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1、What time will the speakers get to Beijing?

A. At 11:15.

B. At 12:13.

C. At 12:45.

2. What are the two speakers talking about?

A. Books

B. Computer.

C. Homework.

3. What is Peter going to do this afternoon?

A. Play basketball.

B. Ride a bicycle.

C. Go swimming.

4. What does the woman mean?

A. She is too busy.

B. She will type the work plan.

C. She wants to be the man’s secretary.

5. Why is the woman so late?

A. Something went wrong with the bus.

B. She took somebody to hospital.

C. She missed the bus.




6. What are the speakers doing?

A. The man is learning how to use a computer.

B. The woman is showing the man how to put page numbers on.

C. The woman is trying to have her document printed.

7. How will the problem be solved?

A. By pressing F8.

B. By pressing Enter.

C. By printing it.

8. What do we know about the woman?

A. She’d like to coach t he man to do the work.

B. She will do the work for the man.

C. She is the man’s secretary.


9. What’s the woman doing?

A. Trying to persuade the boy to eat the carrots.

B . Telling the boy about the nutrition of carrots.

C. Asking the boy to go to bed early.

10. Why does the boy turn off the light?

A. It is the time to go to bed.

B. He wants to show his eyesight is good.

C. He tries to refuse the woman’s idea.

11. What can we learn from the conversation?

A. The woman can see in the dark.

B. The boy doesn’t like carrots.

C. The boy always obeys the woman.


12. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Seller and buyer.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Householder and housekeeper

13. What advantage dose the older flat have over the modern one?

A. It is much bigger.

B. It is a lot cheaper.

C. It is in better shape.

14. Which flat is the woman more interested in?

A. Neither one.

B. The older one.

C. The modern one. 听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。

15. What is the main topic of the monologue(独白)?

A. How money came into being.

B. The kind of things which served as money in the past.

C. How the value of the money was decided.

16. What might have been used for money by early Japanese?

A. Tea.

B. Salt.

C. Nuts.

17. Who were the first people to use coins as money?

A. Europeans.

B. American Indians.

C. Chinese.


18. Where does the woman’s friend live now?

A. In Chicago.

B. In Atlanta.

C. In San Francisco.

19. What is the woman?

A. A doctor.

B. An artist.

C. An office manager.

20. How many ways does the woman keep in touch with her friend?

A. Three.

B. Two.

C. One.


第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


C21 They can’t afford to ___ their laboratory with advanced instruments so some experiments can’t be carried out.

A. decorate

B. furnish

C. equip

D. install D22. There was a lot of fun at the football match. You ___have come, but why didn’t you?

A. must

B. shouldn’t

C. needn’t

D. ought to

A23. The number of college students in China _____ greatly since 1990.

A. has increased

B. have increased

C. are increased

D. was increased

C24. All these gifts must be mailed immediately _____ in time for Christmas.

A. in order to have received

B. in order to received

C. so as to be received

D. so as to be receiving

A25. ____ a thorough search, no trace of the murderer has been found.

A. Instead of

B. In spite

C. Despite

D. Although A26. _____ is no possibility ______ you can pass the exam without working hard.

A. There; that

B. It ;that

C. There ; whether

D. It ;whether

C27. ---Shall I get you a book?

--- I have no ____ for reading at the moment.

A. hope

B. plan

C. appetite

D. demand

D28. It was impossible to avoid _____ by his opinion.

A. affecting

B. to be affected

C. affected

D. being affected

B29. --- I will come to see your performance at 9;00 tomorrow evening.

---I am sorry, but by then my performance ____ and I ___ reporters in the meeting room.

A. will end ; will meet

B. will have ended; will be meeting

C. will be ended; am going to meet .

D. is to end ,will meet

D30. Don’t worry. I will ___ my trip to Hongkong until you are well enough to look after yourself..

A. put on

B. put out

C. put away

D. put off

D31.--- Which driver was to blame ?

--- Why, ____! It was the child’s fault, clear and simple. He suddenly came out between the cars.

A. both

B. each

C. either

D. neither

C32. _____ can you expect to get a good mark in the exams.

A. With work hard

B. Although work hard

C. Only with hard work

D. Hard as you works

C33.---Why do you say that the doctor is in a ____?

---Because he doesn’t know whether to tell the patient the truth or not.

A. situation

B. dilemma

C. condition



C34.__________, I would like to visit my grandma in the countryside.

A. Time permitting

B. Time is permitted

C. If time permitting

D. Time permits

C35. “Would you mind my staying here for some time?”


