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Lesson 8 Classification of JIT Techniques

This is an endeavor to understand JIT from the inside by analyzing its techniques, classifying them and examining their possible relations. More than 6 years of research devoted to the ill system has led to tentatively distinguish among its elements two main categories: JIT’s industrial engineering techniques and Japanese management-related features of JIT. The interconnections among the elements are shown in Figure 8.1.

Figure 8.1 Interconnection among the groups

It is a question of JIT techniques that can be seen as belonging or related to the field of industrial engineering. They can be divided into two groups. There are pure industrial engineering methods and there are industrial engineering elements that are closely associated with the worker’s actions. JIT’s pure engineering elements

In this category, one has to find techniques that are universally valid like laws of physics or mathematics. They have no close relationship with the social, cultural, economic or managerial environment in which they appear or are discovered for the first time. Those elements can therefore be applied anywhere and yield the same results. The following are elements of the TIT production system identified as belonging to that group:

?Quick set-up (QSU);

?Automation (ASD) (poka yoke or automatic stopping device, full-work system) ;

?Breaking of physical barriers (BPB) between processes, sections or departments : Shop floor reduction (SFR) ;

?Flow-of-products-oriented layout of processes and machines (FPL) ;

?U-formed processing line (UPL) ;

?Mass production of mixed models (MMP) -on the same line;

?Total preventive maintenance (TPM) ;

?Kanban (KBN).

Those engineering elements constitute the “technical side”of JIT or “technical JIT”. Applying them anywhere would unavoidably contribute to the reduction of cost, production lead time, defective parts (work), overproduction of work-in-process inventories and workforce.

Worker’s operations/activities as JIT elements

The worker’s operations can and do constitute some JIT elements. In other words, you have JIT techniques that are part of the worker’s activities and that interact with the human being. Their application and realization or success depend also on the human factor. If they are accepted by the work force, then they can work, otherwise they cannot. In that group may be included the following JIT techniques or methods:

?Multi-machine manning working system (MMM) ;

?Standard operations (SO) ;

?Quality control circles (QCC) ;

?Suggestions system (SS) ;

?Continuous improvement (CI) .

Japanese management-related elements of JIT

Japanese management-related elements of JIT are JIT methods that are either imported directly from or highly conditioned by Japanese management. Included in that category are the following


?Breaking of administrative barriers (BAB) between processes from the point of view of the paper work and work function definition;

?Autonomation (ADW) (decision by worker to stop the line) ;

?Job rotation (JR) ;

?On-the-job training (OJT).

BAB means eliminating the paper work that has to be completed before the move of products from one station or process to another or from one section to another takes place. ADW refers to an “autonomous”worker capable of stopping, based on his own judgment, the production line in case of trouble occurrence.

It is worth pointing out that autonomation and the breaking of barriers each have two assets: a technical and a managerial aspect. Therefore, they have been mentioned as JIT elements pertaining to industrial engineering as well as to Japanese management.

Is the classification justifiable?

One may wonder why the human-related elements have not been dealt with as a sub-group in the group of management features of JIT. The multi-machine handling seems to be too technical to be classified in the category of management-related features of JIT. It has been thought of as a set of technical actions, motions and operations requiring technical skills that do not have much in common with the pure management features. There is a strong influence from the Japanese management system on the multi-machine working system. This occurs because of similarities of situations one finds in both the Japanese management and JIT systems. But MMM remains a technique of industrial engineering.

The same question may be also raised about QCC, SS and CI. Are they not Japanese management-related elements of JIT? QCC, SS and CI are now so wide-spread in almost all kinds of Japanese companies, regardless of their respective industry, that they may be thought of as management features that JIT has adopted. That would be an error of perception. One should remember that QCC, for example, did not proceed or develop from the well-known small groups that are recognized as being specific to Japanese management. They have their origins in the quality control ideas introduced in Japan by Dr. Deming, and in the famous zero defects of NASA. The notions of zero defects and quality control evoke the shop floor environment and at the same time suggest the idea of CI. Suggestions for CI are closely related to QCC, and can even be seen as an emanation of QCC. The main difference between the two elements is that SS may involve either an individual or a group while QCC is always a matter of a group or a team.

This article attempts to put into the category of management-related techniques of JIT only the “raw”features of Japanese management. Raw referring to the management characteristics that are found unchanged in JIT (e. g. JR). Those elements are found not only in the factory management but in any kind of Japanese company regardless of the type of industry.

