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1.be able to;

2.be about to;



5.have access to有权做/使用


7.accomplish.vt完成,实现;8.account.n账目;v认为;on account of由于;

9.accuse.vt控告/指控;accuse of因某事控告某人;10.accustomed.a习惯的;11.achieve.vt完成、达到;

12.acquire.vt获得;13.actually.ad实际上14.adapt.vt使适应; adapt to适应;15.add to增加;

16.addition.n增加;in addition to除此之外;in addition另外;17.adequate.a适当的、足够的;18.adjust to适应;

19.adopt.vt采用,收养;20.advance.n前进;advanced. a高级的、先进的;advantage. n有利条件,利益;disadvantage. n不利条件,劣势;take advantage of利用=make use of; gain/have an advantage over胜于/优于;21.advice.n建议;advise .vt建议;22.affair.n 事件23.affect.vt影响;24.be afraid of; 25.ahead of在---前面;25.aim at针对;26.above all首先;after all毕竟;all in all总而言之;all but几乎、差一点;in all总共;27.along with同---一起28.not only---but also不仅---而且;29.alternative.n/a二选一,选择性的30.ambitious.a有雄心的;31.amuse.vt使愉快;32.analyse.vt/n分析;analyze .vt分析;

33.anticipate.v预见/期34.be anxious about渴望、担心;35.anything but决不;36.apart from远离、除---之外;37.apology.n道歉38.appeal.n/v呼吁;39.application.n申请40.apply.v申请;41.arise.vi出现;42.arrange.v安排;43.as for/to关于/至于;as if好像;as ---as---possible; as/so long as只要,在---时候;

44.ask for请求,寻找45.association.n协会;associate.交往;associate with联合;46.assure.vt保证;

47.assess.vt评定;48.attempt to试图;49.pay attention to注意;50.attract.v吸引51.attractive.a吸引人的;52.available.a可利用的53.on average平均起来;54.avoid.vt避免55.be aware of知道;


1.back up支持;

2.be bad for对---不好;

3.go bad变坏;

4.keep one’s balance保持平衡;

5.bear in mind记住;bear on/upon对---施加压力,有关;

6.because of;

7.on behalf of代表;

8.behave.v行为,举止;behavior. n行为,举止;

9.belong to属于;10.benefit.v 有益于,有助于n.利益11.do/try one’s best尽力;12.give birth to产生13.be to blame应承担责任;14.be bound to一定要;15.break away, 脱离, 放弃; break down制服, 倒塌, 中止; break in 闯入, 打断, 开始工作; break into破门而入; break off中断, 断绝; break out爆发; break through突破; break up分裂,变坏;16.in brief简单扼要;17.brilliant.a灿烂的,有才气的;

18.bring about使发生;bring forth提出;bring forward提出;bring in生产, 挣得, 介绍引进;bring out出版, 生产;bring up教育, 培养, 提出;19.budget.n/vi预算20.burden.n/v负担;21.on business出差;in business做生意22.be busy with忙于;23.but for要不是24.nothing but只;



2.call at访问;call back打回电;call for要求, 提倡;call in召集;call off放弃;call on 号召, 访问;call up使想起, 提出, 打电话给;


4.be capable of有---能力;

5.care about 担心;care for关怀;take care当心;take care of照顾;


7.carry off夺去...的生命, 获得;carry on继续开展, 坚持; carry out完成,执行;

8.in any case无论如何;in case万一;in case of假设, 万一;in no case决不;

9.catch one’s eye引起某人的注意;catch sight of瞥见;catch up追上, 吸住;catch up with赶上, 逮捕, 处罚;10.cause.vt引起n.原因;

11.celebrate.v庆祝;12.challenge.n/vt挑战; 13.take a chance冒险;利用机会;14.change into;15.take charge负责16.check.n阻止,控制;check in/out登记/离开;17.chart.n图表;18.cheque.n支票;19.church.n教堂;

20.circumstance.n环境;21.civilization.n文明;22.clear up整理、清除;23.get close to接近;

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,bination.n结合,合并;combine. v.联合;

