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专业信息工程(电子信息工程方向) 年级班别






1为什么选择PHP ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。2如果你是编程新手 ...................................... 错误!未定义书签。3写一个基本的PHP程序 .................................. 错误!未定义书签。4编程语法 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。5嵌入式语言如何工作 .................................... 错误!未定义书签。6服务端和客户端脚本 .................................... 错误!未定义书签。7运行你的程序 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。


1Why PHP? ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。2If You Are New to Programming .......................... 错误!未定义书签。3Writing a Basic PHP Program ............................ 错误!未定义书签。4Programming Syntax ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。5How Embedded Programming Works ......................... 错误!未定义书签。6Server-side Versus Client-side Scripting ............... 错误!未定义书签。

7 Running Your New Program .............................. 错误!未定义书签。


1 为什么选择PHP

对于Web编程来说,PHP是一个很好的选择。它较其它语言(包括其它面向Web 的语言)有许多优点。为了得到一个清晰的理解(和常见的面向Web的语言相比),让我们将它们比较一下。

ASP是微软的网络开发环境(它本身不是一门开发语言,因为它允许程序员在ASP 中选择其它语言进行开发,如VBScript或JScript。)ASP虽然简单,但它太过于简单了,以至于不能使用更复杂的逻辑和算法。


另一种Web使用的知名语言是Sun Microsystems公司的Java。Java是平台独立的语言(在一个系统上用Java开发的程序可以不经过任何修改,就可以运行在其它系统上)。



另一种开发Web程序的常用语言是Perl。Perl与PHP一样,是一个可运行在多个平台上的开源项目。事实上,Perl的历史远远要比PHP长。在PHP之前,Perl被认为是最好的Web开发语言。然而,在过去的几年中,在Web开发领域,PHP赢得了比Perl 更好的口碑。因为PHP语言本身集成了大量的功能模块,而要在Perl中使用这些功能,你就不得不单独下载许多额外的功能模块。这样,当程序从一个系统转移到另一个系统时,就会容易产生问题,因为Perl不得不从自己的CPAN上下载相应的功能模块。




















和创建一个HTML页面不同,创建一个PHP程序,你要面对的是文件中的代码,而不是那些所见即所得(WYSIWYG)的内容。如果你要利用这些所见即所得的编辑器开发程序(如微软的FrontPage,Macromedia Dream-Weaver,微软Word等),你可能还要花费一些时间来研究代码。

但令人兴奋的是,没有人也没有任何理由要求你,不能使用所见即所得的编辑器来编辑程序。然而,你可能会失望的发现,许多所见即所得的编辑器会修改或删除PHP 文件中的代码。积于这个原因,分析你的编辑器是如何处理PHP代码的,这很重要。如果你想用你的编辑器来进行这种测试,要先创建一个新文件,保存,后缀名为.php。然后,切换到编辑器的源码视图,或在一个独立的其它编辑器中打开这个文件(如记事本等),输入接下来本文要引用的代码,并确保没有任何错误。

当你输入完成后,保存文件并切换回WYSIWYG编辑器视图。如果你看到你的PHP 代码,不用管它,继续键入几行文字。如果你想添加一些Web页面中常用的元素,如


现在,在记事本中打开该文件,看看你的PHP代码是否发生了变化,包括代码格式上的改变,特殊字符的转换(如< <;)以及完全被删除的代码。








4.用你的浏览器访问Web服务器上的文件(如,http:/ / https://www.wendangku.net/doc/516241573.html,



1.创建HTML文件(包含文字,表格,图像,或声音),并在适当的位置插入PHP 代码。



4.用你的浏览器访问Web服务器上的文件(如http:/ / https://www.wendangku.net/doc/516241573.html,


新疆农业大学 专业文献综述 题目: 使用PHP设计与实现旅游信息网站文献综 述 姓名: 学院: 计算机与信息工程学院 专业: 信息管理与信息系统 班级: 051 学号: 指导教师: 李萍职称:讲师 2009年12月04日 新疆农业大学教务处制

