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1.acting n.表演

2.active adj.活跃的

3.actually adv.实际上的

4.amazing adj.惊人的

5.artistic adj.有艺术天赋的

6.athletic adj.有运动天赋的

7.backup n.伴唱

8.below prep.在。。。下面

9.both pron.两者都

10.clue n.线索,提示

11.dangerous adj.危险的

12.drum n.鼓

13.easily adv.容易地

14.good at something 擅长做某事

15.Hello there!你好啊!

16.her pron.她

17.him pron.他

18.hobby n.业余爱好

19.Hollywood 好莱坞

20.instrument n.乐器

21.interesting adj.有趣的

22.joke n.笑话

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html,ke n.湖

24.lead singer 主场

25.like n.爱好

26.make friends 交朋友

27.musical adj.有音乐天赋的

28.negative adj.否定的

29.over there 坐在那边30.parrot n.鹦鹉

31.pet show 宠物秀

32.pretty good at 擅长于

33.rabbit n.兔子

34.San Juan 圣胡安(波多黎各首都)

35.show v.给…看

36.snake n.蛇

37.song n.歌曲

38.special adj. 特别的

39.teenage adj. 青少年的

40.typical adj.典型的

41.ugh 表示厌恶、恐怖等啊,呀

42.very much 很,非常

unit 2

1.add v.添加

2.admire v.钦佩

3.all over the world 世界各地

4.Argentina 阿根廷

5.at night 在晚上

6.bass n.低音吉他

7.breakfast n.早餐

8.Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿


9.check out 查看

10.clothing n.衣服

11.collect v.收集

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html,pany n.公司

13.creator n.创始人

14.dinner n.晚餐

15.early adv.早,提早

16.eat v.吃,喝

17.eat out 外出用餐

18.electric keyboard 电子琴

19.ending n.词尾

20.every day 每天

21.exception n.例外

22.fashion designer 时装设计师

23.Florida 佛罗里达州

24.free adj.免费的

25.get up 起床

26.go home 回家

27.go out 外出

28.go to bed 上床睡觉

29.go to school 去上学

30.grade n.年级

31.hang out 闲逛,溜达

32.imagine v.想象

33.in-line skate 单排轮滑

34.jazz band 爵士乐队

35.jazz club 爵士乐俱乐部

36.Korean n.语,朝鲜语

37.life n.生活

38.marketing n.市场营销

39.Miami 迈阿密

40.paragraph n.段落,节

41.piano n.钢琴

42.popcorn n.爆米花43.Portuguese n.葡萄牙语

44.reply n.答复

45.routine n.常规,惯例

46.simple present 一般现在时

47.skate v.滑冰,溜冰

48.sleep v.睡觉

49.soccer practice 足球训练

50.software n.软件

51.stamp n.邮票

52.stay home 待在家里

53.stay up 熬夜

54.take v.学,花费

55.talented adj.有天才的

56.teach v.教,讲授

57.violin n.小提琴

58.week n.周,星期

59.weekend n.周末

60.work v.工作

61.work hard 努力工作

unit 3

1.activity n.活动

2.arts and crafts 手工艺

3.athlete n.运动员

4.awesome adj.令人惊叹的

5.biking n.骑自行车

6.blanket n.毯子;毛毯

7.bring v.带来;携带

8.bug repellent 驱虫剂

9.busy adj.忙碌的

10.camper n.野营者

11.campfire n.营火,篝火

12.canoeing n.划艇运动

13.champion adj. &n.冠军(的)

