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Our brains work in complex and strange ways.There are some people who can calculate the day of the week for any given date in 40,000 years, but who cannot add two plus two.Others can perform complex classical piano pieces after hearing them once, but they cannot read or write.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19207280.html,ngdon Down first described this condition in 1887.He called these people idiot savants.An idiot savant is a person who has significant mental impairment (损伤) , such as in autism ( 孤独症,自闭症) or retardation.At the same time, the person also exhibits some extraordinary skills, which are unusual for most people.The skills of the savant may vary from being exceptionally gifted in music or in mathematics, or having a photographic memory.

One of the first descriptions of a human who could calculate quickly was written in 1789 by Dr.Benjamin Rush, an American doctor.His patient, Thomas Fuller, was brought to Virginia as a slave in1724.It took Thomas only 90 seconds to work out that a man who has lived 70 years, 17 days, and 12 hours has lived 2,210,500,800 seconds.Despite this ability, he died in 1790 without ever learning to read or write.

Another idiot savant slave became famous as a pianist in the 1860s.Blind Tom had a vocabulary of only 100 words, but he played 5 ,000 musical pieces beautifully.

In the excellent movie Rain Man, made in 1988 and available on video cassette, Dustin Hoffman plays an idiot savant who amazes his brother played by Tom Cruise, with his ability to perform complex calculations very rapidly.

Today we more clearly recognize that the idiot savant is special because of brain impairment.Yet not all brain impairment leads to savant skills.Some studies have shown that people who have purposeful interruption of the left side of the brain can develop idiot savant skills.However few people wish to participate in such experiments.There are many excellent reasons for not undergoing unnecessary experimentation on one's brain.The term idiot savant is outdated and inappropriate.Virtually all savants have a high degree of intelligence and are thus not idiots.

72.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Idiot savants have areas of outstanding abilities.

B.Human Beings have complicated thinking process.

C.The brains of the idiot savants are partly impaired.

D.The reasons why people have wonderful skills vary.

73.Which of the following can be done by Rain Man?

A.He can play wonderful pieces of classical music.

B.He can guess out exactly the length of a man's life.

C.He can memorize the contents of the pictures fast.

D.He can count matches dropped on the floor quickly.

74.What can you infer from the passage?

A.Idiot savants have real talents for art and math.

B.Dr.Down is the first person who found idiot savants.

C.Few people wish to risk becoming savants by brain operations.

D.Intentional left brain impairments will surely lead to idiot savants.

75.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

答案:72—75 ADCB


Laws that would have ensured pupils from five to 16 received a full financial education got lost in the ‘wash up’. An application is calling on the next government to bring it back.

At school the children are taught to add up and subtract(减法) but, extraordinarily, are not routinely shown how to open a bank account —let alone how to manage their finances in an increasingly complex and demanding world.

Today the parenting website Mumsnet and the consumer campaigner Martin Lewis have joined forces to launch an online application to make financial education a compulsory element of the school curriculum in England. Children from five to 16 should be taught about everything from pocket money to pensions, they say. And that was exactly the plan preserved in the Children, Schools and Families bill that was shelved by the government in the so-called “wash-up” earlier this month —the rush to legislation before parliament was dismissed. Consumer and parent groups believe financial education has always been one of the most frustrating omissions of the curriculum.

As the Personal Finance Education Group (Pfeg) points out, the good habits of young children do not last long. Over 75% of seven- to 11-year-olds are savers but by the time they get

to 17, over half of them are in debt to family and friends. By this age, 26% see a credit card or overdraft(透支) as a way of extending their spending power. Pfeg predicts that these young people will “find it much harder to avoid the serious unexpected dangers that have befallen many of their parents' generation unless they receive good quality financial education while at school.”

The UK has been in the worst financial recession(衰退)for generations. It does seem odd that —unless parents step in —young people are left in the dark until they are cruelly introduced to the world of debt when they turn up at university. In a recent poll of over 8,000 people, 97% supported financial education in schools, while 3% said it was a job for parents.

61. The passage is mainly about _____________.

A. how to manage school lessons

B. how to deal with the financial crisis

C. teaching young people about money

D. teaching students how to study effectively

62. It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that __________.

A. the author complains about the school education

B. pupils should not be taught to add up and subtract

C. students have been taught to manage their finances

D. laws on financial education have been effectively carried out

63. The website and the consumer campaigner joined to _________.

A. instruct the pupils to donate their pocket money

B. promote the connection of schools and families

C. ask the government to dismiss the parliament

D. appeal for the curriculum of financial education

64. According to Pfeg, ___________.

A. it is easy to keep good habits long

B. teenagers spend their money as planned

C. parents are willing to pay the debt for their kids

D. it will be in trouble if the teenagers are left alone

65. A poll is mentioned to ___________.

A. stress the necessity of the curriculum reform

B. show the seriousness of the financial recession

C. make the readers aware of burden of the parents

D. illustrate some people are strongly against the proposal

答案:61-65 CADDA


Europeans should try to stay indoors if ash from Iceland's volcano starts settling, the World Health Organization warned Friday as small amounts fell in Iceland, Scotland and Norway.

