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-Sid: Now to find a meal befitting a conquering hero. 现在该找份象样的大餐犒劳胜利英雄了What ho? A foe? Come on, come on. You want a piece of me? 敌人是什么?敌人?来吧,想跟我干一架吗?

Spoils worthy of such a noble... 这战利品值得我为它好好…

-Manfred: Bedtime, squirt.该睡了,小鬼The triumphant return.噢,凯旋归来了

-Sid: Huh? Oh, that.呃?噢,那是I'm so full. How about a good-night kiss for your big buddy, Sid? 呃…我吃饱了该亲亲这个小朋友说晚安了

-Manfred: He's asleep.嘘,他睡着了

-Sid: I was talking to you.我是在跟你说Fine, I'll tuck myself in. 算了,我自己睡吧All right, good night.好了,晚安

-Manfred: Will you stop it?别吵了行吗?

-Sid: All right, all right. I was trying to relax.好吧,好吧,我是想放松-Manfred: Oy.哎唷

-Diego: What the…搞什么

-Tiger D: Slice me. it’ll be the last thing you ever do朝我上呀,看我不把你撕碎

-Diego: I'm working here, you waste of fur.- Frustrated, Diego?我在办事,你这饭桶很郁闷吧,Diego?

-Tiger C: Tracking down helpless infants too difficult for you?找个小不点婴儿对你来说太难了?

What are You two doing here?- Soto's getting tired of waiting.你们俩来这干嘛?Soto已经等得不耐烦了

-Tiger D: Yeah, he said "Come back with the baby, or don't come back at all."他说要么带着小孩回来要么就别回来了!

-Diego: I have a message for Soto.have a message for sb. 给某人捎口信替我捎个信给索托Tell him I'm bringing the baby.告诉他…我会带孩子来And tell him I'm bringing...再告诉他,我还带…a mammoth.一头毛象

-Tiger D: A mammoth?毛象?

-Tiger C: Mammoths never travel alone.毛象从不单独行动

-Diego: This one does, and I'm leading him to Half Peak.可这头是例外我要带他去“半峰”山

-Tiger D: Look at all that meat. Let's get him.呜,瞧他那身肉,杀了他!

-Diego: Not yet. We'll need the whole pack to bring this mammoth down.pack: 群体还不行!得叫大伙儿一起上才能摆平他Get everyone ready.让大家快准备Now.快去!-Manfred: Where's the baby?孩子在哪儿?

-Diego: You lost it?你把他丢了?

-Manfred, Diego: Sid.Sid.

H: It's so ugly. Positively adorable.呜,他可真丑。太可爱了

I: Hello, pumpkin. Hello, little baldy bean. 你好,小心肝你好,没毛的小家伙

H: Where'd you find it?哪儿找到的?

-Sid: The poor kid, all alone in the wild.这可怜的孩子一个人在荒野里Sabers were closing in on him.几只剑齿虎包围了他So I Just snatched him.我把他…抢了过来噢,

H: So brave.好勇敢

-Sid: Yeah, well, he needed me, and I only wish I had one of my own, too.啊,是啊,他需要我我好想也能有一个自己的孩子

I: Really? I find that attractive in a male. 是吗?我…我就迷这样的男子-Sid: Alas. Who wouldn't wanta family, I always say.唉,谁不想要个家庭呢

H: Where've you been hiding?噢,真是相见恨晚是啊,

-Sid: Yeah, well, You know...这……可不是嘛Cute kid, huh? So, as I was saying, ladies..小淘气,嗯?所以,正如我说的,小姐们Hey. Hi, Manny.嘿,嗨, Manny. -Manfred: What's the matter with you?你怎么回事

-Sid: Excuse me, ladies. You just keep marinating and I'll be right back. 失陪一下,小姐们,你们在这儿继续泡着,我就回来Sexy.性感

I: He's not much to look at, but it's so hard to find a family guy.他长得不怎么样可要找个顾家的太难了

H: Tell me about it. All the sensitive ones get eaten. 可不是嘛,那些细腻的都被吃光了

-Sid: No, no, no. Manny, please, I’m begging you. I need him.不,Manny,我求你了,我需要他

-Manfred: A Good-looking guy like you?怎么,小帅哥还用泡妞?

-Sid: You say that, but you don't mean it.得了,你别寒碜我了

-Manfred: No, seriously. Look at you. Those ladies, they don't stand a chance.不,我当真,瞧瞧你那两个小姐都被你迷晕了

-Sid: You have A cruel sense of humor.你这幽默感还真刻毒

-Manfred: Don't let me cramp your style. 我不想搅你的好事

-Sid: Thanks, Manny. You're a pal. 谢谢,Manny,真够朋友,够哥们

-Manfred:Without Pinky. 别带孩子去

-Sid:Manny, I need him.我需要他So, ladies, where were we?小姐们,说到哪儿了?

