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titration [t?'tre??n] 滴定

Non-aqueous [?e?kwi?s] solvents 非水溶剂

poor end point 不好的终点

satisfactory end point 好的终点

dissociate [d??s???ie?t] 游离,分离

conjugate [?k?nd??ge?t] acid/base 共轭酸/碱

aprotic [?e?'pr??t?k] solvents 非质子溶剂

protophilic [pr??t?'f?l?k] solvents 亲质子溶剂protogenic [?pr??t??'d?en?k] solvents 给电子溶剂amphiprotic [?mf?p'r?t?k] solvents 两性溶剂

carbon tetrachloride [?tetr?'kl??ra?d] 四氯化碳

benz ene [?benzi:n] 苯dielectric constant 介电常数ionization [?a??na?'ze??n] 离子化dilute[da??lu:t] 稀释,变淡liquid ammonia [??m??ni?] 液氨amine [?'mi:n] 胺ketone ['ki:t??n] 酮affinity [??f?n?ti] 吸引力,亲和力equilibrium [?i:kw??l?bri?m] 平衡

reversible reaction可逆反应levelling effect 拉平效应anhydrous [?n'ha?dr?s] acid 无水酸

hydrogen fluoride [?fl?:ra?d] 氟化氢

sulphuric[s?l'fj??r?k] acid 硫酸ionise ['a??na?z] 电离acetic [?'si:t?k] (ethanoic) acid 醋(乙)酸

perchloric [p?'kl??r?k] acid高氯酸determination 测定,确定proportion 比例indicator 指示剂

individual component 单一组分detection 检查,检测potentiometric [p??tenf??'metr?k] method 电位法

primary amines [?'mi:n] 伯胺secondary amines 仲胺tertiary amines 叔胺purine ['pj?r?n] 嘌呤sulphonamide [s?l'f?n?ma?d] 硫胺类药剂

amino [?'mi?n??] compound 氨基化合物


Detection limits 检出限skeleton骨架

spectral interferences 光谱干扰

atomic emission spectrometry 原子发射光谱法

analytical chemistry 分析化学characterize 表征

routine analyses 常规分析real sample 实样physical variables 物理变量matrix 基质

ideal samples 理想的样品

intrinsic performance 固有性能

precision 精密度accuracy 准确度

inductively coupled plasma ( ICP ) 电感耦合等离子体(ICP)atomic mass 原子质量density 密度

fluorescence spectroscopy 荧光光谱

X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy X射线荧光光谱

signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 信噪比

relative standard deviation 相对标准偏差

photographic detection 摄谱检测

photographic emulsion 感光乳剂

logarithmic response 对数响应

Flame emission spectrometrists 火焰发射光谱测量仪plasma source emission spectrometrisis等离子源发射光谱分析photomultipliers ( PMTs ) 光电传感器(PMTs)

array detectors 阵列检测器



plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy(MIP-AES)


mercury speciation(汞形态)Methylmercury(甲基汞)ethylmercury(乙基汞)inorganic mercury(无机汞)electron capture detector(ECD)(电子俘获检测器)calibration(校准)bipolar(双极的)

constant-frequency(恒频)concentrations(浓度)reactive-flow detector(反应流检测器)

flame photometric detector(FPD)(火焰光度检测器)

chemiluminescent signal(化学发光信号)

isoprene(异戊二烯)baseline(基线)oscillating(振荡)plasma glow(等离子发光)fingerprint data(指纹图谱库)gasolines(汽油)fuel oils(燃油)simultaneously(同时地)pulsed flame photometric(脉冲火焰光度法)

pulsed flame ionization(脉冲火焰电离)amino(氨基)amide(酰胺)functional groups(官能团)

nitrogen-phosphorus(氮- 磷)chiral(手性)enatioselectivity(对映选择性)high resolution(高分辨率)technical grade(工业级)


(二氯二苯基- 三氯乙烷)

enantiomeric(对映体)Sol-gel technology(溶胶-凝胶技术)inorganic-organic hybrid material(无机- 有机杂化材料)fused silica capillaries(熔融石英毛细管)

retention characteristics(保留特性)

conventional columns(常规柱)

inductively coupled plasma(ICP)(电感耦合等离子体)germanium(锗)Near-infrared(近红外)



disulfonated aluminum phthalocyanine(二磺化铝酞菁)

diode lasers(二极管激光器)


fused-silica capillary(熔融石英毛细管)

stainless-steel(不锈钢)mononitroanilines(单硝基苯胺)chlorophenols(氯酚)benzodiazipines(苯并二嗪)inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrpmeter(ICP-MS) (电感耦合等离子体质谱仪)



selenate(硒酸盐)trimethylselenonium(三甲基硒鎓)ion-pair reversed-phase liquid chromatography


peroxyoxalate(过氧草酸酯)capacity factors(容量因子)chemiluminescence(化学发光)femtomole(飞摩尔)Molecular imprinting(分子印迹)polymeric(聚合)crosslinked(交联)naphthamide-derived(萘甲酰胺衍生)polymer(聚合物)enantiopure(对映异构体)enantioselective(对映选择性)nonporous glassy carbon columns(无孔玻璃碳柱)

solvent polymeric membrane(溶剂聚合物膜)monovalent cation(一价阳离子)

divalent cation(二价阳离子)

selective ionophores(选择性离子载体)

