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Project Quality Management includes the processes required to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. It includes “all activities of the overall management function that determine the quality policy, objectives, and responsibilities and implements them by means such as quality planning, quality control, quality assurance, and quality improvement, within the quality system”. Figure 8-l provides an overview of the following major project quality management processes:


8.l Quality Planning—identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how to satisfy them.


8.2 Quality Assurance—evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards.


8.3 Quality Control—monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance.


These processes interact with each other and with the processes in the other knowledge areas as well. Each process may involve effort from one or more individuals or groups of individuals based on the needs of the project. Each process generally occurs at least once in every project phase.


Although the processes are presented here as discrete elements with well-defined interfaces, in practice they may overlap and interact in ways not detailed here. Process interactions are discussed 1n detail in Chapter 3, Project Management Processes.


The basic approach to quality management described in this section is intended to be compatible with that of the international Organization for Standardization (ISO) as detailed in the ISO 9000 and 10000 series of standards and guidelines. This generalized approach should also be compatible with (a) proprietary approaches to quality management such as those recommended by Deming, Juran, Crosby, and others, and (b) non-proprietary approaches such as Total Quality Management (TQM), Continuous Improvement, and others.

本部分描述的质量管理的基本方法同国际标准化组织(ISO)的兼容,后者以ISO9000和10000系列标准和指南形式祥述。这个普遍的方法同样也兼容于(a)质量管理的专利方法,例如Deming, Juran, Crosby以及其它人推荐的一些方法,(b)非专利方法,例如全面质量管理(TQM)、持续改进等。

Project quality management must address both the management of the project and the product of the project. Failure to meet quality requirements in either dimension can have serious negative consequences for any or all of the project Stakeholders. For example:


Meeting customer requirements by overworking the project team may produce negative consequences in the form of increased employee turnover.


Meeting project schedule objectives by rushing planned quality inspections may produce negative consequences when errors go undetected.

通过使用计划的突击质量检查方式来达到项目进度目标可能在错误没有被发现的情况下产生消极后果。Quality is “the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs”. A critical aspect of quality management in the project context is the necessity to turn implied needs into stated needs through project scope management, which is described in Chapter 5.


The project management team must be careful not to confuse qua1ity with grade. Grade is “a category or rank given to cntities having the same functional use but different requirements for quality”. Low quality is always a problem; low grade may not be. For example, a software product may be of high quality (no obvious bugs, readable manual) and low grade (a limited number of features), or of low quality (many bugs, poorly organized user documentation) and high grade (numerous features). Determining and delivering the required levels of both quality and grade are the responsibilities of the project manager and the project management team.


The project management team should also be aware that modern quality management complements modern project management. For example, both disciplines recognize the importance of:


Customer satisfaction—understanding, managing, and influencing needs so that customer expectations are met or exceeded. This requires a combination of conformance to specifications (the project must produce what it said it wou1d produce) and fitness for use (the product or service produced must satisfy real needs).


Prevention over inspection—the cost of avoiding mistakes is always much less than the cost of correcting them.


Management responsibility—success requires the participation of all members of the team, but it remains the responsibility of management to provide the resources needed to succeed.


Processes within phases—the repeated plan-do-check-act cycle described by Deming and others is highly similar to the combination of phases and processes discussed in Chapter 3, Project Management Processes.


In addition, quality improvement initiatives undertaken by the performing organization (e.g., TQM, Continuous Improvement, and others) can improve the quality of the project management as well as the quality of the project product.


However, there is an important difference that the project management team must be acutely aware of—the temporary nature of the project means that investments in product quality improvement, especially defect prevention and appraisal, must often be borne by the performing organization since the project may not last long enough to reap the rewards.