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,e about产生;https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,fort.v安慰;comfortable .a舒适的;https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,mercial.a商业的;commerce .n商业;


https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,parable.a可比较的https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,pare to比作;compare with与---相比较;https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,patible.a协调一致的;兼容的;https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,pensate.v 偿还;compensate for赔偿;https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,petitive.a竞争的;https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,plain.v抱怨;https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,plaint.n抱怨;https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,plete.a完全的https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,plex.a 复杂的=complicated; https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,ponent.n成分;https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,pose.v组成https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,position.n作文,合成物;

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,pound.n混合物;a.复合的;v混合https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,prehension.n理解;https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,prise.v包含https://www.wendangku.net/doc/68345013.html,promise.v/n妥协;48.be concerned about关心;be concerned with参与,干预;49.conclude.v做出结论;conclusion .n结论;50.on condition that如果;51.confess.v 承认;52.confidence.n信心;confidential. a秘密的;

53.confine to限制54.confirm.v确定;55.conflict.v/n冲突;56.confuse.vt糊涂;57.congress.n国会;58.connect with连接;59.in


62.consider as认为63.considerable.a相当大的;64.consist.vi由—组成;65.consulate.n领事;66.consult.v商量;67.consume.v消费;consumption. n消费;68.contact.n/v接触,联系69.continent.n大陆70.contradict.vt矛盾;71.on the contrary正相反;72.in contrast to与---形成对比;in contrast相反;by contrast with和...成对照;73.contribute.v捐款74.convenient.a方便的5.convert into转变成;

76.cooperate.vi合作;77.coordinate.a并列的;78.copyright.n版权;79.at all costs( =at any cost)不惜任何代价, 无论如何;at the cost of 以...为代价;

80.count on/upon依靠, 指望; 81.counter.n计算器,柜台;82.in the course of在...期间;83.court.n法院;84.crime.n犯罪;criminal n 罪犯a犯罪的;85.crisis.n危机;86.critical.a批评的;关键的;87.curious.a好奇88.current.a当前的;89.cut across抄近路通过; cut down削减; cut in插嘴, 插入; cut off切断, 断绝; cut out切掉,取代;cut short打断, 缩减(有时作cut shorter)

D 1.out of date过时的;up to date最近的, 最新的; 2.deadline.n最终期限; 3.a good/great deal大量;4.dealer.n商人;5.debate.v/n 辩论;6.debt.n债务;in debt负债;7.declare.vt宣布;8.decrease.n/v减少;9.define.vt定10.definite.a明确的11.delete.vt 删除;12.delight.v/n高兴;13.demand.n/v需要;14.democracy.n民主政治/主义;15.demonstrate.v证明16.depart.vi离开17.depend.vi依靠;18.deposit.vt沉淀;19.describe.v描写0.deserve.v应受21.design.v/n设计22.despite.prep尽管;23.destroy.v 毁24.in detail详细地; 25.develop.v发展;development .n;26.digital.a数字的;27.dim.a暗淡的28.diplomat.n外交官29.directly直接地;30.disappoint.vt使失望;31.discharge.v解雇,卸下;32.discount.n折扣;33.discourage.vt使气馁;

34.dismiss.v解散,开除;35.dispute.v/n辩论;36.distinct.a清楚的;37.distinguish.v区别;38.divide into划分;39.do away with废除;40.domestic.a国内的,家庭的;

41.dominate.v支配;42.dose.n剂量43.draft.v起草n草稿;44.draw up草拟;draw out使说出实情; 45.doubt.v怀疑;46.drill.v 训练,钻孔;47.dull.v迟钝48.duplicate.a/n副本49.on duty上班;

E 1.eager.渴望的; 2.earn.v赚; 3.ease.v放松;4.economic.a经济的;economical .a节约的;economy .n经济;5.bring into effect实施, 使生效, 实现;come/go into effect开始生效;in effect有效;take effect生效;

6.effective.a有效的;efficient .a有效率的



9.elementary.a初步的,基本的;10.eliminate.v 排除;11.emphasize.v强调12.employee. employer雇主;13.enable.vt使能够;14.encourage.v鼓励;15.engage in从事于;


