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?Homework of Unit 1: What are stumbling blocks(障碍物;绊脚石)in intercultural communication? How to overcome these blocks? 什么是跨文化间的交际,如何跨越这些障碍。

Unit Two Culture and Communication

I.Warm Up

Please read the story on page 38, then answer the questions:

1.Why was Tom considered a rude host by his visitors?

2.How can you explain the fact that Tom is misunderstood when he

actually wants to be kind and friendly to the visitors?


1.Read the article of ―What Is Culture‖. What can you learn about

culture from it? Please answer the questions followed?


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory (p41)

What is culture?

1.Origins of culture in English and Chinese

(1)―Culture‖ is a loan word from Latin meaning ―cultivating or tilling

the land‖. It was originally associated with physical activities and production of food. Later, its meaning was extended to include mental, moral, aesthetic, educational and intellectual activities. In contemporary English its original meaning is still retained. (2)―文化‖is a native word in Chinese. ―文‖and ―化‖were used

together in the Warring States. ―人文‖ in ―观乎人文,以化成天下‖refers to the interwoven relationships between the monarch and his subjects, fathers and sons, husbands and wives, brothers and friends, and ―化‖ means ―changing and/or cultivating‖. When used together, ―文‖and ―化‖mean ―以文教化‖. They were combined into one word in Han Dynasty, with its meaning contrasted with ―nature‖ on one hand and ―primitiveness‖ and ―savage‖ on the other hand. So ―文化‖ was originally associated with mental activities.


The term ―culture‖does not correspond perfectly with ―文化‖. For examples:他没有文化(He is illiterate.)

―What really binds men together is their culture--- the ideas and the standards they have in common.‖

— R. Benedict According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary,culture is ―the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively‖.

Defining Culture from the Anthropological Perspective:?―Culture consists of patterns, e xplicit and implicit, of and for behavior acquired and transmitted by symbols, constituting the distinctive achievement of human groups, including their embodiments in artifacts; the essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and especially th eir attached values‖.

-----Kroeber and Kluckhohn Defining Culture from the Psychological Perspective

?culture is "the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another".

----Geert Hofstede

Defining Culture from the Sociological Perspective

?―Culture is defined as a pattern of learned, group-related perception —including both verbal and nonverbal language attitudes, values, belief system, disb elief systems, and behavior‖. Defining Culture from the Intercultural Perspective

?―Culture is a system of shared beliefs, values, customs,

behaviours and artifacts that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning.‖

----[Bates and Plog]

There are altogether no less than 250 definitions of culture by scholars from several different fields. Despite so, almost all scholars agree that culture has two senses: the broad sense and the narrow sense.

A. Culture in its broad sense

Culture is the attribute of man, or, whatever distinguishes man from the rest part of the world is culture. Based on this, Prof. Lin Dajin provides a Chinese counterpart definition: 文化是人类区别于动物的综合特征. It may include the following components:

①Materials man has got to satisfy his needs, including science and technology, such as space shuttles, airplanes, and cars;

②Social institutions and organizations man has established, including socioeconomic institutions, politico-legal institutions, and religious organizations;

③Knowledge about nature and man himself and artistic development, including various subjects such as mathematics and education, and artistic forms such as literature, painting, music and dance;

④Language and other communication systems such as gestures and facial expressions;

⑤Customs, habits and behavioral patterns;

⑥Value systems, world views, national traits, aesthetic standards and thinking patterns.

Culture in this sense is also called ―large C culture‖ or academic culture or culture with a big C(大写字母的文化). It‘s culture in general, culture of all nationalities and ethnic groups. But we know there are specific cultures such as Chinese, American and British. According to this sense, specific culture can be defined (by Prof. Lin Dajin) as the comprehensive features that distinguish one group (be it a nation, a race or any section of people) of people from another (一个民族区别于另一个民族的综合特征).

﹡Dominant culture and subculture/co-culture

?Culture is subdivided into dominant culture(主流文化), mainstream culture, and subculture(s)(亚文化), which coexist within each culture.

?A subculture resembles像;类似于a culture in that it usually encompasses a relatively large number of people and represents the accumulation of generations of human striving. However, subcultures have some important differences: they exist within dominant cultures and are often based on economic or social class, ethnicity, race, or geographic region.

