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In America’s Appalachian mountains, farmers preferred sons over daughters, largely becaus e boys were better at heavy farm labor .Though nowadays only 3% of American in agricultur e today, brain has supplanted brawn and cultural preferences are easier to make than break. We can't forget the tragic cost of dismissing too casually the gifts of the so-called weaker se x.

About 150 years ago, a village church vicar in Yorkshire, England, had three lovely, intelligen t daughters but his hopes hinged entirely on the sole male heir, Branwell, a youth with remark able talent in both art and literature.

Branwell’s father and sisters hoarded their pennies to pack him off to London’s Royal Acad emy of Arts,Within weeks he hightailed it home, a penniless failure. the family landed Branwe ll a job as a private tutor, hoping this would free him to develop his literary skills and achieve t he success and fame that he deserved. Failure again.

For years the selfless sisters squelched their own goals, farming themselves out as teachers a nd governesses in support of their brother, convinced the world must eventually recognize hi s genius. However, Branwell failed again and again. At last, he turned to alcohol, then op ium, and eventually died as he had lived: a failure.

During Branwell’s last years, the girls published a book of poetry at their own expense .Even though Branwell snickered them,They continued in writing of women in conflict with their n atural desires and social condition – in reality, less fiction than autobiography. They succee ded.

No one remember Branwell’s name, much less his art or literature, but Bronte sisters’ tragi cally shot lives teach us even more of life than of literature. Their sacrificed genius cries out t o us that in modern society we must value children not by their physical strength or sexual ge nder, as we would any mere beast of burden, but by their integrity, strength, commitment, co urage--spiritual qualities abundant in both boys and girls.

China, a nation blessed by more boys and girls than any nation, ignores at her own peril the le sson of the Bronte tragedy.

We should put away our pass prejudices and avoid Patrick Bronte’s own tragic and irrevo cable error of putting all of his eggs in one male basket.










第三十章澳大利亚经济 Chapter 30 The Economy Ⅰ.工业 Manufacturing Industry 澳大利亚的制造业以制砖开始。86%的制造业为小企业。 Manufacturing in Australia began with the making of bricks. It is estimated that 86% of all manufacturing firms are small businesses. 在世界的总格局中,澳大利亚的制造业是独特的。它的特点包括下面几点: In a world context Australian manufacturing is unique. Its features include the following: 1)效率低Inefficiency 澳大利亚的市场有限,它在地理上与外界的隔绝以及很高的关税壁垒是影响澳大利亚工业效率的几个因素。 Australia's limited local market, its geographical isolation and high levels of tariff protection are the factors that affect the efficiency of Australian manufacturing. 效率最低并且最受保护的工业是汽车、纺织、服装和制鞋工业。 The industries that are most inefficient and most highly protected are automobile, textiles, clothing and footwear industries. 2)高度集中Concentration 在过去20年里,大的联合企业在澳大利亚经济中一直起中心作用。 Over the last 20 years large conglomerates have been given a central role in the Australian economy. 整个钢铁工业由一个公司控制,这就是布洛肯·希尔专卖有限公司。 The entire steel industry is in the hands of one company, the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited (BHP). 3)外国投资Foreign investment 澳大利亚的制造业在很大程度上依靠外国投资。外资公司比他们的澳大利亚同行获利多。 Australian manufacturing relies heavily on foreign investment. Companies that are foreign-owned tend to be more profitable than their Australian counterparts. Ⅱ.农业 Agriculture 200年前,澳大利亚是一个没有农业的大陆。今天,农业却是这个国家的最大的和最多样化的行业。澳大利亚是世界上粮食和天然纤维的主要生产国之一。 200 years ago Australia was a land without agriculture. Today, agriculture is the nation's largest and most diverse industry. Australia is one of the world's leading

