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(1) marry 既可以做及物动词,也可以作为不及物动词。


①marry sb. 嫁给某人,与……结婚

②be/get married to sb. 与某人结婚

Jane ___________________________a doctor last Sunday.

③marry sb. to sb. 父母把女儿嫁给某人或为儿子娶媳妇。

④marry 作不及物动词时,往往用副词或介词短语来修饰。

⑤marry和get married 都是非延续性动词,因此不能和表示一段时间的状语连用,表示结婚已有一段时间应用have/has been married。






Pierre was not there to share the joy with her—he died in a traffic accident in 1905. share...with 与……分享……



I admired him the most.

admire 动词,“钦佩,赞赏”后接名词或代词作宾语。

admire sb. for (doing) sth.




It was brave of him to go to a place that was unknown to humans at that time.

It’s + adj. +of sb. to do sth.



It’s + adj. +for sb. to do sth.












(3)常用的时间状语有:always,usually,often,every day等。




















(3)常见的时态标志词:now, at the moment, look, listen等。



(2)与always, usually, forever等词连用,表示说话者的赞扬、厌恶或不满等情绪。

(3)一些表示位置移动的动词,如go, come, leave, fly, arrive 等,常用现在进行时表示即将发生的动作。



CHAPTER ONE accidentally意外的,偶然的 act行动;扮演(角色)atmosphere大气层;气氛 author作者 billion(英德)万亿;(美法)十亿burn燃烧 CFC氟利昂 burn up烧得更旺,烧毁 carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 compare比较,比作 consumer消费者 green consumer环保消费者 cover涉及,包括 damage损害,损毁 destruction破坏,毁坏 dioxide二氧化物 do with处理 drown溺死 erosion侵蚀,腐蚀 flood淹没,洪水 flooding洪水泛滥 fuel燃料 greenhouse温室 layer层 Greenhouse Effect温室效应 keep in把....关在..里面 level 水平高度,级别 lifeless无生命的 malaria疟疾 massive巨大的,大量的 nitrogen氮 occur出现,存在,发生 ozone臭氧 petrol汽油 protective保护的 rain forest(热带)雨林 spray can喷雾罐 substance 物质 take in吸入,摄入 threat威胁 vital与生命有关的,极重要的warmth温暖 wrecked毁坏的 durian榴莲 leaded含铅的 motor机动的 solar-powered以太阳能为动力的unleaded不含铅的 canopy罩棚,覆盖物 ect. 等等 exhaust排出的废气 fume(难闻的)气 incinerator焚化炉 inform通知 inquire询问 classical古典的 comedy喜剧 preference偏爱 respond回答 club sandwich总会三明治CHAPTER TWO actually 实际上 aim目的 airline航空公司 Auckland奥克兰 Brazil巴西 change找头,零钱 check-out收银台 climate 气候 confident自信的 deeply深深地,极大地,强烈的dump(垃圾)堆 educational教育的 fence围栏,栅栏 flower-arranging插花 flyover立交桥 foreign外国的 friendship友谊 fund(为机构.项目等)拨款gap分离,差距 golf高尔夫球运动 hoot鸣响(喇叭,汽笛等)host(待客的)主人


第一单元 2D分角色表演对话 杰克:安妮,我有点紧张。我必须读完一本书,下周一做报告安妮:那听上去不算太糟糕 杰克:可是我读书很慢 安妮:起先请快读阅读来理解大意。不要词阅读。要读词组 杰克:可是其中有许多单词我不理解。我不得不使用词典。 安妮:尽量通过阅读前后句来猜测单词的意思。很可能你理解的比你认为的多。 杰克:那听起来很难! 安妮:哦,耐心点儿。这需要时间。你可以通过每天阅读你喜欢的东西而变得更好。你读书越来越多,你(读书的速度)就会越快。 3a我是怎模样学会学英语的 去年,我并不喜欢英语课。每节课就像一个噩梦。老师讲的太快了,以至于大部分时间我听不懂她。由于我糟糕的发音,我害怕问问题。我只是躲在课本后面,从不发言。 后来有一天我观看了一部名叫《玩具总动员》的英文电影。我爱上了这部既令人兴奋又有趣的电影!所以我可开始观看其他的英文电影了。尽管我不能明白(电影中的)人物所说的一切,但