Electrostatic ion chromatography(静电离子色谱)zwitterions(两性离子)methylamines(MAs)(甲胺)Nonsuppressed ion chromatography(非抑制离子色谱)carbonic acid(碳酸)micromolar (微摩尔)dual(双重)



Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC)(气液色谱法)

high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)

diode detectors (DAD)(二极管检测器)

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometers



polar(两极) ionogenic (离子化)

stationary phases(固定相) silica gel(硅胶) swelling capacity(膨胀能力) Sorption (吸附) frictional resistances(摩擦阻力)

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE)


proteins(蛋白质) cross-linking(交联度)

voltage gradient (电压梯度) flatbed(平板)

two-dimensional (2D)(二维) Quartz capillaries(石英毛细管) dansyl amino acids(丹磺酰氨基酸)

capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE)(毛细管区带电泳)

buffer vessels(缓冲容器) anodic(阳极) electroosmotic flow (EOF)(电渗流)

silanol groups(硅烷醇基团) cathode(阴极) anions(阴离子) micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC)


detergents (洗涤剂) hydrophobic(疏水)

isoelectric focusing (IEF)(等电聚焦)

ampholytes (两性电解质)

electrochromatography (EC)(电色谱)

isotachophoresis (ITP)(等速电泳)


Stripping analysis(提溶极谱分析,提溶分析 ;溶出分析)Bulk (n. 使扩大,使形成大量;体积,容量)Preconcentrate(富集)preconcentration (n. 预浓缩,预富集)mercury electrode ['m?kj?ri] (n. [化]汞电极)Electrolytic [?,lektr??'l?t?k] adj. 电解的;电解质的Electrolyze vt. 电解;用电分解

electrogravimetric method/analysis 电重量分析法,电解分析法signal-to-background ratio信背比 ,信号背景比,信号/背景比

trace metals 微量金属

anodic stripping voltammetry (ASV)[v?ul't?mitri] 阳极溶出伏安法cathodic stripping voltammetry 阴极溶出伏安法

polarized ['pol?,ra?z] adj. 偏振的;极化的

as a function of 根据the driving force 驱动力Waveform ['wevf?rm] n. 波形;波形图

Parameter [p?'r?m?t?] n. 参数;系数;参量

redox reaction 氧化还原反应redox couple氧化还原电对reductant 还原剂oxidizing agent 氧化剂

linear ramp 线性斜坡,斜率pulse train 脉冲序列,脉冲群electroactive species 电活性物质

thermodynamics [,θ?moda?'n?m?ks] n. 热力学

faradaic current法拉第电流,感应电流charge transfer电荷转移current-potential plot 电位图V oltammogram 伏安图vertical axis 纵轴horizontal axis ['h?r?'zɑntl] 横轴

be governed by取决于;以…为转移Summation总和,合计Hydrodynamics n.流体动力学;水动力学['ha?dro?da?'n?m?ks] Polarography [,pol?'rɑgr?fi] n. 极谱法

Polarographic [p?u,l?r?'ɡr?fik] adj. 极谱法的

cathodic [,k?'θod?k] adj.阴极的/Anodic [?n'ɑd?k] adj. 阳极的amalgamated metal金属汞齐/amalgamate[?'m?lɡ?met] v. 汞齐化potential scan 电势扫描peak current 峰电流

Potentiometric [p?u,ten?i?'metrik] adj.电势测定的,电位计的Plateau [plato] 托盘,茶盘,天平盘;舞台;平台,台架;Plateaux [pl?'toz] n. plateau的复数,金属板,(曲线的)平顶potentiostatic [p?u,ten?i?'st?tik]adj. 电压稳定器的;恒电势的redox titration氧化还原滴定thiols[θi'olz] 硫醇

halide ions 卤素离子insoluble salts 难溶盐


catalysis [k?'t?l?s?s] n.催化作用,催化,催化剂analytical testing分析测试feedstock ['fi?dst?k] n.原料processing condition 工艺条件

recovery methods 恢复方法byproduct n.副产品hyphenatd ['ha?f?n,et?d] method 联用技术

statistical significance 显著性差异

polymer synthesis ['s?nθ?s?s] 聚合物合成,高分子材料合成toxicological [,tɑks?kɑ'lɑd??k?l] mechanism 毒性机制chemical n. 化学制品,化学药品

EPA(Environmental Protection Agency ) 美国环境署

R & D(research and development) 研究与开发exploratory research 探索性研究

reaction pathway 反应途径toxicity [t?k's?s?t?] n.毒性regulator n.监管者,监管部门(机构)

contaminant [k?n't?m?n?nt] n.污染物

toxicologist [,tɑks?'kɑl?d??st] n.毒理学家toxic['t?ks?k] 有毒的ESCA(Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis)


