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2. 课程教学要求:

1). 精讲多练,注重实践2).以学生为中心组织教学3).注意培养语篇水平上应用语法知



序号知识点能力要求1 词素:自由词素;粘附词素理解对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

2 词:简单词、派生词、复合词;封闭词类和开放词类理解

(一)基础3 词组:名词词组、动词词组、形容词词组、副词词组、介词词组理解

4 分句:独立分句和从属分句;简单分句和复杂分句;主句和从句;



5 句子:完全句和不完全句;简单句、并列句、复杂句、并列复杂句掌握第1 讲:句子结构

序号知识点能力要求1 主谓结构和句子分析理解对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

2 基本句型掌握


3 基本句型的转换与扩大掌握

第2、3 讲:主谓一致


1 主谓一致的指导原则理解

2 以-s 结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致问题掌握对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

3 以集体名词作主语的主谓一致问题掌握

4 以并列结构作主语的主谓一致问题掌握



(一)基础第4、5 讲:名词、名词词组和名词属格


1 名词分类了解

2 名词词组的句法功能理解对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

3 名词的数了解

4 单位词理解



(一)基础第6、7 讲:限定词

序号知识点能力要求限定词与三类名词的搭配关系理解1 对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

2 限定词与限定词的搭配关系理解

3 Many、much/few 、little/some 、any/all 、both 等若干限定词用




4 冠词的类指与特指理解

5 各类名词前的冠词用法掌握第8、9 讲:代词


1 代词及其先行项在数、性、人称方面的一致掌握

2 代词的格理解

3 物主代词、反身代词、人称代词的类指用法掌握


4 代词的照应理解

第10 讲:动词和动词词组



1 动词的分类理解

2 动词的时、体、态、式概说掌握

(一)基础第11、12 讲:动词的时和体


1 一般现在时的用法掌握

2 一般过去时的用法掌握

3 现在进行体的用法掌握对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

4 过去进行体的用法掌握


5 现在完成体和现在完成进行体的用法掌握

6 过去完成体和过去完成进行体的用法掌握

7 关于完成体用法的几点补充说明掌握

第13 讲:将来时间表示法


1 英语中表示将来时间的几种结构掌握

2 表示将来时间的几种结构的用法掌握

(一)基础第14、15 讲:被动态


1 被动句的使用场合理解

2 两种被动句型的转换掌握对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

3 英汉被动意义表示法比较理解


4 主动结构表示被动意义的问题掌握

5 被动结构和系表结构的比较理解

第16 讲:虚拟式


1 语气的定义和种类、虚拟式的定义理解

2 虚拟式的两种形式:be- 型虚拟式;were- 型虚拟式理解

3 两种虚拟式的意义和用法掌握


(一)基础第17、18 讲:助动词


1 助动词的分类、形式和功能理解

2 助动词的缩略形式了解对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

3 情态助动词的推测性用法和非推测性用法掌握


4 情态意义表示法掌握

5 基本助动词和半助动词的意义和用法理解

第19、20 讲:不定式


1 非限定动词的定义与分类理解

2 不定式的形式与功能掌握


3 不定式符号的问题理解

4 不定式与形容词的搭配关系掌握

5 不定式与名词的搭配关系掌握

6 不定式与动词的搭配关系掌握第21、22 讲:分词


1 -ing 分词以及-ed 分词的形式与功能理解

2 -ing 分词与动词的搭配关系掌握

3 既能直接带不定式有能直接带-ing 分词的动词掌握

4 -ed 分词作前置修饰语和补语掌握


5 不定式、-ing 分词和-ed 分词的用法和比较掌握

6 悬垂分词的定义和用法理解

第23、24、25 讲:形容词和形容词词组;副词和副词词组;比较等级和比较结构


1 形容词、副词的定义、分类和功能理解

2 形容词和副词的比较等级理解对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

3 比较结构的基本形式: as , as 结构/ more , than 结构/ (the)+ 形

容词/ 副词最高级+比较范围结构

其他比较结构的形式与用法:more, than /not




4 so, as 与not so much, as/not more than 与no more than/ the

掌握more, the more 与more and more

第26 讲:介词和介词词组

序号知识点能力要求1 介词与形容词、动词、名词的搭配关系掌握对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

