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Shakespeare the Historian 史学家的莎士比亚

Shakespeare the Historian 史学家的莎士比亚
Shakespeare the Historian 史学家的莎士比亚

BBC Learning English – Shakespeare

About this script

Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process changes may have been made which may not be reflected here.



Shakespeare the Historian 史学家的莎士比亚


This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle.

Swits and spurs, swits and spurs; or I'll cry a match.

There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.

Li: 大家好,我是杨莉。欢迎收听莎士比亚特别系列节目William Shakespeare. 我今天的搭档也叫William, 他是William Kremer. Hi William.

William: Hello Li. So today our programme is called Shakespeare the Historian. And we’re going to be talking about Shakespeare’s history plays – all the plays

he wrote about old kings of England.

Li: 是的。The Bard 写了11部历史剧,时间的跨度是12世纪到莎士比亚出生之前的16世纪中叶。

William: And one of the greatest of Shakespeare’s history plays is Richard II. So in today’s programme we’re going to talk a bit about that play and what it

tells us about Shakespeare’s approach to history.

Li: 今天我们荣幸地请到了权威的历史学家和著名电视节目主持人,Michael Wood. 我和柯·威廉将同Michael 一起谈谈Richard II 理查二世这部历史剧。如果你有听不懂



Hi Michael, thanks very much for coming along today.

Michael: Hi. It’s nice to be here.

Li Michael, 为了更好地理解理查二世这部剧目,我们需要了解一下莎士比亚时代的英格兰是怎样的,所以请您描述一下16和17世纪的英国历史和社会背景并且同中国做一


Michael: OK. Well, compared with China, Shakespeare’s England was a very very small place Li, a very small place. You know if Ming Dynasty China maybe

had one hundred million people, England had three million people. So we

are talking about a very small place but at this moment in the history of

England, very great energies of history were coming out and above all, this

was caused by the changes in education, where grammar school education

was possible for much more people in the population than any time before

in history anywhere in the world. So Shakespeare, first of all, is product of

this revolution in education. Second, Shakespeare is born at a time of great

psychological change. For a thousand years before his time, England had

been a Christian Catholic country owing allegiance to the Pope in Rome.

But, in the time of Shakespeare’s father, the old religion was swept away

and a new religion of Protestantism was put in. So Shakespeare is born,

just, as we say, on the cusp, on this moment of change and this will

condition the way he looks at history.

Li: On the cusp of change 变革之际。理查二世这部剧的时代背景是莎士比亚出生前的200年,写的是英国国王因为战争集资没收贵族土地,招致贵族圈儿内的反对并被废除

王位的故事。继位者是他的表兄Henry Bolingbroke 博林布鲁克,也就是后来的亨

利四世Henry IV. 在剧的末尾被关在牢里的Richard 被人暗杀,暗杀者以为那是新国

王Henry 四世的意思,其实那是误会,因为新国王根本没有杀老国王的意图。

Now Michael, 你觉得这出历史剧理查二世和史实相符吗?

Michael: This is a difficult question. These are plays, not history. But the central story is true; this is exactly what happened and the main characters in it

are all real people. And of course these issues in history were very very

important and difficult issues in Elizabethan England because many people

had described Queen Elizabeth as being like Richard II. She had no heir,

she had no children. People criticised her for having friends and favourites

and not being impartial and just towards the people at large. So this was a

very dangerous subject to take.

William: Shakespeare portrays Richard II as an unwise king, but he is a very sympathetic character isn’t he? We see this very painful process of Richard

getting used to not being king, just being an ordinary person. And, at the

end of the play, we feel uneasy. We know he was a bad king but we do feel

sorry for him. Shakespeare doesn’t just tell us to hate this man, does he? Michael: Yeah. You know, the great Hollywood film director Billy Wilder, he had these rules about how to make a great cinema film. And he said one of the

important rules is “Don’t tell the audience what to think”. Now Shakespeare

never tells people what to think; you make up your mind, he lets you


Li: Now, Richard II 是一部很美,很富有诗意的历史剧,不过整个台词中竟没有一句白话文。现在我们选一段著名的台词听一听。John of Gaunt 在表示英国是如何美丽,



Gaunt: This royal throne of kings, this scepter'd isle,

This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,

This other Eden, demi-paradise,

This fortress built by Nature for herself

Against infection and the hand of war,

This happy breed of men, this little world,

This precious stone set in the silver sea,

Which serves it in the office of a wall,

Or as a moat defensive to a house,

Against the envy of less happier lands,

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England

Li: 大家可以上网收听这段台词,网址是https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f511732905.html,.


Wood, 你觉得这样的语言表达了莎士比亚对英格兰的一种什么样的个人情怀?

Michael: That speech is one of the most famous speeches of Shakespeare. The interesting thing about the speech of course is that although it has the

wonderful build up in its description of England as a scepter’d isle and its

people being a happy breed of men, a precious stone set in a silver sea,

the blessed plot, this England, of course the speech ends by saying “is

leased out”. It’s finished. So there’s a wonderful twist at the end. Now, this

tells you some fascinating things about Shakespeare. His obsession with

history in part is a nostalgia for the old world of his parents.

Li: Now Michael我们对每一个专家都会问的一个问题就是,你最喜欢的莎翁名言是什么?

Michael: Wow, that’s a difficult one. The Shakespeare phrase and saying that I use most often I used to use with my children, is one from Hamlet: “There is

nothing (either) good or bad, but thinking makes it so”.

Li: Great, yes!

William: Well Michael, thanks so much for joining us today. It’s been a pleasure to have you on the programme and it’s been a real eye-opener too.

