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Everyone wants to have good manners, but it is not so easy. We must care about everything in life. There is something we should know.

First, say "hello" to people you meet, not only to teachers, but also to your friends and your classmates, and even your neighbors. Second, help others as much as you can. Then everybody will like you. Third, don't laugh at others. That will be impolite and hurt them. Fourth, never ask others about their personal information. If others have something that they cannot say, they will be very embarrassed.

Good manners make things easier. They can help people to get on well with each other. When you are nice to people, they will be nice to you.

(1)Everyone wants to have good manners, but it is not so easy.

(2)It is very important to have good manners.

(3)We just take care of ourselves, and everything will be fine.

(4)We shouldn't ask others about their personal information.

(5)Good manners can help people to get on well with each other.








(1)句意:每个人都想有礼貌,但这并不容易。根据Everyone wants to have good manners, but it is not so easy. 可知每个人都想有礼貌,但这并不容易,故答案为正确。(2)句意:礼貌是非常重要的。根据 Good manners make things easier. 可知礼貌是非常重要的,故答案为正确。

(3)句意:我们只是照顾好自己,一切都会好起来的。根据Second, help others as much as you can. Then everybody will like you. 可知尽你所能帮助别人。那么每个人都会喜欢你的,故答案为错误。

(4)句意:我们不应该询问他人的个人信息。根据Fourth, never ask others about their personal information. 可知我们不应该询问他人的个人信息,故答案为正确。

(5)句意:良好的礼仪可以使人和睦相处。根据Good manners make things easier. They can help people to get on well with each other. 可知良好的礼仪可以使人和睦相处,故答案为正确。



One day, the famous American scientist Albert Einstein came across an old friend in the street in New York. "Mr. Einstein," said the friend. "it seems that you need a new overcoat. This one is worn out!" "It doesn't matter," answered Einstein. "Nobody knows me here in New York." Seven years passed, and they met in New York again. Einstein had become a world famous physicist by then, but he still wore the same old overcoat. Once more his friend tried to persuade him into getting a new one. "There is no need now." said Einstein. "Everyone here knows me."

(1)Albert Einstein was a famous American scientist.

(2)Einstein's overcoat looked very old.

(3)Einstein still wore the same old overcoat when he became world famous.

(4)His friend thought Einstein didn't need a new overcoat.

(5)This story tells us that Einstein did not pay attention to the superficial (丧面的) things. 【答案】(1)1







(1)句意:爱因斯坦是一位伟大的科学家。根据短文叙述Einstein had become a world famous physicist by then .(到那时爱因斯坦成为了世界著名的物理学家。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(2)句意:爱因斯坦的外套看起来很旧。根据短文叙述"it seems that you need a new overcoat. This one is worn out!(看起来你需要一件新外套。你的这件太旧了。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(3)句意:爱因斯坦仍然穿着同一件旧外套,当他世界著名时。根据短文叙述Einstein had become a world famous physicist by then, but he still wore the same old overcoat. (到那时爱因斯坦成为了世界著名的物理学家,但是他仍然穿着那件旧外套。。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(4)句意:他的朋友认为爱因斯坦不需要一件新外套。根据短文叙述"it seems that you need a new overcoat. This one is worn out!(看起来你需要一件新外套。你的这件太旧了。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。




My Wonderful Holiday in China

In Beijing, I visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Summer

Palace. I also met all Bill's friends and family.

Last week, Bill's family took me to Xi'an by train. Xi'an is in the northwest of China. We visited the Terracotta Army there. They are so amazing! We also ate some delicious noodles there.

Then we went to Sichuan. It's in the southwest of China. First, we went to see the pandas in Wolong. They are very cute. Then we climbed Mount Emei. The mountain is very beautiful. We saw many funny monkeys on our way. I was very tired, but very happy. We ate some delicious hot pot there. Sichuan is famous for hot pot.

Tibet is in the southwest of China, too. We went there by plane from Sichuan. It was sunny and hot in Tibet, but there was still snow on the mountains. We visited the famous Potala Palace and took many photos.


(1)What places did Ted visit in Beijing?

(2)Where did Ted go last week? What did he do there?

(3)What is Sichuan famous for?

(4)What did they see on Mount Emei?

【答案】(1)In Beijing, Ted visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace.

(2)Last week, Ted went to Xi'an. He visited the Terracotta Army there and ate some delicious noodles there.

(3)Sichuan is famous for hot pot.

(4)They saw many funny monkeys on Mount Emei.



(1)句意:泰德在北京参观了哪些地方?根据In Beijing, I visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace. 可知在北京,特德参观了长城、紫禁城、天安门广场和颐和园,故答案为In Beijing, Ted visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square and the Summer Palace.

(2)句意:泰德上周去哪儿了?他在那里做了什么?根据Last week, Bill's family took me to Xi'an by train. We visited the Terracotta Army there. We also ate some delicious noodles there. 可知上周,特德去了西安。他参观了那里的兵马俑,在那里吃了一些美味的面条,故答案为Last week, Ted went to Xi'an. He visited the Terracotta Army there and ate some delicious noodles there.