2 复杂介词掌握


3 介词词组与某些限定分句的转换关系掌握

第27 讲:陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句

序号知识点能力要求1 肯定陈述句和否定陈述句了解对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

2 疑问句的类型和用法:一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、附




3 祈使句的意义和用法掌握

4 感叹句的意义和用法掌握第28、29 讲:存在句;IT- 句型

序号知识点能力要求1 存在句的结构特征理解对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

2 存在句的非限定形式的用法:there to be ;there being 结构了解

3 “虚义”it 和先行it 掌握

4 it“分裂句引导词”





1 并列结构的各种形式理解

2 and ,or but 并列连词的意义和用法理解

3 从属连词和从属句的分类理解

4 限定从属分句的分类和用法:名词性分句、形容词性分句(关系分



5 非限定从句的结构模式和句法功能:不定式分句、-ing 分词分句

-ed 分词分句



6 无动词分句的结构模式和句法功能掌握

7 简单句、并列句和从属句的转换掌握

8 独立结构的实质和类型理解

9 独立结构的意义和用法掌握第33 讲:关系分句

序号知识点能力要求1 限制性关系分句和非限制性关系分句理解对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

2 关系词的选择掌握

3 “介词+关系代词”引导的分句结构掌握


(一)基础第34 讲:条件句


1 条件句的类型理解

2 条件句四种类型的基本形式和变体形式掌握

(一)基础第35 讲:直接引语和间接引语





2 疑问句的间接引语的引导词选择和交际功能理解



(一)基础第36 讲:修饰

序号知识点能力要求1 名词修饰语的类型和用法理解对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

2 名词词组同位语的结构形式、引导词、附加修饰成分掌握


3 限制性同位语和非限制性同位语理解

第37、38 讲替代和省略

序号知识点能力要求1 名词性替代、动词性替代和分句性替代的定义、省略的类型理解对专业培养目标的支持(程度)

2 名词性替代词one/ones 的用法掌握

3 one 分别作为替代词、类指代词和数词的用法掌握



5 分句替代词的用法掌握

6 并列结构和主从结构中的省略掌握第39 讲:后置、前置、倒装


1 英语语序的历时发展了解

2 英语的自然语序和特殊语序理解


3 后置、前置与倒装的功能和用法掌握

第40 讲:从句到篇


1 句子和语篇:句子的意义和交际功能;句子结构的正确性和适合性理解

2 语篇的逻辑、语法、词汇纽带理解

3 语篇结构—句子、语段、语篇理解










导论语法层次(导论) 1

第1 讲句子结构 1 第2、3 讲主谓一致 2

第4 、5 讲名词和名词词组及属格 1

第6、7 讲限定词 1

第8、9 讲代词 2

第10 讲动词和动词词组 1

第11、12 讲动词的时和体 2

第13 讲将来时间表示法 1

第14、15 讲被动态 1

第16 讲虚拟式 1 1 第17、18 讲助动词 1

第19、20 讲不定式 1 1 第21、22 讲分词 1 1

第23、24、25 讲形容词和形容词词组;副词和副


1 1

第26、27、28 讲介词和介词词组;陈述句、疑问句、


1 1

第29 讲IT- 句型 1

第30 、31、32 讲并列和从属结构 1 1

第33、34、35 讲关系分句;条件句;直接引语和间


1 1

第36、37、38 讲修饰、替代与省略 1

第39、40 讲倒装;语篇衔接 1 1



1. 本大纲依据兰州理工大学技术工程学院2014 年英语专业本科人才培养方案编写。

2. 本课程的授课在本科第一学年第一学期完成,共32 学时。

3. 本课程以课堂讲授为主,建议授课时应精讲多练,遵循以学生为主的原则,培养学生独立自修的能力。


使用教材:章振邦主编.新编英语语法教程(第五版).上海:上海外语教育出版社,2009 参考书:




撰写:XXX 审核:XXX


导论———语法层次 0.1 词素 1)自由词素 2)粘附词素 0.2 词 1)简单词、派生词、符合词 2)封闭词类和开放词类 0.3 词组 1)名词词组 2)动词词组 3)形容词词组 4)副词词组 5)介词词组 0.4分句 1)独立分句和从属分句 2)简单分句和复杂分句 3)主句和从句 4)限定分句、非限定性分句、无动词分句0.5 句子 1)完全句和不完全句 2)简单句、并列句、复杂句、并列复杂句 第1讲句子结构 1.1 主谓结构和句子分析 1)主语和谓语 2)句子分析 1.2 基本句型及其转换与扩大 1)基本句型 2)基本句型的转换与扩大 第2讲主谓一致(一) 2.1指导原则 1)语法一致 2)意义一致和就近原则 2.2 以-s 结尾的名词作主语的主谓一致问题1)以-s结尾的疾病名称和游戏名称 2)以-s结尾的学科名称 3)以-s结尾的地理名称 4)其他以-s结尾的名词 2.3 以集体名词作主语的主谓一致问题 1) 通常作复数的集体名词 2)通常作不可数名词的集体名词 3)既可作单数也可作复数的集体名词 4)a committee of 等+复数名词

第3讲主谓一致(二) 3.1 以并列结构作主语的主谓一致问题 1)由and/both... And 连接的并列主语 2)由or/nor/either...or 等连接的并列主语 3)主语+as much as 等 4)主语+as well as 等 3.2 以表示数量概念的名词词组作主语的主谓一直问题1)以表示确定数量的名词词组作主语 2) 以表示非确定数量的名词词组作主语 3.3 其他方面的主谓一致问题 1)以名词性分句作主语的主谓一致问题 2)以非限定分句作主语的主谓一致问题 3)关系分句中的主谓一致问题 4)分裂句中的主谓一致问题 5)存在句中的主谓一致问题 第4讲 4.1 名词分类和名词词组的句法功能 1)名词分类 2)名词词组的句法功能 4.2 名词的数 1)规则复数和不规则复数 2)集体名词、物质名词、抽象名词、专有名词的数4.3 单位词 1)一般表示个数的单位词 2)表示形状的单位词 3)表示容积的单位词 4)表示动作状态的单位词 5)表示成双、成对、成群的单位词 第5讲 5.1 名词属格的构成、意义和用法 1)名词属格的构成 2)名词属格的意义 3)名词属格的用法 5.2 独立属格和双重属格 1)独立属格 2)双重属格 第6讲限定词(一) 6.1限定词与三类名词的搭配关系 1)能与三类名词搭配的限定词 2)只能与单数名词搭配的限定词 3)只能与复数名词搭配的限定词


新编英语语法教程(第6版)第16讲练习参考答案 Ex. 16A 1. This topic has been talked about … 2. It will then be dealt with … 3. The children weren’t properly looked after. 4. Has this matter been looked into? 5. Are you being attended to? 6. Smith’s warehouse was broken into … 7. My application has been turned down. 8. This question will be brought up … 9. The trains were held up by fog. 10. Your argument is not borne out by the facts. 11. Their stories are made up. 12. The application has been filled in incorrectly. 13. The scheme was thought out carefully. 14. The prices were put up. 15. Your photographs will be blown up well. 16. The recorded programmes can be played back. 17. These interruptions were put up with. 18. His retirement is being looked forward to very much. 19. The responsibilities are being faced up to badly. 20. He was looked up to by everyone. 21. This piece of legislation had been done away with reluctantly. 22. They weren’t taken in by her story. 23. I was got through the written papers by special coaching. 24. He will be seen off at the airport by all the ministers. 25. If it rains, the match will have to be put off … Ex.16B 1. Couldn’t someone be asked to do the word privately without being known? 2. They were shocked by the boy’s rudeness, which was put down to his having been spoiled by his parents. 3. … that the picture had been stolen. 4. The question was put to debate, but on very few occasions was a question fully debated in Parliament. 5. … and martial law was declared. The army put down the rebellion and declared martial law. 6. He wanted the information to be treated as confidential … 7. … and the proceeds will be shared among his family. 8. All the members should have an equal right to speak and to vote. Only in this way could they make the law effectively. 9. Having been ignored for many years, … 10. Should it be proved beyond doubt that the fire was caused by an accident, the man being held on suspicion of arson will be released. 11. On being informed that he was wanted by the police, the man realized that he had been betrayed by his accomplice. 12. … it was found that most of its fittings had been stripped and the air had been let out of the tyres. 13. …, but it had to be cancelled at the last minute because of a cabinet crisis. 14. The fire was finally got under control, but not before it had caused extensive damage / but not


新编英语语法教程(第六版)第02讲练习参考答案 Ex. 2A 1. SVC Within the stricken area, not a single soul remained alive, and the city centre looked as if it had been razed by monster steam-roller. 2. SV The bomb exploded 1,000 ft. above the ground. 3. SVO On August 6, 1945, an American aircraft dropped a bomb on the Japanese town of Hiroshima. 4. SvoO Three days later, yet another bomb of the same kind gave the town of Nagasaki the same fatal blow. 5. SVOC The explosion made one and a half square miles of the city an expense of reddish rubble. 6. SV A Within the fraction of a second, the bomb changed from a metal cylinder into an immense mass of expanding gas, millions of degrees hot. 7. SVOA A tremendous blast of hot air whirled the debris of stone, concrete, metal, and wood over the ground.