-Frank: Carl.Carl,-Carl: Easy, Frank.镇静,Frank

-Manfred: Pretty tail walks by, suddenly he moves like a cheetah. And that tiger...看见漂亮妞,他就象头猎豹。还有那老虎…

Yeah, Mr. Great Tracker. Can’t even find a sloth.那“跟踪大师”连树懒都找不到What am l? The wet nurse? What are you looking at, bone bag?bone: 骨我成什么了?奶妈?你在看什么,小捣蛋?

Look at you. You're gonna grow into a great predator. 瞧瞧你,你会长成一个大猛兽I don't think so. What have you got? You got a little patch of fur.哼,我看不会,你有什么,只有一撮毛No fangs, no claws.没有尖牙,没有利爪You're folds of skin wrapped in mush.你的皮和肉是那么…软绵绵What's so threatening about you?你有什么可怕的?

Does this look like a petting zoo to you? Huh?嘿,这不是“动物园”里摸小动物OK. All right, wise guy. You just earned a time-out.earn: 获得好吧,耍小聪明?该罚你坐一会儿了You think that's funny? How about this?噢,你觉得好玩?那这个呢?

You'll be a little snack for the owls.会吃了你You're a brave little squirt, I'll give you that.你这小鬼还挺勇敢

-Sid: Thank goodness. Thank goodness. No.谢天谢地!谢天谢地!A tiger.有…老虎!Help. Help.救命!救命!

-Diego: Where's the baby?孩子在哪儿?

-Sid: Manfred has him.噢,他没事,Manfred带着Just put me in your mouth. Come on. Hurry up. He got me.快咬住我快,他咬住我了!Help.噢,救命

-Diego: Get away from me.你别来烦我

-Frank: it went this way.他往这边跑了

-Carl: Over here.这儿!

-Frank: Carl. The tiger beat us to him.噢,Carl!老虎抢先得手

-Carl: Wait a minute.检查一下He's dead all right.没错,他的确死了

-Frank: Carnivores have all the fun.carnivore: 食肉动物动物就是开心

-Sid: Gosh, I hate breaking their hearts like that. But you know how it is.我也不想那么伤他们的心我是迫不得已All right, thanks. You can put me down now.好吧,谢谢,可以把我放下了Manny.Manny.

-Manfred: Guys, I thought we were in a hurry. And Diego, spit that out. 我们不是急着赶路吗?Diego,把他吐出来You don't know where it's been.别弄脏了嘴

-Sid: Boy. For a second there, I thought you were gonna eat me.妈呀,刚才有一会儿我还以为你真要吃了我

-Diego: I don't eat junk food. junk: 垃圾我不吃烂杂碎.

-Sid:thought You were gonna...我还以为I thought you were gonna... Were you?我真以为你…你想吗?

Come on, wait up. Wait up. Come on, come on. Can you wait a second, please?等等我,慢点,慢点你们能等我一下吗?

Thanks for waiting.谢谢等我

-Manfred: Three, two, one...3、2、1Sure is faithful. faithful: 忠实的确实挺“忠诚”Don't make me reach back.再闹,我就要火了噢,

-Sid: He started it.是他引起的

-Manfred: I don't care who started it. I'll finish it.我不管谁引起的,再闹就罚!Modern architecture. It'll never last.architecture: 建筑现代建筑,撑不了多久的

-Sid: Hi a, Manny.嗨哟,MannyHi, Diego.嗨,Diego.

-Manfred: Hey, Sid.嘿,Sid.You're lost. No.你迷路了,对吗?

-Diego: I know exactly where we are.没有,我很清楚我们在哪儿

-Manfred: Ask him directions.direction: 方向让他指指方向

-Diego: I don't need directions.我不要他指方向。

-Manfred: Fine, I'll ask him.算了,我来问他Buddy. You see any humans go by here?嘿,伙计你看见有人类经过吗?

-Sid: I love this game. I love this game. OK, OK.呜,我喜欢猜字,OKThree words. First word. Stomp. No, no. Stamp, stamp.stomp: 跺脚三个字,第一个字呃…“跺“,不,“踩”-Manfred: Let me try. Pack.我猜猜,呃…“群”!

-Sid: Good one, Manny.Pack of long teeth and claws.猜得好,Manny,一群长牙…和爪子Pack of wolves? Pack of...pack of : 一群 wolves:狼(wolf的复数)一群狼?一群…

Pack of bears? Pack of fleas?flea: 跳蚤呃,一群熊!一群跳蚤?Pack of whiskers? Pack of noses?whisker: 胡须一把胡须?一群…鼻子?Pachyderm? Pack of lies.pachyderm: 厚皮类动物呃…厚皮动物?一连串谎言!Pack of troubles. Pack a wallop. Pack of birds.wallop: 痛打一堆麻烦!一群打手!呃,一群鸟!Pack of flying fish.一群飞鱼

-Diego: Great news. I found a shortcut.shortcut: 捷径嘿!好消息!我找到一条近路!

-Manfred: What do You mean, shortcut?什么近路?

-Diego: I mean faster than the long way around.就是走着要比走长路快

-Sid: I know what a shortcut is.噢!我知道什么叫“近路”!