英语语法大全 句子成分分析

句子成分分析 在句中起着不同语法作用的成分,叫做句子成分。英语的句子成分有九种: 1、主语(subject)表示句子描述的是“谁”或“什么”,是谓语的陈述对象; 通常由名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等担任: The sun rises in the east. 日出东方。(名词) He hated to see any bird killed.他讨厌看到鸟儿被杀。(代词) To see is to believe.眼见为实。(动词不定式) Seeing is believing.眼见为实。(动名词) Where we shall hold the party is not decided yet.我们还没有决定在何处举行晚会。(主语从句) It’s human to want something better.精益求精是人类的特性。(不定式) 2、谓语动词(predicate verb)说明主语的动作或状态,由动词或动词短语担任: We study English.我们学习英语。(动词) The car broke down on the way.车在路上抛锚了。(动词短语) Do be quiet,children.孩子们,务必安静点。(助动词+连系动词) We are having a meeting now.我们现在正在开会。(助动词+实义动词) Soldiers must obey orders.军人必须服从命令。(情态动词+实义动词) 3、表语(predicative)说明主语的性质、特征、状态或身份,与连系动词一起构成复合谓语,通常由名词、代词、形容词、数词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、动名词、分词或从句等担任: The next stop is the zoo.下一站是动物园。(名词) The game is yours.你(们)胜了。(代词) I was first! 我第一名!(数词) I feel terrible.我难受的厉害。(形容词) Is your mother in?你妈妈在家吗?(副词) I’m with you.我站在你这一边。(介词短语) Mary’s task is to set the table.玛丽的任务是摆桌子。(动词不定式) Her hobby is growing roses.她的爱好是种植玫瑰。(动名词) The situation is puzzling.形式令人迷惑不解。(现在分词) Do you feel satisfied with the arrangement?你对这安排满意吗?(过去分词) The fact is that they are cross with each other.事实是他们生彼此的气。(表语从句) That’s where you are wrong.这就是你错的地方(表语从句) He is no longer what he was.他已经不是以前的他了。(表语从句) 4、宾语(object)表示及物动词或及物动词短语的对象或内容,或用于介词后构成介词短语;通常由名词、代词、数词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等担任: May I have your attention ,please.请大家注意。(名词) I want a little.我要一点。(代词) I need two.我需要两个。(数词) Hope to see you soon.希望能很快见到你。(动词不定式) They risk losing everything.他们冒着失去一切的危险。(动名词) He insisted on seeing her home.他坚持送她回家。(动名词作介词的宾语) I’ll do what I can.我将尽力而为。(从句)

英语国家概况论文-政治体制 英文

Comparison of the Politics in Britain and United States Abstract: The system that British established in 19 century has a profound effect not only on its own country’s society developments of politics and history but also on other counties’ modern institution, politics and history. British is the mother of world capitalist constitutionalism. As a powerful capitalistic country, US’system is also based on the British’s system and set a prefect system after some reforms. Even so, the systems of the two countries still have many differences. Both of the two countries have powerful political systems in the world. Keywords: constitution, party systems, electoral system 1. Introduction: (political institution is superstructure, generally refers to the state power organs and the basic system which adapted with the social nature. "Political system, as same as the various systems of the human society, is the product of history development, branding with time and space.”) After the English bourgeois revolution, democratic politics was gradually established. The constitution was promulgated and constitutionalism was gradually be taken. Capitalism got a considerable development in Britain. Britain built the first set of the capitalist system, which is known as the source and model of Western political system. British and US political systems have the same theoretical basis: the principle of "separation of powers” and the theory of “human rights”; the concrete content includes the parliamentary system, the electoral system, the judicial system, and the political party system, etc; these are all considered to be the elements of "people's democracy", Regimes implemented the principles of separation of powers and check and balance and the "rule of law". And most fundamentally,as two typical representatives of capitalist countries’ political systems, Britain and USA have the same nature in the maintenance of bourgeois interests and the private capitalist system, the implementation of other aspects of bourgeois dictatorship. But in the specific political system level, they present different characteristics, the paper only compare British and American political system from three aspects of the Constitution, the party system, the electoral system. 2. Comparison of constitutions Britain is typical of countries with unwritten constitution, there is no unified, complete written form, and its constitutional system is extremely complex which is constituted by a variety of written and unwritten customary law, jurisprudence and constitutional practices constituted. British constitution can not be listed by one or several pieces of documents, nor strict distinct by the time, it lacks rigorous and explicit content, consistent and complete system。 The United States Constitution is the first written constitution in the world. In the course of its development, the United States Constitution formed the four main principles: the separation of powers and checks and balances, federalism, limited the powers of the government and judicial review. The US Constitution carried thorough the separation of powers which provide the separation of the legislative, judicial and administrative. Congress, the Federal Court and the President perform their respective duties, and the division of labor between federal, state and local governments is also very clear. Federal Court is an important weight in the separation of powers and checks and balances in the United States, in addition to the administrative function and legislative function, the most important function is the supervisory function and judicial function. Judges enjoy constitutional status and was appointed guardian to uphold the Constitution; the