使用PHP设计与实现旅游信息网站 Xxxx,李萍 摘要:随着近年来旅游业的蓬勃发展 ,旅游信息网站的建立与完善也越来越重要。本文阐述了旅游信息网站的概念以及功能 ,并分析旅游信息网站的现状 ,针对现状提出建立旅游信息网站的原则和对策。希望本文的研究能引起有关方面对旅游信息网站的重视 ,并为今后旅游信息网站的建立提供一些可行性建议。 关键词:旅游信息;Web;PHP 前言: 随着网络时代的发展,特别是近几年,个人生活几乎离不开网络。国内网络系统大多采用ASP开发,能满足个人应用,但是在网站建设之间缺少一种完美的选择,导致许多网站建设并没有达到理想的目标。本文章为此考虑,通过基于PHP开发网站,能给开源界带来新的气息,能为我们提供更优秀的网络交流方式,PHP开发网站的应用能提高资源和知识共享的使用效率,给个人生活和企业办公带来更舒适,智能的服务。 现代信息技术革命的迅猛发展,正冲击并进而改变着经济和社会结构。信息化的程度已经成为一个国家,一个企业,一个组织仍至一个个人发展的基础和竞争成败的关键。在信息社会中,网站作为信息转播速度快,覆盖面广的信息发布载体,已经被普遍视为“第四媒体”,成为一个社会组织展示整体形象的平台,实现远程信息交互的平台,采集,整合信息资源的平台。在互联网上有位置,有形象,有信息,既是国际科技界公认的交流方式,也是科技社团向公众展示自我和开展社会服务的主要途径。[1] 1 旅游信息网的发展现状分析 1.1 旅游信息网站概况 旅游信息网站是城市中为游客(特别是散客),市民提供信息咨询,投诉,救援等服务的一种旅游设施,具有较强的公益性。[5]旅游信息网站为公众提供旅游信息服务。旅游信息网站就是利用电子技术,信息技术,数据库技术和网络技术手段,充分发挥各类旅游信息资源的效用,使之成为旅游业发展的生产力,成为推动旅游产业发展和管理上水平的重要手段。具体地说旅游信息网站就是把景点,景区,饭店,旅行社,交通,气候等与地理位置和空间分布有关的旅游信息,通过技术手段采集,编辑,处理转换成用文字,数字图形,图像,声音,动画等来表示它们的内容或特征。 旅游信息是指充分利用信息技术,数据库技术和网络技术,对旅游有关的实体资源,信息资源,生产要素资源进行深层次的分配,组合,加工,传播,销售,以便促进传统旅游业向现代旅游业的转化,加快旅游业的发展速度,提高旅游业的生产效率[9]。 1.2旅游信息网站分类 在介绍旅游信息网站的时候很自然要涉及旅游信息网站的概念,基于目前旅游信息网站应用的主要范围,可以将其理解为通常所说的旅游服务网站,它是为


原文: Getting PHP to Talk to MySQl Now that you’re comfortable using the MySQL client tools to manipulate data in the database, you can begin using PHP to display and modify data from the database. PHP has standard functions for working with the databas e.First, we’re going to discuss PHP’s built-in database functions. We’ll also show you how to use the The PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR) database functions that provide the ability to use the same functions to access any supported database. This type of flexibility comes from a process called abstraction. In programming interfaces, abstraction simplifies a complex interaction. It works by removing any nonessential parts of the interaction, allowing you to concentrate on the important pa rts. PEAR’s DB classes are one such database interface abstraction. The information you need to log into a database is reduced to the bare minimum. This standard format allows you to interact with MySQL, as well as other databases using the same functions. Similarly, other MySQL-specific functions are replaced with generic ones that know how to talk to many databases. For example, the MySQL-specific connect function is: mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password); versus PEAR’s DB connect function: $connection = DB::connect("mysql://$db_username:$db_password@$db_host/$db_database"); The same basic information is present in both commands, but the PEAR function also specifies the type of databases to which to connect. You can connect to MySQL or o ther supported databases. We’ll discuss both connection methods in detail. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to connect to a MySQL server fromPHP, how to use PHP to access and retrieve stored data, and how to correctly display information to the user.