-Diego: Either we beat the humans to Glacier Passor we take the long way and miss 'em.我们穿过去就能比人类先到“冰川道”不然就会错过他们

-Manfred: Through there? What do you take me for?穿过那儿?你把我当什么了? -Diego: This time tomorrow, you could be a free mammoth.明天这个时候你…就可以自由了Or a nanny. I never get tired of peekaboo.nanny: 保姆或继续做保姆。玩“躲躲猫”我是不会腻的

-Sid: Guys. Guys. Check this out.伙计们,瞧这个

-Manfred: Sid, the tiger found a shortcut.老虎找到一条近路

-Sid: No, thanks. I choose life.不,谢谢,我想活命

-Diego: Then I suggest you take the shortcut.那我建议你最好还是走近路

-Sid: are You threatening me?你在威胁我吗?

-Diego: Move, sloth!走,树懒!

-Sid: Way to go, tiger.好样的,老虎

-Diego: Quick. Get inside.快!快进去!

-Manfred: OK, I vote shortcut. 好吧,那就走近路吧

-Diego: Guys, stick together. It’s easy to get lost in here.好了,伙计们,都跟紧些,这儿很容易走丢

-Sid: Guys?呃…伙计们?A fish.啊!小鱼儿

-Manfred: Will you keep up, please? Hard enough to keep track of one baby.keep track of: 盯住你跟上,行不行?看住一个宝宝已经够难的了

-Sid: I gotcha.我…抓住你了Captain, iceberg ahead.iceberg: 冰山船长,前方有冰山!

-Manfred: Oh, no.哦,不

-Diego: Yeah. Who's up for round two?谁想玩第二回合?Tell the kid to be more careful.叫…叫…叫孩子小心点

-Sid: Look, look. Tigers.瞧,瞧,老虎,瞧啊No, it's OK, it's OK. Look, the tigers are just playing tag with the antelope.tag: 尾随 play tag with: 玩躲猫猫的游戏 antelope: 羚羊没事,没事,瞧,老虎和羚羊在做游戏With their teeth.捉到摸一下,用牙摸,

-Diego: Come on, Sid, let's play tag来吧,Sid,我们也来玩You're it.你捉我

-Sid: Sure. OK, OK, OK, where are the sloths?行啊…好吧,好吧,哪儿画着树

懒?You never see any sloths. Have you ever noticed?这上面怎么没画树懒?你们注意到吗?Look, Manny, a mammoth.瞧,Manny,一头毛象

-Manfred: Somebody pinch me.pinch: 捏噢,我可真兴奋

-Sid: Hey, hey, this fat one looks just like you.嘿,嘿,这头胖的看上去可真象你And he's got a family.噢,他有家庭And he's happy. Look, he's playing with his kid.他很幸福瞧,他在陪孩子玩See? That's your problem. That’s what mammoths are supposed to do.瞧,这就是你的问题。毛象应该象他们那样Find a she-mmoth, have baby mammoths...找头母象…生一头毛象宝宝

-Diego: Sid.Sid.

-Sid: what?干嘛?

-Diego: Shut up.闭嘴

-Sid: But...可…噢-


Script: [skr?pt]剧本,脚本 1, M: Okay Ellie! I got her. E: The Christmas rock! M: Just got her out of storage. I wanted to surprise Peaches. Where is our sweet little angel? Huh? storage存储;仓库;贮藏所 P: Incoming……hahahahaha E: There is your sweet little angel. P: Sorry, dad. B: Yeah! Whoo-hoo! It’s on! P: You guys need to chill out. chill out冷静,冷静下来 E: Peaches! P: Oh! The Christmas rock ! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! M: No no no Don’t!…Oh, too late! P: I’m stuck. stuck adj. 被卡住的;不能动的 M: This is the same Christmas rock I had when I was a kid. It’s an heirloom that’s been in our family for generations. heirloom ['e?lu?m] n. 传家宝;祖传遗物 E: Tonight when Santa comes by with his presents, he’ll see this rock and know that a very special little girl lives here. 2, S: Wow! That’s some crazy rock. M: Step away from the stone! S: Why? M: You’ll break it. E: (laugh) Sid can’t break a rock. D: Don’t tempt him!tempt vt. 诱惑;引起;冒…的风险;使感兴趣 P: Uncle Sid, we need this so that Santa can find us tonight. S: what? This? …Oh, Puff. He could go right pass it. You need something bigger, taller, sparkler, something with a pizzazz. Um, a tree! Puff vt. 喷出,张开;使膨胀sparkler n. 钻石;烟火pizzazz[p?'z?z]n. 潇洒;精力M: A Christmas tree? Do you know how ridiculous that sounds? ridiculous[r?'d?kj?l?s] adj. 可笑的;荒谬的 D: There’re millions of trees out there, Sid. How could anyone notice this one? S: well, we could decorate it. Crash, Eddie! …… B: sweet. S: And, voila! D: It does look pretty good. M: Ah! It will never catch on. catch on理解,明白;变得流行 P: It’s beautiful! S: Hmm, it needs a certain razzle-dazzle on top. Something that says Sid.……And just like that, a tradition is born.