Li: Yes, thank you very much indeed for joining our programme today. 非常感谢Michael.

Michael: Thank you so much.

Li: 一会儿和William 将把访谈的重点段落和词语进行解释和翻译。下面请听莎翁名言s words ,今天是什么?

S Words: Wild Goose Chase

Man: Oi! Come here! Come here!

Presenter: 你有没有试过抓野鹅?可能没有吧。但是如果从没有想试试这件事儿的想法,那么短语wild goose chase 可能会对你有所帮助。


Romeo: Swits and spurs, swits and spurs; or I'll cry a match.

Mercutio: Nay, if thy wits run the wild-goose chase, I have done; for

thou hast more of the wild-goose in one of thy wits than, I am

sure, I have in my whole five: was I with you there for the


Romeo. Thou wast never with me for anything when thou wast not

there for the goose.

Mercutio: I will bite thee by the ear for that jest.

Romeo: Nay, good goose, bite not.

Presenter: 你听懂了多少?一点儿都没有吗?别担心!这是Romeo and Juliet 剧中Romeo 和他的好朋友Mercutio 之间的一段喜剧对话。Shakespeare 喜剧文章非常滑稽但对


摸不着头脑的短语就是徒劳无益wild goose chase.


Mercutio: Nay, if thy wits run the wild-goose chase, I have done; for

thou hast more of the wild-goose in one of thy wits than, I am

sure, I have in my whole five.

Presenter: Mercutio想用wild goose chase 表达的意思可能更多的和马有关,而不是和鹅有关。

在Shakespeare年代a wild goose chase 更像是当今的赛马会,Mercutio 在这

儿是说他和Romeo 比赛讲笑话,就像赛马比赛里的骑马师。

但是wild goose chase 最初的意思已经被世人忘记。现在大家说a wild goose

chase 通常表示徒劳的举动,就像试着去抓野鹅一样。下面我们一起来听这个短语在



Woman: Barry asked for this DVD for Christmas. But I can’t find a copy anywhere!

I’ve just been on a wild goose chase all over London looking for it.

Man: My professor told me to go to the library for the book so I went there. But then the librarian told me that the book was on loan to another library in

Sussex. So I phoned them up and they said that according to their records

my professor currently has the book. I’ve wasted the whole morning on a

ridiculous wild goose chase!

Presenter: 这就是我们今天学习的短语a wild goose chase. 欢迎下周继续收听S words, 我们会讲解更多Shakespeare对英语语言贡献的经典名句。下次再会。

Man: Come here! Come here!

William: Now let’s now listen again to some clips from our interview with Michael Wood.

Li: Michael 说,莎士比亚是出于英国两个大变革时期的人物,你听清了没有?这两个变革是什么?


Michael: So Shakespeare, first of all, is product of this revolution in education.

Second, Shakespeare was born at a time of great psychological change.

Li: 莎士比亚是教育和心理变革两个重大时期的产物at a time of great psychological change.

William: Now, why was Richard II a very controversial play for Shakespeare? Let’s listen again.


Michael: And of course these issues in history were very very important and difficult issues in Elizabethan England because many people had described Queen

Elizabeth as being like Richard II.

William: It was a controversial play because many people described Shakespeare’s queen, Elizabeth, as being similar to Richard II.

Li: 最后,我们来看看John of Gaunt’s 的著名台词反映了莎士比亚什么样的历史观? 莎士比亚迷恋历史obsession with history. Michael 使用了一个特别的英语单词来形



Michael: This tells you some fascinating things about Shakespeare. His obsession with history in part is a nostalgia for the old world of his parents.

Li: 莎士比亚有一种怀旧感a nostalgia对往事的眷恋,对他父母生活时代的怀恋.

William: Well, I do hope that you have enjoyed this look at a great history play, Richard II.

Li: 下周我们将探讨莎士比亚的喜剧,同特约嘉宾,著名的喜剧导演Greg Doran 探讨第十二夜这出最搞笑的喜剧。

William: Till then, bye!

sonnet 18 莎士比亚的作品《第十八行诗》赏析 英文版

The speaker of the poem opens with a question that is addressed to the beloved, "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" This question is comparing her to the summer time of the year. It is during this time when the flowers are blooming, trees are full of leaves, the weather is warm, and it is generally thought of as an enjoyable time during the year. The following eleven lines in the poem are also dedicated to similar comparisons between the beloved and summer days. In lines 2 and 3, the speaker explains what mainly separates the young woman from the summer's day: she is "more lovely and more temperate." (Line 2) Summer's days tend toward extremes: they are sometimes shaken by "rough winds" (line3) which happens and is not always as welcoming as the woman. However in line 4, the speaker gives the feeling again that the summer months are often to short by saying, "And summer抯lease hath too short a date." In the summer days, the sun, "the eye of heaven" (line 5), often shines "too hot," or too dim, "his gold complexion dimmed" (line 6), that is there are many hot days during the summer but soon the sun begins to set earlier at night because autumn is approaching. Summer is moving along too quickly for the speaker, its time here needs to be longer, and it also means that the chilling of autumn is coming upon us because the flowers will soon be withering, as "every fair from fair sometime declines." (Line 7) The final portion of the sonnet tells how the beloved differs from the summer in various respects. Her beauty will be one that lasts forever, "Thy eternal summer shall not fade." (Line 9), and never end or die. In the couplet at the bottom, the speaker explains how that the beloved's beauty will accomplish this everlasting life unlike a summer. And it is because her beauty is kept alive in this poem, which will last forever. It will live "as long as men can breathe or eyes can see." (Line 13)On the surface, the poem is on the surface simply a statement of praise about the beauty of the beloved woman and perhaps summer to the speaker is sometimes too unpleasant with the extremes of windiness and heat that go along with it. However, the beloved in the poem is always mild and temperate by her nature and nothing at all like the summer. It is incidentally brought to life as being described as the "eye of heaven" with its "gold complexion". The imagery throughout the sonnet is simple and attainable to the reader, which is a key factor in understanding the poem. Then the speaker begins to describe the summer again with the "darling buds of May" giving way to the " summer’s lease", springtime moving into the warmth of the summer. The speaker then starts to promise to talk about this beloved, that is so great and awing that she is to live forever in this sonnet. The beloved is so great that the speaker will even go as far as to say that, "So long as men breathe, or eyes can see," the woman will live. The language is almost too simple when comparing it to the rest of Shakespeare’s sonnets; it is not heavy with alliteration or verse, and nearly every line is its own self-contained clause, almost every line ends with some punctuation that effects a pause. But it is this that makes Sonnet18 stand out for the rest in the book. It is much more attainable to understand and it allows for the reader to fully understand how great this beloved truly is because she may live forever in it. An important theme of the sonnet, as it is an important theme throughout much of the poetry in general, is the power of the speaker's poem to defy time and last forever. And so by doing this it is then carrying the beauty of the beloved down to future generations and eventually