日常English 一、词组 QC:Quality control;(品质管理) QS:Quality system;(品质系统) IQC:Incoming quality control;(进料检验) PQC:Process quality control;(制程检验) FQC:Final quality control;(最终检验) OQC:Outgoing quality control;(出货检验) QA:Quality assurance;(品质保证) QE:Quality engineer;(品质工程师) PQE:Process quality engineer;(制程品质工程师) SQE:Supplier quality engineer;(供应商品质工程师) PIE:Product industrial engineer;(产品工业工程师)IE ERP:Enterprise resource planning;(企业资源规划) QCC:Quality control circle;(品管圈) SOP:Standard operating procedure;(标准作业规定) WI﹕Working Instructions.(作业指导书) SIP:Standard inspection procedure;(標准检验规范) QIP:Quality inspection procedure;(品质检验计划) ECN:Engineering change notice;(工程变更通知) ECR:Engineering change requirement;(工程变更申请) PDCA管理循环(又称戴明循环):Plan(计划)Do(执行)Check(检查)Action(行动) 5M1E:Materials(物料)Machines(机器)Method(方法)Man(人)Measure(量测)Environment(环境); 5W2H:Why(为什幺做)What(做什幺)When(何时)Who(何人) Where(何处)How to do(如何做)How much(成本如何) ISO:international organization for standardization;(国际标准化组织)


质量管理专业英语&专业词汇 序号英文缩写中文名称英文全称 1 SPC 统计制程管制Statistical Process Control 2 USL 规格上限Upper Specification Limit 3 LSL 规格下限Lower Specification Limit 4 UCL 管制上限Upper control limit 5 LCL 管制下限Lower control limit 6 PCL 前置管制中心限Per-control Central Limit 7 UPCL 前置管制上限Upper Per-control Limit 8 LPCL 前置管制下限Lower Per-control Limit 9 Ca 10 Cp 潜在过程能力指数Capability 11 Pp 12 Ppk 13 CIP 持续改进过程模式Continuous Improvement Process Model 14 ANOVA 变异数分析Analysis of Variance 15 BSC 平衡计分卡Balanced Scoredoard 16信赖区间Confidence interval 17管制图Control chart 18 CTQ 品质关键Critical to quality 19 DPMO 每百万个机会的缺点数Defects per million opportunities 20 DPM 每百万单位的缺点数Defects per million 21 DPU 单位缺点数Defects per unit1 22 DFSS 六个希格玛设计Design for six sigma 23 DOE 实验设计Design of experiment 24制造设计Design of manufactring 25 FMEA 故障型态与效应分析Failure mode and effect analysis 26故障率Failure rate 27 Gage R&R 量规重复能力与重制能力Gage repeatability & reproducibility 28直方图Histogram 29假设检定Hypothesis testing 30 KM 知识管理Knowledge Management 31 MRP 物料需求规划Material require planning 32常态分配Normal distribution 33 QFD 品质机能展开Quality function deployment 34 6σ六个希格玛Six Sigma 35 σ, s 标准差Standard deviation 36 σ2, S2 变异数Variance 37 ABC 作业制成本制度Activity-Based Costing 38 BTF 计划生产Build To Forecast 39 BTO 订单生产Build To Order 40 CPM 要径法Critical Path Method 41 CPM 每一百万个使用者会有几次抱怨Complaint per Million 42 CRM 客户关系管理Customer Relationship Management 43 CRP 产能需求规划Capacity Requirements Planning


品质管理 (be) qualfied, up to grade 合格 模具正式投産前確認 3B 5M Man/Machine/Material/Method/Measurement 人力/ 機器/ 材料/ 方法/ 量測 5S整理/ 整頓/ 清掃/ 清潔/ 教養 5WIH When/Where/Who/What/Why/How to 何時/ 何地/ 誰/ 何事/ 為什麼/ 怎麼做7QCTools7 Quality Controls Tools 品管七大手法 8 disciplines 8項回復內容 abnormal handling 異常處理 ACC Accept 允收 acceptance = receive 驗收 ADM Absolute Dimension Measurement全尺寸測量 AIR Artical Inspection report AOD Accept On Deviation 特采 AOQ Average Output Quality平均出廠品質 AOQL Average Output Quality Level 平均出廠品質水準 APP Approve 核准,認可,承認 AQL Acceptable Quality Level 允收品質水準 AR Averary Range全距平均值

