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牛津译林版八年级下册Unit8 A green world 导学案 Period2(Reading I)

牛津译林版八年级下册Unit8  A green world 导学案  Period2(Reading I)
牛津译林版八年级下册Unit8  A green world 导学案  Period2(Reading I)

8B Unit 8 A Green world

Period2(Reading I)


1. To reduce pollution, many supermarkets have stopped providing _______ (塑料) bags.

2. The police moved in to_______ (分开)the two groups of people.

3. You can't_______ (处罚) a child just because he wants to watch TV for a while.

4. Lucy was_______ (罚钱) by the police for parking her car in a wrong place.

5. Waste can be made into something new by _______(循环利用).

6. Your time is_______ (限制) , so don't waste it living someone else's life.

7. My mom would never_______ (允许)me to travel alone in the past.


( ) 1. Sometimes it is not wise _______ your dad _______ you like that. You should chat with him.

A. for; to punish

B. for; punishing

C. of; to punish

D. of; punishing

( ) 2. We are not allowed _______ in public.

A. waiting in line

B. pick the flowers

C. to smoke

D. to keep our voice down

( ) 3. Some people have planned to have a holiday in Beijing, and _______ have decided to stay at home.

A. other

B. others

C. some

D. the other

( ) 4. People _______ running everywhere. Do you know what _______?

A. are seeing; had happened

B. see; has happened

C. are seen; has happened

D. see; happens

( ) 5. To live a green life, we should try to save _______ energy and produce _______ pollution.

A. more; less

B. less; more

C. more; fewer

D. most; least


1. -I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening.

-Impossible. She_______ (chat) with me at my home then.

2. Are we let_______ (hand) in our homework tomorrow, Mr Li?

3. -You look unhappy. What's the matter?

-I _______ (not hear) from Rose for months. I'm worried about her.

4. We haven't decided how we_______ (go) to Shanghai next week.

5. Lisa_______ (choose) to act in that film, wasn't she?

6. -Do you know what _______ (cause) him to miss the football game?

-Repairing a new machine.

7. It's a fact that the disabled _______ (give) enough medical care in our town last year.

8. -Look over therel Tommy, along with his parents, _______ (plant) trees in the garden.

-Yes, how happy they are!


A thousand years ago, Hong Kong was covered by a thick forest. As more and more people came to 1 in Hong Kong, these trees were cut down and burnt. Now there is no forest left though(虽然) there are still some small areas covered with trees. We call these woods.

Elephants, tigers and many 2 animals were living in the thick forest. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the 3 began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and 4 pigs and chickens in the valleys (山谷). They cut down the trees and burnt them. They needed 5 to keep themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away the dangerous animals. Elephants quickly disappeared(消失) because there was not enough food for them. So did most of the wolves and tigers. Monkeys and many other animals soon 6 in the same way.

You might think that there are no longer any animals in Hong Kong except in the zoos. But there are still about 36 different animals 7 there. One of the most interesting Hong Kong's animals is the barking deer. They are beautiful little animals 8 a rich brown coat and a white patch(斑纹)under the tail. They look like deer but they are much smaller. They are less than two feet high. They make a noise rather like a dog 9 . In Hong Kong the barking deer has only one real enemy (敌人). That is 10 . People hunt these animals though it is illegal (违法的). There are now not many barking deer left. So it is important for people to protect wild animals.

( ) l. A. work B. study C. live D. enjoy

( ) 2. A. other B. others C. the other D. another

( ) 3. A. people B. animals C. plants D. things

( ) 4. A. grew B. made C. got D. kept

( ) 5. A. fire B. water C. stone D. animals

( ) 6. A. lived B. died C. came D. left

( ) 7. A. live B. to live C. lived D. living

( ) 8. A. have B. without C. with D. get

( ) 9. A. shouting B. crying C. barking D. talking

( )10. A. tiger B. man C. wolf D. elephant


I've loved my mother's desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing letters. Standing by her chair, looking at the ink bottle, pens, and white paper, I decided that the act of writing must be the more wonderful thing in the world.

Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother. "But the desk, "she'd said again, "it's for Elizabeth."

