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授课类型T Unit4(牛津6下)基础知识梳





批注:上面图片涉及到孩子们平时的室外活动,和学生讨论平时喜欢什么类型的室内外活动,并讨论活动的意义,导出主题stay healthy。





1. indoor adj.室内的,户内的

e. g. an indoor pool一个室内游泳池indoor paint室内画

an indoor party户内聚会indoor gardening户内园艺

2. outdoor adj.室外的,户外的

e. g. outdoor games户外运动an outdoor pool户外游泳池

an outdoor theatre露天剧场lead an outdoor life在野外生活

批注:这里可以引入常见的室内外活动的英文表达,可以为孩子写作文积累素材。丢沙包:earth bags; 踢毽子:Shuttlecock;跳绳:rope skipping;打篮球:play basketball;踢足球:play football;打排球:play volleyball;游泳:;画画:drawing;弹钢琴:play the piano;郊游:go for an outing;露营:go camping。

4. forget v. (过去式forgot,过去分词forgotten,现在分词forgetting)忘记

e. g. -I'm sorry I've forgotten your name.很抱歉,我忘了你的名字。

-I'm John. We met on the first day of school.我叫约翰,我们在开学第一天见过面。

【指点迷津】forget to do sth.与forget doing sth.


e. g. She forgot to post the letter.她忘记寄这封信了。

I'll never forget meeting my school headmaster for the first time.我永远忘不了和我校长初次见面的情景。批注:这里可以将remember和forget一起讲解。

9. health n.健康

e. g.-Which would you choose, health or wealth? 健康和财富,你选择哪一个?

-Health, if I have to choose one.如果非得选一个的话,我选健康。

【知识拓展】healthy adj. (比较级healthier,最高级healthiest)健康的.

e. g. -How can we keep healthy? 怎样才能保持健康?

-Eat healthy food and do exercise.吃健康食品,做运动。

批注:健康食品的英文表达为health food,不健康食品为unhealthy food.

11. headache n.头痛

e. g. -Are you all right? You look pale.你身体不舒服吗?你脸色苍白。

-I have a bad headache.我头疼得厉害。



(2)表示病痛的词大多数是可数名词,如a headache,a stomach ache等,但牙痛toothache是不可数名词。

12. cold n.感冒

a bad, heavy, slight cold严重、重、轻感冒

have a cold in the head/on the chest患伤风头疼/伤风咳嗽

e. g. -You look ill.你看上去好像病了。

-Yes, I've got a bad cold.是的,我得了重感冒。

【知识拓展】cold n.冷;寒冷

e. g. the heat of summer and the cold of winter夏暑冬寒

She doesn't seem to feel the cold.她似乎不觉得冷。

13. fever n.发热,发烧

e. g. -Tom has a fever.汤姆发烧了。

-Let's take him to hospital.咱们送他去医院吧。

Aspirin can reduce fever.阿司匹林可以退烧。

14. sore adj.疼痛的

e. g. -Jim, you sound strange today. 吉姆,你的声音今天听起来有点儿奇怪。

-I've caught a cold and have a sore throat. 我感冒了,嗓子疼。

My leg is still very sore.我的腿还是很疼。

She's still a bit sore after the accident.她出事后直到现在还觉得痛呢。

15. throat n.喉咙

【常用搭配】clear one's throat清清喉咙at the top of one's throat(尽量)放大嗓子

e. g. A fish bone has stuck in my throat.一根鱼刺卡在我嗓子里了。

16. once adv. 一次;一回

e. g. I go to see a film once a week.我每周看一场电影。


(1) at once马上,立刻;同时

e. g. Do it at once.马上做。Don't all speak at once! 大家别一块儿说话!

(2) once (and) for all最后一次

e. g. Once and for all, we can't agree! 最后再说一遍,我们不能同意!

(3) once or twice几次;一两次

批注:讲解次数的表达,一次:once;两次:twice;三次:three times ;四次:four times;五次:five times…明确once与once a week的区别,分别用how often 和how many times提问。

17. practise v.实践;练习

e. g. If you want to play a musical instrument well, you must practise every day.如果你想奏乐器奏得好,必须天天练习。


【知识拓展】practice n.实践,实行;练习

e. g. -The idea would never work in practice.那种设想永远也实现不了。

-Playing the piano well requires a lot of practice.要弹好钢琴就得多练习。

批注:practice doing sth练习做某事

18. housework n.家务劳动

e. g. I usually help my mother do the housework.我常常帮助我妈妈做家务劳动。

批注:housework与homework均不可数,work也不可数,常用表达:do some housework/homework/shopping

Ⅱ. Daily expressions. 日常表达

1. like/love/enjoy doing… 喜欢做…

e. g. Many children like/love/enjoy flying kites on a fine day.许多孩子喜欢在晴天放风筝。

批注:like /love to do与like\love doing是有区别的,前者表示偶尔一次两次喜欢,后者表示相对时间比较长的喜欢爱好。

2. have a headache 头痛


e. g. have a stomach ache胃痛have toothache牙痛


have a cold感冒have a fever发烧have a sore throat喉咙痛

批注:牙痛have toothache,没有冠词且名次使用单数形式。

3. practise swimming练习游泳

practise doing sth.表示“练习做……”“训练……”的意思。

e.g. She practises playing the violin every morning. 她每天早上都练习拉小提琴。

4. help do the housework帮忙做家务

help(to) do sth. 表示“帮忙做……”,有时可以改写为help with sth。

e. g. Sally often helps her mum do the housework.

