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Sight Interpretation

Summer Davos

●In an address at the Opening Plenary of the World Economic Forum's

fourth "Summer Davos", Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said that, while China would maintain its rapid economic expansion and continue efforts to stimulate domestic demand, it is committed to balancing growth with sustainability. "China's economic growth has provided major development opportunities for multinationals and created huge demand for major economies and neighbouring countries," Wen noted. "It has become an important engine for the world economic recovery." China, he pledged, "will continue to conserve resources and protect the environment and raise the efficiency of resource utilization and the capacity to tackle climate change."


Opening Speech

●Consolidate the Upward Momentum and Promote Sustained Growth

--Address by H.E. Wen Jiabao

Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China

At the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2010

Tianjin, 13 September 2010

Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum,

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me begin by extending congratulations on the opening of the fourth Annual Meeting of the New Champions, the Summer Davos, and a welcome to you all. At the crucial juncture when the world economy is slowly recovering, the meeting will explore the way forward for future development under the theme of "Driving Growth Through Sustainability". This is highly relevant and significant, and I wish the meeting full success!








●Pulling Together in Testing Times: Securing a Better Future for All

--Report to the General Assembly by UN Secretary General

23 September, 2010 New York

Mr. President,

Distinguished Heads of State and Government,

Distinguished Delegates,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to New York in this beautiful autumn season. And welcome to the opening of this 65th general debate. Mr. President, congratulations. I look forward to working closely with you in the year ahead, across the full range of challenges facing our community of nations.









Figures & Facts

●From January to September, 18,580 foreign direct investment projects

were approved, with direct investment worth 49.347billion dollars, of which

32.2 billion dollars has been utilized. This is an increase of 20.66% on last

year. In the first 3 quarters of this year, the Chinese economy grew at a rate of 7.6 %.



●In 1972, there were no direct air services between Beijing and London.

This year, more than a quarter of a million British tourists will travel to China. Then, no serving British Prime Minister or Foreign Secretary had ever visited China. Last year, there were visits from 11 British ministers.

The changing nature of international relations requires governments to work ever more closely together for their mutual benefit. In the globalized world economy, the security and prosperity of individual countries often depends on events beyond our borders.



UK-China Relations

●We are meeting our British friends once again by the beautiful River

Thames, for our third conference. On behalf of the Chinese delegates, I would like to thank our British colleagues for your invitation and your excellent programme. Since last year's conference, China has undergone yet more changes.我们同英国朋友再次聚首在美丽的泰晤士河畔,召开我们的第三次大会。我谨代表参加此次会议的中方代表,感谢英方的盛情和精心安排。自去年的大会以来,中国又发生了很大变化

Although the world economy isn't going well, the Chinese economy has continued to grow at a relatively high rate. In the first 9 months, industrial output grew by 10.3%. The rural economy continues to prosper. There is something else that the Chinese people are happy about. Foreign companies continue to come to China in large numbers.尽管当前国际经济形势并不理想,但是中国的经济仍然保持了较高的增长速度。前9个月工业增长10.3%,农村经济仍然繁荣。前9个月工业增长10.3%,农村经济仍然繁荣。还有一个方面使中国人民高兴:外资企业仍然大量到中国寻求发展。

G-20 Summit

●Founded in 1999, the G-20 began as a forum for finance ministers and

central bank governors who met once a year, usually in late autumn, to discuss international economic issues.

With the onset of the global economic crisis in 2008, the G-20 evolved into the premier l eaders’ forum for our international economic cooperation. Annual meetings of finance ministers and central bank governors continue to take place, advancing the work of the G-20 and contributing to the discussions at leaders’ summits. G-20 leaders met three times from 2008 to 2010 and are meeting twice in 2010. From 2011 onward, it is expected that G-20 leaders’ summits will be held annually.

Publicity and Presentation

●The University of Bath ranks highly in the league tables of UK universities

published by a number of national newspapers, including the Times, Independent and Guardian.

Its research is internationally respected, and its students are in demand by employers because of the high quality of the teaching offered here.

