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磅薄:1.(广大)boundless; majestic; vast; widespread ; tremendous; 气势~of tremendous momentum; 大气~of vasty atmosphere 2.(充满)fill; permeate: 热情~ be filled with immense zeal

苍翠fresh green; luxuriantly green; ~的竹林a green bamboo grove 草木葱笼luxuriant vegetation 葱笼茂盛luxuriant growth of vegetation

徐娘半老,风韵犹存:The woman in her thirty-forties still retains a great deal of charm.

苍茫:(空阔辽远)vast;boundless;苍茫的大地boundless land

(没有边际,迷茫)indistinct;暮色苍茫deepening shades of dusk


闲适:leisurely and comfor table

醇厚:(气味滋味纯正浓厚)mellow; rich; 酒味~The wine is (tastes)mellow. (淳厚)pure and honest; simple and kind.

静态:static state

平淡:flat;uninteresting;dull;insipid;pedestrian 平淡无味的谈话insipid |dull conversation

凄凉:dreary ,desolate; miserable; gloomy and forlorn ;bleak

凄凉的景色dreary scenery;凄凉的前景bleak prospects

凄凉的生活forlorn life;~的一生a desolate life; 满目~~desolation all round

晚景~~lead a miserable and dreary life in old age

我感到无限~~A sense of desolation overwhelmed me

凄风苦雨miserable condition; bitter winds and miserable rains; bleak wind and wretched rain

缕:1. thread:万~青丝 a mass of black hair;千丝万缕countless ties; a thousand and one links

2. (一条一条;详详细细) in fine detail;条分缕析make a careful and detailed analysis; analyze point by point

3. (量)(用于细的东西)wisp; strand; lock; 一~麻a strand of hemp;一~头发a lock of hair; 一~炊烟a wisp of smoke from a kitchen chimney

大千世界:the boundless universe; the big world; the kaleidoscopic world 洋火:matches

静寂无声:A perfect silence prevailed; There is a dead calm.

吞云吐雾:blow a cloud—to smoke opium; blow clouds ;inhale clouds and exhale mist; opium-smoking; smoke; smoke tobacco; swallow clouds and blow fogs

香气扑鼻:feel/smell a sharp aroma; A sweet smell greets the nose ;fragrance striking the nose ; The scent of … reached one’s nose; The sweet smell of … strikes the nose.

偎红倚翠:have many concubines(妾,姘妇,情妇)


缭绕:coil up;curl up;~耳际ring in one’s ears; 歌声~The song lingered in the air 烟从营火上~升起The smoke from the camp fire curled upwards.

红叶:red autumnal leaves (of the maple,


秋扇见捐:be cast aside like the fan in autumn; share the fate of an autumn fan; abandoned (lovers) like a fan in autumn

荒1.(荒芜)waste;地~了。The land lies waste/uncultivated. 2.(荒凉)desolate; barren; ~村deserted village;~山barren hill 3.(不合情理)fantastic; absurd; 荒诞无稽absurd and groundless 4. (迷乱;放纵)dissolute; self-indulgent; ~淫无耻given to debauchery; dissipated and unashamed 5.(未加工的;粗制的) roughly processed ;crude;

(1).(荒歉)famine;crop failure;

Many people died during famines every year before liberation.

(2). (荒地) wasteland ; uncultivated land 垦~

Reclaim /open up wasteland

(3). (荒疏) neglect; be out of practice: Don’t neglect your lessons.别把功课~了。

His English is rusty.他的英语丢荒疏了。

枯槁:1.(枯萎)withered: 草木~Trees and grass withered up. 2. (憔悴) haggard;wizened:面容~look haggard;形容~的人a wizened man

凋零:(凋谢零落)withered,fallen and scattered about:树木~(with)trees withered and bare.

老气横生:1.(摆老资格)act as an elder; arrogant on account of one’s seniority; showing the self-importance of the aged

2.(没有朝气)lacking in youthful vigor

偏爱:favor; have partiality for sth; be partial to; have a preference for; love one more than another; play favorites; take sides; go over board ; show favoritism to sb; have a predilection for: ~法国烹调partial to French cuisine;待人~treat a person with favor; 老实偏爱她The teacher favored her. 偏安一隅:be content to exercise sovereignty over a part of the country.