There are reasons the other side of autonomation among management features of JIT are included. At first, it is sure that autonomation, as a whole, may sound too technical. This is true when it

refers only to machines and processes. But when applied to the person of the worker, it loses its technical resonance. An autonomous worker refers only to an officially recognized responsible and trusted worker. Such a worker is not the only one confined in the production shop floor and who deals primarily with machines. The Japanese office worker is also very autonomous because he is given the powers to perform many duties that in other countries are in the sphere of the management authorities. Take, for example, the simple case of student’s academic record transcripts. Both in Zaire and in Japan, they bear the stamp and I or signature of the dean. The main difference is that in Zaire the dean signs it himself while in Japan the dean’s name is stamped by a clerk.


JIT’s pure industrial elements seem to make up the core of that production system. However workers’operations and management features that have become JIT elements also play an important role. JIT is a complex reality whose effectiveness depends upon a wide range of parameters.

Should one want to have the full JIT successfully carried out, he has a much harder task, since there are more steps to go through methodically and maybe simultaneously or sequentially. A partial implementation of JIT, say the “technical”JIT, is less demanding and it has more chance of being fruitful because there are fewer steps to undertake. It would, however, have only limited results.

In either case, it should be emphasized that skipping a conditioning step may have destructive effects. Switching to the mass production of mixed models would never work and would be costly if there is no quick setup and no defect-free production.

From the practical point of view, the figures can fulfill the role of either instruments for evaluating JIT or instructions for JIT implementation. Why did you succeed or fall, partially or completely, in implementing JIT at your company? The Figures can provide some answers to this question. By showing causal links between JIT elements, the Figures suggest some necessary steps to follow while switching to the JIT production and can prevent or minimize the risk of inadvertently skipping important steps.

课8 JIT技术分类























日本管理相关的元素的JIT JIT方法直接从进口或高度受制于日本管理。包括在这一类以下技术:








同样的问题可能还筹集了手法,SS和CI。他们不是日本的JIT管理相关的元素吗?手法、SS 和CI目前广泛在几乎所有种类的日本公司,不管他们各自的行业,他们可能被认为是管理功能,JIT采用了。这将是一个错误的观念。应该记住,手法,例如,没有进行或开发的著名的小群体,被公认为特定于日本管理。他们起源的质量控制思想引入日本戴明博士和著名的美国国家航空航天局零缺陷。零缺陷的概念和质量控制唤起车间环境,同时建议CI的想法。建议CI手法密切相关,甚至可以被视为一个射气的手法。两个元素之间的主要区别是,党卫军可能涉及单个或一组虽然手法总是一组或一个团队。

本文试图把属于JIT管理相关的技术只有日本管理的“原始”的特性。生指的是管理特征,发现不变在JIT(e . g . JR)。这些元素被发现不仅在工厂管理,但在任何类型的日本公司无论哪一类型的行业。

有理由的另一面autonomation JIT包含的管理功能。起初,它是确保autonomation,作为一个整体,听起来太技术了。这是真的的时候只指机器和过程。但当应用于工作的人,失去了它的技术共振。一个自治工人仅指一个正式承认和信任的工人负责。这样一个工人不是唯一一个在生产车间,主要处理机器。日本上班族也非常独立,因为他有权力执行许多任务,在其他国家是球体的管理当局。例如,学生的学习成绩记录的简单例子。在扎伊尔和日本,他们承担的邮票,我或院长签名。主要的区别是,在扎伊尔院长迹象,他自己在日本院长的名字是由工作人








Professional Words and Expressions 1. a code of ethics 道德规范 2.absolute accuracy 绝对精度 3.abstract n. 摘要 4.accountant n. 会计(员),会计师 5.action learning 行动学习 6.adherence n. 忠诚 7.afterwards adv. 之后,以后,后来 8.AGV(Automated Guided Vehicles) 自动导航小车 9.aligning results 校正结果 10.alternation ranking method 交替排序法 11.AM(Agile Manufacturing)敏捷制造 12.analyst n. 分析者;善于分析者;分解者 13.anatomical adj. 解剖的,解剖学 14.annual bonus 年终分红 15.anthropometric adj. 人体测量的 16.anthropometry n. 人体测量学 17.appeal n. 申诉,请求,呼吁,上诉,要求 18.application forms 工作申请表 19.appraisal interview 评价面试 20.appreciation n. 正确评价 21.aptitudes n. 资质

22.arbitration n. 仲裁 23.architecture n. 结构,构造 24.arena n. 舞台,竞技场 25.assembly line 装配线 26.assessment n. (为征税对财产所作的)估价,评估 27.assurance 确信,断言,保证 28.attract vt. 动手处理(某事);攻击,抨击 29.attainment n. 到达 30.attendance incentive plan 参与式激励计划 31.audit n. 审计,稽核,查账 32.auditor n. 审计员,核数师 33.authority n. 职权 34.awkward adj. 难使用的,笨拙的 35.backdates vt. 回溯 36.batch production 批量生产 37.be prone to 倾向于…… 38.behavior modeling 行为模拟 39.behaviorally anchored rating scale(bars)行为锚定等级评价法 40.below contributor 贡献较小的人员 41.benchmark job 基准职位 42.benchmarking n. 【计】基准 43.benefits n. 福利