=Sally often helps her mum with the housework.莎莉经常帮妈妈做家务。

批注:可拓展帮助某人做某事的说法:help sb. to do sth. ; help sb. do sth; help sb. with sth; give/lend sb. a hand; do/give sb. a favour





提升:ill 与sick的区别

ill 和sick都有"生病的;有病的"之意,但用法并不完全相同。

ill 表示"生病的;有病的"这一意思时,一般用作表语,不能作定语;而sick 既可以作表语又可以作定语,如"病人"可以说a sick man 或the sick, 但不能说an ill man 或the ill。又如:She is ill / sick in bed. 她卧病在床。She is looking after her sick father .她在照顾她生病的父亲。

sick 有"恶心的;厌倦的"之意。如:The smell makes me sick.这气味使我感到恶心。

ill 作定语修饰名词时是"坏的;邪恶的"之意。如:He is an ill man. 他是一个邪恶的人。

二、重要句型Important Sentences structures

1. Work and play, we love both.

both pron. 意为“两者(都)……”,在本句中指的是学习和工作这两件事。

e. g. Both of the twins like doing puzzles.这对双胞胎都喜欢猜谜。

2. How often do you exercise?

exercise n.&v.锻炼,运动

e. g. Take more exercise to stay healthy.多做运动,以保持健康。(作名词)

You're getting fat, so you should exercise more.你长胖了,所以要多运动。(作动词)


【记忆链接】gymnastic exercises体操,健身操;[军]操练morning exercise早操spelling exercises拼写练习

exercise book笔记本do one's exercises(=do one's homework)做功课

take exercise做体操,做健身活动oral exercise口头练习physical exercise体育运动;身


3. -What should I do?

-You should watch less television.

(1) should表示劝告、建议、命令等,意为“应该”。

e. g. You should wash your hands first.

=You ought to wash your hands first.你应该先洗手。

We should learn how to use computers.我们应该学怎样使用电脑。

批注:这里可以复习常见情态动词can may must need could will would 的用法。

(2) less为little的比较级,通常与不可数名词连用。

e. g. We have less snow this year than usual.今年的雪比往年少。

Less noise please.请不要大声吵闹。




Good/well better best

Many/much more most

little less least

Bad/badly/ill worse worst

far Farther/further Farthest/furthest

old Older/elder Oldest/eldest

4. It's because you don't have enough exercise, I'm afraid.

(1) because为连词,引导原因状语从句。

e. g. We didn't go to the park because it rained hard.因为雨下得很大,我们没去公园。

(2) enough在这为形容词,意为“足够的”,修饰不可数名词exercise。


(1) enough为副词时,修饰形容词、动词或其他副词,意为“足够地;十分”,只可以放在所修饰词之后。

e. g. The book is easy enough for you to read.这本书对你来说很容易看懂。

(2) enough还可作名词,意为“够;足够;充足”,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,作主语时可根据具



e. g. Enough is as good as a feast.(谚)知足常乐。


5. He enjoys running.


e. g. Do you enjoy living in the country? 你喜欢居住在乡下吗?

I enjoy playing tennis.我喜欢打网球。

Did you enjoy the movie? 你喜欢那部电影吗?

【知识拓展】enjoy oneself相当于have a good time意为“过得愉快”。

e. g. I hope you enjoy yourselves.我希望你们玩得开心。


Ⅰ. Choose the best answer.

( ) 1. It's _____________ to sing together at the birthday party.

A. a great fun

B. a great funny

C. great fun

D. great funny

( ) 2. I love outdoor ______________ i n spring and autumn.

A. activity

B. action

C. activityes

D. activities

( ) 3. Tina usually plays _____________ after school.

A. the piano

B. the piano

C. a piano

D. a piano

( ) 4. I always have a headache because I watch too ______________ t elevision.

A. much

B. many

C. a lot of

D. plenty of

( ) 5. Tim had a fever yesterday because he didn't wear______________.

A. enough cloth

B. enough clothes

C. cloth enough

D. clothes enough

( ) 6. Tommy enjoys______________now.

A. collect stamp

B. collecting stamp

C. collecting stamp

D. collecting stamps

( ) 7. Please look _____________ t he survey _____________ your group.

A. at. . . in

B. at. . .for

C. for. . . at

D. for. . .in

( ) 8. My classmates are _____________ football in the playground now.

A. play

B. playing

C. play the

D. playing the

( ) 9. My mother likes swimming. I like swimming, _____________.

A. too

B. also

C. either

D. yet

( ) 10. A: What's the matter with Jack?

B: He _____________ because he always has too many sweets.

A. has a headache

B. has a fever

C. has a cold

D. has toothache

【Keys】1. C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. B

9. A 10. D

Ⅱ. Rewrite the sentence as required.