明媚bright and beautiful; radiant and enchanting;~的春光 a radiant and enchanting spring scene;她用那双晶莹~的眼睛端详着我。She studied me with her sharp bright and beautiful eyes。

明媚娴雅,端庄莹静charming yet graceful

娇艳: delicate and charming; tender and beautiful: ~的桃花delicate and charming peach blossoms; ~无比being gay to excel all.~绝伦be so gay as to excel all; delicate and charming beyond compare.

茂密:(of grass, trees)dense; thick; 叶子~的树trees thick with leaves ~林中的小山谷dingle ~橡胶林区pilang

不足为奇:be not at all surprising; and no wonder; be nothing strange; be nothing to take exception to; have nothing to be wondered at; nothing remarkable ; nothing surprising; not strange at all; not to be wondered at ;This is no strange thing.

凛冽:piercingly cold; biting cold; bitter cold;北风~biting north wind

萧瑟:(风吹树木的声音) rustle in the air 秋风~The autumn wind is soughing.

(景色凄凉) bleak; desolate; 一片~的景象a bleak scene

纯熟:(熟练)skilful; practiced ; fluent; well versed; 技术~highly skilled


坚实:1.(坚固结实)solid; substantial;打下~的基础lay a solid foundation ;迈出~的步子make solid progress

这条公路~平整。This is a smooth, strongly built highway.

2. (健壮)strong; staunch:身体~的人a man of substantial build

无穷:1. (没有穷尽;没有限度)infinite endless; boundless ;inexhaustible;~的烦恼endless troubles;~的力量inexhaustible power; ~的潜力boundless potential; ~的忧虑endless worries;~的烦恼She had trouble without end. The wisdom of the masses is inexhaustible.言有尽而意~There’s an end to the words, but not to their message.

(数学专业) infinite :~极数infinite series

苍劲:1. (用于树木)old and strong;~的挺拔的青松hardy, old pines 2.(用于书画)vigorous; bold: 笔力~(write or paint)in bold, vigorous strokes


苍劲有力:vigorous and forceful;他的书法~。His calligraphy is vigorous and forceful.

风韵:graceful bearing; charm:翻译时设法把握住原文中难以捉摸的~。Try to catch the elusive charm of the original in translation.风韵依旧:One’s indescribable majesty and charm still remain; be as charming as before.风韵犹存:still retaining one’s graceful bearing/manner; keep one’s charm, look still attractive

散文翻译 Sweet September

散文翻译Sweet September Sweet September By Hal Borlnd 甜美的九月 September is more than a month, really; it is a season, an achievement in itself. It begins with August's leftovers and it ends with October's preparations, but along t he way it achieves special satisfactions. After summer's heat and haste, the year co nsolidates itself. Deliberate September-in its own time and tempo---begins to sum u p another summer. 真的,九月不仅仅是一个月份,它还是一个季节,一份成就。它始于八月的余热,终于十月繁忙的预备。但在这之间,它带来了异常的惊喜与满足。熬过夏季的躁热,这年就平静下来。九月,伴着它的时令,踩着它的节拍,翩然而至,宣告夏季的结束。 With September comes a sense of autumn. It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanis hes in the hot afternoon. It tiptoes through the treetops, rouging a few leaves, the n rides a tuft of thistledown across the valley and away. It sits on a hilltop and ho ots like an October owl in the dusk. It plays tag with the wind. September is a cha llenging busy as a squirrel in a hickory tree, idle as a languid brook. It is summer's ripeness and richness fulfilled. 九月悄然给我们捎来了一丝秋意。它无声无息地浸入雾蒙蒙的清晨,又在阳光煦暖的午后没了踪影;它蹑手蹑脚地跨过树梢,擦过些许叶子,又轻踏一簇毛蓟绕过山谷而去。它时而独栖山顶,像十月黄昏中猫头鹰的鸣叫;时而又同微风嬉戏;时而如山核树上的松鼠,忙得不亦乐乎;时而如慵懒的小溪,汩汩流淌。夏季的成熟与丰饶成就了甜美的九月。 Some of the rarest days of the year come in the September season-days when it is comfortably cold but pulsing with life, when the sky is clear and clean, the air cris p, the wind free of dust. Meadows still smell of hay and the sweetness of cut gras s. September flowers are less varied than those of May but so abundant that they make September another flowery month. Goldenrod comes by mid-August, but rises to a peak of golden abundance in early September. Late thistles make spectacular purple accents. And asters blossom everywhere, along the roadsides, in meadows, o n the hilltops, even in city lots, raging in color from pure white through all degrees of lavender to the royal New England purple. 九月给我们带来了一年中最难得的时光:晴空万里,秋高气爽,清风徐来,一尘不染,生命


