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三位老师基本上出了phonics应有的味道,尤其是拼读完成得不错,三年级的小朋友能直呼trait, play等较难的单字。杜老师还在听学韵律诗这一步,加上一个任务:Listen, watch and chant. Then match the words with the pictures.虽然量不多,仅是两三个单字与图片的连接,但如果坚持这样做,就有可能帮助学生养成关注语意的良好习惯。


1. 教师要引导学生归纳ai与ay的拼读规则。

这条规则是:You usually find ai in the middle of a word and ay at the end of a word.

当这一步做好后,日后学到oi和oy时,学生会更容易得出拼读规律——You usually find oi in the middle of a word and oy at the end of a word.


2. 教师要强化拼读练习。


如今东莞的老师大多采用Phonics kids或者Jolly phonics来作为备课的参考,前者的进度比较缓慢,适合幼儿园起点的孩子。在三年级的课堂上,教师可以适当地整合材料,加快速度。不需要一页一页地过。对于三年级的孩子,一次课只拼读四个单词,量是远远不够的。 例如今天的课,phonincs kids只要求ay与h, j, r, pl拼读。远远满足不了三年级学生的“胃口”。如果长期处于吃不饱就算了的状态,胃容量会慢慢地缩小,待有一日当我们发现学生的胃口远比正常的容量要小时,为时已晚。

另外,拼读的单词应有意识地加入常见词,如:day, say, way, may等。这样,学生在学习生活中碰到这类词会有亲切的感觉,接受度更高。

3. 教师要有纠音正音的意识。



4. 教师要有知识滚动学习的意识。








附:常见的字母与字母组合发音规则 (I)元音字母及元音字母组合拼读规则 ● 元音字母的发音 (一)元音字母a 1. 重读开音节 [ei] paper ; late ; make ; lake ; face 2. 重读闭音节 [?] bag ; fat ; cat ; ladder ; mass (*例外:any一些[e] ;many许多[e]) 3. 非重读音节 [?]或[i] 即:[?]—— ago ; along ; among ; above ; aloud [i]—— comrade ; village ; manager ; palace ; private ;necklace *连续相同的辅音(字母),一般只发一个音,而且归属 后一个音节段。如上的ladder,village . 4.在字母w或wh后面,发[?] was ; wash ; what ; want ; (*例外:water水[?:]) 5.a在诸如-ance;-ask;-ass;-ast;-ath组合里,重读时均发[a:] 即:dance ;France ; chance ask ;mask ;task ;basket class ;grass ;glass ;pass ;——(*例外:mass[?]) fast ;cast ;past ;last ;master ; father ;path ;bath ;——(*例外:maths[?]) (二)元音字母e 1.重读开音节 [i:] me ;he ;she ;these ;evening 2.重读闭音节 [e] hen ;get ; set ;tell ; echo 3.非重读音节 [i] useless ;ticket ;basket ;pocket ;before ;below ;

字母组合发音规律记忆口诀 一、尝试用“胸腔辅助送力---—口腔后部发声法”背诵念读26个英文字母,感觉学习标准发音,直到感觉音准,流利,升降调式自如为止。 印刷体:大写 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 小写a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 手写体倾斜:(注意四线格占格要求) 大写 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 小写 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z [ ei / bi: /si: /di: / i: /ef /dVi: / eitF /ai / dVei / kei / el /em /en /Eu / pi://kju: /B: /es /ti: /ju: / vi: /dQblju:/eks /wai /zi:] 先观察以上字母的读音,然后,把含有共同元音因素的字母进行分类: (1) [ei] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] (2) [i:] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] (3) [ai] ___[ ] ___[ ] (4) [Eu] ___[ ]

