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Step-Index Fiber


The transmission speed of optical waveguides is superior to microwave waveguides because optical devices have a much higher operating frequency than microwaves, enabling a far higher bandwidth.

Today the silica glass (SiO 2) fiber is forming the backbone of modern communication systems. Before 1970, optical fibers suffered from large transmission losses, making optical communication technology merely an academic issue. In 1970, researchers showed, for the first time, that low-loss optical fibers really could be manufactured. Earlier losses of 2000 dB/km now went down to 20 dB/km. Today’s fibers have losses near the theoretical limit of 0.16 dB/km at 1.55 μm (infrared light).

One of the winning devices has been the single-mode fiber, having a step-index profile with a higher refractive index in the center core and a lower index in the outer cladding. Numerical software plays an important role in the design of single-mode waveguides and fibers. For a fiber cross section, even the most simple shape is difficult and cumbersome to deal with analytically. A circular step-index waveguide is a basic shape where benchmark results are available (see Ref. 1).

This example is a model of a single step-index waveguide made of silica glass. The inner core is made of pure silica glass with refractive index n 1 = 1.4457 and the cladding is doped, with a refractive index of n 2 = 1.4378. These values are valid for free-space wavelengths of 1.55 μm. The radius of the cladding is chosen to be large enough so that the field of confined modes is zero at the exterior boundaries.

For a confined mode there is no energy flow in the radial direction, thus the wave must be evanescent in the radial direction in the cladding. This is true only if

On the other hand, the wave cannot be radially evanescent in the core region. Thus

The waves are more confined when n eff is close to the upper limit in this interval.

n eff n 2

>n 2n eff n 1


Model Definition

The mode analysis is made on a cross-section in the xy -plane of the fiber. The wave propagates in the z direction and has the form

where ω is the angular frequency and β the propagation constant. An eigenvalue equation for the electric field E is derived from Helmholtz equation

which is solved for the eigenvalue λ = ?j β.

As boundary condition along the outside of the cladding the electric field is set to zero. Because the amplitude of the field decays rapidly as a function of the radius of the cladding this is a valid boundary condition.Results and Discussion

When studying the characteristics of optical waveguides, the effective mode index of a confined mode,

as a function of the frequency is an important characteristic. A common notion is the normalized frequency for a fiber. This is defined as

where a is the radius of the core of the fiber. For this simulation, the effective mode index for the fundamental mode, 1.4444 corresponds to a normalized frequency of


5. The electric and magnetic fields for this mode is shown in Figure 1 below.

E x y z t ,,,()E x y ,()e j ωt βz –()

=??E ×()×k 02n 2

E –0

=n eff βk 0

-----=V 2πa λ0

----------n 12n 22–k 0a n 12n 22–==

Figure 1: The surface plot visualizes the z component of the electric field. This plot is for the effective mode index 1.4444.


1. A. Yariv, Optical Electronics in Modern Communications, 5th ed., Oxford University Press, 1997.

Model Library path: RF_Module/Tutorial_Models/step_index_fiber

Modeling Instructions

From the File menu, choose New.


1In the New window, click Model Wizard.


1In the Model Wizard window, click 2D.

2In the Select physics tree, select Radio Frequency>Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain (emw).

3Click Add.

4Click Study.

5In the Select study tree, select Preset Studies>Mode Analysis.

6Click Done.

G E O M E T R Y1

1In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) click Geometry 1.

2In the Settings window for Geometry, locate the Units section.

3From the Length unit list, choose μm.

Circle 1 (c1)

1On the Geometry toolbar, click Primitives and choose Circle.

2In the Settings window for Circle, locate the Size and Shape section.

3In the Radius text field, type 40.

4Click the Build Selected button.

Circle 2 (c2)

1On the Geometry toolbar, click Primitives and choose Circle.

2In the Settings window for Circle, locate the Size and Shape section.

3In the Radius text field, type 8.

4Click the Build Selected button.


Material 1 (mat1)

1In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) right-click Materials and choose Blank Material.