The University has had close connections with industry and the public and voluntary sectors since its inception in 1966. It has developed strong links with universities abroad.

The University's buildings are set in an attractive campus about a mile from the centre of Bath, a World Heritage City. It is a safe and friendly campus with strong student services and good social opportunities.


Unit 6 Opening and closing ceremonies Lesson Three Translation for the text (All those on the rostrum and those present took their seats.) Good afternoon, representatives, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen! The 1999 global celebration ceremony of World Habitat Day formally opens. Please rise for the National Anthem. Sit down, please. Now , allow me to introduce the distinguished leaders and guests present on the rostrum: Acting Executive Director of UNCHS(United Nations Centre for Human Settlement )…Mr. xx; Minister of China Construction Department, Mr. xx; Mayor of Dalian, Mr. xx; Chairman of England Construction and Social Housing Fund Committee, Mr. xx; Coordinator of UNCHS, Mr.xx Let’s welcome the mayor of Dalian, Mr. xx to give the welcome speech. (The mayor gives the welcome speech.) Thank you, Mr. Mayor. The UN Secretary General, Mr. Annan has sent his greeting speech to the Habitat Day. Please project his speech. (Secretary General Annan’s speech is projected.) Welcome the Minister of Construction Department, Mr. xx to give his speech. (The minister makes his speech.) Welcome the Acting Executive Director of UNCHS to give his World Habitat Day address.( The Director addresses.) It is time for the Award Ceremony of the 1999 UN Habitat Prize which is set by UN as the highest honor prize for the governments, organizations, individuals all over the world that have made remarkable contributions in habitat field. Let’s welcome the coordinator of UNCHS to announce and introduce the list of prize winners. (The list is announced.) Let’s invite the Acting Executive Director of UNCHS to present the award.( Music is played.) Welcome the Egyptian prize winners to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Dalian Mayor…to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome the Indian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Colombian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Slovakian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome American representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Ghanaian representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize; Welcome Kenyan representative to come to the rostrum to receive your prize (The music comes and ends Let’s welcome the Chairman of England Construction and Social Housing Fund Committee to announce and introduce the 1999 Habitat Prizes for individuals. (The list is introduced and announced.) Welcome Mr. xx and Mr. xx from Britain to come to the rostrum to receive your prizes. Let’s invite the Minister of China Construction Department to present the award. (Music is played.) Today, we observe the grand global celebration ceremony of 1999 World Habitat Day in Dalian, which has achieved complete success under the instruction of UNCHS and with the help


Unit1 1.欢迎希尔博士和夫人来访上海。 Welcome to Shanghai, Dr. and Mrs. Hill. 2.请允许我做自我介绍。 Please allow me to introduce myself. 3.我叫洪建信,是中美医药公司的副总经理。 My name is Jianxin Hong. I am deputy managing director of t he Sino-American Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd. 4. 我们很荣幸能请到您,我也特别高兴能认识您。 It is a great honor to have you here with us .And I am so delighted to make your acquaintance . 5. 我们去取行李吧。 We wil go there and pick up the luggage . 4.久闻先生大名, 我在研究生学习时期所写的两篇论文曾参考了您的研究成果。 I have long heard of you,and as a matter of fact, I referred to your research findings in a couple of my papers during my graduate studies. 6.我为能在上海接待您和您的家人深感愉快,我很高兴我们能在今后的半年里合作共事。 It gives me such a great pleasure to meet you and your family here in Shanghai and I am very glad that you will be working with us for the next six months.