翻硕复习资料中国现代散文汉译英 许多院校在考试的试卷上都喜欢出一些中国比较经典的现在范文片段,然后让学生进行汉译英的翻译,所以凯程老师整理了经典的现代散文翻译供大家参考,同时在文章后面对于个别字词进行了解析,帮助同学们弄懂文章的意思。 祖父和灯火管制(1) 冰心 一九一一年秋,我们从山东烟台回到福州老家去。在还乡的路上,母亲和父亲一再嘱咐我(2),“回到福州住在大家庭里,不能再像野孩子(3)似的,一切都要小心。对长辈们不能没大没小的。祖父是一家之主,尤其要尊敬……” 到了福州,在大家庭里住了下来,我觉得我在归途中的担心是多余的。祖父、伯父母、叔父母(4)和堂姐妹兄弟(5),都没有把我当作野孩子,大家也都很亲昵平等,并没有什么“规矩”。我还觉得我们这个大家庭是几个小家庭的很松散的组合(6)。每个小家庭都是各住各个的,各吃各的,各自有自己的亲戚朋友,比如说,我们就各自有自己的“外婆家(7)”! 就在这一年,也许是第二年吧,福州有了电灯公司。我们这所大房子里也安上了电灯,这在福州也是一件新鲜事,我们这班孩子跟着安装的工人们满房子跑,非常地兴奋欢喜!我记得这电灯是从房顶上吊下来的,每间屋子都有一盏,厅堂上和客室里的五十支光,卧房里的光小一些,厨房里的就更小了。我们这所大房子里至少也五六十盏灯,第一夜亮起来时,真是灯火辉煌,我们孩子们都拍手欢呼! 但是总电门是安在祖父的屋里的。祖父起得很早也睡得很早(8),每晚九点钟就上床了。他上床之前,就把电闸关上,于是整个大家庭就是黑沉沉的一片! 我们刚回老家(9),父母亲和他们的兄弟妯娌(10)都有许多别情要叙,我们一班弟兄姐妹,也在一起玩得正起劲(11),都很少在晚九点以前睡的。为了防备(12)这骤然的黑暗,于是每晚在九点以前,每个小家庭都在一两间屋里,点上一盏捻得很暗的煤油灯。一到九点,电灯一下子都灭了,这几盏煤油灯便都捻亮了,大家相视而笑,又都在灯下谈笑玩耍。 只有在这个时候,我才体会到我们这个大家庭是一个整体,而祖父是一家之主! Grandpa and Nightly Blackout Bing Xin In the autumn of 1911, we returned from Yantai of Shandong Province to our native place Fuzhou. While on the way, my parents warned me again and again, “Since we’ll be living in a big family in Fuzhou, remember always to behave properly and never act like a naughty child. Show respect for your elders, particularly your grandpa, who is head of the family…” After settling down in the big family in Fuzhou, however, I found that my previous worries on the way turned out to be unfounded. My grandpa, uncles, aunties and cousins never thought me a naughty child. We treated each other lovingly and equally. There never existed anything like “family rules of good behaviour”. I also found that the big family was a loose community of several smaller ones, which lived and ate separately. They each had their own relatives and friends, for example, their own


信达雅之雅在散文翻译中的体现 朱竞妍 上海外国语大学上海200083 摘要:以Samuel Ullman的名篇《青春》为例,今在其诸多中文译本中,选择三个版本中的几处译句作为比较对象,分析雅在散文翻译中的体现。 关键词:雅、细节处理、句子优化、修辞艺术、措辞艺术 一、译文的印象和评价 比起严谨细致的说明文、简洁明了的应用文、逻辑严密的议论文和艺术色彩浓厚的小说戏剧,散文作品在我们的生活中更为常见。这些文体的翻译作品我们接触的不少,而散文作品的翻译技巧更值得我们花费时间去研究。 本文所选的短文是Samuel Ullman的名篇《青春》,作者在创作这篇散文时,已年届七十。作为一位须发斑白,阅尽世态却依旧饱含生活热情的长者,作者下笔沉稳而不失活力,遣词用句体现出了成熟、大气的风格。读完全文,我们也深受启发,青春不仅仅是用肉眼来辨别的,青春更是需要用心灵来感受,用热情去创造,用生命力去维护的。近百年来,此文一直为世人所倾倒,为英语学习者珍视,其产生的轰动效应经久不息,有不少名人或将此文视为座右铭,或将其随身携带,以时时提醒激励自己,如美国的麦克阿瑟将军曾在其任盟军最高统帅时,将此文悬挂在办公室内,并在其演讲中时不时引用。 理想的译文,应是在充分领会原文的要义和内涵后,在译文中自然地复现出来,既翻译出原文的字面义和隐含义,又保留原文的行文风格。像《青春》这样一篇足以影响数代人的美文佳作,篇幅短小,言语简洁,内容深刻,其译文必须要将原文的形式之美和内涵之美充分传递给读者,才能让人感到印象深刻,不失原文的精彩。