************************************************************************** 审美递增递减律(一) 1 从文学和审美的角度来看,更具有内在的高度的是()。D ?A、白话诗 ?B、古体诗 ?C、现代诗 ?D、格律诗 2 在()时期,国人对于国粹和西化的排斥态度同时存在。C ?A、改革开放时期 ?B、新生活运动时期 ?C、文革时期 ?D、五四时期 3

以下错误描述人对事物的好恶的是()。B ?A、 很多人容易先产生好恶情绪再寻找具体理由 ?B、 对于某种东西的爱好更多来源于自身的自主选择 ?C、 好恶的原始冲动是可以被控制的 ?D、 最初的喜好更多地是冲动 4

审美递增递减规律的意思是,对于某种东西的爱好或者逐渐递增,或者逐渐递减,不可能在不同阶段产生不同的趋向。()错误 5 文学作品的创作若想要展示创作的独特性,就更要强调摒弃规律与制约。 ()错误 审美递增递减律(二) 1 辜正坤老师认为,艺术最终应该服务于()。D ?A、精英 ?B、个人 ?C、特定人群 ?D、大众 2 下列选项中错误描述审美改变的是()。C ?A、个人、集体乃至国家的审美都是可以被强行改变的 ?B、人的喜好是受传统影响的 ?C、审美可以在短时间自行改变

?D、审美是可以改变的 3 长期来看,()最容易影响人对于事物的喜好。B ?A、蕴含的意义 ?B、接触的频率 ?C、他人的喜好 ?D、事物的外表 4 审美活动中,效用递减律与效用递增律同时存在。()正确 5 任何文化都有正面和负面的内容,人们若想提高自身的审美水平,可以全盘接受一种负面较少的文化。()错误 阴阳二级对立转化律 1 《易经》运用要结合数与()。B ?A、道

William Shakespeare莎士比亚代表诗歌翻译及赏析

2011—2012第一学期 实践教学

William Shakespeare William Shakespeare (26 April 1564- 23 April 1616) was an English poet and playwright. He was widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist. His surviving works, including some collaboration, consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems, and several other poems. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright. Shakespeare was born and raised in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18, he married Anne Hathaway, with whom he had three children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer, and part owner of a playing company called the Lord Chamberlain's Men, later known as the King's Men. Shakespeare produced most of his known work between 1589 and 1613. His early plays were mainly comedies and histories, genres he raised to the peak of sophistication and artistry by the end of the 16th century. He then wrote mainly tragedies until about 1608, including Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth, considered some of the famous works. Shakespeare was a respected poet and playwright in his own day, but his reputation did not rise to its present heights until the 19th century. In the 20th century, his work was repeatedly adopted and rediscovered by new movements in scholarship and performance. His plays remain highly popular today and are constantly studied, performed and reinterpreted in diverse cultural and political contexts throughout the world. (Sonnet1 和sonnet5的相关资料由张文瑞提供) Sonnet 1


浅谈基督教与西方文明 中国语言文学类1003班 1703100311 于慧摘要:基督教两千多年前起源于罗马的巴勒斯坦省,它以耶稣基督的生平、教导、死亡与复活为根基。本文简单叙述了基督教产生的渊源、基督教的基本信仰,并浅析了基督教对西方文明的主要影响。 关键词:基督教信仰西方文明 众所周知,西方文化的形成和发展直接承继了古希腊、罗马文化传统,而其实它还受到了基督教思想的深刻影响,并且在大多数西方人眼里,基督教对于现代西方文化的影响远远超过了古典文化的影响。因此 ,要更好地了解和学习西方文明,大致了解基督教的相关知识对我们来说是很必要的。 国际上,基督教是天主教、东正教、基督新教的统称,这三个教会的信徒都称为基督徒。在三个教会中,天主教会是原始基督教会的直接延续和继承者,又称罗马公教,也就是普世大公教会。东正教是在1054年由天主教分离出来的东方教会,也称为东方正教。而新教则是16世纪宗教改革中脱离天主教而形成的各个宗派,以及从这些宗派中不断分化出来的众多宗派的总称。 基督教最初是从犹太教中发展出来的,在漫长的历史过程中,因为屡遭奴役的犹太人在现实世界中得不到幸福和安宁,于是他们就只能在宗教中去寻找安慰。在犹太教最早的经典《摩西五经》中,犹太人表述了这种基于不幸意识和罪孽意识的宗教思想。这种罪孽意识使得犹太民族把受苦受难的原因归咎于自己的祖先和族人不敬上帝、不遵行诫命和不遵守法律,从而招致上帝的惩罚。而这种罪孽意识为基督教准备了精神范围,犹太人的圣教历史是一部充满了罪孽意识的宗教思想,这种沉重的罪孽意识同时也极大地激发起犹太民族的选民意识。犹太教的圣教历史为基督教准备了一个历史背景,希腊的唯心主义哲学则为基督教提供了一套形而上学的神学思想。基督教文化的本质精神说到底就是灵魂对现实世界的超越,就是神秘的唯灵主义。这种唯灵主义最初以朴素直观的形式表现在希腊民间神秘祭的轮回转世说中,然后在毕达哥拉斯、苏格拉底和柏拉图等人的哲学中得到理论上的提炼和表述,并通过斐洛的“隐喻”神学和普罗提诺德神秘主