口译参考词汇(英语视译 考试重点 参考材料)

英译汉 Threshold 门口;界限,起始点Information Revolution 信息革命 currency system 货币制度 inflation 通货膨胀 financial fraud 金融失误 rubber industry 橡胶工业 barrier 障碍,壁垒Peterson University 彼得逊大学periodical subscription 期刊 volume (书)册,数量,卷multi-media 多媒体 Intranet 内联网 win-win situation “双赢”局面roadmap 路线 mutual benefit 互惠互利sustainable development 持续发展heartland 中心城市dominant trend 主流 trend of the time 时代潮流 social communication intelligence 社会交际智能 joint venture 合资企业manufacture 制造,加工distributer 批发商 retailer 零售商 reputation 名誉 derive from 源自,来源于pasture 饲养,放牧temperate climate 温带气候 yield (谷物)产量Grassland farming 畜牧业 Candor 坦率,正直Holiday resorts 度假胜地 ski slopes 滑雪坡地championship 一流的informality 非正式,无拘无束roar 咆哮,喧闹cosmopolitan 世界性的 give instruction in 讲授 scuba diving 戴水肺潜水compassionate 有同情心的 World Economic Forum 世界经济论坛Secretary-General of the United Nations 联合国秘书长


2019年英语中级口译考试汉译英必备篇(5) 香港中文大学,简称“中大”,成立于1963年。中大是一所研究型综合大学,以“结合传统与现代,融汇中国与西方”为创校使命。//40多年来,中大一直致力于弘扬中华传统文化,坚持双语教育,并推行独特的书院制度,在香港教育界卓不过立。中大校园占地 134 公顷,是世界上最美丽的校园之一。//中大的师生来自世界各地。有教职员工 5200多人,近万名本科生、约2000多名研究生,其中约2500多人来自45个不同的国家和地区。//中大实行灵活的学分制,不但有助于培养有专有博的人才,而且还赋予学生更大的学习自主权。中大的多元教育有助于充分发挥每一个学生的潜能。// The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK for short, was founded in 1963. It is a research-oriented comprehensive university with a mission to combine tradition with modernity and bring together China and the West.//For more than 40 years, we have been distinguished from other local universities by virtue of our rich Chinese cultural heritage, bilingual education, and our unique college system. s 134-hectare campus is one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.//CUHK’ s fa culty and students come from all corners of the world. It has more than 5200 staff members,approximately 10,000 undergraduates, and 2000 postgraduate students. Of these students, some 2,500 are from 45 countries and regions outside Hong Kong.//The flexible credit unit system allows a balance between depth with breadth, and a high degree of free choice of students in designing their own learning. The multi-faceted education at CUHK helps to bring out the best in every student.//



视译单位-类意群 一、技巧讲解 1.断句是译出语语序关键,断句基本方法是以类意群为单位。以类意群为视译单位是断句基础和译员基本功。 2类意群特征 1)相对独立意义概念; 2)在一目可及范围之内; 3)能通过连接语灵活与前后视译单位结合。 3相对独立概念:可以被独立翻译出来,不会产生意义的上的误会或不完整 May I ask you to attend the meeting? 两个相对独立概念:[1]May I ask you; [2]to attend the meeting. [1]我可以请你; [2]出席会议吗. 4在一目可及的范围内:有时一个独立概念很长,难以迅速看完,只能再度划断。 The moment when all the people in the organization became angry and began to agree with one another as to who should take the responsibility was exactly the time

when an even more serious event took place. The moment 当时, when all the people in the organization 组织的所有成员 became angry 都愤怒了, and began to argue with one another 他们争执不休, as to who should take the responsibility 试图辩明谁要对此负责任。 was exactly the time 恰在这时, When an even more serious event take place 一个更加严重的事件发生了。


口译的翻译方法及忠实 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! The evaluation criterion for good interpretation has been frequently discussed in the interpreting community and many scholars have proposed their own opinions. For example, Gile’s criteria include fidelity, quality of the voice as well as usage of terminologies, etc; Bao Gang proposed complete and accurate interpretation and fluent delivery; Buhler contended that the evaluation criteria consist of sense consistency. In fact, the criterion such as accurate interpretation, consistency and equivalence can be summarized as “faithfulness”, though different researchers focus on different aspects of faithfulness. Therefore, it can be said that in terms of criterion for evaluat ing interpretation, “faithfulness” is discussed by researchers most. The Interpretive Theory also has its own understanding towards “faithfulness”. Amparo Albie, an important scholar of the Paris School, put forward three evaluation criteria for faithfulness in Notion of Faithfulness in Translation (La Notion de


