect on the floor surface of gum removal.

In the Results section, you showed results of these trials. You compared

the performance of GumGone with Gumsucker and Vacu-Gum. Your results were very good, and they can be seen in the tables below.

Table 1: Gum removal as a percentage of total sample

Gumsucker Vacu-gum GumGone Wooden floor 77 73 80 Stone floor 78 78 82 Carpeted floor 56 44 79

Table 2: floor damaging/staining

Gumsucker Vacu-gum GumGone

Wooden floor minimal minimal none Stone floor significant some none Carpeted floor significant significant minimal


Gum removal technology has traditionally faced the problem of achieving effective gum removal with minimal damage to floor surfaces. Existing

CGRMs such as Gumsucker and Vacu-Gum use steam heat and steam injection respectively to remove gum and although both are fairly effective, the resulting staining and damage to floor surfaces, particularly carpeted floors, is often significant.

In this study the design and manufacture of a novel CGRM, GumGone, is presented. GumGone reduces the gum to a dry powder using a non-toxic chemical spray and then vacuums the residue, leaving virtually no stain. In trials, GumGone removed a high percentage of gum from all floor surfaces without causing floor damage. The floor surfaces tested included carpeted floors, suggesting that this technology is likely to have considerable commercial use.

Percentage removal levels achieved using GumGone were consistently higher than for existing CGRMs on all types of floor surface. This was particularly noticeable in the case of carpeted floor, where 79% of gum was removed from a 300 m 2 area, as opposed to a maximum of 56% with existing machines. This represents a dramatic increase in the percentage amount of gum removed. Our results confirm the theory of Gumbo et al. that chemicals can be used to dissolve gum into dry powder and make it suitable for vacuuming.

The greatest advantage over existing CGRMs, however, lies in the combination of the two technologies in a single machine. By reducing the delay period between gum treatment and gum removal, the GumGone

system resulted in negligible staining of floor surfaces. This represents a new approach which removes the need for stain treatment or surface repair following gum removal.

As noted earlier, only one wattage level (400 watts of vacuum suction power) was available in the GumGone prototype. Further work is needed to determine the power level at which gum removal is maximised and floor damage remains negligible.

abstract 的语步分析

Research article abstract 1.Introducing purpose This move gives a precise indication of the author’s intention, thesis or hypothesis which forms the basis of the research being reported. It may also include the goals or objectives of research or the problem that the author wishes to tackle. 2.Describing methodology In this move the author gives a good indication of the experimental design, including information on the data, procedures or method(s) used and, if necessary, the scope of the research being reported. 3.Summarizing results This is an important aspect of abstracts where the author mentions his observations and findings and also suggests solutions to the problem, if any, posed in the first move. 4.Presenting conclusions This move is meant to interpret results and draw inferences. It typically includes some indication of the implications and applications of the present findings.


Uppaal4.0:Small Tutorial? 16November2009 1Introduction This document is intended to be used by newcomers to Uppaal and veri?cation.Students or engineers with little background in formal methods should be able to use Uppaal for practical purposes after this tutorial. Section2describes Uppaal and Section3is the tutorial itself. 2Uppaal Uppaal is a tool box for validation(via graphical simulation)and veri?cation(via automatic model-checking)of real-time systems.It consists of two main parts:a graphical user interface and a model-checker engine.The user interface is implemented in Java and is executed on the users work station.Version4.0of Uppaal requires that the Java Runtime Environment5or higher is installed on the computer.The engine part is by default executed on the same computer as the user interface,but can also run on a more powerful server. The idea is to model a system using timed automata,simulate it and then verify properties on it.Timed automata are?nite state machines with time(clocks).A system consists of a network of processes that are composed of locations.Transitions between these locations de?ne how the system behaves.The simulation step consists of running the system interactively to check that it works as intended.Then we can ask the veri?er to check reachability properties,i.e.,if a certain state is reachable or not.This is called model-checking and it is basically an exhaustive search that covers all possible dynamic behaviours of the system. More precisely,the engine uses on-the-?y veri?cation combined with a symbolic technique re-ducing the veri?cation problem to that of solving simple constraint systems[YPD94,LPY95].The veri?er checks for simple invariants and reachability properties for e?ciency reasons.Other prop-erties may be checked by using testing automata[JLS96]or the decorated system with debugging information[LPY97]. 3Learning Uppaal Uppaal is based on timed automata,that is?nite state machine with clocks.The clocks are the way to handle time in Uppaal.Time is continuous and the clocks measure time progress.It is allowed to test the value of a clock or to reset it.Time will progress globally at the same pace for the whole system. A system in Uppaal is composed of concurrent processes,each of them modeled as an automa-ton.The automaton has a set of locations.Transitions are used to change location.To control when to take a transition(to“?re”it),it is possible to have a guard and a synchronization.A guard is a condition on the variables and the clocks saying when the transition is enabled.The synchronization mechanism in Uppaal is a hand-shaking synchronization:two processes take a ?This description covers version4.0.7