14.checklist n.清单

15.close v.关,闭

16.Colorado 科罗拉多州

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html,fortable adj.舒适的

18.cook v.烹调;煮,烧

19.cyclist n.骑自行车的人

20.dancer n.舞者

21.dancing n.跳舞

22.design v.设计

23.dress n.连衣裙

24.eye n.眼睛

25.flashlight n.手电筒

26.foot n.脚,足

27.glove n.手套

28.goggles n.护目镜

29.guy n.家伙

30.half brother 同父异母

31.hand n. 手

32.head n.头

33.helmet n. 头盔

34.hike v.远足,徒步旅行

35.hiking boots 登山鞋

36.horseback riding 骑马

37.hurry up 赶快38.imperative n.祈使语气,祈使句

39.interviewer n. 采访者

40.just a minute 请稍后

41.karate n.空手道

42.knee n.膝盖

43.knee pads 护膝

44.leave v.留下

45.main idea 主旨,中心思想

46.match n.比赛

47.maybe adv.大概

48.midnight n.午夜,子夜

49.need v.需要

50.no kidding 别开玩笑

51.off to 动身前往

52.office n.办事处

53.Olympic medal 奥运会奖牌

54.pack v.打点行装

55.pillow n.枕头

56.raincoat n.雨衣

57.remember v.记得;记住

58.rising adj.上升的

59.rule n.规章,规则

60.Seattle 西雅图

61.skateboarder n.玩滑板的人

62.ski v.滑雪

63.ski boots 滑雪鞋

64.skier n.滑雪者

65.sleeping bag 睡袋

66.soap n.肥皂

67.something pron.某事,某物

68.sound like 听起来,似乎

69.speed skater 速滑运动员

70.sports equipment 运动装备

71.stop v.停下

72.story n.故事

73.sunscreen n.防晒霜,防晒油

74.supposed to be 认为应该


76.surf v.冲浪

77.surf the internet 上网

78.swim v.游泳

79.swim team 游泳队

80.swimmer n. 游泳者

81.swimming lesson 游泳课

82.top n.顶端;上面

83.tower n. 毛巾

84.until prep.直到…时

85.unusual adj.不平常的

86.verb phrase 动词短语

87.Washington 华盛顿州

88.water-ski v.滑水

89.wear v.穿,戴

unit 4

1.adventure DVD 探险故事光盘

2.adverb n.副词

3.airplane n.飞机

4.radio-controlled airplane 无线


5.almost adv.几乎,差不多

6.application form 申请表

7.apply v.申请

8.audio adj.音频的,声频的

9.camping n.野营

10.catalog n.商品目录

11.cent n.分

12.convenient adj.方便的,便利的

13.country adj. &n. 乡村音乐的

14.crossword puzzle 纵横填字谜

15.discover v.探索,发现

16.dollar n.美元

17.download v.下载

18.each adv.每,每个地

19.exchange student 交换生

20.expensive adj.昂贵的

21.experience n.经历

22.frequency n.频率

23.grade n.成绩,分数

24.group n.乐队

25.habit n.习惯

26.hardly ever 几乎从不

27.headphones n.耳机

28.hip-pop adj. &n. 嘻哈音乐(的)

29.host student 接待学生

30.how much (价钱、金额等)多少

31.how often 多久一次

32.interest n.兴趣,爱好

33.kind n.种类

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html,bel n.标签

35.magazine n.杂志

36.more than 多于,超出

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html,lion n.百万

38.much adj.多的,大量的

39.musician n.音乐家

40.nature puzzle 自然拼图

41.never adv.从未;永不

42.on time 准时

43.outdoors n.户外,野外

44.poetry n.诗篇

45.pop adj. &n. 流行音乐

46.present n.礼物

47.price n.价格

48.reggae n.雷盖(一种音乐形式)

49.rent v.租用,租借

50.science kit 科学工具包

51.sell v.卖,出售

52.shop for 买东西

53.sign up 报名

54.spend time 度过时光

55.star map 星象图

56.summer exchange program 暑期交


57.telescope n.望远镜

58.too bad 很可惜

59.travel vest 旅游背心60.wall calendar 挂历

unit 5

1.affirmative adj.肯定的

2.apple n.苹果

3.asleep adj.睡着的

4.attention n.注意;留心

5.baby n.婴儿

6.baseball bat 棒球帽

7.bathing suit 游泳衣

8.belt n.腰带

9.bike path 自行车道

10.boat n.船

11.boat ride 坐船游览

12.bracelet n.手镯;手链

13.call v.喊,叫

14.castle n. 城堡

15.coat n.外套,外衣

16.continue v.继续

17.cue n.提示

18.delicious adj.美味的

19.doll n.玩偶

20.Fisherman Wharf 渔人码头

21.float v.漂浮

22.fly v.放飞

23.follow v.遵守

24.for sale 待售

25.Frisbee n.飞碟

26.gift n.礼物

27.ice-cream cone 甜筒

28.into prep. 进,入,到…里面

29.jeans n.牛仔裤

30.jewelry n.珠宝,首饰

31.kite n.风筝

32.lifeguard chair 救生员椅

33.light n.灯

34.look for 寻找

35.man n.成年男子,男人

36.necklace n.项链

37.ocean n.洋,海洋

38.paint v.油漆;涂饰

39.pay attention 注意

40.pay for 付款

41.peach n.桃

42.picnic area 野餐区

43.play n.戏剧;表演

44.present continuous 现在进行时

45.raft n.橡皮艇

46.ride v. &n. 搭乘

47.ring n.戒指

48.sail v.扬帆行驶

49.sale v.卖,出售

50.sand n. 沙

51.scarf n.围巾

52.seashell n.海贝壳

53.sightseeing n.观光,游览

54.so far 目前为止

55.souvenir n.纪念品56.stand v.站立

57.stand in line 站成一排

58.stay on 继续停留

59.surfboard n.冲浪板

60.tennis racket 网球拍

61.ticket n. 票,券

62.traditional adj.传统的

63.trash n.垃圾

64.trash can 垃圾箱

65.trip n.旅行

66.trolley n.有轨电车

67.try on 试穿

68.videotape v.录像

69.wait for 等待

70.walk v.散步

71.while conj.当…时

unit 6

1.action movie 动作影片

2.admission n.入场券

3.adult n.成年人

4.animated movie 动画片

5.announcer n.讲解员

6.average adj.普通的

7.barbecue n.烧烤野餐

8.bat n. 蝙蝠

9.beautifully adv.漂亮地

10.blond adj.金黄色的

11.body type体型

12.butter n.黄油

13.butter cow 黄油奶牛

14.cake 蛋糕

15.card 扑克牌

16.play cards 打牌

17.celebrate v.庆祝

18.circus n. 马戏团

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html,edy n.喜剧

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html,petition n.比赛

21.cook n.厨房

22.curly adj.卷曲的

23.documentary n.纪录片

24.drama n.戏剧

25.end n.末端

26.entertainment n.娱乐活动

27.event n.比赛项目

28.exhibit n.展览

29.fair n.展览会

30.farm n.农场

31.fascinating adj.迷人的

32.finished adj.结束了的

33.forget v.忘记

34.hair n.头发

35.hairstyle n.发型

36.hate v.厌恶

37.have a good time 玩的开心

38.heavy adj.重的,沉的

39.height n.身高

40.horror movie 恐怖片41.hospital n.医院

42.ice-skating n.滑冰

43.incredible adj.了不起的

44.invite v.邀请

45.Iowa 衣阿华州(美国州名)

46.jump v.跳,跃

47.length n.长度

48.medium-length adj.中等长度的

49.look like 外表特征是….