1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:06,000 2 00:00:06,100 --> 00:00:15,000 3 00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:31,810 地壳30千米 4 00:01:31,840 --> 00:01:32,500 上地幔720千米 5 00:01:32,670 --> 00:01:33,500 下地幔2171千米 6 00:01:33,550 --> 00:01:34,516 外核5100千米 7 00:01:34,580 --> 00:01:35,518 内核6400千米 8 00:01:42,580 --> 00:01:44,690 地球 (很久很久以前) 9 00:02:12,345 --> 00:02:13,835 打门! Goal! 10 00:03:04,500 --> 00:03:06,911 冰河世纪4:大陆漂移 11 00:03:24,551 --> 00:03:26,678

那是什么?艾莉,你听到了么? What was that? Ellie, did you hear that? 12 00:03:26,887 --> 00:03:29,219 我听到了,曼尼,不管是什么,还很远 I heard it, Manny. Whatever it is, it's miles away. 13 00:03:29,389 --> 00:03:30,720 桃子,你还好么? Peaches, are you all right? 14 00:03:31,258 --> 00:03:32,247 她去哪儿了? Where is she? 15 00:03:32,526 --> 00:03:34,517 小孩子哪有那么起这么早 No teenager is ever up early. 16 00:03:35,595 --> 00:03:37,790 放心啦,典狱长,人家又没给关禁闭 Easy warden, she's not on lockdown. 17 00:03:42,469 --> 00:03:44,869 你们俩是怎么当叔叔的! You two were supposed to be responsible uncles! 18 00:03:44,938 --> 00:03:48,169 什么?我才没有看到桃子15还是20分钟前溜走了What? I didn't see Peaches sneak off maybe 15 or 20 minutes ago. 19 00:03:48,241 --> 00:03:50,402


TheMeltdown 冰河世纪2 This global warming is killing me. This Is too hot, the Ice Age was too cold. What would it take to make you happy This I like. Oh, no, you won't catch me. No running, James. Camprules. Make me, sloth. Make me, sir. It's all about respect. Water ball. Sammy, you just ate. Wait an hour. Hector, no, no, no, you can't pee-pee there. OK, there is fine. Ashley ,stop picking your... Pi ata! Stop! You're supposed to wear blind folds. OK. -Hey, it's my turn to hit the sloth. -Mine. -Mine. -Mine. Hey, you didn't have any candy in you. -Let's bury him. -Yeah! Hey, whoa. Who said you kids could to rture the sloth

Manny, don't squash their creativity. Hey, Manny, Diego, my bad mammals-jammals. Wanna give a slotha hand Look, I opened my camp. "Campodel Sid". It means Camp of Sid. Congratulations. You're now an idiot in two languages. Not in front of the k-i-d-z. These little guy slove me. Right, Billy Don't make me eat you. They kid. That's why they're called kids. It old you, Sid. You're not qualified to run a camp. What do qualifications have to do with child care Besides, these kids look up to me. I'm a role model to them. I can see that. You guys never think I can do any thing, but I'm an equal member of this herd. I made this herd, so you need to start treating me with some respect. -Come on, Sid. -Sid, we were just kidding. Hey, let's play pin-the-tail-on-the-mammoth. Yeah! Sid! I can do stuff.


△《Finding Nemo》——《海底总动员》 1. I promise, I will never let anything happen to you. 2. I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine. If I am to change this image, I must first change myself. Fish are friends, not food. 3. You got yourself in there, you can get yourself out. 4. I don’t wanna know what you gotta do when life gets you down. 5. Gotta go faster if you wanna win! 6. You’re lucky to have someone out there looking for you. 7. Don’t worry. All drains lead to the ocean. 8. I don’t know what’s goi ng on. I know I lost somebody but I, I can’t remember. 9. Well, you never really know. But when they know, you’ll know, you know? △《Roman Holiday》——《罗马假日》 1. I’m too tired to sleep. I shan’t sleep a wink.(整夜没睡,无法成眠)