22.environment.n环境;23.equal.vt等同;a相等的24.entire.a全部的25.entrance.n入口26.equivalent.a相等的;27.especially.adv 特别;28.essential.a本质的;29.establish.v建立;30.estimate.v/n估计/价;31.even if/though即使;32.in theevent如果,结果;33.eventually.adv终于;for eventually永远,总是;34.evidence.n证据;35.exact.a精确的36.examine.v检查37.exception.n 例外;without exception一律;38.excessive.a过多的;

39.exchange.v/n交换;in exchange for交换;40.execute.vt使行,完成;41.executive.a实行的;n经理主管人员;42.exhaust.v耗尽;43.exhibition.n展览会;44.expect.vt期待;45. at the expense of归...付费, 在损害...的情况下; 46.explanation.n解释;47.exploit.v 开采/发;48.export.vt/n输出,出口;import进口;49.expose.v暴露;be exposed to遭受, 暴露于;50.extend.v延伸;

51.external.a.外部的;52.extraordinary.a非常的;53.catch one’s eye引起某人的注意;keep an eye on留意;

F 1.face to朝向;in the face of面对;face up to引起某人的注意; 2.fashion.n时尚;




6.be in favour of参加支持...的活动; do someone a favor帮助某人;

7.feasible.a可行的;8.feather.n羽毛;9.feedback,n反馈;10.feel.v感觉;feel like想;

11.fiber/fibre.n光纤;12.fierce.a猛烈的;13.figure.n数字;v描绘;14.financial.a财政的,金融的;15.find out;16.at first起先;first of all首先;for the first time第一次;17.be fir for适合于;fit in装配好; 18.fix up修理,解决19.flavour.n香味;20.flexible.a 灵活的;21.focus.n/v聚焦;22.forbid.v禁止23.force.n/v强制24.forever.adv永远;25.forgive.v原谅;26.foundation.n基础,基金会27.framework.n结构28.friendship.n友谊;29.for free免费;30.fuel.v/n燃料;31.fulfill.vt实现32.function.n作用;33.fund.n 基金v.投资;34.fundamental.a基础的;n基本原则;

G 1.gain.v获得; 2.generally.adv通常;3.generate.vt产生 4.generous.a慷慨的;5.genius.n天才;6.gesture.n姿势;v做手势;

7.get across通过; get along 融洽相处, 进展;get away逃脱; get down(从...)下来, 写下, 使沮丧;get in进入, 到达, 收获; get into 陷入; get off下来, 脱下, 开始;get on 融洽相处, 进展, <口> 赶快, 发迹;get on with继续做; get out逃脱, 泄露, 出版; get over克服,


【Vocabulary and Structure】专项练习100题 1. It is well known that Tomas Edison __________ the electric lamp. A. discovered B. Found C. developed D. invented 2. I couldn’t enter the lab because I had ____________ the key in my office. A. taken B. left C. missed D. got 3. I regret ____________ you that we are unable to offer you employment. A. informing C. to inform B. having informed D. to have informed 4. The chairman has informed us that he ____________a few minutes late after the meeting begins. A. has arrived C. could arrive B. should arrive D. may arrive 5. She had made __________many mistakes in the article that we couldn’t catch what she meant. A. such B. that C. so D. as 6. I sincerely ____________him to make great progress with his new job in a short tine. A. expect B. believe C. think D. instruct 7. Is ____________ necessary to complete the design before National Day? A. this B. that C. it D. such 8. She said she would live in London for ____________ four or five years. A. another B. others C. other D. the others 9. Mr. Smith used to smoke ____________but he has given it up now. A. badly B. seriously C. heavily D. hardly 10. Thousands of people took part in when the old temple ____________. A. was rebuilding C. would be rebuilt B. was being rebuilt D. had been rebuilt 【1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B】 11. ____ with each other, two systems can work better. A) When combine C) When combined B) When combining D) When they combined 12. It's important that everyone ____ here on time. A) is B) will be C) must be D) be 13. The stormy weather gradually gave _____ to a period of sunshine. A) room B) way C) space D) place 14. I could not do anything except just _____ for him to come round. A) waiting B) to wait C) waited D) wait 15. I can't _____ the sight of that poor man. A) suffer B) endure C) bear D) put up 16. Wang Ming ____ ill. I saw him playing basketball a moment ago. A) needn't have been C) couldn't have been