他们的肢体语言和脸上的表情却能帮助我理解意思。我也意识到我可以通过只听关键词来理解意思。我的发音也通过听英文电影中的对白得到了改善。我发现挺有趣的事情是语言学习的秘诀。我也学会了一些有用的句子,如“小菜一碟”或“你活该”。我起初不明白这些句子。但因为我想了解这个故事,所以我在词典中查阅它们。 现在我非常喜欢英语课。我想学习新单词和更多的语法,以便我可以更好地理解英文电影。 第二单元 2d分角色表演对话 克拉拉:猜猜看?两周后我打算去清迈。 本:哇听起来像很有趣!但我认为在那里四月是一年中最热的月份。 克拉拉:是的。的确如此。但在那里,从4岳13日到15日是泼水节。 本:我想知道它是否和云南省傣族的泼水节相似。 克拉拉:是的,我认为是。这个时候是泰国新年。人们到街上去


2018年秋九年级期末考试英语试题 Ⅰ、听力测试(25分) 第一节图片理解。从每小题所给的三幅图画中,选出你所听到的内容相同或相近的图. . . . C 第二节对话理解。根据你所听到的对话,选择最佳选项,回答问题。(每小题听两遍,每小题1分,共10分) 听下面一段材料,回答第6—7题。 6.Where are the speakers? A. At home. B. In a hotel. C. In a store. 7.What would the man like to do? A. To take photos B. To buy a gift. C. To talk with friends. 听下面一段材料,回答8—10题。 8.What are they doing? A. Having a music class. B. Visiting a famous singer. C. Talking on the phone. 9.What will they do on Saturday evening? A. Watch a football game. B. Go to the concert. C. Go to buy tickets. 10.When will they meet at the gate of the gym? A. 6:15. B. 6:45. C. 7:00. 听下面一段对话,回答第11-12题。 11.What is on show in the library? A. Chinese stamps. B. British movies. C. Science books. 12.When does Betty want to go to the library? A. On Sunday morning. B. On Sunday afternoon. C. On Saturday afternoon. 听下面一段材料,回答第13-15题。 13.What does the woman need? A. A scarf. B. A sweater. C. A skirt. 14.What color does the woman like best? A. Yellow. B. Red. C. Blue. 15.How much should the woman pay? A. 10 dollars. B. 11 dollars. C. 12 dollars. 第三节:听短文,选择答案。你将听到一篇短文,根据你听到的内容选出一个正确答案。(每小题2分,共10分) 16.How old is Wang Fang? A. 14. B. 16. C. 18. 17.What did she see from the Grandpa’s door? A. Presents. B. Flowers. C. Smoke. 18.Why couldn’t the Grandpa get out of the house? A. Because he was blind. B. Because he hurt his leg. C. Smoke. 19.What did she do after finding the fire? A. She called 119. B. She asked her parents for help. C. She poured water on the fire and helped the Grandpa out. 20.What is the story about? A. A brave girl. B. A car accident. C. A kind man.




九下Unit 6 单词短语归纳 1.实施,执行v 1. 承受压力 2.争吵n 2.集中于 3.集中(注意力、精力等)于v 3.解决,处理 4.压力n 4.dealwith 5.是否5.担心 6.风险n6.防止,提防7.守卫,保卫 7.抵消,对消 8.取消,撤退,终止8. 忙于做某事 9.有希望的9.把.....抛在后面 10.强迫,迫使(某人做某事)10.使.....振奋起来 11.音乐会,演奏会11.学着做,开始做 12.私人的12.持乐观的态度13.不说话的,沉默的13. 抵消,对消 14.危害物,大敌14.讲笑话 15.鼓励,鼓舞15.去听音乐会 16.牙科医生 17.沮丧的,消沉的,无精打采的adj 知识点 1.conduct v.实施;执行n__________指挥家 Conduct a survey about a healthy lifestyle.________________________________ conduct此处用作及物动词,意为“实施,执行”。 我决定去执行一个任务_______________________________ 2.quarreln.争吵 have a quarrel withsb.___________________ have a quarrel about sth.__________________________ 1)他刚刚和他的最好的朋友吵架了____________________________________ 2)他们为钱的事情吵架了______________________________________ 3.pleasure 不可数名词,________________ adj__________ Doingsomethingfor ________________.