Ice Age 1 《冰河世纪》 -Animal A: Why not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era?为什么不管这叫“大寒”或者“冷冻时代”呢? I'm just saying, how do we know it's an ice age? 我是说我们怎么知道这是“冰河世纪”?-Animal B: Because of all the ice . 因为四周全是冰! -Animal A: Well, things just got a little chillier. 天气的确是变冷了 -Animal C: Help. Help. 救命 -Animal D: Come on, kids, let's go. The traffic's moving.来吧,孩子,我们走,大伙儿都在走呢!-Animal C: But, but, but, Dad. 可是,可是,可是,爸爸 -Animal D: No buts. You can play extinction later. 别说“可是”还轮不到你绝种呢 -Animal C: OK. Come on, guys. 噢,OK,走吧,伙计们 -Animal E: So, where's Eddie? 我说……艾迪在哪儿? -Animal F: He said he was on the verge of an evolutionary breakthrough 啊,他说他在研究什么突破性进化之类的-Animal E: Really? 是吗? -Eddie: I'm flying. 噢,我飞了! -Animal E: Some breakthrough. 的确挺突破性的 -Animal G: Look out.- You're going the wrong way. Crazy mammoth. 小心!你走错方向了!你这毛象疯子!-Animal D: Do the world a favor. Move your issues off the road. 嘿!你就帮个忙吧!别挡着道妨碍交通!-Manfred: If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't draw attention to myself, pal. 如果我也是短鼻子我就不会那么抢眼了,老弟!-Animal D: Give me a break. We’ve been waddling all day. 让我休息下……我们都挪了一整天了 Go ahead. Follow the crowd. 向前走,跟着大伙儿 -Manfred: It'll be quieter when you're gone. 你们走了就清静了 Come on. If he wants to freeze to death, let him. 走吧,他要冻死就随他去 -Sid: I'm up. I'm up. 嘿,嘿,我醒了,醒了 Rise and shine everybody.Huh? Zak? Marshall? 把大家都叫起来吧!呃?Zak?Marshall?Bertie? Uncle Fungus? Bertie?"真菌"叔叔? Where is everybody? Come on, guys, we’re gonna miss the migration. 大家都去哪儿了?来吧,伙计们,我们快要错过迁徙的队伍了They left without me. They do this every year. 扔下我就走了。他们每年都这么干!Why? Doesn't anyone love me? 为什么?谁都不爱我了吗? Isn't there anyone who cares about Sid the Sloth? 难道谁都不关心我这可怜的树懒Sid了吗?All right, I'll just go by myself. 好吧,那我就自己走 Sick. 噢,恶心! Wide body, curb it next time. 嘿,肥仔!别随地大小便! Oh, jeez. Yuck. 噢,天,呸 -Carl: I can't believe it. Fresh wild greens.Frank, where did you ever...?


冰河世纪1中英文台词对照文本 Ice Age ★片名冰河世纪 Why not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era? ★为什么不管这叫“大寒”或者“冷冻时代” I'm just saying, how do we know it's an ice age? ★我是说我们怎么知道这是“冰川时代”? Because of all the ice. ★因为四周全是冰! Well, things just got a little chillier. ★就连说话也冷冰冰的 Help. Help. ★救命 Come on, kids, let's go. The traffic's moving. ★来吧,孩子,我们走大伙儿都在走呢! But, but, but, Dad. ★可是,可是,可是,爸爸 No buts. Y ou can play extinction later. ★别说“可是”,还轮不到你绝种呢 OK. Come on, guys. ★噢,OK,走吧,伙计们 So, where's Eddie? ★我说…艾迪在哪儿? He said he was on the verge of an evolutionary breakthrough. ★啊,他说他马上就要出现一个“进化上的突破”了 Really? ★是吗? I'm flying. ★噢,我飞了! Some breakthrough. ★好一个突破 - Look out. - Y ou're going the wrong way. ★- 小心!- 你走错方向了! Crazy mammoth. ★你这长毛象疯子! Do the world a favor. Move your issues off the road. ★嘿!你就帮个忙吧!别挡着道妨碍交通! If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't draw attention to myself, pal. ★如果我也是短鼻子我就不会那么抢眼了,老弟! Give me a break. We've been waddling all day. ★别臭我了,我们…都挪了一整天了 Go ahead. Follow the crowd. ★那就接着走吧,随大流吧 It'll be quieter when you're gone. ★你们走了就清静了 Come on. If he wants to freeze to death, let him. ★走吧,他要冻死就随他去 I'm up. I'm up. ★嘿,嘿,我醒了,醒了 Rise and shine, everybody. Huh? Zak? Marshall? ★大家都快起来吧!呃?扎克?马歇尔? Bertie? Uncle Fungus? ★伯蒂?“真菌”叔叔? Where is everybody? Come on, guys, we're gonna miss the migration. ★大家都去哪儿了?来吧,伙计们我们该迁…该迁…该迁… They left without me. They do this every year. ★扔下我就走了,他们每年…都这么干! Why? Doesn't anyone love me? ★为什么?谁都不爱我了吗? Isn't there anyone who cares about Sid the Sloth? ★难道谁都不关心我这可怜的树懒希德了吗? All right, I'll just go by myself. ★好吧,那我就自己走 Sick. ★噢,恶心! Wide body, curb it next time. ★嘿,哥们!别随地大小便! Oh, jeez. Yuck. ★噢,天,噢,唉唷!噢! I can't believe it. Fresh wild greens. Frank, where did you ever...? ★真不敢相信,新鲜绿叶菜弗兰克,你在哪儿找到的? - I thought the frost wiped 'em all out. - All but one. ★- 还以为都被冻死了- 就剩下这一棵 It makes me so... I wanna... Yuck. ★唷,唷,这实在让我太我要咬他的…啊 This has definitely not been my day. Y ou know what I'm saying, buddy? ★我呸!今天我算是倒霉透了我的意思你应该懂吧? What a mess. Y ou rhinos have tiny brains. Did you know that? ★简直一团糟,你们犀牛的脑袋实在是小,你们知道吗? It's just a fact. No offense. Y ou probably didn't even know what I'm talking about. ★这是事实,我没有恶意