Passage 1 女士们、先生们:很高兴能有机会参加这次“中国日”年会。亚洲是世界上最大的洲,拥有世界60%的人口。它资源丰富,历史悠久。中国式亚洲的一员,同所有亚洲人民一样,中国人民勤劳智慧。中国人民愿与所有亚洲人民一起,共创亚洲的美好明天。 Passage 2 我们非常高兴能和你们在英格兰度过这样一段愉快的时光。在告别英格兰的时候,我觉得自己对它和它的历史有了更多的了解。我们希望在不久的将来能在中国接待诸位,请诸位看看中国的变化。现在,我提议为东道主的健康干杯!希望在不久能看见你们。 Passage 3我非常感谢您热情友好的欢迎辞。印度是最古老的文明摇篮之一,访问印度是我的强烈愿望。我为能成为贵公司的客人而深感荣幸。这次访问给予我一次很好的机会结交新朋友。我公司同印度有着有好的合作关系。我们在许多领域里的合作都取得了重大进展。我们的合作是富有成效的。我们将继续成为和睦共助的伙伴关系。 Passage 4今晚,我们很高兴在北京大学接待格林博士和夫人。我代表学校的全体师生员工向格林博士和夫人及其他新西兰贵宾表示热烈的欢迎。中新两国教育界人士的互访,增进了相互间的了解和学术交流。我相信格林博士这次对对我校的访问必将为进一步加强两校的友好合作关系做出重要贡献。明天,贵宾们将要赴南京和上海访问,我预祝大家一路旅途愉快。 Passage 5今天各位能出席这个招待会,我们深感荣幸。欢迎到中国来。在发展对外贸易中,我们坚持“互相尊重、平等互利”的原则,这一原则有助于发展我们各国独立的民族经济。我愿借此机会对各位朋友给予我们的合作和支持表示感谢。 Passage 6 在这个满天星斗、举国同庆的夜晚,我谨代表公司的全体同仁,感谢各位来宾从百忙之中拔冗光临我们的春节联欢晚会。春节是我国一年中的良辰佳时,我希望各位中外同事共度一个轻松、欢快的夜晚。我愿外国来宾能尽情品尝中国的传统佳肴和美酒。我希望这次晚会能使我们彼此有机会沟通、增进友谊。最后我再次感谢各位嘉宾的光临,并祝各位新年健康、事业有成。 Passage 7近年来,中国在交通方面的资金投入每年都有所增加,公路建设因此有了很大发展。到去年末,这方面的投资超过了人民币3,200亿元。自从我国实行西部大开发策略后,西部的公路建设也得到了迅速发展。在今后的几年里,西部地区将继续成为公路建设的重点地区。 Passage 8中国加快发展,将给中美关系发展提供新的机遇与动力。例如,中国的旅游业带动航空业的发展,已经给美国企业带来了可观的实惠。中国从美国进口大量的大豆、小麦等农产品,为美国农业提供了广阔的市场。我相信,中国完全有可能在未来的20年乃至更长的时间里,继续保持稳定快速的经济增长。 Passage 9中国是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,农村地区经济不发达。穷