Today the tendency is to say ?co-culture‘ and sub-groups to avoid prejudice.

B. Culture in its narrow sense

It's called ―small c culture‖ or anthropological culture or culture with a small c (小写字母的文化). It can be defined as life way of a population, Culture in this sense emphasizes what characterizes the way of life of a people, including components ②, ③, ④, ⑤ and ⑥, with components ②, ④, ⑤ and ⑥ as the central part.

Some scholars are interested in ―large C culture‖ while others in ―small c culture‖, depending on the purpose of investigation. We shall focus on culture in its narrow sense.

﹡Cultural Identity文化认同

Cultural identity refers to one‘s sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic种族的group. People consciously identify themselves with a group that has a shared system of symbols and meanings as well as norms for conduct.

3.Properties of culture

(1)It is human specific.

(2)It is a social phenomenon (contrast between society and nature). It

is the embodiment of human knowledge, skill and cooperative labor.

(3)It is a national phenomenon for each nature has its own culture.

(4)It is a historical phenomenon. Each culture has some history and

each generation contributes to it. But culture won‘t necessarily

A. Overt Culture

B. Covert Culture


Exposed Material Culture,

Visible and Easily Described


Hidden in the material culture,

Soft or Spiritual culture

remain the same.

(5) It is general and abstract.

2. Culture can be viewed as an iceberg. Nine-tenths of an iceberg is out of sight. The part of the cultural iceberg that is above the water is easy to be noticed. The other part that is hidden below the water and is outside of conscious awareness. It is sometimes called ―deep culture ‖. But what are the things in a culture that can be said to be above or below the water – within or out of our awareness? The Structure of Culture

3.Read the article on page 45-48:

From this article, we can learn there are three characteristics of culture – coherent, learned, the view of a group of people; and there are three things culture does – culture ranks what is important (or cultures teach values or priorities), culture furnishes attitudes, and culture dictates how to behave.

4.Decide whether the following are examples of communications or

not? Why?

1)You complain to your instructor about your course credits through telephone.

2) Two blind people exchange ideas in Braille.

3) A German businessman negotiates, through an interpreter, with his Chinese counterpart.

4) A farmer gives instructions to his ploughing cow.

5) A programmer issues commands to a computer.

6) Tom talks to himself while flourishing his toy gun.

7) You send an e-mail message to an American friend.

8) Jane lies in bed reading a novel.

The Basics of Communication:

Communication occurs if: 1. two or more people; 2. contact; 3. a

shared language; 4. an exchange of information.

5.Read the article of ―Elements of Communication‖. What are the

elements of communication?

Context: four aspects (the physical setting, historical aspect, psychological aspect, culture aspect)

Participants: three variables (relationship, gender, culture)

Messages: meanings, symbols, encoding and decoding.

Channels: the method used to deliver a message (sound, sight, smell, taste, touch, or any combination of these)

Noise (干扰): a term used for factors that interfere with the exchange of messages, including external noise, internal noise and semantic noise. Noise is inevitable.

Feedback: t he response of a receiver to a sender‘s message Please answer the questions followed.


What Is Communication?

There are altogether 126 definitions of communication. Among them the most accepted one defined by L. A. Samovar, et al.


―Communication may be defined as that which happens whenever someone responds to the behavior or the residue of the behavior of another person.‖

---- L. A. Samovar, et al

A few key points about this definition:

①The behavior includes verbal behavior and non-verbal behavior. For example, you meet an acquaintance in the street. You smile and nod to each other without uttering a word. Then your behavior is non-verbal, and your communication is also non-verbal. So according to this, communication can be divided into verbal communication and non-verbal communication.

②As to the meaning of ―behavior residue", here is an example. You leave a note before you go out, and your roommate sees it when coming back and will make certain response. Then this note is your behavior residue. In this case, whether your roommate does something about or just ignores the note, as long as he receives the note, communication happens, but it is non-simultaneous. Therefore, communication can also be divided into simultaneous communication and non-simultaneous communication.

③ A behavior, whether intentional or unintentional, conscious or unconscious, once is received, communication occurs. For example, when you are giving a speech, you may blush (unintentional) or repeat the same movement (unconscious), which gives your audience a message that you are nervous.