《冰河世纪二》剧本,《ice age 》

1Oh boy!天啊 This global warming is killing me! 全球温室效应真要了我的命 2This is too hot..the ice age was too cold.. 这样太热冰河世纪又太冷 3What would it take to make you happy? 怎样才能让你高兴啊 4This.. I like! 这个...我喜欢 5No running James! Camp rules.. 詹娒斯,不能跑,这是夏令营规定 6Make me, Sloth! 来抓我啊,树懒 7Make me...sir! 来抓我..老师,(这才对) 8It's all about respect... 这是种尊敬 9Sarah. You just ate! Wait an hour! sarah,你刚吃过饭,必须等一个小时 10Hector! No,no! You can't pee-pee there! Hector!不不!你不能在那里尿尿 11Ok,ok! there is fine.. 好吧好吧,那里也行 12Ashley! Stop picking your... Ashley!不要欺负... 13Pinata! 打糖果娃娃 14 Stop! 停 15 ...you're supposed to wear blindfolds! 你们应该先带眼罩 16 Ok! 好吧 17 Hey, it's my turn to hit the sloth! 嘿,该我来打树懒了 18 ..mine..mine...mine....mine! 我的...我的..我的...我的! 19 Hey! You didn't have any candy in you! 嘿,你肚子里怎么没有糖果 20 Let's bury him!! 让我们埋了他吧 21 Hey, hey! Whoah.. 嗨嘿..哦 Who said you kids can torture the sloth? 谁说你们孩子们可以虐待 树懒了? 22 Manny, don't squash their creativity.. Manny不要抹杀了孩子门 的创造力 23 Hey Manny! Diego!! 嘿,Manny! Diego 24 My bad mammal jammel! 坏坏小曼曼 25 Wanna give a sloth a hand? 拉我一把吧 26 Look.. I opened my camp! 看,我的夏令营开张了 27 Come forth and sit... 过来坐 28 It means camp of Sid! 意思是"sid的夏令营" 29 Congratulations. You're now an idiot in two languages.. 祝贺你,现在你在两种语言 里的意思都是傻瓜了 30 Shhhh...! 嘘... 31 Not in front of the K-l-D-G! 别在孩子门面前说 32 These little guys love me! Right, Billy? 这些小家伙喜欢我,对吧 billy 33 Don't make me eat you! 别让我吃了你 34 Funny, kid! That's why they're called kids! 得了吧,小子 所以说童言无忌嘛 35 I told you Sid.. 我告诉过你Sid 36 You're not qualified to run a camp.. 你还不够资格来看夏令营 37 Oh! Since when do qualifications have anything to do with childcare...? 哦,什么时候的事啊? "幼教"


Ice Age Ⅲ 看电影学英语Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs 《冰河世纪:恐龙的黎明》-Manny: its happening!快了快了!-Sid: W ait up guys!wait up: 停下来等候Guy: 家伙大家等等我啊。 -Manny: The baby is coming! The baby is coming! I'm having a baby.have a baby: 生孩子宝宝要生了!我要当爸爸了! -Crash: Code blue, code blue, Or pink if it's a girlcode blue: 紧急救命蓝色警报,蓝色警报了,要是女孩就是粉色。 -Manny: Coming up baby! Coming up baby! I'm coming, Ellie!come up: 出现生宝宝了!生宝宝了!Ellie,我来了! -Crash: W e got it.get it: 理解瞧我们的。 -Manny: Ellie, Ellie, Where are you, Where am I ? Manny!EllieEllie,你在哪,我这是到哪儿了?Manny!-Ellie: Manny,I told you! It was just a kick.kick: 踢Manny,我说过了,只是宝宝踢了一下而已-Manny: Ohh right! Right, oh wow.哦,对啊!对啊,哈哈。 Ohh you really gave daddy a scare! Daddy got silly.scare: 惊吓silly: 愚蠢的你可真把你老爸吓死了!瞧老爸傻的。 Daddy fall down cliff and go, boom, boom, boom. Silly daddy. fall down: 落下cliff: 悬崖boom: 隆隆声老爸我从悬崖上溜下来然后就嘣,嘣,嘣!傻老爸。Sorry, folks. False alarm. It was just a kick.folks: 人们false: 错误的alarm: 警报抱歉了,各位,虚惊一场,宝宝只是提了一下。 -Man: Do you know who I want to kick? 你知道我想踢谁嘛? –W oman: That's the third false alarm this week.你这周都已经"虚"了三次了。-Sid: All right shows over... break it up, break it up!break up: 结束好了,没啥好看的,都散了吧,散了吧!Oh I see someone else who has a bun in the oven?have a bun in the oven: 怀孕哦~瞧瞧谁的小肚子也有小宝宝了。 -W oman: I'm not pregnant!pregnant: 怀孕的我没"有"!-Sid: Too bad, you'd make a wonderful mother.wonderful: 极好的真可惜,你会是个好妈妈的。 -Ellie: Manny I know your excited, I am too, but your getting a little carried away.excited: 兴奋的be carried away: 十分激动Manny,我知道你很高兴,我也是可你这样也有点太激动。 -Manny: Okay, okay, Boy, your starting to sound like Diego.sound like: 听起来像好了,好了,听你这口气越来越像Diego了。 W ait a second... Where is Diego?wait a second: 稍等一会儿等等…Diego哪去了? -Man: My hooves are burning, baby! They are burning!hoof: 蹄脚burning: 燃烧我可是蹄下生风啊,宝贝儿!蹄下生风!Oh, look at this; I got to tip-Toe! I got to tip-Toe! Eat my dust, dingo!tip-toe: 踮起脚dust: 灰尘哦,瞧这儿啊,我踮脚跑,我踮脚跑!你就吃灰去吧,哈哈!-Ellie: Huh, can I look now? 现在能睁眼了嘛?–Manny: Easy, don't freak out the baby.freak out: 吓坏了别太激动哦,小心伤着孩子。 -Ellie: The baby is fine. It's the freaked out daddy I'm worried about.worry about: 担心孩子好得很,我现在倒是担心他老爸。