对工业工程师的要求和应具备的知识和技能 1、美国工业工程就业情况(2006年) Salaries and workforce statistics The total number of engineers employed in the U.S. in 2006 was roughly 1.5 million. Of these, 201,000 were industrial engineers (13.3%), the third most popular engineering specialty. The average starting salaries being $55,067 with a bachelor's degree, $64,759 with a master's degree, and $77,364 with a doctorate degree. This places industrial engineering at 7th of 15 among engineering bachelors degrees, 3rd of 10 among masters degrees, and 2nd of 7 among doctorate degrees in average annual salary.[3] The median annual income of industrial engineers in the U.S. workforce is $68,620. Typically, within a few years after graduation, industrial engineers move to management positions because their work is closely related to management. 2、招聘启事 28506, Industrial Engineer - FL - C


公司英语 -----教育训练部一:常用术语 Hon Hai 鸿海 CMM Component module move 机动组件整合 CEM Contract Manufaction service 合约委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 国际互联网应用中心PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 个人计算机外设事业群(FOXTEQ) CCBG Connector&cable business group CPBG Competition business group ESBG Enterprise system business group 鸿富锦事业群 SABG system assembly business group 系统组装事业群 NWE Net Work Enclosure NSE Network system enclosure NSG Network system group NFE Network flexible enclosure Foxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun 鸿准 Stamping tool shop I 冲模一厂 Stamping tool shop II 冲模二厂 Prototype workshop 样品中心 Steel factory 裁剪厂 PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模厂 Hua Nan test and measurement center 华南检测中心 MPE mobile phone enclosure MPE MBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂 MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 镁合金 Engineer standard 工标 Document center (database center)资料中心 Design Center 设计中心 Painting 烤漆(厂) Assembly组装(厂) Stamping 冲压(厂) Education and Training教育训练 proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善


Total Quality Management全面质量管理Continuous Improvement持续改进Human Factors人因学、工效学 Man-Machine Systems人机系统 Shop-Floor Activities车间活动Simulation Model仿真模型 Code of Ethics道德标准、职业准则Performance Measure绩效测量Benchmark标杆 performance evaluation绩效评价 zero defects零缺陷 interdisciplinary跨学科manufacturing制造 interaction互动、交互 integration集成 curriculum课程体系 discipline学科 attrition中途退学 multi-disciplinary多学科 flexible simulation柔性仿真 Labor Specialization劳动力专业化standardized parts标准化的零部件moving assembly line装配线 Mass Production Era批量生产Queuing Theory排队理论 Process Analysis流程分析 Statistical Sampling统计采样 Industrial Engineering(IE)工业工程Industrial Engineer工业工程师Simulation仿真 Operations Research 运筹学 Quality Improvement Engineering质量改善工程 Management Services管理服务Engineering Services工程服务Performance Improvement Engineering 绩效改善工程 Material Handling物料搬运Logistics物流(学科) material flow物流Financial Management金融/财务管理 Project Management项目管理 Business Planning and Development商业规划与开发 Information Technology(IT)信息技术Business Process Redesign/Reengineering (BPR)业务流程再设计/再造 Human Resource Management人力资源管理Quality Movement质量运动 Total Order Management(TOM)全面订单管理 Material Requirement Planning(MRP)物料需求计划 companies are flattening corporate structures 企业结构扁平化 accuracy精度functional departments职能部门 mechanical engineering department机械工程


工业工程专业面试常考专业知识 一、工业工程八大浪费: 1.过量生产的浪费 2.库存的浪费 3.等待的浪费 4.搬运的浪费 5.加工的浪费 6.动作的浪费 7.产品缺陷的浪费 8.管理的浪费。 二、什么是5W2H: What:工作的内容和达成的目标 Why:做某项工作的原因Who:参加某项工作的具体人员,以及负责人 When:在什么时间、什么时间段进行工作 Where:工作发生的地点 How:用什么方法进行 How much:需要多少成本。 三、IE七大手法: 1.作业分析 2.程序分析(运用ECRS技巧) 3.动作分析(动作经济原则) 4.时间分析 5.嫁动分析 6.布置搬动分析 7.生产线平衡。 四、价值工程的公式及公式中每个字母代表的意思:V=F/C V:价值 F:功能C:成本。 五、工业工程的定义: 美国工业工程学会(AIIE)对工业工程的定义:“工业工程是对人、物料、设备、能源、和信息等所组成的集成系统,进行设计、改善和实施的一门学科,它综合运用数学、物理、和社会科学的专门知识和技术,结合工程分析和设计的原理及方法,对该系统所取得的成果进行确认、预测和评价。” 六、工业工程(IE)的主要范围 现阶段的IE(工业工程)的主要工作范围大致是:工程分析、工作标准、动作研究、时间研究、时间标准、时间价值、价值分析(V.A)、工厂布置、搬运设计等。 七、工业工程专业词汇(英汉): OEE:Overall Equipment Effectiveness(全局设备效率) IE:Industrial Engineering(工业工程)人类工效学: Ergonomics 人因工程:Human Factors Engineering 物流:Logistics LP:Lean Production (精益生产)LB:Line Balancing(生产线平衡)CT:Cycle Time