(5) [u:] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] (6) [e] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] ___[ ] (7) [B:] ___[ ] 三、英语拼音怎么来拼读:(也就是单词的音标怎么读。/与我们汉语拼音很相似) (拼读规则:以元音为中心划分音节,按音节来拼读。) 拼读口诀:元音为中心,划分音节、按音节拼读;多音节加重音、多音节一重多轻发音,轻音节怎么轻怎么发音。重开音节读长音,轻/闭音节读短音。例子:he[hi:], name [neim], table[`teibl], bicycle[`baisikl], teacher[`ti:t??], red, cap, and, thank, basket, yellow, umbrella, *****{详细内容见后面第五节(本材料第8页):五、音节划分。。。} u小测试:音标拼读练习。 [ai] + [?] →[ai?] [au]+ [?]→ [au?][h]+ [i?]→ [hi?][p]+ [Z?] →[pZ?] [t]+[?i] →[t ?i] [ei]+ [t?]→ [eit?][t?] +[ei]→[t?ei] [g]+[?u]→[g?u] [k]+[au]→[kau] [sn]+[?u]→[sn?u] [pr]+[au]→[prau][pl]+[ei]→[plei] [gr]+[i:]→[gri:][gl]+[u:]→[glu:][kl]+[a:]→[kl a:] [kl]+[a:]+[s]→[kl a:s] [t]+[u:]+[W]→[tu:W] [br]+[au]+[n]→[braun] [r]+[?]+[b]+[?]→[`r?b?] [b]+[a:]+[s]+[k]+[i]+[t]→[`b a:skit][t]+[i:]+[t?]+[?]→[`ti:t??] [?]+[m]+[br]+[e]+[l]+[?]→[?m`brel?][bai]+[si]+[kl]→[`baisikl][br?]+[T?]→[`br ?T?]

英语字母组合发音表大全 英语字母组合发音 26 个字母发音规律 a /ei/ name cake table /?/ apple cat map am /α: / want dance /o/what watch b /b/ book big bag box c /k/ cat cake cup clock car /s/ face nice pencil books d /d/ desk doll dog dad e /i:/ he she meet me /e/ elephant egg bed pen f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove /dз / age orange h /h/ hat he house hand i /ai / fine bike five ice /i/is sit miss pig picture j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar k /k/ kite cake black thank l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp

/l/ apple bowl tell old m /m/am map my mouth milk n /n/ no know new hand o /?u / old home nose coke /o/ dog not clock box /Λ/son month mother love P /p/map jeep pig pen apple q /kw / quite quilt quick r /r/ red radio brother racket x /ks / box six fox al /o: / tall small ball s /s/ sit miss this smile books /z/ nose those rose rulers t /t/ it sit not that table little / i / happy baby very /e/ head bread ready u /ju: / use usually excuse /Λ/bus us sun duck / u / put pull push v /v / five vase very seven w /w/ we window watch want air x /ks / box six fox

1.元音: 1)[i:] ee / ea / e / ie, ei three tree green sheep meet beef seek tea leave lead team mean speak clean he she me Chinese piece believe︱receive ceiling receipt leisure 2) [i]i / y / e / a sit picture list mix fix fit pig build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious orange comrade village 3) [? ] a hand ant happy map mad glad flag shall 4) [e]ea / e / a *ai/ei head bread pleasure *said/leisure elephant electric remember sell hotel many any 5) [?:] ir / ur / ear / ur / or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve *work worm word world 6)[?] (弱音) er / or / ou / ure / ar / o / a / e / u 元音字母及发元音的所有组合在非重读音节中基本上都读[?] 或(少数)[i] leader speaker farmer powder power doctor actor mayor author delicious generous various jealous pleasure measure leisure culture familiar collar dollar liar together lesson control polite account ago banana Canada Japan China spidermen listen glisten elephant calculus suspect maximum 7)[a:] ar / a / al *heart/clerk/sergeant car farm card arm garden last plant︱calm half 8) [?] u / o / ou / oo up supper lunch fun gun hunt cup bus come mother does brother love above trouble rough flourish blood flood 9) [?:] al / or / oor / au / our / ou / ar small wall talk tall hall ball call walk short lord horse forty sport more store sore ︱door floor sauce author caught autumn haunt four mourn court︱bought fought *warmth wardrobe quarter 10)[?] / [?]o / a hot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar want wash what squander 11)[u:] oo / o / u groom broom doom goose tooth balloon shoe do two true truth blue full