2Right-click Material 1 (mat1) and choose Rename.

3In the Rename Material dialog box, type Doped Silica Glass in the New label text field.

4Click OK.

5Select Domain 2 only.

6In the Settings window for Material, click to expand the Material properties section. 7Locate the Material Properties section. In the Material properties tree, select Electromagnetic Models>Refractive Index>Refractive index (n).

8Click Add to Material.

9Locate the Material Contents section. In the table, enter the following settings:

Property Name Value Unit Property group

Refractive index n 1.44571Refractive index

Material 2 (mat2)

1In the Model Builder window, right-click Materials and choose Blank Material.

2Right-click Material 2 (mat2) and choose Rename.

3In the Rename Material dialog box, type Silica Glass in the New label text field. 4Click OK.

5Select Domain 1 only.

6In the Settings window for Material, click to expand the Material properties section. 7Locate the Material Properties section. In the Material properties tree, select Electromagnetic Models>Refractive Index>Refractive index (n).

8Click Add to Material.

9Locate the Material Contents section. In the table, enter the following settings:

Property Name Value Unit Property group

Refractive index n 1.43781Refractive index

E L E C T R O M A G N E T I C W A V E S,

F R E Q U E N C Y D O M A I N(E M W)

Wave Equation, Electric 1

1In the Model Builder window, expand the Component 1 (comp1)>Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain (emw) node, then click Wave Equation, Electric 1.

2In the Settings window for Wave Equation, Electric, locate the Electric Displacement Field section.

3From the Electric displacement field model list, choose Refractive index.

M E S H1

1In the Model Builder window, under Component 1 (comp1) click Mesh 1.

2In the Settings window for Mesh, locate the Mesh Settings section.

3From the Element size list, choose Finer.

4Click the Build All button.

S T U D Y1

Step 1: Mode Analysis

1In the Model Builder window, under Study 1 click Step 1: Mode Analysis.

2In the Settings window for Mode Analysis, locate the Study Settings section.

3In the Search for modes around text field, type 1.446. The modes of interest have an effective mode index somewhere between the refractive indices of the two materials. The fundamental mode has the highest index. Therefore, setting the mode index to search around to something just above the core index guarantees that the solver will find the fundamental mode.

4In the Mode analysis frequency text field, type c_const/1.55[um]. This frequency corresponds to a free space wavelength of 1.55 μm.

5On the Model toolbar, click Compute.


Electric Field (emw)

1Click the Zoom Extents button on the Graphics toolbar.

2Click the Zoom In button on the Graphics toolbar.

3The default plot shows the distribution of the norm of the electric field for the highest of the 6 computed modes (the one with the lowest effective mode index).

To study the fundamental mode, choose the highest mode index. Because the magnetic field is exactly 90 degrees out of phase with the electric field you can see both the magnetic and the electric field distributions by plotting the solution at a phase angle of 45 degrees.

Data Sets

1In the Model Builder window, expand the Results>Data Sets node, then click Study 1/ Solution 1.

2In the Settings window for Solution, locate the Solution section.

3In the Solution at angle (phase) text field, type 45.

Electric Field (emw)

1In the Model Builder window, under Results click Electric Field (emw).

2In the Settings window for 2D Plot Group, locate the Data section.

3From the Effective mode index list, choose 1.4444 (2).

4In the Model Builder window, expand the Electric Field (emw) node, then click Surface 1.

5In the Settings window for Surface, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of the Expression section. From the menu, choose Model>Component

1>Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain>Electric>Electric field>emw.Ez - Electric

field, z component.

6On the 2D plot group toolbar, click Plot.

Add a contour plot of the H-field.

7In the Model Builder window, right-click Electric Field (emw) and choose Contour.

8In the Settings window for Contour, click Replace Expression in the upper-right corner of the Expression section. From the menu, choose Model>Component

1>Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain>Magnetic>Magnetic field>emw.Hz -

Magnetic field, z component.