1. We visit our parents twice a month. (对划线部分提问)

_____________ ____________you visit your parents?

2.I don't like chocolates because they are sweet. (对划线部分提问)

_____________ _____________ you like chocolates?

3.The meat tastes nice. (对划线部分提问)

_____________ ____________ the meat taste?

4.Let's go to the cinema. (保持句意不变)

_____________ ____________ going to the cinema?

5.The chicken cost me 45 yuan. (保持句意不变)

I_____________ 45 yuan ____________ the chicken.

【Keys】1. How often 2. Why 3. How does 4. What about/How about 5. paid for/spent on

score:____________ (15小题,共20分)




Step 1. 思考回忆所学知识点,并将所学知识点列在下面

key words: indoor, outdoor, forget ,health,practice


Important Sentences structures Step 2. 错题回顾


六年级下单词汇总表 Asia n. 亚洲U1 *Bangkok n. 曼谷U1 building n. 建筑物U1 capital n. 首都U1 exhibition n. 展览会U1 famous adj. 著名的U1 huge adj. 巨大的U1 information n. 信息U1 *Japan n. 日本U1 kilometre n. 千米,公里U1 million num. 百万U1 north-east adv. 东北U1 north-west adv. 西北U1 palace n. 宫殿U1 south-east adv. 东南U1 south-west adv. 西南U1 *sushi n. 寿司U1 *Thailand n. 泰国U1 *Tokyo n. 东京U1 tourist n. 游客,观光者U1 address n. 地址U2 airport n. 机场U2 before adv. 以前U2 *boarding card n. 登机牌U2 bring v. 带…到某处,带来U2 checklist n. 清单,核对表U2 departure n. 离开,出发U2 dollar n. 元(美国,加拿大等货币) U2 flight n. 航班U2 have to v. 不得不U2 however adv. 然而U2 *London n. 伦敦U2 *Los Angeles n. 洛杉矶U2 *name tag n. 姓名牌U2 note n. 注释,提醒U2 pack v. 装(箱) U2 passenger n. 乘客,旅客U2 1

several adj. 几个U2 *silk n. 丝绸U2 *suitcase n. 手提箱U2 *trolley n. 手推车U2 T-shirt n. T 恤衫U2 worry v. 担心U2 advice n. 劝告,忠告U3 ago adv. 以前U3 battle n. 战役U3 (be) born v. 出生U3 celebrate v. 庆祝U3 country n. 国家U3 danger n. 危险,风险U3 die v. 死,死亡U3 festival n. 节日U3 in danger 处于危险中U3 king n. 国王U3 later adv. 以后,后来U3 lose v. 输掉U3 *lunar adj. 农历的U3 moon cake n. 月饼U3 *pudding n. (餐后的)甜食,甜点,布U3 丁 race n. 比赛U3 remember v. 纪念,记得U3 send v. 发送,寄U3 something pron. 某物,某事U3 very much 很,非常U3 without prep. 没有U3 would rather 宁愿U3 cold n. 感冒U4 fever n. 发烧U4 forget v. 忘记U4 headache n. 头痛U4 health n. 身体(或精神)状况,健康U4 housework n. 家务劳动U4 indoor adj. 室内的U4 model n. 模型U4 once adv. 一次U4 outdoor adj. 室外的U4 piano n. 钢琴U4


上海牛津英语六年级上下册 精选知识点汇总集合梳理 频度副词 always/sometimes/usually/never 是频度副词,提问应该要用How often…? 在句中的位置是:放在行为动词的前面,放在be动词的后面。也可以说“行前系后”。 E.g She is always kind.她总是很善良的。 She always helps other people.她总是帮助其他人。 不能出现这样的句子:She is always helps other people.(×) 一句话中不能同时出现两个动词。并且要注意主谓保持一致,尤其注意第三人称单数不可以忽略。 how often 与how many times how often 提问“频率次数+时间范围” how many times 提问“频率次数” e.g. —How often do you exercise? —Twice a week. —How many times have you been there? —Twice. 副词 表示动作特征或性状特征。一般用来形容或修饰除了名词和代词以外的词,主要修饰形容词、动词、其他副词和句子。 He looks very happy.(修饰形容词) The old lady is walking slowly now.(修饰动词) Luckily, he got the first prize.(修饰句子) 形容词后面+ly构成副词: slow—slowly slight—slightly quick—quickly careful—carefully fierce—fiercely immediate—immediately gentle—gently lucky—luckily happy—happily 介词 What else do you do with your…?你和你的…还干什么? With是个介词,后面接人称代词时,要用宾格的形式。 With me/him/her/it/us /them 在具体的某一楼层只能用介词on,并且第几层还要用序数