字母组合oo发音的教案 一.教学目标 1,能掌握字母组合oo在单词中的发音,并掌握词汇 book,look,football,good,balloon,food,zoo,noodles的发 音及意思. ⒉, 能区别oo发音单词的长短音。 二教学重点 学习字母组合oo在单词中的长音和短音,能区别拼写类似的单词。三,教学难点 区别单词字母组合oo的长短音. 四,教学准备 卡片 五,教学过程 1,leda in 以chat引入, 2,presenation a以抓住单词的形式出现单词 book,look,football,good,ballon,food,zoo,noodle a,教师编了一个故事,一个cook,喜欢看书,书上在一个动 物园zoo,有一个拿着气球 ballon的小男孩,看着踢球的熊, 熊很棒good,在出现这些单词的时候,出示卡片,并进行示 范和齐读,个别读,书写时把长音跟短音区分开来写,并且

写上音标。带领大家读,再让学生观察有什么发现,总结规律。再让学生自己想出几个字母组合oo的长短音的单词。(在辅音字母f,m,n,s,前的字母组合oo发[u:],单词后面是辅音结尾+oo结尾的读[u:],在字母t前的字母组合oo读音[u] 字母组合oo在d 和k前的发音素[u],重度音节结尾的词因素读[u:],)然后老师给出一些发长音和短音的单词进行对规律的巩固.再由学生自己给出一些发长音和短音的单词。 C,教师让学生自己看题目,清楚所给的每组单词的意思,请三组同学来读一读并说出意思,教师播放录音,要求学生圈出所给的单词 Practice 老师给出以下单词 Too boot tooth room food school foot good book zoo soon classroom noodles 带领学生读这些单词。 趣味操练 1,单词接龙游戏,第一位同学说balloon,第二位同学就要说balloon,food,第三位说三个单词都是读[u:]的,2,小小公交导乘员 老师在黑板上画两辆公交车,每个公交车上都写有一个 单词,如zoo和book,然后让学生将上面给出的单词根 据字母组合oo的读音送上相应的公交车.

英语字母及组合发音表学生姓名 一、26个字母发音(会背)家长签字 a/ei/ name cake table f /f/ fine friend fly foot n /n/ no know new /?/apple cat map am g /ɡ/gun glass glad glove /n/hand pen /α: /father dance /dз / age orange o /?u / home nose coke /?/ want what watch h /h/ hat he house hand /? / dog not clock box / ?: /water i /ai / fine bike five ice /Λ /son month mother love b /b/ book big bag box /i/ is sit miss pig picture /u:/ do whose c /k/cat cake cup clock car j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar p /p/ map jeep pig pen apple /s/ face nice pencil k /k/ kite cake black thank q /kw / quite quilt quick d /d/ desk doll dog dad l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp r /r/red radio brother racket e /i:/he she meet me /l/ apple bowl tell old s /s/ sit miss this smile books /e / elephant egg bed pen m /m/ am map my mouth milk t /t/ it sit not that table little ee /i:/ meet see bee feet jeep ir /?: / bird girl shirt thirty ou / au / out house mouth eir / ε? /their oa /?u / boat coat /Λ/ young er / ? / worker teacher ong /?? /long song / ?: / her oo /u/ book foot good ow / ?u / bowl window ere /i ? / here /u:/ moon balloon /au / now cow flower /ε? /where there or /?: / short fork port oy /??/ boy toy ew /ju: /new few /?: / word world work ur / ?: / turn /u: / flew grew oor /?: / door floor our /?:/ four your ight /ai /right high bright ore /?:/ more store sore /au? / our ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— 三、辅音组合(会背)家长签字 th /θ/ thank mouth ck/k / clock cock / δ/ this that with wh / w/ white wheel what tw /tw/ two twin twenty/h / who whose whom tr /tr/ tree train truck dr /dr/dress driver sh /∫/shirt wash short ts /ts/ jackets kites ch /t∫/child chair catch ds /dz/ birds friends / k / school Christmas ph/f/ elephant phone /dз/ sandwich wr /r/ wrong write kn/n/ know