1、课程编码:GX009121B/ GX009122B 2、课程名称:英语语法 3、英文名称:English Grammar 4、推荐教材和教学参考书: 5、教材:《新编英语语法教程》(学生用书),章振邦主编,2003年12月第4版,上海外语教育出版社出版。 5、教学参考书: ⑴《新编英语语法教程》(教师用书),章振邦主编,2004年1月第4版,上海外语教育出版社出版。 ⑵《牛津实用英语语法》,A. J. 汤普森, A. V. 马蒂内特著,陈则源、夏定雄译,1986年3月第一版,牛津大学出版社,外语教学与研究出版社出版。 ⑶《实用英语语法》,张道真主编,商务印书馆出版。 ⑷《高级英语语法》(上下册),薄冰主编,高等教育出版社出版。 ⑸《大学英语语法》(第三版),徐广联主编,2005年10月第三版,华东理工大学出版社出版。 ⑹《英语语法大全》,(英)伦道夫.夸克等著,苏州大学《英语语法大全》翻译组译,1989年9月第一版,华东师范大学出版社出版。 6、课程类型:专业基础课 7、总学时:72 学时 8、学分:4 9、适用专业:各种英语专业 10、先修课程:综合英语,英语阅读 二、课程性质与设置目的: 《英语语法》是英语专业技能必修课,其目的是培养学生掌握系统的英语语法知识,养成良好的语言运用习惯,保证他们使用英语语言时的正确性和准确性。 作为英语专业的主要必修课程之一,《英语语法》应该和其他专业各门课程一起,力争保证学生能够通过英语专业全国统考TEM4和TEM8。 三、课程教学基本目标: 英语语法课旨在通过该课程的学习,帮助学生重点掌握英语语法的核心项目,提高学生在上下文中恰当运用英语语法的能力和运用英语的准确性,使学生对英语语法有一个比较系统的了解并能借助英语语法知识解决英语学习过程中的有关问题。学生有计划地阅读英语语法教材,探讨英语语言的结构,通过各种练习,牢固地掌握英语语法,提高运用英语的能力。 四、考核方式: 1、本课程为考查课,采用闭卷开卷结合的考试方式,要求学生在一定的时间内完成教师所设计的考题。成绩评定分为平时和考试成绩,平时作业和课堂表现, 2、本课程考试的命题,应根据大纲规定的要求,确定测试范围和考核标准。考试内容应覆盖到各个章节,重点突出,难易适中。 考核是检查教学大纲执行情况、评估教学质量的一种有效手段,是获取教学反馈信息的主要来源和改进教学工作的重要依据。本课程的考核着重检查学生的英语语法基础知识。 本课程的考核采取两种形式:形成性考核和课程终结考试。 形成性考核:包括平时练习、面授辅导和各项教学活动中的参与情况,以及学生对学习过程的自我监控情况,占总成绩的20%。 每学期期末均安排课程终结考试,考试形式为笔试。考试内容应以所指定教材为基本依据,实行统一考试,考试总成绩的80%。


《英语语法》教学大纲 课程编号:2152102 课程类别:专业课 学时:32 学分:2.0 适用专业:英语专业一年级 先修课程:无 一、课程性质、目的和任务 《英语语法》为英语专业基础课,英语语法根据英语专业人才培养的要求,旨在对学生进行英语语法基本理论和基本技能的教育和培养。通过本课程的学习,学生应具有基本的理论知识和应用能力,了解英语语法的一些基本知识与概念,了解英语语言的原理、规则与特点,熟练掌握常用的语法知识,语法体系,具备进一步学习英语语言与英语高级语法的基础,并能够在英语口语、阅读、写作、翻译等实际应用中正确使用英语。 课程任务是帮助学生重点掌握英语语法的核心项目,提高学生在上下文中恰当运用英语语法的能力和运用英语的准确性,使学生对英语语法有一个比较系统的了解并借助英语语法知识解决英语学习过程中的有关问题。 二、课程教学内容、要求 1 ?课程教学内容语法层次;句子结构;主谓一致;名词和名词词组及属格;限定词;代词;动词和动词词组; 动词的时和体;将来时间表示法;被动态;虚拟式;助动词;不定式;分词;独立结构;比较 等级和比较结构;并列结构;从属结构;关系分句;倒装;省略;替代;语篇衔接 2.课程教学要求: 1).精讲多练,注重实践2)?以学生为中心组织教学3).注意培养语篇水平上应用语法知 识的能力。 导论:语法层次