江苏省2012 年普通高校专转本统一英 语考试 第一卷(共100 分) Part I Reading Comprehension(共20 题,每题 2 分,共40 分) Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. American researchers have developed a technique that may become an important tool in fighting AIDS. The technique stops the AIDS virus from attacking its target-cells in the body's defense system. When AIDS virus enters the blood, it searches for blood cells called T4 lymphocytes (淋巴细胞). The virus connects to the outside of T4 lymphocytes, then forces its way inside. There it directs the cells' genetic (基因的)material to produce copies of the AIDS virus. This is how AIDS spreads.Researchers think they may be able to stop AIDS from spreading by preventing virus from connecting to T4 cells. When AIDS virus finds a T4 cell, it actually connects to a part of the cell called CD4 protein.Researchers want to fool the virus by putting copies or clones of the CD4 protein into the blood. This way the AIDS virus will connect to the cloned protein instead of the real ones. Scientists use the genetic engineering methods to make the clones. Normally a CD4 protein remains on the T4 cell at all times. The AIDS virus must go to it.In a new technique, however, the cloned CD4 protein is not connected to a cell. It floats freely, so many more can be put into the blood to keep the AIDS virus away from real CD4 proteins on T4 cells. One report says the AIDS virus connects to the cloned proteins j ust as effectively as to real protein. That report was based on tests with blood cells grown in labs. The technique is just now beginning t o be tested in animals. If successful, it may be tested in humans within a year. 1. The new technique can ________. A. cure AIDS B. kill the AIDS virus C. prevent the AIDS virus from spreading D. produce new medicines for AIDS 2. When the AIDS virus enters the blood, it is reproduced by ________. A. the inside of the virus itself B. any blood cells in the body C. the CD4 protein D. the genetic material of T4 cells 3 The AIDS virus connects to cloned proteins instead of to the real ones because ________. A. the cloned proteins stay on the T4 cells B. the cloned proteins can float freely in the blood C. it connects to cloned proteins more effectively than to the real ones D. the cloned proteins are made by genetic engineering methods 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. The new technique has been tested in labs. B. The new technique is being tested in animals. C. The new technique may be tested in humans. D. The new technique is now under clinical test. 5 Which of the following could be the best title of this passage? A. AIDS---a Fatal Disease. B. A New Technique in fighting AIDS. C. A Report on the Spread of AIDS Virus. D. The Technique of Cloned CD4 Protein. Passage TWO Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage. During the early ears of last century, wheat was seen as the very lifeblood of Western Canada.


2019年江苏省普通高校“专转本”英语试题卷 (非英语类专业) 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为试题卷、答题卷和答题卡三部分。试题卷分为第I卷(客观题)和第II卷(主观题)两部分,第I卷第1页至第10页;第II卷第10页至第11页,有两大题;共11页,共五大题,全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.作答题,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、座位号准确清楚地填写在试题卷、答题卡和答题卷的指定位置,并认真核对。 3.作答第I卷时,考生须用2B铅笔在答题卡上填涂答案;作答第II卷时,考生须用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔将答案答在答题卷上,否则无效。 4.考试结束时,考生须将第I卷、第II卷和答题卡、答题卷一并交回。 第I卷(共100分) Part I Reading Comprehension(共20小题,每小题2 分,共40 分) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements, For each of them there arc 4 choices marked A, B, C and should decide on the best choice and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding on the Answer Sheet. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage "Cool"is a word with many meanings, Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed. The word has had many different meanings. "cool"can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.when you see your favorite footballer. We all maximize the meaning of "cool"You can use it instead of many words such as "new"or "surprising". Here’s an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used . A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one sentence. "It’s so cool."Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt. But the story also shows a scarcity(贫乏)of words. Without "cool", some people have no words to show the same meaning . So it is quite important to keep some credibility. Can you think of many other words that make your life as colorful as the word "cool"? I can. and I think they are also very cool. 1 .According to the passage,the word "cool"has had . A. only one meaning B. only a few meanings C. many different meanings D.the same meaning 2.In the passage, the word"express"(Para. 2)means . A.see B.show C. know D. feel 3.If you are __ something. You may say "It’s cool." A. interested in B. careful about C. afraid of D. angry about 4.The writer gives an example to show he is the way the word"cool"is used.