市长先生阁下,中国朋友们,女士们,先生们; 这是我首次访问你们这座美丽的城市,我为此感到十分的荣幸。我愿借此机会,代表我们代表团的全体成员,对我们东道主的诚挚邀请,对我们一踏上这块充满魅力的土地便受到的友好款待,向东道主表示真诚的感谢。与此同时,我很高兴这次访问给予了我一次极好的机会,向市长先生和上海人民转达我国政府和人民的热烈问候和诚挚的祝愿。虽然我们远隔万里,但贵国唐朝的一位诗人说的好,“海内存知己,天涯若比邻。” 整个世界都在以极大的兴趣注视着中国,尤其是注视着上海,正在发生的变化。令人惊讶的是,20年来中国经济强劲持续增长,没有哪一个国家可以与其媲美。中国奇迹般的迅速崛起为亚太地区最具实力的经济强国之一,吸引了并将继续吸引越来越多的商业,制造业和金融业的巨头来华投资,尤其是在上海及其周边地区的许多长期项目上投资。 我此行的另一项重要任务是向上海市长面呈访问我市的正式邀请。希望市长阁下在其方便的时候尽早访问我市。是我们有机会回报我们在这里受到的热情款待。 我非常珍惜我们两座城市之间的密切关系。我也非常重视我们作为你们最重要的贸易伙伴之一所享有的地位。尽管近年来世界经济处于不景气的状态,我们之间一直保持经济合作和贸易往来。我们真诚地希望能继续发展我们的友好关系,确保我们在经济,金融和贸易方面的合作持续增长。

请允许我借此机会,祝愿市长先生,祝愿出席今晚招待会的所有中国朋友,身体健康。谢谢! Honorable Guests, Friends, Ladies and gentlemen, It gives me great pleasure to attend the Boao Forum for Asia 2004 Annual Conference today. Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government, my warmest welcome to all of you present here. In the past few years, with the support of the fellow Asia countries and the larger international community, the Boao Forum for Asia has developed steadily, playing an increasingly prominent role in regional cooperation and demonstrating to the rest of the world the fervent desire of the Asian people for a win-win scenario through closer cooperation. We are glad to see that Asia has, on the whole, enjoyed stability, with peace, development and cooperation becoming the mainstream of an advancing Asia. With concerted efforts, Asian countries have freed themselves from the shadow of the financial crisis, overcome the impact of SARS and bird flu, succeeded in domestic economic restructuring, and quickened the tempo of industrial upgrading and transformation, promoted a robust regional cooperation, and increased the capacity to tide over potential risks. Asia retains its position as one o f the world’s most dynamic regions and a key growth point in global trade. All this gives us


视译单位-类意群 一、技巧讲解 1.断句是译出语语序关键,断句基本方法是以类意群为单位。以类意群为视译单位是断句基础和译员基本功。 2类意群特征 1)相对独立意义概念; 2)在一目可及范围之内; 3)能通过连接语灵活与前后视译单位结合。 3相对独立概念:可以被独立翻译出来,不会产生意义的上的误会或不完整 May I ask you to attend the meeting? 两个相对独立概念:[1]May I ask you; [2]to attend the meeting. [1]我可以请你; [2]出席会议吗. 4在一目可及的范围内:有时一个独立概念很长,难以迅速看完,只能再度划断。 The moment when all the people in the organization became angry and began to agree with one another as to who should take the responsibility was exactly the time when an

even more serious event took place. The moment //when all the people in the organization// became angry// and began to agree with one another// as to who should take the responsibility// was exactly the time// when

an even more serious event took place 5.能够通过连接语较灵活与前后的视译单位结合:增加一个连接词之后,可以比较顺畅完整表达一个句子的意思。 Indeed, we hope to intensify work with China that not only adjusts to the international rules developed over the last century, but also joins us and others to address the challenges of the new century.


1.3 US Vice President's Speech at Fudan University 美国副总统在复旦大学的演讲开场白 Thank you very much, Mr. Mayor. I appreciate your kind words of introduction. And we're delighted to be here today. My wife and I are privileged to have the opportunity once again to travel in China. // We are grateful for the welcome we have received, especially for the kind of reception here at Fudan University. We thank you for the honor, and we bring you good wishes from President George W. Bush and the people of the United States.// 非常感谢您,市长先生。谢谢您做介绍时的友好言辞。今天我们很高兴来到这里。我夫人与我为有这次机会再次来到中国访问感到荣幸。感谢贵国对我们的欢迎,特别感谢复旦大学的热情接待。我们为此感到不胜荣幸,谢谢你们。我们此行带来了布什总统和美国人民的良好祝愿。 I know that many of you will soon graduate from this great university. I am told the standards are extremely demanding here, and a degree from Fudan University signifies years of hard work and discipline. I congratulate each one of you on your achievement, and I commend your teachers for upholding the tradition of excellence that marks the 99-year history of Fudan University.