CAT(Computer aided testing) scan 计算机辅助测试扫描picosecond ['pi?k??sek?nd;] n.皮秒,万亿分之一秒intercellular [?nt?'selj?l?] molecular activity 细胞间分子活动postmitotic [,p?ustmai't?tik, -mi-] growth 分裂期后细胞增长per kilowatt hour 每千瓦时,每度

produce electricity 发电linearly ['lini?li] adv.线性地toxin ['t?ks?n] n.毒素analyses [?'n?l?si?z] n.分析,解析dosage n.剂量,用量animal testing 动物试验carcinogenic [,kɑ?s(?)n?'d?en?k]action 致癌作用


化工专业英语词汇 reacti on kin etics 反应动力学 reacta nt 反应物 purify精制提纯 recycle循环回收 uncon verted reacta nt 未转化的反应物 chemical reactor tran sfer of heat, evaporati on, crystallizatio n 结晶 drying 干燥 screening 筛选,浮选 chemical reacti on 化学反应 crack ing of petroleum 石油裂解 catalyst催化剂, reacti on zone 反应区 con servati on of mass and energy 能量与质量守衡定律tech ni cal adva nee 技术进步

efficie ncy improveme nt 效率提高 reacti on 反应 separatio n 分离 heat excha nge 热交换 reactive distillatio n 反应精馏 capital expe nditure 基建投资 setup 装置 capital outlay 费用,成本,基建投资yield 产率,收率reacti on byproduct 反应副产物equilibrium con sta nt 平衡常数 waste 废物 feedstock 进料,原料 product 产物,产品 perce nt conv ersi on 百分比转化率 ether乙醚 gasoline 汽油 oxyge nate content 氧含量 catalyst催化剂 reacta nt 反应物


a function of …的函数absorption:吸附acetone 丙酮 acrylics丙烯酸树脂Aerospace 航空agricultural engineering农业工程 agricultural engineer农艺师Amalgam 汞齐,水银;混合物,交叉 ammonia 氨ammonium nitrate硝酸铵ammonium sulfate 硫酸铵analyte分析物analytical chemistry分析化学 amorphous 非定型的,非晶型的,非结晶的,玻璃状的;无一定目的的,乱七八糟approximate to:接近,趋近area 面积argon氩aromatic 芳香烃的 as a whole整体而言ash纯碱asphalt沥青 a priori:先验的,既定的,不根据经验的,由原因推出结果的,演绎的,直觉的 accessory heater 附属加热器accident prevention事故预防 accountant会计师,会计,出纳activity coefficient活度系数 actualrate of absorption 实际吸收速率adiabatic绝热的,不传热的 alkane烷烃ammonia-air mixture 氨气-水混合物 ammonium phosphate磷酸铵anhydrous无水的applied Chemistry应用化学 aquatic plant 水生植物artificial人工的asphaltene沥青油 assay分析化验at right angles to 与…成直角,与…垂直 bottoms product塔底产品baffle-plate折流挡板,缓冲挡板 balance 抵消,平衡barrier障碍物batch间歇的;benzene苯 binary distillation双组分精馏bioengineering生物工程bionics(仿生学) biosynthesis生物合成blower 风机boundary layer 边界层 brick wall 墙壁brittleness 脆性bubble-cap tower 泡罩塔 Buchner funnel 布氏漏斗bulk explosive集装炸药buoyancy force 浮力 by virtue of 由于,根据,凭借于barrel桶(国际原油计量单位) base塔底,基础biological production生物制品生产 biomechanics生物力学bitumen沥青blood-flow dynamics血液流动动力学 boiling point 沸点bottom 底部,塔底branched chain支链烷烃 branched-chain(带支链的)bulk chemical 大宗化工产品 capillary action毛细管作用carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 capital expenditure 基建投资 carbon skeleton碳骨架 capital outlay 费用,成本,基建投资carrier载体 carbon tetrachloride四氯化碳straightforward简单明了的catalyst 催化剂 catalyst催化剂,catalytic cracking 催化裂化 catalytic oxidation催化氧化chemical additive添加剂 centrifuge离心.离心机,离心分离chemical process safety 化工过程安全 chain-shaped链状的chemical reactor transfer of heat, evaporation, crystallization结晶chain链c hlorofluorocarbon二氯二氟化碳,氟里昂 chemical reaction化学反应c irculating gas 循环气 civil engineer土木工程师closed system封闭系统 cleansing agent清洗剂compound化合物 close teamwork紧密的团队协作computer microchip 计算机芯片 coefficient系数concentration difference 浓度差 columnar liquid chromatography柱状液相色谱仪concentration gradient 浓度梯度combustion燃烧condensate冷凝液,凝缩液 commercial proportions 商业规模condensation冷凝