二发元音字母的组合 这种字母组合主要有两种构成:元音字母+元音字母,元音字母+辅音字母。下面是详细内容: ai、ay:/ei/ 比如:wait,plain,stain;play,clay,gay,pray. au、aw/?:/ 比如:caugh,caught,taught;draw,lawn. al/?:/、/a:/ 比如:talk,walk;palm,calm. ar/a:/ 比如:park,bark,mark,harm. ea/i:/ 比如:seat,tea,beach,meat. ee/i:/ 比如:jeep,deep,indeed,see,flee. oa/?u/ 比如:throat,boat,coat. oo/u:/ 比如(长音,大多数情况下):boot,shoot.(字母k之前,发短音,)/u/,比如:cook,hook,look. ou/au/ 比如:outside,cloud,mouth. oi、oy/?i/ 比如:boil,oil;toy,boy. or/?:/、/?:/ 比如:tort;worm,work,word ew/ju:/ 比如:new,nephew,few. ow/au/、/?u/ 比如:down,town,cow;crow,grow,blow. all/?:l/ 比如:tall,hall,mall,ball. ank/?ηk/ 比如:tank,thank. ass/a:s/ 比如:grass,class,glass,brass. ask/a:sk/ 比如:task,mask,basket. air/ε?/ 比如:hair,air,pair. are/ε?/ 比如:hare,mare,bare,glare. ear/i?/、/?:/ 比如:hear,tear,clear;heard,learn.

辅音字母组合发音(全)字母组合 ble发音 ∕bl∕ ∕?∕ ch∕k∕ ∕?∕ ck cle deg ge gh∕k∕ ∕kl∕ ∕d3∕ ∕d3∕ ∕f∕ 有时不发音 ∕ɡw∕ gu gn gue

kn mb mn ng nk∕ɡ∕ ∕n∕ ∕ɡ∕ ∕n∕ ∕m∕ ∕m∕ ∕?∕ ∕?ɡ∕ ∕?k∕词例 able table possible chair school machine jacket uncle circle bicycle bridge judge knowledgeage change village hugelaugh eightdaughter

language guess signforeign league know knife knee knitclimb autumn morning English thank nc ph ple qu sc sh sion ssion stle tal tain tch

th tion tle ture wh wr kn∕?k∕∕f∕ ∕pl∕∕kw∕∕s∕ ∕?∕ ∕3n∕∕∫n∕∕sl∕ ∕tl∕ ∕tn∕∕?∕ ∕?∕ ∕e∕ ∕∫n∕

∕tl∕ ∕t∫ε∕uncle phone apple people examplequilt science scent scissor she conclusion invasion expression discussioncastle whistle rustle capital hospital britain certain watch thanks this nation station dictionarygentle battle bottle picture nature mixture一般情况下发∕w∕what 在字母O前发∕h∕who ∕r∕ ∕n∕write know dge -ing

曙光英语 自 然 拼 音 法 (内部资料)

自然拼音法简介 自然拼音法是目前国际上最推崇的英语教学方法,也是美国儿童语言启蒙所采用的方法。通过自然拼音的学习,可以让孩子建立起字母与发音之间的直觉音感,看到单词可以立即直觉反映出发音,同样,听到发音亦可直觉反映出单词拼写。 儿童在学习英语的初期应建立好语音语感的基础,系统地学习自然拼音能帮助孩子打下很好的基础,使孩子在以后的英语学习中事半功倍。 既然“音”是所有语言的根源,我们学英语也必得从“发音”着手。谈到“发音”,大家一定不约而同的联想到“音标”,因为它是传统学习不二法宝。自然拼音法就是一种非常好的学习音标的方法。 “自然拼音法”是以发音的自然规则为诉求重点。英语是拼音文字,二十六个字母有本身的读音,但每个字母更代表不同的音源;不同字母之组合则造成不同的字汇,当然也形成许多不同的发音。 “自然拼音法”是根据“字母”本身代表的“发音”,以及不同“字母组合”产生的音,做有条理,有系统的整合。让初


