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I was born in the U.S, but grew up in Greece, experiencing the best of both worlds. I began studying French in sixth grade while in Grece. ____1____ I moved to the U.S. at 18 to study at Oakland University. My love of French carried over to college and French became one of my majors. Besides French, I am also majoring in journalism with a dream to travel and write.

____2____ I wanted to understand the nature of a culture different from the ones I was familiar with. I wanted to get to know the people and make basic connections. During my stay in France, I maintained a blog and I wrote a lot.

Through my study, I got the chance to talk to the locals and share stories and experiences with my host family. ____3____

Classes were long, homework was pleasantly challenging, but there was plenty of time in that one month of July to explore the city and see France. The food and the trips were by far the best part of my experience. I was in homestay and all my meals were home-made, French and delicious. ____4____ I also got to see places that I had only ever heard about in my studies. Physically going to sights rich in history and beauty was incredible.

Studying abroad, you will be able to explore the world and become more aware of other cultures.

A study abroad experience is eye-opening and fruitful in all aspects, no matter how long the stay is. You will make friends and discover delicious or perhaps strange foods. ____5____

A.The cheese and bread were wonderful.

B.It was indeed the most tiring moment in my life.

C.To realize it I chose to study abroad in Angers, France.

D.I couldn’t even find a single minute to record my experiences.

E.Such experience will make you a culturally and socially richer person.

F.That’s when my passion for the French language and culture was born.

G.Despite the busy class schedule, my time in Angers was simply lovely.

Sometimes we just can’t avoid a discussion turning into an argument. If you do start arguing with someone.it is important to keep things under control and there are ways to do this.

The most important thing: don’t raise your voice. That will just make the other person lose their temper too.____6____ Say “I’m sorry” and continue to talk calmly and quietly, and then your partner will be more ready to think about what you are saying.

____7____ Try to keep to the topic you are talking about. Just concentrate on solving the one problem you are having. For example, if you’re arguing about the housework, don’t start talking about mobile phone bills as well.

And my final tip is that, if necessary, you can call “Time out”, like in a sports match. If an argument is getting out of control, you can say to the other person, “listen, I’d rather talk about this tomorrow when we’ve both calmed down”. You can then continu e the discussion the next day when perhaps both of you are feeling less tense and angry.____8____ Also, you may find the problem much easier to solve when you’ve both had a good night’s sleep.

I want to say one last important thing. ____9____ This is not true. Conflict normal part of life, and dealing with it is an important part of any relationship. If you don’t learn to argue properly, then when a real problem comes along, you won’t be prepared to face it together. Think of the smaller

arguments as training. Learn how to argue cleanly and fairly. ____10____

A.It is also very important to stick to the point.

B.Some people think that arguing is always bad.

C.You may believe that arguing is impossible to avoid.

D.The second thing is that you should find a good topic.

E.It will help your relationship become stronger and last longer.

F.You are more likely to reach an agreement when you are both calm.

G.If you find yourself doing this, stop for a moment and take a deep breath.

All parents know that young children are always energetic, eager to run, jump and play. Turning that natural energy into competitive sports can help keep kids active and healthy as they grow. Competitive sports such as soccer, track, basketball and swimming can also help kids learn important life lessons about teamwork and fair play. ___11___ .

Learning How to Compete

Joining in sports teaches children and teenagers how to compete in the real world. As they grow older, they'll face competition in school, in the workforce and other areas of life. But these competitions don't have to be negative(负面的)or unhealthy. ___12___ .

Understanding the Value of Exercise

___13___.In addition,many children who are active in sports are encouraged to eat healthier foods,such as fruits and vegetables.

Improving Self-respect

Improved self-respect is another benefit of competitive youth sports._____14_____ . Even when he doesn't win, he can learn a valuable lesson: that you can't win every time.

Losing with his team can also increase self-esteem, as he learns to hold his head high and feel proud for trying his best.


Youth sports can help stop negative behavior, such as joining a gang(帮派), because competitive sports provide a way of expressing their energy, friendship and controlled attacking behaviour. Teens who have positive influences and friends feel less of a need to join in risky behaviors.

A.Reducing Risky Behavior

B.Developing Character Values

C.Here are the benefits of competitive sports for youth

D.If you try your hardest, you have a better chance to succeed

E.When a child wins a game with his team, he feels recognized

F.Taking part in competitive youth sports burns calories and helps to keep slim

G.Playing sports can help kids understand how competition works in a friendly environment

Writing while traveling can be either professional or personal. Some people travel and write as part of their jobs, while others simply want to make the most out of their travel experience.

___16___ Luckily, here are some tips for you to make writing while traveling a much easier process for yourself.

___17___ For example, if you are waiting for a train, sitting on the plane, or waiting to meet people for lunch, work on your writing. You'll find that you'll have a lot of time while you' re traveling that you can take advantage of. ___18___ In an average day of traveling, you could possibly spend up to 60 minutes waiting for trains, buses, food, and other people.

Journal every night before you go to bed. If you are writing to keep a diary of your destinations, writing things down in a journal every night is a good way to keep track of each individual day.

___19___ Even if you're exhausted at the end of the day, force yourself to sit down for just 15 minutes and note all the emotions and excitement of the day you just had.

Avoid spending too much time writing. Set a watch or a timer on your phone and do as much work as you can inside 1 to 3 hours. After that, take a break and enjoy your destination. This is especially important if your writing is task- based rather than time- based. Make sure you’ re writing as efficiently as possible. ___20___

A.Establish your writing habit.

B.Take advantage of “dead time”.

C.Make sure you remember all the little things about your trip.

D.However, you may find it difficult to write sometimes during travel.

E.People often forget important details of their travel as soon as the next day.

F.To make the most of this time, carry a pen and notebook everywhere you go.

G.Of course, this will be less of a problem if you plan to set aside one full day each week for writing.

Made out of thin air

The world has experienced a lot of extreme weather this year due to climate change, which carbon emissions are believed to be most responsible for. ____21____

Meat made from air

It is hard to imagine that food consisting of protein could be produced from CO2, but that is exactly what Solar Foods is working on. To create the protein, the company uses renewable energy to split water cells into hydrogen and oxygen. ____22____ This is fed to microbes(微生物), which in turn create an eatable food, according to science website Futurism. This process makes alternative protein 100 times more climate- friendly than other sources of protein, the company said.


What about wearing a pair of shoes made of carbon emissions? On Running, a Swiss sports shoe brand, is trying to make foam(泡沫) for its shoed from captured carbon. In November, it announced it was teaming up with US-based company LanzaTech to make ethanol(乙醇) out of waste CO2, which would otherwise be burned, releasing CO2. On Running hopes to produce its first pair of shoes made wholly from carbon sometime next yeat. ____24____

Turning CO2 into perfume

What is the smell of a perfume made from CO2? New York-based startup Air Company is selling perfume made from CO2. Perfume has an alcohol base. When mixed with a bit of water and fragrance(芳香) oil, it becomes perfume. Ethanol is widely used in perfume production because it has a neutral smell. This means you only smell the oil. ____25____ And with the addition of

water and fragrance oil, you get perfume made mainly from air.