9On the 2D plot group toolbar, click Plot. The distribution of the transversal E and H field components confirms that this is the HE11 mode. Compare the resulting plot with that in Figure 1.


基于COMSOL的声悬浮模拟仿真 发表时间:2018-11-15T11:43:16.157Z 来源:《科技新时代》2018年9期作者:卜艺浦 [导读] 本文主要研究超声悬浮中液滴的悬浮情况,利用COMSOL有限元分析软件建立超声悬浮仪器的物理模型 江苏省泰兴中学江苏泰兴 225400 摘要:本文主要研究超声悬浮中液滴的悬浮情况,利用COMSOL有限元分析软件建立超声悬浮仪器的物理模型,模拟驻波悬浮的声场,从而得到声压与声压级的分布频域。通过改变悬浮液滴的形状和尺寸,发现声压分布随着液滴参数的变化而发生相应的改变。通过研究液滴并对这些液滴在声场中的声压分布进行分析,最终得出液滴在驻波场中稳定悬浮所需的条件。 关键词:声悬浮;声压;声辐射力;液滴;COMSOL有限元分析软件 1. 引言 超声悬浮是实现无容器环境的一种方便快捷的技术,无容器环境对于材料、生化分析和样品制备非常重要,因为它避免了样品与容器壁的接触,从而隔绝了众多污染源。相较于其他类型的悬浮,声悬浮具有很多方面的优势。与磁悬浮和电悬浮相比,声悬浮技术对样品是否带电或是否具有磁性没有要求,也不会使样品产生热效应;对比光悬浮,声悬浮不必特意使用特定材质样品,比如石墨烯等,也能产生较大的悬浮力;声悬浮也比气流悬浮技术更稳定可控。另外,声悬浮可广泛应用于蛋白质结晶、液态合金深过冷快速凝固研究、液滴动力学、微剂量生化研究,以及胶体液滴的干燥等领域[1]。 超声悬浮一般分为有两种,一种为超声近场悬浮[2],另一种是驻波悬浮[3]。所谓近场悬浮,就是依靠物体下方发射器发射高频声场产生声辐射力与物体自身重力平衡使物体悬浮,这种悬浮方式多应用于无接触条件下移动物体的研究。驻波悬浮仪器一般由超声波发射器、换能器、变幅杆、发射端、反射端、石英管及调谐机构组成,在发射端与反射端之间形成驻波场,从而产生声辐射力使物体悬浮。所谓驻波,就是指振幅相同、传输方向相反的两个波共同形成的波,也就会有两个方向相反的压强,对其中的物体产生方向相反的两个力。一般地,两个声波产生的声压相抵消,和压为0的位置称为波节点,悬浮样品在波节点处受到声辐射力与重力相抵消而稳定悬浮。声悬浮仪器产生的声驻波就是这样与物体相互作用,同时水平方向的声辐射力作为定位力把悬浮物固定悬浮于驻波场的波节点处。驻波产生的声辐射力与(R/λ)3成正比,行波与(R/λ)6成正比,其中R表示物体尺寸,λ表示波长,声悬浮一般要求物体尺寸远小于半波长,因此驻波产生的力比行波大得多[4]。 目前声悬浮技术只能悬浮一些体型质量较小的样品,不能悬浮体型质量较大的物体,这也就造成实验应用的局限性,无法应用于大物体或大剂量的实验。尽管近场悬浮技术有望能在目标质量与尺寸的限制上有所突破,但其技术还不够完善。驻波悬浮技术,相较于近场悬浮,已经是比较成熟的声悬浮技术,能够悬浮密度最大的元素铱并已经在生物医学等领域得到应用[5]。 另外,液滴是自然界中常见的流体单元,可以作为研究对象或实验载体。在生物化学反应中,液滴可作为微反应溶器或是微生物的培养基;在工业应用中,液滴性质影响着液态合金的深过冷快速凝固。换言之,液滴的力学行为对实际应用产生重大影响。为了分析液滴在无容器环境中的力学行为,本文利用COMSOL有限元分析软件对液滴在声场中进行模拟实验,并进行了相关理论分析和总结。 2. 声悬浮对液滴形态的影响 2.1 COMSOL模拟计算方法 COMSOL有限元分析软件是可以分析耦合物理场的软件。利用COMSOL有限元分析软件的模拟仿真,可以更加直观的观察到一些物理现象,更加方便地得到相关的实验数据,并随时作出参数的调整。利用其进行仿真模拟,能为现实中的实验提供理论数据依据。该软件模拟研究声悬浮技术,由一个声波发射传感器和弧型反射面构成,需要设定一些必要的参数,比如声场频率f0,发射端与反射端的距离H,发射器宽度Dr等(见表1),建立声悬浮模型(如图1)。通过网格构建划分,以有限元分析法便可以计算出驻波场的声压分布,悬浮样品