上海版牛津英语六年级下册6B重点知识点复习整理 Module 1 City Life Unit 1 Great cities in Asia 【知识点梳理】 1.方位词:east / west / north / south / north-east / north-west / south-east / south-west 用法:a. 两地不相邻: e.g. A is north B. (= to the south of) b. 两地接壤: e.g. A is on the north of B. c. 所属关系,A包含B, B属于A: e.g. B is in the north of A. 2. by + 交通工具表示“乘……交通工具”, 用how进行提问 e.g. by bus / ferry / train / ship / underground… by plane = by air, by ship = by sea 3. How far…多远(询问距离的远近,路程的长短) e.g. Hoe far is it from your home to school? 从你家到学校有多远? 4. How long…多长,多久(询问时间的长短,提问一段时间) e.g. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train? 坐火车从上海到北京 要花多长时间? 5. It takes (sb.) some time to do sth. 做某事需要花费多少时间 e.g. It takes me five hours to make this modal plane. 做这个模型飞机花了我5个小时。 6. like / love / enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 e.g. The people in Bangkok like / love / enjoy eating spicy food. 曼谷人喜欢吃辛辣食物。 7. 词组句型 at an exhibition about great cities in Asia 在一个关于亚洲大城市的展览会上 Which city…? 哪个城市…?the capital of……的首都from…to…从…到…in the past 在过去 travel to other places 去别的地方more than = over 超过,多于 visit the Great wall 参观长城tall buildings 高楼大厦 huge department stores大型的百货商店famous hotels著名的宾馆 quiz cards测试卡 at these beautiful beaches 在这些美丽的沙滩上 Module 1 City Life Unit 2 At the Airport 【知识点梳理】 1.have/has been to 去过,到过(表示现在已经回来) have/has been in 住在= have lived / stayed in have/has gone to去,到….. (表示现在还没有回来) e.g. We have already been to Changfeng Park.


上海牛津英语六年级预 初英语知识点整理一 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

Module 1 Family and Friends Unit 1 Family and Relatives 一、词汇及短语 1.relative n.亲戚,亲属(是可数名词,复数形式直接-s) . Mary is my close relative. 玛丽是我的近亲。 2.family n.家;家庭;家人(意为“家人”“家庭成员”时,谓语动词用复数;意为“家 庭”时,表示一个整体,谓语动词用单数) . This is my family. 这是我的家。 They are my family. 他们是我的家人。 常见短语:family tree家谱 3.granddaughter n.(外)孙女 4.grandson n.孙子;外孙 5.only adv.仅仅 6.member n.成员;会员 7.shop n.商店 v.购物(shopped,shopping) 常见短语:bookshop(bookstore)书店 shopping bag购物袋 shopping centre购物中心go shopping=do some shopping去购物 8.else adv.别的,其他的 . –What else do you want? 你还要别的什么吗? -Nothing else, thank you. 不要别的了,谢谢。 注意else与other的区别,两者意思相近,但是else一般用来修饰不定代词、疑问代词、疑问副词,并后置。而other只能修饰名词,且放在名词前。 someone else别人 nothing else 没有其他的 who else还有谁 what else还要什么 other people其他人 other things其他东西 other places其他地方 9.badminton n.羽毛球 10.cycle n.自行车 v.骑自行车 常见短语:go to school by cycle=cycle to school骑自行车去学校 go cycling去骑自行车 go jogging慢跑 11.birthday card生日贺卡 12.watch TV/watch a film(movie)看电影/电视 13.a blank piece of paper一张白纸 14.a photo of一张…的照片 二、句子 1.Alice has got a lot of presents and birthday cards from her family and relatives. 爱丽丝从她的家人和亲戚那里收到了许多礼物和生日贺卡。 (“get…from…”从…得到…) 2.Make a birthday card for one of your family members or relatives.为你的家人或亲戚 中的一员做一张生日贺卡。 (“one of…”…其中之一) 3.I only have one aunt.我只有一个阿姨。 4.She is the only girl in her family.她是家里唯一的女孩。 5.Only three students failed in the PE examination.只有三个同学没通过体育测试。


六年级下册单词、课文中译英(上海版牛津英语) 六下 Module 1 U nit 1 巨大的;伟大的 great 亚洲 Asia 日本 Japan 东京 Tokyo 泰国 Thailand 曼谷 Bangkok 西北 north-west 东北 north-east 东南 south-east 西南 south-west 展览会 exhibition首都 capital (大)船;舰 ship 多远 how far 千米,公里 kilometre 旅行 travel 博物馆 museum 宫殿 palace 游客,观光者 tourist 多于;超过 more than 百万 million 欣赏;喜爱 enjoy Unit 2 机场 airport 票;入场券登机牌 ticket 手提箱 suitcase 丝绸 silk 围巾;头巾scarf 洛杉矶 Los Angeles 以前 before 停留;呆 stay 几个 several 然而 however 装(箱) pack 足够的,充足的航班 enough 空间 space 去、、、 leave for、、、应该 should 到达、、、 arrive at、、、 不得不 have to 担心 worry 离开,出发 departure 航班 flight 乘客;旅客 passenger 护照 passport 登机牌 boarding card 带来 bring 元(美国,加拿大等货币) dollar 地址 address