I never saw her angry, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me; she showed it in action.

But as a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and daughter. .

They never happened. And a gulf opened between us. I was "too emotional(易动感情的)". But she lived "on the surface(表面)".

As years passed I had my own family. I loved my mother and thanked her for our happy family. I wrote to her in careful words and asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive(原谅) me.

I posted the letter and waited for her answer. None came.

My hope turned to disappointment, then little interest and, finally, peace - it seemed that nothing happened. I couldn't be sure that the letter had even got to mother. I only knew that I had written it, and I could stop trying to make her into someone she was not.

Now the present of her desk told, as she'd never been 'able to, that she was pleased that writing was my chosen work. I cleaned the. desk carefully and found some papers inside – a photo of my father and a one-page letter, folded(折叠) and refolded many times.

Give me an answer, my letter asks, in any way you choose. Mother, you always chose the act that speaks

louder than words.

( )1. The writer began to love her mother's desk_______.

A. after mother died

B. before she became a writer

C. when she was a child

D. when mother gave it to her

( )2. The passage shows that_______.

A. mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter

B. mother was too serious about everything her daughter had done

C. mother cared much about her daughter in words

D. mother wrote to her daughter in careful words

( )3. The word "gulf" in the passage means_______.

A. deep understanding between the old and the young

B. different ideas between the mother and the daughter

C. free talks between mother and daughter

D. part of the sea going far in land

( )4. What did mother do with her daughter's letter asking forgiveness?

A. She had never received the letter.

B. For years, she often talked about the letter.

C. She didn't forgive her daughter at all in all her life.

D. She read the letter again and again till she died.

( )5. What's the best title of the passage?

A. My Letter to Mother

B. Mother and Children

C. My Mother's Desk

D. Talks Between Mother and Me



_______________________________________________________________________ 2.学生不允许在课堂上讲话。

_______________________________________________________________________ 3.我们有很多法律来限制空气和水污染。

_______________________________________________________________________ 4.我们应该尽力让它一直保持那样。

_______________________________________________________________________ 5.像玻璃、塑料等东西将会被分进不同的组。

_______________________________________________________________________ 6.他因为没有关灯被处罚了。

_______________________________________________________________________ 7.瑞士是一个有着高山和干净蔚蓝湖泊的国家。



一. 1. plastic 2. separate 3. punish 4. fined 5. recycling 6. limited 7. allow

二. 1-5 CCBCA

三. 1. was chatting 2. to hand 3. haven't heard 4. will go/shall go

5. was chosen

6. caused

7. were given

8. is planting


五. 1-5 CABDA 6-10 BDCCB

六. 1. If we drop litter everywhere, we will be fined by the police.