AC alternating['?:lt?,neiti?] current 交流电 AC automatic control 自动控制 ACA accident consequence['k?nsi,kw?ns] assessment [?'sesm?nt]事故后果评价 ACB air circuit ['s?:kit] breaker ['breik?]空气断路器 ACC accident ['?ksid?nt]故障、事故ACCUM accumulate[?'kju:mjuleit]累计、蓄电池 ACDS acoustic crack detection system 声裂纹检测系统 ACT/S active ['?ktiv]side [said]带电部件、有功部件 ACW anti-clockwise ['kl?kwaiz]反时针方向AD analog ['?n?l?ɡ] -digital ['did?it?l]模拟-数字AEOD analysis[?'n?l?sis]分析and management ['m?nid?m?nt]管理of operational[,?p?'rei??n?l]操作的 data 运行数据分析和管理 AFC automatic frequency['frikw?nsi] control automatic following control 自动频率控制:自动跟踪控制 AI artificial[,ɑ:ti'fi??l]人造的intelligence [in'telid??ns]智

力人工智能 ALT alternate [?:l't?:n?t, '?:lt?-, '?:lt?neit]交替交变的、交替的 ALTNTR alternator['?:lt?neit?]交流发电机同步发电机 AM ammeter ['?mit?]电流表 AMP ampere ['?mpε?]安培 AN air natural['n?t??r?l]cooled 空气自然冷却 AOC automatic overload[,?uv?'l?ud, '?uv?l?ud] control 自动过载控制 APC automatic plant coordinate[k?u'?:dinit, k?u' ?:dineit]control automatic power control 机组自动协调控制:自动功率控制 APP appendix[?'pendiks]附录 auxiliary[?:ɡ'zilj?ri]辅助 的power plant 附录:辅助电源设备APS accessory power supply 辅助电源APU auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置:辅助电源设备 ARM armature 电枢、衔铁 ASR automatic speed run up 自动升速



眼镜片相关外贸英语词汇 Pouch 眼镜袋 Clean cloth眼镜布 Spectacle Case眼镜盒 Spectacle frames 眼镜架 Sunglasses 太阳眼镜 Sports spectacles 运动眼镜 Kids eyewear 儿童眼镜 Reading glasses 老花镜 Contact lens 隐形眼镜 Glass optical lenses 玻璃镜片 Plastic optical lenses 塑胶镜片 Resin lenses 树脂镜片 Sunglasses lenses, sun clips 太阳镜片、镜夹Progressive lenses 渐进多焦点镜片Photochromic lenses 变色镜片 Optical blanks 镜片毛胚 hard resin lens 树脂镜片 round-top bifocal lens 圆顶双关镜片 flat-top bifocal lens 平顶双光镜片 aspheric hard resin lens 非球面树脂镜片

Non-coated lens 基片(NC) hard coated lens 加硬镜片(HC) Hard & Multi-coated 加硬加膜片(HMC)EMI Defending Coating 加硬加膜防辐射片(HMC+EMI)RX Lens-High Index 高散光片hard resin lens 树脂镜片 round-top bifocal lens 圆顶双关镜片 flat-top bifocal lens 平顶双光镜片 aspheric hard resin lens 非球面树脂镜片 Non-coated lens 基片(NC) hard coated lens 加硬镜片(HC) Hard & Multi-coated 加硬加膜片(HMC)EMI Defending Coating 加硬加膜防辐射片(HMC+EMI)RX Lens-High Index 高散光片hold chains 挂链 extra-thin 超薄 the central thickness 中心厚度 showing-shelf 展示架 flat top bifocal 平顶双光 round top bifocal 圆顶双光 anti-water 防水 vacuum coating 真空镀膜