期中综合能力测试 (满分100分,测试时间:100分钟) 一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分) 请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( C )1.—How do you learn grammar? —By ______ grammar books. A.read B.to read C.reading ( B )2.Our teachers in new school are friendly. They treat us with ______ like mothers. A.present B.warmth C.dessert ( B )3.As we know, the only ______ to success is to work hard. A.ability B.secret C.influence ( A )4.—Do you know where Xiaohai is? —He has gone to the ______ to buy some books. A.bookstore B.library C.museum ( C )5.—I wondered ______ you have finished making the paper cutting or not. —Not yet. I will be finished in five minutes. A.why B.if C.whether ( A )6.—Why is Lucy sad? —Everyone ______ to Jim's birthday party except her. A.was invited B.was laid C.was warned ( B )7.I want to ask how to ______ the environmental problem. A.connect with B.deal with C.come up with ( A )8.Chinese people ______ its traditional art forms. A.are proud of B.are patient with C.are friendly to ( B )9.He kept ______ in class though our teacher asked him several questions. A.absent B.silent C.dead ( C )10.(太原市2018年初中毕业班综合测试一)—The WeChat game Tiao Yi Tiao is very popular. Can you tell me ______? —We should always try actively to achieve higher and higher goals. A.who is the game designed for B.how to get more information about it C.what you can learn besides having fun 二、补全对话。(每小题1分,共5分)(2018·山西百校联考一) 根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。 A:Happy Spring Festival, Deng Ming. B:Hi, Li Peng. 11.__C__ A:Yes, it has been a long time since we met last time. B:How is your Spring Festival holiday?


Unit 11[?v???d?]voyage n.航行2[?rep??t??n]repetition n.重复3[??mer?k?n]American adj.美洲的4[?k?nt?n?nt]continent n.大陆5[ru:t]*route n.路线 6[d??sk?v?ri]discovery n.发现 7[ra?z]rise v.(rose ,risen)变得更加成功(或重要、强大 等) 8[??f??l]official n.官员9[d??vel?p]develop v.增强;加强10[r??le??n]relation n.关系;交往11[tre?d]trade n.贸易12[?f?r?n]foreign adj.外国的 13[fli:t]*fleet n.(统一调度的)船队;机群14['?fr?k?]Africa n.非洲 15[?n??we?(r)]nowhere adv.无处;哪里都不16[s?lk]silk n.丝织物;丝绸17[d???r ɑ:f]giraffe n.长颈鹿 18[b??sa?dz]besides prep.除……之外(还)19[d??vel?pm?nt]development n.发展;壮大20[?ri:d??n]*region n.地区21[?pa???n??(r)]pioneer n.先锋;先驱22people people n.民族;种族23[wel θ]wealth n.财富 24[spred]spread v."(spread,spread)传播" 25[??up?n ?p]open up 开辟26[ɡ?u ?n ? trip]go on a trip 去旅行27[set ?p]set up 建立;设立28[set seil]set sail 起航29[n??n][?z](be)known as 被称为30[?z wel ?z]as well as 也;还31[li:d tu:] lead to 导致 沪教牛津版九年级英语下册单词表


2018年秋九年级上学期英语 单元语法专题训练 by doing (sth.) 一、单项选择 1. Dick decided to lose weight by ________ less and doing more exercise. A. eat B. eating C. eats D. to eat 2. I tried to make the baby stop crying by ________ and that worked well at last. A. to sing B. singing C. sing D. sings 3. —________ do you learn English so well? —By working hard and asking the teachers for help. A. How B. Where C. When D. Why 4. —How do you learn English words? —________ making word cards. A. To B. By C. For D. With 5. The old man makes a living ________ vegetables. A. by selling B. with selling C. by sell D. without selling 二、根据汉语提示,用含有by的短语完成下列各题 6. Hey,Lily! Come and sit ____________ (我旁边). 7. ________________ (到上周日),I had finished reading the book. 8. —________________ (顺便问一下),how do you usually come to school? —I usually come to school ____________ (乘地铁). 9. He is a clever boy.He made the model plane ________________ (他自己). 10. Tom studies Chinese ________________ (通过看) Chinese movies. 宾语从句 一、单项选择 1. Mom,have you seen my toy bear?I don't know ______ I have left it. A. why B. when C. how D. where 2. Could you tell me ________ by WeChat? A. what can we do B. what we can do C. what do we do