2. Students are not allowed to talk in class.

3. We have many laws to limit air and water pollution

4. We should try to keep it that way.

5. Things like glass and plastic will be separated into different groups.

6. He was punished because he didn't turn off the lights.

7. Switzerland is a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes.


7A 享乐,乐趣,有趣的事 队,组 unit1 谈论(词组) n. 年级比赛,竞赛 n. 学生偶像,英雄 n. 阅读unit3 n. 同班同学哪一个pron. ) 词组放学后((well的最高级)最,最好地adv. 苗条的因此,所以conj. ) 词组擅长于(生物 adv. 穿过地理教室历史跳舞,舞蹈日期 n. 游泳会议,集会年龄(表示整点)…点钟可爱的,讨人喜欢的大门业余爱好如此,这么,非常adv. 高兴的引,领,带vt. pron. 每人,人人到处,向各处adv. ) (来自词组领某人参观(词组) 复数)n.(眼镜前面n. unit2 建筑物,房子,楼房散步,步行地,地面 adv. 的确,确实)(答话时表示感兴趣或惊讶底层,一楼(词组) 碗,盆明亮的次,回现代的,新式的网球礼堂,大厅排球日记 vt. 享受…的乐趣,欣赏,喜爱看一看(词组) ) 去游泳词组(墙运动员让我想想(词组) 成员下课后(词组) 俱乐部(用于请求别人重复)什么,再说一遍空闲的n. 电话vt. 希望) 词组通电话( 梦想,梦) 词组从…到…( 真的,真实的vt. 需要…时间,费时) (变为现实,成为现实词组) (词组起床n. 画画) 词组(去上学周末) 词组阅览室() 词组(在周末adv. 只,只有,仅) (当然词组adv. (口)当然vi. 购物n. 种类n. 乒乓球各种各样的adv. 另外,其他vt. 借,借用n. 许多,好些) 词组(向…借) (许多,大量词组n. 信,函 1 不多(d的),少数(的)野餐 一次adv. 一些,少量(词组) 原因,理由n. 离开,远离adv. 准备完毕adj. 远离(词组) 为…准备好(词组(词组) ) 走路,步行学,学习,学会v. (good的最高级)最好的世界) n. 一切顺利,万事如意(词组unit5 unit4 庆祝,庆贺v. 醒,醒来,唤醒v. 猜,猜测醒来(词组) n. 穿着,穿衣v. (表示提出或征求意见) 乔装打扮(词组) 小山n. 作为,当作prep. 很少,不常adv. 圣诞节adv. n. (从…里)出来,向外,外出节日出去(词组) 因为词组) conj. 吃午饭/晚饭/早饭(礼物需要vt.


牛津译林八年级上册词汇专题复习 1. 名词词汇填空题考点: 1) 词性变形: 2) 变复数: 1. 直接加s 2. 以辅音字母+y结尾去y改i加es,如study-studies 以元音字母+y结尾直接加s,如boy-boys 3. 以f,fe结尾去f,fe改v加es,如leaf-leaves wife-wives (初中阶段除了giraffe是直接加s) 4. 以o结尾有生命的加es,没有生命的+s,如potato-potatoes studio-studios 有生命的:hero potato tomato mango 5. 以s,x,sh,ch结尾+es,如brush-brushes box-boxes glass-glasses beach-beaches (但是stomach-stomachs) 6. 单复同形:sheep-sheep fish-fish(鱼) Chinese-Chinese Japanese-Japanese 7. 不规则:man-men woman-women mouse-mice child-children tooth-teeth foot-feet(但是walkman-walkmans human-humans German-Germans)

3) 所有格: 表示人和时间的名词,要注意所有格,如:ten minutes’ work。名词所有格是表示所属关系,有以下三种表达方式:‘s; of所有格;双重所有格of +’s 所有格,表示两者共有的,the lily and lucy’s 表示家,店名,诊所等,at the doctor’s, at the Green’s ; 例题: 1.Would you please let me know the __________ (win) names? I’d better write them down now. 解析:根据names,可确定前面应该填一个人,所以把win变为winner。然后根据names复数可知winner也要加s,最后应该是赢家的名字,所以还需加所有格 答案:winners’ I wonder how to use these two different English-English _____________ (字典) correctly. 解析:先拼出单词dictionary,然后圈关键词two可知这里应该填复数 答案: dictionary 2.My grandfather, as a Jew, did stand to fight against the __________ (German) in WWII. 解析:根据句意可知应该填德国人,然后应该是填复数,表示与德国人对抗。 答案:Germans