A.Running on foam

B.Stepping on carbon

C.This kind of fragrance oil is made from CO2 by Air Company.

D.Then it mixes the hydrogen with CO2 and adds other nutrients.

E.They are expected to not cost much more than a regular pair of shoes.

F.To solve the problem, capturing and reusing CO2 is an option for tech companies.

G.What Air Company is able to do is transform CO2 into a very pure form of ethanol.

Language is part of our daily lives, no matter where we live in the world. Similarly, music is a part of many people’s lives. ___26___ Here are some of their similarities.

Both language and music have a writing system

In English we record language using the alphabet, which is a collection of letters. Similarly, we use notes to keep a record of music. Just as you are reading this collection of letters on the paper and find meaning in it, musicians read notes and create meaning in the form of music which we can hear. ___27___ For example, we can read the ideas or hear the composition of someone who lived hundreds of years ago, which is really quite exciting.

Both vary with culture

___28___ In the same way, we know that styles of music are different around the world, which gives us the opportunity to explore many different cultures through their music. This also means that there is something for everyone! Even if you don’t like Britpop melodies, you may love the energy of Latin American salsa music.

Both share emotion

How do you know that I am angry? ___29___ Similarly, music can sound angry, sad or happy. Music can show you exactly how the composer was or is feeling, and allows us to share that emotion. When you feel happy, you might want to sing and dance to a happy song. ___30___ A.Different culture makes different music.

B.Both language and music play a huge role in our lives.

C.You can guess where someone is from by listening to their language.

D.By reading pieces of text or music, we are able to share experiences through time.

E.In contrast, you have probably also listened to sad music when you were feeling down. F.Of course, you may be able to see it in my face, but you will know for sure through my words. G.We have all used music to express our emotions, often combining it with language in the form of song lyrics.

Symptoms of Dehydration (脱水)

You’re bad-tempered.

Researchers tested the mood and concentration of 25 women who drank healthy amounts of water one day, and then less the next two days. When slightly dehydrated, the women reported tiredness, bad temper, headaches and difficulty in focusing. In a separate test, men with mild dehydration also had trouble with mental tasks. ____31____ Scientists are still trying to figure out why.

You have a bad workout.

____32____ It impacts how much you can push yourself. Even a 2 to 3 percent fluid loss affects your ability to get a good workout and more than 5 percent dehydration decreases exercise capacity by about 30 percent.


Driving while you’re dehydrated may be just as dangerous as getting behind the wheel drunk, in terms of how many mistakes you could make on the road. British researchers had participants take 2-hour drives using a simulator (模拟器). When they drank enough water, there were 47 driving errors. ____34____

You feel dizzy when you stand up too fast.

Dehydration can make you feel dizzy or faint, or bring on that rush of light-headedness after you quickly get up from sitting or lying down.

The exact treatment for dehydration symptoms depends on age and how severely dehydrated someone is. ____35____ Most of the time, however, people use some over-the-counter solutions for kids, and adults can drink more water.

A.You drive like you’re drunk.

B.Sometimes dehydration can be life-threatening.

C.To get rid of dehydration you have to drink much water quickly.

D.In extreme cases, people might go to the hospital for a treatment.

E.Dehydration reduces blood pressure and makes the heart work harder.

F.But when it came to mood changes, women changed much more than men.

G.But when they were short of water, there were more than double the driving errors to 101.

Grieve Her Mum Through Cooking

Grief and mourning can be expressed in many ways. ____36____. She found comfort through cooking her mother’s recipes in a planner and in turn, learne d about her mother. Her attitude to life was mirrored in her cooking.

Along with the love of food and family, her mother, and her grandmother before her, had passed down a carved wooden spoon. It was given from one to the next. ____37____. She inherited this spoon and the passion her mother had.

After her mother’s death, Debbie also found the planner containing these detailed dinner party plans and recipes. Her mother was not gone. ____38____. And Debbie has learned a lot about her since she began cooking her food.

____39____. In trying to make out her mother’s notes, Debbie has bonded again with her father in shared grief and understanding. Asking Dad who is who, what is what and learning and understanding, Debbie has been able to see a new side of her mother.

Everything Debbie is cooking is inherited, as is the joy and sense of achievement she feels. When she began cooking with her mother as a kid, she was in charge of turning the toast, to stop it catching. Now she is holding the spoon, adding the spices and still looking up from the stove to her mum. ____40____.

A.It was never easy to lose someone we love

B.She was guiding her through a lifetime of food

C.When it reached Debbie, it was worn and perfect

D.She felt a sense of achievement in cooking her food

E.She is always going to be her mother’s kitchen follower

F.Debbie found a new and unique way to mourn her mum

G.However, she was left with some confusion at some recipes

The whole nation welcomed three heroic Shenzhou XIII astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu back home after their having completed six-month space task. During their time in space, they made many breakthroughs for China’s space program. ____41____

First of all, as for the task itself, it was the longest so far. ____42____ Th en, even the astronauts’ return to the Earth saw some major breakthroughs for China’s space efforts.

____43____ The Shenzhou XII return capsule spent over 24 hours around the Earth 11 times before returning on Sept 17, 2021. This time Shenzhou XIII shortened the orbiting time to about 9 hours, going around the Earth five times. Behind the shorter return time is the improved efficiency of the command center, which during that time has to consider all the factors involved, and make plans for the whole process.

The search and rescue team on Earth also performed its remarkable abilities. According to reports, the Dongfeng Landing Site has a search area of tens of thousands of square kilometers, which includes desert, salt flats, as well as wetlands, making it challenging to locate where it has landed. ____44____ At 9:57 am, the reentry module(返回舱) touched down safely at the Dongfeng Landing Site.

To build a space station and enable astronauts to live in it for quite some time is a key step in China’s manned space missions. 2022 is a key year for China’s space station. Two experimental modules, two manned spaceships carrying six astronauts, and two cargo spaceships will be launched this year, pushing the construction process of China’s space station further forward.


A.In terms of speed, it set a new record.

B.It is fair to say that the Shenzhou XIII task has been a success.

C.Astronauts will also carry out science experiments and public challenging activities. D.Secondly, Wang Yaping was the first Chinese female astronaut to conduct a space walk. E.Yet the team finished the job of recovering the three astronauts hours earlier than expected. F.Their training will ensure astronauts have the knowledge and skills to complete different tasks. G.With space station construction advancing, China will make new contributions to space exploration.

There was a survey of the people who were born from 1980 to 2000, asking them what their most important life goals were. Over 80 percent said it was to get rich. ___46___ We're constantly told to devote more to our work, to push harder and to achieve more. We're given the impression that these are the things that we need to go after to have a good life. But is that the truth? ___47___

But what if we could study people from the time when they were teenagers all the way into old age to see what really keeps people happy and healthy The Harvard Study of Adult Development did it. For 75 years, they've tracked the lives of 724 men. Studies like this are extremely rare. Almost all projects of this kind fall apart within a decade because too many

people drop out of the study.___48___ Or the researchers can't get together. But through a combination of luck and the persistence of several generations of researchers, this study has survived.