第1讲:句子结构 第2、3讲:主谓一致 第4、5讲:名词、名词词组和名词属格 第6、7讲:限定词 第8、9讲:代词

第10讲:动词和动词词组 第11、12讲:动词的时和体 第13讲:将来时间表示法 第14、15讲:被动态 第16讲:虚拟式 第17、18讲:助动词


新编英语语法教程(第六版)第03讲练习 参考答案 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

新编英语语法教程(第六版)第03讲练习参考答案Ex. 3A 1.Naturally, I will have to… 2.Frankly, I was… 3.Clearly, there has been… 4.Fortunately, Roberts returned the cheque. 5.Oddly enough, he did not… 6.Not unreasonably, he protested… 7.Interestingly, he neve r knew that he… 8.Hopefully, the two sides may… 9.Quite obviously, he does not want to… 10.Strangely enough, the burglar had not taken… 11.Sure enough, a solution will be… 12.Rightly, the Chinese people protested… 13.Even more important, we ought to put… 14.Surely, I have met before. 15.To our regret, he refused our invitation. 16.Luckily, someone managed to find me. 17.You telephoned the hospital first, quite rightly. 18.Foolishly, the girl did not ask your name. 19.Understandably, her appointment had not been confirmed. 20.Curiously, the dog never barked. Ex. 3B 1.moreover 2.In other words 3.Also 4.In other words/That is to say 5.In that case 6.Still 7.however 8.Actually 9.So 10.Nevertheless 11.after all 12.Furthermore 13.for all that 14.conversely 15.consequently 16.As a result 17.then 18.therefore 19.Besides


《新编英语语法教程》主要章节语法术语Introduction: Grammatical Hierarchy (导论—语法层次) 2. Parts of speech (word class) 3. Phrases 词组 4. Clause 分句 5. Sentence 句子 1. Morpheme 词素 Free morpheme 自由词素 Bound morpheme 粘附词素 Allomorph 词素变体 Noun phrase Verb phrase Adjective phrase Adverb phrase Preposition phrase Conjunction

Lecture 1 Sentence Structure(L1)Sentence elements: S (subject) 主语V (predicate verb) 谓语动词 O (object) 宾语 C (complement) 补足语 A (Adverbial) 状语 1. Two ways of sentence analysis 1) SVO Sentence Clause NP VP NP Subject Predicate verb Object All the man have done their best. Sentence = Subject + Predicate (Predicate Verb + Object, Complement, Adverbial, etc.) ●句子由主语和谓语构成,进一步把谓语剖析为谓语动词、宾语、补语、状语等。 2) Subject + Predicate (= operator + predication) Sentence Clause Subject Predicate Operator Predication All the man have done their best. ●句子由主语和谓语构成,进一步把谓语剖析为操作词(operator)和述谓成分(predication)。 2. Basic clause types SVC, SV, SV A, SVO, SVOA, SVOC, SV oO Lecture 2 Subject-Verb Concord (L2-3) Guiding principles: Grammatical Concord Notional Concord Principle of Proximity 语法一致原则意义一致原则就近原则 Nominal clause Non-finite clause Relative clause Cleft sentence Existential clause 名词性分句非限定分句关系分句分裂句存在句Lecture 3 Noun and Noun Phrase(L4-5) 1. Classification of nouns


新编英语语法教程第24讲练习参考答案 Ex. 24A 1. scientifically explored / explored scientifically 2. Scientifically, the argument was absurd / … was absurd scientifically. 3. I simply do not understand you. 4. … if I speak simply. 5. He made me thoroughly angry. 6. … have thoroughly studied… / studied this chapter thoroughly. 7. … much appreciate… 8. … very much appreciate it / appreciate it very much. 9. Honestly, I mean what I say / I honestly mean… / I mean honestly… 10. …alw ays writes to me honestl y. 11. …answer the question generally. 12. Generally, these questions are not… / … can generally … / …answer most of them generally. 13. …to apply practically.