On site construction technology 1 Introduction The development of network technology for today's global information exchange and sharing funding source in the establishment of contacts and provide more channels and possible. Homes will be known world affairs, according few keyboard or a few mouse clicks can be distant friends thousands of miles away exchanges, and online communications, Internet browsing, on-line interactive, e-commerce has become a modern part of people's lives. Internet era, has created the new people's work and lifestyle, the Internet, openness and sharing of information model, breaking the traditional mode of information dissemination many barriers for people with new opportunities. With computers and the advent of the information age, the pace of the advance of human society in gradually accelerated. In recent years the development of web design, fast people occupied. With the development of web design, a colorful online website together one scenic beauty. To design aesthetic and practical web site should be thoroughly master the building techniques. In building site, we analyzed the websites of objectives, contents, functions, structure, the application of more web design technology. 2 the definition of websit 2.1 How definition of websites Web site identified the tasks and objectives, the building site is the most important issue. Why people will come to your website You have a unique service The first people to your website is to what They will come back All these issues must be taken into account when the site definition of the problem. Definition site to, first of all, the entire site must have a clear understanding of what the design should understand in the end, the main purpose of the mission, how to carry out the task of organization and planning. Second, to maintain the high-quality Web site. Many websites in the face of strong competition from high-quality product is the greatest long-term competitive advantage. An excellent Web site should have the following: (1) users visit Web site is faster. (2) attention to the feedback and updates. To update the content of the website and timely feedback the user's requirements; (3) Home design to be reasonable. Home to the first impression left by visitors is important, the design must be attractive in order to have a good visual effect. 2.2 The contents of the website and function The content of the web site is to be a new, fast, all three sides. The content of the website, including the type of static, dynamic, functional and


外文原文 Overview of JSP Technology and JSP application frameworks Autor: Zambon Giulio/ Sekler Michael Source: Springer-Verlag New York Inc 1.Benefits of JSP JSP pages are translated into servlets. So, fundamentally, any task JSP pages can perform could also be accomplished by servlets. However, this underlying equivalence does not mean that servlets and JSP pages are equally appropriate in all scenarios. The issue is not the power of the technology, it is the convenience, productivity, and maintainability of one or the other. After all, anything you can do on a particular computer platform in the Java programming language you could also do in assembly language. But it still matters which you choose.JSP provides the following benefits over servlets alone: ? It is easier to write and maintain the HTML. Your static code is ordinary HTML: no extra backslashes, no double quotes, and no lurking Java syntax. ? You can use standard Web-site development tools. Even HTML tools that know nothing about JSP can be used because they simply ignore the JSP tags. ? You can divide up your development team. The Java programmers can work on the dynamic code. The Web developers can concentrate on the presentation layer. On large projects, this division is very important. Depending on the size of your team and the complexity of your project, you can enforce a weaker or stronger separation between the static HTML and the dynamic content. Now, this discussion is not to say that you should stop using servlets and use only JSP instead. By no means. Almost all projects will use both. For some requests in your project, you will use servlets. For others, you will use JSP. For still others, you will combine them with the MVC architecture . You want the appropriate tool for the job, and servlets, by themselves, do not complete your toolkit. 2.Advantages of JSP Over Competing Technologies A number of years ago, Marty was invited to attend a small 20-person industry roundtable discussion on software technology. Sitting in the seat next to Marty was James Gosling, inventor of the Java programming language. Sitting several seats away was a high-level manager from a very large software company in Redmond, Washington. During the discussion, the moderator brought up the subject of Jini, which at that time was a new Java technology. The moderator asked the manager what he thought of it, and the manager responded that it was too early to tell, but that it seemed to be an excellent idea. He went on to