六年级下册单词、课文中译英(上海版牛津英语) Unit 3 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival 比赛 race 某物,某事 something 庆祝 celebrate 出生(be)born 一千 thousand 以前 ago 国家 country 很,非常 very much 劝告,忠告 advice 向、、、提出建议 give advice to、、、 国王 king 接受(某人的)劝告take one’s advice 死,死亡 die 以后,后来 later 输掉,失去 lose 战役 battle 处于危险中 in danger 河,江 river 农历的 lunar 纪念,记得 remember 有,带有 with 没有 without 月饼 moon cake 甜食,甜点,布丁 pudding 宁愿 would rather Unit 4 保持 stay 保持健康 stay healthy 室内的 indoor 室外的 outdoor 篮球 basketball 电影,胶片 film 网球 tennis 模型 model 去野餐 go on a picnic 邮票 stamp 烧烤野餐 barbecue 来一次烧烤野餐have a barbecue 头痛 headache 胃痛 stomach ache 牙痛 toothache 感冒 cold 发烧 fever 疼痛的 sore 咽喉 throat 锻炼,运动 exercise 真正的,的确 really 体育运动 sport 忘记 forget Module 2 Unit 1在、、、前面 in front of 有魔力的 magic 寻找 look for 开始 start 按钮 button 纸币,注释 note 按,压 press 微笑,笑 smile 背面,反面 back 、、、年后 in、、、years’time 重的 heavy 厘米 centimetre 有、、、重,称、、、的重量 weigh 千克,公斤 kilogram 宇航员 astronaut 同意 agree 擅长(be)good at 灭火 put out fires 可能的 possibly


上海牛津英语六年级上下册全知识点梳理 频度副词 always/sometimes/usually/never 是频度副词,提问应该要用How often 在句中的位置是:放在行为动词的前面,放在be动词的后面。也可以说“行前系后”。 She is always kind.她总是很善良的。 She always helps other people.她总是帮助其他人。 不能出现这样的句子:She is always helps other people.(×) 一句话中不能同时出现两个动词。并且要注意主谓保持一致,尤其注意第三人称单数不可以忽略。 how often 与 how many times how often 提问“频率次数+时间范围” how many times 提问“频率次数” . —How often do you exercise —Twice a week. —How many times have you been there —Twice. 副词 表示动作特征或性状特征。一般用来形容或修饰除了名词和代词以外的词,主要修饰形容词、动词、其他副词和句子。 He looks very happy.(修饰形容词) The old lady is walking slowly now.(修饰动词) Luckily, he got the first prize.(修饰句子) 形容词后面+ly构成副词: slow—slowly slight—slightly quick—quicklycareful—carefully fierce—fiercely immediate—immediatelygentle—gentlylucky—luckilyhappy—happily 介词 What else do you do with your你和你的还干什么 With是个介词,后面接人称代词时,要用宾格的形式。 With me/him/her/it/us /them在具体的某一楼层只能用介词on,并且第几层还要用序数词 On the ground floor, on the first floor, on the fifteenth floor 具体的某一天介词只能用on On Sunday, On Sunday morning,On the Open Day he one on the left/right 左边/右边的这个 the one in the middle 中间的这个


Modulel City life Unitl Great cities in Asian 词组: the capital of ..... 的首者P north-east 东北 in the past 在过去 the Great Wall 长城 eat dumpling 吃饺子 tall buildings 高楼大, a lot of 许多 语法点: 1. Beijing is north of Shanghai.北京在上海的北部。 (1) 两地不相邻:A is north of B. (2) 所属关系:A is in the north of B. (3) 两地接壤:A is on the north of B. 2. How far is it from Shanghai to Beijing?从北京到上海有多远? How far...多远。询问距离的远近,路程的长远。 3. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train?坐火车从上海到北京要多久? (1) How long...多久。询问时间长短。 (2) by+交通工具,表示“乘..■交通工具”,用How 提问。 4.It takes about ten hours.大约需要十小时 It takes (sb.) st. to do sth.做某事需要花费多长时间。 5. They enjoy eating dumplings.他们喜欢吃饺子。 enjoy/like/love doing sth.喜欢做某事 6. Two and a half days=Two days and a half 两天半 Half an hour=one and a half hours=one/an hour and a half 一个半小时 Unit2 At the air[port 词组: plane ticket 机票 silk scarf 丝巾 a lot of/plenty of 大量的,许多 departure time 出发时间 leave for 出发去某地 have to 不得不 be going to 将要 arrive at 到达 boarding card 登机牌 name tap 姓名牌 语法点: 1. Aunt Judy and Uncle Mike have lived in Los Angeles for six years.朱迪婶婶和迈克叔叔在洛杉肌已住了六年。 (1) 介词for 可用于表示一段时间,多与现在完成时连用,表示动作从过去延续到现在的一段时间。 用How long 提问。 (2) Live for=stay for 2. Mrs Wang and Grandma have not been to the USA before.王太太和奶奶之前没有去过美国。 (1) have/has been to 去过,到过(表示现在已经回来) have/has been in=have lived=stayed in 住在 (2) have/has gone to 去,到...(表示现在还没有回来) 3. They have already done a lot of things.她们准备了很多东西。 However, they have not packed their suitcase yet.但是她们还没打包行李箱。 already 已经。(多用于肯定句,放在动词前) m 工&