2012年writing(课堂所讲范文) 李仁杰预测 范文一:1.人们对职业务有不同的理想 2.我理想的职业是什么 3.我怎样为我理想的职业做准备 My Ideal Job ?Everyone has his own ideal job. Some want to be doctors, some want to be teachers, and some want to be engineers. ?My ideal job is in teaching. Firstly, I like children very much. I would like to sing, to dance, and to play with them. Secondly, a teacher has two vacations each year. I can enjoy myself during the summer and winter holidays. Finally, I want to teach the students all that I know and help them to develop their potential so that they can work better for our country in the future. ?In order to be a good teacher, I will study hard not only in class, but also in daily life. I will train my patience, improve my handwriting, and enrich my knowledge. In a word, I will study harder than ever to prepare for my future teaching job. 范文二: Outline 1. 人们以为淡水是取之不尽的 (提示:雨水、河水、井水......) 2. 实际上淡水是非常紧缺的 (提示:人口增加,工业用水增加,污染......) 3. 我们应该怎么办 Global Shortage of Fresh Water ?Many people believe that the world’s supply of fresh water will never be used up. They hold that fresh water comes from such a variety of sources that it is always sufficient for use. Such an opinion leads to a shocking waste of water. ?As a matter of fact, the earth is short of fresh water. Furthermore, with the rapid growth of the world’s population, the rising demand for water by industry, and the serious pollution of our surroundings, the world is facing the danger of running out of fresh water. Actually, in some big cities, fresh water cannot meet the daily needs. ?Therefore, to find new ways to save water is an urgent task. First, we should pass strict laws to control any waste of water. Second, scientists must work even harder to purify sea water and polluted water, and try to find substitutes to reduce the use of fresh water. 范文三: 1.大学生了解社会的必要性。 2. 了解社会的途径(大众媒介、社会服务等) 3. 我打算怎么做。


1. able/ability/enable/unable/disable/disabled/dis ability able的同根词用法一致,后接不定式。 比较:be able to do sth. / be capable of (doing) sth. 2. 动词词缀:en-+ adj./n.或adj./n.+/-en enable/enlarge/enrich/encourage/brighten/wid en/worsen/sharpen/strengthen/heighten/length en 3. abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃,放纵abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉溺于(=be addicted to) 4. aboard adv. 在船(车)上,上船abroad adv. 在国外,到国外 board n. 木板on board 在船上 broad adj. 宽的,宽阔的 5. absent adj. 不在的, 缺席的(反:present) 6. absolute adj. 完全的, 绝对的 7. absorb vt. 吸收, 吸引 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 8. abundant adj. 丰富的,大量的(=plentiful) 9. access n. 通路, 接近,入门 have access to 接近,有权使用 e.g. Citizens may have free access to the public library. 10. accident n. 意外事件, 事故 by accident 偶然(=by chance)(on purpose 故意) 11. accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同 12. accomplish vt. 完成, 达到, 实现~ the task accomplishment n. 成就 13. account n. 计算, 帐目, 说明,解释 on account of 由于 take... into account 考虑到(= take…into consideration) account for 解释,说明 14. accuse vt. 指责,控告 accuse sb. of sh. 因某事控告某人 (同:charge sb. with sth. 因某事控告某人) e.g. He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in jail. His mother charged him with being lazy. 15. achieve vt. 完成, 达到 achievement n. 成就, 功绩 16. action n. 动作, 行动, 举动 take action to do sth. 采取行动做某事(同:take measures to do sth.) 17. actor n. 男演员→actress n. 女演员 类似:waitress(女侍者,女服务生), hostess(女主人), princess(公主,王妃)18. adapt vt. 使适应, 改编 adapt oneself to sth. 适应(= adjust oneself to sth.) e.g. He adapted/adjusted himself very quickly to the weather in the country. 比较:adopt vt. 采用, 收养 19. advance n. 前进, 提升v. 前进, 提前 in advance 预先,提前 20. advantage n. 优势, 有利条件(反:disadvantage n. 不利条件, 缺点)have an advantage over 胜过,占优势 take advantage of 利用 21. advertise v. 为…做广告 advertisement/ad n. 广告 22. advise vt. 劝告, 忠告 advise sb. to do sth. 劝说(强调动作) persuade sb. to do sth. 说服(强调结果)注意:advise的宾语从句或It is advised that结构的主语从句,需使用should型虚拟语气。 advice n. 忠告, 建议 23. afford vt. 买得起, 负担得起 ~ sth. (a new car, vacation, etc.) ~ to do sth. 24. agree vi. 同意, 赞成 agree with sb. agree on sth. (经过讨论后)就…达成一致 agree to sth. (plan, proposal, etc.)