物流管理系统 毕业论文外文翻译

An internet-based logistics management system for enterprise chains N. Prindezis, C.T. Kiranoudis School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University, 15780 Athens, Greece Received 13 September 2003; received in revised form 20 December 2003; accepted 27 January 2004 Available online 10 December 2004 .Developing the internet-based application tool Web services offer new opportunities in business landscape, facilitating a global marketplace where business rapidly create innovative products and serve customers better. Whatever that business needs is, Web services have the flexibility to meet the demand and allow to accelerate outsourcing. In turn, the developer can focus on building core competencies to create customer and shareholder value. Application development is also more efficient because existing Web services, regardless of where they were developed, can easily be reused. Many of the technology requirements for Web services exist today, such as open standards for business to-business applications, mission-critical transaction platforms and secure integration and messaging products. However, to enable robust and dynamic integration of applications, the industry standards and tools that extend the capabilities of to days business-to-business interoperability are required. The key to taking full advantage of Web services is to understand what Web services are and how the market is likely to evolve. One needs to be able to invest in platforms and applications today that will enable the developer to quickly and effectively realize these benefits as well as to be able to meet the specific needs and increase business productivity. Typically, there are two basic technologies to be implemented when dealing with internet-based applications; namely server-based and client-based. Both technologies have their strong points regarding development of the code and the facilities they provide. Server-based applications involve the development of dynamically created web pages. These pages are transmitted to the web browser of the client and contain code in the form of HTML and JA V ASCRIPT language. The HTML part is the static part of the page that contains forms and controls for user needs and the JA V ASCRIPT part is the dynamic part of the page. Typically, the structure of the code can be completely changed through the intervention of web server mechanisms added on the transmission part and implemented by server-based languages such as ASP, JSP, PHP, etc. This comes to the development of an integrated dynamic page application where user desire regarding problem peculiarities (calculating shortest paths, execute routing algorithms, transact with the database, etc.) is implemented by appropriately invoking different parts of the dynamic content of such pages. In server-based applications all calculations are executed on the server. In client-based applications, JA V A applets


*** 学院 毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 系(院):计算机工程学院 专业:计算机科学与技术(软件技术)姓名:*** 学号:*** 外文出处:The Programmer (用外文写) 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。 注:请将该封面与附件装订成册。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 JSP技术概述 JSP的优点 JSP页面最终会转换成servler。因而,从根本上,JSP页面能够执行的任何任务都可以用servler来完成。然而,这种底层的等同性并不意味着servler 和JSP页面对于所有的情况都等同适用。问题不在于技术的能力,而是二者在便利性、生产率和可维护性上的不同。毕竟,在特定平台上能够用Java编程语言完成的事情,同样可以用汇编语言来完成,但是选择哪种语言依旧十分重要。 和单独使用servler相比,JSP提供下述好处: (1)JSP中HTML的编写与维护更为简单。JSP中可以使用常规的HTML:没有额外的反斜杠,没有额外的双引号,也没有暗含的Java语法。 (2)能够使用标准的网站开发工具。即使对那些对JSP一无所知的HTML 工具,我们也可以使用,因为它们会忽略JSP标签(JSP tags)。 (3)可以对开发团队进行划分。Java程序员可以致力于动态代码。Web 开发人员可以将经理集中在表示层(presentation layer)上。对于大型的项目,这种划分极为重要。依据开发团队的大小,及项目的复杂程度,可以对静态HTML和动态内容进行弱分离(weaker separation)和强分离(stronger separation)。 在此,这个讨论并不是让您停止使用servlets,只使用JSP。几乎所有的项目都会同时用到这两种技术。针对项目中的某些请求,您可能会在MVC构架下组合使用这两项技术。我们总是希望用适当的工具完成相对应的工作,仅仅是servlet并不能填满您的工具箱。 JSP相对于竞争技术的优势 许多年前,Marty受到邀请,参加一个有关软件技术的小型(20个人)研讨会. 做在Marty旁边的人是James Gosling--- Java编程语言的发明者。隔几个位置,是来自华盛顿一家大型软件公司的高级经理。在讨论过程中,研讨会的主席提出了Jini的议题,这在当时是一项新的Java技术.主席向该经理询问他的想法.他继续说,他们会持续关注这项技术,如果这项技术变得流行起来,他们会遵循公司的“接受并扩充(embrace and extend)”的策略.此时, Gosling随意地插话说“你的