A. Yes, stay as you like

B. No, of course not

C. Yes, you are welcome

D. No, you wouldn’t



On Thursday night, I sat at my desk, preparing a speech I had to give on Friday, in Speech Class. I looked at the 36 : almost midnight. Well, I’d better get to bed37 I

wanted to fall asleep working on my speech.

Frankly speaking, I 38 public speaking. Whenever I have to give a presentation in a class, I get very 39 the night before. I have very bad stage fright (怯场).

The speech I was 40 was a demonstration speech. I was to be the last one to give my speech, because my last name starts with a ―Z‖.

When I walked into the speech classroom on Friday, it felt like I was 41 a lion’s den (兽穴). I 42 myself that by the end of the hour class, I will be looking forward to the weekend. 43 , it didn’t work out quite so well. We ran out of 44 before it was my turn. The teacher asked two others and me if we 45 give our speeches next week. Why, certainly not ! I wanted to 46 this speech over with, not spending the weekend 47 about it. But I said yes 48 , instead of getting angry. At that moment, I was 49 jealous of my classmates who could have a carefree and happy 50 .

Some of the speech topics seemed 51 to me, such as how to walk on heels. Other topics made more sense, 52 how to bake a cake, read guitar music, or skateboard. I wisely chose a talk about the abacus (算盘), 53 something about Chinese history and culture. But my 54 topic would have to wait until next week because of 55 bad time management.

B36. A. speech B. clock C. desk D. schedule

C37. A. if B. when C. unless D. until

A38. A. dislike B. enjoy C. know D. hope

D39. A. tired B. asleep C. exciting D. nervous

B40. A. considering B. preparing C. making D. arranging

B41. A. watching B. entering C. building D. discussing

A42. A. reminded B. supported C. decided D. doubted

D43. A. Otherwise B. Besides C. Therefore D. However

D44. A. speech B. energy C. time D. patience

B45. A. might B. could C. shall D. will

A46. A. get B. bring C. take D. give ]

C47 A. talking B. practising C. worrying D. writing

D48. A. shyly B. silently C. gladly D. politely

D49. A. hardly B. firstly C. madly D. falsely

B50. A. party B. weekend C. life D. study

D51.A. foolish B. suitable C. interesting D. difficult

D52. A. on B. as C. with D. like

A53.A. introducing B. designing C. avoiding D. suggesting

B54.A. abstract B. terrible C. wonderful D. boring

A55.A. my B. their C. my classmates D. my teacher’s




Animal experts in Croatia say a bear has learned how to trick people to let him in by knocking at the door.

They believe the 220-kilogram brown bear probably learned the trick while nudging ( 轻推) a door to get it to open.

Experts have a guess that the nudging was mistaken by the owners for knocking and that the bear, pleased by the result, repeated the trick.

The Loknar family from Gerovo in western Croatia said the bear had knocked at their door three times and they now refusing to answer the door.

―We jumped out of the window as he came in through the door and went into the kitchen to tak e some food the first time.‖ Mum Nevenka Loknar told a reporter from a local newspaper. ―I opened the door and saw him standing there and I didn’t believe my eyes at first, then I ran for it as he walked in as if it was the most normal thing in the world.‖

Bears are a common thing in the woods around here, but no one has ever heard of a bear that knocks at the door.

Mum Nevenka Loknar said, ―The bear is so intelligent. It’s incredible. We’ve tried to put up lots of obstacles (障碍物) to stop him coming in, like a wire fence but he still gets through. I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew how to use wire cutters ( 钢丝剪).‖

56. According to experts in Croatia, how did the bear learn the trick?

A. By knocking at the door several times.

B. By accident.

C. By learning from the owner of a family.

D. By imitation

57. What does the underlined word ―it‖ in paragraph 5 refer to?

A. Eating at the kitchen.

B. Knocking at the door.

C. Walking into the house.

D. Answering the door.

58. It is ____ in Gerovo that a bear knocks at the door .

A. unusual

B. a troubling problem

C. common

D. an exciting experience

59. Mum Nevenka Loknar was surprised that the bear .

A. didn’t attack her family

B. knew how to use wire cutters

C. jumped across her wire fence three times

D. was clever at getting through the obstacles


A British high school student received a mark for writing nothing but an irrelevant ( 不相关的) phrase on an exam paper because the phrase expressed meaning and was spelled correctly.