2018年全新《中西方文化比较》尔雅网课章 节测试答案 第一章 1、1 1 【单选题】从文学与审美的角度来瞧,更具有内在的高度的就是()。 A、白话诗 B、古体诗 C、现代诗 D、格律诗 我的答案:D 得分: 25、0分 2 【单选题】 以下错误描述人对事物的好恶的就是()。 A、 很多人容易先产生好恶情绪再寻找具体理由 B、 对于某种东西的爱好更多来源于自身的自主选择 C、 好恶的原始冲动就是可以被控制的 D、 最初的喜好更多地就是冲动 我的答案:B 得分: 25、0分 3 【判断题】审美递增递减规律的意思就是,对于某种东西的爱好或者逐渐递增,或者逐渐递减,不可能在不同阶段产生不同的趋向。() 我的答案:×得分: 25、0分 4 【判断题】文学作品的创作若想要展示创作的独特性,就更要强调摒弃规律与制约。() 我的答案:×得分: 25、0分

1、2 1 【单选题】辜正坤老师认为,艺术最终应该服务于()。 A、精英 B、个人 C、特定人群 D、大众 我的答案:D 得分: 25、0分 2 【单选题】长期来瞧,()最容易影响人对于事物的喜好。 A、蕴含的意义 B、接触的频率 C、她人的喜好 D、事物的外表 我的答案:B 得分: 25、0分 3 【判断题】审美活动中,效用递减律与效用递增律同时存在。() 我的答案:√得分: 25、0分 4 【判断题】任何文化都有正面与负面的内容,人们若想提高自身的审美水平,可以全盘接受一种负面较少的文化。() 我的答案:×得分: 25、0分 1、3 1 【单选题】《易经》运用要结合数与()。 A、道 B、象 C、规 D、气 我的答案:B 得分: 25、0分 2 【单选题】村山节与浅井降在《东西方文明深思录》中提出,世界文明的周期为()年一转折。 A、600年 B、800年 C、1200年 D、300年 我的答案:B 得分: 25、0分 3 【判断题】伏羲六十四卦最早出现在欧洲的时间略晚于莱布尼茨发表关于二进制算术的文章。()


威廉·莎士比亚经典语录 导读:经典语录威廉·莎士比亚经典语录 1、以不义开始的事情,必须用罪恶使它巩固。 2、生如痴人说梦,充满着喧哗与骚动,却没有任何意义。 3、即使被关在果壳之中,我仍是无限宇宙之王。 4、离开了阳光赫弈,像一场梦境幽凄,追随黑暗的踪迹。 5、不速之客只在告辞以后才最受欢迎。 6、和一个男人相处,多了解他而不必太爱他;和一个女人相处,应多爱她,别试图完全了解她。 7、人若神经紧张,说东道西,就会犹豫不定,反把事情耽误了。耽误的结果是叫人丧志乞怜,寸步难移。 8、时间会刺破青春表面的彩饰,会在美人的额上掘深沟浅槽;会吃掉稀世之珍!天生丽质,什么都逃不过他那横扫的镰刀。

9、可是我就好比一个淘气的女孩子,像放松一个囚犯似的让她心爱的鸟儿暂时跳出她的掌心,又用一根丝线把它拉了回来,爱的私心使她不愿意给它自由。 10、爱你自己要爱在最后,珍爱那些恨你的人,诚实比起腐败会给你赢得列多的好处。在你的右手里永远举着温顺的和平枝,免得嫉妒之徒说闲话。作人要公正,不要怕;你所要达到的一切目的应该是你的国家、上帝和真理所要达到的目的。 11、真实爱情的途径并不平坦。 12、在悲哀里度过的时间似乎是格外长的。 13、一个骄傲的人,结果总是在骄傲里毁灭了自己。 14、少量的邪恶足以抵销全部高贵的品质,害得人声名狼藉。 15、唉!一个人外表可以装得像天使,但却可能把自己掩藏在内心深处! 16、我不喜欢看见微贱的人做他们力量所不及的事,忠诚因为努力的狂妄而变成毫无价值。