14. …are practically impossible to … 15. This is hardly my business / This hardly is… 16. I can hardly hear you. 17. I can just hear you. 1 18. …is only for your ears / … is for your ears only. 19. …for your ears alone. 20. Will you kindly come this way? 21. …spoke to her kindly. 22. I also spoke to her mother. / I s poke al so… / Also, I spoke… 23. I spoke to her mother as well. 24. The house badly needs repainting / …repainting badly. 25. …painted it badly. 26. …badly painted / …painted badly. 27. …live economically. 28. Somehow we have to manage / We have to manage somehow.


一、说明部分 1、课程编码:GX009121B/ GX009122B 2、课程名称:英语语法 3、英文名称:English Grammar 4、推荐教材和教学参考书: 5、教材:《新编英语语法教程》(学生用书),章振邦主编,2003年12月第4版,上海外语教育出版社出版。 5、教学参考书: ⑴《新编英语语法教程》(教师用书),章振邦主编,2004年1月第4版,上海外语教育出版社出版。 ⑵《牛津实用英语语法》,A. J. 汤普森, A. V. 马蒂内特著,陈则源、夏定雄译,1986年3月第一版,牛津大学出版社,外语教学与研究出版社出版。 ⑶《实用英语语法》,张道真主编,商务印书馆出版。⑷《高级英语语法》(上下册),薄冰主编,高等教育出版社出版。⑸《大学英语语法》(第三版),徐广联主编,2005年10月第三版,华东理工大学出版社出版。 ⑹《英语语法大全》,(英)伦道夫.夸克等著,苏州大学《英语语法大全》翻译组译,1989年9月第一版,华东师范大学出版社出版。6、课程类型:专业基础课7、总学时:72 学时 8、学分:4 9、适用专业:各种英语专业 10、先修课程:综合英语,英语阅读 二、课程性质与设置目的: 《英语语法》是英语专业技能必修课,其目的是培养学生掌握系统的英语语法知识,养成良好的语言运用习惯,保证他们使用英语语言时的正确性和准确性。作为英语专业的主要必修课程之一,《英语语法》应该和其他专业各门课程一起,力争保证学生能够通过英语专业全国统考TEM4和TEM8。三、课程教学基本目标: 英语语法课旨在通过该课程的学习,帮助学生重点掌握英语语法的核心项目,提高学生在上下文中恰当运用英语语法的能力和运用英语的准确性,使学生对英语语法有一个比较系 统的了解并能借助英语语法知识解决英语学习过程中的有关问题。学生有计划地阅读英语语法教材,探讨英语语言的结构,通过各种练习,牢固地掌握英语语法,提高运用英语的能力。 四、考核方式: 1、本课程为考查课,采用闭卷开卷结合的考试方式,要求学生在一定的时间内完成教师所设计的考题。成绩评定分为平时和考试成绩,平时作业和课堂表现, 2、本课程考试的命题,应根据大纲规定的要求,确定测试范围和考核标准。考试内容应覆盖到各个章节,重点突出,难易适中。 考核是检查教学大纲执行情况、评估教学质量的一种有效手段,是获取教学反馈信息的主要来源和改进教学工作的重要依据。本课程的考核着重检查学生的英语语法基础知识。本课程的考核采取两种形式: 形成性考核和课程终结考试。 形成性考核:包括平时练习、面授辅导和各项教学活动中的参与情况,以及学生对学习过程的自我监控情况,占总成绩的20%。 、管路敷设技术通过管线不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范高中资料试卷问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。在管路敷设过程中,要加强看护关于管路高中资料试卷连接管口处理高中资料试卷弯扁度固定盒位置保护层防腐跨接地线弯曲半径标高等,要求技术交底。管线敷设技术包含线槽、管架等多项方式,为解决高中语文电气课件中管壁薄、接口不严等问题,合理利用管线敷设技术。线缆敷设原则:在分线盒处,当不同电压回路交叉时,应采用金属隔板进行隔开处理;同一线槽内,强电回路须同时切断习题电源,线缆敷设完毕,要进行检查和检测处理。、电气课件中调试对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行 高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料试卷相互作用与相互关系,根据生产工艺高中资料试卷要求,对电气设备进行空载与带负荷下高中资料试卷调控试验;对设备进行调整使其在正常工况下与过度工作下都可以正常工作;对于继电保护进行整核对定值,审核与校对图纸,编写复杂设备与装置高中资料试卷调试方案,编写重要设备高中资料试卷试验方案以及系统启动方案;对整套启动过程中高中资料试卷电气设备进行调试工作并且进行过关运行高中资料试卷技术指导。对于调试过程中高中资料试卷技术问题,作为调试人员,需要在事前掌握图纸资料、设备制造厂家出具高中资料试卷试验报告与相关技术资料,并且了解现场设备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。 、电气设备调试高中资料试卷技术电力保护装置调试技术,电力保护高中资料试卷配置技术是指机组在进行继电保护高中资料试卷总体配置时,需要在最大限度内来确保机组高中资料试卷安全,并且尽可能地缩小故障高中资料试卷破坏范围,或者对某些异常高中资料试卷工况进行自动处理,尤其要避免错误高中资料试卷保护装置动作,并且拒绝动作,来避免不必要高中资料试卷突然停机。因此,电力高中资料试卷保护装置调试技术,要求电力保护装置做到准确灵活。对于差动保护装置高中资料试卷调试技术是指发电机一变压器组在发生内部故障时,需要进行外部电源高中资料试卷切除从而采用高中资料试卷主要保护装置。