仁爱版九年级英语2018年第一学期中段考试评估 一、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) ( ) 1.--- Is Jim in the office? ----- No, he ____ to the dining hall . A. goes B.would go C.has gone D.had gone ( ) 2.---- Is Tom at home ? ---- No, he ____ to town. A.has been B. has gone C. goes D.will go ( )3.Miss Lin ______ a lot of work for the poor area since 2010. A.does B.did C.has done D.will do ( )4.Not only my friends but also I ______ interested in football and Messsi is our favorite star. A.be B.am C.is D.are ( )5.--- What subject do you prefer ? --- I prefer science ______ it’s difficult. A. or B. though C. so D. and ( )6. --- Where is hansy ? We can’t find him anywhere ? ---- Perhaps he _____ home . A. has come B. is going C. went D.was going ( )7. --- Your shoes are so old .Why don’t you buy a new pair ? --- Because I _____ all my money on an MP5 . A. Spend B.have spent C. am spenging D.was spending


2018秋九年级上学期期中英语检测试卷 第Ⅰ卷听力部分(25分) Ⅰ. 听句子, 选出与其内容相符的图片。(每小题1分, 共5分) ()1. A. B. C. ()2. A. B. C. ()3. A. B. C. ()4. A. B. C. ()5. A. B. C. 听第一段对话, 回答第10、11小题。 ()10. What does Mary find especially hard in learning English? A. Spelling. B. Pronunciation. C. Grammar. ()11. What does the man advise Mary to do? A.Do more reading. B. Do more exercises. C. Join an English club 听第4段对话, 回答第12、13、14小题。 ()12. What would the woman like to buy? A. Food. B. Books. C. Shoes. ()13. Which floor is the supermarket on? A. The first floor. B. The second floor. C. The third floor.

()14. What time does the shopping center close today? A. At 9:30 p. m. B. At 10:00 p. m. C. At 10:30 p. m. 第Ⅱ卷笔试部分(95分) Ⅳ. 单项选择。(每小题1分, 共10分) ()26. —How does your sister improve her speaking skills? —________ joining an English club. A. For B. With C. By D. From ()27. —What makes ________ effective for people to send and receive information at great speed and little cost? —The Internet, I think. A. it B. them C. this D. that ()28. —What have you learned about Christmas? —Oh, I know it's ________ festival in western countries, and it's the children's favorite one. A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular D. the more popular ()29. —What do you think of Karen? —She is ________ kind to others ________ her friends and classmates all like her very much. A. too; to B. so; that C. enough; to D. such; that ()30. —Do you think Internet plus(互联网+) has changed our life? —Sure. It is ________ used in all the fields, such as shopping, education, traveling, finance (金融) and so on. A. normally B. hardly C. widely D. clearly ()31. —Are you going to Australia for a trip this summer? —Yes, my father ________ going there to relax.


Unit l voyage n. 航行 repetition n. 重复 American adj. 美洲的 continent n. 大陆 *route n. 路线 discovery n. 发现 rise v.(rose,risen)变得更加成功(或重要、强大等)official n. 官员 develop v. 增强;加强 relation n. 关系;交往 trade n. 贸易 v. 以物易物;互相交换 foreign adj. 外国的 *fleet n. (统一调度的)船队;机群 Africa n. 非洲 Nowhere adv. 无处;哪里都不 silk n. 丝织物;丝绸 giraffe n. 长颈鹿 besides prep. 除……之外(还) development n. 发展;壮大 *region n. 地区 pioneer n. 先锋;先驱 people n. 民族;种族 wealth n. 财富 spread v. (spread,spread) 传播 open up 开辟 go on a trip 去旅行 set up 建立;设立 set sail 起航 (be) known as 被称为 as well as 也;还 lead to 导致 compare…with…把……与……对比 Unit 2 culture shock n. 文化冲击;文化休克 camp n. 度假营 *firework n. 烟火;烟花 *turkey n. 火鸡 international adj. 国际的 admit v. (常指勉强)承认 spare adj. 空闲的;空余的 degree n. 程度 fail v. 失败;未能(做到) manage v. 完成(困难的事);勉力完成 idiom n. 习语;惯用语 everyday adj. 每天的;日常的 uniform n. 校服 whatever pron. 任何事物;一切事物 pink adj. 粉红色的

牛津译林英语九年级下册9B知 识点(二)