So what have they learned? The conclusion is that it's not wealth or fame that counts.

___49___ They've learned three big lessons about relationships. Firstly, people who are more socially connected to family, to friends and to community are happier and physically healthier. The second is that it's not just the number of friends you have but the quality of your close relationships that matters. And the third is that good relationships don't just protect our bodies.___50___

A.They can even protect our brains.

B.To become famous came second.

C.Or funding for the research dries up.

D.The good life is built with relationships.

E.It turns out that being in conflict is bad for our health.

F.It is good relationships that keep us happier and healthier.

G.To be frank, sometimes wealth and fame can make people happy.









牝1、上文“I began studying French in sixth grade while in Greece.”说明作者开始学法语的时间以及地点。以及下文“My love of French carried over to college and French became one of my majors.”(我对法语的热爱延续到了大学,法语成为了我的专业之一。)可知,作者在六年级的时候就开始学法语以及一直延续到了大学。F项“从那时起,我对法语和法语文化的热情就开始了。”与上下文为承上启下的关系。故选F项。

牝2、由上文“I am also majoring in journalism with a dream to travel and write.”(我也主修新闻专业,梦想着旅行和写作。)可知,作者这样的“梦想”与下文选项C“为了实现这一点,我选择了在法国 Angers留学。”中“实现”相对应。故选C项。

牝3、通过上文“Through my study, I got the chance to talk to the locals and share stories and experiences with my host family.”(通过我的学习,我有机会与当地人交谈,与我的寄宿家庭分享故事和经历。)以及下文“Classes were long, homework was pleasantly challenging,”(课程很长,家庭作业很有挑战性。)可推知,选项G项前半句“尽管课程安排很忙”与下文一致,后半句“但我在Angers的日子过得很愉快。”与上文一致。故选G项。

牝4、通过上文“The food and the trips were by far the best part of my experience. I was in

homestay and all my meals were home-made, French and delicious.”(食物和旅行是迄今为止我经历中最好的部分。我住在寄宿家庭,所有的饭菜都是家里做的,法式的,而且很美味。)可知,这里作者提到的食物很美味和选项A“奶酪和面包棒极了”,具体介绍的食物种类形成呼应关系。故选A项。

牝5、由上文“Studying abroad, you will be able to explore the world and become more aware of other cultures. A study abroad experience is eye-opening and fruitful in all aspects, no matter how long the stay is. You will make friends and discover delicious or perhaps strange foods.”(在国外学习,你将能够探索世界,对其他文化有更多的了解。留学经历无论多久,在各个方面都让人大开眼界,收获颇丰。你会交到朋友,发现美味的或奇怪的食物。)可知,这段主要讲述的是作者在国外留学心得体会的总结。与E项“这样的经历会让你在文化和社会上更富有。”为递进关系。故选E项。







牝6、本段第一句The most important thing: don’t raise your voice. (最重要的是:不要提高嗓门。)是本段主题句,G项“If you find yourself doing this, stop for a moment and take a deep breath.( 如果你发现自己在这样做,停下来,并且深呼吸。)”对此主题句做出进一步解释,其中的指示代词this指的就是上文的“提高嗓门”,即“如果你发现自己提高了嗓门,就请停


牝7、下文“Try to keep to the topic you are talking about. (尽量专注于你所谈论的话题。)”谈的是要尽量专注于你所谈论的话题,并且举例说明,是对段首句的解释。所以此空位于句首, A项“It is also very important to stick to the point.(不要离题也是非常重要的。)” 作为段


牝8、上文“You can then continue the discussion the next day when perhaps both of you are feeling less tense and angry. (第二天你们可以继续讨论,也许那时你们俩都感到不那么紧张和愤怒了。)”说的是暂停并冷静之后的好处就是“不再感到那么紧张和愤怒了”。所以接着用F项“You are more likely to reach an agr eement when you are both calm.(当你们都冷静时,你们更有可能达成协议。)”继续说暂停并冷静之后的好处是“有可能达成协议”。故选F


牝9、下文“This is not true. Conflict normal part of life, and dealing with it is an important part of any relationship. (这不是真的。冲突是生活的正常部分,处理它是任何关系的重要组成部分。)”中的“This”就是指上文B项“Some p eople think that arguing is always bad.(有些人认为争论总是不好的。),即“争论总是不好的”这种认为不是真的。然后继续解释,有争论有冲


牝10、上文“Think of the smaller arguments as training. Learn how to argue cleanly and

fairly.(你可以把这些小小的争论看作是训练。学习如何清晰而公平地争论。)”告诉我们如何去争论,E项“It will help your rel ationship become stronger and last longer.(这将帮助你们的关系变得更牢固,持续得更久。)” 进一步说明这样做的好处,其中代词it指代的就是上文内








牝11、根据下文的黑体字“Learning How to Compete(学习如何竞争)”以及“Improving Self-respect(提高自尊)”可知,划线句是提出竞技体育对年轻人有好处。C选项“Here are the benefits of competitive sports for youth”(以下是竞技体育对年轻人的好处)符合题意,故选C项。

牝12、根据前文“Joining in sports teaches children and teenagers how to compete in the real world.(参加体育运动教会孩子和青少年如何在现实世界中竞争。)”以及“But these competitions don't have to be negative(负面的)or unhealthy.(但这些竞争不一定是负面的或不健康的。)”可知,本段是讲述竞技运动帮助孩子了解在健康环境下如何竞争。G选项“Playing sports can help kids understand how competition works in a friendly environment”(做运动可以帮助孩子们理解在友好的环境中竞争是如何运作的)符合题意,故选G项。

牝13、根据后文“In addition,many children who are active in sports are encouraged to eat healthier foods,such as fruits and vegetables.(此外,许多积极参加运动的孩子被鼓励吃更健康的食物,如水果和蔬菜。)”可猜测,本段是讲述体育对孩子身体健康方面的好处。F 选项“Taking part in competitive youth sports burns calories and helps to keep slim”(参加竞争性的青年运动燃烧卡路里,有助于保持苗条)符合题意,故选F项。

牝14、根据后文“Even when he doesn't win, he can learn a valuable lesson: that you can't win every time.(即使他没有赢,他也能从中学到宝贵的一课:你不可能每次都赢。)”可猜测,前后转折,所以划线句是描写孩子比赛赢的时候的收获。E选项“When a child wins a game with his team, he feels recognized”(当一个孩子和他的团队赢得一场比赛时,他会感到被认可)符合题意,故选E项。