基于comsol4.2的悬臂梁形变仿真 参考文献:Becker,A.A.,Background to Finite Element Analysis of Geometric Non-linearity Benchmarks,NAFEMS,Ref: -R0065,Glasgow. 一、创建工程 1、选择空间维度:二维。如图一 图一 2、增加物理场:结构力学—>固体力学(solid)。如图二 图二

3、选择求解类型:稳态。如图三 图三 4、点击“完成”,按钮位于“模型向导”栏右上角的符号。 二、创建几何模型 1、单击“几何”,将“长度单位”改为um。如图四 图四

2、右键“几何”,选择“矩形”,设置矩形参数如图五,并单击设定栏右上角的“创建选定”,生成图形。 图五 三、设定材料参数 右键“材料”,选择“材料”,几何是实体选择如图六。在材料目录中添加材料的杨氏模量、泊松比、密度,具体参数如图七。 图六

图七 四、设置边界约束 1、单击“固体力学”,在厚度中输入“10e-6”,如图八。 图八 2、右键“固体力学”,选择“固定约束”,添加边界选择:1,如图九。 图九

3、右键“固体力学”,选择“边界载荷”,添加边界选择:4,将力—>载荷中,X和Y方向的力分别改为:-3.844e6/0.1*load_para和-3.844e3/0.1如图十。 图十 五、划分网格 右键网格,选择“自由剖分三角形网格”,在设定栏右上角点击“创建所有”,如图十一。 图十一

六、设置求解约束 1、打开“求解”下拉菜单,右键“求解器配置”,选择“缺省求解器”,如图十二。 图十二 2、点击“稳态求解器”,将“相对容差”改为:1e-6,如图十三。 图十三 3、右键“稳态求解器”,选择“参数的”,在设定栏输入参数名称:load_para和参数值:range(0,0.01,1),如图十四


COMSOL Multiphysics仿真步骤 1算例介绍 一电磁铁模型截面及几何尺寸如图1所示,铁芯为软铁,磁化曲线(B-H)曲线如图2所示,励磁电流密度J=250 A/cm2。现需分析磁铁内的磁场分布。 图1电磁铁模型截面图(单位cm) 图2铁芯磁化曲线 2 COMSOL Multiphysics仿真步骤 根据磁场计算原理,结合算例特点,在COMSOL Multiphysics中实现仿真。 (1) 设定物理场 COMSOL Multiphysics 4.0以上的版本中,在AC/DC模块下自定义有8种应用模式,分别为:静电场(es)、电流(es)、电流-壳(ecs)、磁场(mf)、磁场和电场(mef)、带电粒子追踪(cpt)、电路(cir)、磁场-无电流(mfnc)。其中,“磁场(mef)”是以磁矢势A作为因变量,可应用于: ①已知电流分布的DC线圈; ②电流趋于表面的高频AC线圈;