用顺口溜来学习英语,至少有三大好处:一是节省了时间。死记硬背效果差不说,还费时间,而利用顺口溜,效率又高又省时;二是培养了自己的概括思维能力。把一些词语编成顺口溜,看似容易,其实也难;三是使人觉得学习英语还是饶有兴趣的。 既然顺口溜有这么多好处,那么,何乐而不为呢? 学英语的口诀 动词为纲滚雪球,难易编组抓循环 同类归纳印象深,图示介词最直观 混淆多因形音义,反义词语成对念 构词方法不可忘,习惯用语集中练 词不离句法最好,课外阅读莫间断 be 的用法口诀 我用am,你用are,is连着他,她,它; 单数名词用is,复数名词全用are. 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记 疑问否定任你变,句首大写莫迟疑 时间名词前所用介词的速记歌 年月周前要用in,日子前面却不行 遇到几号要用on,上午下午又是in. 要说某日上下午,用on换in才能行 午夜黄昏须用at,黎明用它也不错 at也用在明分前,说差可要用上to, 说过只可使用past,多说多练牢牢记,

莫让岁月空蹉跎 可数名词的复数变化规律[1]: 名词复数有规律,一般词尾加s; 辅音字母+y型,变y为i,es; ch,sh真有趣,s,x,es; f,fe真小气,字母v来把它替,es在后别忘记; 字母o来真神奇,有生命来es,没有生命+s. 可数名词复数特殊变化规律[2]: 中日好友来聚会, 绵羊、鹿、鱼把家回。 男士、女士a变e; 牙(齿)、脚双o变双e; 孩子们想去天安门, 原形后面r、e 、n; 老鼠本来爱大米, mice,ice和rice. 注:中Chinese,日Japanese,好友people. 绵羊sheep,鹿deer,鱼fish (这些单词单复数一样)man--men woman--women tooth--teeth foot--feet child--children mouse--mice 一般现在时态 (一)


题型:选择,判断,名词解释,填空 名词解释重点整理如下: 英国经济的相对衰落:英国已经历了经济的下降,因为1945.But这是一个相对而不 是绝对的下降。英国是富裕和更富有成效的,比它在1945年,但由于其他国家的发展更为迅速,从第二大经济体,第六下滑。 私有化在1908s:英国经济在20世纪70年代经历了一个特别恶劣的时期,高通胀率和英镑贬值,因此,在20世纪80年代,当根据撒切尔夫人的保守党执政时期,一个广泛的方案。进行了私有化。许多国有企业(如钢铁,电信,天然气,航空航天)到了私人公司的私有化是在控制通货膨胀取得了成功,但同时失业率迅速上升。 英国经济的主要部门:主要行业,如农业,渔业和采矿,制造这些初级产品的复杂商品的第二产业;和大专(或服务)的产业,如:英国国家经济可以划分成三个主要领域银行,保险,旅游业和零售业。 综合学校:综合学校是在英国最流行的中学,这些学校承认不参考他们的学术能力的儿童提供普通教育的学生可以学习一切从喜欢文学,喜欢烹饪的实用科目的学科。 文法学校。文法学校在英国中学的类型选择通过一个名为“11 - PULS”考试在11 岁以下的儿童,这些儿童与最高分去文法学校,这些学校打好重点上先进的学科,而不是更普遍的综合学校的课程,并期望他们的学生去上大学。 俗称独立学校:独立学校是公立学校,这实际上是私人学校接收他们通过私营部门和学费率的资金,与一些政府援助的独立学校是不是国民教育体系的一部分,但教学的质量和标准。通过参观女王陛下的学校督察保持这些学校限制学生的父母都比较丰富。公开大学:。开放大学是在英国成立的1960年为人们谁可能不会得到经济和社会原因高等教育机会的它是对所有人开放,并并没有要求在同一个正式的其他大学教育资格大学其次通过电视,广播,通信,视频和Q研究中心的净工作课程,公开大学学业结束。成功的学生将被授予大学学位。 邦联条:独立战争胜利后,美国新的国家是一个虚弱的国民政府组织联合会章程协议下的所谓国会,每个国家都有自己的政府,其自身的规律。和处理其内部事务。国家没有与美国国会和相互合作。大会没有权力强迫任何国家出钱国家的政府和国会不能任何公民征税。因此,文章邦联失败。 一个联邦制度:一个联邦制度是其中的电源之间共享一个中央机关及其组成部分,保留给每个前来的权利,。 美国宪法的制定:联邦章程失败,大会决定举行制宪会议修改联合会章程12States (罗德岛州拒绝参加)的代表聚集在费城在1787and在写一个新的结束。宪法和联 邦制度与一个强大的中央政府。宪法规定,总统选举将被称为,联邦法律将只能由国会众议院众议院和参议院和S最高法院将成立,终于批准了新宪法,大多数市民在 9of 13States是在1787年正式生效。 。执行:行政长官是谁当选一个四年任期的总统根据在1951.The总统通过了一项修 正案,只有两个词可以选出一位总统可以向国会提出立法建议,他可以否决任何法案国会通过。否决权,可以通过在两院三分之二多数票覆盖。总统可以任命联邦法官空缺出现,他是军队的首席指挥官。布什总统在政府运作等广泛当局部门和处理外交关系。 人权:人权法案条例草案,其中在1791年宪法第10修正案,权利的条例草案获得 通过,以保证自由和个人权利,如言论自由,集会权在公共场所自己的武器等的权利。