牝15、根据下文“Youth sports can help stop negative behavior(青少年体育可以帮助阻止负面行为)”以及“Teens who have positive influences and friends feel less of a need to join in risky behaviors.(有积极影响和朋友的青少年觉得不太需要参与危险行为。)”可知,本段是介绍体育可以帮助青少年减少危险行为。A选项“Reducing Risky Behavior”(减少危险行为)符合题意,适合作本段标题,故选A项。








牝16、由下文“Luckily, here are some tips for you to make writing while traveling a much easier process for yourself.”(幸运的是,这里有一些小贴士可以让你在旅行时写作变得更容易。)可推测上句是关于“旅行时写作是比较困难的”,D. However, you may find it difficult to write sometimes during travel.(然而,你可能会发现在旅行中有时很难写作。)符合题意。故选


牝17、由下文“For example, if you are waiting for a train, sitting on the plane, or waiting to meet people for lunch, work on your writing.”(例如,如果你在等火车,坐在飞机上,或者等着和别人一起吃午饭,那就继续写吧。)可知“waiting for a train, sitting on the plane, or waiting to meet people for lunch”均为dead time,B.Take advantage of “dead time”.(利用“死


牝18、由上文“You'll find that you'll have a lot of time while you' re traveling that you can take advantage of.”(你会发现你在旅行时有很多时间可以利用。)可知此处a lot of time与F项this time相对应,take advantage of与F项make the most of相对应。F.To make the most of this time, carry a pen and notebook everywhere you go.(为了充分利用这段时间,你要随身


牝19、由上文“Journal every nigh t before you go to bed. If you are writing to keep a diary of your destinations, writing things down in a journal every night is a good way to keep track of each individual day.”(每晚睡觉前记日记。如果你写日记是为了记下你的目的地,那么每晚在日记中记下事情是记录每一天的好方法。)可知“keep a diary of your des tinations, writing things down in a journal”与E项的“forget important details of their travel”相对应,之所以要写日记是因为容易忘记一些旅游细节,E. People often forget important details of their travel as soon as the next day.(人们往往在第二天就忘记了旅行的重要细节。)符合题意。故选E


牝20、由上文“This is especially important if your writing is task- based rather than time- based. Make sure you’ re writing as efficiently as possible.”(如果你的写作是基于任务而不是基于时间的,这一点尤其重要。确保你的写作效率尽可能高。)结合上文“Avoid spending too much time writing.”(避免花太多时间写作。)可知此处提及“不要太多时间写作”与G项“one full day each week for writing”相对应,G.Of course, this will be less of a problem if you plan to set aside one full day each week for writing.(当然,如果你计划每周留出一整天的时间来写作,问题就不会那么严重了。)符合题意。故选G项。








牝21、根据上一句“The world has experienced a lot of extreme weather this year due to climate change, which carbon emissions are believed to be most responsible for.(由于气候变化,世界今年经历了很多极端天气,碳排放被认为是最主要的原因)”可知,碳排放成为极端天气的原因,推知该空会提到怎样解决这个问题,因此F选项“To solve the problem, capturing and reusing CO2 is an option for tech companies.(为了解决这个问题,捕获和再利用二氧化碳是科技公司的一个选择)”切题,该选项承接上文,且选项中的“problem”对应上文中的“extreme weather”。故选F项。

牝22、根据上文“Meat made from air…To create the protein, the company uses renewable energy to split water cells into hydrogen and oxygen(用空气制成的肉……为了制造这种蛋白质,该公司使用可再生能源将水细胞分解成氢和氧)”和下文“This is fed to microbes, which in turn create an eatable food(这是微生物的食物)”可知,本段主要阐述由二氧化碳怎样制作微生物的食物,因此,D选项“Then it mixes the hydrogen with CO2 and adds other nutrients.(然后将氢气与二氧化碳混合,并添加其他营养物质)”切题,该选项承上启下,进一步阐述了将氢气与二氧化碳混合,并添加其他营养物质来制作微生物的食物的过程,且该选项中的“hydrogen”与上一句中的“hydrogen”相呼应。故选D项。

牝23、通读本段,尤其是由下文中的“What about wearing a pair of shoes made of carbon emissions? On Running, a Swiss sports shoe brand, is trying to make foam(泡沫) for its shoed from captured carbon(穿一双由碳排放制成的鞋子怎么样?瑞士运动鞋品牌On Running正在尝试制造泡沫,因为它的鞋是由捕获的碳制成的)”可知,本段主要阐述瑞士运动鞋品牌On Running正在尝试用捕获的碳制作鞋,形象的说就是“踩在碳上”。因此,B选项“Stepping on carbon(踩在碳上)”切题,可以作为本段的标题,且选项中的“Stepping”对应下文中的“shoe”。故选B项。

牝24、根据上一句提到“On Running hopes to produce its first pair of s hoes made wholly from carbon sometime next yeat(On Running希望明年某个时候生产出第一双完全由碳制成的鞋子)”可知,OnRunning品牌可能明年第一双完全由碳制成的鞋子,推知该空将提到这种鞋的价格,因此,承接上文,E选项“They are expected to not cost much more than a regular pair of shoes(预计它们的价格不会比一双普通鞋贵多少)”切题。故选E项。

牝25、根据上一句“Ethanol is widely used in perfume production because it has a neutral smell. This means you only smell the oil. (乙醇因具有中性气味而被广泛用于香水生产。这意味着你只能闻到油的味道)”可知,G选项“What Air Company is able to do is transform CO2 into a very pure form of ethanol(Air Company能做的就是把二氧化碳转化成一种非常纯净的乙醇)”切题,该选项承接上文,阐述了为了使香水闻起来只有香油的气味,有二氧化碳制成的乙醇必须非常纯净。该选项中的“pure”对应上一句中的“only smell the oil”。故选G项。







牝26、根据上文“Language is part of our daily lives, no matter where we live in the world. Similarly, m usic is a part of many people’s lives.(语言是我们日常生活的一部分,无论我们生活在世界的哪个角落。同样,音乐也是许多人生活的一部分)”可知,本句与上文进行总结,指出语言和音乐对我们生活的重要性。故B选项“语言和音乐在我们的生活中都扮演着重要的角色”符合语境。故选B项。

牝27、根据后文“For example, we can read the ideas or hear the composition of someone who lived hundreds of years ago, which is really quite exciting.(例如,我们可以读到几百年前的人的想法或听到他们的创作,这真的是相当令人兴奋)”可知,后文的例子提到我们可以读到几百年前的人的想法或听到他们的创作,可见通过阅读文章或音乐,我们可以穿过时间限制来分享前人的经验。故D选项“通过阅读文章或音乐片段,我们能够穿过时间分享经验”符合语境。故选D项。

牝28、根据后文“In the same way, we know that styles of music are different around the world, which gives us the opportunity to explore many different cultures through their music. This also means that there is something for everyone! Even if you don’t like Britpop melodies, you may love the energy of Latin American salsa music.(同样,我们知道世界各地的音乐风格是不同的,这让我们有机会通过他们的音乐来探索许多不同的文化。这也意味着每个人都有适合自己的东西!即使你不喜欢英式流行音乐,你也可能喜欢拉丁美洲萨尔萨音乐的活力)”可知,后文提到可以通过不同的音乐风格来探索许多不同的文化,可见通过听音乐也能了解一些文化方面的信息,如语言等。故C选项“你可以通过听他们的语言来猜测他们来自哪里”符合语境。故选C项。