50.Magnificent adj.极好的

51.mighty adj.强大的

52.Nature Center 自然中心

53.open v.打开,开启

54.opinion n.意见,看法

55.party game 聚会游戏

56.pound n.磅

57.press n.记者;媒体区

58.relax v.放松,休息

59.report n.报道

60.robot n.机器人

61.rocket n. 火箭

62.score n.得分,比分

63.slim adj.苗条的

64.someone pron.某人

65.stage n. 舞台

66.start v.开始

67.straight adj.直的

68.surprise n.惊奇

69.thrilling adj.扣人心弦的

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html, pron. 我们

71.wavy adj.波浪式的;卷曲的

72.weigh v.重量是…

73.wire n.金属丝

74.woman n.女人,成年女子

unit 7

1. a few 有些,几个

2.anything pron.任何东西,任何事

3.appetizer n.开胃小吃

4.baked potato 烤土豆

5.banana n.香蕉

6.bean n.豆;豆荚

7.black bean soup黑豆汤

8.bread n.面包

9.broccoli n.西兰花

10.can n.罐头,听

11.carrot cake 胡萝卜蛋糕

12.cheese n.干酪,奶酪

13.cheeseburger n.干酪汉堡包

14.chicken n.鸡;鸡肉

15.chicken sandwich鸡肉治

16.chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕

17.column n.专栏

18.cookbook n.食谱,烹饪书

19.cookie n.甜饼干,曲奇饼

20.countable adj.可数的

21.cup n.杯子22.decide v.决定

23.dessert n.甜食,甜点

24.diner n.小餐馆

25.dish n.菜肴

26.main dish 主菜

27.drink n.饮料;酒

28.egg n.蛋

29.egg sandwich 鸡蛋治

30.fish n.鱼;鱼肉

31.for a change 换换口味

32.fork n.叉;餐叉

33.French fries 炸薯条

34.Fruit n. 水果

35.General adj.笼统的,大体的

36.iced tea 冰茶

37.instead adv.作为替代

38.jelly n.果冻

39.juice n.果汁,蔬菜汁

40.ketchup n.番茄酱

41.knife n.刀

42.lettuce n.莴苣;生菜

43.lunchtime n.午餐时间

44.mayonnaise n.蛋黄酱

45.meat n.肉;肉类

46.menu n.菜单

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html,k n.奶;牛奶

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html,k shake 奶昔

49.mustard n.芥末,芥子酱

50.newspaper n.报纸

51.nothing pron.没有东西

52.nutrition n.营养

53.order v.点菜

54.pasta n.意大利面食

55.pepper n.胡椒粉

56.pie n.馅饼

57.plan n.打算,计划

58.plate n.盘子

59.potato n.马铃薯

60.reason n.原因,理由

61.recipe n.烹饪法,食谱

62.refrigerator n.冰箱

63.rice n.米;米饭

64.salad n.色拉

65.salt n.盐

66.section n.部分

67.side order 配菜

68.snack n.点心;小吃

69.specific adj.具体的

70.spoon n.匙,调羹

71.steak sandwich 牛排治

72.supplies n.日常用品

73.table n.桌子

74.tip n. 建议

75.uncountable adj.不可数的

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html,ual adj.通常的

77.vegetable soup 蔬菜汤

78.would v.(表示婉转的请求)请unit 8

1.air n. 空气

2.aquarium n. 水族馆

3.Arabic n.阿拉伯语

4.at least 至少

5.bear n.熊

6.bird n.鸟

7.Bondi beach 邦迪海滩

8.Cape Town 开普敦(南非城市


9.cave n.,洞穴

10.chat n.闲聊,聊天

11.Chile 智利

12.climb v.攀登,爬

13.cloudy adj.多云的

14.cold adj.寒冷的

15.cool adj. 凉快的

16.die v.死亡;消失

17.dirty adj.肮脏的

18.electricity n.电

19.especially adv.特别,尤其

20.German n.德语

21.Germany 德国

22.global warming 全球变暖

23.golf n.高尔夫球运动

24.Greece 希腊

25.Greenland 格陵兰(岛)