公司英语词汇大全(doc 14页)

公司英语 -----教育训练部 一:常用术语 Hon Hai 鸿海 CMM Component module move 机动组件整合 CEM Contract Manufaction service 合约委托代工 IBSC Internet Business Solution Center 国际互联网应用中心 PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 个人计算机外设事业群(FOXTEQ)CCBG Connector&cable business group CPBG Competition business group ESBG Enterprise system business group 鸿富锦事业群 SABG system assembly business group 系统组装事业群 NWE Net Work Enclosure NSE Network system enclosure NSG Network system group NFE Network flexible enclosure Foxcavity = HZ = Hong Zhun 鸿准 Stamping tool shop I 冲模一厂 Stamping tool shop II 冲模二厂 Prototype workshop 样品中心 Steel factory 裁剪厂 PCE molding tooling workshop PCE塑模厂 Hua Nan test and measurement center 华南检测中心 MPE mobile phone enclosure MPE MBE mobile phone and notebook enclosure 明塑厂 MGE Alloy magnesium alloy enclosure 镁合金 Engineer standard 工标 Document center (database center)资料中心 Design Center 设计中心 Painting 烤漆(厂) Assembly组装(厂) Stamping 冲压(厂) Education and Training教育训练 proposal improvement/creative suggestion提案改善 Technological exchange and study 技术交流研习会 Technology and Development Committee 技术发展委员会 BS Brain Storming 脑力激荡 QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈


附录 附录1:英文文献 Line Balancing in the Real World Abstract:Line Balancing (LB) is a classic, well-researched Operations Research (OR) optimization problem of significant industrial importance. It is one of those problems where domain expertise does not help very much: whatever the number of years spent solving it, one is each time facing an intractable problem with an astronomic number of possible solutions and no real guidance on how to solve it in the best way, unless one postulates that the old way is the best way .Here we explain an apparent paradox: although many algorithms have been proposed in the past, and despite the problem’s practical importance, just one commercially available LB software currently appears to be available for application in industries such as automotive. We speculate that this may be due to a misalignment between the academic LB problem addressed by OR, and the actual problem faced by the industry. Keyword:Line Balancing, Assembly lines, Optimization


一、工业工程:用系统工程学及管理学的思想方法对组织系统的功能结构和界面进行分析、设计、优化以解决用低成本与高质量的实现矛盾问题。 二、IE八大应用范围:工程分析、价值分析、动作研究、工作标准、时间研究、时间标准、工厂布置、搬运设计 三、工业工程八大目标:可获利性(Profitability)、有效性(Effectiveness)、高效(Efficiency)、适应性(Adaptability)、响应性(Responsiveness)、高质量(High Quality)、持续改进(Continuous Improvement)、经济可承受行(Economic Affordability)。 四、工业工程八大意识:1、以人为中心意识2、问题改革意识3、全局意识4、简化意识5、成本效益意识6、快速响应意识7、持续改进意识8、创新意识。 七、标准工时=实测时间×评核系数×(1+宽放率) 八、生产线平衡率=各工序时间总和/(最长工序时间*人数) (其中:最长工作时间(pitch time)=生产线循环周期(cycle time)简称:CT) 十三、6S指:整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养、安全 十四、现场管理七大理论与方法:约束理论(TOC)、准时制生产(JIT)、协同商务(CC)、并行理论(CE)、柔性制造(FMS)、敏捷制造(AM)、精益生产(LP) 十六、动改法ECRS原则:必要性原则(Eliminate)、可行性原则(Combine)、重新排列原则(Rerange)、化简原则(Simple) 二十、JIT四个成功实施原则:消除浪费、员工参予决策、供应商参予、全面质量管理 工业工程专业面试常考专业知识 一.工业工程八大浪费:1、过量生产的浪费;2、库存的浪费;3、等待的浪费;4、搬送的浪费;5、加工的浪费;6、动作的浪费;7、产品缺陷的浪费;8、管理的浪费。 二、什么是5W2H:What:工作的内容和达成的目标Why:做某项工作的原因Who:参加某项工作的具体人员,以及负责人When:在什么时间、什么时间段进行工作Where:工作发生的地点How:用什么方法进行How much:需要多少成本 三、工业工程七大手法:1、作业分析;2程序分析(运用ECRS技巧);3动作分析(动作经济原则);4时间分析;5稼动分析;6布置搬动分析;7生产线平衡 五、工业工程的定义:美国工业工程学会(AIIE)对工业工程的定义是:工业工程是对人、物料、设备、能源、和信息等所组成的集成系统,进行设计、改善和实施的一门学科,它综合运用数学、物理、和社会科学的专门知识和技术,结合工程分析和设计的原理与方法,对该系统所取得的成果进行确认、预测和评价。 六、工业工程(IE)的主要范围:现阶段的IE(工业工程)的主要工作范围大致是:工程分析、工作标准、动作研究、时间研究、时间标准、时间价值、价值分析(V.A)、工厂布置、搬运设计等。 八、生产线的平衡计算公式:平衡率=(各工序时间总和/(人数*CT))*100=(∑ti/(人数*CT))*100 平衡损失率=1-平衡率