历年上海英语翻译中级口译汉译英真题及答案 原文: 越来越多受英文教育的海外华人父母,已经认识到孩子在掌握不可或缺的英文的同时,也通晓中文的重要性。中国的崛起,让他们充分认识到孩子掌握双语的好处——既能增加他们的就业机会,也能让他们接触和熟悉东西方两种不同的文化。 这些人对中文的态度几乎没有完全改变。曾几何时,他们还非常骄傲地宣称自己只懂英文。现在,他们已开始积极支持孩子学习中文和中国文化,而且还不时走访中国,欣赏壮观的自然风光,认识丰富的文化遗产。 译文: An increasing number of English-educated Chinese parents overseas have come to the realization that while English learning is indispensable to their children, it is essential that their kids have a good command of Chinese. China’s rise has fully awakened their awareness of the fact that their kids can benefit from their bilingual ability which can not only enhance their competitiveness in the job market, but also facilitate their exposure to and familiarity with the two different cultures between the East and the West. They have hardly changed their attitudes towards Chinese. At one time they proudly declared that they knew English only. Now, they have begun to give full support to their kids learning Chinese and its culture, and they also make occasional visits to China, where they can enjoy its magnificent natural landscape and get to know its rich cultural heritage. 解析: 本段是一篇文化类介绍文章。总体难度一般,以句号结束的句子即可作为一


产品介绍 1.我们的电热水壶是最新的快速煮沸开水及饮料的家用电器产品,适用于家庭及办公室。 Our electric kettle is the most up-to-date household appliance to boil water and make hot drinks fast at home or in the office. 2.该产品具有热效率高、耗电量少、性能可靠等优点,是您的最佳选择。 The product is your best choice with its high thermal efficiency, low power consumption, as well as reliable performance. 3.这跑车很酷,因此深受年轻人的喜爱,而且比其他式样的要轻便很多。 The sports car is so cool that it is popular with young people, and it is much lighter/convenient than other styles. Meet with a great favor in young people, Enjoy wide/great popularity among Is appreciated by young users 4.脱胎漆器无论是形状、样式、颜色、光泽,都那么高雅大方,此外,还轻便耐久。 Bodiles s lacquerwork is elegant in its 5.这很容易操作。你要做的就是轻轻按下这个按钮。看,开动了。 It is easy handling. / to handle. What you need to do is push/press the bottom lightly. Look, it gets started./ it is starting. 6.我们的绣花衬衫质量上乘,款式新颖,在欧洲和美国都很受欢迎,相信在你们国家也会有市场 的。 Our embroidered shirts are fine/superior in quality, fashionable in design, and have met with grater favor in European countries and America. I’m sure they will also enjoy a wide popularity in your country. (Warmly welcomed by) 定货-询价-报价-还价 7.由于订单太多,我们最多只能供应100台。我建议你把订单的数量削减一半,怎么样? As we are heavily committed, we can only supply 100 set at most. May I suggest that you cut the quantity of your order by half? As we have too many orders on hand, 100 set is the best we can offer you. I’d sugget that you reduce your order by half, what do you think? 8.我们能按不同市场的流行款式或客户来样,制作不同款式的箱包。 We can produce suitcase modeled after the fashions of different markets or according to buyers' samples. We can produce different styles of suitcase according to the fashions of the markets or the customers’samples. 9.我们的“虎”牌商标已经被大多数海外顾客所接受,并且在世界市场站稳了脚跟。 Our “Tiger” Trade Mark is well received by most of the overseas customers and has been well established in the world market. 10.坦白地说吧,已经有其他的客户已更高的价格向我们的订货呢。如果不是考虑到我们长期的业 务关系,我们也不会以这个价钱向你方报实盘。 To be frank with you, other clients have ordered at a higher price. We would not be willing to make you a firm offer at that price if it were not for the longstanding relations between us. 11.作为我们的老客户,您应该很清楚我们产品的质量上乘,而且,我们的报价是与世界市场的现 行价格相一致的 You is our old client, so you know very well that know fully well that our product is of superior quality, and Our quotation always comes in line with the world market/Our price is in line with the