Module 1 Family and Friends Unit 1 Family and Relatives 一、词汇及短语 1.relative n.亲戚,亲属(是可数名词,复数形式直接-s) . Mary is my close relative. 玛丽是我的近亲。 2.family n.家;家庭;家人(意为“家人”“家庭成员”时,谓语动词用复数;意为“家庭” 时,表示一个整体,谓语动词用单数) . This is my family. 这是我的家。 They are my family. 他们是我的家人。 常见短语:family tree家谱 3.granddaughter n.(外)孙女 4.grandson n.孙子;外孙 5.only adv.仅仅 6.member n.成员;会员 7.shop n.商店 v.购物(shopped,shopping) 常见短语:bookshop(bookstore)书店 shopping bag购物袋 shopping centre购物中心go shopping=do some shopping去购物 8.else adv.别的,其他的 . –What else do you want? 你还要别的什么吗? -Nothing else, thank you. 不要别的了,谢谢。 注意else与other的区别,两者意思相近,但是else一般用来修饰不定代词、疑问代词、疑问副词,并后置。而other只能修饰名词,且放在名词前。 someone else别人 nothing else 没有其他的 who else还有谁 what else还要什么 other people其他人 other things其他东西 other places其他地方 9.badminton n.羽毛球 10.cycle n.自行车 v.骑自行车 常见短语:go to school by cycle=cycle to school骑自行车去学校 go cycling去骑自行车 go jogging慢跑 11.birthday card生日贺卡 12.watch TV/watch a film(movie)看电影/电视 13.a blank piece of paper一张白纸 14.a photo of一张…的照片 二、句子 1.Alice has got a lot of presents and birthday cards from her family and relatives. 爱丽丝从她的家人和亲戚那里收到了许多礼物和生日贺卡。 (“get…from…”从…得到…) 2.Make a birthday card for one of your family members or relatives.为你的家人或亲戚 中的一员做一张生日贺卡。 (“one of…”…其中之一) 3.I only have one aunt.我只有一个阿姨。 4.She is the only girl in her family.她是家里唯一的女孩。 5.Only three students failed in the PE examination.只有三个同学没通过体育测试。


1.Alice has got a lot of presents and birthday cards from her family and relatives. (1)...have?got...?I?think?I?have?got?one. 现在完成时结构have?got在口语中相当于一般现在时have的意义,表示“有”。 不过,在美国英语中常用have,而在英国英语中则常用have?got。 ?他有一个兄弟。?He?has?got?a?brother.(英式)=He?has?a?brother.(美式)?? ◆现在完成时结构只有一种疑问方式,即:Have/Has...got...? ◆而一般现在时结构有两种疑问方式,即:Do/Does...have...?或Have?/Has...?? ?你有一把雨伞吗??①Have?you?got?an?umbrella??②Do?you?have?an?umbrella??③Have?you?an?umbrella?? ??注?意?这两种结构疑问句的回答略有不同。 ①—H ave?you?got?a?dictionary??—Yes,I?have./No,I?haven't.? ②—Do?you?have?a?dictionary??—Yes,I?do./No,Idon't.?? 考点链接? ?1.Do?you?have?a?motorbike?(同义句)→??? ? you???? ?a?motorbike?? 2.I?don't?have?a?mobile?phone?like?that.→I? ????a?mobile?phone?like?that.? (2) a lot of = lots of +可数名词复数/不可数名词 I have a lot of friends.= I have lots of friends. There is a lot of water in the glass . = There is lots of water in the glass. (3) 介词from 2.How many uncles do you have? How many+可数名词复数+do/does+主语+have(how many在句首,名词复数跟着走) How many的用法:1)there be句型中主语的数量,如some,five,only one等提问时,如果 是可数名词,不管是单是复都当复,因为说话人不知道具体的数量,而many 只能接可数名词复数,所以be一定要用are How many+可数名词复数+are there+地点或时间状语 There is a book on the desk. How many books are there on the desk?


Module Changesanddifferences 一、核心词汇 1.名词 kilogram千克;公斤(缩略形式kg)centimetre厘米(缩略形式cm)fan(足球、电影等)迷;爱好者theatre剧院life生活writer作家wish愿望;祝愿mountain山;山脉space太空 2.动词 weigh有……重;重drive驾驶carry背;提;拿 3.其他 poor贫穷的;差的;次的even甚至 4.短语 streetcleaner环卫工人 二、拓展词汇 1.名词 photographer摄影师film胶卷broom扫帚wife妻子fairy仙子;小精灵PS附言(用于信末)dinosaur恐龙 2.动词 sweep扫地 3.形容词 fantastic极好的digital数码的 4.副词 online在线地;在线的 5.代词 themselves他们自己;她们自己;它们自己