日常English 一、词组 QC:Quality control;(品质管理) QS:Quality system;(品质系统) IQC:Incoming quality control;(进料检验) PQC:Process quality control;(制程检验) FQC:Final quality control;(最终检验) OQC:Outgoing quality control;(出货检验) QA:Quality assurance;(品质保证) QE:Quality engineer;(品质工程师) PQE:Process quality engineer;(制程品质工程师) SQE:Supplier quality engineer;(供应商品质工程师) PIE:Product industrial engineer;(产品工业工程师)IE ERP:Enterprise resource planning;(企业资源规划) QCC:Quality control circle;(品管圈) SOP:Standard operating procedure;(标准作业规定) WI﹕Working Instructions.(作业指导书) SIP:Standard inspection procedure;(標准检验规范) QIP:Quality inspection procedure;(品质检验计划) ECN:Engineering change notice;(工程变更通知) ECR:Engineering change requirement;(工程变更申请) PDCA管理循环(又称戴明循环):Plan(计划)Do(执行)Check(检查)Action(行动) 5M1E:Materials(物料)Machines(机器)Method(方法)Man(人)Measure(量测)Environment(环境); 5W2H:Why(为什幺做)What(做什幺)When(何时)Who(何人) Where(何处)How to do(如何做)How much(成本如何) ISO:international organization for standardization;(国际标准化组织)


《工业工程专业英语》课程教学大纲 课程编号:0803701057 课程名称:工业工程专业英语 英文名称:Professional English for Industrial Engineering 课程类型:专业任选课 总学时:32 讲课学时:32 实验学时:0 学分:2 适用对象:工业工程专业 先修课程:大学英语 一、课程性质、目的和任务 专业英语是工业工程专业的一门专业课,通过对本课程的学习,进一步巩固和提高英语水平,特别是提高阅读科技英语及本专业英语资料的能力。其任务是培养学生阅读、写作科技英语等方面的能力,使其能以英语为工具顺利获取有关本专业所需要的信息。 二、教学基本要求 了解专业英语的语法特点、专业英语的词汇特点及专业英语的各种文体中常用的符号、公式及其他。掌握工业工程专业的英语文献阅读和理解,能快速阅读科技文章,迅速获取信息和中心思想。理解专业英语翻译的基本方法。 三、教学内容及要求 1.Introduction to Industrial Engineering 了解工业工程的角色,工业工程毕业生的需求,学习本书的目的,掌握工业工程的定义。了解工业工程涉及的学科,工业工程的发展。了解美国工业工程专业在学科中的地位与中国的不同。 2.Work Study 工作研究和作业测量是工业工程领域最传统的研究内容。通过本章的学习,对工作研究和作业测量有一个全面的认识和了解。 3.Manufacturing Systems 了解制造系统的含义,制造系统的各个组成部分,掌握几种典型的制造系统及成组技术、柔性制造系统、敏捷制造等先进制造系统各自应用范围及特点。了解CAD,CAM,CAPP 等辅助制造系统在各种制造系统中的应用。 4.Production Planning and Control 掌握生产计划的主要内容,体会生产计划在生产系统中的重要性,掌握生产预测、生产计划的制定、生产计划控制的各种原理及方法。 5.Logistics Engineering 掌握物流工程中的基本术语。了解物流工程的内容和特点。了解EOQ的概念。掌握仓库运作的术语。 6.Ergonomics 对人因学发展的历史进行简要介绍的基础上对基本的人因系统模型进行阐述,并对未来


