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1. 重复英语中作宾语的名词

1)Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations.


2)I had experienced oxygen and / or engine trouble.


3)They began to study and analyze the situation of the enemy.


4)Thus, I wrote "Spain in Arms, 1937" and saw China in revolution in 1925-27, and later in war with Japan.


2. 重复英语中作表语的名词

1)He became an oil baron -- all by himself.


2)This has been our position -- but not theirs.


3)John is your friend as much as he is mine.


3. 重复英语前置词短语前所省略的名词


1)The doctor will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen hundred ordinary patients.


2)The story of Jurgis is a story of groans and tears, of poor human beings destfoyed by the capitalist industrial machine.


3)We see, therefore, how the modern bourgeoisie is itself the product of a long course of development, of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exchange.


4. 重复英语中作先行词的名词



May I extend my heartiest congratulations to the great Chinese people and its Communist Party, t hrough you, for the glowing success of your tremendous revolution, which is now inspiring the w orld.



They have staged demonstrations and sit-ins and distributed petitions which inevitably find their way to foreign correspondents posted in Moscow.



The little apprentice in particular lived in terror of the boss, who had borne down on him so often and so hard that there was little left.



1)The President announced, with obvious relish, that the planes took off from "Shangri-la", the fictional, remote retreat in the Himalayas.


2)All of these arrangements were a prelude to the ball, the hostess' ultimate prize.


3)Water can be decomposed by energy, a current of electricity.


4)No one dared to walk out of Johnson's Administration, because they knew if they did, two men were going to follow their ass to the end of the earth, Mr. J. Edgar Hoover and the head of the Internal Revenue Service.



1. 英语句子常用一个动词连接几个宾语或表语,在译文中往往要重复这个动词。

1)Is he a friend or an enemy?


2)The blow hurt not only his hands but his shoulder too.


3)For a good ten minutes, he cursed me and my brother.


4)Chairman Mao is an activist, a prime mover, an originator and master of strategy achieved by alternating surprise, tension and easement. (Edgar Snow)


5)They covered the 19th century foreign intervention in China, Mao's Long March in the mid-1930s, the French and American revolutions.


2. 英语句子中动词后有前置词时,在第二次第三次往往只用前置词而省略动词,在译文中则要重复动词以代替英语中重复的前置词。

1)We talked of ourselves, of our prospects, of the journey, of the weather, of each other -- of everything but our host and hostess.


2)And the body lay white and still beneath the pines, all bathed in sunshine and in blood.


3)He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength.


4)He supplied his works not only with biographies, but with portraits of their supposed authors.



1)But his wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family.


2)They wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligations as an American.


3)But they did not show it and they spoke politely about the current and the depths they had drifted their lines at and the steady good weather and of what they had seen.



1. 英语中用代词的地方,翻译时往往可按汉语习惯重复其所代替的名词。

1)Jesse opened his eyes. They were filled with tears.


2)In China, they "made mistakes", suffered by them, acknowledged and studied them, thus planned victory.


3)He hated failure; he had conquered it all his life, risen above it, despised it in others.


4)Suddenly Sakamoto spotted the ship, she was like a sitting duck at dockside. He couldn't wait to get to her.


5)The change of Taylor was that of a key man in the key slot -- something that symbolized the gradual transformation of the other players.


6)Stephen made a bow. Not a servile one -- he will never do that.


2. 英语中用物主代词its,his,their等等以代替句中作主语的名词(有时附有修饰语)时,翻译时往往可以不用代词而重复其作主语的名词(有时附有修饰语),以达到明确具体的目的。

1)Happy families also had their own troubles.


2)Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their own lines.


3)Each country has its own customs.


3. 英语中强势关系代词或强势关系副词whoever,whenever,wherever等等,翻译时往往使用重复法处理。

1)Whoever violates the disciplines should be criticized.


2)Come to my office and have a talk with me whenever you are free.


3)Wherever severe oppression existed, there would be revolution.


4)You may borrow whichever novel in my bookcase you like best.