③任意时变电流下的电场和磁场分布; 根据所要解决的问题的特点——分析磁铁在线圈通电情况下的电磁场分布,选择2维“磁场(mf)”应用模式,稳态求解类型。 (2) 建立几何模型 根据图1,在COMSOL Multiphysics中建立等比例的几何模型,如图3所示。 图3几何模型 有限元仿真是针对封闭区域,因此在磁铁外添加空气域,包围磁铁。 由于磁铁的磁导率,因此空气域的外轮廓线可以理想地认为与磁场线迹线重合,并设为磁位的参考点,即 (21) 式中,L为空气外边界。 (3) 设置分析条件 ①材料属性 本算例中涉及到的材料有空气和磁铁,在软件自带的材料库中选取Air和Soft Iron。 对于磁铁的B-H曲线,在该节点下将已定义的离散B-H曲线表单导入其中即可。 ②边界条件 由于磁铁的磁导率,因此空气域的外轮廓线可以理想地认为与磁场线迹线重合,并设为磁位的参考点,即 (21) 式中,L为空气外边界。 为引入磁铁的B-H曲线,除在材料属性节点下导入B-H表单之外,还需在“磁场(mef)”节点下选择“安培定律”,域为“2”,即磁铁区域,在“磁场 > 本构关系”处将本构关系选择为“H-B曲线”。此时,即表示将材料性质表达为磁通密度B的函数,也符合以磁矢势A作为因变量时的表达,从而避免在本构关系中定义循环变量。设置窗口如下图所示。


一、实验目的 熟悉掌握COMSOL Multiphysics软件,通过3D有限元建模方法,建立铂电极-玻璃体-视网膜的分层电刺激模型。深入研究电极如何影响电刺激效果,系统的分析了电极尺寸、电极到视网膜表面的距离等参数对视网膜电刺激的影响,为视网膜视觉假体刺激电极的刺激效果提供指导意义,进一步优化电刺激效果,达到提高人工视觉的修复效果。 二、实验仪器设备 计算机,COMSOL Multiphysics软件 三、实验原理 影响视网膜电刺激效果的因素有许多:电极尺寸、电极距视网膜距离、电极形状、电极排列等,这里主要从电极尺寸,电极距视网膜距离来探讨。视网膜电刺激模型通过参考视网膜解剖结构构建,电刺激的有效响应区域取决于神经节细胞层(GCL)电场强度是否大于1000V/m,当大于该值时认为该区域神经节细胞能够兴奋,进而指导电极尺寸、电极距视网膜距离的参数。 四、实验内容 根据视网膜的解剖结构来构建相应的视网膜分层模型,模型总共分为8层:玻璃体层,神经节细胞层,内网状层,内核层,外网状层,外核层,视网膜下区域,色素上皮层,脉络膜及巩膜。根据视网膜各层的导电特性来设定相应的导电率,模型构建,设置边界条件。在电极处施加相应电流刺激,规定神经节细胞层(GCL)电场强度(>1000V/m)时认为能够引起视神经细胞兴奋,在确定的电流强度下,神经节细胞层(GCL)层电场强度大于1000V/m的区域认为有效响应区域,进而判断电极刺激的有效响应区域,指导电极尺寸r和电极距视网膜距离h等参数设置。其具体实验步骤如下所示: 1、根据视网膜的解剖特性构建视网膜分层模型。模型在三维模式下电磁场子目录下的传导介质DC场下建立。进入建模窗口后,在绘图栏下设置模型为圆柱体,输入各部分的长宽高数值,轴基准点为圆柱体的圆心坐标。模型分为9层(11个求解域),其示图如下:


Modeling of Pyramidal Absorbers for an Anechoic Chamber Introduction In this example, a microwave absorber is constructed from an infinite 2D array of pyramidal lossy structures. Pyramidal absorbers with radiation-absorbent material (RAM) are commonly used in anechoic chambers for electromagnetic wave measurements. Microwave absorption is modeled using a lossy material to imitate the electromagnetic properties of conductive carbon-loaded foam. Perfectly matched layers Port Conductive pyramidal form Unit cell surrounded by periodic conditions Conductive coating on the bottom Figure 1: An infinite 2D array of pyramidal absorbers is modeled using periodic boundary conditions on the sides of one unit cell. Model Definition The infinite 2D array of pyramidal structures is modeled using one unit cell with Floquet-periodic boundary conditions on four sides, as shown in Figure 1. The geometry of one unit cell consists of one pyramid sitting on a block made of the same