此处参考的三篇译文,一篇出自翻译大家王佐良先生,其余两篇出自两位不知名的译者。若撇开三位译者的知名度不谈,仅就译文的翻译水准来评价,考虑到译文的各个方面,三位译者的译文都可视为属上乘之作,而我个人较为偏爱的是王佐良先生的版本,其译文即便是独立的作品,亦堪称精品。若从细节处理,措辞艺术,修辞艺术,句子优化这些角度来判别译文水准的高下,无论是用词的凝炼,修辞的运用,以及句式的灵活,王佐良先生的译文都无可挑剔。虽然在翻译过程中,这个版本细节的处理较另两个版本有更多的变通,但这些变通并没有妨碍到译文的“信”,即忠实于原文,反而使译文更顺畅,更加自然,更有“中国味儿”,读来也更为亲切,更符合“达”的要求;而且王佐良先生的译文在风格上最接近原文,传递出原文意境的美感,“雅”的体现有目共睹。可以说,初读一遍,三篇译文或许难分伯仲,而细细品之,则觉王佐良先生的译文也如原文一般,好似陈年佳酿,令人不禁反复回味,不忍忘却。 严复先生在多年前提出了翻译的“信达雅”标准,窃以为,“信”和“达”是“雅”的基础和前提,没有忠于原文的“信”,则无所谓译文通顺自然之“达”,更无需谈及译文既与原文神似又有语言品味之“雅”。此处选取的三篇译文,在“信”和“达”方面,都表现得相当不错,可以说不仅忠实于原文,也翻译得浅白流畅,文字功底可见一斑;而王佐良先生的译文之所以能技压群芳,还是因为在“雅”方面,即表达的艺术性和美感方面,略胜一筹。 二、从细节处理的角度比较译文 相对于后文将会谈到的修辞艺术和措辞艺术,细节处理和句子优化更多地是为译文的“达”,即令译文更自然晓畅而没有“翻译腔”,更符合目标语言读者的阅读习惯;并且在“达”的基础上,也帮助译文更接近“雅”的境界。


my friend and I are taking a , we are seeing a boy sit on the chair,he is crying,we go and ask him.“what’s the matter with you” he tell us“I can’t find my dog can you help me”.“yes,I can”.And we help him find his dong .oh it stay under the big tree! 今天我和我的朋友一起去散步。突然我们看见一个男孩坐在椅子上,他哭的很伤心。我们走过去问他:“你怎么了”。他告诉我们:“我的狗不见了,你们能帮我找到它吗”。“是的,我们能帮你找到你的狗”然后我们帮助他找到了他的狗,原来是它呆在一棵大树下。 day an old man siselling a big young man comes to the elephant and begins to look at it old man goes up to him and says inhis ear,“Don't sa y anything about the elephant before I sell it,then i'll give you some money.”“All right,”says the young the old man slles the elephant,he gives the young man some money and says,“Now,can you tell me how you find the bad ears of theelephant?”“I don't find the bad ears,”says the young man.“Then why do you look at the elephant slowly?”asks the old young man answers,“Because I never see an elephant before,and I want to know what it looks like.” 一天,一个老的男人正在卖一头大象。一个年轻的男人走向大象然后开始慢慢看着它(大象),这个老的男人走向他对着他的耳朵说,“不要在我卖出它(大象)之前说关于它(大象)的事,然后我会给你一些钱。”“好的”,这个年轻的男人说。在这个老的男人卖出大象后,他给了年轻的男人一些钱并且说,“现在,你可以告诉我你是怎样知道大象的坏的耳朵了吧?”“我不知道坏的耳朵”,这个年轻的男人说。“然后为什么你慢慢的看着大象?”这个老的男人问。这个年轻的男人回答,“因为我在这之前从来没有见过大象,还有我想知道它(大象)是什么样子的。” 3.An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.? Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."? 一位老妇有只猫,这只猫很老,它跑不快了,也咬不了东西,因为它年纪太大了。一天,老猫发现一只老鼠,它跳过去抓这只老鼠,然而,它咬不住这只老鼠。因此,老鼠从它的嘴边溜掉了,因为老猫咬不了它。? 于是,老妇很生气,因为老猫没有把老鼠咬死。她开始打这只猫,猫说:“不要打你的老仆人,我已经为你服务了很多年,而且还愿意为你效劳,但是,我实在太老了,对年纪大的不