4. 英语用some ... and others ...(some ..., others ...)连用的句子,译成汉语时主语往往是谓语重复形式的“的”字结构,有时也可以用“有的……,有的……”句式。

1)Some have entered college and others have gone to the countryside.


2)On Sunday afternoon, some reviewed their lessons, and others helped the cooks in their work.


3)Some played soccer and others played basketball.



1)He wanted to send them more aid, more weapons and a few more men.



2) In the Soviet Union there had been no radio, TV, or press mention of either Abel's arrest or conviction.





(1)Dead is the monarch, dead the servant who cringed before him, dead the city in which they dwelt.


(2)Eye for eye, tooth for tooth.



(3)During their stay in Peking, they visited some old friends of theirs, visited Peking University and visited the Great Wall.



You were born to run. And we were born to help you do it better. 奔跑是你的天性,让你跑得更快是我们的天职。运用了多种修辞手法:重复、押头韵 Skin firming/toning agent 紧肤水/爽肤水成分 Coriander 芫荽、香菜Lavender 薰衣草 Adidas Sports Shoes Over twenty-eight years ago, adidas gave birth to a new idea in sports shoes. And the people who wear our shoes have been running and winning ever since. In fact, adidas has helped them set over 400 world records in track and field alone. Maybe that’s why more and more football, soccer, basketball, baseball and tennis players are turning to adidas. They know that, whatever their game, they can rely on adidas workmanship and quality in every product we make. So whether you are pounding the roads on a marathon, or just jogging around the block, adidas shall be on your feet. You were born to run. And we were born to help you do it better. You’ll find us anywhere smart sports people buy their shoes. Adidas, the all sports people. 阿迪达斯运动鞋 28年前,阿迪达斯为运动鞋注入了一种全新的理念,从此以后,脚穿阿迪的运动健儿风驰电掣、频频夺冠。事实上,仅在田径场上阿迪达斯就帮助人们创造了400多项世界记录。或许正因为如此,才有越来越多的足球、橄榄球、篮球、棒球和网球运动员青睐这个品牌。他们知道,无论从事哪项运动,他们都可以信赖阿迪达斯


翻译常用的八种技巧 翻译常用的八种技巧 1.重译法(repetition) 2.增译法(amplification) 3.减译法(omission) 4.词类转移法(conversion) 5.词序调整法(inversion) 6.分译法(division) 7.正说反译、反说正译法(negation) 8.语态变换法(the change of the voices) 第一节重译法(repetition) 在翻译中,有时为了忠实于原文,不得不重复某些词语,否则就不能忠实地表达原文的意思。这种反复使用某些词语于翻译的方法就叫重译法。 重译法实际上也是一种增词法,只不过所增加的是上文出现的词。重译法有三个作用:一是为了明确;而是为了强调;三是为了生动。 一、为了明确,有时需要重复宾语。在英语中,一句话里两个动词 共用一个宾语,宾语只在第二个动词之后出现一次。而在汉语中,这样的宾语要在每个动词后分别出现。定语后的名词亦是如此。 如: 1.We have to analyse and solve problems. 我们要分析问题,解决 问题。 2.I eat and drink whatever I like, and sleep when I can not keep.我想 吃什么就吃什么,想喝什么就和什么,眼睛睁不开了就睡觉。 3.人类利用自然科学去了解自然、改造自然。People use natural science to understand and change nature. 4.Aristocratic and democratic tendencies in a nation often