④Feedback is not a prerequisite of communication. So there may be

one-way communication. Hu Wenzhong of Beijing Foreign Studies University once said translation is in fact a kind of (intercultural) communication, because when one is translating, one is in fact communication interculturally with the writer of the original work. In deed, written translation is in most cases one-way communication. 2. Factors Affecting Communication

Eight specific ingredients of communication:

①the source (行为源): a person who has a need to communicate

②encoding (编码): an internal activity in which a source creates a message through the selection of verbal and non-verbal symbols (行为源组织信息的内心活动).

③message (信息): the result of encoding, once spoken out and received, becomes a message.

④channel (渠道): the physical means by which the message is transmitted.

⑤the responder (反应者): the person who intercepts the message and as a consequence becomes linked to the source.

⑥decoding (译码): the internal activity of the receiver‘s information processing.

⑦response (反应): what a receiver decides to do about the message.

⑧feedback (反馈): feedback and response are clearly related. Response becomes feedback when received by the source.

Of the eight ingredients, the source and the responder, encoding and decoding, are the most important because they are related to persons.

Some personal factors may affect communication effectiveness:

①sex ②age

③temperament (e.g. introverted and extroverted)

④occupation (e.g. businessman, officers, etc.) ⑤social status ⑥knowledge structure ⑦life experience

Uncertain factors, varying at different time:

①intention: though disgusted, you nod or smile for politeness.

②mood: someone tells you that it is useless to live in this world. You might have different responses.

③status at that time: you, as a guest, can‘t ask the host to help himself to some dish.

Objective factors:

①time: you never say ―Good morning‖ in the evening.


③occasion: you never say ―节哀顺便‖ in a wedding ceremony.

3. Communication Types

①based on symbols used: verbal and non-verbal

②based on media: direct and indirect

③based on feedback: two-way and one-way

④based on numbers of the sources and responders: one/group-to-one and one/group-to-group

⑤based on set responder: directed and non-directed

⑥based on the source‘s intention: intentional and unintentional

⑦based on the responder‘s activeness: active and passive

⑧based on time: simultaneous and non-simultaneous

4. Characteristics of Communication (Essentials of Human Communication) p68-73

①Communication is dynamic. It is an on-going, never-changing

activity. We are sure to be influenced by other‘s message, whether gradually or radically.

②Communication is symbolic: Symbols are central to the

communication process because they represent the shared meanings that are communicated. A symbol is a word, action, or object that stands for or represents a unit of meaning. People's behaviors are frequently interpreted symbolically, as an external representation of feelings, emotions, and internal states.

③Communication is systematic: Communication does not occur in

isolation or in a vacuum, but rather is part of a larger system. We send and receive messages not in isolation, but in a specific setting.

Setting and environment help determine the words and actions we generate. Dress, language, topic selection, and the like are all

adapted to context.

④It involves making inferences.

⑤It has a consequence.

⑥It is interactive (interpersonal communication).

⑦It is irreversible.

⑧It is contextual.

⑨Communication is self-reflective: Human beings have a unique

ability to think about themselves, to watch how they define the world, and to reflect on their past, present, and future.

6.Match each of what the first speaker says on the left with what the

second speaker says on the right to form a dialogue that will make sense, and then decide what is possibly meant by the second speaker in the dialogue. (p57)

7.Read the passage of ―Communicating or Communicating

Effectively‖and try to explain why we sometimes find it very difficult to communicate effectively with others, and then suggest what we can do about it.

III.Case Study: Students are required to read the cases given carefully and try to analyse them from the viewpoint of IC.