Lecture 15 Ex. 15A 1. Now they are started … 2.… but one of the firemen … 3.… which we … 4.…. It was decided … 5.…. a nd passengers and crew … 6.… they can be built … 7. Measurements of wind speed …8.… and I was earning … Ex. 15B 1. It is thought that … / He is thought to be coming. 2. It is believed that …/ He is believed to be … 3. It is known that … /You are known to have been … 4. It is understoo d that …/ She is understood to have been … 5. It is supposed that … / He is supposed to be … 6. It is said that the murderer … /The murderer is said to be hiding … 7. It is reported that … / unidentified flying objects are reported to have been seen … 8. It is rumoured that … /He is rumoured to have escaped … 9. It is expect ed that … / Electricity supply is expected to be … 10. It is known that he is … / He is known to be … 11. Very little is felt to have been done … 12. The President is expected to speak … 13. He is said to have been … 14. The murderer is said to be hiding /to have been hiding … 15. The expedition is known to have reached … 16. The ship is reported to have been sunk. 17. You are expected to leave … 18. N is known to be preparing … 19. All the miners are feared to be … 20. Both sides are understood to have agreed … Ex. 15C 1.It is said that she can speak several foreign languages/ She is said to be able to speak several foreign languages. 2.It is known that many people are homeless after the earthquake / Many people are known to be homeless after the earthquake. 3.It is understood that this is the result of recent negotiations / This is understood to be … 4.It is thought that she has recovered / She is thought to have recovered. 5.It is expected that the President will make an announcement / The President is expected to make an announcement. 6.Will this question be discussed tomorrow morning 7.It can be done right away. 8.Has this motion been adopted 9.The reservoir is going to be completed ahead of schedule. 10.Some new songs are being taught now over the radio.


新编英语语法教程(第6版)第21讲练习参考答案Ex. 21A 1.I was sorry to learn… 2.You will be sad to hear… 3.They would be very surprised to receive… 4.She is happy to have found… 5.I was afraid to go… 6.Bob was pleased to hear… 7.I am very anxious to meet you. 8.We were delighted to receive your telegram. 9.You were sensible to stay indoors. 10.The clerk was prompt to answer the call. 11.This rule is easy to remember. 12.We are reluctant to leave this neighbourhood. 13.Our house is difficult to heat. 14.Are you ready to leave? 15.You would be foolish to go out in this weather. 16.John is quick to see the point. 17.He is very keen to get on. 18.We are proud to have him as a friend. 19.I was rude not to answer your letter. 20.We are happy to have you with us this evening. Ex. 21B 1.His decision to resign surprised all of us. 2.He showed no inclination to leave. 3.Her resolution never to marry baffled all offers of love. 4.The City Council approved the proposal to build a new dam on the river. 5.Their readiness to accept the peace arrangement really surprised the diplomatic world. 6.He refused the invitation to write another article on the subject. 7.The people of a country should have the freedom to choose their own social system. 8.There is no need for you to start so early. 9.I am not under the obligation to render him any financial support. 10.They have the ability to wage biological warfare.