2.2练习一参考译文 I thought this machine would never be anything but a toy. 我原以为这台机器最多只能当成一个玩具,没有什么实用价值。 Early the next morning, after a large breakfast, they departed. 第二天一早,饱饱地吃了一顿早餐之后,他们便动身了。 第二天一早,他们吃了一顿丰盛的早餐之后,便出发了。 Do as you would be done by. 要别人如何待你,你就该如何待人。(增加原文比较句中省略的部分) This printer is indeed cheap and fine. 这部打印机真是物美价廉。 I could knit when I was seven. 我七岁时就会织毛衣。 Steel and iron products are often coated lest they should rust. 钢铁制品常常涂上油漆以免生锈 2.2.2重复法 一.原文为省略表达: 英语中和汉语中都有省略现象。英语多按语法形式省略以避免重复,多省 略所有格、形容词和介词后面的名词,助动词、不定式后面的动词,系动词后面的表语,主谓一致时的主语或谓语等。译为汉语时,这些省略掉的词语往往要补上,这就构成了汉语的重复。 1.重复名词: 例1.Aristocratic and democratic tendencies in a nation often show themselves in its speech. 一个民族的贵族倾向和民主倾向常在其言语中表现出来。(重复形容词所修饰的名词) 例2.We have advocated the principle of peaceful coexistence, which is now growing more and more popular among the nations of Asia and Africa. 我们提倡和平共处的原则,这个原则目前在亚非各国越来越得人心了。 (重复定语从句的先行词) 例3.P27例句


四种翻译方法 1.直译和意译 所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式——特别指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、地方色彩等。 每一个民族语言都有它自己的词汇、句法结构和表达方法。当原文的思想内容与译文的表达形式有矛盾不宜采用直译法处理时,就应采用意译法。意译要求译文能 正确表达原文的内容,但可以不拘泥与原文的形式。(张培基) 应当指出,在再能确切的表达原作思想内容和不违背译文语言规范的条件下,直译有其可取之处,一方面有助于保存原著的格调,另一方面可以进新鲜的表达方法。 Literal translation refers to an adequaterepresentation of the original. When the original coincides or almost tallies with the Chinese language in the sequence of vocabulary, in grammatical structure and rhetorical device, literal translation must be used. Free translation is also called liberal translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word order of the orig in al.(郭著章) 直译法是指在不违背英语文化的前提下,在英译文中完全保留汉语词语的指称意义,求得内容和形式相符的方法。 意译是指译者在受到译语社会文化差异的局限时,不得不舍弃原文的字面意义,以求疑问与原文的内容相符和主要语言功能的相似。(陈宏薇) 简单地说,直译指在译文中采用原作的的表达方法,句子结构与原句相似,但也不排除在短语层次进行某些调整。 意译指在译文中舍弃原作的表达方法,另觅同意等效的表达方法,或指对原作的句子结构进行较大的变化或调整。(杨莉藜) Literal translation may be defined as having the following characteristics: 1, literal translation takes sentences as its basic units and the whole text into consideration at the same time in the course of translating. 2, literal translation strives to reproduce both the ideological content and style of the entire literary work and retain as much as possible the figures of speech and such main sentence structures or patterns as SV,SVO, SVC, SVA, SVOO, SVOC, SVOA formulated by Randolph Quirk, one of the authors of the book A Comprehensive


翻译常用的八种技巧鑫美译翻译 翻译常用的八种技巧 一、常用的翻译技巧 1. 重复法 (repetition) 2. 增译法 (amplification) 3. 减译法 (omission) 4. 词类转移法 (conversion) 5. 词序调整法 (inversion) 6. 分译法 (division) 7. 正说反译, 反说正译法 (negation) 8. 语态变换法 (the change of the voices) 1. 重复法 汉语重复,英译时也重复; 根据两种语言各自的习惯用法,以不同的表达方式进行重复,这种重复通常是为了传达原文的生动性. We have to analyze and solve problems. 我们要分析问题,解决问题。 Let’s revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 我们来修改安全规则和卫生规则吧。 Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace --- but there is no peace. 先生们尽管可以高呼和平,和平!但是依然没有和平。 Nels had it all written out neatly. 纳尔斯把它写得清清楚楚。 青青河边草, 郁郁园中柳。 Green grows the grass upon the bank,