2011江苏专转本英语试题 绝密?启用前 2011年江苏省普通高校“专转本”选拔考试试卷 <<大学英语>>试题 第?卷(共100分) 注意事项: 1(答第?卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。 2(每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。如果答案不涂写在答题卡上,成绩无 效。 Part I Reading Comprehension(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)(得 分:28) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage 1(10分钟) Questions l to 5 are based on the following passage. Everyone loves to eat! People in every country enjoy this activity, There are so many different kinds of food in the world - Chinese food,


; 专升本英语必背527个核心词汇 1. able/ability/enable/unable/disable/disabled/disability able的同根词用法一致,后接不定式。 比较:be able to do sth. / be capable of (doing) sth. 2. 动词词缀:en-+ adj./n.或adj./n.+/-en enable/enlarge/enrich/encourage/brighten/widen/worsen/sharpen/strengthen/height en/lengthen 3. abandon vt. 放弃,抛弃,放纵 abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉溺于 (=be addicted to) ( 4. aboard adv. 在船(车)上,上船 abroad adv. 在国外,到国外 board n. 木板 on board 在船上 broad adj. 宽的,宽阔的 5. absent adj. 不在的, 缺席的(反:present) 6. absolute adj. 完全的, 绝对的 7. absorb vt. 吸收, 吸引 be absorbed in 全神贯注于 & 8. abundant adj. 丰富的,大量的(=plentiful) 9. access n. 通路, 接近,入门 have access to 接近,有权使用 . Citizens may have free access to the public library. 10. accident n. 意外事件, 事故 by accident 偶然(=by chance)(on purpose 故意) 11. accompany vt. 陪伴,陪同 12. accomplish vt. 完成, 达到, 实现 ~ the task — accomplishment n. 成就 13. account n. 计算, 帐目, 说明,解释 on account of 由于 take... into account 考虑到(= take… into consideration) account for 解释,说明 14. accuse vt. 指责,控告 accuse sb. of sh. 因某事控告某人 (同:charge sb. with sth. 因某事控告某 — 人) . He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in jail. His mother charged him with being lazy. 15. achieve vt. 完成, 达到


江苏省专转本英语考试语法重点大全 一)倒装句 谓语动词放在主语之前的这种语法现象称为倒装。从倒装的形式来看,可分为全部倒装(full inversion)和部分倒装(partial inversion)两种。前者是指整个谓语置于主语之前,而后者仅是指助动词、情态动词或be 动词等功能置于主语之前。 一、全部倒装 1、句首为there be, stand, lie, exist, remain, appear, seem, come 等时,引出全部倒装。 There stands a stone bridge across the river. There stands an old pine tree on the summit of the mountain. 2、句首为状语方位词或表示地点的介词短语: Then from the portable radio in the corner came the announcer’s voice.从角落里的便携式收音机里传来了播音员的声音。 At his side lay Eva Brown. 在他的身旁躺着的是爱娃.布劳恩。 3、以here, there, now, then等开头的句子,位于常用be, come, go, begin, follow 等,引出倒装: There goes the bell. 铃响了。 Here comes the bus. 汽车来了。 Now come your turn. 现在轮到你了。 但是,如主语是代词而不是名词时则不发生倒装。 4、在表示动作的简短句子里,为了生动,可把副词放于句首引出倒装。