(3)句意:四川以什么闻名?根据 Sichuan is famous for hot pot. 可知四川以火锅闻名,故答案为 Sichuan is famous for hot pot.

(4)句意:他们在峨眉山上看到了什么?根据 Then we climbed Mount Emei. We saw many funny monkeys on our way. 可知他们在峨眉山上看到许多有趣的猴子,故答案为They saw many funny monkeys on Mount Emei.



Some animals collect their winter food in the autumn. In the winter, they just stay at home and eat the food they collect in the autumn. For example, squirrels collect seeds and nuts, and beavers collect sticks.

Many birds cannot find food in the winter, so they fly from the north to the south in the autumn. They fly back the next spring. For example, swans and wild geese fly away in the autumn, because they can find food in the warm south.

Some animals sleep for a long time in the winter. They eat a lot of food in the autumn. In the winter, they do not eat anything. They are hungry when they wake up in the spring. They usually look for food in March or April. Bears, snakes and frogs are such animals.

Winter is cold in many countries, but these smart animals can spend it safely.


(1)What do squirrels collect for winter in autumn?

(2)Why swans and wild geese fly away in the autumn?

(3)When does the snake look for food when they wake up?

(4)Which animal collect their winter food in the autumn?

【答案】(1)Squirrels collect seeds and nuts.

(2)Because they can find food in the warm south.

(3)In March or April.

(4)The squirrels and beavers



(1)句意:松鼠在秋天冬天收集什么?根据For example, squirrels collect seeds and nuts, and beavers collect sticks. 可知松鼠收集种子和坚果,故答案为Squirrels collect seeds and nuts.

(2)句意:为什么天鹅和大雁会在秋天飞走?根据Many birds cannot find food in the winter, so they fly from the north to the south in the autumn. 可知因为他们能在温暖的南方找到食物,故答案为 Because they can find food in the warm south.

(3)句意:当蛇醒来时,它们什么时候寻找食物?根据 They usually look for food in March or April. Bears, snakes and frogs are such animals. 可知三月或四月,故答案为 In March or April.(4)句意:哪种动物在秋天采集冬季食物?根据In the winter, they just stay at home and eat the food they collect in the autumn. For example, squirrels collect seeds and nuts, and beavers collect sticks. ,可知松鼠和海狸,故答案为 The squirrels and beavers



The students in Grade Six are going to face(面临) the biggest exam(考试). They study very hard. Every day they do a lot of exercises of Chinese, maths and English.

Li Jun is a student in Class Two. He is good at English and maths. But his Chinese is not so good. So he has to do some reading after the homework.

Li Yan is Li Jun's cousin. She is in Class Three. She likes singing and dancing. She's going to be a singer in the future. Every day, when she finishes her homework, she has to sing and dance for an hour.

(1)Li Jun is good at .

A. Chinese

B. science

C. English and maths

(2)Li Jun after the homework.

A. learns English

B. does some reading

C. draws pictures

(3)Li Yan is Li Jun's .

A. pen pal

B. classmate

C. cousin

(4)Li Yan likes .

A. painting

B. playing badminton

C. singing and dancing

(5)The students in Grade Six will face .

A. a big farewell party

B. the biggest school trip

C. the biggest exam








(1)根据 Li Jun is a student in Class Two. He is good at English and maths. 可知李军擅长英语和数学,故答案为C.

(2)根据 So he has to do some reading after the homework. 可知李军在做完作业后做些阅读,故答案为B.

(3)根据 Li Yan is Li Jun's cousin. 可知李燕是李军的表妹,故答案为C.

(4)根据 She likes singing and dancing. 可知李燕喜欢唱歌和跳舞,故答案为C.

(5)根据The students in Grade Six are going to face the biggest exam.可知六年级的学生将面临最大的考试,故答案为C.



I'm Larry. I was born on August 12, 1994. I go to Park Avenue School. I'm in Grade 6. I have a pet. She is smart and cute. My favourite season is summer. In summer, I can wear a T-shirt and shorts. I was very excited to win a prize for playing the violin. My parents were proud of me. When I am older, I want to be a computer programmer or an English teacher.

(1)What grade is Larry in?

(2)What is Larry's pet like?

(3)Why is summer Larry's favourite season?

(4)Why was Larry excited?

(5)What's Larry's dream?

【答案】(1)Larry is in Grade 6.

(2)She is smart and cute.

(3)Because he can wear a T-shirt and shorts.

(4)Because he won a prize for playing the violin.

(5)He wants to be a computer programmer or an English teacher.



(1)根据短文叙述 I'm in Grade 6. (我在6年级。)可知是六年级。故答案为: Larry is in Grade 6.

(2)根据短文叙述 She is smart and cute. 可知宠物又聪明又可爱。故答案为: She is smart and cute.

(3)根据短文叙述In summer, I can wear a T-shirt and shorts. 可知是因为可以穿短裤和T 恤。故答案为: Because he can wear a T-shirt and shorts.

(4)根据短文叙述 I was very excited to win a prize for playing the violin. 可知是因为赢得了小提琴大奖。故答案为: Because he won a prize for playing the violin.