26.help n.帮助

27.hometown n.故乡

28.hotel n.饭店,旅馆

29.hot spring 温泉

30.houseboat n.船屋

31.island n.岛,岛屿

32.Italy 意大利

33.melt v. 融化

34.Morocco 摩洛哥

35.Moscow 莫斯科

36.national forest 国家森林

37.natural adj.自然的

38.Orlando 奥兰多

39.Phoenix 菲尼克斯

40.photograph n.照片,相片

41.planet n.行星

42.plant n. 植物

43.plastic adj.塑料的

44.police officer 警察

45.possibility n. 可能性

46.presentation n.介绍,演示

47.rain forest (热带)雨林

48.rainy adj.下雨的;多雨的

49.recycle v.回收利用

50.rise v.(河水,潮水)等上涨

51.river n.河;江

52.Russia 俄罗斯

53.Russian n.俄语

54.Santiago 圣地亚哥

55.save v.挽救;保护

56.scientist n.科学家57.sea n.海洋

58.snowy adj.下雪的;多雪的

59.sound v.听起来

60.souvenir shop 旅游纪念品商

61.species n.种,类

62.stadium n.露天体育场

63.sunny adj.充足的

64.symbol n.象征,符号

65.thousand n.一千

66.one hundred thousand十万

67.the thousand 一万

68.trail n.小道,小径

69.underground adj.地下的,地


70.warm adj.暖和的

71.weather n.天气

72.windy adj.多风的;风大的

73.wolf n. 狼

74.Yellowstone National Park


剑桥国际英语教程 初级词汇

Unit 1 Miss [mis] n. 小姐,女士;年轻未婚女子 Mr. ['mist?(r)] n. 先生 Mrs ['misiz] n. 太太;夫人(用于已婚妇女姓名前的尊称) Ms. [miz] n.女士(用于婚姻状况不明或不愿提及婚姻状况的女子的姓名之前) book [buk] n. 1. 书,书本,书籍 v. 2. 预订,预定(房间、车票、船票、机票、戏票等);预约;预购; class [klɑ:s; kl?s] n. 班级,等级,级别;(飞机、车辆等的)舱位,阶级,社会 阶级,社会等级take one’s class 选修某人课程 v. 分类;把…分等级 classmate ['klɑ:smeit] n. [美国英语]同班同学 female ['fi:meil] adj. 女性的;雌性的; n. 女人;[动] 雌性动物 male [meil] adj. 男性的;雄性的; n. 男人;雄性动物 math [m?θ]n. 数学(等于mathematics) name [neim] n. 名称,名字;姓名; v. 命名,任命;指定;称呼;提名;叫出 nickname ['nikneim] n. 绰号;昵称 v. 给……取绰号;

phone number 电话号码 teacher ['ti:t??] n. 教师;导师 I [ai] pron. 我 you [ju:] pron. 你;你们 he [hi:] pron. 他 she [?i:] pron. 她(主格);它(用来指雌性动物或国家、船舶、地球、月亮等)it [it] pron. 它 this [eis] pron. 这,这个(常与that相对) what [hw?t] pron. 什么[作疑问代词];具体指:询问性质、等级、姓名、目的 等 my [mai] pron. 我的 your [j?:] pron. 你的,你们的 his [hiz] pron. 他的 her [h?:] pron她的;[she的宾格]她 our ['au?, ɑ:] pron. 我们的 famous ['feim?s] adj. 著名的;闻名的,出名的极好的 first [f?:st] adj 1.第一的,第一位的;Ist [用作one 的序数] 2. 最早的,最先行动)的,最前面的,最初的 adv 首先;第一点(多用于列举条目等);(时间、顺序、等级等方面)第一,最先,最初,先,开头,开始 last [lɑ:st] adj (late的最高级,比较级later )最后的,末尾的,惟一的,最后剩 下的,已故的

unit 2 剑桥国际英语教程 intro 单词

1,Address地址 address book地址簿 Bag袋子包 2.behind在...后面 board写字板 book bag书包 3,box盒子 briefcase公文包 English book英语书 4,cafe咖啡厅快餐店 camera照相机 car汽车 5,cassette player磁带放音机 CD player CD机 cell phone手机 6,chair椅子 chopsticks筷子 clock钟时钟 7,desk书桌 english dictionary英文词典 DVD playerDVD机8,earring耳环 encyclopedia百科全书 eraser橡皮擦除器 9,exercise练习训练 glasses眼镜 gone丢失 10,Great好的伟大的 I bet我认为…. in front of在….之前 11,interesting有趣的 key钥匙 location地点场所 12,Notebook笔记本 now好了用于停顿或引起别人的注意 on在....上面13,open打开 pen钢笔 pencil铅笔 14,pocket口袋 purse女士钱包 relax别担心 15,sentence句子 stamp邮票 sunglasses太阳镜 16,table桌子 television电视 that 那个 17,these这些 they她们他们它们 thing东西事物 18,this这个 ticket票入场券 umbrella伞 19,under在...底下 very非常很 wallet男士钱包 20,wastebasket废纸篓 watch手表 window窗户