17、要和一个男人相处的快乐,你应该多多了解他而不必太爱他;要和一个女人相处的快乐,你应该多爱她,却别想要了解她! 18、世间的任何事物,追求时候的兴致总要比享用时候的兴致浓烈。一艘新下水的船只扬帆出港的当儿,多么像一个娇养的少年,给那轻狂的风儿爱抚搂抱!可是等到它回来的时候,船身已遭风日的侵蚀,船帆也变成了百结的破衲,它又多么像一个落魄的浪子,给那轻狂的风儿肆意欺凌! 19、质朴却比巧妙的言辞更能打动我的心。 20、我愿意把我整个的心灵,赔偿你这一个身外的空名。 21、外观往往和事物的本身完全不符,世人都容易为表面的装饰所欺骗。 22、当我们生下地来的时候,我们因为来到了这个全是些傻瓜的广大的舞台之上,所以禁不住放声大哭。 23、你说你喜欢雨,但是下雨的时候你打伞;你说你喜欢太阳,但是当太阳照射的时候你会去找阴凉处,你说你喜欢风,但是起风的


Class: Class 3 School Number: 20064398 Name: Wei Yun Course Name: Selected Readings in British Literature Role Analysis of the Fool in King Lear Fool is an important role freq uently appeared in Shakespeare?s works, such as Touchstone in As You Like It, Feste in Twelfth Night,Lavatch in All's Well That Ends Well, etc. The fool in King Lear is of course a character figured successfully, revealing the truth with seemingly addlepated words. Actually, in his woks, though figured as an antagonist, the fool is taken as Shakespeare?s prolocutor, with great wisdom and philosophy. Through not scrupling to speak the truth out, they satirize human depravity boldly and served as a sharp comparison with the villain of the piece in the plays. They insufflate a gloomy wind into the bright and warm world in the comedies, and affuse a rational and warmhearted spring to the somber and cruel world. They apperceive everything and escape from the subcelestial confusion; they seem insane but actually not; they own vivid image, unique personality, spiritual indifference and insular character; they have extraordinary artistic charm in Shakespeare?s works. …Fool? means …a man employed by a king or queen to entertain people by telling jokes, singing songs, etc? in the dictionary.① The fool represents the need of freedom instead of rules and regulations, he has the freedom to speak out whatever he sees without the worldly consideration and disguise. So the fool could also be regarded as a foresighted person and discovers the irrationality and absurdness of the society from a particular visual angle. His humorous and seemingly foolish words bring us laugh but they contain wisdom and truth as the same time. With regard to the fool in King Lear, as an irreplaceable role in this play, the fool is the symbol and extension of Cordelia, the teacher of King Lear and saves King Lear in the end. It was him who reve als Lear?s foolishness directly, criticizes Goneril and Regan?s selfishness and cruelty inexorably and also companies Lear, reminds him and saves him.


《第十二夜》作品分析 12软件技术1(软件测试)施琪 莎士比亚的作品很多,但在喜剧中我觉得《第十二夜》尤为好。首先从作品的表达上来说,《第十二夜》是一部体现莎士比亚喜剧才能和精神的典范之作。再从内容情节上,该戏剧主要讲述了伊利里亚公爵奥西诺、奥丽维娅、薇奥拉和哥哥西巴斯辛这四个人之间发生的一系列的爱情故事。故事情节中穿插着两条主线,一条明线——薇奥拉在公爵府的所作所为,一条暗线——前部分一直未曾露面的孪生兄长,两条线穿插剧中,使该戏剧变得生动。而且在剧中,由明线还串联着三个恶作剧般的喜剧性情节,分别是薇奥拉的女扮男装,托比、玛利娅及小丑对马伏里奥的戏弄,托比对安德鲁的蒙骗。这三个故意但并无恶意的情节在结构上环环相扣,丰富曲折的为我们呈现了一个狂欢化了的世界。 戏剧讲述了伊利里亚公爵奥西诺向奥丽维娅小姐求爱,但屡遭拒绝。同时,一对孪生兄妹航海到伊利里亚,在附近海上遇难。妹妹薇奥拉便改扮男装投身奥西诺公爵家中做侍童,并充当了代他向奥丽维娅小姐求爱的使者。奥丽维娅对偷偷爱着公爵女扮男装的薇奥拉一见钟情,后来,奥丽维娅碰巧遇上薇奥拉的孪生兄长西巴斯辛,两人鬼使神差地结成夫妇,而公爵也最终被薇奥拉的品貌感动了,全剧以兄妹相聚,有情人终成眷属而告终。在我看来这是一部以圆满结尾而告终的一部不同于《阿姆雷特》风格的戏剧,是莎士比亚戏剧的才能另一种体现。 剧中薇奥拉的女扮男装是贯穿全剧的重要线索,虽然薇奥拉并非是存心而为,只是在听从了老船长的美好劝告,又没有机会侍奉奥丽维娅的情况下做出的选择,但是它却引起了一系列的矛盾。首先,女扮男装的薇奥拉无法说出对公爵的爱情,还得作为公爵的侍从担起替公爵向奥丽维娅表白的使者之职。正如在第一幕第四场中薇奥拉的无奈旁白,“我愿意尽力去向您的爱人求婚,唉,怨只怨多阻碍的前程,但我一定要做他的夫人。”这显示出薇奥拉是一个心地善良富有自我牺牲精神又聪明自主的人。她一方面代表公爵尽职尽责地向奥丽维娅求爱,大公无私地愿意成全公爵和其他的女子的爱情,牺牲自己的幸福,但在奥丽维娅小姐一直拒绝的情况下,薇奥拉也在试着努力争取自己的爱情,她一次次向公爵暗示自己的爱慕之情。如第二幕第四场中,当公爵问起薇奥拉是否曾喜欢过什么人时,她回答“和您相貌差不多、和您的年纪差不多”“假如有一位姑娘——也许真有那么一个人——也像您爱着奥丽维娅一样痛苦地爱着您”“我的父亲有一个女儿,她爱上了一个男人,正像假如我是个女人也许会爱上了您殿下一样”“我父亲的女儿只有我一个,儿子也只有我一个”等等剧中的台词,只可惜这一系列的暗示却并未起到什么明显的作用。其次,奥丽维娅小姐居然对既是公爵的使者又是女人的薇奥拉一见钟情,这是一件十足滑稽悲哀的事。可是也由于薇奥拉女扮男装和西萨里奥的身份,使得奥丽维娅小姐爱上“他”又成了合乎情理的事情。这一情节也体现了既矛盾又喜剧性的特点。再次是孪生兄妹—薇奥拉和西巴斯辛的错认。除了在开始时从薇奥拉的口中知道他有孪生哥哥外,一直对此没有描述,直到第一次的误会发生在第三幕第四场,安东尼奥错把薇奥拉当成了西巴斯辛,责怪他忘恩负义,这条副线才开始浮出水面,但是误会并没有时间和机会去解除,反而随着小丑错把西巴斯辛当成了薇奥拉,硬是拉他去见了奥丽维娅小姐,奥丽维娅小姐也把对薇奥拉的爱