章振邦英语语法教程--Lecture 7 Number and Genitive

Lecture 7 Number and Genitive 7.1 Number In the broadest sense of the word, NUMBER refers to a grammatical classification used in the analysis of word classes which have contrasts between singular and plural. Number contrasts in English are seen in nouns (boy, boys), pronouns (she, they, this, these), determiners (this, these, each, all), and verbs (say, says, was, were). But in the present lecture, the sense of NUMBER is restricted only to the number forms in nouns. 1) Regular and irregular plural Individual nouns are all countable and therefore have singular and plural forms. The singular form of an individual noun, which shares the same form as the base of the word, can take such determiners as a(n) and one (e.g.: a/one desk, an/one article). The plural form of an individual noun can be regular or irregular. The regular plural is formed by adding –s or –es to the base (e.g.: days, houses, donkeys, tomatoes, boxes, churches, brushes, classes, babies, countries, loaves, wives, etc/), while the irregular plural is not formed in the same way but by other means such as by changing the internal vowels or by changing the ending of the noun (e.g.: tooth—teeth, man—men, mouse—mice, child—children, ox—oxen). Irregular plurals also include some words of foreign origin,


新编英语语法教程第15讲练习参考答案 Ex. 15A 1. will just be coming out 2. will be, will be wondering 3. will come 4. will be doing, will be working 5. will get, will still be, will be going, will ask 6. will be melting, will be 7. won’t start, will give 8. will tell 9. will be reading, will be ringing 10. will be cooking, will ring 11. am going to shampoo 12. is going to bake, will soon get 13. will see 14. am going to have 15. am going to bottle 16. Are you going to paint, am going to take 17. am going to ring 18. am going to start, Are you going to do, is going to help 19. will start, will get, will bake 20. am going to make, will burn

21. is arriving, Is he spending, is he catching, is spending, is giving, is attending 22. am going to dye, Are you going to do, are you going to have, am going to have 23. is going to rain 24. Are you doing, are coming, am going to show, Are you taking, am going to take 25. am going to send, am seeing 26. am moving, Are you going to have, am going to paint 27. am going to buy, is going to be 28. are you going to do, Are you going to sell, am going to learn, am having 29. am getting, are starting, is coming 30. is going, is having, is looking, is coming 31. will have finished, will be starting 32. will have planted 33. will have done, will be relaxing 34. will have done, will soon be leaving 35. will be trying, will have sent 36. will be living, will have spent 37. will be giving, will have given 38. will be coming, will have picked

新编英语语法教程答案 (05)

新编英语语法教程第05讲练习参考答案 Ex. 5A 1. my father has a car 2. the bull has horns 3. the prisoner escaped 4. her parents consented 5. somebody released the prisoner 6. somebody assassinated the President 7. a letter from the general / the general sent a letter 8. the crowd felt sympathy 9. a college for women 10. a summer day, a day in the summer 11. the earth has a (rough) surface 12. the absence lasted ten days 13. a doctoral degree, a doctorate 14. the bird made the nest 15. the committee made a report 16. a story told by the girl / the girl told a story 17. the volcano erupted 18. the victim had courage / the victim was courageous 19. somebody punished the boy 20. the critics recevied the play in a hostile manner Ex. 5B 1. The comedian performed, and he was well received by a huge audience. 这位喜剧演员的演出很受广大观众的欢迎。 2. She was thankful, for her little girl had quickly recovered. 她的小女孩很快康复,为此她非常感谢。 3. How to educate children presents a big problem. 教育孩子成了大问题。 4. He was happy that his wife loved hime. 他陶醉于妻子对他的爱情。 5. He did that because he loved his wife. 他干这个是出于对妻子的爱。 6. The enemy was defeated, and the war was brought to an end. 战争以敌人的失败而告终。 7. John was pleased because his teacher praised him. 约翰因受到老师的嘉勉而感到高兴。 8. She was punished for stealing, and the punishment was a year in prison. 她因偷窃被判刑一年。 9. As he had served unfailingly, the servant was remem bered in his master’s will as a reward. 由于仆人忠实可靠地服务,主人在遗嘱中提出遗赠作为报酬。 10. William’s homework is the only example that is never bably done. 只有威廉的家庭作业一贯做得好。

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