Bending 軟體導入 C=0 Critical=0 極嚴重不允許 CAR Corrective action request 改正行動要求改正報告 CP capability index 製造能力指數 CPK capability index of process 模具制程能力參數 CR Critical 極嚴重的 defective product/non-good parts 不良品 defective products 不良品 DFR Defect Failure Rate NG Not Good 不良,不合格 No.Number 數(號) OOBA out of box audit 開箱檢查 OQA output quality assurance 出貨品質保證 OQC output quality control 最終出貨品管 ORT On going Reliability Qualit P/O Waive Purchase Order Waive Packing 包裝 PDCA Plan/ Do /Check /Action 計劃/ 執行/ 檢查/ 總結POC passage quality control 段檢人員


质量管理专业英语词汇 Absolute deviation, 绝对离差 Absolute number, 绝对数 Absolute residuals, 绝对残差 Acceleration array, 加速度立体阵 Acceleration in an arbitrary direction, 任意方向上的加速度Acceleration normal, 法向加速度 Acceleration space dimension, 加速度空间的维数Acceleration tangential, 切向加速度 Acceleration vector, 加速度向量 Acceptable hypothesis, 可接受假设 Accumulation, 累积 Accuracy, 准确度 Actual frequency, 实际频数 Adaptive estimator, 自适应估计量 Addition, 相加 Addition theorem, 加法定理 Additivity, 可加性 Adjusted rate, 调整率 Adjusted value, 校正值 Admissible error, 容许误差 Aggregation, 聚集性 Alternative hypothesis, 备择假设 Among groups, 组间 Amounts, 总量 Analysis of correlation, 相关分析 Analysis of covariance, 协方差分析 Analysis of regression, 回归分析

Analysis of time series, 时间序列分析 Analysis of variance, 方差分析 Angular transformation, 角转换 ANOVA (analysis of variance), 方差分析 ANOVA Models, 方差分析模型 Arcing, 弧/弧旋 Arcsine transformation, 反正弦变换 Area under the curve, 曲线面积 AREG , 评估从一个时间点到下一个时间点回归相关时的误差ARIMA, 季节和非季节性单变量模型的极大似然估计Arithmetic grid paper, 算术格纸 Arithmetic mean, 算术平均数 Arrhenius relation, 艾恩尼斯关系 Assessing fit, 拟合的评估 Associative laws, 结合律 Asymmetric distribution, 非对称分布 Asymptotic bias, 渐近偏倚 Asymptotic efficiency, 渐近效率 Asymptotic variance, 渐近方差 Attributable risk, 归因危险度 Attribute data, 属性资料 Attribution, 属性 Autocorrelation, 自相关 Autocorrelation of residuals, 残差的自相关 Average, 平均数 Average confidence interval length, 平均置信区间长度Average growth rate, 平均增长率 Bar chart, 条形图 Bar graph, 条形图


质量管理专业词汇解释 (一)范也 为了制订和应用质量标准以及便于国际交流中的相互理解,本国际标址规定了有关质量概念的皋本术语,它们适用丁所有领域。 (二)术沽和定文 下列定义中,凡引入字母索引中的术语都用半黑体字印刷,在每个术语的定义中所引用到的其他术语都列出了它们所亦编号。 给出编号的术语和定义按以下主题分类; ――適用术沽 ――j莎虽有关的术语 ――」莎虽休系有关凶术涪 ――UTa和技术有关的术语 1.逋用术沽 (1) 实体 可以单独描述和考虑的事物。 注;实休可以是,例.如: ――某项汕动或过丰出 ――某个产h ――某个组织、徉系成人?或考上述补坝的任何组仁 ⑵过程 将输入转化为输出的一组相关的资源和活动。 注:资源可包括人员、资金、设施*设备、技术和方法。 (3) 程序 为完成某项活动所规定的途径。

注1许多情况下,程序要形成文件(如质量体系程序)〕 注2已成文的程序,常用“书面程序”或“文件化程序”之关的术怩 注3 “书面程序”通常包括:某项活动的目的和范围,做什么和谁来做,何时、何地和如何做;要用什么材料、设备和文件;以及如何进行控制和记录° ⑷产品 活动或过秤的结果。 注1产品包括服务、硬件、流程性材料、软件或它们的组合。 注2产品可以是有形的(如组件或流程性材料)或无形的(如知识或概念),或它们的组合。 注3产品可以是有意生产的[如提供给顾客或无意中形成的(如污染或右筲的影响h (5).服务 为了满足顾客需要,在供方和顾客接触之间的活动和供方内部活动所产牛的结果。 注1接触时,供方或顾客丐以出人员或设备来代表。 注2顾客与供力接触时的活动对于.?服务捉-供吋能浪巫如 注3 仔形产胡的站;!或使用町构成加务捉供的组成部分「 注4服务町以与仃形产晶的制造和捉供结介在風 (6)服务捉洪 为提供服务,供方必须开展的活动。 (7)紺次 具备自身职能和独立经营管理的公司、社团、商行、企事业或公共机构,或其一部分,不论是否是股份制,也不论是公营的或私营的。