When I am older, I want to be a computer programmer or an English teacher. 可知他的梦想是成为电脑程序员或英语老师。故答案为:He wants to be a computer programmer or an English teacher.



This is our classroom. It's very big. It has very big windows and there are two green doors. On the front door you can see a photo of my class. There are forty-five students in our class. There are twenty-six boys. In the classroom there are two blackboards. One is for teachers and one is for students. The walls are white and bright. On the wall you can see some nice pictures, and there are two maps too—a map of China and a map of the world.

(1)Our classroom is big, but the windows are small.

(2)There are 26 girls in our class.

(3)There is no blackboard for students in the classroom.

(4)There isn't a photo on the door.

(5)There are two maps on the wall.








(1)句意:我们的教室很大,但是窗户很小。根据 This is our classroom. It's very big. It has very big windows and there are two green doors. 可知我们的教室很大,窗户也很大,故答案为错误。

(2)句意:我们班有26个女生。根据There are forty-five students in our class. There are twenty-six boys. 可知我们班有19个女生,故答案为错误。

(3)句意:教室内没有学生黑板。根据 In the classroom there are two blackboards. One is for teachers and one is for students. 可知教室里有两块黑板,一个给老师的,一个给学生的,故答案为错误。

(4)句意:门上没有照片。根据 On the front door you can see a photo of my class. 可知在前门你可以看到我班的一张照片,故答案为正确。

(5)句意:墙上有两张地图。根据 On the wall you can see some nice pictures, and there are two maps too—a map of China and a map of the world. 可知墙上有两张地图,故答案为正确。



Christmas Day always comes on the 25th of December. It is the biggest festival in many countries. Children are very excited because they can get many presents from Father Christmas. Father Christmas is an old man in red clothes. When small children go to bed on the night of December 24th, they put a stocking at the end of their bed. Their parents ask them to sleep early, or Father Christmas will not give them anything. Children are very excited on Christmas morning and always wake up early, because they can see many presents in their stockings.

On Christmas Day, all the families will get together to have a big lunch or dinner, play party games and watch the Christmas programmers on TV.

(1)Christmas Day always comes on the 25th of December.

(2)Christmas Day is the biggest festival in many countries.

(3)Father Christmas is an old man in red clothes.

(4)Children are very excited on Christmas morning.

(5)On Christmas Day, all the families will get together to have a big breakfast.








(1)句意:圣诞节是12月25日。根据短文叙述Christmas Day always comes on the 25th of December.(圣诞节是12月25日。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。(2)句意:在许多国家圣诞节是最大的节日。根据短文叙述It is the biggest festival in many countries.(它是许多国家中最大的节日。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。(3)句意:圣诞老人是一位穿红衣服的老人。根据短文叙述Father Christmas is an old man in red clothes.(圣诞老人是一位穿红衣服的老人。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(4)句意:在圣诞节早上,孩子们非常兴奋。根据短文叙述Children are very excited on Christmas morning(在圣诞节早上,孩子们非常兴奋。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。

(5)句意:圣诞节,所有的家人将会聚在一起吃丰盛的早餐。根据短文叙述On Christmas Day, all the families will get together to have a big lunch or dinner(圣诞节,所有的家人将会聚在一起在中午或晚上吃丰盛的大餐。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。



Yesterday I had a party with my friends. We played games together. We sang and danced. And we ate too much food and drank too many drinks. We were so happy. I went to bed very late. This morning, I didn't feel well. I had a cough and I had a headache. I went to hospital and saw a doctor. The doctor said, "You have a bad cold. You should drink more water and take some medicine. You should have a good rest. And you will be fine."

(1)Yesterday we had a party.

(2)We played computer games together.

(3)I didn't feel very well this morning.

(4)I didn't go to hospital.

(5)I had a bad cold.








(1)句意:昨天我们开了一个晚会。根据 Yesterday I had a party with my friends. 可知昨天我们开了一个晚会。故答案为正确。

(2)句意:我们一起玩电脑游戏。根据 We played games together. 可知我们一起玩游戏。故答案为错误。

(3)句意:今天早上我感觉不太舒服。根据This morning, I didn't feel well. 可知今天早上我感觉不太舒服。故答案为正确。

(4)句意:我没有去医院。根据 I went to hospital and saw a doctor. 可知我去医院。故答案为错误。

(5)句意:我得了重感冒。根据 You have a bad cold. 可知我得了重感冒。故答案为正确。【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。


There are some animals on my grandpa's farm. Look at the chicks. They are small. And there are some ducks in the river. They are swimming. They are bigger than the chicks. And there are five pigs there. They are bigger than the ducks. And they are fatter than them, too. They are sleeping now. The cows are drinking water. They are taller and bigger than the pigs. Look at the white horses. They are the tallest of all. I like them very much. And I love all the animals. They are lovely.

(1)The chicks are ________ than the ducks.

(2)The ducks are ________in the river.

(3)The pigs are ________ and ________ than the ducks.

(4)The cows are ________ ________.

(5)The horses are ________ ________ of all.









(1)句意:小鸡比鸭子……。根据They are bigger than the chicks.可知小鸡比鸭子小。smaller更小的。故答案为 smaller .