牝29、根据上文“How do you know that I am angry?(你怎么知道我生气了?)”可知,本句回答上文关于如何找到生气的问题,故F选项“当然,你也许能从我的脸上看出来,但你会从我的话里知道”符合语境。故选F项。

牝30、根据上文“When you feel happy, you might want to sing and dance to a happy song.(当你感到快乐的时候,你可能想唱一首快乐的歌,跳舞)”可知,上文提到了感到快乐的情况,故本句与上文并列,也应当是在说明情绪方面的变化,故E选项“相反,当你感到沮丧的时候,你可能也听过悲伤的音乐”符合语境。故选E项。







牝31、根据上文“In a separate test, men with mild dehydration also had trouble with mental tasks.(在另一项单独的测试中,轻度脱水的男性在完成智力任务方面也有困难)”可知,此处描述了测试中轻度脱水的男性的症状,空处应是接着说明女性的表现。故F项“但在情绪变化方面,女性的变化要比男性大得多”符合上下文语境,故选F项。

牝32、根据下文“It impacts how much you can push yourself.(它会影响你对自己的鞭策程度)”



牝33、由本段的“Driving while you’re dehydrated may be just as dangerous as getting behind the wheel drunk, in terms of how many mistakes you could make on the road.(就你在路上会犯的错误而言,在脱水的情况下开车可能和酒后驾车一样危险)”可知,本段是讲述脱水对驾驶的影响,故A项“你开车就像喝醉了一样”符合上下文语境,故选A项。

牝34、上文“British researchers had participants take 2-hour drives using a simulator (模拟器). When they drank enough water, there were 47 driving errors.(英国研究人员让参与者使用模拟器进行2小时的驾驶。当他们喝足够多的水时,发生了47次驾驶失误)”提到英国研究者进行了一个2个小时的模拟驾驶,且描述了不脱水时出现的驾驶错误,空处应是承接上文,说明脱水时出现的驾驶错误,与上文形成对比。故G项“但当他们缺水时,驾驶失误增加了一倍多,达到101次”符合上下文语境,故选G项。

牝35、根据上文“The exact treatment for dehydration symptoms depends on age and how severely dehydrated someone is.(脱水症状的确切治疗方法取决于年龄和脱水的严重程度)”可知,脱水症状的治疗方法根据实际情况而定,空处应是承接上文,说明对于不同程度的脱水症状,人们采取的应对方法。故D项“在极端情况下,人们可能会去医院接受治疗”符合








牝36、根据上文“Grief and mourning can be expressed in many ways.(悲伤和哀悼可以用多种方式表达)”以及后文“She found comfort through cooking her mother’s recipes in a planner and in turn, learned about her mother. Her attitude to life was mirrored in her cooking.(她把母亲的食谱做成菜谱,以此来安慰自己,同时也了解了母亲。她对生活的态度反映在她的烹饪上)”可知,本句是在说明某人哀悼他人的不同方式,后文she指代F选项中Debbie。故F 选项“黛比找到了一种新的独特的方式来哀悼她的母亲”符合语境,故选F项。

牝37、根据上文“Along with the love of food and family, her mother, and her grandmother before her, had passed down a carved wooden spoon. It was given from one to the next.(除了对食物和家庭的热爱,她的母亲和她的祖母还传下来了一个雕刻的木勺。这是一个人给另一个人的)”以及后文“She inherited this spoon and the passion her mother had.(她继承了这个勺子和她母亲的热情)”可知,上文提到木勺在家庭中传递,C选项中it指代上文wooden spoon。故C选项“当它到黛比手里时,它是磨损和完美的”符合语境,故选C项。

牝38、根据上文“After her mother’s death, Debbie also found the planner containing these detailed dinner party plans and recipes. Her mother was not gone.(在她母亲去世后,黛比还发

现了包含这些详细的晚宴计划和食谱的记事本。她的母亲没有走)”以及后文“And Debbie has learned a lot about her since she began cooking her food.(自从黛比开始烹饪她的食物,她了解了很多关于她的事情)”可知,上文提到了黛比发现了母亲的食谱,说母亲没有离开,后文则提到了烹饪母亲的食物,可见母亲用食物陪伴着黛比,故B选项“她引导她度过了食物的一生”符合语境,故选B项。

牝39、根据后文“In trying to make out her mother’s notes, Debbie has bonded again with her father in shared grief and understanding. Asking Dad who is who, what is what and learning and understanding, Debbie has been able to see a new side of her mother.(黛比在试图辨认母亲的笔记时,再次与父亲建立了联系,共同分担悲伤和理解。问爸爸谁是谁,什么是什么,学习和理解,黛比已经能够看到她妈妈新的一面)”可知,本段主要是关于黛比在食谱中的困惑。故G选项“然而,她对一些食谱感到困惑”符合语境,故选G项。

牝40、根据上文“Everything Debbie is cooking is inherited, as is the joy and sense of achievement she feels. When she began cooking with her mother as a kid, she was in charge of turning the toast, to stop it catching. Now she is holding the spoon, adding the spices and still looking up from the stove to her mum.(黛比烹饪的每一样东西都是遗传的,她所感受到的喜悦和成就感也是遗传的。当她还是个孩子的时候,她开始和妈妈一起做饭,她负责转动烤面包,防止它粘住。现在她拿着勺子,加入香料,仍然看着炉子,看着她的妈妈)”可知,上文提到黛比小时候总是和妈妈一起做饭,跟在妈妈后面。故E选项“她永远都是她妈妈的跟班”符合语境,故选E项。







牝41、根据前文“During their time in space, they made many breakthroughs for China’s space program.(在太空期间,他们为中国的太空计划取得了许多突破。)”以及后文“First of all, as for the task itself, it was the longest so far.(首先,就任务本身而言,这是迄今为止历时最长的一次任务。)”可知,这次的太空任务取得了令人瞩目的成就。选项前的内容是对这次太空任务总体评价,选项后面的内容是呈现具体的成就在哪方面。因此,空处也应是对这次任务的总体评价,B项“It is fair to say that the Shenzhou XIII task has been a success.(公平地说,神舟十三号任务已经取得了成功)”符合,其中“a success”对应前文的“breakthroughs”,又引起下文的具体论述。故选B项。

牝42、根据前文“First of all, as for the task itself, it was the longest so far. (首先,就任务本身而言,这是迄今为止历时最长的一次任务。)”以及后文“Then, even the astronauts’ return to the Earth saw some major breakthroughs for China’s space efforts.(然后,甚至宇航员返回地球也见证了中国为航天的努力取得的一些重大突破。)”可知,选项的内容应跟选项前文的内容之间是顺承关系,由前文的“first of all”及后文“then”可知,选项所讲述的内容属于这次太