字母组合发音规律教学之我见 南宁市上林县民族中学覃海芬 【摘要】语音是英语学习的根本。字母、字母组合、词汇是英语的根基,在它们的基础上才形成了英语体系。[1]因此字母及字 母组合发音规律的教学在语音学习中起着关键性的作用。本 文谈论的是七年级学生在集中、系统学习和掌握了48个国 际音标、 26个字母的发音规律以及简单地拼读单词方法之 后,如何进入元音、辅音字母组合发音规律的学习,为学生 将来用语音记忆单词,进行高效积累词汇奠定坚实的基础。【关键词】语音字母组合规律教学 英语语言学家麦卡锡(Mac Carethy)强调必须先学好发音再学习语言,所以学习语言必先从语音开始。[2]学生在熟悉音标后,只要掌握了字母及字母组合的发音规律,将单词音形融会贯通,便能听其音而知其形,见其形而晓其音。[3] 一、激趣导入,激发热情。 子曰:“知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。”心理学家布鲁纳也指出:“学习的最好刺激乃是对所学材料的兴趣。”[Jeroms.S.Bruner1915]为了激发学生的学习热情和兴趣,上课初始我让学生欣赏他们喜欢的歌曲《O Christmas Tree》作为热身,从歌词中的单词tree,green自然引出学习目标------字母组合的发音,进而用引导式教学法让孩子们说说,我们还学了哪些单词也含有ee的组合。如:see bee sheep meet,相机引导他们通过拼读单词感悟字母ee的组合一般都是发 / i:/,然后通过Let’s chant的方式进一步巩固该组合的发音。如:What can you see? I can see a bee.Where is the bee?It is on the sheep.Oh,let me see.The bee and the sheep meet are on the beach.学生们一听到这个有趣的chant,热情就上来了,不但喜欢读,也模仿着编其它的顺口溜。这样的引入,符合七


pl plate, plane, place, plus, plan 盘子飞机地方加号计划 bl black, blame, bless, blue, blast 黑色指责祝福蓝色爆炸 cl clock, class, clap, clue, close 时钟班级鼓掌提示关闭 gl glass, glad, glide, glue, globe 玻璃高兴滑行胶水地球 fl flag, fly, flat, flash, flower 旗帜飞行平地闪光花朵 sl sled, sleep, slow, slide, slim 雪橇睡觉缓慢幻灯片苗条 带有r的字母组合(7) pr press, pride, price, print, proof 压按自豪价格打印检验br bridge, break, brave, brown, bread 桥间断勇敢棕色面包 cr crab, crack, crop, crown, creek 蟹子缝隙庄稼王冠小溪gr grape, grade, grass, grin, grunt 葡萄年级草地露齿而笑呼噜声tr truck, track, true, train, tree 货车小路真实火车树木dr dress, drag, drink, drive, drop 裙子拖拽喝酒驾驶落下fr frog, fresh, free, from, front 青蛙新鲜自由来自前面

sp spoon, spin, spot, spell, sport 汤匙眩晕地点拼写运动 st stop, stack, stay, step, still 停止草堆停留脚步但是 sc scale, scar, score, scare, scuff 测量伤痕分数恐慌磨损 sk skate, skip, skill, skull, skin 溜冰跳跃熟练脑袋皮肤 sm smoke, smile, smog, smell, smear 吸烟微笑烟雾气味污迹 sn snake, snap, snore, snow, snug 蛇折断鼾声雪雅室 sw swim, swell, swing, sweet, swift 游泳膨胀秋千糖果迅速 tw twig, tweet, twist, twin, twine 细枝鸟啼丝线孪生麻线 三字母组合 shr --shrink, shred, shrill, shrimp, shrub spl --splash, split, splice, splint, splurge spr --spread, spring, spree, sprain, spray squ --square, squad, squirrel, squat, squeak str --string, strip, straw, stream, street thr --throw, three, throne, thrift, thrill 在结尾的字母组合 ck(只发一个/k/音)--duck, pack, quick, luck, rock ld --cold, gold, held, mild, bald lk --milk, silk, elk, sulk, skulk mp --lamp, damp, champ, hump, dump