初中英语语法概括 可数名词的变化规则一般是在单词后面加-s或-es,如:des---dessbed---bedspiano---pianos hat---hatsbag---bagsphoto---photos 以s,x,ch,sh,结尾的加-es。bus---busesbox---boxes atch---atchesbrush---brushes toato---toatoespotato---potatoes hero---heroes leaf---leavesnife---nives baby---babiesfaily---failies 另外,还要记住一些特殊的名词的变化形式,如: chinese---chinesejapanese---japanese Englishan---EnglishenFrenchan---Frenchen Russian---RussiansAerican---Aericans child---childrenfoot---feet an---enoan---oen tooth---teethgoose---geese deer---deersheep---sheep 用容器表示:abolofrice,aglassofater,acupoftea,apieceof,orange,toglassesofil,topiecesofpaper 另外应注意:单数集合名词作主语时谓语动词“数的”

变化:单数集合名词如class,police,faily,school,group,tea等。尽管形式上是单数,意义上都是复数,因此,一般要与复数谓语动词连用,例如:classFivehaveaforeignfriend. 五班有一位外国朋友。 Hisfailyaregoodtoe.他的家人对我很好。当上述集合名词着重指“整体”时,意义上则是单数,因此,要与单数谓语动词连用。例如, ourschoolteaoftenplaysellinourcity. 我们的校队经常在我们市踢得很好。→数词→表性质、状态的描绘形容词→表特征的形容词→表颜色的形容词→表属性的形容词→表材料、质地的形容词→名词性定语+名词:thelastfourbeautifulbigneblueSpanishoodencitizenhou ses4.elder和eldest是用来表示家族关系的长幼顺序,只作定语形容词。而older和oldest是用来表示年龄的比较,以及事物的新旧,既可作定语形容词,也可作表语形容词。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5d16619901.html,ter和latest指时间的先后,但latter和last指顺序的先后。 farther主要反映“距离”或“时间”的比较,表示“较远的”“最远的”。而further主要指“程度”,表示“进一步的”和“最大限度的”。

2019版高考英语(全国通用)考前三个月配套练习:专题1 阅读理解 3 细节理解之事件排序题(含解析)

A The Gunpowder Plot was a conspiracy(阴谋) to kill King James Ⅰ,as well as the members of the House of Lords and Commons at the re-opening of Parliament.It was designed by a group of Catholics in protest against the anti-Catholic laws that were being introduced by the king. Robert Catesby was the leader of the group.It was he and his cousin,Thomas Wintour,and two other friends,Thomas Percy and John Wright,who formed the center of the group.They were joined by nine more men;among them was Guy Fawkes,from the city of York in the north of England. Fawkes found a store room directly under the House of Lords and rented it out under the false name of John Johnson.The conspirators stored thirty-six barrels of gunpowder there,and Fawkes,who was an explosives expert,was to light the fuses(引信) on 5th November 1605. The plot failed because one of the conspirators,Francis Tresham,sent a letter to his relative,who was a member of the House of Lords.The letter warned him not to attend the opening ceremony of Parliament.The letter was passed on to the authorities,who took action. Guy Fawkes was found in the cellar on the night of 4th November with the thirty-six barrels and a number of fuses.He was imprisoned and ill-treated,eventually giving away the names of the conspirators. Soldiers of the king surrounded Holbeach House,in the Midlands,where they knew the conspirators to be hiding.In the fight that followed,four of them were shot dead,including Catesby and Percy,who were actually killed by the same bullet.The others were imprisoned and hanged along with Guy Fawkes on 31st January 1606. These days,on 5th November,children all over Britain celebrate Guy Fawkes Night by building huge bonfires and lighting fireworks.It’s a family tradition and an occasion to eat potatoes baked by the flames.There is always a “guy”on top of the fire,a model of Guy Fawkes,dressed in the clothes of the 17th century. 1.Francis Tresham wrote the letter to his relative to . A.warn him of the danger of being killed B.reveal the names of the conspirators C.protect the House of Lords