Person of the Year(Nancy Gibbs) Sept.11 delivered both a shock and a surprise---the attack, and our response to it----and we can argue forever over which mattered more. There has been so much talk of the goodness that erupted that day that we forget how unprepared we were for it. We did not expect much from a generation that had spent its middle age examining all the ways it failed to measure up to the one that had come before—all fat, no muscle, less a beacon to the world than a bully, drunk on blessings taken for granted. It was tempting to say that Sept. 11 changed all that, just as it is tempting to say that every hero needs a villain, and goodness needs evil as its grinding stone. But try looking a widow in the eye and talking about all the good that has come of this. It may not be a coincidence, but neither is it a partnership: good does not need evil, we owe no debt to demons, and the attack did not make us better.It was an occasion to discover what we already were. “Maybe the purpose of all this,” New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said at a funeral for a friend, “is to find out if America today is as strong as when we fought for our independence or when we fought for ourselves as a Union to end slavery or as strong as our fathers and grandfathers who fought to rid the world of Nazism.” The terrorists, he argues, were counting on our cowardice. They’ve learned a lot about us since then. And so have we. For leading that lesson, for having more faith in us than we had in ourselves, for being brave when required and rude where appropriate and tender without being trite, for not sleeping and not quitting and not shrinking from the pain all around him, Rudy Giuliani, Mayor of the World, is TIME’s 2001 Person of the Year.(From Time, December 31, 2001)

翻译 中英对译 英文散文赏析

原文 巷 柯灵译者-张培基 巷,是城市建筑艺术中一篇飘逸恬静的散文,一幅古雅冲淡的图画①。这种巷,常在江南的小城市中,有如古代的少女,躲在僻静的深闺,轻易不肯抛头露面②。你要在这种城市里住久了,和它真正成了莫逆,你才有机会看见她③,接触到她优娴贞静的风度。 人耐心静静走去,要老半天才走完。它又这么曲折, 什么时候,你向巷中踅去,都如宁静的黄昏,可以清晰地听到自己的 斑斑驳驳的苔痕,墙上挂着一串串苍翠欲滴 的藤萝,简直像古朴的屏风。春来 小巷的动人处就是它无比的悠闲。无论是谁, 你的心情就会如巷尾不波的古井,那是一种和平的静穆,而不是阴森和肃杀⑩。它闹中取静,别有天地,仍是人间。它可能是一条现代的乌衣巷(11),家家有自 己的一本哀乐帐, 使人忘忧。 译文 The Lane Ke Ling The lane, in terms of the art of urban architecture, is like a piece of prose of gentle gracefulness or a painting of classic elegance and simplicity①.

a small the lane, a maiden of ancient times hidden away in a secluded boudoir, is reluctant to make its appearance long time.③ The does not taste of the countryside at all. It is long and deep, so it will take you a long while to walk patiently and quietly through it from end to end. It is also so winding that it seems ⑤when you look far ahead, but if you keep walking until you take a turning, you’ll find it again lying endless and still more quiet. There is nothing but stillness there⑥. At any hour of day, you can even distinctly hear in the , which, moss-covered and hung with clusters of fresh green wisteria, look almost like screens of primitive simplicity. Inside the walls are residents’ gardens with In spring, beautiful peach and apricot blossoms atop the walls, ⑧waving their red sleeves, will sway hospitably to beckon the pedestrians. The charm of the lane lies in its absolute serenity. No matter who you are, if you in the lane for a while⑨, your mind will become as unruffled as the ancient well at the end of the lane. There you will a kind of peaceful calmness rather than gloomy sternness⑩. There reigns peace and quiet in the midst of noisy bustle. It is a world of its own on earth. It may be a modern (11)where each family, secluded behind closed doors, has its own covered-up story of (12)The all-pervading and all-purifying atmosphere of water-like placidness makes one forget all cares and worries.