1.I want to eat two more apples.(改为同义句) I ________ __________ to eat _________ ________apples. 2There is nothing else in the fridge. (改为同义句) There ________ ________ else in the fridge. 3Max can make us happy easily. (改为同义句) It is ________ for Max to ________ ________ _________. 4He is the tallest boy in my class. (改为同义句) He is _________ than ________ ________ boy in my class. He is ________ than the _________ _______ in my class. 5 Yesterday was cold. Today is colder. (改为同义句) It’s getting _______ and _________. 6Her bike is more expensive than mine. (改为同义句) My bike is _________ __________ than hers. My bike is ________ than hers. 7I am 1.75meters tall. She is 1.75tall,too. (改为同义句) She is _________ __________ ________ I am. 8Tom runs fast. Jack runs faster than Tom.(合并成一句) Tom _______ __________ _________ fast as Jack. 9The farmers are working hard.(改为感叹句) ________ ________ _______ ________ ________ working! 10We play chess three times a week. (对划线部分提问) _________ __________ ________ you play chess? 11The film will start in 10 minutes. (对划线部分提问) _________ _________ _________ the film start? 13The film has been on since 10 minutes ago. (对划线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ the film been on? 14It took me a lot of time to get to school in my father’s car. (改为同义句) My father ________ _________ time _______ me to school. 15We have 36 students in our class. (改为同义句) The _______ ________ the students in our class ________ 36. 16Our holiday lasts for two months.(先转换为同义句再对划线提问) The ________ of our holiday ________ two months. ________ ________ does your holiday _________ 17His father goes to work by taxi. (对划线部分提问) _________ does his father ________ to work? 18He decided to catch up with others. (改为同义句) He ________ _______ _______ _________ _________ catch up with others. 19He did the work by himself. (改为同义句) He did the work _______ _______ _______. He did the work _________. 20The fat man weighed about 160 kilograms. (对划线部分提问) ________ __________ did the fat man _________ ?


语法 Unit1 1、形容词的用法: (1)作定语:形容词+ 名词 如:There are many _______(beauty) mountains in China. (2)作表语:连系动词+ 形容词 常用的连系动词有:be;keep(保持);感觉动词look(看起来),taste(尝起来),smell(闻起来),feel(感觉),sound(听起来);状态转变动词become,get, turn, grow等。 如:The children are so ________ (luck) that they can get one present each. (3)作宾语补足语:①keep/ make + 宾语+形容词 ① find / feel it + 形容词+ to do sth 如:They wear glasses to keep their eyes ________. A. safe B. safely C. safety D. safly 2、副词的用法(作状语): (1)行为动词+ 副词 如:"Be quick! ", he shouted ____(angry). (2)副词+ 形容词/ 副词 如:He is ___(terrible) ill. * 要决:判断一个地方应该用形容词还是要用副词首先是看这个单词后面是否有名词或是形容词被它修饰,然后看它前面的动词是连系动词还是行为动词。 3、形容词比较级用于两人或两事物之间的比较; 最高级用于三个或三个以上人或物的比较比较级与最高级构成: (1)单音节形容词 比较级:词尾+er tall-taller small-smaller long-longer 最高级:词尾+est tall-tallest small-smallest long-longest (2)以不发音的e结尾的形容词


补充: 1.句子的构成 初中一年级上语法 1.in,on,at表示时间的应用 in +parts of day(evening,morning,etc) /month/season/year on + day (Sunday, etc)/date(1 July,etc)/parts of a special day( Sunday morning)/special holidays(Children’s Day) at + time of day (seven o’clock)/ age(6 years old) 2.频率副词 never, seldom,sometimes,often,usually,always 3.疑问副词的用法 what,which,who,whose,when,why,how 4.可数名词与不可数名词 5.some和any的用法 6.There be句型 7.现在进行时及动词+ing的用法 初中一年级下语法 1.序数词与基数词 2.一般将来时:will与shall、be going to 3.名词所有格 名字+’s,mine,yours,ours,theirs,his,hers,its 4.冠词a,an, the的用法 5.表示方位的介词 In front of, behind,inside,outside,above,below,over,under 6.一般过去式及过去分词+ed的用法 7.can,could,may的用法 8.What 和How开头的感叹句 9形容词的用法,在句子中的位置 10.不定代词的用法 Somebody, someone, something Anybody, anyone, anything Nobody, no one, nothing Everybody, everyone, everthing 初中二年级上语法 1.比较级、最高级的用法 than作为比较级、the+最高级的用法 +er 及+est 的用法,most+形容词表示最高级 2. more…than, fewer….than,less..than, the most, the fewest, the least的用法 3. as…as的用法 4.反身代词的用法 Myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves 5.祈使句的用法