The willow shoots are long and lank. 2. 增译法 为了使译文忠实地表达原文的意思与风格并使译文合乎表达习惯,必须增加一些词语,这就叫增译法. 增词义增加虚词为多,也可酌量增加实词。 英译汉时经常增加的词有结构词、数量词、概念词、语气词等。 从增补的功能来看,可以分为结构增补、意义增补和修辞增补。 I am looking forward to the holidays. 我们等待假日的到来。 Much of our morality is customary. 我们大部分的道德观念都有习惯性。 Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人精确。 Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。 3. 减译法 增译法的反面 减译法是指原文中有些词在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词而已有其意,或者在译文中是不言而喻的; 减译法是删去一些可有可无的, 或者有了反而累赘或违背译文习惯表达法的词, 并不是把原文的某些思想内容删去。 省译和增补是相辅相成的两种翻译技巧。省译和分为结构省译和

翻译 重复法

1.It was he who first repudiated and breached the understanding. 就是他首先拒绝了这一谅解,破坏了这一谅解。 2.They would be very reluctant to postpone or cancel the meeting. 他们非常不愿意推迟这个会议或取消这个会议。 3.People forgot your face first, then your name. 人们首先会忘记你的长相,然后忘记你的名字。 4.He broke all connections with his past, and with the old society in every way. 他和他的过去断绝了一切联系,和旧社会的各方面也断绝了一切联系。 5.This requires care and, for difficult problems, great experience. 这就需要细心,并且对许多困难问题来说,还需要丰富的经验。 6.They talked of things they longed for ---of meat and of hot soup and of the richness of butter. 他们谈到了他们所渴望的那些东西——谈到了肉类,谈到了热汤,谈到了黄油的丰富营养。 7.Each had his own business to handle. 每个人都有每个人自己的事要做。 8.This town is a small town, looking much like other towns of its size, but few towns enjoy so many natural advantages. 这是一个小镇,在规模上看起来和的小镇并无两样,但是很少有小镇有如此多的自然优势。 9.上海世博会是第一次在发展中国家举办的注册类世博会。这是中国的机遇,也是世界的机遇。 The Shanghai World Expo is the first registered World Expo hosted by a developing country. This is an opportunity for China, but also for a world. 10.诞生159年来,世博会把不同国度、不同民族、不同文化背景的人们汇聚在一起,沟通心灵,增进友谊,加强合作,共谋发展。 Born 159 years ago, the World Expo has brought together people from different countries, nationalities, and cultural backgrounds for friendship, cooperation and development.


重复法实际上也是一种增词法,只不过所增加的词是上文刚出现过的词。翻译和写作一样,本应力求简练,尽量省略一些可有可无的词;但有时为了明确、强调或生动,却往往需要将一些关键性的词加以重复。 一、为了明确 (一)重复名词 1. 重复英语中作宾语的名词 1)Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 我们来修订安全规则和卫生规则吧。 2)I had experienced oxygen and / or engine trouble. 我曾碰到过,不是氧气设备出故障,就是引擎出故障,或两者都出故障。 3)They began to study and analyze the situation of the enemy. 他们开始研究敌情,分析敌情。 4)Thus, I wrote "Spain in Arms, 1937" and saw China in revolution in 1925-27, and later in war with Japan. 这样,我就写了《战斗中的西班牙(一九三七年)》。我也看到了一九二五年至一九二七年正在革命的中国,后来又看到了正同日本作战的中国。 2. 重复英语中作表语的名词 1)He became an oil baron -- all by himself. 他成为一个石油大王——一个白手起家的石油大王。 2)This has been our position -- but not theirs. 这一直是我们的立场——而不是他们的立场。 3)John is your friend as much as he is mine. 约翰既是你的朋友,又是我的朋友。 3. 重复英语前置词短语前所省略的名词


英汉翻译技巧——重复译法 使用重复法的目的主要有三个: 一是使意义明确, 二是使译文生动活泼, 三是加强语势。 一、使意义明确 1.重复名词 1) We should learn how to analyze and solve problems. 2) It is our duty to rebuild and defend our homeland. 3)A good play serves to educate and inspire the people. 4)It was he who first repudiated and breached the understanding. 5)All of these arrangements were a prelude to the ball, the hostess' ultimate prize. 6)They slipped out into the open,avoiding the kitchen, a spacious separate building. 2.重复动词 1)People forget your face first, then your name. 2)Then he spoke of the rise of charity and popular education, and in particular of the spread of wealth and work. 3)They talked of things they longed for ─ of meat and of hot soup and of the richness of butter. 4)He encouraged this bumptious young ma n to write of his own region──of its bleak poverty and of its women old before their time. 3.重复代词 1)The country has its romantic feeling. 2)However you travel, it’ll take you at least two days. 3)Whoever works hard will be respected. 4)Choose whatever you like. 5)Ignoring a problem does not solve it. 6)When her eyes looked up, they were very large, odd, and attractive.