2009-2013年江苏专转本英语历年真题 2009年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试试卷大学英语 第Ⅰ卷(共100分) 注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必按规定要求填涂答题卡上的姓名、准考证号等项目。 2.用铅笔把答题卡上相应题号中正确答案的标号涂黑。答案不涂写在答题卡上,成绩无效。 Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by four comprehension questions. Read the passage and answer the questions. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet. Passage One Questions 1~5 are besed on the following passage. Young Koreans are beginning to do it alone when it comes to finding a partner, though matchmaking is still the most common way for boys to meet girls. Professional matchmakers can make thousands of American dollars by introducing suitable marriage partners to each other, but partners also play a role in the process during which young Koreans meet. In Confucius Korea, where marriage is regarded as more of a business contract than a sacred thing, the scene of the first meeting is repeated hundreds of times a day in coffee shops in the main hotels around Seoul. The business of continuing the family lineage (血统)and keeping the blooding pure is often too important to be left to romance and chance encounters. Often, the girl will work out a system of secret signals with her mother, from which her parents can tell if she is interested. For example, if the girl orders a coffee it might mean that she wants her parents to leave her alone with the boy, while a milk shows that she wants them to stay. Sometimes the matchmaking is not always so formal, with the introduction being made by friends. But whether through friends or families, there is hardly a Korean man in the country who has not gone through this process --- sometimes six or seven times. 1. The word “matchmaking” in the passage means ____. A. a very formal ritual(仪式)attended by boys and girls B. introducing boys and girls to know each other for the purpose of marriage C. producing matches to make a fire or light a cigarette D. arranging games between men and women 2. The fact that the first meeting is repeated again and again in coffee shops in the main hotels suggests that ____. A. Koreans like drinking coffee in coffee shops very much B. men and women want to meet as many times as possible C. they are busy with communicating with different people D. marriage is seen as a business contract instead of something sacred


江苏专转本英语考纲以 及解析 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

“专转本”考试分文科、理科,和日语这三大科目,英语是文理两个科目中的必考科目,在总分400分中占有150分的分值,其重要性不言而喻。 考纲大致内容如下 考试内容: 专转本考试包括五个部分:阅读理解、词语用法与语法结构、完形填空、翻译、作文。 试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(客观题)和第Ⅱ卷(主观题)两部分。两卷满分150分。考试时间为120分钟。 第Ⅰ卷(客观题):(100分) 第一部分:阅读理解(PartⅠ:ReadingComprehension) 第二部分:词语用法和语法结构(PartⅡ:VocabularyandStructure) 第三部分:完形填空(PartⅢ:Cloze) 第Ⅱ卷(主观题):(50分) 第四部分:翻译(PartⅣ:Translation) 第五部分:写作(PartⅤ:Writing) 第一部分:阅读理解(PartⅠ:ReadingComprehension):(共20题,每小题2分,共40分) 要求考生阅读4篇短文,每篇阅读量不超过300词。每篇短文后有5个问题,考生应根据文章内容从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。 选材的原则是: 1、题材广泛,可以包括人物传记、社会、文化、日常知识、科普常识等,但是所涉及的背景知识应能为学生所理解; 2、体裁多样,可以包括叙述文、说明文、议论文等; 3、文章的语言难度中等,无法猜测而又影响理解的关键词会用汉语注明词义。 阅读理解部分主要测试下述能力: 1、掌握所读材料的主旨和大意; 2、了解说明主旨和大意的事实和细节; 3、既理解字面的意思,也能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论; 4、既理解个别句子的意义,也理解上下文的逻辑关系。 阅读理解部分的目的是测试学生通过阅读获取信息的能力,既要求准确,也要求有一定速度。 第二部分:词语用法和语法结构(PartⅡ:VocabularyandStructure):(共40题,每小题1分,共40分) 题目为词和短语的用法和语法结构。要求考生从每题四个选择项中选出一个最佳答案。试题主要相关于谓语动词的时态语态、非谓语动词、it作形式主语或形式宾语、强调句、倒装句、从句引导词、虚拟语气等。 词语用法和语法结构部分的目的是测试学生运用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。 第三部分:完形填空(PartⅢ:Cloze):(共20题,每小题1分,共20分) 在一篇或两篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文(约200词)中留有20个空白,每个空白为一题,每题有四个选择项,要求考生在全面理解内容的基础上选择一个最佳答案,使短文的意思和结构恢复完整。填空的词项包括结构词和实译词。


