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1。听英语翻译单词(每题1分,共计10分,每道小题后有2秒钟作答时间) (1)hotel


B.餐厅C。旅游 D.饭店

(2)Single room

A.单人房B。双人房C。双人对床房 D. 套房

(3)front office

A.康乐中心B。客房部 C.餐饮部D。前厅部

(4) Baggage

A。背包B。书包C。钱包 D.行李(5)internet

A。互联网B。网吧C。网线 D.网页(6)babysitter

A.洗衣工B。计时保姆 C.客人 D.管家






A。航班 B.天气 C.排队 D.航线






2。听英语翻译句子(每题2分,共计20分,每道小题后有2秒钟作答时间)(1)Where is the washroom?



(2) What kind of room do you prefer?



(3)May I see your passport?


C.有什么需要帮忙的吗? D。可以看一下您的护照吗?

(4)I’ ll pick up you laundry right now?


C。很抱歉给您带来不便。 D.我马上就去取您要洗的衣服. (5)Are you ready to order?



C.您还要点什么? D。您还有其他命令吗?

(6)We provide fax and internet service。


C。我们提供传真和网络服务 D.我们提供衣物快洗服务。

(7)I’ m sorry to keep you waiting.


C 我马上为您处理。。D.我保证以后不会出现这种情况。

(8)We have several conference rooms for you to choose from.


C。我们有很好的康乐中心。 D.我们这有多个会议室供您选择。

(9)This is your wake up call.

A.准备好了吗? B。您现在点菜吗?



(10)The breakfast will be sent to your room in a few minutes.






(1)Coffee or tea?

A. Coffee, please。

B. Thank you very much。

C. Yes, please。

D. Not at all。

(2)Thank you very much.

A. Yes。B。Thank you very much。

C。My pleasure. D. Not much。

(3)How long will you stay here?

A. 5 meters。B。5 nights.

C。I want to reserve a suite. D. A single room,please.

(4) I have a reservation in your hotel。I'd like to check in.

A. When?B。Sorry, but not now。

C。Welcome to our bar。D。May I have your name and telephone number? (5) There is something wrong with the toilet in my room. I am in room 1203.

A。Ok,thank you. B。Yes,please.

C。Sorry for the trouble。I’ll send someone to repair it。

D. Is that all?

(6) Where can I have my pants cleaned?

A. Thank you。

B. We have laundry. I’ll pick up your laundry right now。

C. This is laundry service.

D. This is the laundry list。

(7)Can you put me through to Mr. Chen in room 3205?

A。Thank you。 B. This is your wake—up call.

C。Certainly。I'll do it for you. D。Is this your room?

(8) I want something hot and spicy.

A。How about continental breakfast? B. Why not try Mapo tofu?

C。Anything else?D。Would you like a cup of coffee?

(9)I'd like 10 copies of this article. How much do I owe you?

A。Yes, please. B。The total comes to RMB55.

C。Five, please。 D. No,thanks

(10) Excuse me,which is the way to the bar?

A。It's over there next to the dining hall. B。Where to?

C。When do you leave? D。Ok, just a moment, please。









(1) 很荣幸您能光临我们酒店






(1)What is the date today?

(2)Would you please introduce your hotel?

(3)When the guest leave hotel, how will you farewell?

(4) Say something about yourself.

(5) Would you recommend some local specialties to the guest?


餐饮英语内部考试试题 (含听力资料和答案) 一、口语考核, 听英语翻译中文。(50题,每题1.5分,共75分) 1) WIFI ____________________无线上网 2) room number ____________________房间号码 3) ashtray ____________________ 烟灰缸 4) toothpick ____________________ 牙签 5) 纸巾napkin 6) 玻璃杯glass 7) 咖啡杯coffee cup 8) 勺子spoon 9) 叉子fork 10) 刀子knife 11) 筷子chopsticks 12) 盘子plate 13) 煎蛋fried egg 14) 烟肉/培根bacon 15) 猪肉pork 16) 鸡肉chicken 17) 牛肉beef 18) 薯条French fries 19) 菜心choy sum 20) 青瓜Cucumber 21) 菜单menu 22) 花生peanut 23) 牛油butter 24) 果酱jam 25) 番茄酱tomato sauce 26) 番茄汁tomato juice 27) 吐司toast 28) 酱油soy sauce 29) 胡椒粉pepper 30) 醋vinegar 31) 鲜奶fresh milk 32) 可乐Coke 33) 雪碧sprite 34) 木瓜papaya [p??pai?] 35) 火龙果Dragon fruit 36) 杨桃starfruit 37) 哈密瓜Hami-melon 38) 葡萄/提子grape 39) 玉米棒 40) corn on the cob 41) 辣椒chilli