WHO spokesman Daniel Epstein said the microscopic(微小的) ash is potentially dange rous for people when it starts to reach the Earth because inhaled(吸入) particles can enter the lungs and cause respiratory problems. And he also said Europeans who go outside m ight want to consider wearing a mask.

Other experts, however, weren't convinced the volcanic ash would have a major effect on peoples' health and said WHO's warnings were "hysterical." They said volcanic ash w as much less dangerous than cigarette smoke or pollution. Volcanic ash is made of fine p articles of fragmented volcanic rock. It is light gray to black and can be as fine as talcu

m powder. During a volcanic eruption, the ash can be breathed deep into the lungs and c ause irritation even in healthy people. But once it falls from a greater distance —like fro m the cloud currently hovering above Europe —its health effects are often minimal, expe rts say.

"Not all particles are created equal," said Ken Donaldson, a professor of respiratory t oxicology at the University of Edinburgh, "In the great scheme of things, volcanic ash is not all that harmful." And he said most Europeans' exposure to volcanic ash would be ne gligible and that only those in the near districts of the Icelandic volcano would likely be at risk.

Dr. Stephen Spiro, a professor of respiratory medicine and deputy chair of the British Lung Foundation, said the further the particles travel, the less dangerous they will be. "T he cloud has already passed over northern Scotland and we haven't heard of any ill effect s there," he said. Spiro said to wear masks or stay indoors to avoid volcanic ash was "ov er the top" and "a bit hysterical."

60. The text is mainly about .

A. the effect of volcanic ash

B. the health risk of volcanic ash

C. the disadvantages of volcanic ash

D. the opinions on health risk of volcanic ash

61. Which one is true according to Paragraph3?

A. The volcanic ash’s effects on Europeans were little.

B. The ash caused irritation even in healthy people.

C. Other experts thought WTO’S warnings were useful.

D. The volcanic ash was more dangerous than cigarette smoke or pollution.

62. The underlined word “hysterical” in Paragraph4 most probably means .

A. amazing

B. practical

C. valuable

D. overstated

63. What can we learn from the passage?

A. The volcanic ash wouldn’t be harmful to people.

B. All experts thought the volcanic ash did great harm to our health.

C. People close to the volcano would likely be at risk according to some experts.

D. Europeans should stay indoors because Iceland's volcano starts settling.


60.D. 主旨大意题。本文主要就火山灰对人的健康的危害问题世卫组织和其他专家给出不同观点。A太笼统;B不能体现不同的观点;C与文章内容无关;D符合题意。

61. A. 细节理解题。第三段最后一句可知A是正确的;由第三段中During a volcanic e ruption……in healthy people.可知B错误;由第三段中Other experts, however, weren't convi nced…… cigarette smoke or pollution可排除C D。


Fear and its companion pain are two of the most useful things that man and ani mals possess if they are used. If fire didn’t hurt when it burned, children would play wi th it until their hands were burned away. Similarly, if pain existed but fear didn’t, a chil

d could burn itself again and again becaus

e fear would not warn it to keep away from th

e fire that had burnt it before. A really fearless soldier—and some do exist—is not a goo d soldier because he is soon killed; and a dead soldier is o

f no use to his army. Fear an d pain are therefore two guards without which man and animals might soon die out.

In our first sentence we suggested that fear ought to be properly used. If, for ex ample, you never go out of your house because of the danger of being knocked down an d killed in the street by a car, you are letting fear rule you too much. The important thin g is not to let fear rule you, but instead, to use fear as your servant and guide. Fear will warn you of dangers; then you have to decide what action to take.

In many cases, you can take quick and successful action to avoid the danger. Fo r example, you see a car coming straight towards you; fear warns you, you jump out of t he way, and all is well.

In some cases, however, you decide that there is nothing that you can do to avo id the danger. For example, you cannot prevent an airplane crashing into your house, and

you may not want to go and live in a desert where there are no airplanes. In this case, fear has given you its warning, you have examined it and decided on your course of acti on, so fear of the particular danger is no longer of any use to you, and you have to try to overcome it.