空任务取得的第二个重大突破,D项“Secondly, Wang Yaping was the first Chinese femal e astronaut to conduct a space walk.(其次,王亚平是中国第一位进行太空行走的女宇航员。)”符合。故选D项。

牝43、根据后文“The Shenzhou XII return capsule spent over 24 hours around the Earth 11 times before returning on Sept 17, 2021. This time Shenzhou XIII shortened the orbiting time to about 9 hours, going around the Earth five times.(神舟十二号返回舱在2021年9月17日返回之前,花了超过24小时,绕了地球11圈。这次神舟十三号将轨道运行时间缩短到9小时左右,绕了地球5圈。)”可知,本段介绍的是此次太空任务就时间上面相比之前的任务缩短了不少,这是一次重大突破,A项“In terms of speed, it set a new record.(在速度方面,它创造了一个新的记录。)”符合,是对后文内容的总结,其中“set a new record”对应后文的“shortened the orbiting time”。故选A项。

牝44、根据前文“The search and rescue team on Earth also performed its remarkable abilities. According to reports, the Dongfeng Landing Site has a search area of tens of thousands of square kilometers, which includes desert, salt flats, as well as wetlands, making it challenging to locate where it has landed.(地球上的搜救队也表现出了非凡的能力。据报道,东风着陆点的搜索面积达数万平方公里,其中包括沙漠、盐滩以及湿地,这使得确定其着陆点具有挑战性。)”以及后文“At 9:57 am, the reentry module(返回舱) touched down safely at the Dongfeng Landing Site.(上午9点57分,返回舱在东风着陆点安全着陆。)”可知,虽然搜救任务艰难,但是搜救队展现了非凡的能力,最终成功完成任务。E选项“Yet the team finished the job of recovering the three astronauts hours earlier than expected.(然而,小组比预期提前几个小时完成了救回三名宇航员的工作。)”与前文形成转折关系,突出搜救队的能力。其中“the team”对应前文的“The search and rescue team”,“earlier than expected”对应着前文的“remarkable abilities”及“At 9:57 am”,说明搜救宇航员的工作很成功,比预期的还早。故选E项。

牝45、根据前文“Two experimental modules, two manned spaceships carrying six astronauts, and two cargo spaceships will be launched this year, pushing the construction process of China’s space station further forward.( 今年将发射两个实验舱、两艘载有六名宇航员的载人宇宙飞船和两艘货运宇宙飞船,这将进一步推进中国空间站的建设进程。)”可知,中国在太空探索中做出了巨大努力和取得了重大进展,因此这将有助于中国的太空探索。选项为最后一段句尾,属于总结句。G选项“With space station construction advancing, China will make new contributions to space exploration.(随着空间站建设的推进,中国将为空间探索作出新的贡献。)”符合,其中“With space station construction advancing”回应了前文的“pushing the construction process of China’s space station further forward”,并做了进一步的总结。故选G 项。








牝46、文章衔接题。根据前文There was a survey of the people who were born from 1980 to 2000, asking them what their most important life goals were. Over 80 percent said it was to get rich.可知有一项对1980年到2000年出生的人的调查,询问他们最重要的生活目标是什么,超过80%的人说这是为了致富。B项:To become famous came second.想要出名的


牝47、语境辨析题。根据前文We're given the impression that these are the things that we need to go after to have a good life. But is that the truth?可知人们给我们的印象是,为了过上美好的生活,我们需要追求这些东西.但这是事实吗?G项:To be frank, sometimes wealth and fame can make people happy.坦率地说,有时财富和名望能使人快乐。符合文


牝48、理解判断题。根据前文Almost all projects of this kind fall apart within a decade because too many people drop out of the study.可知几乎所有这类项目在十年内都会分崩离析,因为有太多人退出了这项研究。C项:Or funding for the research dries up.或是研究经


牝49、联系下文题。根据后文They've learned three big lessons about relationships.可知他们从人际关系中吸取了三大教训。F项:It is good relationships that keep us happier and healthier.良好的人际关系让我们更快乐、更健康。符合文意,故选F.

牝50、推理判断题。根据前文And the third is that good relationships don't just protect our bodies.可知第三,良好的人际关系不仅仅是保护我们的身体。A项:They can even protect our brains.它们甚至可以保护我们的大脑。符合文意,故选A项。


高中英语高一下学期七选五模拟试卷测试题(含答案) I was born in the U.S, but grew up in Greece, experiencing the best of both worlds. I began studying French in sixth grade while in Grece. ____1____ I moved to the U.S. at 18 to study at Oakland University. My love of French carried over to college and French became one of my majors. Besides French, I am also majoring in journalism with a dream to travel and write. ____2____ I wanted to understand the nature of a culture different from the ones I was familiar with. I wanted to get to know the people and make basic connections. During my stay in France, I maintained a blog and I wrote a lot. Through my study, I got the chance to talk to the locals and share stories and experiences with my host family. ____3____ Classes were long, homework was pleasantly challenging, but there was plenty of time in that one month of July to explore the city and see France. The food and the trips were by far the best part of my experience. I was in homestay and all my meals were home-made, French and delicious. ____4____ I also got to see places that I had only ever heard about in my studies. Physically going to sights rich in history and beauty was incredible. Studying abroad, you will be able to explore the world and become more aware of other cultures. A study abroad experience is eye-opening and fruitful in all aspects, no matter how long the stay is. You will make friends and discover delicious or perhaps strange foods. ____5____ A.The cheese and bread were wonderful. B.It was indeed the most tiring moment in my life. C.To realize it I chose to study abroad in Angers, France. D.I couldn’t even find a single minute to record my experiences. E.Such experience will make you a culturally and socially richer person. F.That’s when my passion for the French language and culture was born. G.Despite the busy class schedule, my time in Angers was simply lovely. Sometimes we just can’t avoid a discussion turning into an argument. If you do start arguing with someone.it is important to keep things under control and there are ways to do this. The most important thing: don’t raise your voice. That will just make the other person lose their temper too.____6____ Say “I’m sorry” and continue to talk calmly and quietly, and then your partner will be more ready to think about what you are saying. ____7____ Try to keep to the topic you are talking about. Just concentrate on solving the one problem you are having. For example, if you’re arguing about the housework, don’t start talking about mobile phone bills as well. And my final tip is that, if necessary, you can call “Time out”, like in a sports match. If an argument is getting out of control, you can say to the other person, “listen, I’d rather talk about this tomorrow when we’ve both calmed down”. You can then continu e the discussion the next day when perhaps both of you are feeling less tense and angry.____8____ Also, you may find the problem much easier to solve when you’ve both had a good night’s sleep. I want to say one last important thing. ____9____ This is not true. Conflict normal part of life, and dealing with it is an important part of any relationship. If you don’t learn to argue properly, then when a real problem comes along, you won’t be prepared to face it together. Think of the smaller