视译材料中常用到的经济类话题举例 1 Fiat seems bent on world domination of the car industry. But these days that cannot be achieved without a production presence in China, which has suddenly found itself catapulted into the position of the world's largest vehicle market by the blood bath in the US car market. 菲亚特似乎有意主宰全球汽车工业.但如今, 如果在中国没有生产业务, 这一点也无法实现. 随着美国汽车市场哀鸿遍野,中国突然发现自己已晋升为全球最大的汽车市场. 2 So now comes news that the Italian car company is talking to one of Beijing's favourite Chinese carmakers, Guangzhou Automobile, about a production joint venture. This would get Fiat back into China, after the joint venture with Nanjing Auto fell apart in 2007. 所以,现在有新闻报道,这个意大利汽车公司正与北京最热门的国产汽车制造商之一---广汽,商谈组建合资生产企业.这将带领菲亚特重回中国市场. 此前,该公司与与南京汽车的合资企业于07年解体. 3 Fiat is not talking about its plans for China, the only current bright spot in the world car industry. But Guangzhou Auto yesterday confirmed to the Financial Times that it is talking to Fiat about technical co-operation that “would not exclude the possibility of forming a joint ve nture”. The outlines of a potential deal are there for all to see on the website of the Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection, which posted a notice in March that Fiat and Guangzhou Auto are discussing a Rmb4.27bn ($626m) joint venture. The official Shanghai Securities News says the venture could be approved within weeks and would produce 140,000 vehicles and 220,000 engines annually from 2011. 菲亚特并没有谈及其在中国的计划. 中国是目前全球汽车工业唯一一个亮点.但昨天, 广汽已向<<金融时报>>证实,目前它正与菲商谈技术合作事宜. 该技术合作将不排除组建合资公司的可能性. 中国环保局网站里公布了一个潜在合作意向的大纲, 并于三月份发布了一份公告,称菲和广汽正讨论设立一家总投资为人民币42.7亿元人民币(合6.26亿美元)的合资企业。官方媒体上海证券新闻报称,该合资企业可能在数周内获批,并于2011年开始, 每年生产140000辆整车以及220000发动机.


1.科学发展观the Outlook of Scientific Development(也有一说outlook 应为conception,有兴趣自己 去查字典了解了解两词的区别【谢谢方雪梅同学的讨论】) 2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order 3.以平等互利为核心的新发展观new thinking on development based on equality and mutual benefit 4.推动树立以互信、互利、平等和协作为主要内容的新安全观foster a new thinking on security featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination 5.主张形成以尊重多样性为特点的新文明观foster a new thinking on civilization that respects diversity 6.新能源观new thinking on energy development 有关先进文化的词汇 1.古为今用、洋为中用 旧译let the ancient serve the present, let the foreign serve the national 现译draw from past and foreign achievements 2.文艺工作cultural and art work; work in the cultural field 3.牢牢把握先进文化的前进方向firmly keep to the direction of an advanced culture/cultural advancement 4.文化与经济和政治互相交融interaction between cultural work, and economic and political activities cultural elements/factors intermingle with economic and political factors 5.民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化 a socialist culture that is distinctly Chinese, pro-science and people-oriented 6.弘扬主旋律,提倡多样化promote mainstream values and uphold cultural diversity 7.以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以崇高的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人Equip/empower people with scientific theories, guide them with correct opinions/ convey to them right messages/provide them with correct media guidance, imbue them with a noble spirit and inspire them with excellent/fine works 8.具有中国气派的社会主义文化Chinese-style socialist culture; socialist culture with Chinese appeal 9.越是民族的,越是世界的The pride of a nation is also the pride of the world. What's unique for a nation is also precious for the world. When you are unique, the world comes to you.

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