6.其他 taller更高的 7.短语 gofishing去钓鱼enjoyoneself玩得愉快;得到乐趣get…in收割streetsweeper扫地车byhand用手rightaway立即;马上inashorttime很快headteacher校长apieceof一张;一片haveapicnic去野餐betterandbetter越来越好 三、核心句型 1.I’m150centimetrestall.我身高150厘米。 解读:这是介绍身高的句型。“主语+be动词+数字+长度单位(+tall).”可以用来介绍某人的身高。 举一反三:Mycousinis154centimetrestall.我的堂弟身高154厘米。 Jimis149centimetrestall.吉姆身高149厘米。 2.Therearealotoftallbuildingsinthecity.城市里有很多高大的建筑物。 解读:Therebe句型中的be动词的变化遵循就近原则,be动词用is还是用are 是由be动词后面最近的名词来决定。Therebe句型的一般疑问句把系动词be提前,肯定回答用“Yes,there+be动词.”否定回答用“No,there+be动词+not.”。 举一反三:Thereisatreenearmyhouse.我家的房子旁边有一棵树。 Therearesomebooksandapenonthedesk.桌子上有一些书和一支钢笔。 —Isthereabusstopnearhere?这附近有一个汽车站吗? —Yes,thereis.是的,有。/No,thereisn’t.不,没有。 Thereisn’tacomputerinmyroom.我的房间里没有电脑。 3.Iusuallyplayfootballafterschool.我通常放学后踢足球。 解读:play与球类名词相连,之间不加冠词;play与乐器名词相连,之间加定冠词the。 举一反三:Ilikeplayingvolleyball.我喜欢打排球。


牛津上海版六年级下册英语练习题 1. My twin sister is ten minutes_______(old) than me. 2. A: May I use your ruler? My ruler is too ________(short) B: Yes. My ruler is ________(long) than________(your). Here you are. 3. A:_________mouth is _______(big), Jim’s or Lucy’s? B:Jim’s mouth______ _____ _______ Lucy’s. 4. A:Whose ears are ________(long), the rabbit’s or the dog’s? B:The rabbit’s ears _____ _____ ______ ______ _______. 5. Ben is as _________(strong) as Mike. 6. How long (do) it take to travel from Nanjing to Beijing (buy) plane? 7. There (be) plenty of shops at the airport. 8. My favourite indoor activity is (watch) television. 9. We really enjoy (work) 10. I’ll be (tall) and (heavy) 11. I’m poor at (learn) English. I have to (practise)English more. 12. In summer, we must (wear)a white dress at school. 二、单选: 1. —Who’s girl in sweater? —She’s my classmate. A. a. . . the B. the. . . a C. the. . .the D. a. . . a 2. Excuse me, can we our bags here? A. put B. show C. give D. ask 3. I will be a teacher 15 years’ time. A. at B. on C. in D. with 4. I’m poor Maths and Chinese. A. in B. at C. in D. with 5. We like sweet rice dumplings beans. A. in B. at C. on D. with 6. We are and they are . A. America. China B. America, Chinese C. Americans, Chinese D. Americans, China 7. — is your pencil-box? —The blue one. A. What about B. How C. What colour D. Which 8. I don’t like____ cakes. I like bread. A. some, any B. any, some C. a, a D. an, an 9. There plenty of water in the glass. A. are B. be C. am D. is 10. My shorts_____ brown and my shoes black. A. is , is B. are, is C. are, are D. is, are C A C B D C D B D C 1 / 1


六年级上册英语单词 Module 1 Unit 1 亲戚;家属 relative 家谱 family tree 堂(表)兄(弟)cousin 孙女;外孙女 granddaughter 孙子;外孙 grandson 仅仅;只 only 成员 member 通常 usually 去购物 go shopping 别的;其他的else 有时 sometimes 羽毛球 badminton 打羽毛球 play badminton 总是 always 做游戏 play games 骑自行车 cycle 去骑自行车 go cycling Unit 2 与...讲话;与...谈话talk to 一点也(不);完全(不)(not) at all 几乎almost 从不 never 共同,一起 together 分享,分担 share 互相 each other 其他的 other 友好的 friendly 肯帮忙的 helpful ...迟到 (be) late for 生气 get angry 宽容的 kind 对...友好 (be) kind to 说谎 tell lies 淘气的 naughty 努力地 hard 美国 the USA 第一次 for the first time 尚;还;仍然 yet 刚刚 just 已经 already Unit 3 度过 spend 颐和园 the Summer Palace 故宫博物院 the Palace Museum 天安门广场 Tiananmen Square 长城 the Great Wall 天坛 the Temple of Heaven 周末 weekend 离...远 far away from 照片 photograph 活动 activity 购物 shop 计划 plan 地方 place 主意 idea 将要 shall 回来come back 花费 cost 旅行 trip 上午. 下午 . Module 2 Unit 1 秘书 secretary 银行 bank 职员 clerk 女警察policewoman 牙医 dentist 愿意;想要 would like(to) 因为 because 使得 make 安全的 safe 司机 driver 采访 interview 工作;职业 job 生病的 sick 更好的 better 开始;着手 start 工作 work 结束 finish 年龄 age Unit 2 开放日 Open Day 活动安排 programme 父亲(或母亲) parent 将要 will 到达 arrive