外文文献 JSP 毕业设计

THE TECHNIQUE DEVELOPMENT HISTORY OF JSP By:Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates Source:Servlet&JSP The Java Server Pages( JSP) is a kind of according to web of the script plait distance technique, similar carries the script language of Java in the server of the Netscape company of server- side JavaScript( SSJS) and the Active Server Pages(ASP) of the Microsoft. JSP compares the SSJS and ASP to have better can expand sex, and it is no more exclusive than any factory or some one particular server of Web. Though the norm of JSP is to be draw up by the Sun company of, any factory can carry out the JSP on own system. The After Sun release the JSP( the Java Server Pages) formally, the this kind of new Web application development technique very quickly caused the people's concern. JSP provided a special development environment for the Web application that establishes the high dynamic state. According to the Sun parlance, the JSP can adapt to include the Apache WebServer, IIS4.0 on the market at inside of 85% server product. This chapter will introduce the related knowledge of JSP and Databases, and JavaBean related contents, is all certainly rougher introduction among them basic contents, say perhaps to is a Guide only, if the reader needs the more detailed information, pleasing the book of consult the homologous JSP. 1.1 GENERALIZE The JSP(Java Server Pages) is from the company of Sun Microsystems initiate, the many companies the participate to the build up the together of the a kind the of dynamic the state web the page technique standard, the it have the it in the construction the of the dynamic state the web page the strong but the do not the especially of the function. JSP and the technique of ASP of the Microsoft is very alike. Both all provide the ability that mixes with a certain procedure code and is explain by the language engine to carry out the procedure code in the code of HTML. Underneath we are simple of carry on the introduction to it. JSP pages are translated into servlets. So, fundamentally, any task JSP pages can perform could also be accomplished by servlets. However, this underlying equivalence does not mean that servlets and JSP pages are equally appropriate in all scenarios. The issue is not the power of the technology, it is the convenience, productivity, and maintainability of one or the other. After all, anything you can do on a particular computer platform in the Java programming language you could also do in assembly language. But it still matters which you choose.


中文5915字,3600单词,17000英文字符 本科毕业设计(论文) 外文参考文献译文及原文 学院信息工程学院 专业信息工程(电子信息工程方向) 年级班别 学号 学生姓名 指导教师

目录 外文参考文献译文 1为什么选择PHP ......................................... 错误!未定义书签。2如果你是编程新手 ...................................... 错误!未定义书签。3写一个基本的PHP程序 .................................. 错误!未定义书签。4编程语法 .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。5嵌入式语言如何工作 .................................... 错误!未定义书签。6服务端和客户端脚本 .................................... 错误!未定义书签。7运行你的程序 .......................................... 错误!未定义书签。 外文参考文献原文 1Why PHP? ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。2If You Are New to Programming .......................... 错误!未定义书签。3Writing a Basic PHP Program ............................ 错误!未定义书签。4Programming Syntax ..................................... 错误!未定义书签。5How Embedded Programming Works ......................... 错误!未定义书签。6Server-side Versus Client-side Scripting ............... 错误!未定义书签。 7 Running Your New Program .............................. 错误!未定义书签。 1