8B Unit 3 Online travel Comic strip and Welcome to the unit Period 1 主备人:冯姜玉审核人:朱卫美总课时: 学习目标 1.To introduce the topic of computer 2. To introduce the different uses of computers. 3. To guess the meanings according to the pictures. 学习重难点 1. To introduce the different uses of computers. 2. To guess the meanings according to the pictures. 3. To learn new words and phrases: online, television, channel, design, receive, program / look like, remote control, change the channel, search for information, send and receive e-mails, word processing, write computer programs, use sth. to do… 教具学具 Computer Tape-recorder Pictures 教学活动过程 预习交流: 检查并校对预习作业(即学案中的预习题) 预习题 (一)预习本课内容,尝试写出下列短语。 1.遥控器 2.看起来像 3.打开电视 4.同意某人 5.文字处理 6.换频道 7.收发电子邮件 8.编写电脑程序 9.搜索信息 (二) 同义句转换。 1. I’m afraid I’ve no idea. I’m afraid I ______ _______. 2. Tom will say “Yes” to me. Tom will ______ _____ me. 3. The boy turns on the TV now. The TV _______ _______ _______ now. 4. What do you use the computer for What do you use the computer ______ _______ 5. I use the computer to search for information. The computer is _______ _______ search for information. 展示探究: Step One : Lead-in Questions: do you usually do when you are free you have a computer at home you like playing a computer do you use a computer for


译林牛津八年级2013~2014学年第一学期期末测试 八年级英语试题六 一、单项选择(15分) 在下列各题A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的答案。 1. Jim is ______ honest boy in my class. He bought me _____ useful book as a birthday present. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an 2. You should study hard. No one can _______ you ________a good future. A. provide, for B. provide, with C. keep, / D. protect, to have 3. Look! Some women are chatting ______ over there and the rest _____ looking at the pictures. A. happy, is B. happily, is C. happily , are D. happy, is 4. Many people would like to say, but _______ would like ________ A.a few, to do B. few, to sing C. few, to do D. a few, doing 5. The number of students in our school _________ 4000 and a number of them _______ good at playing pingpong. A. is, is B are, are C. is, are D. are, is 6.I don’t know if he ____________ tomorrow. If he ________, I’ll tell him about it. A. will come, will come B. comes, comes C. comes, will come D. will come, comes 7. —Is the Maths problem ______? —Yes. I can work it out ___ _. A. easy; easily B. easy; easy C. easily; easy D. easily; easily 8. —Amy, I think you should not buy clothes of animal fur. —Why? They look lovely me. A. made; for B. made; in C. make; on D. made; on 9. —What did Mr Zhou say? —He invited me the party and told me late. A. for; to be B. for; not to be C. to; not to be D. to; to not be 10. You won’t feel the _______ of so many trees if people continue to cut___________. A. beautiful; them down B. beauty; them down C. beautiful; down them D. beauty; down them 11. Mary was badly ill yesterday, but now she is____. A. in danger B. in the danger C. out of danger D. watched 12.The mother was worried _______ her baby kept _______. A. because ; crying B. so ; to cry C. because of ; crying D. if ; cried 13.—May I go home now, Miss White? --No, you________. You ________ stay here. A. needn’t ; must B. can’t ; must C. mustn’t ; may D. needn’t ; have to 14. Would you like to sleep with the windows or ? A. open, close B. opened; closed C. open; closed D. opening; closing 15. ----Is that book so boring? ---- ______________. You can know a lot about birds. A. Yes, you’re right. B. I’m afraid so. C. Not at all. D. Of course.