基督教在西方历史上的重要作用 公元四世纪,古罗马诞生了第一位基督教皇帝君士坦丁,在他的庇护下,基督教由屡受迫害的异教变成了正统国教。当徒手的耶稣战胜了持剑的恺撒之后,基督教逐渐征服了西方人的精神,对西方文明的发展做出了诸多贡献。 一、驯化野蛮人的基督教 从人性进化的角度讲,特别是在精神及其伦理层面上,基督教在古希腊的理性精神之外,提供了统一的持久的超验信仰,对天堂的期待安抚着地上的苦难,信徒的良知反抗着世俗权力的蛮横,并通过圣徒的殉道和忏悔为人们提供道德典范(比如,耶稣殉难之后,又有圣彼得和圣保罗的殉教,圣·奥古斯丁的忏悔)。这信仰,这典范,提升着西方人的精神世界,也作为在道德上凝聚社会的纽带连接起世世代代的伦理传承。由基督教和古希腊形而上学的结合而形成的超验伦理,在西方文明中具有超越世俗功利的绝对价值,并逐渐演变为普遍有效的公德标准。来自上天的超自然的恩惠和制裁,许给为善者入天堂的万世至福,降给作恶者下地狱的永生惩罚,又通过忏悔的途径给人以赎罪和自新的机会。上帝之子耶稣用甘愿上十字架的代价,背负起人的“原罪”,以绝对的非暴力对抗暴力,以绝对的爱与宽恕降恩于所有罪人。生而有罪的人类,唯有终生向上帝祈祷和忏悔,在行为上不断行善积德,才能在无限的赎罪之路上接近天国。正是这种恩罚并重、忏悔赎罪和良知反抗的超验伦理,逐渐把凶悍的野蛮人和贪婪的惟利是图之徒,驯化为平和、节制和反省的文明人,也就是把本能人提升为具有信仰的理性人。 从历史进程的角度讲,基督教兴盛于大一统的罗马帝国开始走向衰败之时。北方蛮族的入侵、内部的暴虐统治、腐败奢侈、权争阴谋和底层反抗,已经失去道德方向的罗马帝国,强大的武力只能带来更大的灾难。幸运的在于,罗马帝国在武力上败给了蛮族,基督教却在精神上驯服了野蛮人,使之逐渐变成文明人。古罗马帝国的统一传统与北方蛮族的分离势力发生武力冲突,在世俗意义上,促成了罗马帝国的衰亡和民族国家的纷纷独立,但在属灵意义上,教权之下的信仰及教会的统一,等于在另类意义上延续着昔日的罗马帝国统一。正如英国历史上最伟大的政治领袖温斯顿·邱吉尔所言:“罗马帝国灭亡以后,获胜的野蛮人也同样被基督的福音迷住了。虽然他们并不比今天的善男信女更能克制自己的邪欲,但是他们有共同的教义和神灵的启示。一条联接着欧洲各个民族。一个世界性机构遍布所有国家,它无比强大,而且是罗马时代幸存下来的惟一成为系统的机构。这一机构的首脑是罗马的主教,他在精神上或者至少以教职的形式,恢复了罗马皇帝已经丧失的权威。”(《英语民族史》