英语知识 一、导论 20 世纪90 年代,语篇分析开始在翻译研究中占主导地位。语篇分析法侧重于描述语言意义交流及建立社会和权力关系的运作方式。翻译研究中, 最具影响力的语篇分析模式当数礼德的系统功能语篇分析。语篇分析模式引入翻译研究后,对翻译研究那种众说纷纭,莫衷一是的混乱局面无疑注入了一塘清水,尤其对中国翻译界挥之不去的语文学式的翻译研究产生了重要影响。西方翻译研究者把语篇分析引入翻译研究后,已经取得了重要进展,出版了几部重要作品,主要有:J uliane House 的《翻译质量评估模式:一种重访模式》( Translation QualityAssessment : A Model Revisited ) ,[ 1 ]Mona Baker 的《换言之: 翻译教程》( In Other Words : A CourseBook on Translation ) ,[ 2 ] Bell 的《翻译的理论与实践》( Translation and Translating ) ,[ 3 ] Basil Hatim和Ian Mason 合著的《语篇与译者》( Discourse andthe Translator ) [ 4 ] 和《作为交际者的译者》(The ranslator as Communicator ) ,[ 5 ] Basil的《跨文化交际—翻译理论与对比篇章语言学》(Communication across Cultures : Translation Theoryand Cont rastive ) 。[6 ] J uliane House 通过对原文和译文进行语域对比分析以确定译作评估模式,并分析了显性翻译(overt translation) 和隐形翻译(coverttranslation) 。显性翻译自称不是翻译,隐形翻译则被定义为在译语文化中享有和源语文本平等的地位。Baker 探讨了翻译中语言各层次尤其是语篇和语用层次上的对等。Basil Hatim 和Ian Mason 将符号层上的语篇融入其翻译研究模式,代表了更广泛意义上的话语观。在我国,将语篇分析模式引入翻译研究的应首推黄国文和美芳二教授。黄国文在《外语与外语

Unit 2 课文翻译

能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话的智能汽车?还能自动驾驶?这听起来或许像是在做梦,但计算机革命正致力于把这一切变为现实。 智能汽车 1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution. 即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。 2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry. 汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。目前世界上有5亿辆车,或者说每10人就有1辆车。汽车工业的销售额达一万亿美元左右,从而成为世界上最大的制造业。 3 The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century. The key to tomorrow's "smart cars" will be sensors. "We'll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act," predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation's ITS program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future. 汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革。未来“智能汽车”的关键在于传感器。“我们会见到能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话并能采取行动的车辆与道路,”正在设计未来智能汽车和智能道路的通用汽车公司ITS项目的技术主任比尔?斯普雷扎预言道。 4 Approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the United States in traffic accidents. The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we don't even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore. Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness. A smart car could eliminate most of these car accidents. It can sense if a driver is drunk


中央广播电视大学2003--2004学年度第二学期“开放本科”期末考试 英语专业跨文化交际试题 注意事项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸指定的位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 Information for the Examinees: This examination consists of FOUR sections.These are: Section I:Listening(20 points,30 minutes) Section II:Language Appropriacy and Accuracy(30 points,20 minutes) SectionⅢ:Reading Comprehension(20 points,30 minutes) Section lV:Communication Analysis(30 points,40 minutes) The total marks for this examination are 100 points.Time allowed for competing this examination is 2 hours(1 20 minutes)allowed for completing this examination is hours (120 minutes). Section I:Listening [20 points] You are going to listen to an interview.Then choose the best answer from A,B,C and D to answer each question.Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. 1.Concerning the issue of maternity,what ideas prevail among Chinese women? A.The modern concept. B.The traditional concept. C.The responsibility to the society.’ D.The responsibility to the family. 2.According to the passage,raising children——. A.is an unbearable burden to women B.is a significant part of a woman’s life C.is the permanent task of women D is the task 0f both a man and a woman 3.Giving birth . A.brings great pleasure to women B.differs men from women physically and spiritually C.makes the women’s life complete D.all the above 4.Those oppose giving birth think that . A.giving birth is something rather primitive


期末考试范围 ? 1. 阅读理解2篇(20%) ? 2. 选词填空:15个句子(15个备选项,课后的key concepts,概念的词为主。(15%) ?eg: ———the belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve wealth and fame through diligence and virtue. ? 3. 简答题:课后comprehension questions和case study( 课内或者稍微改动的)。(25%) 4. 实用写作:一封信什么的(格式)(10%) 5. 写作:给出某个文化现象观点,运用所学文化差异进行评论 (comment)。(30%) 如: 说给一个关于教育的话题(文化现象),我们要用所学的中 美教育差异进行评论,议论文形式。 价值观,家庭观,社会关系朋友观,饮食观,教育观,时间观等 篇目:Unit1: A B C Unit2 A Unit3 A B Unit5A Unit6A Unit7 A Unit10 B Unit1 A Key concepts reservation: 谦逊的coldness: 冷静的 modesty:谦虚的 humor:幽默的 sportsmanship:运动员精神 Q1、what is a reserved person like? Answer: A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion, and seldom gets excited. Q2、what is the character of the Englishmen? Answer: reserved 、humor、modesty、cold、sportsmanship. Q3、what is sportsmanship? Answer: sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport according to its rules, while al so showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat. Case study Q、What made the British feel quite unhappy in this situation?