2016-2017学年上学期八年级英语组合训练(8) 【完型填空】 The lion is called the king of all animals. Once it was also called as the king of the desert (沙漠). However, lions 1 live in any desert now. Their colour may 2 different from yellow to brown and males (雄性动物) can be from blond to black. The male lions 3 up to 190 kg and are about 1.20 metres tall while the females(雌性动物)weigh nearly 130 kg and are 1 metre tall. They 4 beautiful fur, strong legs with sharp claws and a long tail. Panthera Leo (非洲狮) lives in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. 5 it feeds on many kinds of animals. When it’s 6 its food, it can reach the speed of 60 km per hour and jump even 12 metres. The lion likes to eat its food at once, 7 sometimes it has to hide the food because of hyenas (土狼). Hyenas are the only animals which kill lions for food. The lion lives in small families 8 20 to 30 members. In each family there is usually one 9 male with two or three females with small baby lions. 10 , the lion population is in great danger mainly because of people’s hunting. ( ) 1. A. never B. always C. sometimes D. usually ( ) 2. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( ) 3. A. eat B. weigh C. grow D. hold ( ) 4. A. want B. need C. have D. like ( ) 5. A. Where B. Here C. There D. Which ( ) 6. A.chasing(追逐)B. watching C. enjoying D. thinking ( ) 7. A. so B. but C. and D. because ( ) 8. A. made from B. made of C. made up with D. made in ( ) 9. A. healthy B. beautiful C. young D. grown(成年的) ( ) 10. A. Luckily B. Suddenly C. Unluckily D. Cheerfully Baby fact: A healthy female koala can have one chi ( ) 1. When does the koala often move around during a day? A. In the morning. B. In the evening. C. In the afternoon. D. At weekends. ( ) 2. If someone sees a newly born koala, he will find that ___________________. A. it is really small B. it can see everything C. it has thick hair D. it is very big ( ) 3. A baby koala can’t live without ____________________. A. water B. grass C. milk D. meat ( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE?


第一章 诵读 我的梦想 在我的梦中,有一个地方没有战争 没有更多的枪,没有更多的痛苦,没有更多的伤害这是一个充满快乐而没有悲伤的世界人们载歌载舞,洋溢着幸福 带我去我的梦想 爱就是一切 哪里没有战争 然后孩子们唱歌 爱无处不在 这是唯一的事 梦想一定会实现 在我的梦中有一个干净的地方 没有更多的废物在空气和海洋 所以这个地方会很干净,很健康 你可以在天堂生活 带我去我的梦想 爱就是一切 哪里没有战争

然后孩子们唱歌爱无处不在 这是唯一的事梦想一定会实现 但我知道这只是一个梦它会改变我们的生活吗? 希望有一天它会好转进入我梦想的地方 带我去这个梦 爱就是一切 哪里没有战争 然后孩子们唱歌 爱无处不在 这是唯一的事 梦想一定会实现 阅读1 待售的房子今 天的房产 £195000 / 家 剑桥(剑桥) 这座漂亮的房子离剑桥5 英里。它在河边。有一个停车位,两层楼之间有楼梯 楼上楼下 厨房3 个卧室 餐厅卫生间 休息室 衣帽间

在走廊里,有通往楼下房间的门和通往一楼的楼梯。休息室在房子的前面。餐厅在房子的后面。它有通往后花园的门。厨房在餐厅旁边。衣帽间在楼梯下面。 楼梯顶上是第三间卧室。这是适合研究的尺寸。第二间卧室就在这个隔壁。第一间卧室在房子的前面。它俯瞰着河流。浴室在第一间和第二间卧室之间。 阅读2 一位新笔友 你好, 凯拉, 我的名字叫莎拉。我12 岁了。我是家里的老二。我有两个兄弟。一个比我大,另一个比我小。我也有一个同父异母的妹妹。我们和我妈妈还有她丈夫住在一起。我家有六个人。我和我同父异母的妹妹同住一间卧室,她今年八岁。 请告诉我你的家庭情况。你也有兄弟姐妹吗? 莎拉 你好, 萨拉, 谢谢你的来信。很高兴听到你的家人。我的家庭很小。我有一个兄弟。他比我大,所以我也是第二个孩子! 我们和我爸爸住在一起。我有自己的卧室,但我是家里唯一的女孩。有个妹妹好吗? 凯拉


牛津译林版八年级上册英语期末复习语法知识点总结汇编I.形容词/副词比较级与最高级 [定义] 两者比较,要用比较级,通常than引出比较的对象;三者及三者以上比较用最高级,此时通常会有比较的范围或者群体。 [构成] ①规则变化

②不规则变化 [精华提点] 1.A.....than B的句型 than是比较级的标志词,也是单选题和单词拼写题的字眼。 ①Jack is ________than Tom. A .tall B. taller C.the taller D.the tallest ①Now I have_______(多)homework than before. 2.of the two的结构中形容词的比较级前须要有定冠词the. He is the shorter of the two. 3.形容词比较级前用不定冠词表示类指,翻译成“一个......”。 -How do you like the movie we saw yesterday? -Wonderful.I have never seen a better movie than this one. 4.any other+名词单数与any+名词单数的区别 any other+名词单数表示比较的两个对象在同一个范围,此时可以用the other+名词复数和the rest of+名词复数替换。 Suzhou is larger than any other city in Jiangsu.