2.CONVERSATION Sightseeing A.Listen and practice. Guide:We are now approaching the famous Statue of Liberty,which has welcomed visitors to New York Harbor since 1886. Andrew:Wow!Look at it. James:Incredible,isn't it? Guide:The statue was given to the United States by the people of France.It was designed by the French sculptor Bartholdi. Andrew:It's really huge.Do we get to go inside? James:Of course.We can climb the stairs all the way up to the crown. Andrew:Stairs?There's no elevator? James:Not to the top.But it's just 142 steps! 3.GRAMMAR FOCUS Passive with by(simple past) The passive changes the focus of sentence.For the simple past,use the past of be + past participle. Active Bartholdi designed the Statue of Liberty. Passive The Statue of Liberty was designed by Bartholdi. Active The French gave the statue to the U.S.in 1886. Passive The statue was given to the U.S.by the French in 1886. 5.PRONUNCIATION Linked sounds A.Listen and practice.Final consonant sounds are often linked to the vowel sounds that follow them. The Colosseum in Rome was opened in 80 A.D. The light bulb was invented by Thomas Edison. B.Mark the linked sounds in these sentences.Listen and check.Then practice the sentences. The Eiffel Tower was an important advance in engineering. The Taj Mahal is a tomb for the wife of an Indian prince. 8.CONVERSATION[02:08.63]Listen and practice. Linda:Hello? John:Oh,hello.I need some information.What currency is used in Japan? Linda:Where? John:In Japan. Linda:I'm not sure.Isn't it the ye


unit1 about prep.关于 after prep.(时间)在…之后afternoon n.下午again ad.又,再一次agree ▽.同意alphabet n.字母表am v.是 American n.美国人and conj.和,以及answer n.答案,回答are v.是article门.文章ask v.要求 at prep.在...里;在…旁;向,朝;出席,参加;在...时间back adv.回原处bad adj.坏的 basketball n.篮球 box工方框 boy n.男孩bye int.再见 bye-bye int.再见candy bar (单独包装的块状)糖果chart n.图表 check v.检查,打对勾circle v.圈出 class n.课 classmate n.同学 colored adj.有颜色的,彩色的 common adj.常见的,普遍 的complete v.完成adj.完整的connect v.连接;结合conversation n.对话cool adj.酷的,绝妙的correct adj.正确的v.更正day工日子different adj.不同的disagree ▽.不同意,反正 do v.[作为助动词,构成疑问句、否定句等] dog n.狗 each adj.(两个或两个以上人或物的)每个,各each other互相,彼此easy adj.容易的e-pal n.网友 evening n.夜晚 false adj.不真实的,不正确 的 female n.女性 fine adj.好的,健康的 first adj.第一个的 first name名字(不包括 姓)focus n.集中点,重点 friend"朋友 from prep.从...;源... get v.得到 girl n.女孩go v.去good adj. 好的good afternoon 下午好 good-bye int.再见good evening 晚上好good morning 早上好good night 晚安 great adj.很好的,妙极的 greet v.问候,打招呼 greeting n.问候,招呼have v.有,拥有hear v.听到 hello int.你好 help v.帮助 here adv.[用在句首或用在 指示代词或名词后,以引起 注意或加强语气] hi int. [用于打招呼]嗨 high school (美国14到18 岁学生就读的)高中 how adv.怎么样[尤在见面 时用于询问健康状况]; (数量、大小、程度等) 多少how are you?你好么? 身体怎样? i pron.我[主格] in prep.在...内information n 《信息international school 国际学校 introduce v介绍 introduction n.介绍 is v.是[动词be的第三人称 单数现在式] join ▽.加入language n.语言 last name (欧美人姓名中 放在名字后面的)姓late adj.迟的 later adv以后,后来learn v.学习,学到lesson n.课 let's让我们... letter门.字母 library card 借书卡like ▽. 喜欢listen v.听 male n.男性 married adj.已婚的 match v.搭配,找相应之物 meet v.见面,认识message n/信息miss n.小姐 morning门.早晨 mr.门.先生ms. n.女士 music n.音乐musical n.音乐 剧my pron.我的name门. 名字new adj.新的next adj. 下一个的 nice adj.令人愉快的 nice to meet you.很高兴见 到你 nickname n.昵称,绰号 night n.夜晚no adv.不,没 有not adv.不,没有now adv.现在 number v.给...编号n.号 码ok adj.不错的int. 行,好or conj.或者 order"顺序own adj.自 己的page n.(书的) 页part门.部分 partner n.搭档,同伴 people n.A personal adj. 个人的practice v练习 pronunciation 门.发音 quickly adv.快速地read v.读,阅读ready adj. 准备好的response n.回 答,答复review n./v. 复习right adj.正确的 say v.说school"学校


1.acting n.表演 2.active adj.活跃的 3.actually adv.实际上的 4.amazing adj.惊人的 5.artistic adj.有艺术天赋的 6.athletic adj.有运动天赋的 7.backup n.伴唱 8.below prep.在。。。下面 9.both pron.两者都 10.clue n.线索,提示 11.dangerous adj.危险的 12.drum n.鼓 13.easily adv.容易地 14.good at something 擅长做某事 15.Hello there!你好啊! 16.her pron.她 17.him pron.他 18.hobby n.业余爱好 19.Hollywood 好莱坞 20.instrument n.乐器 21.interesting adj.有趣的 22.joke n.笑话 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html,ke n.湖 24.lead singer 主场 25.like n.爱好 26.make friends 交朋友 27.musical adj.有音乐天赋的 28.negative adj.否定的 29.over there 坐在那边30.parrot n.鹦鹉 31.pet show 宠物秀 32.pretty good at 擅长于 33.rabbit n.兔子 34.San Juan 圣胡安(波多黎各首都) 35.show v.给…看 36.snake n.蛇 37.song n.歌曲 38.special adj. 特别的 39.teenage adj. 青少年的 40.typical adj.典型的 41.ugh 表示厌恶、恐怖等啊,呀 42.very much 很,非常 unit 2 1.add v.添加 2.admire v.钦佩 3.all over the world 世界各地 4.Argentina 阿根廷 5.at night 在晚上 6.bass n.低音吉他 7.breakfast n.早餐 8.Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿 根廷首都) 9.check out 查看 10.clothing n.衣服 11.collect v.收集 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19192430.html,pany n.公司 13.creator n.创始人