unit2课文翻译The Virtues of Growing Older

The Virtues of Growing Older (长大变老有好处) Our society worships youth. Advertisements convince us to buy Grecian Formula and Oil of Olay so we can hide the gray in our hair and smooth the lines on our face. Television shows feature attractive young stars with firm bodies, perfect complexions, and thick manes of hair. Middle-aged folks work out in gyms and jog down the street, trying to delay the effects of age. 我们所处的社会崇尚年轻。连篇累牍的广告劝我们买希腊配方的洗发水和玉兰油,这样的话,白发无处可寻,面部的皱纹也能被抚平。电视节目上尽是体魄强健,肤色无暇,头发浓密的年轻明星。而中年人则在体育馆里锻炼,在马路上慢跑,尽量不让岁月过早地留下痕迹。 Wouldn't any person over thirty gladly sign with the devil just to be young again? Isn't aging an experience to be dreaded? Perhaps it is unAmerican to say so, but I believe the answer is "No." Being young is often pleasant, but being older has distinct advantages. 不是所有三十出头的人都会为了重获青春而心甘情愿地与魔鬼订立合约吗?长大变老难道不可怕吗?说它不可怕可能不是美国人的回答,但我却认为长大变老不可怕。青春年少令人愉悦,但长大变老也有明显的好处。 When young, you are apt to be obsessed with your appearance. When my brother Dave and I were teens, we worked feverishly to perfect the bodies we had. Dave lifted weights, took megadoses of vitamins, and drank a half-dozen milk shakes a day in order to turn his wiry adolescent frame into some muscular ideal. And as a teenager, I dieted constantly. No matter what I weighed, though, I was never satisfied with the way I looked. My legs were too heavy, my shoulders too broad, my waist too big. When Dave and I were young, we begged and pleaded for the "right" clothes. If our parents didn't get them for us, we felt our world would fall apart. How could we go to school wearing loose-fitting blazers when everyone else would be wearing smartly tailored leather jackets? We could be considered freaks. I often wonder how my parents, and parents in general, manage to tolerate their children during the adolescent years. Now, however, Dave and I are beyond such adolescent agonies. My rounded figure seems fine, and don't deny myself a slice of pecan pie if I feel in the mood. Dave still works out, but he has actually become fond of his tall, lanky frame. The two of us enjoy wearing fashionable clothes, but we are no longer slaves to style. And women, I'm embarrassed to admit, even more than men, have always seemed to be at the mercy of fashion. Now my clothes ---- and my brother's ---- are attractive yet easy to wear. We no longer feel anxious about what others will think. As long as we feel good about how we look, we are happy.

跨文化交际试题 附答案

《跨文化交际》试题(附答案) Paper 1 Communication Analysis ? The following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for more successful communication or cultural understanding.? ? Question 1 Case 1: Chen Bing, a Chinese tour guide, is talking to a Canadian tourist, Luke Baines, who has no knowledge of Chinese at all. They are having dinner in a restaurant. Chen: This is Beijing duck, one of China's most famous dishes. You'll love it! Luke: No, thanks. I don't like duck. I prefer chicken.? ? Question 2 Case 2: Feng Li and Tom have been working on a scientific experiment at a British university for some months. It has not been totally successful. They are discussing the situation in the laboratory. Feng Li: I don't know where it went wrong! Tom, Don't feel so bad. Cheer up, you've done your job. Feng Li: But our experiment has turned out to be a failure. Tom: Relax for a couple of days. I'll face the music. Feng Li: Tom, we are not playing children's games here. This is a scientific experiment. Tom, I've never taken the experiment as child’ s play, and I'm playing the game. Feng Li: You say you're playing the game! It's a rather important experiment! Feng Li walks out of the Laboratory angrily. Tom is puzzled.? ? Question 3 Case 3: This is a more complex situation where there are several things that require more informed cultural analysis. Find the cultural problems and explain the cultural differences. Jim and Li Zhen were students together at Leeds University in Britain. A year later, after graduating, Jim went to Shanghai as a visiting scholar on a year’s exchange.