翻译常用的八种技巧 一、常用的翻译技巧 1. 重复法(repetition) 2. 增译法(amplification) 3. 减译法(omission) 4. 词类转移法(conversion) 5. 词序调整法(inversion) 6. 分译法(division) 7. 正说反译, 反说正译法(negation) 8. 语态变换法(the change of the voices) 1. 重复法 汉语重复,英译时也重复; 根据两种语言各自的习惯用法,以不同的表达方式进行重复,这种重复通常是为了传达原文的生动性. We have to analyze and solve problems. 我们要分析问题,解决问题。 Let’s revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 我们来修改安全规则和卫生规则吧。 Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace --- but there is no peace. 先生们尽管可以高呼和平,和平!但是依然没有和平。 Nels had it all written out neatly. 纳尔斯把它写得清清楚楚。 青青河边草, 郁郁园中柳。 Green grows the grass upon the bank, The willow shoots are long and lank. 2. 增译法 为了使译文忠实地表达原文的意思与风格并使译文合乎表达习惯,必须增加一些词语,这就叫增译法. 增词义增加虚词为多,也可酌量增加实词。 英译汉时经常增加的词有结构词、数量词、概念词、语气词等。 从增补的功能来看,可以分为结构增补、意义增补和修辞增补。 I am looking forward to the holidays. 我们等待假日的到来。 Much of our morality is customary. 我们大部分的道德观念都有习惯性。 Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人精确。


重复译法 英语和汉语一样,写文章总是尽量避免重复。然而在英译汉中重复却是一种 必不可少的翻译技巧,因为翻译时往往需要重复原文中某些词,才能使译文表达 明确具体。由于英汉语结构不同,避免重复的手段也不尽相同,甚至有时完全不 同。有些词在英语句中是不必重复的,但在汉语中却必须重复,否则就会造成文 理不通或逻辑混乱。例如: Gas,oil,and electric furnaces are most commonly used for heat treating metal。 不能译成:煤气、油和电炉最常用来热处理金属。 这句原文在表达上是清楚的,句中的名词furnace(炉)不必多次重复,但在译文中不重复该词,意思就不清楚。只有采用重复译法,译成:“金属热处理最常用的是煤气炉、油炉和电炉”,才不致引起误解。在科技英语翻译中,重复译法的目的,主要是为了表达上的明确具体,其次是为了表达上的生动活泼。 一、为了明确 (一)重复共同部分 当原文中出现几个词所共有的部分时,该共同部分往往需要重复译出。如上述 例句中的furnace就是gas、oil和electric三个词所共有的,所以译成"煤气炉、油 炉和电炉”。重复共同部分的情况,常见的有下列四种: 1.重复共同修饰的名词 (1)Roller and ball bearings are used whenever possible.凡有可能就使用滚柱轴承和滚珠轴承。 (试比较:凡有可能就使用滚柱和滚珠轴承。)

(2)Electrical and magnetic quantities are less simple than length,mass,or time。 电量和磁量不象长度、质量或时间那么简单。 (3)The charges of nucleus and electrons are equal so that the atom is electrically neutral。 原子核的电荷和电子的电荷相等,所以原子不带电。 (4)The chief effects of electric currents are th magnetic, heating, and chemical effects。 电流的主要效应是磁效应、热效应和化学效应。 (5)Spur,worm and bevel gears may be cut on milling machines with standard dividing heads and arbors。 正齿轮、蜗轮和伞齿轮可在带有标准分度头和刀杆的铣床上进行切削。 (6)An arbor or overarm support fits on this overarm to support the outer end of the arbor。 刀杆支架或称为悬臂支架安装在悬臂上,以支撑刀杆的外端。 2.重复共同的动词 有时原文中出现几个状语、宾语或表语所共有的动词,该动词往往需要重复译 出。 (1)Alternating current flows first in one direction and then in the other,the reversals taking place many times a second。 交流电首先向一个方向流动,然后向另一方向流动,此反复过程每秒出现