英语高中高一下学期七选五复习模拟试卷测试题(含答案) Have you ever wondered why people from different parts of the world eat different types of food or why certain foods and cooking traditions are so important to one’s culture? ____1____ On an individual level, we grow up eating the food of our culture, and we learn to be closely connected with it. Sometimes foods help us remember things in the past - memories that have special meanings to us. ____2____ When I was sick as a child, my mother used to cook soup for me. The smell and taste of the soup became something very familiar to me. Now, whenever I feel tired or stressed, I remember the soup my mum used to make for me. ____3____ Traditional cooking is passed down from one generation to the next by maintaining precious family recipes. Immigrants (移民) cook traditional food as a way of preserving their culture in their new homes and as a means of coping with homesickness. Each country or community’s unique cooking reflects its history, lifestyle, values and beliefs. ____4____ This is reflected in Chinese cooking, where almost every flavour is used in a balanced way to create delicious dishes. Also, Chinese people believe that food not only needs to be nutritious but also needs to look attractive and colorful. As the world becomes more globalized, it is easier to access cooking from different cultures. We should accept our culture’s food, but we should also become more informed about other cultures by trying dishes from around the world. ____5____ A.In China, harmony (和谐) is important. B.Food is a gate into culture, and it should be treated as such. C.On a large scale, food is an expression of cultural identity. D.I encountered a few fun, food-related cultural differences abroad. E.There is more of a connection between food and culture than you may think. F.The old age wisdom can be seen in architecture and customs as well as in their food. G.Family dishes often become the comfort food we seek as adults at lower points of our lives. Curiosity is rooted in our DNA.We are fascinated by the future; we are impressed with the unknown that surrounds us; we are amazed at all that we have to explore. The mysteries of the world have always been a push for us to watch. ____6____. Children are known for sticking their fingers in places where young fingers should never be. They are famous for putting all kinds of objects and substances in their mouths, everything from plastic blocks to any object in the room. ____7____ It holds our hand as we move into old age and the unknown of the future. By and large, we are determined question-askers. We want to know more than we know; we want to expand our horizons, try out the new and undiscovered, and pursue experiences that deepen our comprehension of the world we live in. ____8____ It is also the generation of possibilities. When we look at the world from multiple perspectives, we give ourselves permission to examine a wider range of resolutions. We open up our minds to explore the unexamined and unknown. ____9____ Ian Leslie explains it this way, “Curiosity is essential to an exploring mind; it opens our eyes to the new and undiscovered, encouraging us to seek out new experiences and meet new people.” Curiosity is the catalyst(催化剂) for questioning, and questioning is what urges us to seek out the


英语高中高一下学期七选五试卷测试题(含答案) You've made it to the last round of interviews for your dream job! After all,this is the stage where you and the interviewer are making a final decision on whether or not you're a good fit for the company. ____1____ From preparation to following up after the meeting, well walk you through the best tips and tricks to succeed at your final interview. ____2____ Ask a friend or family member to practice giving you sample interview questions until you feel comfortable. Alternatively, practice talking through your answers while looking at yourself in the mirror or recording yourself. Find common ground by researching your interviewer's background. ____3____ In this way, you will find out how long they've been with the company, their career path, and interests. Having that knowledge will allow you to share common interests to make a great first connection, especially if you're now interviewing with a senior-level employee. Go into the interview with a salary number in mind. That way, you'll have a well-informed idea of what you're looking for in a potential offer. To find typical payment for the role, search online for average salaries at the company or average salaries for that particular type of role within the industry. ____4____ Otherwise, you might end up giving yourself away a a discount. Be prepared to talk about your career goals. Show commitment in answering “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” ____5____ In this way, they rule out applicants who only wart to use the job as a quick stepping stone. A.Greet the interviewer with professional enthusiasm. B.Talk through answers to common interview questions. C.Make use of the STAR method to answer interview questions, D.With the right strategies, you can go into that last round confidently. E.With that question, interviewers are trying to check your attitude to work. F.Have a look at the company's homepage, or a professional site like Linkedln. G.If your interviewer asks what you expect for a salary, don't give the first number. China welcomed three heroic astronauts home on April 16. The re-entry module carrying astronauts touched down safely at the Dongfeng Landing Site in Inner Mongolia autonomous region. This ended the Shenzhou XIII astronauts’ six-month space mission. This return marks a major breakthrough for China’s efforts in space. ____6____ Speed record The mission set a new speed record. The Shenzhou XII return capsule revolved around the Earth 11 times over 24 hours. ____7____ The Shenzhou XIII mission was simplified to only five orbits and was designed to return more efficiently, according to the Chinese Academy of Space Technology. ____8____It also needed more accurate orbital calculations. This meant that when the spacecraft separated, it could quickly target the landing area, calculate the return path, and adjust its altitude, Wang Ya’nan, editor-in-chief of Beijing-based Aerospace Knowledge magazine, told the Global Times.


高中高一下册七选五英语试题测试卷(含答案) How to preserve the lockdown’s slower pace The last 15 months of pandemic forced a slowdown in families’ often-crazed pace. Sports and after-school activities all disappeared in 2020. Now, communities reopen and calendars again fill with summer plans. ____1____ In a recent research, 31 percent of families said that they plan to take part in fewer after-school activities. Megan, a mother of two teenagers, learned how stressful a crowded schedule could be. Now, with less running around to sports and singing practices, both Megan and her children are enjoying the simple things in life. ____2____ ____3____ In fact, all of us now have a unique opportunity to turn to what we care about and to be intentional about our time. To do so, make a list of the pros and cons of your life right now, and refer to that list as your calendar fills up. It’s important to identify and establish boundaries to help preserve the pros. ____4____ When making your list of pros and cons, be specific about any of your daily interactions that were harmful, relationships that were unproductive, and the life patterns that made you unhappy. Ridding a harmful person of your life can be trickier than setting aside a hobby. ____5____ If the pandemic has been a welcome dismissal (摒弃) of these relationships, this moment is the best chance you might ever have to do so. A.The pandemic challenged parents everywhere. B.The chance to change attitudes isn’t just for parents. C.So set up reminders to reduce your schedule regularly. D.But we all have relationships that don’t benefit both sides. E.They spend time at the dining table and even outdoors together. F.Some parents are still determined to hold on to the relaxed pace. G.You should consider any people in your life who drag you down. How to Introduce Yourself in Class Introducing yourself to a class, whether you are the student or the teacher, can feel frightening. _____6_____ Stand up when it's your turn to introduce yourself. This will make you appear more confident. ___7___It may feel awkward to stand up, but your introduction will be over more quickly than you think. Smile when you speak. Even if you are super nervous, smiling will make your voice sound calmer and will help you mask that nervousness.__8__ Speak with confidence. You want everyone to be able to hear you, so when you introduce yourself, do so in a clear, loud voice. ____9____ Give your name first. It's helpful to give your first name, pause, and then give your first and last name, like “Hello, my name is Jun e, June Thompson.” The repetition makes it more likely that others will remember your name. ____10____