跨文化交际 期末复习资料

Part 1 Comprehensive Check (15*2)每课的练习A Part 2 Multiple Choice (25*1)每课的练习E复习题的变体;另外请中看第五章 Part 3 E-C Translation(10*1)每课的练习C Part 4 Term-matching(10*1) Part 5 Multiple function(5*5)其中三道是简答题,两道是案例分析。 Terms/questions: 1. Economic globalization: the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment, capital flows, migration, and the spread of technology. 2. Barber system –Farming communities traded their surplus produce in exchange for products and services without the medium of money. –Human society has always traded goods across great distances. 3. Global village:real time events 、the time and space compression –All the different parts of the world form one community linked together by electronic communications, especially the Internet. 4. Melting-pot大熔炉: a socio-cultural assimilation of people of different backgrounds and nationalities. 5. Diversity: refers to the mix of people from various backgrounds in the labor force with a full mix of cultures and sub-cultures to which members belong. 6. Intercultural communication: refer to communication between people whose cultural backgrounds are distinct enough to alter their communication event. Perception 7. Culture: can been seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture. Culture: a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, which affect the behavior of a relatively large group of people 8. Enculturation(文化习得): all the activities of learning one’s culture are called enculturation 9. Acculturation(文化适应): the process which adopts the changes brought about by another culture and develops an increased similarity between the two cultures. 10. Ethnocentric(文化中心主义):the belief that your own cultural background is superior. 11. Communication: mean to share with or to make common, as in giving to another a part or share of your thoughts, hopes, and knowledge. 12. Components of Communication: Source交际邀请 The source is the person with an idea he or she desires to communicate. Encoding编码 Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), humans are not able to share thoughts directly. Your communication is in the form of a symbol representing the idea you desire to communicate. Encoding is the process of putting an idea into a symbol. Message编码信息 The term message identifies the encoded thought. Encoding is the process, the verb; the message is the resulting object. Channel交际渠道 The term channel is used technically to refer to the means by which the encoded message is transmitted. The channel or medium, then, may be print, electronic, or the light and sound waves of the face-to-face communication.


Unit 2 Friendship Text A All the Cabbie Had Was a Letter 摘要: 老朋友天各一方,你心有何感?你是否努力保持联系?有时候写信的事很容易会一拖再拖,总以为明天有的是时间。然而,正如这则故事所表明的,有时我们拖得太晚了。也许读一读这个故事会让你提起笔来。 出租车司机拥有的就剩一封信 福斯特?韩克洛 他准是完全沉浸在所读的东西里了,因为我不得不 敲挡风玻璃来引起他的注意。 他总算抬头看我了。“你出车吗?”我问道。他点点 头,当我坐进后座时,他抱歉地说:“对不起,我在读 一封信。”听上去他像是得了感冒什么的。 “我不着急,”我对他说。“你接着把信读完吧。” 他摇了摇头。“我已经读了好几遍了。我想我都能 背出来了。” “家书抵万金啊,”我说。“至少对我来说是这样,因为我老是在外旅行。”我估量他有六七十岁了,便猜测说:“是孩子还是孙子写宋的?” “不是家里人,”他回答说。“不过,”他接着说,“想起来,也可以算是一家人了。 埃德老伙计是我最老的朋友了。实际上,过去我俩总是以‘老朋友’相称的——就是说,当我俩相见时。我这人就是不大会写东西。” “我看大家写信都不那么勤快,”我说。“我自己笔头就很懒。我看,你认识他挺久了吧?” “差不多认识了一辈子了。我俩小时候就一起玩,所以我俩的友谊确实很长了。” “一起上的学?”. “都一起上到高中呢。事实上,我俩从小学到高中都在一个班里。” “保持这么长久友谊的人可真不多见啊,”我说。 “其实呢,”司机接着说,“近25到30年来,我跟他一年只见一两次面,因为我从原来住的老街坊搬了出来,联系自然就少了,虽说你一直放在心上。他在的时候可真是个大好人。” “你刚才说他‘在的时候’。你是说——?” 他点了点头。“前两个星期过世啦。” “真遗憾,”我说。“失去朋友真不是个滋味,失去个真正的老朋友更让人受不了。” 他开着车,没有接话儿。我们沉默了几分钟,可我知道他还在想着老埃德。他又开口时,与其说是跟我说话,还不如说是自言自语:“我真该一直保持联系。真的,”他重复道,“我真该—直保持联系。” “是明,”我表示赞同,“我们都该与老朋友保持更多的联系。不过总是有事情冒出来,好像就是抽不出空来。”