英语翻译技巧第11节 重复法

第十一节重复法 重复法实际上也是一种增词法,只不过所增加的词是上文刚刚出现过的词。翻译和写作一样,本应力求简练,尽量省略一些可有可无的词;但有时为了明确、强调或生动,也需要将一些关键性的词加以重复。 一.为了明确 (一)重复名词 1.重复英语中作宾语的名词 1)The next item on the agenda is to revise safety and sanitary regulations. 2)I had experienced oxygen and/ or engine trouble. 3)They began to study and analyze the situation of the enemy. 4)I had lived in China many years and saw China in civil war in 1925-27, and later in war with Japan. 1)议程的下一项目是修订安全规则和卫生规则。 2)我曾碰到过,不是氧气设备出故障,就是引擎出故障,或两者都出故障。 3)他们开始研究敌情,分析敌情。 4)我曾在中国生活多年。我看到了1925年至1927年正在内战的中国,后来又 看到了同日本作战的中国。 2.重复英语中作表语的名词 1)He became an oil millionaire---- all by himself. 2)This has been our position--- but not theirs. 3)Carol is your friend as much as she is mine. 4)In the Soviet Union there had been no radio, TV, or press mention of either Abel’s arrest or conviction. 1)他成为一个石油大王----- 一个白手起家的石油大王。 2)这一直是我们的立场----- 而不是他们的立场。 3)卡罗既是你的朋友,也是我的朋友。 4)对于艾贝尔的被俘或判刑,苏联既没有电台广播,也没有上电视节目,在报 刊上也没有发表。 作业: 1.We should learn how to analyze and solve problems. 2.It is our duty to rebuild and defend our homeland. 3. A good film serves to educate and inspire the people. 4.It was he who first repudiated and breached the understanding. 5.They would be very reluctant to postpone or cancel the meeting. 3.重复英语介词短语前所省略的名词 1)The doctor will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen ordinary patients. 2)The story of Jurgis is a story of groans and tears, of poor black people destroyed by white colonialists. 3)We see, therefore, how the modern bourgeoisie is itself the product of a long course of development, of a series of revolutions in the modes of production and of exchange. 1)医生从我身上得到的实践,会比从十七个普通病人身上得到的实践还多。 2)尤吉斯的故事是一篇充满呻吟和泪水的故事,是白人殖民主义者摧残不幸的


Repetition(重复法) Generally what is repeated in Chinese may in many cases be substituted (替代), varied (变换) or omitted (省略) in English. For English repetition, Fowler (1951:218) has this to say in The King’s English: Even when the repetition is a part of the writer’s original plan, consideration is necessary before it can be allowed to pass: it is implied in the terms “rhetorical”or significant repetition that the words repeated would ordinarily be either varied or left out; the repetition, that is to say, is more or less abnormal, and whatever is abnormal may be objectionable in a single instance, and is likely to become so if it occurs frequently. Compare Chinese with English: 1. 一个地方有一个地方的全局,一个国家有一个国家的全局,一个地球有一个地球的 全局。 A locality has its own over-all interest; a nation has another and the earth yet another. (nominal substitution) 2. 我们的民族再也不是一个被人侮辱的民族了。 Ours is no longer a nation subject to insult and humiliation. (nominal substitution) 3. 夺取这个胜利,已经是不要很久的时间和不要花费很大的气力了;巩固这个胜利, 则是需要很久的时间和要花费很大的气力的。(《毛泽东选集》) To win this victory will not require much more time and effort, but to consolidate it will. (nominal substitution and verbal omission) 4. 我们必须决定什么东西是应当称赞或歌颂的,什么东西是不应当称赞或歌颂的,什 么东西是应当反对的。 We should decide what to commend and praise, what not to and what to oppose. (verbal omission) 5. 自周秦以来,中国是一个封建社会,其政治是封建的政治,其经济是封建的经济。 From the Zhou and Qin Dynasties onwards, Chinese society was feudal, as were its politics and its economy. (clausal substitution ) 6. 一个人的工作,究竟是三分成绩七分错误,还是七分成绩三分错误,必须有个根本 的估价。 We m ust have a fundamental evaluation of a person’s work and establish whether his achievements amount to 30 per cent and his mistakes to 70 per cent, or vice versa. (clausal 7. 你没有搞好,我是不满意的,得罪了你就得罪了你。 You have done a poor job and I am not satisfied, and if you feel offended, so be it. (clausal substitution) 8. 两篇文章,上篇与下篇,只有上篇做好,下篇才能做好。 In the writing of an article, the second half can be written only after the first half is finished. (variation) Grammatical Repetition(语法性重复) Repetition of the Modified(重复被修饰语) Examples: 1. Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations.