60. Children would play with fire until their hands are burnt away if _________.

A. they were not well educated at school

B. they had never played with fire bef ore

C. they had no sense of pain

D. they were fearful of pain

61. People sometimes succeed in timely avoiding danger because _________.

A. they have gained experience

B. they are warned of the danger and take quick action

C. they jump out of the way in time

D. they are calm in face of danger

62. What is implied but not stated in the passage?

A. Too much fear is harmful

B. Fear is always something helpful

C . Fear is something that can be avoided

D. Fear ought to be used as our guide in our life

63. The best title for this passage should be __________.

A. No Pains, No Gains

B. Pain and Actions

C. The Value of Fear D . The Reason Why People Fear

参考答案:60—63 CBAC

62. D. 词义猜测题。由上文中volcanic ash is not all that harmful和下文中only those in the near vicinity of the Icelandic volcano would likely be at risk可知D正确, 夸大的,言过其实的。

63.C. 由第三段But once it falls from a greater distance….. effects are often minimal 和第四段中only those in the near vicinity of the Icelandic volcano would likely be at ris k以及第五段中the further the particles travel, the more diluted and less dangerous they will be可知C正确。ABD观点表达绝对。(五)

Imagine a mass of floating waste is two times the size of the state of Texas. Texas has a land area of more than 678 000 square kilometers. So it might be difficult to imagine anything twice as big.

All together, this mass of waste flowing in the North Pacific Ocean is known as the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch. It weighs about 3 500 000 tons. The waste includes bags,bottles and containers—plastic products of all kinds.

The eastern part of the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch is about l 600 kilometers west of California. The western part is west of the Hawaiian Islands and east of Japan. The area has been described as a kind of oceanic desert,with light winds and slow moving water currents. The water moves so slow that garbage from

all over the world collects there.

In recent years,there have been growing concerns about the floating garbage and its effect on sea creatures and human health. Scientists say thousands of animals get trapped in the floating waste,resulting in death or injury. Even more die from a lack of food or water after swallowing pieces of plastic. The trash can also make animals feel full,lessening their desire to eat or drink.

The floating garbage also can have harmful effects on people. There is an increased threat of infection of disease from polluted waste,and from eating fish that swallowed waste. Divers can also get trapped in the plastic.

Its existence first gained public attention in l997. That was when racing boat captain and oceanographer Charles Moore and his crew sailed into the garbage while returning from a racing event. Five years earlier,another oceanographer learned of the trash after a shipment of rubber duckies got lost at sea. Many of those toys are now part of the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch.

In August,2009,a team from the University of California,San Diego became the

latest group to travel to it. They were shocked by the amount of waste they saw. They gathered hundreds of sea creatures and water samples to measure the garbage patch’s effect on ocean environment.

51.How did the writer introduce the topic of the passage?

A. By giving an example.

B. By listing the facts.

C. By telling a story.

D. By giving a comparison.

52.What do we know about the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch?

A. It is made up of various kinds of plastic products.

B. It is a solid mass of floating waste materials.

C. It lies l60 000 kilometers east of California.

D. It is described as a kind of oceanic desert.

53.Why do people pay attention to the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch?

A. Because it may prevent the flow of ocean water.

B. Because the polluted plastic articles will move up the food chain.

C. Because it may be from an island in the pacific.

D. Because ships may be trapped in the floating waste.

54.Which column can you find the passage on a newspaper?

A. Sports and entertainment.

B. Media and culture.

C. Environment and society.

D. Science and technology.

55.The purpose of writing this passage is to____________.

A. warn people of the danger to travel in the pacific

B. analyze what caused the waste patch in the pacific

C. give advice on how to recycle waste in the ocean

D. introduce the Great Pacific Ocean Garbage Patch


51.D。推理判断题。根据第一段”Imagine a mass of float ing waste is two times the state of Texas.Texas has a land area of more than 678 000 square kilometers.So it might be difficult to imagine anything twice as big.”可知,作者拿得克萨斯州与大量的垃圾漂浮物进行比较,所以选D项。

52.A。细节判断题。根据第二段中的”The waste includes bags,bottles and containers—plastic products of all kinds.”可知,这些垃圾漂流物是塑料制品。

53.B。细节理解题。根据第五段中的”There is an increased threat of infection of

disease from polluted waste,and from eating fish that swallowed waste.”可知受污染的塑料制品会通过食物链来影响人类。




With all the wars, fighting and sadness in the world today, it's not only necessary, but also essential to have a good sense of humor just to help us get through each and every day of our lives.Putting a smile on someone's face when you know they are feeling down in the dumps ( 处于沮丧中), as the saying goes, makes me feel good and warms my heart.