散文翻译 一、散文的特点 散文是文学中常见的体裁,它选材广泛,结构灵活,表现手法多样,如叙事!抒情!议论等,主要特点是:体物写志,行散神聚。―形散―是指散文运笔如风,不拘形式,清淡自然; ―神聚‖指意旨明确,紧凑集中,既散得开,又收得拢;既有豪放的特色,又有清幽的特征。真正的散文是充满诗意的,就像苹果里饱含着果汁一样(巴乌斯托夫斯基语)。优美的散文艺术性在于新颖的构思,充沛的感情,丰富的想像,简洁精粹的语言和耐人寻味的意境"散文也常常被比作小而境界深邃的园林。作者运笔看似信手拈来,实则字斟句酌,环环相扣,使读者浮想联翩。文论家刘勰说道: ―情动而言行,理发而文见‖,由此可见散文贵在以巧取胜,以巧妙的语言、巧的意境来打动读者,给读者以最大审美愉悦。既然散文有丰富的艺术魅力,那么它的审美效果又如何在译文中传达呢?俄国著名翻译家吉加切奇拉泽在《文艺翻译与文学交流》一书中谈到文艺翻译的总的指导原则时认为:―理想的文艺翻译首先是在艺术上,而不是在语言上和原文一致。即使达不到这一目标,也应全力以求,离目标越近越好‖。在加氏看来,作家的思想表现在文字形象以及一定的语调和节奏结构上,每个句子由若干语调、意群或若干句素组成,它们的意义合构成句子。因此,他认为文艺翻译的过程也应当根据上面的模式进行。不过译者不能机械地重复创作过程的所有阶段,译者应努力把通过文字形象表达的原作的思想用另一种语言再现出来,当然同时要有兼顾文学文本所特有的语调、节奏和句构特点,作为文学翻译形式之一的散文翻译,自然也要求译者在传译过程中,不仅要传达出原文的语流!节奏和句子结构等语义信息,更应着重传达原文的艺术神韵,以使目标读者在读译文时可以获得和原文读者读原文时同样的语义和美学的双重享受。 二、散文英译 以张培基的《英译中国现代散文选》为例: (一)句子短小精悍,结构简单 从理论上说,英语语言与汉语语言相比,英语句子―常常是环扣相嵌,盘根错节,句中有句‖,也就是所谓的―楼房建筑法‖(architecture style) 。而汉语以散句、松句、紧缩句、省略句、流水句等短句居多[4 ] (P48 - 49) 。可见,在汉英翻译中,使用英语长句是理所当然的,也是符合语言规律的。 但在张先生英译的散文中,英语短句却屡见不鲜,正是这些短句的使用,形成了张先生译文―质朴‖的风格。在《差不多先生》( Mr. About - the - Same) 一文中,有这么一段话: 差不多先生的相貌和你和我差不多。他有一双眼睛,但看的不很清楚;有两只耳朵,但听得不很分明; 有鼻子和嘴,但他对于气味和口味都不很讲究。他的脑子也不小,但他的记性却不很精明,他的思想也不很细密。


新编英语教程8 (第一单元~第六单元、第八单元)笔记整理。 包括: 新编英语教程8的课后句子改写paraphrase参考答案。 新编英语教材学生用书8部分重点课文解读和课后答案。 Paraphrases: 第一单元 1.But, from the historical perspective, we are now a little more mature,realistic :four hundred years ago, people regarded happ in ess with won derme nt, thinking that it befell some one as a result of an in explicable arran geme nt made by the mysterious uni verse. 2.Happ in ess in shakespeare's time, and even afterwards, was associated with wealth, success and positi on, which in some way, came upon a certa in pers on, who would express such an occasi on in the form of great joy or exciteme nt. 3.Happ in ess is no Ion ger accide ntal,i ndeed, it becomes an objective to achieve. 4.People defi nitely varied in their opinions as to what has give n rise to happ in ess and what happ in ess actually means. 第二单元 1.They were amazed at my being so stubbornly inquisitive over that issue, unable to figure out how i could be so ignorant of what was going on about so com mon place a practice in the america n econo mic and political life. 2.When immorality prevails, it's practically no use talking convincingly about conscienee. 3.Many americans are always preaching about human equality, but will take a firm stand against the issue of equal rights in their com mun ities and schools. 4.It seems that they are also brave eno ugh to take the risk in reiterat ing their worry, which ,con seque ntly, makes them such un forgivable bores to those successful social climbers. 5.Ultimately, only these people may hopefully help to create a society that is characterized by its moral stre ngth that leads to its con ti nu ous existe nee in stead of its moral degradati on that ends in tis destructi on. 第三单元 1.We tend to believe that we are a harmonious impartial and benevolent people, living under approved laws but not by the will of any in dividual in the gover nment.