ISO9000:2015质量管理体系——基础和术语 1范围 本标准表述的质量管理的基本概念和原则一般适用于: 3.2.2 组织环境 context of the organization 对组织(3.2.1)建立和实现其目标(3.7.1)的方法有影响的内部和外部因素的组合。 注1:组织的目标可能涉及其产品(3.7.6)和服务(3.7.7)、投资和对其相关方(3.2.3) 的行为。 注2:组织环境的概念,除了适用于营利性组织,还同样能适用于非营利或公共服务组织。注3:在英语中,这一概念常被其他术语,如:“business environment(业务环境)”、“organizational environment(组织的环境)”或“ecosystem of an organization(组织的生态系统)”所表述。 注4:了解基础设施(3.5.2)对确定组织环境会有帮助。 3.2.3 相关方interested party;stakeholder 可影响决策或活动、受决策或活动影响,或自认为受决策或活动影响的个人或组织(3.2.1) 示例:顾客(3.2.4)、所有者、组织内的人员、供方(3.2.5)、银行、监管者、工会、合作伙伴以及可包括竞争对手或相对立的社会群体。 注:这是ISO/IEC导则,第1部分的ISO补充规定的附件SL中给出的ISO管理体系标准中的通用术语及核心定义之一,最初的定义已经通过增加示例被改写。 3.2.4顾客customer 能够或实际接受为其提供的、或按其要求提供的产品(3.7.6)或服务(3.7.7)的个人或组织(3.2.1)示例:消费者、委托人、最终使用者、零售商、内部过程(3.4.1)的产品或服务的接收者、受益者和采购方。 注:顾客可以是组织内部的或外部的。 3.2.5供方provider;supplier 提供产品(3.7.6)或服务(3.7.7)的组织(3.2.1) 示例:产品或服务的制造商、批发商、零售商或商贩。