Unit 1 Communication Across Cultures Reading I Intercultural Communication:An Introduction Comprehension questions 1. Is it still often the case that “everyone?s quick to blame the alien” in the contemporary world? This is still powerful in today…s soc ial and political rhetoric. For instance, it is not uncommon in today…s society to hear people say that most, if not all, of the social and economic problems are caused by minorities and immigrants. 2. What?s the difference between today?s intercultural contact and that of any time in the past? Today…s intercultural encounters are far more numerous and of greater importance than in any time in history. 3. What have made intercultural contact a very common phenomenon in our life today? New technology, in the form of transportation and communication systems, has accelerated intercultural contact; innovative communication systems have encouraged and facilitated cultural interaction; globalization of the economy has brought people together; changes in immigration patterns have also contributed to intercultural encounter. 4. How do you understand the sentence “culture is everything and everywhere”? Culture supplies us with the answers to questions about what the world looks like and how we live and communicate within that world. Culture teaches us how to behave in our life from the instant of birth. It is omnipresent. 5. What are the major elements that directly influence our perception and communication? The three major socio-cultural elements that directly influence perception and communication are cultural values, worldview (religion), and social organizations (family and state). 6. What does one?s family teach him or her while he or she grows up in it? The family teaches the child what the world looks like and his or her place in that world. 7. Why is it impossible to separate our use of language from our culture? Because language is not only a form of preserving culture but also a means of sharing culture. Language is an organized, generally agreed-upon, learned symbol system that is used to represent the experiences within a cultural community. 8. What are the nonverbal behaviors that people can attach meaning to? People can attach meaning to nonverbal behaviors such as gestures, postures, facial expressions,eye contact and gaze, touch, etc. 9. How can a free, culturally diverse society exist? A free, culturally diverse society can exist only if diversity is permitted to flourish without prejudice and discrimination, both of which harm all members of the society. Reading II The Challenge of Globalization Comprehension questions 1. Why does the author say that our understanding of the world has changed? Many things, such as political changes and technological advances, have changed the world very rapidly. In the past most human beings were born, lived, and died within a limited geographical area, never encountering people of other cultural backgrounds. Such an existence, however, no longer prevails in the world. Thus, all people are faced with the challenge of understanding this