PO,Purchase order,采购订单 TBE,To be executed,待执行or Technic bidding evaluation 技术标评价ANSI=American national standard insititute 美国标准化组织 AMSE=American society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工业工程协会 BWD=ButtWeld 对焊 SWF=Female socketwelding 内承插 TVB=Pipe or tube 管子 VENT=open to vent 放空口 SCF=Screwed Female 内螺纹 SCM=Screwed Male 外螺纹 SWM=Male Socketwelding 外承插焊 DP=Damper 风门 EJ=Expation Joint 膨胀节 FH=Flanged Hose 法兰连接软管 HC=Hose Coupling 软管活接头 RO=Restrict Orifice 限流孔板 RP=Rupture Plate 爆破板 RV=relief Valve 减压阀 SG=Sight Glass 视镜 SS=Safety shower & Eye Washer 安全淋浴洗眼器 ST=Steam Trap 疏水阀 STR=Strainer 过滤器 SV=Safety Valve 安全阀

TS=Temporary Strainer 临时过滤器 SL=Silencer 消音器 SP=Special Items 特殊管件 SY=Stack Yard 渣场 ESD=Emergency Shutdown System 紧急停车系统 DW=feeD Water 生活水 WFR=Fresh Water 新鲜水 FW=Fire protection Water 消防水 OD=Oiled Drain 含油废水 SD=Sewerage Drain 污水 CWSU=Cooling Water Supply 冷却循环给水 CWRT=Cooling Water Return 冷却循环回水 PA=Phoshoric Acid 磷酸 SO=seal oil 密封油 UR=urea 尿素 AA=Atmospheric Air FL=Flare gas 火炬气体 FLG=Flue Gas 烟道气 FG=Fuel GAS 燃料气 OFR=For Review 供审查 OFA=For Approval 供批准 ACF=Advancede Certified Final Drawing 最终确定版图纸


二Real IE Value工业工程的真正价值 1、On the other hand,today’s IE has at his or her disposal more technology and tools than the IE of 30 years ago could have ever imagined. 另一方面,现在的工业工程师可以使用许多30年前的同行想都不可能想到的技术和工具。 2、If a person loses sight of the total job and starts looking at the individual pieces,it comes out a little hairy. 如果一个人不能对整项工作做全面把握而只是将注意力放在个别的方面,则结果将不会令人满意。 3、Problems associated with renaming IE departments to describe their particular function may have more to do with appearance than with the actual job being performed. 将工业工程部重新命名以明确描述其具体职能,其间所出现的问题与其说与实际完成的工作有关倒不如说与问题的表象有关。 4、In fact,even though ABET accredits many IE and IET programs in the United States,there remains much variance and flexibility among each of the programs. 【ABET是工程与技术鉴定委员会(the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology)的简写。该委员会是美国用来检查和评价各工程类大学全部课程的官方机构,ABET鉴定目的是向公众和工程类毕业生的雇主保证学校的课程满足了规定的最低标准。】 实际上,尽管工程与技术鉴定委员会鉴定了美国的许多工业工程和工业工程与技术项目,但这些项目之间仍然存在很大的区别和灵活性。 6、But if the individual IE will assume the role as a change implementor—not a change follower—broad opportunities are on the horizon. 然而,如果每个工业工程师都承担起变化的实施者而不是变化的追随者的角色,则广泛的机会就会出现。 7、If we’ve got a problem,it’s of our own doing and our own unwillingness to take the lead in a lot of these major improvement activities. 如果我们遇到了问题,这些问题也是由于我们自己的所作所为和不愿意在一些重大的改进活动中承担领导角色所造成的。 三、Operetions Research运筹学 Operations research,as defined by the Operations Research Society of America,“is concerned with scientifically deciding how to best desigh and operate man-machine systems,usually under conditions requiring the allocation of scarce resources.” 美国运筹学学会将运筹学定义为:在需要对紧缺资源进行分配的前提下决定如何最好地设计和运作人—机系统的决策科学。 四、Work-measured Labor Standards 基于作业测量的劳动标准 4.1 Perhaps the only thing wrong with these tools is their lack of a buzz word or catchy acronym. 也许这些工具的唯一缺点是它们没有一个能够反映其内涵的响亮的词组或引入的字母的缩写。 4.2 Human workers come in at least a billion models with varying physical,mental,and emotional specifications and work under varying environmental conditions. 由于身体、精神和感情等方面以及工作环境的不断变化,工人至少可以被分为十亿种不同的类型。 4.3 Standard times are standard times only because all parties involved agree they are standard times. 标注时间之所以是标准的仅仅是因为相关的所有部门都承认其是标准时间。