How would you feel if you could not joke around with your wife, husband, child, co-worker neighbor, close friend, or even just someone that you are standing in line with at your comer store? I am always saying things that make others smile or laugh, even if I don't know the person I'm joking around with.My Grandma always found humor in everything she did, even if it was the hardest job anyone could imagine.This not only relieves stress in any situation, but also is common courtesy (礼貌) to speak to others that are around you.

I know of a few people that don’t have a funny bone in their bodies, as they say.Everyone around them could be rolling on the floor after hearing a great joke and they would sit there without the slightest smile on their face.They don't get the joke that makes others laugh.I am busting a gut while they just sit there, looking at me as if I were from outer space.How can people not get a really funny joke?

Laughing is essential to keep your stress levels under control.Without humor we would find ourselves with a lot of psychological problems, or on a lot of medications to keep us from going crazy.There is too much sadness in this present world.It drives people crazy.We all need to find a way to bypass the sadness and bring a little light into our lives.So, I believe our best medicine is to get together and tell some jokes and have some fun laughing together.

51.According to the author, humor is useful in the aspect that ____________.

A.it makes people more confident

B.it can pick up people' s spirits

C.it can help get rid of the cruelty in the world

D.it can help people get on well with others

52.The author answers the question in the second paragraph with ___________.

A.facts and descriptions

B.evidence and argument

C.examples and conclusion

D.stories and persuasion

53.The phrase “busting a gut" in the third paragraph can be replaced by


A.explaining carefully

B.speaking loud

C.keeping silent

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19207280.html,ughing hard

54.In writing the passage, the author mainly intends to __________.

A.talk about his own understanding of humor

B.encourage people to be humorous in daily life

C.introduce a practical way to get through daily life

D.convince people of the power of being optimistic about life

55.What is the author' s attitude towards the present world?









ItwasChristmasEve1881.Iwas15yearsoldandfeelingliketheworldwas ________ formebecausetherehadn'tbeenenoughmoneytobuymetheriflethatI’dwantedthatyear.Pac amebackinandtherewasiceinhisbeard.“Comeon,Matt,”Pasaid.“Dresswarmly.It’scoldou tside.We’regoingtoWidowJensen’s.Theyare ________

wood.”WidowJensenlivedabouttwomilesdowntheroad.Herhusbandhaddiedayearorsob eforeand________ herwiththreechildren,theoldestbeingeight.I________ wentoutwithPaandwe ________ thesledhighwithwood. ________ wewenttothestoreandPatookdownabigham,somebacon,asackofflourandsomeshoes,whi chwereputintoasmallersack.WerodethetwomilestoWidowJensen’sin

________.ItriedtothinkthroughwhatPawasdoing.Iknewwedidn’thavemuchmoneyand WidowJensenhad________ neighborsthanus.Itshouldn’thavebeenour

________.WidowJensenopenedthedoorandletusin.Shehadablanketwrappedaroundher ________ .Thechildrenwerewrappedin ________ andweresittinginfrontofthefireplacebyaverysmallfirethat ________ gaveoffanyheatatall.“Webroughtyouafewthings,Ma’am,”Pasaidandsetdownthesacko fflour.Iputthemeatonthetable.ThenPahandedherthesackthathadtheshoesinit.She


andtooktheshoesoutonepairatatime.Iwatchedhercarefully.Shebitherlowerliptokeepitfro m ________ andthentearsfilledhereyesandstartedrunningdownhercheeks.ShelookedupatPalikeshew antedtosaysomething, ________

itwouldn’tcomeout.“Webroughtaloadofwoodtoo,Ma’am,”Pasaid.Thenheturnedtomean dsaid,“Matt,gobringsomein.”Iwasn’tthe ________ personwhenIwentbackouttobringinthewood.IchokedandasmuchasIhateto ________ it,thereweretearsinmyeyestoo.InmymindIkept ________ thosethreekidshuddled(蜷缩)aroundthefireplaceandtheirmotherstandingtherewithtearsrunningdownhercheekswit hsomuch ________ inherheartthatshecouldn’tspeak.Justthentherifleseemedvery

________ .PahadgivenmethebestChristmasofmylife.






















Mysister,Cathy,wholivesinVancouver,sentmeapackagefullofChristmasgifts.Shetoldme thatshehad1itinadvancetomakesureitwouldarriveatmyhouseweeksbeforethe2.Christma swasdrawingnear,butnopackagearrived.Cathycheckedthetrackingnumberevery3withC anadaPost,andeveryeveningshewouldcallmeto4iftherewasanysignofitonourend.