介绍中国的英语范文 作为一名中国人,你会向别人怎么介绍中国呢?下面是xx为大家整理的优秀作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! ChinaThe People's Republic of China is a socialism country with its own is one of the developing lies in the east of has a number of neighboring the north,northeast and northwest are the Mongolia,Russia and the south are Vietnam,Laos,Thailand and the the west and southwest are India,Burma,Bhutan,Nepal and the east is Japan,which faces China across the East China is a country with a vast has an area of over 9,600,000 square consists of 34 provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities directly under the Central government .Beijing,which is situated in the North China,is its People's Republic of China is one of the largest countries in the it has a population of more than billion,making up a quarter of the world population. 中国中华人民共和国是一个社会主义国家运动会主办权有自己的特点。这是一个发展中国家。中国位于亚洲的东部。它有许多的邻国。北、东北和西北是蒙古、俄罗斯和韩


1.Shakespeare: Great Tragedies:Hamlet\ Macbeth\ Othello\ King Lear Great Comedies:The Merchant of Venice\The Twelfth Night\ A Midsummer Night's Dream\As you like it 2.The Privy Council was formerly the chief source of executive power in the state and give private advice to the King.So the Privy Council was also called the King's Council in history.Today its role is largely formal,advising the sovereign to approve certain government decrees. 3.Civil Service Implementation of the Minister’s decisions is carried out by a permanent politically neutral organization known as the civil service.The civil service is non-political.Changes of government do not involve changes in departmental staff.Civil servants are recruited mainly by open competition. 4. Norman Conquest In 1066, Edward died childless. Harold, Edward’s brother-in-law, and William, Duke of Normandy, Edward’s Norman cousin, both claimed the throne. William, Duke of Normandy, crossed the Channel , killed Harold and defeated the English army at the battle of Hastings. After Norman Conquest, feudalism was established in


“…We are not about to enter计算机 16. C. 70million 17. C. one who has never learnt to read 18. C. the urgency of computer education 19. B. how to use computers 20. D. Those who want to use computers should know how computers operate. A boy starts school today妈妈的信 1 1. A. a mother 1 2. D. the process of knowing this world 1 3. C . devi 14. D. break his faith 15. C. optimistically About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight减肥 1. D. To work hard. 2. D. both A and B 3. C. Americans need losing weight 4. A. diet books are not always effective 5. B. there is not a sure way of losing weight as yet After inventing dynamite诺贝尔奖 1. B. 1901. 2. A. To recognize worthwhile contributions to humanity. 3. B. Ceremonies are held on December 10 to commemorate Nobel’s invention. 4. D. Science. 5. B. 103. Although no one is certain why migration occurs迁徙理论 1 1. B. continued migrating 1 2. B. there were too many birds 1 3. B. To test the relationship between daylight and migration. 14. B. longer days cause changes in the bodies of birds 15. A. exact reasons for migration are not known Among all the changes resulting工作的女性 1. A. women’s participation in work 2. D. all of the above 3. B. many women lack courage or necessary training 4. B. It has resulted from reasons other than her intelligence. 5. C. optimistic By 1970, according to a World Wildlife老虎工程 16. B. protect tigers from being killed 17. D. the tiger is not an efficient hunter as is commonly described 18. C. expands as the tiger grows up 19. A. has been carried too far 20. B. to have a matter-of-fact attitude towards Project Tiger Cars of 2050 will travel未来无轮汽车 1. C. will use columns of air instead of wheels 2. B. It will be influenced by weather conditions 3. A. it travels a few inches above the ground 4. D. Over waterfalls. 5. B. create new traffic problems