(2)句意:鸭子在河中……。根据And there are some ducks in the river.They are swimming.可知鸭子在河中游泳。swimming 正在游泳。故答案为 swimming .

(3)句意:猪比鸭……和……。根据And there are five pigs there. They are bigger than the ducks. And they are fatter than them, too. 可知猪比鸭更大、更肥。 bigger更大的, fatter更肥的。故答案为bigger,fatter.

(4)句意:奶牛……。根据 The cows are drinking water. 可知奶牛在喝水。drinking water在喝水。故答案为drinking water.

(5)句意:马是所有中……。根据 Look at the white horses. They are the tallest of all. 可知马是最高的。the tallest最高的。故答案为the tallest.



沪教牛津版六年级英语上册全册知识点汇总Module 1 Getting to know each other 一、核心词汇 1.表示时间名词:month 一个月的时间;月份yesterday 昨天 2.形容词:cute 可爱的pretty 漂亮的handsome 英俊的;帅气的famous 著名的;出名的healthy 健康的;有益于健康的unhealthy 不健康的;损害健康的 3.动词:catch 逮住;捕捉spend 度过pick 采摘 4.食物名词:hamburger 汉堡包fruit 水果pie 馅饼pizza 比萨饼cola可乐sandwich三明治vegetable 蔬菜chicken 鸡肉chocolate 巧克力 5.表示动物名词:turtle 乌龟fly 苍蝇 6.其他:during 在……期间everyone 每个人;所有人countryside 乡村;农村 7.核心词组:grow up长大;成长junior high school 初级中学(be)born 出生summer holiday 暑假the Great Wall 长城the Palace Museum 故宫博物院Tian’an men Square 天安门广场go swimming 去游泳go to the museum 去博物馆go to the cinema 去电影院junior high school 初级中学do my homework 做我的家庭作业watch TV看电视visit my friends 拜访我的朋友 a little 少量的fish and chips 炸鱼薯条 二、了解词汇 1.一些动词及过去式:go(去)—went do(做)—did have/has(有)—had watch(观看)—watched visit(访问;探望)—visited am/is(是)—was are(是)—were 2.一些食物名词:egg 鸡蛋bread 面包noodles 面条dumplings 饺子 3.其他:menu菜单


小学一年级下英语词汇表Unit 1 see 看见 frog 青蛙 rabbit 兔子 bee 蜜蜂 bird 鸟 Unit 2 listen 听 hear 听见 sheep 绵羊 hen 母鸡 Unit 3 smell 闻 taste 尝 rice 米饭 soup 汤 egg 蛋 noodles 面条 help 帮助 stand up 站起来 flower 花 Unit 4 toy 玩具 like 喜欢 ball 球 doll玩具娃娃 kite 风筝 bicycle 自行车 toy shop 玩具店super 超级的 Unit 5 food 食物 sweet 糖果,甜的jelly 果冻 ice cream 冰淇淋biscuit 饼干teatime 茶点时间for 给 and 和 sorry 对不起,抱歉very much 非常Unit 6 drink 饮料

water 水 juice 果汁 milk 牛奶 birthday 生日 party 派对,聚会happy 快乐的 song 歌曲 Unit 7 season 季节 spring 春天 warm 温暖的summer 夏天 hot 热的 outside 在外面 in 在....里面 cool 凉爽的 Unit 8 how 怎么样,如何weather 天气 cloudy 多云的 sunny 阳光美眉的rainy 有雨的,多雨的windy 有风的,多风的go 去 to 到,去 beach 沙滩 Unit 9 clothes 衣服 need 需要 new 新的 dress 连衣裙 shorts 短裤 blouse 女式衬衫 Unit 10 activity 活动 ride 骑 skip 跳绳 play 玩,踢(球) fly 放(风筝),飞playtime 游戏时间football 足球 rope 绳子 Unit 11 new year 新年


沪教版牛津上海小学六年级上册英语阅读理解及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读短文,选择正确答案。 I have a pen pal. Her name is Tina. She is thirteen. She is from Australia. She lives in the country. She is tall and strong. She likes playing chess, basketball and computer games. Basketball is her favourite sport. She plays after school every day. Usually she goes to school by bike. She goes to school by car when she gets up late. (1)Who's Tina? A. She is my pen pal. B. She's my classmate. (2)Where is she from? A. America B. Australia (3)What does she do after school? A. She plays chess. B. She plays basketball. (4)What is Tina like? A. Strong and tall. B. Quiet and tall. (5)Does Tina usually go to school by bike? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she goes by car. 【答案】(1)A (2)B (3)B (4)A (5)A 【解析】【分析】①根据所给的短文, I have a pen pal. Her name is Tina.我有一个笔友.她的名字Tina.故选A. ②根据所给的短文,She is from Australia.她来自澳大利亚.故选B. ③根据所给的短文,Basketball is her favourite sport.She plays after school every day.篮球是她最喜欢的运动.她每天放学后玩.故选B. ④根据所给的短文,She likes playing chess,basketball and computer games.她喜欢下象棋,篮球和电脑游戏.故选A. ⑤根据所给的短文,Usually she goes to school by bike.通常她乘自行车去上学?故选A. 【点评】此题考查阅读理解.