精细化工专业常用英语专业词 汇 (400) 1998年8月 A abscissa n. 横座标abundance n. 丰富, 充裕acceptor n. 接受体accumulator n. 储料器 acetic acid n. 醋酸, 乙酸acknowledge v. &n. 致谢activation n. 活化acylation n. 酰化 addition n. 加成反应adhesive n. 粘合剂advancement n. 进展,增长advantageous adj. 有利的 aerosol n. 烟雾 affinity n. 亲合力 agent n. 试剂aldehyde n. 醛 aldol n. 醛醇aliphatic acid n. 脂肪酸 alkaline adj. 碱的 alkaloid n. 生物碱 alkane n. 烷烃 alkene n. 烯烃alkylation n. 烃化, 烷基化alkyl halide n. 烷基卤, 卤烷alkyne n. 炔alphabetic adj. 依字母顺序ambiguity n. 模糊, 意义不明确amide n. 酰胺amine n. 胺amino acid n. 氨基酸amorphous adj. 无定形analogue n. 类似物anhydride n. 酸酐aniline n. 苯胺anion n. 阴离子anomaly n. 异常,反常antibiotics n. 抗菌素antifreezing agent n. 抗冻剂antioxidant n. 抗氧剂appreciable adj. 可估计的architect n. 建筑师, 设计师arene n. 芳烃aromatic adj. 芳香的aromatization n. 芳构化asymmetric adj. 不对称的autooxidation n. 自氧化awarenness n, 意识azeotrope n.共沸混合物azo dye n. 偶氮染料 B backup n. /adj 备用设备base n. 碱, 基, 底beaker n. 烧杯benzene n. 苯biological degradation n. 生物降解biosynthesis vt. 生物合成bleach vt. 漂白bond n. 键branched chain n. 支链budget n. & v. 预算bubble-cap tower n. 泡罩塔buffer n. 缓冲,缓冲剂 C carbanion n. 负碳离子, 阴碳离子carbene n. 碳烯, 卡宾carbide n. 碳化物, 碳化钙carbocation n. 正碳离子, 阳碳离子carbonyl group n. 羰基carboxy group n. 羧基carboxylic acid n. 羧酸carcinogenic adj. 致癌的β-carotene n. β胡萝卜素carrier n. 载体cartridge n. 软片暗盒catalysis n. 催化(作用) cation n. 阳离子cellulose n. 纤维素ceramic adj/n. 陶瓷(的) chemical shift n. 化学位移chirality n. 手性chlorination n. 氯化作用chlorohydrocarbon n. 氯代烃chromophore n. 发色团cis-trans isomer n. 顺反异构体classic adj. 经典的, 传统的cluster n. 蔟,一串,一束coherent adj. 黏附的,相干的(光学) coil n. 蛇管colorant n. 颜料,着色剂commodity n. 用品compensation n. 补偿competitive n. 竞争的complementary n. 补充的complex n. 络合物complication n. 复杂concerted reaction n. 协同反应condensation n. 缩合反应condiment n. 调味品conformation n. 构象conjugation n. 共轭construction n. 建设, 建筑consultant n. 顾问


电气工程常用专业英语词汇表 电气工程常用专业英语词汇表 电路基础 ideal voltage (current) source 理想电压(流)源volt-ampere characteristic 伏安特性potential difference 电位差 reference potential 参考电位resistance 电阻capacitance 电容 inductance 电感 reactance 电抗 inductive(capacitive) reactance 感(容)抗impedance 阻抗 equivalent circuit 等效电路 Ohm’s law 欧姆定律Kirchhoff’s law 基尔霍夫定律Kirchhoff’s voltage law(KVL)基尔霍夫电压定律Kirchhoff’s current law(KCL)基尔霍夫电流定律Thevenin’s theorem 戴维宁定理Norton’s theorem 诺顿定理 branch 支路 node 结点 loop 回路 mesh 网孔 open circuit 开路(断路) short circuit 短路 branch current analysis 支路电流法mesh current analysis 网孔电流法 ode voltage analysis 结点电位法n superposition theorem 叠加原理passive(active) two-terminal network 无(有)源二端网络root mean square (RMS) 均方根值 effective value 有效值instantaneous value 瞬时值 ampere 安培 volt 伏特 Hertz 赫兹 reactive power` 无功功率 active power 有功功率 transfer function 传递函数 apparent power 视在功率 power-factor compensation 功率因数补偿series (parallel) resonance 串(并)联谐振 amplitude(phase)-frequency response characteristic 幅(相)频特性 figure of merit 品质因素 pass-band 通频带bandwidth (BW) 带宽 first(second)-order filter 一(二)阶滤波器low(high)-pass filter 低(高)通滤波器band-pass(stop) filter 带通(阻)滤波器transfer function 转移函数 Bode diagram 波特图 Fourier series 傅立叶级数 three-phase circuit 三相电路 cutoff frequency 截止频率 FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) 快速傅立叶变换 state variable 状态变量 电机 generation 发电 transmission 输电 distribution 配电 coil 线圈 core 铁心 winding 绕组 electrical machine 电机 generator 发电机 motor 电动机 stator (rotor) 定子(转子) armature 电枢 brush 电刷 commutator 换向器 salient-pole 凸极 slip ring 滑环 induction motor 感应电动机 magnetic flux 磁通 asynchronous machine 异步电机 synchronous generator 同步发电机 eddy current 涡流 EMF(electromotive force)电动势 counter EMF 反电势 torque 转矩 excitation 励磁 prime mover 原动机 rectifier 整流器 leakage flux 漏磁通 demagnetization 退磁,去磁 short-circuit ratio 短路比 converter (inverter) 换流器(逆变器) synchronous condenser 同步调相机 magnetization curve 磁化曲线 separately exciting 他励 compounded excited 复励 self-exciting 自励 series(shunt)-wound 串(并)励