介绍中国的英语作文 【题目要求】 做为一个中国人,你对我们的中国了解多少呢?请给你在 美国的笔友 Dave 写封信,向他介绍你的祖国。80 词左右,恰 当运用比较级和最高级,可适当发挥。 中国是亚洲最大的国家。和美国差不多大。 中国有世界上最多的人口。人们友好勤劳。 长江是世界最长的河流之一。中国有超过 5000 的悠久 历史。比美国的历史长多了。 中国有世界最高山峰。 词汇:as...as, population,the Yangtze River ,the third longest ,much longer, Qomolangma 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Dave, I’m happy to be your pen pal. I’d like to tell you something about China. China is the biggest country in Asia. It’s almost as big as the USA. China has the biggest population in the world. The people here are friendly and hard-working. The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in the world. China is over 5000 years old. It has a much longer history

than the US. The Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. I love China very much. Welcome to China and play with me. Yours Li Lei 【参考译文】 亲爱的戴夫, 我很高兴成为你的笔友,我想告诉你一些关于中国。 中国是亚洲最大的国家。这几乎是美国,中国是世界上人口最多的大。这里的人们友好勤劳。扬子江是世界上最长的河流之一。中国有5000多年的历史。它的历史比美国悠久得多。珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高的山峰。 我非常爱中国。欢迎来中国和我一起玩。 你的朋友, 李磊 推荐阅读:小学一年级介绍中国的英语作文介绍中国的小学英语作文介绍中国的英语作文100字以上介绍中国的英语作文小学 关于介绍中国的英语作文60词初二英语作文范文:母亲节


英语国家概况翻译 Unit 1 A Brief Introduction to The United Kingdom 我们正在研究的这个国家的全称是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。这也是一个复杂的名字,对于一个在许多方面都很复杂的国家。大多数人都知道它,是因为它的庞大的海外帝国的称号使他在国家上扮演着重要的角色,但是在第二次世界大战之后的数年,这一切都结束了。然而,人们知道的那些有关英国(他们可能称它为 大不列颠)的事情,可能跟大多数真正的英国人是如果过自英国或者,错误的称为 己的生活的事情没有多大的联系。一方面,现在,帝国的时代已经过去很久了,只有老人们把帝国作为他们生活有一些意义的一件事留在记忆里。英国不再是一个帝国,尽管其过去帝国的影响可能体现在各方各面;而不是仅仅体现在与曾经是这个帝国的一部分并且建立起一个松散(自愿)的称之为英联邦国家的组织保持联系的50或更多的国家之间的密切关系。但是今天在英国国际关系中,更重要的是欧洲联盟。自从1973年始,英国成为了它的成员。考虑到当代的英国,强调它在欧盟中扮演的角色,比起英联邦的一部分,要有用得多了。作为7国集团成员的大型发达经济体,它仍然是一个相对富裕的国家。 另外一个明显旧帝国的影响在于组成英国人口本身。在20世纪50年代和60年代这段时间,受到鼓励来自这些英联邦国家的移民,导致了一个二十个人中就有一个非欧洲人的人口种族。他们自己,其父母,或者祖父母,出生在印度或巴基斯坦,加勒比国家,仅举出这几个最有代表性的国家和地区。 这将引入什么是本章节关于英国的关键主题:因为是大多数,或所有的国家,是不可能用简单的话语来概括英国人民。很多人想到了英国,就想到了英国的绅士。但是,这仅仅是一种刻板印象,在当今,对于绝大多数英国人来说都是不适

初一英语阅读、完型、排序专项练习 经典30篇

温馨提醒: “自己美好的未来靠自己创造”。 祝各位学子都能取得优异的成绩! 阅读专项练习 (一) The day was like any other day in his life, Tom walked past the shop on the street comer. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much were still there. Looking down, he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his birthday. He sadly walked away and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew she would give him anything he liked if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and his mother would notice (注意)it. So he went to the park and sat on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair (轮椅) . He noticed that the boy moved the wheel with his hands. Tom looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy have no feet. He looked at his own feet. “It's much better to be without shoes than without feet, ” he thought. There was no reason (理由) for him to feel so sorry and sad. He sent away and smiled, thinking he was happier. 1.Tom passed the shop______..[] A.on foot B.by bus C.by bike D.in a car 2.Why did Tom stop in front of the shop? Because he wanted______. [ ] A.to buy the shoes B.to look at the shoes he liked C.to look at the shoes in the shop window D.to look at the shoes on the front row 3.The pair of shoes he liked was ______. [ ] A.too expensive

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