26个字母发音规律及英语字母组合发音表 a /ei/ name cake table /?/ apple cat map am /α: / want dance /o/ what watch b /b/ book big bag box c /k/ cat cake cup clock car /s/ face nice pencil books d /d/ desk doll dog dad e /i:/ he she meet me /e/ elephant egg bed pen f /f/ fine friend fly foot fan g /ɡ/ gun glass glad glove /dз / age orange h /h/ hat he house hand i /ai / fine bike five ice /i/ is sit miss pig picture j / dз / jeep jam jacket jar k /k/ kite cake black thank l /l/ leg left ruler flag lamp /l/ apple bowl tell old

m/m/ am map my mouth milk n /n/ no know new hand o /?u / old home nose coke /o/ dog not clock box /∧/ son month mother love p /p/ map jeep pig pen apple q /kw / quite quilt quick r /r/ red radio brother racket s /s/ sit miss this smile books /z/ nose those rose rulers t /t/ it sit not that table little u /ju: / use usually excuse /∧/ bus us sun duck / u / put pull push v /v / five vase very seven w /w/ we window watch want x /ks / box six fox y /ai / my fly why bye / j / yes yellow / i / happy baby very z / z / zoo zero

字母及字母组合发音规律总结 单元音 1)[i:]字母组合:ee ea e ie ei thr ee[θr i:]tr ee[tr i:]m ee t[m i:t]b ee f[b i:f]s ee k [s i:k] ea t[i:t]t ea[t i:]m ea t[m i:t]l ea ve[l i:v]sp ea k[sp i:k] h e[h i:]sh e[?i:]m e[m i:] p i ece[p i:s]rece i ve[ri's i:v]ce i ling['s i:li?] 2)[i]发音字母i y e ey s i t[s i t]p i cture['p i kt??]l i sten['l i s?n]m i x[m i ks]f i x [f i ks]m i ss[m i s] m y th[m iθ]man y['men i]happ y['h?p i]d i ctionar y ['d i k??n?r i] d e fect[d i'fekt]d e cide[d i'said]d e l i cious[d i'l i??s] 3)[?]发音字母a ai a ctress['?ktris]h a ppy['h?pi] b a d[b?d]bl a ck[bl?k] gl a d[ɡl?d] 4)[e]字母组合ea e a h ea d[h e d]br ea d[br e d]pl ea sure['pl e??]m a ny['m e ni]

a ny['e ni] e lephant['e lif?nt]el e ctric[i'l e ktrik]s e ll[s e l]l e sson ['l e s?n] 5)[?:]字母组合ir ur ear ur or g ir l[ɡ?:l]sh ir t[??:t]sk ir t[sk?:t]b ir d[b?:d] t ur n[t?:n]b ur n[b?:n]m ur der['m?:d?]n ur se[n?:s] l ea rn[l?:n]ear n[?:n]ear th[?:θ]h ear d[h?:d] t er m[t?:m]h er[h?:]n er d[n?:d]s er ve[s?:v] w or k[w?:k]w or m[w?:m]w or k[w?:k]w or ld[w?:ld] 6)[?]字母组合er or ou ar o a e u lead er['li:d?]play er['plei?]speak er['spi:k?]farm er ['fɑ:m?] act or['?kt?]may or['mε?]auth or['?:θ?]tract or['tr?kt?] Delici ou s[di'li??s]graci ou s['ɡrei??s] f a mili ar[f?'milj?]coll ar['k?l?]doll ar['d?l?] t o day[t?'dei]shall o p['??l?p]p o lite[p?'lait]a round [?'raund]a go[?'ɡ?u] mant a['m?nt?]b a nan a[b?'nɑ:n?]famul u s['f?mjul?s] 7)[a:]字母组合ar a c ar[kɑ:]f ar m[fɑ:m]c ar d[kɑ:d]ar m[ɑ:m]g ar den