COMSOL Multiphysics快速入门实例: 导电体的热效应 导电体的热效应 该模型的目的在于给出一个多物理场模型的概念并给出采用COMSOL Multiphysics求解这类问题的方法。 该实例研究了热和电流平衡之间的耦合作用现象。装置中通有直流电流。由于装置的有限电导率,在电流流过装置的过程中会出现发热现象,装置的温度将会显著上升,从而也将改变材料的导电率。这种作用过程是双向耦合的过程;即电流平衡影响到热平衡,而热平衡又反过来影响到电流平衡。 模型的过程包含以下两个基本过程: ? 绘制装置的结构图 ? 定义物理环境,设置材料属性和边界条件 ? 绘制网格 ? 选择一个合适的求解器并开始求解过程 ? 后处理结果 COMSOL Multiphysics 包含一个非常易用的CAD工具,在该模型中将会得到介绍。你可能更习惯于采用其它的CAD工具来绘制几何图形,然后将其导入到COMSOL Multiphysics中; 如果是采用这种方式,则可以跳过下面的几何结构绘制过程介绍,而通过导入一个CAD文件到COMSOL Multiphysics 中来作为分析模型,在安装目录下有为该模型准备的分析CAD几何模型文件。 简介 图 2-1显示了装置的几何结构, 该结构实际上是IC卡的支撑结构的一部分,并被焊接到一个印刷电路板上。结构由两条腿焊接到pc电路板上,上部通过一个很薄的导电薄膜连接到IC上。 两个导体部分(腿结构)是由铜制成,焊点由 60% 锑 和 40%铅组成的合金制成. 模型假定导体部分必须将1A的电流通过焊点流入到IC电路板中,计算在这个过程中温度的变化情况。

图 2-1: 装置的几何结构 模型定义 电流平衡条件由下列方程式来描述 其中 σmetal 表示电导率(S/m), V 表示电势(V). 电导率是温度相关函数,用下列表达式来描述: 其中 ρ0 表示在参考温度T 0 (K)下的参考电阻 (?·m), a 表示温度因变量的比例系数 (K -1)。 热量平衡方程包含了导电体损失的电能转化来的热能: 其中,热源由以下表达式来表达: 在这个表达式里面, k T 表示热导率(W/m·K) Q electric 表示热源(W/m 3)。 电流平衡模式下的边界条件分为三种类型: ? 在焊点处,连接点将导体部分和电路板部分连接在一起,给定电势值为: ? 装置上表面的氧化薄膜层的边界条件设置为给定电流密度,其为薄膜中的电势差的函数


COMSOL Multiphysics使用技巧 (旧版通用)

一、全局约束/全局定义 对于多物理仿真,添加全局约束是COMSOL非常有用的功能之一。 例如,对于一个涉及传热的仿真,希望能够调整热源Q_0的大小,从而使得某一位置处的温度T_probe恒定在指定值T_max,我们可以直接将这个全局约束添加进来即可。

有些情况下,全局约束可能包含有对时间的微分项,也就是常说的常微分方程(ODE),COMSOL同样也支持自定义ODE作为全局约束。 例如,在一个管道内流体+物质扩散问题的仿真中,利用PID算法控制管道入口的流速u_in_ctrl,从而使得某一位置处的浓度conc 恒定在指定值c_set。(基本模块模型库> Multidisciplinary > PID control)。需要添加的PID算法约束如下式:

要添加上述约束,除变上限积分项外,另外两项都可以很容易的在边界条件中的“入口流速”设置中直接定义。因此,这个变上限积分需要转化成一个ODE ,作为全局约束加入。 令?-=t dt set c conc 0)_(int ,方程两边同对时间t 求导,得到 set c conc dt d _int -=。在COMSOL 中,变量u 对时间的导数,用ut 表示。因此变量int 的时间导数即为intt 。利用COMSOL 的“ODE 设定”,我们可以很容易的将intt-(conc-c_set)=0这个ODE 全局约束添加入模型之中。