一、翻译散文的要领: 第一、准确把握原文的内容和风格。朴实无华有口语化倾向,典雅华丽浪漫抒情,还是修辞多样形式工整? 第二、在语言、句式、结构、修辞等方面忠实地重现原文的内容与风格。 二、现代散文特点 通过对现实生活中某些片断或生活事件的描述,表达作者的观点、感情,并揭示其社会意义,它可以在真人真事的基础上加工创造;不一定具有完整的故事情节和人物形象,而是着重于表现作者对生活的感受,具有选材、构思的灵活性和较强的抒情性,散文中的“我”通常是作者自己;语言不受韵律的限制,表达方式多样,可将叙述、议论、抒情、描写融为一体,也可以有所侧重;根据内容和主题的需要,可以像小说那样,通过对典型性的细节欲生活片段,作形象描写、心理刻画、环境渲染、气氛烘托等,也可像诗歌那样运用象征等艺术手法,创设一定的艺术意境。 三、要素 第一、所谓优美,就是指散文的语言清新明丽(也美丽),生动活泼,富于音乐感,行文如涓涓流水,叮咚有声,如娓娓而谈,情真意切。 第二、所谓凝练,是说散文的语言简洁质朴,自然流畅,寥寥数语就可以描绘出生动的形象,勾勒出动人的场景,显示出深远的意境。散文力求写景如在眼前,写情沁人心脾。 四、在《英译中国现代散文选》中,翻译家张培基先生保存散文风格方面的技巧值得学 习:句子短小、精悍,结构简单;用词简单、明了;修辞处理合理,力求通俗易懂; 语言逻辑关系清晰;对文化因素处理得体,读者对译文无理解障碍。以上技巧的合理运用,翻译工作者可以此为鉴。 五、散文翻译原则: 1、文气贯通,气韵生动 英国散文翻译家Hilaire Belloc 为文学散文翻译制定了6 条原则,认为翻译的本质是异地之魂假借本地之躯的复活(the essence of translating is the resurrection of an alien thing in a native body) ,强调散文的翻译不能拘泥于原文之字句,要视段落或部分为整体。翻译要“以意译意( translate intention by intention) ”,以意译意”与林语堂提倡的翻译要“翻译要遵循行文之心理”是高度一致的,这样可以摆脱原文字句的束缚,有利于发挥译入语的优势。 2、传神写照———“意,气,文”三位一体 在散文翻译中,我们要想译得曲尽其妙,须得传神地摹写作者的气质神韵。每一个作者有每一个的个性特点、气质精神,着手翻译之前,要先对作者进行深入的研究,把握其时代背景、人生经历、创作风格等,这样的翻译方能做到传神达意,否则,难免貌合神离 3、文学翻译非文字翻译 讲求整体效果,即“神韵”。有些表面忠实的译文,失去了散文的文采,文雅,便失去了自身的价值,终究是失败的译文。 六、从篇章翻译看散文翻译 1、标题的翻译技巧 眼睛对于人来说, 是他们心灵的窗户; 而标题对于一篇文章来说, 就是它的眼睛。标题凌驾于篇章之上, 却植根于篇章之中。在翻译时必须牢记: 一是真正看懂全文之后再决定译名; 二是译出的标题必须符合通用的翻译标准: 忠实、通顺、有美感。在翻译标题 时, 译者充分考虑了两种语言的不同习惯和不同的文化、社会背景, 注重准确选词、增词、结构转换和结合上下文语境的理解来完成。