JSP技术 Java Server Pages(JSP)是一种基于web的脚本编程技术,类似于网景公司的服务器端Java脚本语言—— server-side JavaScript(SSJS)和微软的Active Server Pages(ASP)。与SSJS和ASP相比,JSP具有更好的可扩展性,并且它不专属于任何一家厂商或某一特定的Web服务器。尽管JSP规范是由Sun公司制定的,但任何厂商都可以在自己的系统上实现JSP。 在Sun正式发布JSP(Java Server Pages)之后,这种新的Web应用开发技术很快引起了人们的关注。JSP为创建高度动态的Web应用提供了一个独特的开发环境。按照Sun的说法,JSP能够适应市场上包括Apache WebServer、IIS4.0在内的85%的服务器产品。 本文将介绍JSP相关的知识,以及JavaBean的相关内容,当然都是比较粗略的介绍其中的基本内容,仅仅起到抛砖引玉的作用,如果读者需要更详细的信息,请参考相应的JSP的书籍。 1.1 概述 JSP(Java Server Pages)是由Sun Microsystems公司倡导、许多公司参与一起建立的一种动态网页技术标准,其在动态网页的建设中有其强大而特别的功能。JSP与Microsoft的ASP技术非常相似。两者都提供在HTML代码中混合某种程序代码、由语言引擎解释执行程序代码的能力。下面我们简单的对它进行介绍。 JSP页面最终会转换成servlet。因而,从根本上,JSP页面能够执行的任何任务都可以用servlet来完成。然而,这种底层的等同性并不意味着servlet和JSP 页面对于所有的情况都等同适用。问题不在于技术的能力,而是二者在便利性、生产率和可维护性上的不同。毕竟,在特定平台上能够用Java编程语言完成的事情,同样可以用汇编语言来完成,但是选择哪种语言依旧十分重要。 和单独使用servlet相比,JSP提供下述好处:


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毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译 学院(系):计算机科学与技术 专业:信息管理与信息系统 姓名: x 学号: x 外文出处:CHINA-USA Business Review 附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

附件1:外文资料翻译译文 JSP 和SQL Server 2000相关介绍 JSP(JavaServer Pages)是由Sun Microsystems公司倡导、许多公司参与一起建立的一种动态网页技术标准。JSP技术有点类似ASP技术,它是在传统的网页HTML 文(*.htm,*.html)中插入Java程序段(Scriptlet)和JSP标记(tag),从而形成JSP 文件(*.jsp)。用JSP开发的Web应用是跨平台的,即能在Linux下运行,也能在其他操作系统上运行。JSP技术使用Java编程语言编写类XML的tags和scriptlets,来封装产生动态网页的处理逻辑。网页还能通过tags和scriptlets 访问存在于服务端的资源的应用逻辑。JSP将网页逻辑与网页设计和显示分离,支持可重用的基于组件的设计,使基于Web的应用程序的开发变得迅速和容易。Web 服务器在遇到访问JSP网页的请求时,首先执行其中的程序段,然后将执行结果连同JSP文件中的HTML代码一起返回给客户。插入的Java程序段可以操作数据库、重新定向网页等,以实现建立动态网页所需要的功能。 JSP与Java Servlet一样,是在服务器端执行的,通常返回该客户端的就是一个HTML文本,因此客户端只要有浏览器就能浏览。JSP的1.0规范的最后版本是1999年9月推出的,12月又推出了1.1规范。目前较新的是JSP1.2规范,JSP2.0规范的征求意见稿也已出台。JSP页面由HTML代码和嵌入其中的Java代码所组成。服务器在页面被客户端请求以后对这些Java代码进行处理,然后将生成的HTML页面返回给客户端的浏览器。Java Servlet 是JSP的技术基础,而且大型的Web应用程序的开发需要Java Servlet和JSP配合才能完成。JSP具备了Java技术的简单易用,完全的面向对象,具有平台无关性且安全可靠,主要面向因特网的所有特点。 JSP技术的强势 (1)一次编写,到处运行。在这一点上Java比PHP更出色,除了系统之外,代码不用做任何更改。 (2)系统的多平台支持。基本上可以在所有平台上的任意环境中开发,在任意环境中进行系统部署,在任意环境中扩展。相比ASP/PHP的局限性是显而易见的。

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