二、积分耦合变量 COMSOL的语法中,变量u对空间的微分,分别默认为用ut,ux,uy,uz等来表示,这为仿真提供了极大的便利。那么对变量u 的空间积分呢?COMSOL提供了积分耦合变量来实现这一功能。 积分耦合变量分为四种:点(point)积分耦合变量、边(edge)积分耦合变量、边界(boundary)积分耦合变量、求解域(subdomain)积分耦合变量。根据模型的维度,会有相应积分耦合变量。用户还可以指定得到结果后的作用域,例如全局,或指定某些点、边、边界或求解域。从而可以将对积分耦合变量结果的访问限制在指定的对象上。 求解域积分耦合变量,就是对指定变量或表达式在指定的某个或者某些求解域上做积分,积分的结果赋给自定义的这个积分耦合变量。对于三维仿真,这个积分是体积分;对于二维则是面积分。最典型的应用当属对数值1进行积分,可以得到体积或面积。 边界积分耦合变量,就是对指定变量或表示在指定的某个或者某些边界上做积分,积分的结果付给自定义的这个积分耦合变量。对于三维仿真,这个积分是面积分;对于二维则是线积分。对1积分可以得到面积或边长。 边积分耦合变量,就是对指定变量或表达式在指定的某个或者某些边上做积分,积分的结果付给自定义的这个积分耦合变量。仅存在于三维仿真中,这个积分是线积分。对1积分得到边长。 点积分耦合变量,就是对指定变量或表达式在指定的某个或者某些点上给出它的值。它的最主要用法是将某个点上的结果映射到指定


学习COMSOL案例库中的例子 1,打开COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS: 双击COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS图标,进入基本功能界面,如下图 2,进入案例库:单机“文件”-“案例库”,如下图:

3,在“案例库”页面寻找个人感兴趣的案例,通常有如下两种方式: (1)直接在模块下进行搜索,这种方法要求对每个模块包含的内容比较了解,因为感兴趣的内容大多数时候分布在不同的模块。如一部分的压电案例包含在“结构力学模块”,单击“结构力学模块”,打开子模块列表,找到“压电效应”,单击“压电效应”,展开所有压电效应下的案例,如下图 (2)关键词搜索选择感兴趣案例,该方法能尽肯能全面的搜索到案例库中包含的所有感兴趣案例。如在搜索框内输入“压电”(建议输入英文” piezoelectric”,搜索的结果更全,下图所示分别为中文和英文搜索结果),点击“搜索”,即出现所有与压电相关的案例,如下图:

4,打开搜索到的案例,如在通过关键词搜索得到的结果中的“结构力学模块”-“压电效应”-“shear_bender”,鼠标左键单击“shear_bender”,弹出该案例的基本介绍,如下图: 注意页面左下角有两个可以执行的图标选项和,其中 (1):打开案例运行文件,其中包含该案例在COMSOL中的具体设置,部分案例同时包含运行结果(案例图标前面是实心蓝点的是包含结果的,如果是空心蓝点是不包含 结果,但是可以打开后运行出结果)。鼠标左键单击打开该案例COMSOL文件,如下图,任何部分都可以查看具体设置。 (2):打开该案例的背景介绍、COMSOL操作要点以及在COMSOL 中的具体操作(step-by-step)。鼠标左键单击打开PDF文件(电脑需


COMSOL稳态和瞬态的热性能仿真案例教学 新建 1.打开comsol(我用的是comsol5.5,其他版本大致相同),新建→模型向导→选 择三维; 2.选择物理场:传热→固体传热,按增加→研究,选择研究:预置研究→稳态 →完成;