第二章 #1.什么是工业工程?是简明地表述IE的定义。 答:工业工程是对人、物料、设备、能源、和信息等所组成的集成系统,进行设计、改善和实施的一门学科,它综合运用数学、物理、和社会科学的专门知识和技术,结合工程分析和设计的原理与方法,对该系统所取得的成果进行确认、预测和评价。” IE是这样一种活动,它以科学的方法,有效地利用人、财、物、信息、时间等经营资源,优质、廉价并及时地提供市场所需要的商品和服务,同时探求各种方法给从事这些工作的人们带来满足和幸福。 @#2.如何理解工业工程的内涵? 答:1.IE的核心是降低成本、提高质量和生产率。提高质量是提高生产率的前提和基础,提高生产率是IE的出发点和最终目的。把降低成本、提高质量和生产率联系起来综合研究,追求生产系统的最佳整体效益,是反映IE内涵的重要特点。 2.IE是综合性的应用知识体系。IE是一个包括多种学科知识和技术的庞大体系,实际是把技术和管理有机地结合在一起的科学。 3.IE应用注重人的因素。生产系统的各组成要素中,人是最活跃和不确定性大的因素。 4.IE是系统优化技术。 3.试述经典IE与现代IE的关系。如何理解经典IE是现代IE的基础和主要部分? 答:经典IE重视与工程技术相结合(不知道) 4.如何理解工业工程与生产率工程的关系? 答:工业工程与生产率工程有着共同的目标——提高企业的生产率; 工业工程技术和方法是企业提高生产率的直接途径,即工业工程师生产率工程的基础; 工业工程技术的发展将推动生产率管理和控制方法的改善,而生产率改善方法的创新、发展将促进生产率的发展; 生产率工程的发展将丰富工业工程技术、方法,推动工业工程的发展。 5.IE学科的性质如何,怎样理解这一性质? 答:IE是一门工程学科;为使生产系统有效运行,IE技术人员要不断对其加以改善,因而必须对系统及其控制方法进行模拟、实验、分析研究。选择最好的改进方案。所以,IE是一门工程学科。 6.IE学科与相关学科的关系是什么? 答:1.IE与管理。IE与管理的目的一致,只是做法不同 2.IE与系统工程。系统工程是现代IE的技术基础和方法学。 7.IE的学科范畴包括哪些主要知识领域?企业应用的主要领域是哪些? 答:生物力学;成本管理;数据处理与系统设计;销售与市场;工程经济;设施规划(含工厂设计、维修保养、物料搬运等);材料加工;应用数学;组织规划与理论;实用心理学;人的因素;工资管理;人体测量;安全;职业卫生与医学。 IE的学科范畴:管理科学、系统工程、运筹学、工效学。应用领域:制造业建

(完整word版)工业工程专业英语 词汇

Material Requirement Planning(MRP)物料需求计划companies are flattening corporate structures企业结构扁平化 accuracy精度functional departments职能部门mechanical engineering department机械工程系decision-making process决策过程 decentralized分散、不集中的 insists on wearing同……相吻合 Operations Research(运筹学) Mathematical Programming数学规划 Forecasting预测 Expert System专家系统 Statistics统计学 Organizational Theory组织理论 Simplex Algorithm单纯形法 Transportation Problem运输问题 Network Problem网络问题 Linear Programming线性规划 Hypercube Queueing Model超立方排队模型Lagrangian Relaxation拉格朗日松弛法 Lagrange Multiplier拉格朗日乘数 Combinatorial Optimization Problem组合优化问题Polynomial Algorithm多项式算法Constraints约束 Bound界限 Network Queueing Model网络排队模型 Nonconvex非凸的 Simulation Modeling仿真建模 Stochastic Network Analysis随机网络分析 Markov Decision Process马尔科夫决策过程 Stochastic Service System随机服务系统 Objective Function目标函数、目标方程 Discrete Optimization离散优化 Nonlinear Optimization非线性优化 Multiobjective Optimization多目标优化 Unconstrained Optimization无约束优化 Integer Optimization整数优化 Flexible Manufacturing System(FMS)柔性制造系统Discrete Event Stochastic System(DESS)离散事件随机系统Artificial Intelligence(AI)人工智能 accident prevention安全生产 production planning生产计划 inventory control库存控制 personnel planning人力资源 quantitative methods定量方法 qualitative定性的