莎士比亚戏剧《哈姆雷特》赏析 你是坟墓以外的一座纪念碑, 你仍然活着,只要你的书还在, 只要我会读书,会说出赞词。 ······ 你诗人之星,照耀吧!用你的激情申斥, 或灵感之流鼓舞,衰落的剧坛; 自从你高飞而去,它就像黑夜般哀伤, 盼不到白昼,要不是有你这卷著作的光芒。——本·琼生吟赞莎翁 《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚悲剧中的代表作品。在思想内容上达到了前所未有的深度和广度,深刻的揭示出封建末期社会的罪恶与本质特征。 就人物性格的内在表现来看,《哈姆雷特》是最令人觉得扑朔迷离的,或者说是最富于哲学意味的。其中如父王为恶叔所弑,王位被篡,母后与凶手乱伦而婚,王储试图复仇而装疯卖傻等情节,均可见于古老的北欧传说,特别是丹麦历史学家所著的《丹麦史》中。这些尘封已久的原始资料,本来只记载着一些粗略的情节和苍白的姓名,毫无性格于动作可言,但是在莎士比亚的笔下,读者却发现自己生活在一群鲜活的人群中间,几乎和他们休憩相关,祸福与共。特别不可思议的是,其中出现了一个几百年来令世人叹为观止而有莫测高深的光辉典型。围绕这个主人公,可以提出很多问题。例如哈姆雷特是真疯还是假疯?这个性格的典型意义在哪里?这些问题都不是单凭剧情就可以解决的。 要充分认识和正确评析本剧的中心人物,必须全面照顾他的性格和环境相矛盾的复杂性,认识他从“时代脱臼了,真糟糕,天生我要把它板正过来”这句豪言壮语,到“生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题”这句绝望的叹息的全部心里背景。实际上,哈姆雷特的尴尬在于以一个纤弱而又明达的心灵肩负着与其行为能力不相称的重任。用歌德的说法:“这是一株橡树给我栽在一个只应开放娇嫩的花朵的花瓶里。”哈姆雷特,一个纯洁,高尚,有道德,有知识,有决心,只能以思想代替行为,不可能成为英雄的人,就是那个“花瓶”;那项他承担不起,几乎连渺茫的希望都没有,但又决不可推卸的复仇重任,就是那株“橡树”。 一旦“橡树”的根须膨胀开来,“花瓶”就非给挤破不可,这就是悲剧。在哈姆雷特身上,人的脆弱性和环境的残暴性是如此的相反而又相成,以至这个独特的性格在内涵方面显得致密而厚重,在外延方面也显得博大而深广。正是这样,有的专家便声称,哈姆雷特并不是一个客观的过时的角色,而是我们每个人自己。 莎士比亚不属于一个时代而属于全世纪,他的戏剧就象灿烂星空中的北斗,为人们指引着方向。 “生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题”他提出这个问题正是哲学的基本命题。因为刚刚发生在他身上的这些事引发了他对人生哲理的思考,在他的人生中诸事顺逆的时候,他是不会考虑到这个问题的,那时他看到的只是人生的光亮面,那时的生活无疑是美好的,而现在,突如其来的这场悲剧迫使他正视生活阴暗的一面和人性丑陋的一面。 可以说,哈姆雷特对人生中阴暗的那一面还是有比较深刻的了解的。过去他对这一切只是视而不见而已。如今残酷的现实迫使他面对这一切。他预感到,自己已经被不可避免的拖入到一个悲剧的命运中。如果他父亲真是被害死的,那么为父报仇就成了他一生中不可推卸的使命。而他的敌人又是当今的国王,要想杀死他,肯定不是一件容易的事,但无论多么困难,杀父之仇是不能不报的,而他当前的任务是要想出一个巧妙的办法来核实他的叔父是否杀害了他的父亲。阴谋,暗算与残杀,这些是违背哈姆雷特善良纯真的本性的,但又是他复


【尔雅】中西文化比较 “国粹”一词是从文革时期开始盛行的。答案:错 关于人对事物的好恶,说法错误的是()。A、最初的喜好更多地是冲动B、很多人容易先产生好恶情绪再寻找具体理由C、人的好恶是无法被自身控制的D、对于某种东西的爱好更多来源于自身的自主选择答案:C 从文学和审美的角度来说,()更具有内在的高度。A、格律诗B、白话诗C、古体诗D、现代诗答案:A 在()时期,国人对于国粹和西化同时持有排斥态度。A、五四时期B、改革开放时期C、新生活运动时期D、文革时期答案:D 文学作品的创作中,更加强调摒弃规律与制约,这样才能更加展示创作的独特性。()答案:× 通过长期的宣传形式,外加上经济的因素、军事的因素等各方面的因素结合,可以转移你的审美观。答案:√ 对于审美的改变,说法错误的是()。A、审美是可以改变的B、个人、集体乃至国家的审美都是可以被强行改变的C、人的喜好是受传统影响的D、审美可以在短时间自行改变答案:D 辜正坤老师认为,艺术最终应该是为()服务的。A、大众B、精英C、个人D、特定人群答案:A 长期来看,人对于事物的喜好,最容易被()影响。A、事物的外表B、蕴含的意义C、接触的频率D、他人的喜好答案:C 任何文化都有正面和负面的内容,人们可以全盘接受一种负面较少的文化来提高自身的审美水平。()答案:× 世界文化是相互作用、互进互退的。答案:√ 《周易·序卦》中自然界的始基不包括()。A、天地B、阴阳C、男女D、日月答案:D 村山节和浅井降的《东西方文明深思录》中提出,世界文明的周期是()年一转折。A、300.0 B、600.0 C、800.0 D、1200.0 答案:C 从大体上看,中国文化的兴盛往往意味着西方文化的衰落。()答案:√ 伏羲六十四卦最早在欧洲出现的时间要略晚于莱布尼茨发表关于二进制算术的文章。()答案:× 解释文化的三把钥匙是:环境、语文、社会。答案:√ 中西文化演进的七大律不包括()。A、互根律B、互抗律C、互助律D、互证律答案:C 事物的发展更倾向于向()个方向发展。A、2 B、3 C、4 D、5 答案:D 莱布尼茨对于中国的文化了解不多,主要集中于太极的相关内容。()答案:× 从世界文化的角度看,中西文化的发展方向是拼合互补。()答案:√ 挑战与迎战是环境三要素的影响之一。答案:√ 在中国远古时期,如果气候变冷,人类主要向()迁移。A、东方B、西方C、南方D、北方答案:A 最近一次冰期结束后,中国进入()时期。A、母系氏族B、父系氏族C、奴隶制D、封建制答案:A