建模 3.导入相应的二维或三维模型,或者直接在COMSOL里自建几何模型;导入: 顶部工具栏:导入,选中几何1→选择单位→导入,最后形成联合体→全部构建; 网格化 4. 网格:“序列类型”默认是“物理场控制网格”; 5. 可改为“用户控制网格”,网格1 →尺寸,可以看到不同细化程度(软件默认)对应的“单元尺寸参数”,可手动修改网格尺寸;

6. 顶部工具栏:增加材料; 7. 可在右侧框内搜索要添加的材料,然后“增加到选择”;或者添加空材料,去选择一个域,然后材料属性目录下会出现做该仿真必要的参数,输入参数即 可; 载荷 8. 点击初始值1:温度默认单位K,可修改为℃; 9. 热绝缘1:默认选择所有边界; 10. 右键“固体传热”,添加温度,边界选择输入载荷的区域;

11. 右键添加“热通量”,边界选择全体导热的区域,在热通量一栏,输入广义热通量数值,即输入的能量值; 研究:结果 12. 点击“研究”开始计算,仿真完成后,结果下面自动出现“温度”;点击温度→体,出现仿真结果图;可通过派生值→全局计算,计算自己所需要的值 瞬态仿真 13. 顶部工具栏:增加研究

14. 右侧任务栏:预置研究→瞬态; 15. 研究2 →步骤1:研究设定; 16. 时间单位:可设置为ms;时间:设置仿真时间范围及步长; 17. 仿真完成后,结果下面自动出现“温度”; 18. 点击温度→表面。出现仿真结果图。可看到温升变化,和稳态保持一致; 19. 派生值,右键,“体最大值”,会在仿真图下方出现“表格2”,自动将时间和温度的对应变化列出来; 20. 在表格处,点击“表图”按钮,结果下面自动出现“一维绘图组”:会有温度


Step-Index Fiber Introduction The transmission speed of optical waveguides is superior to microwave waveguides because optical devices have a much higher operating frequency than microwaves, enabling a far higher bandwidth. Today the silica glass (SiO 2) fiber is forming the backbone of modern communication systems. Before 1970, optical fibers suffered from large transmission losses, making optical communication technology merely an academic issue. In 1970, researchers showed, for the first time, that low-loss optical fibers really could be manufactured. Earlier losses of 2000 dB/km now went down to 20 dB/km. Today’s fibers have losses near the theoretical limit of 0.16 dB/km at 1.55 μm (infrared light). One of the winning devices has been the single-mode fiber, having a step-index profile with a higher refractive index in the center core and a lower index in the outer cladding. Numerical software plays an important role in the design of single-mode waveguides and fibers. For a fiber cross section, even the most simple shape is difficult and cumbersome to deal with analytically. A circular step-index waveguide is a basic shape where benchmark results are available (see Ref. 1). This example is a model of a single step-index waveguide made of silica glass. The inner core is made of pure silica glass with refractive index n 1 = 1.4457 and the cladding is doped, with a refractive index of n 2 = 1.4378. These values are valid for free-space wavelengths of 1.55 μm. The radius of the cladding is chosen to be large enough so that the field of confined modes is zero at the exterior boundaries. For a confined mode there is no energy flow in the radial direction, thus the wave must be evanescent in the radial direction in the cladding. This is true only if On the other hand, the wave cannot be radially evanescent in the core region. Thus The waves are more confined when n eff is close to the upper limit in this interval. n eff n 2 >n 2n eff n 1 <<


Computing the Effect of Fringing Fields on Capacitance Introduction A typical capacitor is composed of two conductive objects with a dielectric in between them. Applying a voltage difference between these objects results in an electric field. This electric field exists not just directly between the conductive objects, but extends some distance away, a phenomenon known as a fringing field. To accurately predict the capacitance of a capacitor, the domain used to model the fringing field must be sufficiently large, and the appropriate boundary conditions must be used. This example models a parallel plate capacitor in air and studies the size of the air domain. The choice of boundary condition is also addressed. Air domain Metal discs Figure 1: A simple capacitor consisting of two metal discs in an air domain.