Java中的abstract方法和abstract类的问题 当知道一个类的子类将不同的实现某个方法时,把该类声明为抽象类很有用,可以共用相同的父类方法,不必再定义。 抽象类和抽象方法的关系:含有抽象方法的类一定是抽象类,抽象类里不一定含有抽象方法。抽象类存在的意义是用来被继承的。一个类继承了一个抽象类,必须实现抽象类里面所有的抽象方法,否则,此类也是抽象类。 abstract修饰符用来修饰类和成员方法 1:用abstract修饰的类表示抽象类,抽象类位于继承树的抽象层,抽象类不能被实例化。2:用abstract修饰的方法表示抽象方法,抽象方法没有方法体。抽象方法用来描述系统具有什么功能,但不提供具体的实现。 abstract 规则: 1:抽象类可以没有抽象方法,但是有抽象方法的类必须定义为抽象类,如果一个子类继承一个抽象类,子类没有实现父类的所有抽象方法,那么子类也要定义为抽象类,否则的话编译会出错的。 2:抽象类没有构造方法,也没有抽象静态方法。但是可以有非抽象的构造方法 3:抽象类不能被实例化,但是可以创建一个引用变量,类型是一个抽象类,并让它引用非抽象类的子类的一个实例 4:不能用final 修饰符修饰 Q:java里面有抽象类么?和接口的区别是什么? A:java中有抽象类,用关键字abstract修饰。 以下是我对这个问题的看法。 首先,从语法上讲,抽象类是一个类,根据java的单继承体系。如果它有子类,那么它的

子类只能继承它。 java允许实现多个接口。所以一个类可以实现多个接口 抽象类里面可以定义各种类型和访问权限的变量(就像普通类一样),也可以定义各种访问权限的方法(就像普通类一样)。 但是接口不可以。在接口里面定义的方法默认就是public abstract的,变量默认就是public static final的。(不管你有没有加权限控制符,不加,默认就是这些权限;加错了,权限缩小了,那么就会报错) 其次,从意义上讲,如果继承一个抽象类,那么抽象类和它的子类就有父子关系,即有类的层次关系(这关系到类的设计问题)。 接口,在我看来,是一种契约或者协议,是一层提供给另一层的接口(可以想象成OSI各层之间的关系) 在某一层中有多个类协作实现这个层的功能,通过接口暴露出去。但这些类之间会有层次关系(is a,has a) Q:一个方法加abstract和不加abstract有什么区别?就是说不加有什么关系?加了又会怎样? A:一方法要是加abstract,那么这个方法就是抽象的,须由子类去实现 抽象方法必须在抽象类当中,也就是说,一个类只要有一个方法是抽象的,那么这个类就必须是抽象类 抽象类里面的方法不一定要抽象的,也可以全都不是抽象的 抽象类不能实例化! 所以可以想到,当你不想让你的类被别人实例化,只想这个类的子类可以实例化,那么只要将这个类声明为abstract的就可以了


一、研究生必备四本 俗话说好记性不如烂笔头,所以一定要首先养成做笔记的好习惯!作为研究生下面这几个本子是必不可少的。 1,实验记录本(包括试验准备本),这当然首当其冲必不可少,我就不多说了; 2,Idea记录本,每次看文献对自己有用的东西先记下,由此产生的idea更不能放过,这可是做研究的本钱,好记性不如烂笔头,以后翻翻会更有想法的; 3,专业概念以及理论进展记录本,每个人不可能对自己领域的概念都了如指掌,初入门者更是如此,这时候小小一个本子的作用就大了; 4,讲座记录本,这本本子可能有些零杂,记录听到的内容,更要记录瞬间的灵感,以及不懂的地方,不可小视! 这四本是你必不可少的,不过作为我们这些非英语专业的研究生来说,还有一个应该具备的本子就是英语好句记录本。 二、论文写作要点 1、选题要小,开掘要深;不要题目很大,内容却很单薄。 2、写作前要读好书、翻阅大量资料、注意学术积累,在这个过程中,还要注重利用网络,特别是一些专业数据库 3、“选题新、方法新、资料新”的三新原则(老板教导的) 4、“新题新做”和“小题大做 总之,一点之见即成文。 三、如何撰写实验研究论文(唐朝枢) 论文发表意识:基础研究成果的表达方式;是否急于发表(创新与严谨的关系);发表的论文与学位论文的区别(反映科学事实而不是反映作者水平) 论文格式:原著 original research paper, full length paper、review综述论文,快报、简报、摘要。不同于教科书、讲义,更不同于工作总结。 撰写前的准备工作:复习和准备好相关文献;再次审定实验目的(学术思想,Idea);实验资料完整并再次审核 1.Introduction:引言 问题的提出;研究的现状及背景;以前工作基础;本工作的目的;思路(可提假说);对象;方法;结果。在…模型上,观察…指标,以探讨…(目的)