The5alwaysstartedwithquestionsaboutthepackage,buttwentyminuteslaterwewouldstill be6.Wetalkedaboutourfamily,suchasparents,ourkids,7andsoon.Ofcoursewealsotalkeda boutourjobs.Wehadnevermadesomuch8foreachother!Thetalkalwaystookusbacktotheh ourswespendtogetherinourchildhood.

ByChristmasEvewefinallyhadto9thefactthatthepackagewas10lost.OnChristmasmornin g,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19207280.html,teron,after abigChristmasdinner,Ihadforgottenallaboutthe12packagewhentherewasaknockonthedo or.Whocoulditbeatsuchatime?AsI13thedoor,amanwasstandingthere.

“I14thisisyours,”hesaid,holdingapackage.JustthenI15thatithadbeendelivere dtothewron gaddress.“Ijustgothomefromvacation,”heexplained,“16Iwantedyoutohavethisintimeto openforChristmas.”Ithankedthis17strangerfortakingsomuchtroubleto18thisgifttousonC hristmasDay,and19thankedGodthatthepackagehadbeenlostinthefirstplace. Therealgiftthatholidayseasonwasthenew20tomysisterwholivesfarawayfromus.Nowthe re’sonegiftIneverwanttogiveback!



























I'vebeeninthetaxibusinessforthirty-fiveyears,(3)thereisalotaboutitthatisnotsogood.Taxi drivershavetoberoughandtumble(乱作一

团)fellowstobeabletotakeitinNewYork.You'vegottobe(4)tofighttheNewYorktrafficeig hthoursaday.

Becausetaxidriversaretough,peoplegetthe(5)impressionthattheyarebad.Taxidriversarej ustlikeotherpeople.Mostofthemwillactas(6)fellows.Youreadinthepapersalmosteverywe ek(7)ataxidriverturnsinmoneyorjewelsorlikethatpeopleleaveintheir(8).Iftheyweren'tho nest,youwouldn'tbereadingthosestoriesinthepapers.Onetime,Ifoundanemerald(翡翠的)ringinmycar.Irememberedhelpingaladywithalotofsuitcasesthatday,soIwentbacktowher eIhad(9).Ittookmealmosttwodaystowaitforherinordertoreturnher(10)toher.Ididn'tgetas muchas“thankyou.”(11),IfeltgoodbecauseIhaddonewhatwasright.IthinkIfeltbetterthans he(12).


eI(13)severaljobstoearnafewdollarsbeforejoiningthearmyinWorldWarI.Afterbeingdisc harged(退

伍),Iboughtmyowncarandhaveownedoneeversince.Ithasn'tbeentooeasy(14),butmywife takescareofourmoneyandwehaveagoodbit(15)forarainyday(一时之

需).Inallmyyearsofdrivingataxi,Ihaveneverhad(16)withthepublic,notevenwithdrunks.E veniftheygetalittleheadstrong(顽固

的)onceinawhile,Ijustagreewiththemandthentheybehavethemselves. Peopleaskmeabouttips.AsfarasIknow,(17)everyonewillgiveyousomething,becausemos tAmericansare(18)generous.Ialwaystrytobenicetoeveryone,whetherthey(19)ornot.Ibeli eveinGodandtrytobeagoodmemberofmyparish(教

























2016高考英语阅读理解练习及答案(126) Schools and parents in Shenzhen City have been asked to take better care of children’s eyesight as 45 percent of them, were found to be much reading, poor lighting and too much TV are the city’s high school applied to attend college this summer, two—thirds had to have their choices limited because of poor eyesight, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily said. piece of news was reported by . ’s Daily Special Zone Daily in Shenzhen City in Shenzhen City purpose of this passage is to . children who are shortsighted parents and schools for children’s being shortsighted the high school graduates to pay attention to their eyesight people’s special attention to eye hygiene of the children in Shenzhen City have good eyesight. percent than half percent


高考英语阅读理解真题(2016-17全国卷3B篇)详解 2016 On one of her trips to New York several years ago, Eudora Welty decided to take a couple of New York friends out to dinner. They settled in at a comfortable East Side cafe and within minutes, another customer was approaching their table. “Hey, aren’t you from Mississippi?”the elegant, white-haired writer remembered being asked by the stranger. “I’m from Mississippi too.”Without a second thought, the woman joined the Welty party. When her dinner partner showed up, she also pulled up a chair. “They began telling me all the news of Mississippi,”Welty said. “I didn’t know what my New York friends were thinking.” Taxis on a rainy New York night are rarer than sunshine. By the time the group got up to leave, it was pouring outside. Welty’s new friends immediately sent a waiter to find a cab. Heading back downtown toward her hotel, her big-city friends were amazed at the turn of events that had changed their Big Apple dinner into a Mississippi.