环球英语网校 旅游饭店职业英语初级Hotel English (Book I) 第十六讲

环球英语网校旅游饭店职业英语初级Hotel English (Book I) 第十六讲 环球英语网校旅游饭店职业英语初级Hotel English (Book I) 第十六讲核心句型和单词复习 句型 Unit 1 Concierge 1.Good morning, Sir. Welcome to our hotel. 2.Let me help you with your luggage / baggage. 3.Very glad to have you here. 4.Can you help me with my luggage? 5.No problem. 6.The Reception Desk / The lift is over there. 7.Follow me, please. 8.This way, please. 9.Would you mind my putting your baggage here? 10.You’ve got three pieces of luggage. Is that right? 11.May I / Shall I show you to your room? 12.It’s my pleasure. 13.Here is your room / some toilet paper. 14.May I put your luggage here? 15.This way to the elevator, please. 16.Let me take your suitcases. 17.How do you like our hotel? 18.Let me show you to your room, please. Unit 2 Front Office 1.Good morning. Room Reservation. Can I help you? 2.I’d like to reserve a room for September 20th and 21st, please. 3.What kind / type of room would you like, a double room or a single room? 4.Wait a moment, please.

酒店英语期末考试试卷 (1)

试卷代码: 南京城市职业学院2015-2016学年度第二学期 班级:学号:姓名: 2016年6月 一、单选题(每题1分,共20分) 1、Good morning. _______ I help you? A、Would B、Must C、May D、Am 2、I would like to _________ a room, please. A.order B、book C、see D、look 3. It’s very kind __________ you to help me. A.of B、to C、by D、for 4. What’s the ________ for a double room? A. right B. rate C、money D、for 5. I would like to book a double room ________ bath. A. with B. of C、by D、for 6.Excuse me, sir. You need to ________ the form. A. fill in B. fill on C、fill of D、fill for 7.We are looking forward to __________ you. A. see B. saw C、seeing D、sees 8.I'm afraid we are fully booked _______ the 5th. A. with B. of C、by D、for 9.Do you want to pay _____ cash or _____ credit card. A. in in B. by by C、by in D、in by 10.The porter will show you _______ your room. A. with B. to C、by D、for 11.My flight will leave ______ 6 pm today. A. with B. on C、at D、for 12.The hotel is full and there is someone ________ your room. A. take B. To take C、takes D、taking 13.Let me _______ you with your luggage.


广东省旅游行业岗位职务培训指导委员会编 2007年9月

目录 一、考试的目的和意义... 二、考试的原则和宗旨... 三、考试的适用范围... 四、考试的方式与时间... 五、考试的实施、管理及认证... 六、考试的适用对象与标准... 附件1:广东省酒店职业英语等级标准... 一、基础级... 二、初级... 三、中级... 四、高级... 附件2:命题要求... 一、基础级... 二、初级... 三、中级... 四、高级...