世界散文名篇节选 英译汉 原文及翻译

世界散文名篇节选请翻译下文 I have been assured by a very knowing(会意的,知情的,心照不宣的)American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing(nourishing food 滋补食品), and wholesome (有益健康的)food, whether stewed(炖,煨), roasted(烘,烤,焙), baked(烘烤,焙), or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee (油焖原汁肉块)or a ragout(蔬菜炖肉). I do therefore humbly offer it to public consideration that of the hundred and twenty thousand children already computed(计算,估算), twenty thousand may be reserved(保留,储备)for breed, whereof(关于什么,关于那个)only one-fourth part to be males; which is more than we allow to sheep, black cattle or swine(猪); and my reason is, that these children are seldom the fruits of marriage, a circumstance not much regarded by our savages(野蛮人,未开化的人), therefore one male will be sufficient to serve four females. That the remaining hundred thousand may, at a year old, be offered in the sale to the persons of quality and fortune through the kingdom; always advising the mother to let them suck (吮吸,含在嘴里吸食)plentifully in the last month, so as to render使变得,是成为)them plump and fat


商务英语翻译中词语的选择 商务英语翻译中词语得选择 1 商务英语 11商务英语 随着经济全球化,国际间商务交往活动日益频繁,作为沟通各国商务活动和经济交流得语言工具——商务英语, 已成为职场生活中一门跨学科得综合性专业学科.国际商务英语是在国际商务得背景下进行跨文化交际得一种共通语言.学术界认为它属于应用语言学得研究范围,是专门用途英语得一个重要分支和英语得一种社会功能变体.国际商务得丰富内容和繁杂活动决定了国际商务英语翻译得复杂性、特别性和多样性,它不仅涉及两种文字和文化得转换,更涉及国际商务理论知识、国际商务各个领域得专业语言特点和各种国际商务文体得行文和专门表达法[2]. 12商务英语得语言特点 121商务英语得语言得专业性 商务英语在词汇使用上得最大特点是其专业词汇量大, 同时使用特别准确, 其中所包含得大量得专业词汇是具有商务意义得一般词汇或复合词, 以及大量得缩略词, 其语言具有极强得专业性.例如:benefits(利润), dam ages(赔偿金额) , forward pricing(远期估价), hedge (套期保值) , bar code(条形码),value- added service(增值服务), c b d (交货前付款), iou (欠条)等等. 122 商务英语句子结构复杂, 意思完整 商务英语涉及双方或多方利益, 商务合同、文件、或一个合同所给得定义、条款和内容必须做到准确无本文由论文联盟收集整理误, 不能产生任何异议.wWwcoM鉴于此, 在用英语书写这些文件、合同时, 必须用词准确, 同时大量使用从句、短语来限定其内容, 其结果是大多数句子错综复杂, 结构严谨.例如:should any shortage, missing, damage or cases which are not in conformity with the quality standards in the previous articles of the contract be found of the delivered equipment and materials during the open -package inspect ion, check and test in the presence of the representatives of both parties, a detailed record shall be made and signed by them (双方代表在开箱检验、核对和测试期间, 若发觉交付得设备和材料有短缺、丢失、损坏或不符合本合同中得条款规定得质量标准时, 应做详细记录, 并由他们签字.)123 商务英语中大量使用被动语态、祈使句、非谓语动词和情态动词 为了做到语言简洁, 内容表达客观公正和有关事项描述得准确无误, 在商务英语中大量使用被动语态、祈使句、情态动词以及各种从句.例如: during the period from the date of effectiveness to the termination of this contract the two parties shall ho ld a meeting every year to discuss problems in the execution of the contract to exchange views on technical development and improvement and thus to lay a foundation for further technical cooperation the meeting shall be held in the two countries in turn the content and conclusion o f such discussions shall be written in memorandum the number o f attendants of each party shall not exceed five persons each party shall bear its own expenses (从合同生效之日起到合同终止得期间内, 双方每年凉快一次正式会晤, 以便讨论合同执行中存在得咨询题, 以及就技术改进与创新咨询题进行交流, 为进一步得技术合作奠定基础.双方得会晤轮流在两国进行凉爽.讨论得内容和结论载入备忘录中.每方参加人员不得超过5人, 且费用自理)[1]. 2 商务英语翻译中选词存在得咨询题 21对专业词汇不了解 作为科技英语得一个分支,商务英语拥有数量可观得词汇.要真正读明白商务英语文章,除了商务谈判和交际中所涉及得各种词汇外,还需要了解许多固有得经济词汇.这些词汇不仅

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