第一章跨文化交际 一、什么是跨文化交际——具有不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程 跨文化交际之所以在今天日益引起人们的注意,主要原因是由于交通工具的进步与通讯手段的发展,使得不同国家、不同种族、不同民族的人能够频繁地接触和交往。 L.S.Harms认为,在世界范围内的交际经历了五个阶段:语言的产生;文字的使用;印刷技术的发明;近百年交通工具的进步和通讯手段的迅速发展;跨文化交际。近二十年来的交际是以跨文化为特征的。 二、对跨文化交际的不同理解 有的人认为每个人在文化上都是独特的,所以任何两个人之间的交际都是跨文化交际。 有的人认为,不同国籍人们之间的文化差异与不同职业的人们之间的文化差异并没有什么本质上的区别,只是程度上的差异。 有的人认为,跨文化交际研究应该把重点放在亚文化系统的语篇系统方面。 有的人认为,作大范围的国与国之间的对比对于改进跨文化交际益处不大,应该把眼光放在更具体的文化差异上。跨文化交际研究的范围应该也包括地区、职业、年龄、性别等方面的文化差异的探讨。 文化通常不是指个人的行为,而是指一个群体的生活方式和习惯。作者认为作跨国、跨种族、跨民族研究不仅应该是跨文化交际研究包括的内容,而且应该是放在首位的。至于地区、阶级、阶层、职业、性别、年龄等不同层次的差异也应该给予关注。至于个人之间的差异的研究只是在我们把他们当做群体的代表时才有意义。在研究一个国家的文化特点时,我们的眼光首先应集中在它的主流文化上,其次才注意它的亚文化和地区文化的特点。 主流文化亚文化地区文化小群体文化 (不同年龄、职业、性别群体的文化)第二章跨文化交际学 一、跨文化交际学在美国Intercultural Communication 与人类学、心理学、传播学关系密切 1.首先在美国兴起。美国有来自各个国家的移民,有各自的文化系统和风俗习惯,逐渐在美国社会形成了多元文化的格局;美国与各国交往频繁。 2.Edwar Hall 《无声的语言》跨文化交际学的奠基之作。认为不同文化背景的人们在使用时间、空间表达意义方面表现出明显的差异。(对时间、空间、交际的关系作了深入探讨) 3.1970年是具有重要意义的一年,在这一年,国际传播学会承认跨文化交际学是传播学的一个分支,成立了跨文化交际学分会。1972年,第一届跨文化交际学国际会议,日本东京。 4.70年代,影响最大的书籍。《跨文化交际学选读》 5.跨文化交际学内容:

unit 2 课文翻译(1)

Smart cars that can see, hear, feel, smell, and talk? And drive on their own? This may sound like a dream, but the computer revolution is set to turn it into a reality. 能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话的智能汽车?还能自动驾驶?这听起来或许像是在做梦,但计算机革命正致力于把这一切变为现实。 Smart Cars智能汽车 Michio Kaku米其奥?卡库 1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution. 即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。 2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and powerful industries of the twentieth century. There are presently 500 million cars on earth, or one car for every ten people. Sales of the automobile industry stand at about a trillion dollars, making it the world's biggest manufacturing industry. 汽车工业是20世纪最赚钱、最有影响力的产业之一。目前世界上有5亿辆车,或者说每10人就有1辆车。汽车工业的销售额达一万亿美元左右,从而成为世界上最大的制造业。 3 The car, and the roads it travels on, will be revolutionized in the twenty-first century. The key to tomorrow's "smart cars" will be sensors. "We'll see vehicles and roads that see and hear and feel and smell and talk and act," predicts Bill Spreitzer, technical director of General Motors Corporation's ITS program, which is designing the smart car and road of the future. 汽车及其行驶的道路,将在21世纪发生重大变革。未来“智能汽车”的关键在于传感器。“我们会见到能看、能听、有知觉、具嗅觉、会说话并能采取行动的车辆与道路,”正在设计未来智能汽车和智能道路的通用汽车公司ITS项目的技术主任比尔?斯普雷扎预言道。 4 Approximately 40,000 people are killed each year in the United States in traffic accidents. The number of people that are killed or badly injured in car accidents is so vast that we don't even bother to mention them in the newspapers anymore. Fully half of these fatalities come from drunk drivers, and many others from carelessness. A smart car could eliminate most of these car accidents. It can sense if a driver is drunk via electronic sensors that can pick up alcohol vapor in the air, and refuse to start up the engine. The car could also alert the police and provide its precise location if it is stolen. 美国每年有大约4万人死于交通事故。在汽车事故中死亡或严重受伤的人数太多,我们已经不屑在报纸上提及。这些死亡的人中至少有半数是酒后开车者造成的,另有许多死亡事故是驾驶员不小心所导致。智能汽车能消除绝大多数这类汽车事故。它能通过会感测空气中的酒精雾气的电子传感器检测开车者是否喝醉酒,并拒绝启动引擎。这种车还能在遇窃后通报警方,告知车辆的确切地点。 5 Smart cars have already been built which can monitor one's driving and the driving conditions nearby. Small radars hidden in the bumpers can scan for nearby cars. Should you make a serious driving mistake (e.g., change lanes when there is a car in your "blind spot") the computer would sound an immediate warning.

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