前言 随着我国经济的高速发展,入境旅游及商务旅行市场也在快速增长。2008年北京奥运、2010年广州亚运会、2011年深圳世界大学生运动会的举行更将推动加快广东省的酒店业的发展步伐。广东省酒店业要适应市场需求,一方面除了要加强硬件设施建设外,更重要的是培养高素质人才。日益频繁的中外交流,对酒店从业人员提出了更高的要求,除必需掌握过硬的专业知识和技能外,进一步提高外语交流能力,是为顾客优质服务的基础。 目前,我省酒店业在外语培训方面,还没有一本结合我省实际的外语培训教材。对接受培训的员工也没有一套规范标准的测试体系。广东省旅游行业岗位职务培训指导委员会(以下简称“省旅培委”)经过长时间的调研和投入大量资源,现向全省推行酒店职业外语等级考试。 我省酒店职业外语等级考试除了能为各酒店提供员工外语水平测试外,通过考试取得《旅游饭店外语等级证书》的员工达到一定比例,还可以在酒店星级评定中得到分数。另外,省旅培委通过与广东省劳动社会保障厅下属的省职业技能鉴定指导中心合作,通过考试的考生还可以获得由省职业技能鉴定指导中心颁发的《专项职业能力证书》。 我省酒店职业外语等级考试以循序渐进的方式进行,首先,在2007年起举行“广东省酒店职业英语等级考试(Hospitality English Test)”(以下简称“酒店英语等级考试(HET)”),同时展开相关的培训。本考试特别注重对考生语言交际能力的考查,力求做到行业适用性强,地区特色鲜明,希望对本省酒店从业人员的英语学习起到积极的推动作用。本考试分为基础、初、中、高四个等级,每个等级的难度逐步增加,考核范围也有所不同(详情见《等级标准》)。基础级不分岗位分类,只要求考生掌握100句常用英语即可;初级和中级根据岗位工作内容划分不同的类别,每一类的考核范围由酒店公共英语和岗位专业英语两部分组成;初级的岗位专业英语分中餐、西餐、客房、前台、康乐与商场等5类,中级的岗位专业英语分餐饮、房务、娱乐康体、营销等4类;高级不设岗位分类。通过某一级别、某一类别酒店英语等级考试的考生可获得省旅培委颁发的相应级别和类别的英语等级资格证书(如“初级前台类”等级资格),这样有利于提高酒店员工学习英语的积极性和确保考试的实用性。 为了帮助各地开展培训,指导考生备考,省旅培委编写了这本《广东省酒店职业英语等级考试大纲》,考生如有任何意见或建议,请通过电子邮件发到省旅培委(gdtsc@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7519278944.html,)或登录博客https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7519278944.html,。


旅游饭店服务技能大赛服务英语题库(分工种考核) 一、前台接待员: 1. How would you greet a guest who just arrived at the hotel? 2. List three essential skills required for a frontline receptionist. 3. How would you handle a guest complaint about a noisy room? 4. Name three things you would ask for when checking in a guest. 5. How would you handle a situation where a guest requests to change their room? 二、客房服务员: 1. How do you ensure the cleanliness and tidiness of a guest room? 2. How would you handle a situation where a guest requests extra towels or toiletries? 3. Describe the process of turning down a guest room in the evening. 4. How would you handle a situation where a guest reports a malfunctioning electrical appliance in the room? 5. How do you ensure guest privacy while performing your housekeeping duties? 三、餐厅服务员: 1. How do you take a guest's order efficiently and accurately? 2. How would you handle a situation where a guest complains about the food quality? 3. Describe a situation where you did not have a certain menu item available and how you handled it.


旅游饭店职业英语等级考试 稿源:时间:2010年07月14日 10:52 一、报考对象及要求 (1)凡在我市旅游饭店及准备申报星级的饭店中工作,尚未获得英语等级证书的从业人员。 (2)已获得职业英语初级证书需晋级的饭店从业人员。 (3)各旅游院校相关专业的学生。 二、报考等级 英语等级考试设初、中两个级别。 三、报名时间、地点 请详见具体通知 四、培训、考试时间 (1)培训:根据各报名饭店实际情况安排。 (2)考试:笔试分批次组织。 五、费用 费用分为初级报名费、教材费;中级报名费、教材费 培训费用将根据不同的培训形式收取。 六、证书:考试合格者颁发《天津市旅游饭店职业英语等级证书》。

饭店督导(主管)培训 稿源:时间:2010年07月14日 10:46 1、报考对象及要求 各旅游饭店及准备申报星级的饭店中一线管理人员(主管、领班)。 2、授课内容 借鉴美国饭店协会教育学院《督导技能系列教程》的理念,结合国内酒店经营管理的实际情况以及培训教师多年的理论和实践经验总结。内容包括:身为督导、激励和团队建设、领导艺术、人员规划与人员配置、时间管理、增进沟通技能、入职培训与在职培训、处理问题与冲突、增进员工表现及拓展培训等。 3、报名时间、地点 请详见具体通知 4、培训时间 请详见课程表 5、费用 具体费用请详见具体通知 6、成绩合格者颁发颁发中华人民共和国《旅游行业管理人员岗位职务培训证书》。