品质管理常用英语单词 一、检验工具及设备 1.螺纹塞规-Thread pulg Gage 2.螺纹环规-Thread Ring Gage 3.塞规-Pulg gage .环规-Ring Gage 5.位置规-Position Gage 6.千分尺-Micrometer 7.游标卡尺-Caliper 8.高度尺-Height caliper 9.深度尺-Depth caliper 10.卡板-Snap Gage11.粗糙度仪-Roughness measure meter 12.分光仪-Spectro moter 12.投影仪- profire projectors 14.金相试验- Matallurgical microscope 15.盐雾试验- Salt spray test16.镀层厚度-Thickness test 17.结合力试验-Heat quench test 18.三座标-CMM 19.龙头组装试验-Taps test lab 20.干燥箱-heat quench chamber 21.盐雾箱-salt spray chamber 22、hardness meter 硬度计23、torque spanner 扭力板手 24、gonimeter 角度器25\metallurgical microscope金相显微镜26.Atomic spectrometer原子分析仪27.spectrum photo. 28.immersion test chamber含浸测试29.hardness meter硬度计 二.常用工序名称 1.外购-Out sourcing 2.重力铸造- Gravity casting 3.锻造-Purchasing 4.机加工- Machine 5.打磨/抛光-Polishing 6.电镀-Plating 7.拉丝-brushing 8.洗铅-Lead wash 9.钻孔- Drilling hole 10.铣槽-Milling valve 11.成品检验- Final inspection 12.冲屑-Clear brass power 13.试气-Air under water test 14.试水-Water flow rate test 15.激光打字-Laser etching 16.组装-Assembling 17焊接-Brazing 18.除油-Degreasing 19\chamfering(倒角) 20\shrinking(缩口) 21.expanding (胀口) 22.annealing (退火) 23.pressuring(压形) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9b11886246.html,thing thread(车床加工螺纹) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9b11886246.html,thing chamfer(车床倒角) 26.stamping logo 冲字(标识) 27.gonimeter(角度器) 28.punch(冲床) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/9b11886246.html,able thread length(有效螺纹长度) 30.contined angle (夹角) 三. 常用术语 1.矫正:退货-Abjection turn to supplier 2.预防: 辅导供应商-Prevent raining supplier 3.隔离、返工、报废-quarantine rework scrap 4.离、返工、调整工艺、培训员工-Quarantine rework improve process training stuffs 5。2-5箱/批发商-2-5Carton/lot 6. 分析方法-Analysis methods 7.评估方法-Evaluation method 8.抽样频率-Sample size frequency 9.修订日期-Revision date 10 .图纸/规格化-Drawing/Specification 11.Apply a water pressure of (0.4±0.03)Mpa to the intel connection for a period of (60±5)s 12.温度temperature13.附件attach 14.最崇高的敬意best regards15.光滑的satin16.履历resume 17.碰伤bump18.符合accord19.波纹wav e20.隔离isolate21.裂缝crack 工资laborage:延迟delay 发放put out\ extend 移交delolve on/handover/set over 产品production/manufacture 假期holiday 安排arrange 政策policy 调查investigate 奖励encouragement 维护maintenance/stick up 报废scrap 统计statistic 分析analysis 表现acquit 重复repeat 加强strengthen 返工do poorly done work over again 报销wipe out/write off 特殊especially(special)/unusual 粗糙roughness 碰伤bump(touth) 划痕nick 口信message 处理deal with/ 采购stock 出货shipment 课程courses 开课begin school 尽力do ones best 代表commissary 节约economize(saving) 因素complication(equation) 问题problem(question) 领队the leader of team 提供offer(supply) 困惑be puzzled 配合assort 连续continuous 满意satisfaction 棘手的问题 a hard nut to crack 恰当的例子 a case in point 背景(后台)background 广播broadcast 闯劲的aggressive 电话会议conference call 四.用表格 1.首件检验记录表》-《first part inspection report》2 .《生产过程检验记录表》-《Production proces s record form 3.《进料检验记录表》-《Receiving inspection record》4《气压测试记录表》-《Air pressure test record form》 5.《盐雾试验报告》-《Salt spray test record form》 6.《化学成分分析报告》-《Chemical resestance record》


缩写英文对照中文术语 8D 8 Disciplines Of Solving Problem 解决问题8步法 AC./RE. Acceptable / Rejective 允收/拒收 AQL Acceptable Quallity Level 允收水准 ABB Activity-Based Budgeting 实施作业制预算制度 ABC Activity-Based Costing 作业制成本制度 ABM Activity-Based Mangement 作业制成本管理 APS Advanced Planning And Scheduling 应用程式服务供应商APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 先期产品品质规划ANOVA Analysis Of Variance 方差分析 AAR Appearance Approval Report 外观承认报告 AC Appraisal Cost 鉴定成本 ASL Approved Suplier List 合格供应商清单 AVL Approved Vendor List 认可的供应商清单 ATP Available To Promise 可承诺量 BSC Balanced Score Card 平衡记分卡

BOM Bill Of Material 材料明细 BTF Build To Forecarst 计划生产 BTO Build To Order 订单生产 BPR Business Process Reengineering 企业流程再造 CPK Capability Of Process 修正过程能力指数 Ca. Capability Of Accuraty 精确度指数 Cp. Capability Of Precesion 精密度指数 CRP Capacity Requirement Planning 产能需求规划 C. OF C. Certificate Of Compliance (质量)承诺证明书CEO Chief Excutive Officer 执行总裁 CQC Companywide Quality Control 全公司范围的品质管理CPM Complaint Per Illion 每百万报怨次 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计 CTO Configuration To Order 客制化生产 CRC Contract Review Committee 合同评审委员会 CIF Cost Inusance And Freight 到岸价格