眼镜片外贸英语专业词 汇 Document number:WTWYT-WYWY-BTGTT-YTTYU-2018GT

眼镜片相关外贸英语词汇Pouch 眼镜袋 Clean cloth眼镜布 Spectacle Case眼镜盒 Spectacle frames 眼镜架 Sunglasses 太阳眼镜 Sports spectacles 运动眼镜 Kids eyewear 儿童眼镜 Reading glasses 老花镜 Contact lens 隐形眼镜 Glass optical lenses 玻璃镜片 Plastic optical lenses 塑胶镜片 Resin lenses 树脂镜片 Sunglasses lenses, sun clips 太阳镜片、镜夹Progressive lenses 渐进多焦点镜片Photochromic lenses 变色镜片 Optical blanks 镜片毛胚 hard resin lens 树脂镜片 round-top bifocal lens 圆顶双关镜片 flat-top bifocal lens 平顶双光镜片 aspheric hard resin lens 非球面树脂镜片

Non-coated lens 基片(NC) hard coated lens 加硬镜片(HC) Hard & Multi-coated 加硬加膜片(HMC)EMI Defending Coating 加硬加膜防辐射片(HMC+EMI) RX Lens-High Index 高散光片hard resin lens 树脂镜片 round-top bifocal lens 圆顶双关镜片 flat-top bifocal lens 平顶双光镜片 aspheric hard resin lens 非球面树脂镜片 Non-coated lens 基片(NC) hard coated lens 加硬镜片(HC) Hard & Multi-coated 加硬加膜片(HMC)EMI Defending Coating 加硬加膜防辐射片(HMC+EMI) RX Lens-High Index 高散光片hold chains 挂链 extra-thin 超薄 the central thickness 中心厚度 showing-shelf 展示架 flat top bifocal 平顶双光 round top bifocal 圆顶双光 anti-water 防水 vacuum coating 真空镀膜


化工专业英语词汇化学专业课程中英文对照 一、化工装置常用词汇 一概论introduction 方案(建议书) proposal 可行性研究feasibility study 方案设计concept design 工艺设计process design 基础设计basic design 详细设计detail design 开工会议kick-off meeting 审核会议review meeting 外商投资foreign investment 中外合资joint venture 中外合营joint venture 补偿贸易compensation trade 合同合同附件contract 卖方vendor 买方buyer 顾客client 承包商contractor 工程公司company 供应范围scope of supply 生产范围production scope 生产能力production capacity 项目project 界区battery limit 装置plant

公用工程utilities 工艺流程图process flow diagram 工艺流程方块图process block diagram 管道及仪表流程图piping and instrument drawing 物料及热量平衡图mass & heat balance diagram 蒸汽及冷凝水平衡图steam & condensate balance diagram 设备布置图equipment layout 设备表equipment list 成品(产品) product(final product) 副产品by-product 原料raw-material 设计基础数据basic data for design 技术数据technical data 数据表data sheet 设计文件design document 设计规定design regulation 现场服务site service 项目变更project change 用户变更client change 消耗定额consumption quota 技术转让technical transfer 技术知识technical know-how technical knowledge 技术保证technical guarantee 咨询服务consultative services 技术服务technical services 工作地点location 施工现场construction field 报价quotation 标书bidding book



AC alternating['?:lt?,neiti?] current 交流电 AC automatic control 自动控制 ACA accident consequence ['k?nsi,kw?ns] assessment [?'sesm?nt]事故后果评价ACB air circuit['s?:kit] breaker ['breik?]空气断路器 ACC accident ['?ksid?nt]故障、事故ACCUM accumulate[?'kju:mjuleit]累计、蓄电池 ACDS acoustic crack detection system 声裂纹检测系统 ACT/S active['?ktiv]side [said]带电部件、有功部件 ACW anti-clockwise['kl?kwaiz]反时针方向 AD analog['?n?l?ɡ] -digital ['did?it?l]模拟-数字 AEOD analysis[?'n?l?sis]分析and management['m?nid?m?nt]管理of operational[,?p?'rei??n?l]操作的data 运行数据分析和管理

AFC automatic frequency['frikw?nsi] control automatic following control 自动频率控制:自动跟踪控制 AI artificial[,ɑ:ti'fi??l]人造的intelligence [in'telid??ns]智力人工智能ALT alternate [?:l't?:n?t, '?:lt?-, '?:lt?neit]交替交变的、交替的 ALTNTR alternator['?:lt?neit?]交流发电机同步发电机 AM ammeter ['?mit?]电流表 AMP ampere ['?mpε?]安培 AN air natural['n?t??r?l]cooled 空气自然冷却 AOC automatic overload[,?uv?'l?ud, '?uv?l?ud] control 自动过载控制 APC automatic plant coordinate[k?u'?:dinit, k?u'?:dineit]control automatic power control 机组自动协调控制:自动功率控制 APP appendix[?'pendiks]附录 auxiliary [?:ɡ'zilj?ri]辅助的power plant 附录:辅助