=Suzhou is larger than the other cities in Jiangsu. =Suzhou is larger`than the rest of the cities in Jiangsu. any+名词单数表示比较的对象不再同一个范围内。 China is bigger than any country in Africa. Shanghai is more beautiful than any city in Japan. 5.one of +adj(est)+名词复数 China is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. 6.形容词比较级前的修饰语 a little / a bit / a little bit / any / no/ far / by far/ even/ much/ ①even和much只可以修饰形容词或副词的比较级。 The weather in Suzhou is even______(热). This time I did much______(差)in sports. [误区指引] I think Suzhou is __________than Guangzhou. A.more cold B.much colder C.more colder D.much more cold 2.China is________than Japan. A.much beautiful B.much more beautiful C.more beautifuler D.more much beautiful 7.指示代词在比较级中的考点 The weather in Beijing is better than that in Tianjin. The book on the desk is much more interesting than that/the one in the drawer.


2018年中考英语语法专题练习 《冠词》 1.掌握不定冠词a, an的用法; 2.掌握定冠词the的用法; 3.掌握含定冠词或不定冠词的习语和固定短语; 4.掌握零冠词的用法。 ( )1. Jack is eight-year-old boy and he goes to school on foot every day. A. an; the B. a;/ C. an;/ D. a; the ( )2.一There is egg on the table. Would you like to have it? 一No, thanks. A./ B. an C. a D. the ( )3.Donald Trump, 71-year-old businessman, was chosen President of the US last year. A. a; a B. a;/ C. the; a D. the; the ( )4.Dangal (《摔跤吧!爸爸》),Indian movie, has become one of most popular movies in China. A. a; / B. a; the C. an; the D. /;the ( )5.Every evening my daughter plays piano for an hour. A. the B. a C./ D. an ( )6.They stopped in beautiful place for camping, near farmhouse of the Smiths. A. a; a B. the; a C. a; the D. the; the ( )7.一This photo makes me think of trip to the Great Wall last year. 一Yeah, we had a great time there. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )8.I went to supermarket to buy birthday gift for my aunt yesterday. A. an; a B. a; a C. the; / D./; the ( )9.一Do you like movie Dangal? 一Yes. It's educational movie. I like it very much. A. the; an B. a; an C. a; the D. the; a ( )10. 一Who's boy under the tree? 一Bill. He's active boy. A. a; an B. a; the C.the; a D. the; an ( )11. Shenzhen is on coast near Hong Kong. It was small village many years ago. A.a; the B.the; a C. /; / D. the; the ( )12. Lang Lang is famous pianist. He plays piano very well. A. a; the B. the; the C. the;/ D. a;/ ( )13. This is interesting story for the kids. A.an B. a C./ ( )14. I bought useful dictionary yesterday. dictionary is very cheap.


初中八年级英语易错题专题解析 1.He will do what he can___________(work) out the problem for others. 答案:to work 解析:句意:他将做他能做的目的为了解决问题。表示目的to do。Can后面省略了do,因此用to work。 2.Nothing____________(be) diifficult if we put our heart into it. 答案:will be 解析:if引导的条件状语从句主将从现。If后面是从句,因此前面是主句,将来时。 3.I’m sure you__________(feel)better after taking enough rest at home. 答案:will feel 解析:句意:我确定你们将会感觉好些,因此用将来时will feel 4.I’m sorry for___________(knock) all your books off the desk. 答案:knocking 解析:非常抱歉我把你的书从桌子上撞下来了。For是介词,后面用动词-ing形式。 5.There comes Grandfather’s_________on the phone. A.noise B.sound C.voice D.shout 答案:C 解析:句意:来自爷爷的声音,noise指噪音,sound指自然界的各种声音,voice指人的声音,shout喊叫。 6.If we don’t do anything to keep___________,we will have some problems_________health. A.fit;with B.health;with C.healthy;to D.fit;on 答案:A