2019年考研英语翻译技巧:“重复法”的使用 重复法实际上也是一种增词法,只不过所增加的词是上文刚刚出现过 的词。 (1)为了明确 1)重复名词 经典例题: I had experienced oxygen and/or engine trouble. 参考译文:我曾碰到过,不是氧气设备出故障,就是引擎出故障,或两者都出故障。经典例题: Water can be decomposed by energy,a current of electricity. 参考译文:水可由能量来分解,所谓能 量也就是电流。 2)重复动词 经典例题: They wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligations as an American. 参考译文:他们想要确定,他是否履行了受雇条件,是否 履行了作为美国公民所应尽的职责。 经典例题: He supplied his works not only with biographies,but with portraits of their supposed authors. 参 考译文:他不但在他的作品上提供作者传记,而且还提供假想作者的 画像。 3)重复代词 经典例题: Big powers have their strategies while small countries also have their own lines. 参考译文:强国有强国的 策略,小国有小国的路线。

经典例题: He hated failure; he had conquered it all his life,risen above it,despised it in others. 参考译文:他讨 厌失败,他一生中曾战胜失败,超越失败,并且藐视别人的失败。 (2)为了强调 1) 英语原文中有词的重复,译成汉语有时能够保持同样的词的重复。 经典例题: Work while you work,play while you play. 参考 译文:工作时工作,游戏时游戏。 2) 英语原文中有词的重复,译成汉语有时能够用同义词重复。 经典例题: They would read and re-read the secret notes. 参考译文:他们往往一遍又一遍地反复琢磨这些密件。 (3)为了生动 1) 使用两个四字词组 经典例题: He showed himself calm in an emergency situation. 参考译文:他在情况危急时,态度从容,镇定自若。 2) 使用词的重叠 经典例题:I wasn’t evasive in my reply. 参考译文:我的 回答并不躲躲闪闪。 3) 使用四字对偶词组 经典例题: The trial,in his opinion,was absolutely fair. 参考译文:据他看来,这次审判是绝对公平合理的


翻译技巧之重复法 重复法是指在译文中适当地重复原文中出现过的词语,以使意思表达得更加清楚;或者进一步加强语气,突出强调某些内容,收到更好的修辞效果。下面就一起来看看具体的重复法翻译技巧吧! 翻译技巧之重复法1 一、重复名词 1.重复英语中作宾语的名词 Students must be cultivated to have the ability to analyze and solve problems. 必须培养学生分析问题和解决问题的能力。 They would be very reluctant to postpone or cancel the meeting. 他们不太愿意推迟这个会议或者取消这个会议。 2.重复英语中作表语的名词 This has been our position—but not theirs. 这一直是我们的立场——而不是他们的立场。

John is your friend as much as he is mine. 约翰既是你的朋友,又是我的朋友。 3.重复英语介词前所省略的名词 英语中常重复使用介词,而将第二个、第三个介词前的名词省略,翻译时则往往可以重复这些省略的名词。 The doctor will get more practice out of me than out of seventeen hundred ordinary patients. 医生从我身上得到的实践,地比从一千七百个普通病人身上得到的实践还多。 4.重复定语从句中作先行词的名词 英语定语从句常用关系词引导,它一方面代表定语从句所修饰的那个先行词(通常是名词、名词短语或代词),一方面在从句中担任一个成分。汉语中没有关系词,往往需要重复这个作先行词的名词。 He gave ma a book which I kept to this day. 他曾经送给我一本书。这本书我一直保存至今。 Yesterday afternoon, I met an old friend of mine, who said that he would go abroad the next week.