Ice Age Script Why not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era? I'm just sayin', how do we know it's an ice age? Because of all the ice. Well, things just got a little chillier. Help. Help. Come on, kids, let's go. The traffic's movin'. But, but, but, Dad. No buts. You can play extinction later. OK. Come on, guys. So, where's Eddie? He said he was on the verge of an evolutionary breakthrough. Really? I'm flying. Some breakthrough. - Look out. - You're going the wrong way. Crazy mammoth. Do the world a favor. Move your issues off the road. If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't draw attention to myself, pal. Give me a break. We've been waddlin' all day. Go ahead. Follow the crowd. It'll be quieter when you're gone. Come on. If he wants to freeze to death, let him. I'm up. I'm up. Rise and shine, everybody. Huh? Zak? Marshall? Bertie? Uncle Fungus? Where is everybody? Come on, guys, we're gonna miss the migration. They left without me. They do this every year. Why? Doesn't anyone love me? Isn't there anyone who cares about Sid the Sloth? All right, I'll just go by myself. Sick. Wide body, curb it next time. Oh, jeez. Yuck. I can't believe it. Fresh wild greens. Frank, where did you ever...? - Go ahead. Dig in. - A dandelion. - I thought the frost wiped 'em all out. - All but one. It makes me so... I wanna... Yuck. This has definitely not been my day. You know what I'm sayin', buddy? What a mess. You rhinos have tiny brains. Did you know that? It's just a fact. No offense. You probably didn't even know what I'm talkin' about. Yummo. A dandelion. Must be the last one of the season. - Carl. - Easy, Frank. He ruined our salad.


-Sid: Now to find a meal befitting a conquering hero. 现在该找份象样的大餐犒劳胜利英雄了What ho? A foe? Come on, come on. You want a piece of me? 敌人是什么?敌人?来吧,想跟我干一架吗? Spoils worthy of such a noble... 这战利品值得我为它好好… -Manfred: Bedtime, squirt.该睡了,小鬼The triumphant return.噢,凯旋归来了 -Sid: Huh? Oh, that.呃?噢,那是I'm so full. How about a good-night kiss for your big buddy, Sid? 呃…我吃饱了该亲亲这个小朋友说晚安了 -Manfred: He's asleep.嘘,他睡着了 -Sid: I was talking to you.我是在跟你说Fine, I'll tuck myself in. 算了,我自己睡吧All right, good night.好了,晚安 -Manfred: Will you stop it?别吵了行吗? -Sid: All right, all right. I was trying to relax.好吧,好吧,我是想放松-Manfred: Oy.哎唷 -Diego: What the…搞什么 -Tiger D: Slice me. it’ll be the last thing you ever do朝我上呀,看我不把你撕碎 -Diego: I'm working here, you waste of fur.- Frustrated, Diego?我在办事,你这饭桶很郁闷吧,Diego? -Tiger C: Tracking down helpless infants too difficult for you?找个小不点婴儿对你来说太难了? What are You two doing here?- Soto's getting tired of waiting.你们俩来这干嘛?Soto已经等得不耐烦了 -Tiger D: Yeah, he said "Come back with the baby, or don't come back at all."他说要么带着小孩回来要么就别回来了!