质量工程师 英语词汇汇总

质量工程师英语词汇汇总 1.PDCA:Plan、Do、Check、Action 策划、实施、检查、处置 2.PPAP:Production PartApproval Process生产件批准程序 3.APQP:Advanced ProductQuality Planning产品质量先期策划 4.FMEA:Potential FailureMode and Effects Analysis 潜在失效模式及后果分析 5.SPC:Statistical ProcessControl统计过程控制 6.MSA:Measurement SystemAnalysis 测量系统控制 7.CP:Control Plan 控制计划 8.QSA:Quality SystemAssessment 质量体系评定 9.PPM:Parts Per Million 每百万零件不合格数 10.QM:Quality Manua质量手册 11.QP:Quality Procedure质量程序文件/Quality Planning质量策划/Quality Plan 质量计划 12.CMK:机器能力指数 13.CPK:过程能力指数 14.CAD:Computer-AidedDesign 计算机辅助能力设计 15.OEE:Overall Equipment Effectiveness 设备总效率 16.QFD:Quality FunctionDeployment质量功能展开 17.FIFO:First in, First out先进先出

18.COPS:Customer OrientedProcesses顾客导向过程 19.TCQ:Time、Cost、Quality时间、成本、质量 20.MPS:Management Processes管理性过程 21.SPS:Support Processes支持性过程 22.TQM:Total QualityManagement全面质量管理 23.PQA:Product QualityAssurance产品质量保证(免检) 24.QP-QC-QI:质量三步曲,质量计划-质量控制-质量改进 25.QAF:Quality AssuranceFile质量保证文件 26.QAP:Quality AssurancePlan质量保证计划 27.PFC:Process Flow Chart过程流程图 28.QMS:Quality ManagementSystems质量管理体系 29.JIT:Just In Time准时(交货) 30.ERP:EnterpriseRequirement Planning企业需求计划 31.QC:Quality Control 质量控制 32.QA:Quality Audit 质量审核/QalityAssurance 质量保证 33.IQC:In Come QualityControl 进货质量控制 34.IPQC:In Process QualityControl 过程质量控制 35.FQC:Final QualityControl 成品质量控制


一组质量管理体系术语(中英双语 English Chinese receipt (入厂接受,验收,进货 handling 搬运 packaging 包装 storage 保存 protection 保护 comparison 比较 identification 标识 replacement of identification mark 标识标志更换maintenance of identification 标识的保持 records of identification control 标识控制记录 tender 标书 normative document 标准文件 supplemental 补充 nonconforming product 不合格品 control of nonconforming product 不合格品控制 control procedure of nonconforming products 不合格品控制程序tendency of nonconformance 不合格倾向

purchasing 采购 verification of purchased product 采购的产品验证 purchasing process 采购过程 purchasing control procedure 采购控制程序 purchasing information 采购信息 reference standard 参照标准 reference instructions 参照细则 stockhouse 仓库 measurement, analysis and improvement 测量,分析和改进 measurement result 测量结果 control procedure of monitoring and measuring devices 测量设备控制程序planning 策划 preservation of product 产品保护 control procedure for maintenance, replacement and records of product identification 产品标识的保持, 更换及记录控制程序 procedure for product identification and traceability 产品标识和可追溯性程序conformity of product 产品的符合性 monitoring and measurement of product 产品的监督和测量 product plan 产品方案 control procedure for product preservation 产品防护控制程序