据我所知,400多年以来,莎士比亚各种英文版本林林总总,已经达到1300余种!1592-1622年间英国即有若干4开本莎士比亚作品出版,后被陆续甄别为善本和劣本。不过早期的规模较大且有相当权威的版本是1623年出版的第一对开本(The First Folio)。这个版本产生在莎士比亚逝世后7年,是由莎士比亚的同团演员赫明吉和康得尔收集成书的。当时的著名文学家本?琼森曾为之题诗,诗中谓莎士比亚“不是属于一个时代,而是属于永恒”。这行诗频频为后世学者征引。但是第1对开本只收了莎士比亚的35个剧本,没有收入莎士比亚的两首长诗、154首十四行诗及其他的四首短诗。同时全书所收的相关背景资料较少,没有注释,没有文本校勘,这给后世读者全面理解莎士比亚造成障碍。随着莎学日益发达,学者云集,注家蜂起, 莎士比亚版本学渐渐成为一门显学。其中值得一提的版本有一大串。这里只就影响较大者略提数家。托马斯?汉默(Sir. Thomas Hanmer)的6卷本《莎士比亚作品集》(牛津,1743-1744,1770-1771)是早期版本中校勘比较精审者。威廉?沃伯顿(William Warburton)的8卷本《莎士比亚作品集》(伦敦,1747)在甄别善本、真本,勘定异文方面,又更进了一步。撒缪尔?约翰逊是早期最负盛名的《英语辞典》编撰者,他编辑了8卷本《莎士比亚戏剧集》(伦敦,1765,1768),集中收入许多莎学名家的相关评论,异文正误,并有他自己的翔实的注释。乔治斯蒂文斯和撒缪尔?约翰逊合编的《莎士比亚戏剧集》发扬光大了约翰逊版本的若干优点,并加入了斯蒂文斯的注释。初版10卷(伦敦,1773)。再版亦10卷


Shakespeare 莎士比亚生平及成就 When I was a little child, I was attracted by literature. I like Hans Christian Andersen’s stories very much at that time. Later, I started to read Four Great Classical Novels and other foreign masterpieces. So, I met him someday. In western literary history, only very individual writers were qualified to be judged as “without him, the literary will become another way”. He is one of them, the greatest playwright and poet in the history. He is also a time spirit, and belongs to all but not belong to the century. Who is he? He is Shakespeare, the greatest man in my heart. Shakespeare was born in a wealthy family in Britain. He was studied in “literary school" when he was young. But because his father went bankrupt, he failed to graduate and had to go alone on the road to earn a living.He worked as a butcher's apprentice, taught in rural schools, and also worked in other occupations, which made him accumulate a lot of social experience. When he was 20 year old, he entered the theater and worked as an actor, director and screenwriter. He started to write in 1588, first is recomposing the previous script, but soon began to independent creation.Shakespeare entered the aristocratic culture salon later, which expanded his vision of life. It also provided a rich source for his creation. Generally, Shakespeare's drama creation can be divided into three periods:


基督教对西方文化的影响 论文摘要:基督教作为影响较大的宗教,对西方文化也有着深远的影响,从文学、艺术、历史等方面,可以看出基督教作为宗教的一种,对文化或者是文明有着哪些好处或是弊端。 关键词:基督教文学但丁《神曲》艺术历史优点弊端思考 自古以来宗教信仰一直就伴随着人类社会的发展,从人类开始了解自然的时候,对神的崇拜和敬畏也就开始了。人们对神的这种崇拜,早期反应在对大自然未知事物的畏惧,把自然中不能理解是现象称为神迹。后来宗教慢慢发展,在中西方都有了自己的神的体系,在这里我主要想选择其中影响较大一个宗教,也就是基督教,谈一下它对西方文化的影响。 基督教,它是一个相信耶稣基督为救主的一神论宗教。基督教、佛教、伊斯兰教是世界三大宗教,估计现在全球共有15亿至21亿的人信仰基督教,占世界总人口 25%-30%。 我想讨论一下基督教对西方文化的影响,毕竟基督教最早起源于西方。公元四世纪以前,基督教并未被世人所认可。罗马帝国把基督教当作邪教而加以打压。在公元64

年至公元313年间发生过十次大规模残酷迫害基督教徒的事件。公元四世纪以后基督教成为罗马帝国国教,这时的基督教才开始迅速的被西方社会所普遍接受。即使后来罗马帝国在日耳曼等民族的多次进攻下退出了历史舞台,基督教仍以其教义深得民心而不断流传,以致在中世纪的一千年中达到了鼎盛,在圣经中有这样一句话“万膝必向我跪拜,万口必凭我起誓”,恰恰说明基督教当时的地位。 在文学方面,基督教对西方的影响是相当深远的,可追溯到英雄史诗时期。如我们在《外国文学史》中学到的西班牙的《熙德之歌》、法国的《罗兰之歌》、德国的《尼伯龙根之歌》、俄罗斯的《伊戈尔远征记》等等,都深受基督教的影响,这些英雄史诗大多借基督教反对异教斗争的形式,表现一种同仇敌忾、对抗外敌的英雄气概。还有中世纪还盛行骑士文学,表达了骑士阶层的方方面面,如骑士的文化观念、精神个性和生活理想等等。这类文学作品也大多贯穿着基督教的禁欲主义等观念。之后到了文艺复兴时期,虽然文艺复兴是被说成打着复兴古罗马的旗帜来反对中世界的封建神学统治,但是在文艺复兴中出现的种种成就多多少少都受到基督教的影响,如但丁的《神曲》它以基督教天堂与地狱为题材,充满了神学典故,它把基督教神学作为最高指导思想,基督教中那积极救世的理性思维,深刻地影响了但丁的思想认知,凸显在他对现

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