9B牛津译林版Unit2知识点 1、In 1966, he went into space as command pilot of Gemini 8. He and David Scott managed to join two spacecraft together for the first time in space.(P22,lines9-12) 1966年,他作为“双子座8号”宇宙飞船的飞行指挥进入太空。他和戴维.斯科特成功地将两个航天器在太空首次交会对接 知识点:manage 的用法 1)完成(困难的事);勉力完成 eg: In spite of his disappointment, he managed a weak smile. 尽管他很失望,他还是勉强露出一丝淡淡的微笑。 2) manage to do 成功做某事 eg: We managed to get to the airport in time. 我们设法及时赶到了机场。 3) manage with/without sb/sth 能解决(问题);应付(困难局面等) eg: I don’t know how she manages on her own with four kids. 我真不知道她一个人是怎么养活她那四个孩子的。 2、However, on their way back to the Earth, the spacecraft began spinning out of control.(P22,lines12-13) 但是,在他们返回地球的途中,宇宙飞船开始旋转,失去控制。 知识点:control的用法 1)作动词,有“掌管,管理,控制”的意思。 eg:By the age of 21 he controlled the company. 他21岁就掌管了公司。 Parents should control what their kids watch on television. 父母应该限定孩子看什么样的电视节目。 2)作名词,有“权利,限制,管理”的意思。 eg: The party is expecting to gain control of the council in the next election. 该党期待着在下次选举中获得对地方议会的控制权。


2019年秋人教版九年级英语单元测试卷及答案 Uint1过关测试 Ⅰ. 单项选择。(2′×10=20′) ()1. Reading is another way to practice pronunciation. A. fast B. slowly C. aloud D. quietly ()2. Mrs. Li is an excellent teacher. She is to spend a lot of time explaining things to her students. A. enough patient B. patient enough C. too patient D. so patient ()3. You will find it much easier to your English words if you review them in time after class. A. memorize B. review C. develop D. prepare ()4. John used to learn English watching English movies. He discovered it really helped. A. by B. to C. of D. with ()5. If you want to know more about the word,you can

in the dictionary. A. look at it B. look for it C. look it up 2 D. look it over ()6. It is a great idea to your interest your future job. A. start;with B. connect;with C. work;with D. help;with ()7. —Don't be afraid of mistakes in English class. —I won't. I've decided an English club to practice my spoken English. A. making;to join B. taking;joining C. make ;to join D. take;joining ()8. You will lose the game you try your best. A. after B. once C. since D. unless ()9. I practice my listening every day by listening to the tapes,I still find it difficult to follow my English teacher in class. A. Although B. That


Unit 1 travel writer 游记作家 the American continents 美洲大陆 have an effect on… 对…造成影响 open up 开辟 go on a trip 去旅行 set up 建立;设立 trade routes (旧时的)商队路线,商船航线set sail 起航 the Ming Dynasty 明朝 be known as 被称为 as well as 也;还 a new age of ……的新时代 lead to 导致 an interview with sb. 对某人的采访compare…with… 把……与……对比 the Silk Road丝绸之路 Unit 2 summer camp 夏令营 thank-you email 感谢邮件 way of life 生活方式 international exchange 国际交流 be strange to sb. 对某人来说……不熟悉 in one’s spare time 在某人的空闲时间里 to a certain degree 在某种程度上 get used to 习惯于;适应 under the weather 略有不适;不得劲capital city 首都 national flag 国旗 full-time education 全日制教育 state school 公立学校 private school 私立学校 Unit 3 greenhouse effect 温室效应 harmful gas 有害气体 green consumer 绿色消费者 in danger 在危险中 let…in 允许……进入 as a result of 由于 result in 造成;导致 mountains of 许多;大量 take action 采取行动


牛津版九年级英语2012 此套牛津版九年级英语2012-2013学年下册期末考综合模拟试卷含答案由整理,所有试卷与牛津版九年级英语教材大纲同步,试卷供大家免费使用下载打印,转载前请注明出处。 如有疑问,请联系网站底部工作人员,将第一时间为您解决问题! 试卷内容预览: 江苏南通2013-2014学年九年级(上)英语期末试卷 (考试时间:120分钟满分:140分) 一二三四五六七八九总分 注意:本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共140分。考试时间为120分钟。 第ⅰ卷(选择题共80分) 一、听力(本题共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) a. 听对话,回答问题。 ( ) 1. what is tom’s favourite fruit a b c ( ) 2. how did the man go to the football match