常见质量管理术语英文所写 1、PDCA: Plan、 Do、 Check、Action;策划、实施、检查、处置 2、PPAP: Production Part Approval Process;生产件批准程序 3、APQP:Advanced Product Quality Planning;产品质量先期策划 4、FMEA:Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 潜在失效模式及后果分 析 5、SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制 6、MSA:Measurement System Analysis 测量系统控制 7、CP: Control Plan 控制计划 8、QSA: Quality System Assessment 质量体系评定 9、PPM: Parts Per Million 每百万零件不合格数 10、QM: Quality Manual 质量手册 11、QP: Quality Procedure 质量程序文件 Quality Planning 质量策划 Quality Plan 质量计划 12、CMK:机器能力指数 13、CPK:过程能力指数 14、CAD:Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助能力设计 15、OEE:Overall Equipment Effectiveness 设备总效率 16、QFD:Quality Function Deployment 质量功能展开 17、FIFO:First in, First out 先进先出 18、COPS:Customer Oriented Processes 顾客导向过程 19、TCQ: Time、Cost、Quality 时间、成本、质量 20、MPS:Management Processes 管理性过程 21、SPS:Support Processes 支持性过程 22、TQM:Total Quality Management 全面质量管理 23、PQA:Product Quality Assurance 产品质量保证(免检) 24、QP-QC-QI:质量三步曲质量计划-质量控制-质量改进 25、QAF:Quality Assurance File 质量保证文件 26、QAP:Quality Assurance Plan 质量保证计划 27、PFC:Process Flow Chart 过程流程图 28、QMS:Quality Management Systems 质量管理体系 29、JIT:Just In Time 准时(交货) 30、ERP:Enterprise Requirement Planning 企业需求计划 31、QC:Quality Control 质量控制 32、QA:Quality Audit 质量审核 Quality Assurance 质量保证 33、IQC:In come Quality Control 进货质量控制 34、IPQC:In Process Quality Control 过程质量控制 35、FQC:Final Quality Control 成品质量控制 36、OQC:Out Quality Control 出货质量控制 37、4M1E:Man、Machine、Material、Method、Environment 人、机、料、法、环 38、5W1H:Why、What、Who、When、Where、How为何/做什么/谁做/时间/地点/如何做 39、6S:Seiri、Seiton、Seiso、Seiketsu、Shitsuke、Safety整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养、安全 40、TRI值:Total Record Injury (三种)可记录工伤值 41、SMART精明原则:Specific Measurable Achievable Result Oriented Timed


质量标准规定 一、质量管理和质量保证——词汇 (一) 为了制订和应用质量标准以及便于国际交流中的相互理解,本国际标准规定了有关质量概念的基本术语,它们适用于所有领 (二) 下列定义中,凡引入字母索引中的术语都用半黑体字印刷,在每个术语的定义中所引用到的其他术语都列出了它们所在编 —— —— —— —— 1. (1) 可以单独描述和考虑的事物 —— —— —— (2)

(3) 注1 许多情况下,程序要形成文件(如质量体系程序) 注 2 已成文的程序,常用“书面程序”或“文件化程序” 注 3 “书面程序”通常包括:某项活动的目的和范围,做什么和谁来做,何时、何地和如何做;要用什么材料、设备和文 (4) 注 1 产品包括服务、硬件、流程性材料、软件或它们的组 注2 产品可以是有形的(如组件或流程性材料)或无形的(如知识或概念),或它们的组合。 注 3 产品可以是有意生产的[如提供给顾客或无意中形成的( (5) 为了满足顾客需要,在供方和顾客接触之间的活动和供方内 注1 注 2 顾客与供方接触时的活动对于服务提供可能很重要。

注 3 有形产品的提供或使用可构成服务提供的组成部分。 注4 (6) (7) 具备自身职能和独立经营管理的公司、社团、商行、企事业或公共机构,或其一部分,不论是否是股份制,也不论是公营的 注:上述定义适用于质量标准,在ISO/IEC指南2中对术语 (8) 某组织为行使其职能按某种格局而安排的职责、权限及其相 (9) 注1 注 2 顾客可以是诸如最终消费者,使用者、受益者或需方 注3 (10) 注1

注 2 “供方”可以是诸如生产厂、销售商、进口商、装配 注3 (11) (12) 注1 注 2 在法文中,有时将“titulaire contrat”称之为“contractant (13) 注1 注 2 在法语中,“分承包方”亦可称为“sous-traitant”或“sous-commmandier 2. (1) 注1 在合同环境或法规环境(如核安全领域)下,“需要”是 注 2 许多情况下,需要随时间而变化,因而应对质量要求 注 3 需要通常要转化成有规定指标的特性。需要可以包括