字母及字母组合发音规律归纳总结 Class Grade Name: 一、48个国际音标表 1、单元音12个: /i:/ /a:/ /u:/ /?: / /?:/ / ? / / I/ /? / /u/ / ? / /?/ /e/ 2、双元音8个: /e I / / a I / / ?? / / a? / / I? / / e? / / ?? / /?I / 3、清、浊成对的辅音10对: /p/ /t/ /k/ /s/ /θ/ /f/ /?//?//tr/ /ts/ /b/ /d/ /g/ /z/ /e/ /v/ /?/ /?//dr/ /dz/ 4、单个辅音8个: /l/ /m/ /n/ /?/ /w/ /j/ /r/ /h/ 二、辅音单个字母和字母组合发音规则 1. p/p/ 2. b/b/ 3.t/t/ 4. d/d/ 5. c,k,ck/k/ 6. g/g//?/ 7. f,ph/f/ 8.v/v/ 9. s,c/s/ 10. s/z/ s/?/ 11. z/z/ 12. sh/?/ 13. th/θ/ /e/ 14. ch,tch/?/15. x /ks/ 16. tr/tr/ 17.dr/dr/ 18. ts/ts/ 19.ds/dz/ 20. l/l/ 21. m/m/ 22. n/n/ 23. n,ng/?/ 24. w,wh/w/ 25. j,y/j/ 26. wh,h/h/ wh /w/ 27. r /r/ 28. qu/kw/ 1.th

th/θ/thick thin think thank mouth birthday thirteen thirty thirsty south north thing something path th/e/this these those that with grandfather brother grandmother their there other another they them the 2. ch ch/?/chair watch catch cheer cheese chick chicken much French children child which each teach teacher peach China Chinese match chopstick ch/k/ school 3. sh sh/?/fish dish sheep ship English shoe shirt shout short shorts wash shelf shop shopping 4. ts ts/ts/ cats kites rabbits shorts 5.ds ds/dz/beds birds friends woods 6. ng ng/ ? / think thank thing pink wrong 7.wh wh/w/ why what when what which when where white

英语国际音标表(48个)元音(20个) 輔音(28个)

英语音标及字母组合对照 1.元音: 1) [i:] 字母组合:ee ea e ie ei (eo ey i) three tree green sheep meet beef see seek eat tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please he she me piece receive ceiling 2) [ I ]发音字母i y e ui u a sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss myth many twenty happy dictionary defect decide delicious 3) [ ? ] 发音字母a bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man 4) [e] 字母组合ea e a (ue,u,ie,ai,ei,ay) head bread pleasure elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes

many any 5) [ε:] 字母组合ir ur ear er or girl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burger learn earn earth heard term her nerd serve work worm work world 6) [ε] 字母组合er or ou ar o a e u teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder doctor actor mayor author tractor delicious gracious pleasure familiar collar dollar together tomorrow today shallop lesson Washington control polite around account ago elephant manta banana Canada Japan china men listen famulus Saturday 7) [a:] 字母组合ar a

音标字母组合发音表 据说背背字母组合的发音对学英语有帮助,找到个好东西,发上来共享。还有一些可能以后用的上的东西: 字母,组合音节发音规律 1)a [ei] [?] [[] [a:] [R] late private grade bake grape nation station page active hand bank fan parent family glad flag accept about above formative machine cinema fast last glass class past father wash what watch want 2)e [i:] [e] [i] [[] 不发音 appreciate extremely secret she me he letter left message generate pebble decide pretty previous result restore problem prosperous student confident active table late wife store lecture 3)i [ai] [i] high price library ice cream wife size line fist pick chicken piano fiancé city unit

4)o [[J] [J:] [Q] [[] [R] lode host cold note okay old home lose do who whose prove love some other mother honey company today tomorrow together control collect lost hot mock office soft honest 5)u [ju] [u] [Q] [[] university refuse unique universe huge put push pull full bull but brush bucket duck bubble support suggest 6)c [k] [s] country camp camera courage cable city ceiling celebrate cell cease 7)g [g] [dV] [N] girl grade glass glade bag flag village vegetable bridge gentleman gym long song sing morning evening 8) l [l] 读音不同 listen learn language collect English gorilla world cold soil tall sell cool animal 9) n [n] [N] moon night noodle number uncle hungry angry young 10) r [r] [[](美语发音) right read write grade progress card board door floor form north 11)y [j] [i] [ai] yellow year yell young yolk university country pretty happy dyke dying fly buy by my 12)ar [a:] [[] [R:] farm card garden mark dollar warm quarrel quarter 13) ea [i:] [e] [ei] [i[] cease season breathe feature meat please bread breast breath meadow weather great break idea realize 14) ear [[:] [i[] learn earth earn heard hear near clear ear fear 15) er [[:] [[] [i[]

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