(UNIT1)现在完成时的重点和难点 一、现在完成时的完成用法和未完成用法 1.现在完成时的完成用法 现在完成时的完成用法指的是动作发生在过去某一时刻并已结束,但该动作对现在产生了影响,与现在情况具有因果关系。例如:He has turned off the light.他已把灯关了。 (动作结束于过去,但说明的是现在的情况--灯现在不亮了。) 现在完成时完成用法的特点是动作不延续,因此,该时态只能与表示不定的过去时间状语(如:already,yet,before,recently等)、频度时间状语(如:never,ever,once等)、 包括现在时刻在内的时间状语(如:this morning / month /year...,today等)连用。 例如: Have you found your pen yet?你已找到你的钢笔了吗? 2.现在完成时的未完成用法 现在完成时的未完成用法指的是动作开始于过去某一时刻,一直延续到现在,或可能还要继续 下去。 例如:He has lived here since 1978.自从1978年以来,他一直住在这儿。(动作起始 于1978年,一直住到现在,可能还要继续住下去。) I have been in the army for more than 5 years.我在部队已经呆了五年多了。(动作开始于5年前,一直延续至今,有可能还要继续下去。) 此种用法的句中常需一个表示一段时间的状语(由since或for引导),或表示与现在时刻相 连的时间状语(如:up to now,so far到目前为止)等。 例如:I have heard nothing from him up to now.到目前为止我没有他的任何消息。 注意:(1)现在完成时的未完成用法只适用于延续性动词,不可用于终止性动词,即瞬间完成 或延续时间很短的动词。如:come,go,arrive,leave,join,become,die等。 (2)现在完成时常见两种句型: ①主语+have / has been+for短语 ②It is+一段时间+ since从句 例如:He has been in the League for three years.或It is three years since he joined the League. 他入团已三年了。 3、延续性动词和终止性动词的概念 英语中,动词按其动作发生的方式、动作发生过程的长短,可分为延续性动词和终止性动词。 延续性动词表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以延续下去或产生持久影响。如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。 终止性动词也称非延续性动词、瞬间动词或短暂性动词,表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后 立即结束。如open, close, finish, begin, come, go, arrive, reach, get to, leave, move, borrow,buy等。 4、延续性动词的用法特征 1.延续性动词可以用于现在完成时,其完成时态可与表示段时间的状语连用。表示段时间的 短语有:for two years, during the past three years, since last year, how long等。如:I have learned English since I came here.自从我来到这儿就学英 语了。


牛津译林八年级上册阅读理解知识梳理 【知识梳理】 知识点一、细节理解题 1、细节理解题的基本要求和特点 初中英语阅读理解最基本的要求是“能从一般性文章中获取和处理主要信息”。对 这种“获取和处理主要信息”能力的考查,主要采用的方式就是细节判断。这类题在 阅读理解题中占据半壁江山,做好这类题是确保基础分的关键。同时,弄清细节,正 确获取信息,也是把握文章主旨的前提。因此,要特别重视做好这类题。 细节题就是指那些针对文章细节描写或与文章情节发展相关的事实所设置的问题。 这类题主要测试考生获取信息及对文章所提供信息的理解能力。 2.设题方式 1) 此类题型多数以特殊疑问词设问,设问的检测点针对某一具体行为、地点、时间、原因、方式、数量等。细节题是用来进一步表达主题,体现中心思想的,往往针对短 文某个细节来设题。做此类题时,应快速捕捉信息,可能是一些事例、数字等,阅读 时要有针对性。此类考查事实和细节的题目大多数是针对文章的细节设计的。 2) 常见的命题方式 Which of the following is NOT true according to the information in the passage? Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? What is the example of . . . as described in the passage? The author mentions all of the following except . . . The reason for . . .is . . . The author states that . . . According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc. )...? Which of the following is right? Which of the following is not mentioned? Choose the right order of this passage .

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