Module 1 Unit 1 一、词汇及短语 1.relative n.亲戚,亲属(是可数名词,复数形式直接—s) e.g. Mary is my close relative。玛丽是我的近亲. 2.family n.家;家庭;家人(意为“家人”“家庭成员”时,谓语动词用复数;意为“家 庭"时,表示一个整体,谓语动词用单数) e.g. This is my family。这是我的家。 They are my family. 他们是我的家人. 常见短语:family tree家谱 3.granddaughter n。(外)孙女 4.grandson n.孙子;外孙 5.only adv。仅仅 6.member n。成员;会员 7.shop n。商店 v.购物(shopped,shopping) 常见短语:bookshop(bookstore)书店 shopping bag购物袋 shopping centre购物中心 go shopping=do some shopping去购物 8.else adv。别的,其他的 e.g. –What else do you want?你还要别的什么吗? -Nothing else, thank you。不要别的了,谢谢. 注意else与other的区别,两者意思相近,但是else一般用来修饰不定代词、疑问代词、疑问副词,并后置。而other只能修饰名词,且放在名词前. someone else别人 nothing else 没有其他的 who else还有谁 what else还要什么 other people其他人 other things其他东西 other places其他地方


牛津英语上海版六年级下册知识点整理 Module1 City life Unit1 Great cities in Asian 词组: the capital of... ...的首都 north-east东北 from...to...从...到... in the past在过去 the Great Wall长城 more than=over超过 eat dumpling吃饺子 tall buildings高楼大厦 huge department stores大型的百货商店 a lot of许多 语法点: 1.Beijing is north of Shanghai.北京在上海的北部。 (1)两地不相邻:A is north of B. (2)所属关系:A is in the north of B. (3)两地接壤:A is on the north of B. 2.How far is it from Shanghai to Beijing?从北京到上海有多远? How far... 多远。询问距离的远近,路程的长远。 3.How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train?坐火车从上海到北京要多久? (1)How long...多久。询问时间长短。 How long…多长。用于询物的问长度。

(2)by+交通工具,表示“乘...交通工具”,用How提问。 4.It takes about ten hours.大约需要十小时 It takes (sb.) st. to do sth. 做某事需要花费多长时间。 5.They enjoy eating dumplings.他们喜欢吃饺子 enjoy/like/love doing sth. 喜欢做某事 6.Two and a half days=Two days and a half两天半 Half an hour=one and a half hours=one/an hour and a half一个半小时Unit2 At the airport 词组: plane ticket机票 silk scarf丝巾 a lot of/plenty of大量的,许多departure time出发时间 leave for出发去某地 have to不得不 be going to将要 arrive at到达 boarding card登机牌 name tap姓名 语法点: 1.Aunt Judy and Uncle Mike have lived in Los Angeles for six years.朱迪婶婶和迈克叔叔在洛杉矶已住了六年。 (1)介词for可用于表示一段时间,多与现在完成时连用,表示动作从过去延续到现在的一段时间。用How long提问。


from...to...从...到... more than=over 超过 huge department stores 大型的百货商店 Modulel City life Unitl Great cities in Asian 词组: the capital of ..... 的首者P north-east 东北 in the past 在过去 the Great Wall 长城 eat dumpling 吃饺子 tall buildings 高楼大, a lot of 许多 语法点: 1. Beijing is north of Shanghai.北京在上海的北部。 (1) 两地不相邻:A is north of B. (2) 所属关系:A is in the north of B. (3) 两地接壤:A is on the north of B. 2. How far is it from Shanghai to Beijing?从北京到上海有多远? How far...多远。询问距离的远近,路程的长远。 3. How long does it take to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train?坐火车从上海到北京要多久? (1) How long...多久。询问时间长短。 (2) by+交通工具,表示“乘..■交通工具”,用How 提问。 4.It takes about ten hours.大约需要十小时 It takes (sb.) st. to do sth.做某事需要花费多长时间。 5. They enjoy eating dumplings.他们喜欢吃饺子。 enjoy/like/love doing sth.喜欢做某事 6. Two and a half days=Two days and a half 两天半 Half an hour=one and a half hours=one/an hour and a half 一个半小时 Unit2 At the air[port 词组: plane ticket 机票 silk scarf 丝巾 a lot of/plenty of 大量的,许多 departure time 出发时间 leave for 出发去某地 have to 不得不 be going to 将要 arrive at 到达 boarding card 登机牌 name tap 姓名牌 语法点: 1. Aunt Judy and Uncle Mike have lived in Los Angeles for six years.朱迪婶婶和迈克叔叔在洛杉肌已住了六年。 (1) 介词for 可用于表示一段时间,多与现在完成时连用,表示动作从过去延续到现在的一段时间。 用How long 提问。 (2) Live for=stay for 2. Mrs Wang and Grandma have not been to the USA before.王太太和奶奶之前没有去过美国。 (1) have/has been to 去过,到过(表示现在已经回来) have/has been in=have lived=stayed in 住在 (2) have/has gone to 去,到...(表示现在还没有回来) 3. They have already done a lot of things.她们准备了很多东西。 However, they have not packed their suitcase yet.但是她们还没打包行李箱。 already 已经。(多用于肯定句,放在动词前) m 工&

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