新东方在线高考网(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19207280.html,/)网友分享 2016高考英语阅读理解真题及答案 (2016北京高考英语) 阅读下列短文:从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,将正确的选项涂在答题卡上。 A Dear Alfred, I want to tell you how important your help is to my life. Growing up, I had people telling me I was too slow, though, with an IQ of 150 at 17, I‘m anything but stupid. The fact was that I was found to have ADIID(注意力缺陷多动障碍). Anxious all the time, I was unable to keep focused for more than an hour at a time. However, when something did interest me, I could become absorbed. In high school, I became curious about the computer, and built my first website. Moreover, I completed the senior course of Computer Basics, plus five relevant pre-college courses. While I was exploring my curiosity, my disease got worse. I wanted to go to college after high school, but could n‘t . So, I was killing my time at home until June 2012 when I discovered the online computer courses of your training center. Since then, I have taken courses like Data Science and Advanced Mathematics. Currently, I‘m learning your Probability course. I have hundreds of printer paper, covered in self-written notes from your video. This has given me a purpose. Last year, I spent all my time looking for a job where, without dealing with the public , I could work alone, but still have a team to talk to. Luckily, I discovered the job—Data Analyst—this month and have been going full steam ahead. I want to prove that I can teach myself a respectful profession, without going to college, and be just as good as, if not better than, my competitors. 学科&网 Thank you. You‘ve given me hope that I can follow my heart. For the first time, I feel good about myself because I‘m doing something, not because someone told me I was doing good. I feel


2016高考英语阅读理解练习及答案(48) Soldiers and other military people wear uniformswith various other symbols to indicate in the business world everyone wearsmore or less similar suits,and you cannot tell at aglance who ranks higher or lower than do people in the business world show theirsuperiority? An attempt to study this was made bytwo researchers using a series of silent two actors play the parts of an executiveand a visitor,and switch roles scene had one man at his desk playing the part of an executive,while theother,playing the part of a visitor,knocks at the door,opens it and approaches the desk todiscuss some business matter. The audience watching the films was asked to rate the executive and the visitor in terms certain set of rules about status began to emerge from the visitorshowed the least amount of status when he stopped just inside the door to talk across the roomto the seated was considered to have more status when he walked halfway up to thedesk,and he had the most status when he walked directly up to the desk and stood right infront Of the seated executive. Another thing that affected the status of the visitor in the


单项填空 1.______that’s important is that you are doing your best and moving in the right direction. A.One B.All C.Everything D.Anything 解析考查不定代词的用法。句意:最重要的是你要尽力并朝着正确的方向前进。one一个人;all一切,所有;everything每一件事;anything任何事。通览全句,all符合语意及语境。 答案B 2.This kind of animal is able to protect itself from danger in many years.______,the colouring of its hide makes it almost invisible when it is feeding in the shadow of trees. A.First at all B.First of all C.In all D.After all 解析句意:多年间这种动物能保护自己避免危险。首先,当它在树阴下进食时,它的色彩的隐蔽性使它不易被看到。空白处用来强调重要性,因此只能用first of all。无A项这种表达法。in all相当于altogether“总计”;after all“毕竟”,表程度。 答案B 3.For professional athletes,______ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books. A.appeal B.attachment C.access D.approach 解析考查名词词义辨析。access进入。句意:对于专业运动员来说,参加奥运会就意味着他们有机会被载入史册。appeal请求;attachment附加;approach接近;方法。 答案C 4.When we climbed up to the top of the hill,we all were ______. A.out of the breath B.short of breath C.out of breath D.short of breaths 解析考查固定短语out of breath的用法。out of breath为“气喘吁吁”,名词breath前没有冠词a,the,也没有复数breaths形式。 答案C 5.—Must I turn off the gas after cooking? —Of course.You can’t never be ______ careful with that. A.enough B.too C.so D.very 解析考查can’t/can never...too...句型,意为“再……也不过分”。


2016高考英语阅读理解练习及答案(118) An ape has a larger brain than any animal except man, though it is much smaller than a man’s all belong to the hot countries of the world—tropical Africa and South—east Asia. The gorilla is the largest of the is as tall as six feet when standing people think that gorillas are very are often described as standing upright like a man, beating their fists and their home, in the forests of Cetral Africa, however, they are not at all like this, They are peaceful animals and never use their great strength unless then, they retreat if they can. Gorillas have black faces and long, black, hairy feed during the day on plants and night the old male often sleeps on the ground at the foot of a tree, while the others each make a sleeping platform in the tree bending the leafy this, gorillas climb trees very seldom. live in . parts of the world cold countries America and Africa countries of Africa and South—east Asia ape’s brain is .