文摘要求 对于科技期刊的文章,论文的 abstract 主要由三部分组成,即:研究的问题、过程和方法、结果。 文摘只有写得正确,写的好,才能起到帮助读者了解原文的作用。因此必须对文献进行认真的主题分析, 找出文献的主题概念, 正确地组织好这些主题内容, 简明准确完整地写出文摘来。 文摘长度一般不超过 150 words 。少数情况下允许例外,视原始文献而定。在不遗漏主题概念的前提下,文摘应尽量简洁。 (一).缩短文摘方法: 1.取消不必要的字句:如 ”t is reported here ”、 “new ”、 “ mainly ” 也尽量不要。 2. 对物理单位及一些通用词可以适当进行简化; 3. 取消或减少背景信息( Background Information ); 4. 不说无用的话,如“本文所谈的有关研究工作是对过去老工艺的一个极大的改进” , “本工作首次实现了 …” “经检索尚未发现与本文类似的文献”等词句切不可进入文摘; 5. 作者在文献中谈及的未来计划不纳入文摘; 6. 文摘第一句应避免与题目(Title )重复。 7. 尽量简化一些措辞和重复的单元,如: (二).文体风格 1. 文摘叙述要完整,清楚,简明; 2. 尽量用短句子并避免句形单调; 3. 用过去时态叙述作者工作,用现在时态叙述作者结论; 如 “The structure of dislocation cores in GaP was investigated by weak-beam electron microscopy. The dislocations are dissociated into two Shokley partials with separations of 80 edge and screw cases respectively. The results show that... __________________________________ ” 可直接用名词或名词短语作定语的情况下,要少用 of 句型。 例如: 用 Thick ness of plastic sheets was measured. 不用 Measurement of thickness of plastic sheet was made. 注意冠词用法,不要误用,滥用或随便省略冠词。 避免使用一长串形容词或名词来修饰名词,可以将这些词分成几个前置短语,用连字符连接名词 组,作为单位形容词(一个形容词) 。 如应用 The chlorine-containing propylene-based polymer of high meld index. 代替 The chlorine containing high melt index propylene based polymer. 尽量用主动语态代替被动语态; 尽量用简短、词义清楚并为人熟知的词; 10?慎用行话和俗语; " Exte nsive in vestigati ons show that 'The author discusses ” This paper concerned with …”;一些不必要的修饰词,如“ in detail ”、“ briefly ±10 and 40 ±10 A in the pure 能用名词做定语不要用动名词做定 语, 例如:用 measurement accuracy 用 experimental results 能用形容词做定语就不要用名词做定语。 不用 measuri ng accuracy 不用 experime nt results 例女口 用 measurement accuracy 不用 accuracy of measureme nt 用 camera curtain shutter 不用 curta in shutter of camera 用 equipment structure 不用 structure of equipme nt 5. 可用动词的情况尽量避免用动词的名词形式; 6 . 8. 9.