沪教版小学三年级上册牛津英语期末试卷 附答案

沪教版小学三年级上册牛津英语期末试卷听力部分 一听录音,选出你所听到的句子编号(8分) ()1.A.Good morning.boys and girls. B.Good evening,Mr Zhang. C.Good afternoon,Mrs Wang. ()2.A.Clean the blackboard,please. B.Close the door,please. C.Look at the blackboard,please. ()3.A.She’s my grandmother. B.She’s my mother. C.He’s my grandfather. ()4.A.My ears are big. B.My eyes are big. C.My hair is long. ()5.A.Is this your school? B.Is this the library? C.Is that your classroom? ()6.A.The kite is blue. B.The cat is brown. C.The balloon is white. ()7.A.The bee is yellow and black. B.The ant is small black. C.Look at the ant.It’s black. ()8.A.Who’s your friend? B.Who are you? C.What’s your name? 二选出你所听到的内容编号。(10分) ()1.A.kite B.cat C.cake ()2.A.friend B.fat C.father ()3.A.Miss Fang B.Mr Fang C.Mr Wang ()4.A.sing B.thin C.small ()5.A.book B.bag C.blue


六年级上重点知识复习及练习 Part 1 单词梳理 1.spend v. 度过 拓展①spend v. 花费s b spend some time / some money (in) doing sth sb spend some time / some money on sth Eg: Lucy spends five hours in doing her homework.. 注:spend-spent-spent ②. cost 花费sth cost sb some money. 某物花费了某人多少钱 ③take 花费It takes sb some time to do sth 做某事花了某人多久时间 2.island n. 岛屿 住在某岛上用live on. Eg: He lives on Chong Ming Island. 3.bay n. 海湾 近义词harbour 海港 4.weekend n. 周末 短语:at weekends 在周末 5.seaside n. 海边 拓展side n. 边 6.lucky adj. 幸运的,好运的 luckily adv. 反义词unlucky; unluckily 7.market n. 市场 supermarket 超市 8. activity n. 活动activities (复) active adj. 活跃的 9.barbecue n. 烧烤 10.sandcastle n. 沙堡 11. collect v.收集 collection n. 收集物(可数) 12. plan v. 计划 短语:plan to do sth. 计划做某事 Eg: I plan to buy a new bag. 13. shall modal v. 将要,好吗(主要对第一人称复数提问) Eg: Shall we go out and play together? 过去式should 14. cost 花费 短语:sth cost sb some money. 某物花费了某人多少钱 Eg: The book costs me ten dollars. 15. trip n. 旅行 短语:a trip/ visit to some place去某地旅游


沪教版牛津上海小学六年级上册英语阅读试题含答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读短文,判断句子对“正确”错“错误”。 I'm a girl from Guangzhou. I have a pen pal. His name is John. He's an Australian boy. He's twelve years old. He studies in Guangzhou now. John is a good student. He studies hard every day. John often cooks breakfast, lunch and dinner by himself. He likes Chinese food very much. He is interested in cooking. And he's good at cooking. (1)John is from Australia. (2)John studies in Australia. (3)John is 20 years old. (4)John likes cooking very much. (5)He doesn't like Chinese food. 【答案】(1)1 (2)0 (3)0 (4)1 (5)0 【解析】【分析】(1)句意:约翰来自于澳大利亚。根据句子His name is John. He's an Australian boy. 可知答案正确,故填:正确。 (2)句意:约翰在澳大利亚学习。根据句子He studies in Guangzhou now. 可知答案错误,故填:错误。 (3)句意:约翰20岁。根据句子He's twelve years old. 可知答案错误,故填:错误。(4)句意:约翰非常喜欢做饭。根据句子He is interested in cooking. 可知答案正确,故填:正确。 (5)句意:约翰不喜欢中国食物。根据句子He likes Chinese food very much. 可知答案错误,故填:错误。 【点评】此题考查阅读判断。先在文章中找到和题干相关的信息,再进行判断分析。2.阅读理解根据短文内容判断下列各句的正误


三上 Module 1 -Greeting to know you 教学目标:学会使用新单词和句式打招呼,学会用句式询问对方名字。重点词汇: hello Miss Mr Mrs fine boy girl 日常表达:1.Hello,I’m Jim. 2.Good morning!/Goodbye! 3.-How are you? -I’m fine.Thank you. 4.-Are you...? - Yes,I am./ NO,I’m not. 语法:1. 人称代词 I you 2.Be动词 am are 语音发音:a b c d e f Module 2 -My family,my friends,and me. 教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。 2.学会用固定句型描述一个人的外貌。 3.学会用wh - questions询问他人信息。 4.学会用yes/no-questions询问具体信息。 重点词汇: ①身形 tall short fat thin ②家庭成员 father mother sister brother ③五官 nose face ear hair eye mouth

重点句型:1.This is Kitty. She is thin. 2.-Is she/he...? -Yes ,she/ he is. No, she/he isn’t. 3.-Who is he? -He is my brother. 4.My hair is long. 语音发音:g h i j k l Module 3 -Places and activities 教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。 2.学会用祈使句。 3.学会用wh - questions询问数量和价格。 4.能正确使用不定冠词a、an 5.使用句型询问物品归属。 重点词汇: ①教室物品 blackboard door window ②房间物品chair desk pen pencil ruler schoolbag ③水果 apple banana orange pear 重点句型:1.Close the door,please. 5.-How much is it/are they? 6.Is this/are these your ...?