The Times newspaper on Monday quoted ( 引用) examiner Peter Buckroyd who gave the student two points as saying it would be bad to give it zero because it does show some very basic skills we are looking for, like conveying some meaning and some spelling. It’s better than someone that doesn’t write anything at all. Buckroyd thought the student would have received a higher mark if the phrase had been punctuated ( 加标点).

Buckroyd is a senior examiner for the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance ( 资格评估与认证联合会), one of several bodies that grade British high school exams. The alliance admitted the newspaper’s story, but said Buckroyd’s decision to award the student marks was not official policy.

―The example quoted was unique in the importance of the senior examin er concerned and was used in a pre-training session to emphasize the importance of adhering to ( 坚持) the mark scheme. For example, if a candidate makes any sort of response to a question then it must be at least given consideration to be awarded a mark,‖ the company said in a statement, ―but obscenities ( 脏话) on exam papers should either be ignored or action will be taken against the candidate, depending on the seriousness of the case.‖

60. According to the text, the student got a mark in the exam because .

A. he gave the right answer to the question

B. what he wrote was meaningful and not wrong

C. he wrote some beautiful words on the exam paper

D. he showed his respect to the examiner on the exam paper

61. The Assessment and Qualifications Alliance in the UK .

A. is the only British organization that grades high school exams

B. proved Bucdroyd’s decision has been supported by its members

C. changed the mark scheme after the event

D. proved the story The Time reported was true

62. From the last paragraph we can see .

A. writing anything about questions will get some marks

B. the more a candidate writes, the higher marks he will get

C. the rules to give marks to candidates are very strict

D. a candidate can write obscenities freely without punishment

63. The writer’s main purpose of w riting the text is to .

A. show his concern about the education system in the UK

B. introduce something about examination rules in the UK

C. tell readers a piece of news which they may be interested in

D. criticize the policy of the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance


Believe it or not, optical illusion ( 视觉错觉) can cut highway crashes.

Japan is a case in point. It has reduced automobile crashes on some roads by nearly 75 percent using a simple optical illusion. But stripes ( 条纹), called chevrons ( 人字形), painted on the roads make drivers think that they are driving faster than they really are, and thus drivers slow down.

Now the American Automobile Association Foundation ( 基金会) for Traffic Safety in Washington D.C. is planning to repeat Japan’s success. Starting next year, the foundation will paint chevrons and other patterns of stripes on selected roads around the country to test how well the patterns reduce highway crashes.

Excessive ( 过度的) speed plays a major role in as much as one fifth of all fatal traffic accidents, according to the foundation. To help reduce those accidents, the foundation will conduct its tests in areas where speed-related hazards ( 危险) are the greatest curves, exit slopes, traffic circles, and bridges.

Some studies suggest that straight, horizontal bars painted across roads can initially cut the average speed of drivers in half. However, traffic often returns to full speed within months as drivers become used to seeing the painted bars.

Chevrons, scientists say, mot only give drivers the impression that they are driving faster than they really are but also make a lane appear to be narrower. The result is a longer lasting reduction in highway speed and the number of traffic accidents.

64. The passage mainly discusses____________ . .

A. a new way of highway speed control

B. a new pattern for painting highways

C. a new way of training drivers

D. a new type of optical illusion

65. On roads painted with chevrons, drivers tend to feel that_____________.

A. they should avoid speed-related hazards

B. they are driving in the wrong lane

C. they should slow down their speed

D. they are coming near to the speed limit

66. The advantage of chevrons over straight, horizontal bars is that the former___________.

A. can keep drivers awake

B. can cut road accidents in half

C. will look more attractive

D. will have a longer effect on drivers

67.The American Automobile Association Foundation for Traffic Safety plans to __ __.

A. try out the Japanese method in certain areas

B. change the road signs across the country

C. replace straight, horizontal bars with chevrons

D. repeat the Japanese road patterns


Boys at the top of the pecking order ( 长幼次序) either by birth or because their older brothers died score higher on IQ tests than their younger brothers.

Norwegian researchers now report that it’s a matter of what they call social rank in the family that gives the first born the highest scores or, if the first born had died young, the next oldest.

Kristensen and Bjerkedal studied the IQ test results of 241,310 Norwegian men drafted into the armed forces between 1967 and 1976. All were aged 18 or 19 at the time.

The average IQ of first-born men was 103.2 they found second-born men averaged 101.2, but second –born men whose older brother died young scored 102.9. And for third –borns, the average was 100.0. But if both older brothers died young, the third-born score rose to 102.6.