翻译硕士考研英语翻译技巧重复翻译法在翻译硕士(MTI)考研英语的过程中,掌握一些翻译技巧非常重要。 其中一种常见且实用的技巧是重复翻译法。重复翻译法指的是在翻译中对 一些重要词语、短语或句子进行重复使用,以加强表达的准确性和连贯性。这种方法适用于各种英语内容的翻译,能够帮助译员更准确地传达原文的 意思,提高翻译质量。 重复翻译法的核心原则是对于一些重要的词语或短语,尽量避免直译,而是使用相应的近义词或短语来重复表达。这不仅有助于消除译文中的重复,使译文更加自然流畅,还能够更准确地传达原文的意义。下面将详细 介绍一下如何使用重复翻译法。 首先,当遇到一些常见的词语或短语时,可以尝试使用它们的近义词 或短语来替代。这样做可以避免重复使用同一个词,给译文带来更多的变 化和多样性。例如,当遇到"interesting"这个词时,可以用"captivating"、"engaging"或"fascinating"等近义词来替代,以增加译 文的多样性。 其次,对于一些重要的短语或句子,可以使用同一个短语或句子进行 重复翻译。这样做可以加强表达的连贯性和准确性。例如,当遇到"I believe that..."这样的句子时,可以在不同的上下文中使用相同或略有 不同的短语,如"I am of the opinion that..."或"It is my conviction that..."来进行重复翻译。 此外,还可以将一些重要的词语或短语转换为动词或名词形式,然后 在译文中多次使用。这样做可以增加译文的灵活性和多样性。例如,当遇到"development"这个词时,可以用"develop"这个动词的形式来替代,如

第一节 重译法

第一节重译法 这一节要讲的重译法,如前面所述,有的著家亦称之为重复法等。repetition在翻译中被称为一种技巧,自然就不是一般所说的不必要的重复,而是一种必不可少的方法。可以这样确定它的定义:在翻译中,有时为了忠实于原文,不得不重复某些词语,否则就不能忠实表达原文的意思。这种反复使用某些词语于翻译的方法就叫重译法。 一般说来,重译法有如下三个作用:一是为了明确;二是为了强调;三是为了生动。 一、为了使译文明确或强调某些内容,就要设法消除任何可能出现的误解。要消除这些误解,在某些文体中,特别是在合同、条约等正式的应用文体中,要少用代词而重复使用名词。譬如下面的译例,在译文中要重复使用“日本”等名词而尽量避免使用代词“它”。因为这一段文字引自一涉及中国、前苏联和日本三国关系的条约,引文中的both contracting parties指China和The Soviet Union,所谈之事关系重大,如果用

“它”太多,那么“它”代表China、Japan呢,还是代表The Soviet Union呢?不同的人会有不同的理解,因此翻译下句中代词it时应重译其前面的名词。 “Both contract ing parties undertake jointly to adopt all necessary measures at their disposal for the purpose of preventing the resumption of aggression and violation of peace on the part of Japan or any other state which would collaborate with Japan directly or indirectly in act of aggression.In the event of one of the contracting parties being attacked by Japan or any other state allied with it and thus being involved in a state of war,the other contracting party will immediately render military and other assistance with all means at its disposal.’’“缔约国双方保证共同尽力采取一切必要的措施,以期制止日本或其他直接或间接在侵略行为上与日本相勾结的任何国家之重新侵略与破坏和平。一旦缔约国的一方受到日本或与日本同盟的任何国家之侵袭,因