(1)Abstract: 说明这篇论文的主要贡献、方法特色与主要内容。只看Abstract 和Introduction便可以判 断出这篇论文的重点和你的研究有没有直接关连,从而决定要不要把它给读完。 (2)Introduction: Introduction 的功能是介绍问题的背景和起源,交代前人在这个题目上已经有过的主要贡献,说清楚前人留下来的未解问题,以及在这个背景下这篇论文的想解决的问题和它的重要性。对初学的学生而言,从这里可以了解以前研究的概况。通常我会建议初学的学生,对你的题目不熟时,先把跟你题目可能相关的论文收集个30~40篇,每篇都只读Abstract 和Introduction,而不要读Main Body(本文),只在必要时稍微参考一下后面的Illustrative examples和Conclusions,直到你能回答下面这三个问题: (2A)在这领域内最常被引述的方法有哪些? (2B)这些方法可以分成哪些主要派别? (2C)每个派别的主要特色(含优点和缺点)是什么? 问题是,你怎么去找到这最初的30~40篇论文?有一种期刊论文叫做「review paper」,专门在一个题目下面整理出所有相关的论文,并且做简单的回顾。你可以在搜寻Compendex时在keywords 中加一个「review」而筛选出这类论文。然后从相关的数篇review paper 开始,从中根据title 与Abstract 找出你认为跟你研究题目较相关的30~40篇论文。 通常只要你反复读过该领域内30~40篇论文的Abstract 和Introduction,你就应该可以从Introduction的评论中回答(2A)和(2B)这两个问题。尤其要记得,当你阅读的目的是要回答(2A)和(2B)这两个问题时,你一定要先挑那些Introduction写得比较有观念的论文念(很多论文的Introduction 写得像流水帐,没有观念,这种论文刚开始时不要去读它)。假如你读过假如30~40篇论文的Abstract


第34卷第6期 唐山师范学院学报 2012年11月 Vol.34 No.6 Journal of Tangshan Teachers College Nov. 2012 ────────── 收稿日期:2012-03-25 作者简介:申丽红(1975-),女,河北邯郸人,博士研究生,讲师,研究方向为理论语言学及语言教学。 -24- 语言学中的研究方法 申丽红1,2 (1. 中国传媒大学 文学院,北京 100021;2. 河北联合大学 外国语学院,河北 唐山 063000) 摘 要:语言学作为社会科学和自然科学的交叉学科,近年来有了长足的发展。各家学者秉承不同的语言学理论,采用不同的研究方法对语言进行了多方位的研究。本文从语言学理论的不同发展阶段对语言学研究方法做一梳理。 关键词:语言学;定量研究;定性研究 中图分类号: H 0-05 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1009-9115(2012)06-0024-03 Some Research Methods of Linguistics SHEN Li-hong 1,2 (1. College of Liberal Arts, The Communication University of China, Beijing 100021, China; 2. College of Foreign Languages, Hebei United University, Tangshan 063000, China) Abstract: Linguistics, as a cross-discipline between natural and social science, has developed well in recent years. Different scholars did some researches on language with different theories and from different angles. A summary about the research methods of linguistics is made. Key Words: linguistics; quantitative research; qualitative research 语言是人类特有的宝贵财产,是人类社会生活的重要组成部分。随着社会发展,文明进步,人们开始从不同角度探索语言的奥秘,以揭示形形色色的言语背后所隐藏的规律,从而形成了林林总总的语言学流派和语言学理论。 任何一门学科的研究方法对于一门学科的发展都是至关重要的。在语言学发展的不同阶段,不同的语言学流派以不同的哲学基础建立起自己的理论框架后,因其学科发展的不同时期以及不同的研究目的而选用不同的研究方法来进行语言学相关研究。 一、语言学发展简史 西方的语言学研究自古希腊始,希腊著名的哲学家苏格拉底(Socrates, BC 470-BC 399),柏拉图( Plato, BC 429-BC 347)和亚里士多德(Aristotle, BC 384- BC322)等通过对语言的辩论奠定了语言研究的哲学基础。此后语言学在西方历经中世纪、文艺复兴以及19世纪历史比较语言学的发展,随着一些人类学家、哲学家等相继加入语言学研究,语言学学科迅速发展。他们详细研究了语言的分类, 语言中的音变等,为现代语言学的诞生奠定了坚实的基础。 20世纪初,瑞士语言学家索绪尔提出的普通语言学理论使语言学真正成为了一门科学的学科。此后的布拉格学派、哥本哈根学派以及美国的结构主义学派基本上秉承了结构主义的衣钵,对语言的结构、音位等进行了详细的描写和切分。 20世纪50年代,乔姆斯基(Noam Chomsky )提出了转换生成语法(Transformational-Generative Grammar )。转换生成语法彻底颠覆了传统的结构主义语法,推动语言学研究进入当代语言学时期。乔姆斯基认为人类获得语言的过程无论采用“白板说”还是“刺激-反应”论都不足以说明问题,以此提出了“先天性假设”(innateness hypothesis )。他认为人类的大脑先天被内置了一套“普遍语法”(universal grammar )或“语言普遍现象”(linguistic universals )。这种普遍语法在后天经验的触发下而形成各种各样的“个别语法”(particular grammar )。语言学家的任务就是运用数学的运算原理,运用各种规则逐步推导以