2016浙江省高考英语二轮练习:阅读理解(2)解析答案 写人记事(阅读理解) In 1947 a group of famous people from the art world headed by an Austrian conductor decided to hold an international festival of music,dance and theatre in Edinburgh.The idea was to reunite Europe after the Second World War. It quickly attracted famous names such as Alec Guinness,Richard Burton,Dame Margot Fonteyn and Marlene Dietrich as well as the big symphony orchestras(交响乐团).It became a fixed event every August and now attracts 400,000 people yearly. At the same ti me,the “Fringe” appeared as a challenge to the official festival.Eight theatre groups turned up uninvited in 1947,in the belief that everyone should have the right to perform,and they did so in a public house disused for years. Soon,groups of students firstly from Edinburgh University,and later from the universities of Oxford and Cambridge,Durham and Birmingham were making the journey to the Scottish capital each summer to perform theatre by little-known writers of plays in small church halls to the people of Edinburgh. Today the “Fringe”,once less recognized,has far outgrown the festival with around 1,500 performances of theatre,music and dance on every one of the 21 days it lasts.And yet as early as 1959,with only 19 theatre groups performing,some said it was getting too big. A paid administrator was first employed only in 1971,and today there are eight administrators working all year round and the number rises to 150 during August itself.In 2004 there were 200 places housing 1,695 shows by over 600 different groups from 50 different countries.More than 1.25 million tickets were sold. 1.What was the purpose of Edinburgh Festival at the beginning?() A.To bring Europe together again. B.To honor heroes of World War Ⅱ. C.To introduce young theatre groups. D.To attract great artists from Europe. 2.Why did some uninvited theatre groups come to Edinburgh in 1947?() A.They owned a public house there. B.They came to take up a challenge.


2016年高考英语阅读理解专项练习题(6) (一) Our brains work in complex and strange ways.There are some people who can calculate the day of the week for any given date in 40,000 years, but who cannot add two plus two.Others can perform complex classical piano pieces after hearing them once, but they cannot read or write. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19207280.html,ngdon Down first described this condition in 1887.He called these people idiot savants.An idiot savant is a person who has significant mental impairment (损伤) , such as in autism ( 孤独症,自闭症) or retardation.At the same time, the person also exhibits some extraordinary skills, which are unusual for most people.The skills of the savant may vary from being exceptionally gifted in music or in mathematics, or having a photographic memory. One of the first descriptions of a human who could calculate quickly was written in 1789 by Dr.Benjamin Rush, an American doctor.His patient, Thomas Fuller, was brought to Virginia as a slave in1724.It took Thomas only 90 seconds to work out that a man who has lived 70 years, 17 days, and 12 hours has lived 2,210,500,800 seconds.Despite this ability, he died in 1790 without ever learning to read or write. Another idiot savant slave became famous as a pianist in the 1860s.Blind Tom had a vocabulary of only 100 words, but he played 5 ,000 musical pieces beautifully. In the excellent movie Rain Man, made in 1988 and available on video cassette, Dustin Hoffman plays an idiot savant who amazes his brother played by Tom Cruise, with his ability to perform complex calculations very rapidly. Today we more clearly recognize that the idiot savant is special because of brain impairment.Yet not all brain impairment leads to savant skills.Some studies have shown that people who have purposeful interruption of the left side of the brain can develop idiot savant skills.However few people wish to participate in such experiments.There are many excellent reasons for not undergoing unnecessary experimentation on one's brain.The term idiot savant is outdated and inappropriate.Virtually all savants have a high degree of intelligence and are thus not idiots. 72.What does the passage mainly talk about? A.Idiot savants have areas of outstanding abilities. B.Human Beings have complicated thinking process. C.The brains of the idiot savants are partly impaired. D.The reasons why people have wonderful skills vary.