眼镜英语词汇 Nose pad 叶子 Nose bridge 鼻中 Tip 脚套 Metal rod 铜针 Hinge 铰链(明铰和暗铰,1-2barerel/tooth, 2-3 barrel/tooth ) Spring 弹弓(铜针中的一种,比可以自由活动的) Metal parts/decoration 金属角花 Solid color 实色(用于板料和镜片) Transparent color 渐近色/ 透明色(用于描述镜片颜色和板料颜色) Carve 弯度(比的弯度,太阳眼镜450 弯-600 弯,光学架小于450 弯) Temple 脚丝,肶 Plating 电镀 Printing 印字 Laser 镭射 Engraving and polishing 打磨和抛光 V groove and U groove V 和U 槽是镜框里面放镜片的槽,一般都使用有客 U 槽,人明确使用V 槽 Pouch 眼镜袋 Clean cloth 眼镜布

Case 眼镜盒 Spectacle frames 眼镜架 Sunglasses 太阳眼镜 Sports spectacles 运动眼镜 Kids eyewear 儿童眼镜 Reading glasses 老花镜 Contact lens 隐形眼镜 Glass optical lenses 玻璃镜片 Plastic optical lenses 塑胶镜片 Sunglasses lenses, sun clips 太阳镜片、镜夹Progressive lenses 渐进多焦点镜片 Photochromic lenses 变色镜片 Optical blanks 镜片毛胚加工工序working operations Sawing sheet 开料 Wire reducing 切线 Swaging 拉线 Punching 飞边 Edging 磨批锋


reaction kinetics 反应动力学 reactant 反应物 purify 精制提纯 recycle 循环回收 unconverted reactant 未转化的反应物 chemical reactor transfer of heat, evaporation, crystallization 结晶drying 干燥 screening 筛选,浮选chemical reaction 化学反应cracking of petroleum 石油裂解catalyst 催 化剂, reaction zone 反应区 conservation of mass and energy 能量与质量守衡定律 technical advance 技术进步 efficiency improvement 效率提高 reaction 反应separation 分离 heat exchange 热交换 reactive distillation 反应精馏 capital expenditure 基建投资 setup 装置 capital outlay 费用,成本,基建投资 yield 产率,收率 reaction byproduct 反应副产物 equilibrium constant 平衡常数 waste 废物 feedstock 进料,原料 product 产物,产品 percent conversion 百分比转化率 ether 乙醚 gasoline 汽油 oxygenate content 氧含量 catalyst 催化剂 reactant 反应物 inert 惰性物,不参加反应的物质 reactive distillation 反应精馏 energy saving 节约能量 energy efficiency 能量效率 heat-sensitive material 热敏性物质 pharmaceutical 制药 foodstuff 食品 gas diffusivity 气体扩散性,气体扩散系数 gas adsorption 吸收; absorption:吸附 specialty chemical 特殊化学品,特种化学品 batch 间歇的; continuous:连续的 micro-reactor 微型反应器 hydrogen and methane oxidation 氢气和甲烷氧化反应


化工专业英语 词汇 reaction kinetics 反应动力学reactant 反应物purify 精制提纯recycle 循环回收 uncon verted reacta n未转化的反应物chemical reactor transfer of heat, evaporation, crystallization 结晶 drying 干燥 scree ning筛选,浮选chemical reacti on 化学反应cracking of petroleum 石油裂解catalyst催化剂,reacti on zone 反应区 con servati on of mass and en erg能量与质量守衡定律technical advance 技术进步efficiency improvement 效率提高reaction 反应separation 分离heat exchange 热交换reactive distillation 反应精馏capital expenditure 基建投资setup 装置capital outlay 费用,成本,基建投资yield 产率,收率reaction byproduct 反应副产物equilibrium constant 平衡常数waste 废物feedstock 进料,原料product 产物,产品perce nt conv ersi on百分比转化率ether 乙醚gasoli ne 汽油oxygenate content 氧含量catalyst 催化剂reactant 反应物 inert 惰性物,不参加反应的物质reactive distillation 反应精馏 energy saving 节约能量en ergy efficie ncy 能量效率heat-se nsitive material 热敏性物质pharmaceutical 希9药foodstuff 食品gas diffusivity气体扩散性,气体扩散系数gas adsorption 吸收;absorption:吸附specialty chemical特殊化学品,特种化学品batch间歇的;continuous:连续的micro-reactor微型反应器hydroge n and metha ne oxidati on氢气和甲烷氧化反应ethyle ne epoxidati on乙烯环氧化反应phosgene synthesis光气合成. commercial proportions 商业规模replication 复制sen sor传感器,探头separati on of solids 固体分离 suspension 悬浮液porous medium多孔介质filtratio n 过滤 medium介质filter 过滤器trap收集,捕集Buch ner