品质管理英语词汇大全 Cosmetic Defect Terms Plastic Parts No. No. 中文名称英文名称中文名称英文名称 1 Black Streaking 21 Surface Haze 黑条纹成品表面模糊 2 Brittleness 22 Torsion 破碎扭曲 3 Burning 23 Under Cut 烧焦侧面低陷 4 Color Fading 24 Unevenness 褪色表面不平坦 5 Crater Pit; Sink Mark 25 Drag Mark 表面陷痕拖痕 6 Discoloration 26 Shrink Mark 未着色,异色缩水 7 Flow lines( Mark); Tear 27 Ejector Mark 流纹(痕) 冲料痕 8 Burrs; Sharp edge 28 Cold Variation 毛边冷流 9 Fragile 29 Color Variation 成品脆弱变色 10 Jetting Mark 30 Warping 喷痕反翘 11 Lack of Gloss; Glossiness 31 Gate Mark 表面无光泽出料痕 12 Scratches; Nicks; 32 Sticking of parts in the mold 刮伤成品离模不良 13 Silver Streaking 33 Cold Flow 银条冷流 14 Short Shot(Filling) 34 Warpage 填充不足翘曲

15 Surface Peeling 35 Flash Mark 表面剥落亮斑 16 Void 36 Color stain 气泡异色点 17 Weld Line; Knit Line 37 Oil; Grease; 结合线油污 18 Finger Prints(Marks) 38 White Spot(Mark) 指印(痕) 白点(斑) 19 Paint Adhesion 39 粘漆变形 20 Color Mismatch 40 色不匹配 2. Metal Parts No. No. 中文名称英文名称中文名称英文名称 1 Corrosion 5 Poor Coating 腐蚀,铁锈外被不良 2 Scratches 6 Sharp Edges(saw burrs) 刮伤毛刺 3 Bumps 7 Poor Plating 踫伤电镀不良 4 Stains 污点 Cable Parts No. No. 中文名称英文名称中文名称英文名称 1 Grease; Oils 7 Obvious Burrs at the Sleeves 油污套子毛边 2 Overstressed Curls 8 Unclear Letter, Pictograms 卷曲印字图案不清 3 Unfunctional Bandages 9 Skew 绑带过松印刷歪斜 4 Damaged Plugs 10 Color Stain 插头损坏色斑


品质管理名词(中英文对照) QE=品质工程师(Quality Engineer) MSA: Measurement System Analysis 量测系统分析 LCL: Lower Control limit 管制下限 Control plan 管制计划 Correction 纠正 Cost down 降低成本 CS: customer Sevice 客户中心 Data 数据 Data Collection 数据收集 Description 描述 Device 装置 Digital 数字 Do 执行 DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计Environmental 环境 Equipment 设备 FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect analysis 失效模式与效果分析 FA: Failure Analysis 坏品分析 FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制Gauge system 量测系统 Grade 等级 Inductance 电感 Improvement 改善 Inspection 检验 IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质控制IQC: Incoming Quality Control 来料品质控制ISO: International Organization for Standardization 国际标准组织 LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限 Materials 物料 Measurement 量测 Occurrence 发生率 Operation Instruction 作业指导书Organization 组织 Parameter 参数 Parts 零件 Pulse 脉冲 Policy 方针 Procedure 流程 Process 过程 Product 产品 Production 生产 Program 方案 Projects 项目QA: Quality Assurance 品质保证 QC: Quality Control 品质控制 QE: Quality Engineering 品质工程 QFD: Quality Function Design 品质机能展开Quality 质量 Quality manual 品质手册 Quality policy 品质政策 Range 全距 Record 记录 Reflow 回流 Reject 拒收 Repair 返修 Repeatability 再现性 Reproducibility 再生性 Requirement 要求 Residual 误差 Response 响应 Responsibilities 职责 Review 评审 Rework 返工 Rolled yield 直通率 sample 抽样,样本 Scrap 报废 SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业书 SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制Specification 规格 SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供应商品质保证 Taguchi-method 田口方法 TQC: Total Quality Control 全面品质控制TQM: Total Quality Management 全面品质管理Traceability 追溯 UCL: Upper Control Limit 管制上限 USL: Upper Size Limit 规格上限 Validation 确认 Variable 计量值 Verification 验证 Version 版本 QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈/QC小组PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划执行检查总结 Consumer electronics 消费性电子产品Communication 通讯类产品 Core value (核心价值) Love 爱心 Confidence 信心 Decision 决心 Corporate culture (公司文化) Integration 融合

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