电子行业专业词汇术语 GRR Gauge Repeatability Reproducibility 量测的再现性与再生性 FPI First Piece Inspection 首件检查 Sampling without replacement 不放回抽样 SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Audit 供货商品质审核 1. QC : quality control 质量管理 2. IQC : incoming quality control 进料质量管理 3. OQC : output quality control 出货质量管理 4. PQC : process quality control 制程质量管理也称 IPQC : in process quality control . 5. AQL : acceptable quality level 允收标准 6. CQA: customer quality assurance 客户品质保证 7. MA : major defeat 主要缺点 8. MI : minor defeat 次要缺点 9. CR :critical defeat 关键缺点 10. SMT : surface mounting technology表面粘贴技术 11. SMD :surface mounting device 表面粘贴程序 SMC : surface mounting component 表面粘贴组件 12.ECN : engineering change notice 工程变更通知 13.DCN : design change notice 设计变更通知 14.PCB : printed circuit board 印刷电路板 15.PCBA : printed circuit board assembly装配印刷电路板 16. BOM : bill of material 材料清单 17. BIOS : basically input and output system基本输入输出系统 18. MIL-STD-105E : 美国陆军标准,也称单次抽样计划. 19. ISO : international standard organization 国际标准化组织 20. DRAM: 内存条21. Polarity : 电性22. Icicles : 锡尖23. Non-wetting : 空焊24. Short circuit : 短路25. Missing component : 缺件26. Wrong component :错件27 . Excess component :多件28. Insufficient solder : 锡少 29 . Excessive solder :锡多30. Solder residue: 锡渣 31. Solder ball : 锡球32. Tombstone : 墓碑 33 . Sideward:侧立34. Component damage :零件破损 35. Gold finger:金手指36. SOP : standard operation process 标准操作流程 37. SIP : standard inspection process 标准检验流程 38 .The good and not good segregation :良品和不良品区分 39. OBW : on board writer 熸录BIOS 40 . Simple random sampling : 简单随机抽样41. Histogram : 直方图 42 . Standard deviation : 标准差 43. CIP : Continuous improvement program 持续改善计划 44. SPC : Statistical process control 制程统制45 . Sub-contractors : 分包商46. SQE: Supplier quality engineering 47. Sampling sample :抽样计划48. Loader : 治具49. QTS: Quality tracking system 质量追查系统50. Debug : 调试51. Spare parts: 备用品 52. Inventory report for : 库存表53. Manpower/Tact estimation 工时预算


《基础工业工程》课后习题 第一章生产与生产率管理 1、企业的生产运作有哪几种类型?各有什么特点? (一)离散型制造企业:(1)车间任务型生产:①每项生产任务仅使用整个企业的一小部分能力和资源②生产设备一般按机群方式布置。(2)流水线型生产:①工作地专业化程度高,按产品或加工对象组织生产②生产按节拍进行,各个工序同期进行作业,重复相同的作业内容③各道工序的单件作用时间与相应工序的工作地(或设备)数比值相等④工艺过程是封闭的。 (二)流程型制造企业:流程型制造是指通过对于一些原材料的加工,使其形状或化学属性发生变化,最终形成新形状或新材料的生产方式。 (三)重入离散型制造企业:重入型制造是指产品或零件在制造过程中被某些机器(至少一台)重复加工两次以上。 (四)服务型企业:必须以为人们提供服务,以社会服务为中心组织生产,努力使顾客满意。 2、企业生产运作与管理存在的主要问题是什么? 浪费严重,无效劳动普遍存在,现场环境较差。 3、生产率从本质上讲反映的是什么? 资源的有效利用程度。 4、生产率测评的意义是什么? ①定期或快速评价各种投入资源或生产要素的转换效率及系统效能,确定与调整组织发展的战略目标,制定适宜的资源开发与利用规划和经营管理方针,保证企业或其他组织的可持续发展。②合理确定综合生产率目标水平和相应的评价指标体系及调控系统,制定有效提高现有生产率水平、不断实现目标要求的策略,以确保用尽可能少的投入获得较好或满意的产出。③为企业或组织的诊断分析建立现实可行的“检查点”,提供必要的信息,指出系统绩效的“瓶颈”和发展的障碍,确定需优先改进的领域和方向。④有助于比较某一特定产业部门或地区、国家层次中不同微观组织的生产率水平及发展状况,通过规范而详细的比较研究,提出有针对性的并容易被人们所接受的提高与发展方案和相应的措施,以提高竞争力,求得新的发展。⑤有助于决定微观组织内各部门和工作人员的相对绩效,实现系统内各部分、各行为主体间利益分配的合理化和工作的协同有序,从而保证集体努力的有效性。 5、生产率测评的种类与方法有哪些? (一)按生产系统投入资源或要素范围分类:劳动生产率,资本生产率,设备生产率,能源生产率,原材料生产率,成本生产率。(二)按生产系统的运作结果分类:狭义生产率,广义生产率。(三)按生产率测评层次和对象分类:国民经济生产率等。(四)按生产率测评的方式分类:静态生产率,动态生成率指数。 6、提高生产率的方法有哪些? 外部:①全社会管理者和职工对提高生产率的态度;②提高生产率的经济和环境方面的要素。内部:①工厂布置、机器和设备②成本会计和降低成本的技术③生产的组织、计划和控制④人事策略

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