课一A Communications 通讯 1. equation n.相等, 平衡, 综合体, 2. communication n. 通信, 通讯, 交通communicate v.沟通, 通信, 3. triode n.三极管 4. storage n. 存储 5.transmission n. 传输, 传送, transmit v. 传输, 转送, 传达, 传导 6. amplifier n.放大器,扩音器 amplify v. 扩大,放大,增强amplification n. 扩大,放大 7. oscillator n.振荡器 8. correlate v. 是相互关联 correlation n.相互关系, 相关(性) 9. transmitter n.发射机 transmit receive transmission reception (发射) (接收) 10.subsequent adj.随后的 课一B Capacitors 电容 1.capacitor n. 电容器 2.capacitance n. 电容量(值) Resistor resistance capacitor capacitance inductor inductance 3. fixed adj. 固定的 variable adj. 可变的 4. dielectric n. 电介质,绝缘材料 adj. 绝缘的 5. relatively adv. 相对地 absolutely adv.绝对地 6. maximum adj. 最大的 n. 最大值 minimum adj. 最小的 n. 最小值 7. farad n. 法(拉) F ohm n. 欧姆Ω Henry n. 亨(利)H 8. trimmer n. 调整者, 整理者, 9. screwdriver n. 螺丝起子,改锥课二A Radio T ransmitter无线电发射机 1. radio transmitter 无线电发射机 radio n. 无线电,无线 2. telecommunication n.电信,电信学, 无线电通信 telephone n.电话,电话机 telegraph n.电报, 电报机, 电讯报 3. transmit v. 传输, 转送, 传达, 传导, 发射, 发报 transmit receive transmission reception transmitter receiv er (发射) (接收) 4. intelligence n.信息、情报、智能 information/message n.信息 5. potential adj.潜在的, 可能的, 势 的, n.潜能, 潜力, 电位 6. generate v.产生,发生 generation n.产生, 发生, 一代,7. frequency n.频 low frequency 几个Hz到几十kHz high frequency 几个MHz到几十 MHz radio frequency 几百MHz到几 个GHz 8. pulse signal 脉冲信号 9. wavelength n.波长用λ表示 10. output n.输出,产量 input n.输入 11. band n. 带,波段,频带 课二B Electromotive Force 电动势 1. electromotive adj.电动的,电动 势的 electromotive force 电动势 2.driving adj.驱动的 driving force n. 驱动力 driving unit 传动装置 3. volt n. 伏特 4. distinguish v.区分 5. potential difference 电位差 课三A Time Constant 时常数 1.nuclear adj.原子能的, n.核武器, 有核国 nuclear arms 核武 nuclear energy 核能 2.constant n.常数 adj.不断, 不断的, time constant 时间常数 3. instantaneously adv.瞬间地,即刻 instant n.瞬息, 一会儿, 时刻 4. dependent adj. 依赖的,依赖于,取决于 5. capacitiv e adj.电容的,容性的 capacitor n.电容器 capacitance n.电容值 6.discharge n.放电v.放电 charge n.电荷,充电v.充电 7.universal 普遍的, 全体的, 通用的, 课三B RL Time Constant RL时序常数 1.inductor n.电感器 inductance n.电感值(量) inductive adj.感应的; 电感的 2. function n.功能, 函数,作用, 3. Decay n.衰减v. 衰减 decay constant 衰减常数 decay factor 衰减因子 4. reverse adj.反向的, 相反, 逆转的 5. peak value 峰值


Sunglasses lenses, sun clips 太阳镜片、镜夹镜框: FRAME 铰链: HINGE 弹簧脚链: SPRING HINGE 一体弹簧脚: MONO SPRING HINGE 脚套: TIP 鼻托(xx): NOSE PARDS 鼻须(酒杯): NOSE ARM 镜脚: TEMPLE 电镀: PLATE 全框: FULL FRAME

半框: HALF FRAME 无框: RIMELESS 金属框: METAL FRAME 塑胶框: PLASTIC FRAME xxxx: BRIDGE Progressive lenses 渐进多焦点镜片 Photochromic lenses 变色镜片 Othro k lenses 角膜矫形接确镜片 Optical blanks 镜片xx胚 Accessories for contact lens 隐形眼镜附件 Spectacle spare parts and accessories 眼镜零件及配件 Components of frames 镜架组件 Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及附件 Eyecare products and solution for lenses and contace lenses 眼睛护理产品及隐形眼镜洁液 Spectacle cases & accessories 眼镜盒及其它配件

Lens demisting cloths and solutions 镜片除雾喷剂及清洁布 Spectacle assembling & adjusting tools 眼镜加工、装配、调较工具 Visual test equipment 验眼设备 Edger 磨边机 Eyeglasses and frame making machinery 眼镜架制造机械 Lens manufacturing and processing machinery 镜片造机械及加工机械 Contact lens processing machinery 隐形眼镜加工机械 Lathe 车床 Coating machine 镀膜机 Coating materials 镀膜原料 Electroplating equipment, welding machine 电镀机械、焊接机械 Price labeling, stamp printing and screen printing mahcinery 标签机、移印机、丝网印刷 Ultrasonic cleaning equipment 超声波清洁仪器 Ophthalmic products 眼科用品 Concentrates for ultrasonic cleaning 超声波清洁剂 Lens grinding and polishing filtration systems 镜片研磨及抛光过滤系统 Optical processing equipmentand materials 光学加工设备及原料 Measurement instrucments for optical elements and systems 光学用品及系统之测量仪器 Store and workshop fitting and furniture 眼镜店及工场设备及家具

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