a b c ( ) 3. what did the boy’s brother do last sunday a b c ( ) 4. where does paul’s mother work ( ) 5. with whom did the boy go shopping yesterday afternoon a. his parents. b. his father. c. his mother. ( ) 6. when does the man usually get to his office in the morning a. at 7:30. b. at 8:00. c. at 8:30. ( ) 7. what colour is jack’s pen a. blue. b. black. c. black and blue. ( ) 8. what did mr zhang think of his journey a. pleasant. b. bad. c. interesting. ( ) 9. what will the man do this evening a. he’ll meet his aunt at the airport. b. he’ll say goodbye to his aunt at the airport. c. he’ll fly to another city with his aunt. ( )10. how much is the white shirt a. 20 yuan. b. 40 yuan. c. 80 yuan.


1 . 学校 班级 姓名 学号: 密封线内不要 答 题 利州区2018年秋期末九年级英语检测试卷 (考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分) 第I 卷(选择题共96分) 第一部分基础知识运用(共两节,满分40分) 第一节单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从下列各题的A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出能填入题中空白处的最佳选项。 ( )1. 一-How do you often come to school, Mike? 一 . A. On foot B. By foot C. On a foot ( )2. —Are these new sports shoes mine, Mum? —-No, they aren ’t. are under your bed. A. Your B. You C. Yours ( )3. —You look very beautiful in this new shirt, Lucy. 一 , Miss Zhao. A. Thank you B. No, don ’t say so C. I think so ( )4. -When did Lei Feng die, Mr. Wang? A. For 50 years B. 50 years ago C. 50 years before ( )5. I want to improve my spoken English. Could you please give me some ? —Sure. A. advice B. message C. comment ( )6. 一 are the shells? —Five yuan. A. How many B. How much C, How old ( )7. —-I have some problems my homework, Dad. —Don't worry. I'11 help you. A. at B. on C. with ( )8. Don't worry about me, Mum. I ’m old enough to myself now. A. look over B. look after C. look for ( )9. —Listen, who outside? —Let's go and see. A. cries B. crying C. is crying ( )10. 一Would you like some coffee or tea? 一 is OK. I don't really mind. A.Either B. Both C. Neither ( )11. His birthday party didn't begin all his friends arrived. A. when B. until C. after ( )12. —It ’s a hot day, isn ’t it? 一Yes, it is. But the weather report says it will be much this weekend. A, hottest B. hot C. hotter ( )13. Smoking isn ’t good for our health. We'd better . A. give it up B. give up it C, give it away ( )14. The computer is very helpful. So I think important for us to learn it well A. that B. it C. this ( )15. Must we go home now, Mr. White? 一No, you . A. should B. needn't C. mustn't ( )16. Guangyuan is becoming more and more beautiful, and foreign travellers come to visit it every year. A. thousands B. thousand of C. thousands of ( )17. 一How do you like to spend this long summer vacation? 一-I ’ll get a part-time job if I a chance. A. have B. had C. will have ( )18. All our classmates like the teachers make their classes interesting. A. what B. which C. who ( )19. 一Could you please tell me . ? I have something important to tell him. Sorry, he's gone back home now. You can call him. A. where is Sam B. where Sam is C. what is Sam ( )20. English is widely(广泛地) in the world. So we must learn it well. A. spoken B. speaks C. speaking 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 先通读下面短文,读懂大意后,再从后面各题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出 可以填入文中相应空白处的最佳选项。 A For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a 21 job. If you become a rofessional athlete, you will be able to make a 22 doing something you love. If you become famous, people all over the world will 23 you. Many athletes give money to schools and charities, and do a lot of work to help people. This is a great chance 24 many people do not have. However, professional athletes 25 also have problems. If you are famous, people will watch you all the time and follow you 26 This can make life difficult. If you play sports for a living, your job will 27 be very dangerous. Many professional athletes 28 injured. And if you become rich, you will have a difficult time 29 who your real friends are. In fact, many famous people complain that they are not happy. They say they were 30 before they became famous and rich. ( )21. A. dream B. rich C. poor ( )22. A. life B. money C. living ( )23. A. love B. know C, hate ( )24. A. that B. what C. where ( )25. A. must B. can C. should ( )26. A. nowhere B. somewhere C. everywhere ( )27. A. sometime B. sometimes C. some times ( )28. A. get B. are C. go ( )29. A. to know B. knowing C. know

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