Abstract Writing (论文摘要写作精简版)

Writing: Abstract WHAT IS AN ABSTRACT 1. The Definition of an Abstract 1 ) the objectives and scope of investigation; 2) the methods used; 3) the most important results; 4) conclusion or recommendation. 2. Features of Abstracts Brevity Accuracy Specificity Objectivity Informativeness Independency CLASSIFICATION OF ABSTRACTS 1.Indicative Abstracts https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2511935563.html,rmative Abstracts https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2511935563.html,rmative-indicative Abstracts 4.Other Types of Abstracts 1) Critical Abstracts 2) Mini-abstracts FUNCTIONS OF ABSTRACTS A Screening Device of Documents: An abstract gives readers the idea of what the article is about. A Self-contained Text: We’ll know the information it contains, without seeing the article . A Helpful Preview: It "frames" the article and prepares the reader for the main points to come. To Facilitate Indexing: It will improve the chances of having it read by the right people. STYLISTIC FEATURES OF ABSTRACTS 1. The Length of Abstracts 1) In general, there is a 100-300 word limit to the number of words in an abstract. 2) Do not confuse an abstract with a review. There should be no comment or evaluation. 3) Give information only once. 4) Do not repeat the information given in the title. 5) Do not include any facts or ideas that are not in the text. 6) For informative abstracts, include enough data to support the conclusions. 7) If reference to procedure is essential, try to restrict it to identification of method or process. 8) State results, conclusions, or findings in clear concise fashion. 9) Organize the information in the way that is most useful to the reader. (a thesis-first abstract) 2. Verbs and Tenses Used in Abstracts 1) Active verbs: use active verbs rather than passive verbs. 2) Present tense: background information, existing facts, what is in the paper and conclusion. 3) Past tense /present perfect tense: completed research, methodology or major activities results. 3. Words Used in Abstracts 1) Avoid use of highly specialized words or abbreviations. Define unfamiliar words. 2) Synthesize or rephrase the information into clear, concise statements. 3) Avoid using jargon. 4. Sentence Structures of Abstracts 1) Use third person sentences. 2) Use short sentences, but vary sentence structure. 3) Use complete sentences. 4) The first sentence should present the subject and scope of the report. The thesis or the writer's focus should be presented in the second sentence. The balance of the article is a summary of the important points of each section, including methods, procedures, results and conclusions. 5) Good abstracts are sure to include a variety of pat phrases: a. Background Information (Research has shown... It has been proposed... Another proposed property... The search is on for... One of the promising new...) b. Statement of the Problem (The objective of the research is to prove / verify... The experiment was designed to determine...) e. Statement of Procedure (To investigate this .... A group of 10 specimens / subjects ... Measurements


1.Urology is perceived as a competitivespecialty choice. Declining undergraduate exposure and thepreference for ‘‘lifestyle specialties’’ may jeopardize urology’s popularity. Our objective was to assess trends inapplication and matching rates to urology compared withother surgical specialties. 2. We reviewed data collected by CanadianResidency Matching Service (CaRMS) and the CanadianPost-MD Education Registry since expansion in Canadianmedical school enrollment began (2002-2011). The following were examined: applicant preference, number ofpositions, gender patterns, and match results. ‘‘Surgery’’included general surgery, orthopedics, plastics, ENT, and urology. 3.From 2002 to 2011 CaRMS applicantsincreased from 1117 to 2528 (126%). The number ofapplicants selecting surgery first increased from 178 to338(90%). The number of surgery positions increased from138 to 275 (100%). Urology positions increased from 15to 31 (113%). Applicants to urology increased only 40%(30-42). The proportion of all CARMs applicants selectingurology as their first choice decreased from 2.7% (30) to1.7% (42). The ratio of first choice urology applicants topositions decreased from 2 to 1.35. The probability ofmatching urology as first choice increased from 50% to76%. Female medical graduates increased from 51% to58%. The female applicants selecting surgery first increasedfrom 21% (49) to 41% (173). In contrast, females selectingurology first rose from 13% (4) to 17% (7). 4.Urology in Canada is becoming lesscompetitive. Residency positions have doubled since 2002whereas the number of applicants remains static. This trendwas not reflected in other surgical specialities. Factorsaccounting for this may include poor undergraduateexposure, demand for specialties with controllable lifestyles,gender shifts in undergraduate medicine, and lack of rolemodels. The need for undergraduate exposure to urologyand vetting numbers of residency positions remains a matterof paramount importance. ( JSurg 70:537-543. JC2013Association of Program Directors in Surgery. Published byElsevier Inc. All rights reserved.) BACKGROUND1: METHODS2: RESULTS3: CONCLUSION4:


TOPSIS分析方法研究 摘要 本文主要介绍了TOPSIS分析方法理论及其主要思想,运用数学理论,对其算法进行了详细的分析,并指出原始方法存在的优缺点;在此基础上提出了一种改进的TOPSIS分析方法,给出具体求权重的方法,突出其客观公正性.本文还分析了TOPSIS方法逆序产生的原因及其改进的方法,突出其实用性,推广其应用范围. 关键词TOPSIS法; 改进的TOPSIS; 权重;逆序

TOPSIS ANALYSIS METHOD ABSTRACT This paper describes a method of theory—TOPSIS, and its main idea. Using mathematical theory, its algorithm for a detailed analysis and noted the advantages and disadvantages of the original methods. On this base ,an improved TOPSIS method is given, and specific for weight, in order to highlight its objective impartiality. The paper also analyzes the causes of TOPSIS Reverse and its improved methods, highlight its practicality and the promotion of its use. Keywords TOPSIS method; Improved TOPSIS; weight; Reverse


抽象函数的解题方法与技巧 摘要:抽象函数是没有具体的解析式,只给出它的一些特征、性质或一些特殊关系式的函数。因而显得特别抽象。所以解决抽象函数问题需要从函数的本质出发,考虑其定义,性质,加之解决抽象函数问题时常用的技巧——赋值法,换元法等。尽可能使抽象函数变得不再抽象。 关键词:抽象函数;性质;求值;解析式;解题方法;技巧 Problem-solving methods and skills of abstract functions Xue Jie School of Mathematics and Statistics, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China Abstract:: abstract function is not analytic type specific, given only the function characteristics, its nature or some special relationship. So it is especially abstract. So to solve the abstract function problems need from the view of function essence, considering its definition, nature, and solve the abstract function problems commonly used techniques -- assignment method, substitution method etc.. As far as possible to make the abstract function is no longer abstract. Keywords: abstract function; property; evaluation; analytic method; problem solving skills; 1.提出问题的背景 抽象函数问题是函数中的一类综合性较强的问题,这类问题通过对函数性质结构的


一:对语言学本身性质的阐述分析 并且从不同角度来分析语言学 1《认知语言学的最新应用及展望》述介 【作者】卢植; 【机构】暨南大学外国语学院; 【摘要】Gitte Kristiansen,Michel Achard,Ren啨Dirven&Francisco J.Ruiz de MendozaIb偄 nez(eds.).2006.Cognitive Linguistics:Current Applications and Future Per-spectives.Berlin:Mouton de Gruyter.ix+499pp.1.前言《认知语言学的最新应用及展望》是德国Moutonde Gruyter出版社“认知语言学的应用”系列丛书的第一卷。编者在导言中指出,在过去二三十年间,认知语言学逐渐发展成为一个成熟和创新的学科,并不断演化和拓展。一更多还原 【关键词】认知语言学;最新应用;认知基础;概念隐喻理论;语言学模型;展望;认知科学;计算语言学; 2以认知为基础的英汉对比研究——关于对比认知语言学的一些构想 【作者】文旭; 【机构】西南大学; 【摘要】英汉对比研究是我国语言学界研究的一个主要领域,其研究方法和视角都相当丰富。认知语言学是语言学中的一种新范式。将两者结合起来,建立一门新的学科,即对比认知语言学,必将对认知语言学和对比语言学大有裨益。本文探讨了对比认知语言学的理论基础、对比的原则和方法、对比的范围和内容。可以说,语言系统的任何方面,都可以从认知的角度进行对比研究。更多还原 【Abstract】English-Chinese contrastive study is a major field done in Chinese linguistics,which has a number of research approaches and perspectives. Cognitive linguistics is a new linguistic paradigm. Therefore, it is significant to integrate them into a new discipline called cognitive contrastive linguistics. This paper has explored its theoretical foundations, principles, approaches, scope and content. We can say that any aspect of language system can be studied contrastively from the perspective of cog... 更多 还原 3认知社会语言学