高中英语高一下册七选五模拟试卷测试题(含答案) Many regions in China have introduced COVID-19 vaccination (接种疫苗) among children aged 3 to 11. Kids are encouraged to take it and the project is progressing, which might be important to stopping the spread of the coronavirus. ____1____ Why do children get the same dosage (剂量) as adults? When children get sick, they are generally given a reduced dosage. Many parents are worried that the same COVID-19 vaccine dosage will be a burden on the small body. So there is need for proper dose in children. ____2____. The process of vaccines taking effect has no relation with the weight and body surface area of the receiver. In fact, for the majority of vaccines, the recommended doses for both babies and adults are the same. Can children have full immunity (免疫力) after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine? Some parents doubt whether vaccinating children aged 3 to 11 can produce the due immune effect as their immune systems are still developing. Actually, vaccines can work exactly the same in both children and adults. The vaccine will produce a near 100 percent immune response in children.____3____ So the same vaccination strategy has been adopted for all age groups in China. ____4____ A vaccine has to go through a strict procedure before being widely used in a specific age group. Enough data need to be collected to get emergency use or come onto the market. So the medical experiments have to be considered in advance. China has carried out a series of such studies. Based on research resnlts, the risk of negative reactions in children is no higher than that of adults. ____5____. So far the most frequently reported three negative reactions are fever, pain and tiredness. At present, the government is planning to study children as young as 6 months old in the future. A.Will the vaccine work on children forever? B.Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe for children? C.The virus was either carried by a person or with goods. D.However, the way the vaccines work differs from that of other drugs. E.Some parents find themselves having questions about the vaccination. F.This has also been proved true in medical experiments on different age groups. G.The COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 3 to 11 has been in progress for some time. Winter is connected with fun and games: snowball fights, skiing, and, every four years, the Winter Olympics. But what will a winter sports enthusiast do if the snow doesn’t make an appearance? ____6____ Artificial snow is more like a tightly packed frozen snow that is partly melt. ____7____ They are broken up by a high-pressure pump at first and then turn into small frozen pieces. Most artificial snow is made using snow cannons. As the air’s cooling capacity falls, so does the amount of water that can be pumped through the machine. ____8____ At -4℃ a snow cannon can operate at around 80% humidity. But if the outside temperature is -1℃, this must be reduced to around 30% humidity.


高一下学期七选五英语模拟综合试题测试卷(含答案) Celebrating the harvest around the world A harvest festival is a celebration of the fall months and the harvest that often accompanies these months.___1___ Canada In Canada, people celebrate their harvest on Thanksgiving. ___2___ The English explorer Martin Frobisher (1535-1594) came upon the land, searching for the "New World". As he arrived in Canada in 1578, he celebrated surviving the long journey by holding a formal celebration and eating salt beef and peas. Today, it has become a recognized holiday in the country that falls on the second Monday in October. ___3___ One of the highlights (高潮) of the holiday is a big Thanksgiving Day meal, which usually includes turkey and breads, which are prepared and presented in a unique Canadian way. United Kingdom Harvest festival activities are considered a special time for communities to come together in celebration. The harvest festival may start with carrying baskets of fruits and vegetables to a local church where people sing praise songs for a healthy harvest while praying for future harvests. ___4___ Large dinners may also be hosted where eache member brings a special dish to share with each other. China In 2018, the Farmers' Harvest Festival was launched in China. It's held on the day of the autumn equinox (秋分), which falls roughly on Sept 22 or 23. ___5___ In Jiaxing, Zhejiang province, farmers brought 100 seed varieties to the main site of the ceremony in Hanhu district and placed them in a wall to mark the achievements of the seed industry. In Heilongjiang province, the festival was combined with local traditions of the Daur people and the locals danced around bonfires. A.This tradition is said to date back to the 16th century. B.Every year, a range of events are organized nationwide. C.These celebrations typically involve dancing and singing. D.The foods often found at this festival are turkey and bread. E.Many countries celebrate harvest festivals in different forms. F.A special effort may be made to give food to the less fortunate. G.On Thanksgiving, most return home to gather with their family. It seems likely that you fought like cat and dog when you were young. But siblings (兄弟姐妹) can actually improve your physical and mental health. ____6____. Having brothers and sisters makes you kinder. ____7____. This is probably because you have a same-generation relative to make you care about others. ____8____. Brothers and sisters, whether younger or older, help prevent you from feeling terrible, unloved, lonely, anxious and fearful. That can only be an advantage when you reach adulthood (成年时期). Having brothers and sisters can help you have a healthier lifestyle. As a survey shows, 43% of


高中高一下册七选五英语模拟模拟试卷测试卷(含答案) Let’s face it: Nobody really likes doing chores (家务) around the house. But at a certain age, our kids are old enough to start lending a hand with the housework. ____1____ But what exactly are the benefits that young children and teenagers get from doing chores? Chores help teach life skills. They’re young now, but they won’t be kids forever! Washing clothes, cooking and cleaning the room are just some of the skills kids will need once they finally move out. ___2___ So it is really important to make kids learn them at home. Chores teach kids how to follow directions. Whether you are giving instructions to a small child or a teenager, describing what you are expecting them to do and then doing it will teach them how to follow directions.___3___ Remember, only age-proper instructions can help them learn this important skill. Chores teach responsibility and respect. Having your children clean up their own messes will give them a sense of responsibility. Task them with assisting in maki ng the family’s meals. ___4___These will help them understand all that their parents do to keep the home running smoothly and be more respectful of it. ___5___Everyone in our home has their own jobs to do in order to allow our house to function. It not only lessens our own stress level and to-do list, but it teaches our kids that we all must work together as a team. They may complain, but they’ve come to understand that the chores they are tasked with each day or week are all a bigger part of keeping the family functioning. A.Chores encourage teamwork. B.They can benefit from doing this. C.Or let them sort their own clothes. D.Speak to them at a level they'll understand. E.These are also things that schools do not fully teach. F.Encouraging kids to do chores will build their confidence. G.Chores help improve planning and time management skills. Everyone wants to succeed in their life, don't they? Even as a teenager, you can achieve success in your life; it really isn't that hard. Follow the steps below. ____6____! Do well in school. No matter how boring it is now, education will help you be a productive member in society. Try your best, listen to the teachers, do your homework, study, and get good grades. ____7____, which will enable you to get a great job in the future. School sets you up on the right track! Be nice to your parents and teachers. ____8____. Respect them and value their opinions, even if they make you slightly angry sometimes. Keep in mind that they do the things they do because they care about you and want you to succeed in life. You don't get to choose your teachers or your family, but you still have to put up with them. Learn how to deal with people now, because when you're an adult, you don't get to choose your boss or your co-workers, so learn how to respect them now. ____9____! Friends are there to support you and lift your spirits. Be with people who make you happy, and stay away from the ones who don’t. Create a group of supportive, loving friends that can help you succeed in life and live your dreams. Find a few really good friends that will stick

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