Module 1 Family and friends Unit 1 Family and relatives 1.family and relatives 家庭和亲戚 2. a family tree 一个家谱 3.grandsons and granddaughters 孙子和孙女们/外孙和外孙女们 4.get a lot of presents 得到许多礼物 5.Happy Birthday (to sb.) ! 生日快乐! 6.get a birthday card from sb. 从某人那儿得到一张生日卡 7.one of my family members 我的家庭成员之一 8.only have one aunt 仅仅有一个阿姨 9.my classmates 我的同班同学 10.go shopping 去购物 11.what else 其他什么 12.play badminton 打羽毛球 13.go cycling 去骑自行车 14.go swimming 去游泳 15.two cousins 两个堂/表兄弟/妹 16.how many + 名词复数多少…… 语言点 1. This is my grandfather.这是我的(外)祖父。 These are my family and relatives.这些是我的家人和亲戚。 注意句中各成分保持单复数同形。 2. I?m their son.. 我是他们的儿子。 We?re their sons.我们是他们的儿子。 3. How many uncles do you have?你有多少个叔叔? How many后面接可数名词的复数形式。 4. What do you do with your…?你和你的…干什么? 5. What else do you do with your…?你和你的…还干什么? 6. What else do you do with your…?你和你的…还干什么?With是个介词,后面接人称代词时,要用宾格的形式。With me/him/her/it/us /them 7. always/sometimes/usually是频度副词,提问应该要用How often…?


第一讲Unit1 Great cities in Asia 教学过程 一、课堂导入

教师讲述一个与本节课题目有关的英文小故事,引出今日所要讲解的知识点,然后让学生简单梳理一下所涉及的问题,带着问题学习本节课的内容。 二、复习预习 教师引导学生复习上节课学的重点内容,检测单词的用法,(以提问、回顾的形式进行),针对上节课的作业进行讲评、订正、答疑,并通过英文小故事导入本节课所要学习的新知识。 三、知识讲解 1. 知识点一:重点单词 1)Asia [ 'ei??] 【词性】n. 【词义】亚洲 【易混淆点】Asian 亚洲的;亚洲人 【经典例句】 Miss Guo and her students are at an exhibition about great cities in Asia. 郭女士和她的学生们在一个关于亚洲主要城市的展览会上。 2)Japan [d??'p?n] 【词性】n. 【词义】日本 【易混淆点】Japanese 日本的;日本人 【经典例句】

Tokyo is the capital of Japan. 东京是日本的首都。 3)Thailand [ 'tail?nd] 【词性】n. 【词义】泰国 【易混淆点】Thai 泰国的;泰国人 【经典例句】 Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. 曼谷是泰国的首都。 4)capital [ 'k?pit?l] 【词性】n. 【词义】首都 【易混淆点】captain 队长,船长 【经典例句】 Tokyo is the capital of Japan. 东京是日本的首都。 5)information [?inf?'mei??n] 【词性】n. 【词义】信息 【易混淆点】news 消息 【经典例句】 Miss Guo and her students are reading some information about


沪教版牛津上海六年级上册英语阅读理解及答案解析 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解阅读理解,判断正误 Zhang: Excuse me, how do we get to the People's Park? Man: You can go there by the No. 5 bus, or you can go on foot. Zhang: How do we go on foot? Man: It's easy. Turn left at the traffic lights. The park is near a tall office building. John: Thank you very much. Hurry up, Zhang Peng! Zhang: No! The light is red. Stop! John: That's right. We have to wait. Zhang: Now it's green. Let's go! (1)John and Zhang Peng can't go to the park by the No. 5 bus. (2)John and Zhang Peng want to go to the park on foot. (3)The People's Park is near the traffic lights. (4)John wants to go at a red light. (5)Zhang Peng follows the traffic rules. 【答案】(1)0 (2)1 (3)0 (4)1 (5)1 【解析】【分析】(1) 通过文章中的“You can go there by the No. 5 bus.(你可以乘五号公车去。)”可以知道这道题目是错误的; (2) 通过文章中的“How do we go on foot?(我们走路怎样去?)”可以知道这道题目是正确的; (3) 通过文章中的“The park is near a tall office building.(公园在一栋高高的办公大楼附近。)”可以知道这道题目是错误的; (4)通过文章中的John所说的“ Hurry up, Zhang Peng!(快点,张鹏!)”可以知道约翰在不知情的情况下,想要闯红灯,因此这道题目是正确的; (5) 通过文章中的“No! The light is red. Stop!(不!现在是红灯。停下来!)”可以知道,张鹏遵守交通规则,因此这道题目是正确的。