The findings provid e ―evidence that the relation between birth order and IQ score is dependent on the social rank in the family and not birth order as such,‖ they concluded.

It’s an issue that has been hotly discussed since at least 1874, when Sir Francis Galton reported that men in prominent ( 优越的) positions tend to be firstborns more often than would have been statistically ( 统计地) expected.

Since then, several studies have reported higher intelligence scores for firstborns, while other analyses have questioned those findings and the methods of those reports.

―These two researchers prove that how study participants were raised, not how they were born, is what actually influences their IQs, ‖ said Sulloway, an American professor, who was not part of the research team.

The elder child pulls ahead, he said, perhaps as a result of learning gained through the process of tutoring(辅导) younger brothers and sisters.

The older child benefits by having to organize and express its thoughts to tutor youngsters, he said, while the later born children may have no one t tutor.

68. According to Norwegian researchers’ finding, which of the following is linked to boys’ IQ?

A. Birth order.

B. Position in the family.

C. Parents’ social rank.

D. Education experience.

69. Kristensen and Bjerkedal found ________ scored highest on IQ tests.

A. second-born men

B. third-born men

C. second-born men whose older brother died young

D. third-born men whose older brothers died young

70. By saying ―It’s an issue that been hotly discusses‖ in paragrap h 6, what does the writer mean?

A. Many people take interest in IQ study.

B. IQ study has gone further and further and further.

C. Many people do research on boys’ IQ.

D. Opinions are diveded on the conclusion

71. According to Kristensen and Bjerkedal’s test results, parents can make youngsters smarter by ________.

A. treating them as oldest child

B. teaching them as oldest child

C. talking to them as much as possible

D. encouraging them to express thoughts




1.They tried their best to reduce the loss to a _____________.(最低限度)

2.I was a__________ of offending him.

3.There are a lot of _____________(现象) of nature we can’t understand.

4.The p___________ peace came from the negotiation table.

5.The Parliament ______________ (宣布) the result of the election.

6.In the l_______ of proof(证据), the police could not take actions against the man.

7.When he woke up , he found himself __________ (包围) by his classmates.

8.Speak up, please. My h__________ is not so good.

9.It is hoped that SARS will be completely defeated in the near future.

SARS is hoped ________ ________ completely defeated in the near future.

10.He was absorbed in the book.

He was ______ _______ the book.

11.He informed them that he had arrived.

He informed them of _______ __________.

12.It will harm your eyes to read in the sun.

It is _________ _______ your eyes to read in the sun.


We see money almost every day. Parents give us1. p________ money. We pay for our favorite CDs with money. We can hardly 2.___________(想象) a world without money.

Money helps people 3.t________. If you want a kilo of chicken you don’t have to give the 4.s__________ a box of apples. You can use money. Traders can give each other change to make the trade 5._______ (公平) because of money.

With money the world becomes a big moving system. People work to 6.________ money. Then they use their money to buy things they want. Money travels from person to person and from place to place.

Money is usually coins and banknotes. Each country has its own 7._________ (货币). Some have their leaders’ faces on the coins and banknotes; 8._______ have plants or animals. Still

others have beautiful or historical places on the 9.f_______ or backs of currency. So you see, money also says something 10.______ the culture of a country.



中药和西药都有各自的优缺点,但它们的目的是一样的,那就是拯救生命,使人保持健康。中药历史悠久,而随着社会的发展,西药最终能否替代中药呢?请你根据下列提示写一篇以“Will Western Medicine take the place of Traditional Chinese Medicine?”为题的英语作文。

注意:1. 词数:100—120; 2. 可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:见效—produce an effect

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________






完成句子 1.minimum 2.aware 3.phenomena 4.permanent 5.declared https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ba12747034.html,ck 7.

surrounded 8.hearing 9. to be 10.lost to 11.his arrival 12. harmful for

短文填空 1. pocket 2. imagine 3.trade 4.sellers 5.fair 6. get 7.currency 8.others

9. fronts 10. about


Traditional Chinese Medicine has a long history of 2500 years. It treats the body as a whole and it is effective, as it finds the cause of the illness and treats that to clear it up for good. Besides the treatments used by Traditional Chinese Medicine are completely natural while Western Medicine treats illness with chemical drugs which are convenient to carry about. Moreover, Western Medicine treatment is focused only on the part of the body that is ill and therefore can produce a quick effect.

In my opinion, both Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine have their advantages and disadvantages ,so it will be better for them to complete each other in stead of taking the place of each other.

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