剑桥国际英语教程2-1 听力材料

剑桥国际英语教程2听力材料Unit1 2.Conversation[p.2] Ted:Hey,thatwasfun.Thanksforthelesson! Ana:Noproblem.So,tellmealittleaboutyourself.Whatdoyoudo? Ted:Iworkinatravelagency. Ana:Really!Whatdoyoudothere? Interviewer:Andwhatdoyoumissthemostfromhome? YuHong:Oh,that’seasy:mymom’ssoup!Shemakesgreatsoup.Ireallymissm ymother’scooking! Ajay Interviewer:Whereareyoufrom,Ajay? Ajay:I’mfromIndia. Interviewer:AndwhendidyoumovetotheU.S.? Ajay:Itwasin1991. 来源:网络转载

Interviewer:Areyoustudyinghereatthemoment? Ajay:Notnow.Icamehereasastudentandgraduatedtwoyearsago.I’mworking asacomputertechnician Interviewer:Uh-huh.Andwhatwasitlikewhenyoufirstcamehere?Wasitdiffi cult? Ajay:Yeah,itwasattimes.ThemaindifficultyIhadwaswiththeeducationalsys tem.Thingsareverydifferenthere.Teachingmethods,everythingisverydiffer entfromwhatIwasusedtoinIndia. 来源:网络转载

Lesson20 At the store剑桥国际英语教程青少版2

Lesson 20 At the store 一、根据图片或汉语提示完成单词。 ________________ ________________ _________________ __________________ ________________ _________________ _________________ ________________ _________________ ________________ 购买……__________________ 试穿________________ 付钱______________________ 看__________________ 二、找出下列单词不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. ring B. coat C. look D. scarf ( )2. A. belt B. bracelet C. jacket D. pay ( )3. A. trying B. paying C. ring D. trying ( )4. A. do B. at C. for D. on ( )5. A. tennis B. baseball C. necklace D. soccer 三、单项选择。 ( )1. —What _______ you doing now? —I’m studying. A.is B. are C. am D. be ( )2. They’re paying __________ some clothes. A.at B. for C. on D. in ( )3. What is he __________? A.try on B. trys on C. tries on D. trying on

Lesson19 At the beach剑桥国际英语教程青少版2

Lesson 19 At the beach 一、英汉互译。 收集贝壳_____________________ throwing a Frisbee__________________放风筝_______________________ floating on a raft____________________野餐_________________________ 划帆船___________________________在海里游泳___________________ 在沙滩上玩_______________________做作业_______________________ playing a ball______________________ bathing suit____________________ lifeguard chair_____________________ 二、短语搭配。 1.throwing seashells 2.swimming on a raft 3.sailing a kite 4.playing a picnic 5.having in the sand 6.flying a boat 7.floating in the ocean 8.collecting a Frisbee 9.wearing a boat ride 10.taking a bathing suit 三、单项选择。 ( )1. A man ________ swimming in the sea. A.is B. are C.am D. be ( )2. _________ they eating lunch on the beach? A.Is B. Are C. Am D. Be ( )3. The family is ___________ on the beach. A.have a picnic B. has a picnic C. haveing a picnic D. having a picnic ( )4. —Are you sitting near two boys? —_________ A.Yes, I am. B. Yes, I’m not. C. Yes, I’m. D. No, I am. ( )5. —Do you see two girls near the ocean? —________ A.Yes, I am. B. No, I’m not. C. Yes, I do. D. No, I do. ( )6. A little girl is _________ on the beach. A.collect seashells B. collects seashells C. collectting seashells D. collecting seashells ( )7. —Is she playing in the sand? —_________