三年级英语期末测试题 一选出下列单词中不同类的一项(只选字母的序号)(10 分) 1.()A who B here C how D what 2. ( ) A tiger B giraffe C snake D monkey 3. ( ) A friend B father C grandmother D sister 4. ( ) A grey B colour C violet D purple 5. ( ) A you B we C her D she 二.按要求写单词(10 ) 1. warm ( 反义词) _________ 2. spring ( 同类词) _________ 3. leaf ( 复数) _________ 4. gloves ( 单数) _________ 5. wet (反义词)__________ 6. tooth ( 复数) ____________ 7.isn’t ( 完全形式) ________ 8. are not (缩写形式) __________ 9. smooth ( 反义词)_________ 10. bus ( 复数)_________ 11. this ( 复数) _________ 12. have ( 三单) _________ 13. loud ( 反义词) ________ 14. television (缩写形式) ____ 15. are ( 单数)______ 16. come ( 反义词) _____ 17. her ( 对应词) _______ 18. I ( 宾格) ________ 19. his ( 人称代词) _______ 20. here ( 同音词) ________- 三.重新排列下列单词组成完整的一句话(10分) 1. green , he , has , a , and , purple , T—shirt , ____________________________________________________ 2. hear , what ,you can . ____________________________________________________ 3. and ,wind ,the blows , blows ____________________________________________________ 4. my , is , where , umbrella , ____________________________________________________ 5. rainbow , look ,the at ,in , sky ,the , ____________________________________________________ 四.句子配对(20分) 1.()What season is it ? A I’m eleven . 2.()Who is she ? B I’m fine . Thanks. 3.()What are they ? C Yes , I do . 4. ()Do you like tigers ? D They’re giraffes. 5.()How are you ? E It’s spring . 6. ()How old are you ? F It’s on the chair. 7. ()What’s your name ? G It’s a telephone . 8.()What colour are the clouds ? H They’re grey. 9.()What’s that noise ? I I’m Ben . 10()Where’s my hat ? J She’s my sister. 五。句型转换(10分) 1. It is summer .( 对划线部分提问) ______ _______ is it ? 2. He is eleven years old .( 对划线部分提问)


沪教版牛津英语3A三年级上册教案 教学计划

教学进度表 对教材的分析与理解 教材内容: Book 3A contains core language learning material, using a wide variety of text-types and activities to introduce language; poems; stories, cartoons, dialogues and practical tasks all engage the student at his/her personal level. This language preparation provides students with the means to carry out successfully the subsequent learning tasks, which are fully describe in the book.

教材目标: The “building block’’approach is based the fact that learning and the capacity to learn are developmental; that is, that students learn by building on known language, concepts and activities, to develop and expand progressively . The development of the thematic through related moudules ensures the deve lopment of language by constantly revisiting and recycling,thus building from a strong base within levels. In the knowledge that language and content develop and are revisited progressively throughout the package, vocabulary and stucutrues are introduced and practiced through tasks at a controlled pace steady enough to involve students’interest whilst ensuring constant consolidation . At lower levels, care has been taken to ensure that pupils are learning within familiar ,comfortable contexts so that the language is appropriate to their needs and interests. At higher levels, students’ knowledge of the world is taken into account as well. Student involvement is encouraged throughout Oxford English by tasks and activities that focus on interaction; teacher to student(s), in groups and in pairs. This collaboration ensures communication and the purposeful use of English . 总体设想: Workbook3A provides further post-task activities and exercises that reinforce the language learned through the students’ book and the associated tasks. They include activities that require the student to include a personal element in the form of posters, survey forms and personal information . Handwriting practice sheets are provided at the end of the book. Thus the workbook becomes a record of the student’s individual learning progress. The Workbook is primarily intended for use in the classroom, but may be used for homework as well. Overprinted Answer keys are available. Grammar Practice Book 3A :while further consolidating language and vocabulary learned in the Student’s Book, Grammar practice Book 3A revisits structures in appealing and humorous contexts, making this basic introduction to grammar stimulating for students. Overprinted answer keys are provided . Module 1 Getting to know you Teaching Aims: 1.Learn new sentence structures.. e.g. Hello,I’m… Good morning. Goodbye How are you? Fine,thank you. What’s your name? I’m… Come in, please. Thank you. 2. Review the letters 3.Learn grammer e.g. I’m… You’re…


沪教版牛津上海六年级上册英语阅读题及答案 一、阅读理解 1.阅读理解并选择正确答案。 Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week. He wants to give some presents to them. Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop, he bought a blue sweater and black trousers for his grandfather and some good books for his grandmother. Both his parents thought they were very good presents. Ben was very happy. (1)Where are Ben's grandparents? A. In London B. In New York C. In Beijing (2)What did Ben do yesterday? A. He visited his grandparents. B. He went shopping with his friends. C. He went shopping with his parents. (3)How many people went shopping yesterday? A. One B. Two C. Three (4)He bought _____ for his grandmother. A. black trousers B. some books C. blue sweater (5)When is Ben going to visit his grandparents? A. Tomorrow B. Next week C. Yesterday 【答案】(1)B (2)C (3)C (4)B (5)B 【解析】【分析】文章大意:描述Ben打算探望祖父母的事情。 (1)根据 Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week.可知他的祖父母住在纽约,故选B。 (2)根据Yesterday he went shopping with his parents.可知昨天他和父母去购物了。故选C。 (3)根据Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop可知三个人去购物了,故选C。 (4)根据In the shop, he bought a blue sweater and black trousers for his grandfather and some good books for his grandmother. 可知他给祖母买了一些书,故选B。 (5)根据Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week. 可知他打算下周去看望祖父母,故选B。 【点评】考查对篇章的把握和细节的辨别能力。答题时,紧扣文章中的关键词,做出正确选择。 2.阅读理解阅读短文,判断正误 Long, long ago there lived a king. He was very old and he