ICE AGE1中英对照台词

ICE AGE1中英对照台词 Do the world a favor.Move your issues off the road. 你就帮个忙吧,别挡着道。 If my trunk was that small, I wouldn’t draw attention to myself. 如果我的鼻子也那么短,我就不会那么抢镜了。 Give me a break. 别臭我了。 Follow the crowd. 随大流吧。 I’m up. 我醒了。 Rise and shine,everybody. 大家都快起來吧。 It’s just a fact. 这是事实。 No offence. 没有恶意。 That’s OK.We’ll have some fun with them. 别急,我们“玩玩”他们。 Don’t let them impale me.I wanna live. 别让他们刺穿我,我想活命。 Get off me. 走开。 Come on,you’re making a scene. 行了,你就别撒泼了。 Let’s get this straight.There is no “We”. 我跟你说白了吧。根本没有我们。 Fine,be a jerk. 行啊,做你的混球吧。 You’re an embarrassment to nature. 你真给大自然丢脸。 This is cake. 小菜一碟。 You’re just a good citizen helping out. 你真是个热情相助的好公民。 Here’s your little bundle of joy. 这是你的心肝宝贝。 Can I talk to you for a second? 我能不能和你谈谈? I suggest you watch your back,cause I’ll be chewing on it. 我劝你最好小心点,因为我会偷袭你。 I can’t take it anymore. 我再也忍受不了了。 You’re too small and insignificant,and I’ll pummel you if you don’t .因为你无足轻重,因为你不检查我就会揍你。 Doom on you. 你死定了。 No way. 不行。 This is our privatestockpile for the ice age. 这是我们为冰川时代存下的储备。 If you weren’t smart enough to plan ahead,then doom on you. 如果你们不事先好好准备那就死定了。 Soto’s getting tired of waiting. 索特已经等得不耐烦了。


喔哦!全球变暖简直要了我的命 Oh boy! This global warming is killing me! 这太热了,而冰河期又太冷了 This is too hot..the ice age was too cold.. 怎么才能让你高兴呀? What would it take to make you happy? 这个...我喜欢 This.. I like! 不要跑...Jane! 野营规则... No running Jane! Camp rules.. 有本事来抓我啊,树獭 Make me, Sloth! 叫我...老师 Make me...sir! 这就是尊重... It's all about respect... Sarah...你刚吃了饭,休息会儿 Sarah. You just ate! Wait an hour! Hector! 不不不..你不能在那儿便便Hector! No,no! You can't pee-pee there! 好...好吧,就在那儿吧 Ok,ok! there is fine..

Ashley! 那样会让你...啊~~~ Ashley! Stop picking your... 抓到他了,耶~~~ Pinata! 住手 Stop! 你应该先戴上眼罩再来 ...you're supposed to wear blindfolds! 没问题 Ok! Hey~轮到我打这只树獭了 Hey, it's my turn to hit the sloth! -到我啦,到我啦-应该是我!我!我 ..mine..mine...mine....mine! Hey! 这么轻松就把他打晕了 Hey! You didn't have any candy in you! 让我们把他给埋了 Let's bury him!! 嘿, 嘿! 唔... 是谁让你们这些孩子折磨这个树獭的Hey, hey! Whoah..Who said you kids can torture the sloth? Manny, 别打击他们的创造性 Manny, don't squash their creativity..


冰河世纪精彩对白 Animal A: Why not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era? I’m just saying-how do we know it’s an ice age? 动物甲:为什么不叫大寒时代或干脆叫冷冰冰时代?我的意思是,我们怎么知道这就是冰河时期?Animal B: Because of all the ice. 动物乙:因为放眼望去全是冰啊,你个笨蛋。 Rhinoceros:Do the world a favor. Move your issues off the road. 犀牛甲:你一定要跟全世界唱反调吗?把你的大个子挪开。 Manfred: If my trunk was that small, I wouldn’t draw attention to myself, pal. 曼弗瑞德:如果我的鼻子像你的一样那么小,我一定不敢吭气。 Rhinoceros: Give me a break, we’ve been waddling all day. 犀牛甲:饶了我吧,我们晃了一整天了都。 Manfred: Go ahead, follow the crowd. It’ll be quieter when you’re gone 曼弗瑞德:去吧,跟上你的大部队吧。你们走了我的耳根才清静。 Rhinoceros: Come on. If he wants to freeze to death, let him. 犀牛甲:走吧,他想冻死就让他去吧,别拦着。 Sid: Y ou have beautiful eyes. 西德:你的眼睛好迷人哦。 Manfred: Get off my face. 曼弗瑞德:不要死黏在我脸上。 Sid: whoa, we make a great team. What do you say we head south together? 西德:嘿嘿,我们的合作太完美了,我们一起去南方如何? Manfred: Great. Jump on my back and relax the whole way. 曼弗瑞德:好啊,跳到我背上来躺着吧。 西德:哇哦!真的呀? 曼弗瑞德:你想的美哦。 Diego: that pink thing is mine. 老虎迪亚哥:那个粉红宝宝是我的。 Sid: no. actually, that pink thing belongs to us. 西德:才不是,他是我们的。 Diego: "us"? Y ou two are a bit of an odd couple. 老虎迪亚哥:“我们”?你们这一种夫妻还真少见。 Manfred: there is no "us". 曼弗瑞德:不要再提“我们”两个字。 Diego: I see. Can’t have one of your own, so you want to adopt. 老虎迪亚哥:我了了。你们生不出来,就领养一个咯。 Manfred: guys, I thought we were in a hurry. And Diego, spit that out, you don’t know where it’s been. 曼弗瑞德:伙计们,我们不是急着赶路吗?迪亚哥,把他吐出来吧,他一身脏兮兮的。 Sid: boy. For a second there, I actually thought you were gonna eat me 西德:伙计,我刚以为你要把我吃掉。

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