Lesson 21 Where are you going剑桥国际英语教程青少版2五年级下册

Lesson 21 Where are you going? 一、根据汉语意思完成短语。 激动人心的表演___________________ 受欢迎的电影____________________极好的队伍_______________________ 迷人的动物______________________令人惊叹的音乐家_________________ 了不起的机器人__________________去音乐会_________________________去马戏团________________________去图书馆_________________________ 去沙滩__________________________二、选出下列单词中不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. amazing B. playing C. thrilling D. fascinating ( )2. A. walk B. talk C. play D. movie ( )3. A. robot B. animal C. team D. awesome ( )4. A. going B. looking C. paying D. interesting ( )5. A. athlete B. singer C. song D. musician 三、单项选择。 ( )1. Pink is a awesome ___________. I like her a lot. A.movie B. animal C. singer D. song ( )2. We can learn about these ___________ from the Bat Exhibit. A.amazing robots B. popular movies C. thrilling shows D. fascinating animals ( )3. Two _________ play in the basketball game on Saturday. A. popular songs B. awesome musicians C. incredible teams D. amazing animals ( )4. _______ are you going, Anna? A. What B. Where C. When D. Who ( )5. Ruben ________ to the circus. A. go B. goes C. going D. is going ( )6. —Where are you going? —__________ A. They’re going to the Nature Center. B. I’m going to the library. C. He’s going to the concert. D. She’s going to the theater. ( )7. —Where is she going? —__________ A. She goes to the mall. B. She will go to the mall. C. She likes going to the mall. D. She’s going to the mall. ( )8. Where are you ________? A. go B. goes C. going D. is going 四、按要求完成句子。


剑桥国际英语教程unit2caughtintherush 编辑整理: 尊敬的读者朋友们: 这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(剑桥国际英语教程unit2caughtintherush)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。 本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为剑桥国际英语教程unit2caughtintherush的全部内容。

剑桥国际英语教程 unit 2 caught in the rush New words : in the area 在这个地区; bicycle lane 自行车道;bus lane 公共汽车道; bus station 公共汽车站; bus stop 公共汽车站; traffic jam 交通阻塞; taxi stand 的士站; parking garage 停车场; subway 地下铁; pollution 污染; highway 高速公路; allow sb. to do sth 。允许某人做某事improve 提高; public transportation 公共交通; the rush hour 繁忙时间; slove the problem 解决问题; 句型:too many 和too much e 。g 。 There are too many cars. There is too much pollution. 一. Could you write down the English ? _______________ ___________ ____________ ______________ ___________ _______________ ________________ ______________ ________________ 1。Mrs Jenny gave us some _______ on how to learn English well 。 A. advice B. book C 。 idea D 。 newspaper 2。I failed the English exam, so I’m going to ____ it in the coming y ear 。 A 。 improve B 。 raise C 。 do D. increase 3。We____ keep the new traffic law and learn how to protect ourselves 。 A 。 may B. should C. can D 。 need 4。 Must I ride a bike ___________? A. on the sidewalk (人行道) B 。 on the bicycle lane C. on the highway C 。 on the subway


剑桥国际英语教程2第11课 2.conversationsightseeinga.listenandpractice. 指南:这份报告是由法国人民提交给美国的。它是由法国罪犯巴托尔迪设计的。 andrew:it'sreallyhuge.dowegettogoinside? 詹姆斯:当然。我们可以一路限制它的飞行。安德鲁:楼梯?没有电梯吗? james:nottothetop.butit'sjust142steps! 3.grammarfocuspassivewithby(simplepast) thepassivechangesthefocusofsentence.forthesimplepast,usethepastofbe+pastpartic iple. 活跃的巴特·霍尔德被称为自由的象征。 passivethestatueoflibertywasdesignedbybartholdi.activethefrenchgavethestatueto theu.s.in1886. 被动地,被动地,被动地,被动地。s、顺便说一下,1886年。 5.pronunciationlinkedsounds a、听和练习。最终的声音总是与随后的声音联系在一起。 thecolosseuminromewasopenedin80a.d.thelightbulbwasinventedbythomasedison. b、在这些内容中标记链接的声音。听和看。然后练习这些要点。这两种方法在工程上都具有重要的先进性。印度王子的主题。 8.conversation[02:08.63]listenandpractice. 琳达:喂? john:oh,hello.ineedsomeinformation.whatcurrencyisusedinjapan?linda:where?john: injapan. 琳达:我不确定。不是吗


剑桥国际英语教程第五版2答案 1、52.I'm happy to ________ a birthday card from an old friend. [单选题] * A.buy B.make C.lose D.receive(正确答案) 2、--Do you know _______ girl with long curly hair?--Yes. She is Mary. She plays _______ piano very well. [单选题] * A. a; / B. the; / C. the; the(正确答案) D. a; the 3、I had _______ egg and some milk for breakfast this morning. [单选题] * A. a B. an(正确答案) C. the D. /

4、I tell my mother not ______ me.()[单选题] * A. worry about B. to worry about(正确答案) C. worry with D. to worry with 5、How _______ it rained yesterday! We had to cancel(取消) our football match. [单选题] * A. heavily(正确答案) B. light C. lightly D. heavy 6、21 In a few years' time, there ________ thousands of trees on the hill. [单选题] * A.will have B.will be(正确答案) C.are have D.have 7、—_____ are the Olympic Games held? —Every four years [单选题] * A. How long

剑桥国际英语教程2 Listen and practice.