版沪教版牛津英语三年级下册重要考点讲解与 训练知识点全面覆盖 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

一.介词 到目前为止,我们学过得介词有: in ,at, for, to ,of , about . 含有这些介词的短语或句子有: in spring, 在春季,in summer , 在夏季,in autumn,在秋天 in winter 在冬季, come in 进来,in the zoo 在动物园 look at,看;看一看,be good for ,对…有益,on the farm 在农场 Happy birthday to you !祝你生日快乐!be afraid of…,害怕……, a cup of tea 一杯茶, What about you你呢 训练题 () winter, I like sleeping _____ home. B. at C. on ()2. I like sw imming ____ summer. It’s fun. B. at C. on ()3. We can see some tigers,lions,elephants ,monkeys…_________. the zoo B. at home C. on the farm ()_____ the monkey. It’s very cute. B. at () mouse is afraid _______ the cat. B. at C. for ()’s a cup of tea ______ you, Mum. B. for C. about () do we have _____ breakfast,Mum B. at C. for () Happy birthday _____ you , Joe . --Thank you. B. to C. for 二.不定代词some的考查 some意为“一些”,它后面须接可数名词的复数,或不可数名词.常用在肯定句中. () have_____ milk and bread for breakfast. B. an C. some () have_____noodles and for breakfast. B. some C. an 三.冠词 a , an, the 的考查 以元音音标开头的单词前面要用冠词an ,如:an egg, an apple , an orange, an elephant , an idea , an ice cream等。 “the” 是表特指,指说话人和听话人都知道的人或事物,或用在固定短语中,如in the morning, Open the door,please. in the zoo, 等。 () have some noodles and____ egg for breakfast. B. an C. some () can see three tigers and ____ elephant in the picture. B. a ()3Here’s _____ cup of tea for you, Father’s Day! A. a B. an C. some 有时也把some 和冠词合在一个题中考 () have_____ bread and______ ice ream for breakfast.


形容词比较级最高级 <一>规则变化 A. 单音节和不可拆双音节形容词 1.以e结尾+r / st huge-huger/hugest large- larger- largest safe- safer- safest 2.辅音字母+y结尾:去y + ier / iest heavy-heavier-heaviest dirty- dirtier- dirtiest happy-happier-happiest early-earlier-earliest friendly-friendlier-friendliest angry-angrier-angriest healthy-healthier-healthiest easy-easier-easiest 3.重读闭音节,以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾:双写辅音字母+ er,est big-bigger- biggest fat- fatter- fattest thin- thinner- thinnest hot- hotter- hottest wet- wetter- wettest red- redder- reddest strong young old short clever new great tall high cheap poor rich small slow fast light B. 部分双音节形容词, 多音节形容词 famous- more famous- the most famous modern – more modern – the most modern careful- more careful- the most careful beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful expensive – more expensive (less expensive)- the most expensive interesting- more interesting- the most interesting <二>不规则变化


沪教牛津版六年级知识 点归纳 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

六上 Module 1-Getting to know each other 教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。 2掌握某些动词过去式的用法。 3.学会用过去时态表述状态。 4.学会用过去时态表述做的事。 5.掌握写信的格式。 6.巩固情态动词 can、should用法。 重点词汇: ① mouth cute pretty handsome catch ② famous during spend everyone countryside ③ healthy unhealthy Hamburg yesterday sandwich vegetable chicken chocolate 重点句型:1. I/He/She was... You/We/ They were... 2.-How was your summer holiday 3. -It was/was not ... 4.- What did you have for breakfast/ lunch/ dinner yesterday? - I had some... 语音发音:e e-e ee ea i y e a ea

P b t d k c ck g Module 2-Relationship 教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。 2掌握某些动词过去式的用法。 3.学会用一般过去时的疑问句。 4.巩固wh - questions 在过去语态中的用法。 5.掌握数词 hundred,thousand的用法。 6.巩固 Would like to...句型和 There be ...句型。 重点词汇: ① neighbour son daughter noisy dig ② thousand hundred wild way die learn send ③ e-friend country other hobby 重点句型:1. - Did you +动词原形+过去时间? - Yes,I did./ No,I didn’t. 2.There was a...in the past. There were many...in the past. 3.-Would you like to ... -Yes,I’d like to./No, I wouldn’t. 语音发音 a ar u o ue u-e oo u f v th Module 3-Out and about 教学目标:1.学会在具体语境中使用新单词。 2掌握 Shall we...句型。

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