高考英语阅读理解真题(2016-19全国卷3A篇)含解析 2016 Music Opera at Music Hall:1243 Elm Street. The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September. The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts. Phone: 241-2742. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19207280.html,. Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June. Call 723-1182 for more information. http: //https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19207280.html,. Symphony Orchestra: At Music Hall and Riverbend. For ticket sales, call 381-3300. Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer at Riverbend. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/de19207280.html,/home.asp. College Conservatory of Music (CCM): Performances are on the main campus(校园) of the university, usually at Patricia Cobbett


2016高考英语阅读理解练习及答案(100) In today’s age of fast travel, the world seems a smaller place---- and to some people, a less exciting place, Fifty years ago only a few English people and holidays abroad, People who didn’t travel thought of other countries as very far away and example, people thought the French all eat garlic,the Italians all eat spaghetti。and the Americans all drink Coca Cola, These definite ideas of other nationalities are called stereotypes .But do we have the same stereotypes today? People travel more, we all watch the same TV programmes, and ideas travel quickly everyone eats garlic and spaghetti and drinks Coca listens to the same the same fashions , buys the same just do it in a different language! the world seems to be exciting. and more and more and less and less years ago, English people travelled abroad.


浙江永嘉县2016高考英语阅读理解(二轮)精练题(2)及参考答案 阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项. Once there was a prisoner who was jailed in a dark prison which he thought was a great fortress(堡垒). The cell was dark and wet. There was a tiny window with bars on it. The rest of the cell was so dark that he could not see the other three walls。The only wall he could make out was the wall with the window in it. The only light the room received was from this window. Once in a while the prisoner would manage to climb up to the window and look out on the world outside。If he stretched and looked, he could see a little bit of the life-giving sun out there。 For the first five years in that prison the prisoner stayed in the tiny place of light thrown in through the window. He never tried to go past the edge of the little square of light。But then he became restless。The prisoner started to move a little bit at a time deeper into the darkness of his prison cell。He moved a few inches a day. After what seemed like a year he found the left—hand wall of the cell。It took him much less time to find the right-hand wall as he was becoming more confident。 Then he began to search for the wall opposite the window。As he went deeper and deeper into the darkness of the cell he thought of turning back. But his curiosity drove him forward。In the darkness of his cell he found the back wall had a door。And the door was open!


2016 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I ) 英语试卷类型 A 第Ⅰ卷 第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选 项。 Secret codes (密码)keep messages private。Banks, companies, and government agencies use secret codes in doing business, especially when information is sent by computer. People have used secret codes for thousands of years. 36 Code breaking never lags(落后) far behind code making. The science of creating and reading coded messages is called cryptography. There are three main types of cryptography. 37 For example, the first letters of “My elephant eats too many eels ”Spell out the hidden message “Meet me. ” 38 You might represent each letter with a number, for example. Let ’s number the letters of the alphab order, from 1 to 26. If we substitute a n umber for each letter, the message “Meet me ”would read “13 5 5 20 A code uses symbols to replace words, phrases, or sentences. To read the message of a real code, you must have a code book. 39 For example, “bridge m”ight stand for “meet ”a nd “out m”ight stand for “me.”T he message “Bridge out ”would actually mean “4 0M H e o e w t e m v e e.r,”it is also hard to keep a code book secret for long. So codes must be changed frequently. A. It is very hard to break a code without the code book. B. In any language, some letters are used more than others. C. Only people who know the keyword can read the message. D. As long as there have been codes, people have tried to break them. E. You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out. F. With a code book, you might write down words that would stand for other words. G. Another way to hide a message is to use symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet. 第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分) 第一节完形填空(共20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和D)中选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Heroic Driver Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc. One morning in 2009, Larry was 41along I65 north after delivering to one of his 42 .Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. 43 he got closer, he found 44 vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed 45 shooting out from under the 46 vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and 47 the fire extinguisher (灭火器). Two good bursts from the


2016普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(新课标I ) 英语试卷类型A 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共15 小题:每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A 、 B、C 和 D)中选出最佳选项,并在 答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A You probably know who Marie Curie was, but you may not have heard of Rachel Carson. Of the outstanding ladies listed below, who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years? Jane Addams (1860-1935) Anyone who has ever been helped by a social worker has Jane Addams to thank. Addams helped the poor and worked for peace. She encouraged a sense of community( 社区 ) by creating shelters and promoting education and services for people in need In 1931,Addams became the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Rachel Carson (1907-1964) If it weren’t for Rachel Carson, the environmental movement might not exist today. Her popular 1962 book Silent Spring raised awareness of the dangers of pollution and the harmful effects of chemicals on humans and on the world’s lakes and oceans. Sandra Day O ’Connor (1930-present) When Sandra Day O’Connor finished third in her class at Stanford Law School, in 1952, she could not find work at a law firm because she was a woman. She became an Arizona state senator(参议员 ) and ,in 1981, the first woman to join the U. S. Supreme Court. O ’Connor gave the deciding vote in many important cases during her 24 years on the top court. Rosa Parks (1913-2005) On December 1,1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rasa Parks would not give up her seat on a bus to a passenger. Her simple act landed Parks in prison. But it also set off the Montgomery

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