1 Ted: Oh, I’m really sorry. Are you OK? Ana: I’m fine。But I'm not very good at this. Ted: Neither am I。Say, are you from South America? Ana:Yes,I am, originally. I was born in Argentina. Ted: Did you grow up there? Ana:Yes,I did,but my family moved here eight years ago, when I was in high school。Ted:And where did you learn to Rollerblade?Aha: Here in the park。This is only my second time. Ted: Well,it's my first time。Can you give me some lessons? Ana:Sure。Just follow me. Ted: By the way, my name is Ted。 Ana: And I'm Ana。Nice to meet you. 2 Jeff: Hey!Are these pictures of you when you were a kid? Kim: Yeah. That's me in front of my uncle’s beach house。When I was a kid,we used to spend two weeks there every summer. Jeff: Wow, I bet that was fun! Kim:Yeah。We always had a great time. Every day we used to get up early and walk along the beach. I had a great shell collection。In fact, I think it's still up in the attic! Jeff: Hey,I used to collect shells,too,when I was a kid. But my parents threw them out! 3 Lynn:Why is there never a bus when you want one? Sam:Good question. There aren’t enough buses on this route。 Lynn:Sometimes I feel like writing a letter to the paper. Sam:Good idea。You should say that we need more subway lines, too。 Lynn:Yeah. There should be more public transportation in general。 Sam:And fewer cars!There's too much traffic. Lynn: Say,is that our bus coming? Sam:Yes, it is。But look. It’s full! Lynn: Oh,no!Let’s go and get a cup of coffee。 We can talk about t his letter I’m going to write。 4 Erica:Excuse me. Could you tell me where the bank is? Man: There's one upstairs,across from the duty—free shop。 Erica:Oh, thanks. Do you know what time it opens? Man:It should be open now。It opens at 8:00 A.M。 Erica: Good。And can you tell me how often the buses leave for the city? Man: You need to check at the transportation counter。It’s right down the hall. Erica:OK. And just one more thing。Do you know where the nearest restroom is? Man:Right behind you, ma’am。See that sign? Erica:Oh. Thanks a lot。 5 Mr。Dean:What do you think? Mrs. Dean:Well,it has just as many bedrooms as the last apartment. And the living room is huge. Jenny:But the bedrooms are too small. And there isn’t enough closet space for my clothes. Mr. Dean: And it’s not as cheap as the last apartment we saw. Mrs。Dean: But that apartment was dark and dingy。And it was in a dangerous neighborhood. Mr. Dean: Let’s see if the real estate agent has something else to show us。 6 Brian: So where are you working now, Terry? Terry: Oh,I’m still at the bank. I don't like it, though。 Brian: That’s too bad. Why not? Terry:Well, it's boring,and it doesn't pay very well。 Brian: I know what you mean。I don't like my job either。I wish I could find a better job。 Terry: Actually,I don't want to work at all anymore。I wish I had a lot of money so I could retire now。 Brian: Hmm,how old are you,Terry? Terry:Uh,twenty—six. 7 Kathy: Hey,this sounds good —snails with garlic!Have you ever eaten snails? John:No,I haven’t。 Kathy:Oh, they’re delicious! I had them last time. Like to try some? John:No,thanks. They sound strange. Waitress:Have you decided on an appetizer yet? Kathy:Yes。I’ll have the snails, please。 Waitress: And you, sir? John: I think I’ll have the fried brains。 Kathy: Fried brains? Now that really sounds strange! 8


剑桥国际英语教程练习册2(123419) Contents Acknowledgments vi 1 A time to remember 1 2 Caught in the rush 7 3 Time for a change! 13 4 I've never heard of that! 19 5 Going places 25 6 OK. No problem! 31 7 What's this for? 37 8 Let's celebrate! 43 9 Back to the future 49 10 I don't like working on weekends! 55 11 It's really worth seeing! 61 12 It could happen to you! 67 13 Good book, terrible movie! 73 14 So that's what it means! 79 15 What would you do? 85 16 What's your excuse? 91 Acknowledgments Illustrations Tim Foley 22, 80 Travis Foster 2 Randy Jones 4, 6, 13, 16, 17, 21, 36, 38, 39, 48, 50, 54, 55, 59, 68, 72, 77, 79, 82, 85, 88, 92, 94 Photo credits 3? Giulio Marcocchi/Getty Images 5 ? Chuck Savage/The Stock Market 7 (clockwise from top left) ? J. Barry O'Rourke/Corbis; ?


Third Edition (第3版) interchange 剑桥国际英语教程 Jack C. Richards 词汇手册入门级 Unit 1 it’s nice to meet you afternoon n. 下午 again ad. 又,再 am (=’m) v. 是,在 and conj. 和,与 are (=’re) v. 是,在 book n. 书 (English / math) class n. (英语/ 数学)课 1 classmate n. 同班同学country n. 国家;国土evening n. 傍晚 famous a. 著名的 female n. 女子first a. 第一的 first / last name 名字/ 姓 he pro. 他 her a. 她的 2 his a. 他的 I pron. 我 in (my class) prep. 在(我的班) 里 is (=’s) v. 是,在 it pron. 它 last a. 最后的 male n. 男子 married a. 已婚的 3 math n. 数学 Miss n. (未婚)女士,小姐 morning n. 早晨 Mr. n. 先生 Mrs. n. 夫人,太太 Ms. n. 女士 my a. 我的 name n. 名字 nickname n. 绰号 4 night n. 夜晚 no ad. 不 oh int. 噢 our a. 我们的 phone n. 电话 phone number 电话号码 popular a. 受欢迎的 she pron. 她 single a. 单身的 5 teacher n. 教师 (over) there ad. (在)那里 too (=also) 也 yes 是 you 你,你们

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