表acquire 获得,学到afternoon下午,午后词汇 A acquisition 获得;获得物afterward(s) 然后,后来 acre 英亩a gain再,又,此外 a (an) 一,一个across穿过,横过against反对;倚靠 abandon 放弃,丢弃act 行动,表演age 年龄,时代 ability 能力,才能active积极的,活动的agenda 议程,议事日程 able 能干的activity 活动,活动性agent 代理人,代理商abnormal 反常的,不规则的actor演员,男演员aggressive 侵略的,有进取心的aboard 在船(飞机,车)上actress女演员ago 以前,??前 abolish 废除,取消a ctual 实际的,现行的agree 赞同,一致,约定 abortion 流产,堕胎a cute尖的,急性的agreement 协议,同意 about 大约,关于A D 公元;广告agricultural 农业的,农艺的 above 在?上面,超过ad= advertisement 广告,做广agriculture 农业,农艺;农学abroad 到国外,遍布ahead 在前,向前,提前 告 abrupt 突然的,粗鲁的adapt使适应,改编aid 帮助,救护 absence缺席,缺少adaptation改编,适应AIDS 爱滋病 absent 缺席的,茫然add 加,进一步说(或写)aim 企图,瞄准 absolute 绝对的,确实的addicted 沉溺的,上瘾的air 天空,大气;样子 absorb 吸收,接受addition 加法,增加aircraft 飞机,飞艇 abstract 抽象的,摘要address地址,住址airline 航线,航空公司absurd 荒谬的,可笑的adequate充足的,任任的airmail 航空邮件,航空邮 政 abundant 丰富的,充裕的adjust调整,校整,适应于 a irplane 飞机 abuse 滥用,辱骂adjustment 调整,校整airport 机场,航空港 academic 学术的,学院的administration 管理,经营,行airspace 空气,空间,上空academy 院校,研究院;学会alarm 惊恐;警报 政 accelerate 加速,促进;增加速admirable可赞赏的,堂堂的album 粘贴薄;相册;文选 度admire羡慕,钦佩 a lcohol 酒精 accent 重音,口音;强调admission 允许进入,入场费a lcoholic 酒精的 accept 接爱,认可admit 承认,接纳a lgebra 代数学,代数 access接进;进入;途径adolescence青春期,青少年alike 相似的,相象的accessible 易接近的,可理解的adolescent青少年的,青春期的alive 活着的,有活力的accident 事故,意外的事adopt 采取,收养all 全部的,完全地accommodation 适应,膳食供adore 崇拜,热爱allergic 过敏的,极讨厌的 应adult 成的人的,已成熟的alley 小径,胡同 accompany 陪伴,陪同,伴随advance促进,提高,allocate分配,把??拨给accomplish 完成,实现a dvantage优势,利益allow 允许,承认,考虑到 account 解释,说明a dventure 冒险,奇遇a llowance 允许,准许, accountant 会计,出纳a dvertisement 广告,登广告almost 几乎,大概 accumulate 积累,积蓄,堆积advice 劝告,意见a lone 单独的,唯一的 accuracy 准备性;准备度advise 劝告,建议,通知along 沿着,向前 accurate 准备的,正确的advocate提倡,提倡者alongside 在旁边,横靠accuse 控告,指责a ffair 事情,事务a loud 出声地,大声地 accustomed 习惯了的affect 影响,感动alphabet 字母表 ache 痛,想念affection 爱,感情,作用already 已,已经 achieve 完成,达到afford 提供,负担的起a lso 也,同样;而且 achievement 成就,实现a fraid 害怕的,恐怕alternative两者选一的;交替的 acid 酸的,酸性物质A frica 非洲although 尽管,虽然 acknowledge 承认,感谢A frican 非洲的,非洲人的altitude 高度,高处 acquaintance认识,熟人after 在??后面,后来altogether 完全,全部,总共