游饭店职业技能鉴定 稿源:时间:2010年07月14日 10:51 一、报考对象及要求 凡旅游饭店现岗,取得高中阶段及以上学历,具备良好的职业道德,业绩考核合格的前厅服务员、餐厅服务员、客房服务员。 二、报考等级 各工种分设初、中、高三个级别。 三、报名时间、地点 请详见具体通知 四、培训、考试时间 培训、考试将分批次进行,请详见具体时间。 五、费用 初、中、高级报名均包含报名费、教材费、培训费等相关费用。其中培训费将根据不同的培训形式收取。 六、考试合格者颁发颁发相应等级的中华人民共和国《职业资格证书》。


目录 一、考试的目的与意义 二、考试的性质 三、考试方式 四、考试内容与样题 (一)初级 1.总体要求

2.具体要求 3.考试形式、项目、题量、分值和时间附:初级考试题型样题 (二)中级 1.总体要求 2.具体要求 3.考试形式、项目、题量、分值和时间

附:中级考试题型样题 (二)高级 1.总体要求 2.具体要求 3.考试形式、项目、题量、分值和时间附:高级考试题型样题

一、考试的目的与意义 北京市旅游饭店英语等级考试的目的是为了尽快提高北京市饭店从业人员的整体英语水平,改善北京地区星级饭店的整体服务质量,进而加快与国际饭店业服务惯例接轨,以优良的语言环境满足2008年北京奥运会以及各种国际性会展服务的需要。 北京市旅游饭店英语等级考试为考核、评估饭店从业人员的英语能力提供了统一的标准,对调动饭店从业人员学习英语的积极性以及对饭店人力资源的开发、合理配置、管理和培训具有重要指导意义。

二、考试的性质 北京市旅游饭店英语等级考试属于行业性英语语言能力测试,重点考查饭店从业人员以及即将从事饭店服务职业的人员在饭店业务工作中运用英语的能力及相关英语语言知识。本考试分为初、中、高三个等级,每个等级对听说读写四个方面的能力考查侧重点有所不同。通过某一级别英语等级考试的考试者可获得北京市旅游局颁发的相应英语等级资格证书,等级资格证书相应分为初级、中级和高级三种。 三、考试方式 通过计算机进行考试,试卷随机生成。 听力:考生通过耳机听考题,然后在计算机上选择答案。

口语:考生通过耳机听问题,然后通过麦克风用英语作答。 阅读:考生通过阅读计算机上的文章,在计算机上选择答案。 写作:给考生发放写作答题纸,要求考生用笔作答。 四、考试内容与样题 北京市旅游饭店英语等级考试以本考试大纲中规定的基本知识和能力要求为考核内容。 (一)初级


上海市旅游行业饭店外语等级考试英语B级考试口试模拟题Dialogues 1. A man calls the hotel operator, and he’d like to speak to a guest in the hotel. But the guest is out .He leaves a message. 2. A guest calls the hotel reservations to book a room for a friend. The reservationist receives her. 3. A guest will leave for Beijing early tomorrow morning and she calls the operator and asks for wake-up call service. 4. A guest with a reservation arrives at your hotel. A receptionist receives her. 5. A guest calls the hotel operator and asks how to get an outside line and also asks about the weather forecast of tomorrow. 6. A tourist group director wants to book a wake-up call for his group which will leave early tomorrow. 7. A guest calls the hotel reservations to book a room for his boss. The reservationist upsells the room. 8. A guest calls the reservations. He'd like to book a double room, but all the rooms of the hotel are booked up. The reservationist persuades him to book a deluxe double room instead. 9. A guest calls the hotel reservations to amend his room reservation. The reservationist helps him. 10. A guest with a reservation comes into the hotel at seven pm. He is more than one hour’s late. 11. A guest doesn't know how to get a train ticket for Beijing. A concierge of the hotel offers him the help.


旅游英语考试试题 旅游英语考试试题 旅游英语考试是许多人在准备出国旅游或者从事旅游行业时必须面对的一项考试。它不仅考察了考生的英语水平,还涉及到了旅游相关的知识和技能。在这篇文章中,我们将讨论一些常见的旅游英语考试试题,并给出相应的解答。 一、听力理解 1. 你将听到一段对话,请根据听到的内容选择正确的答案。 A: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest bus station? B: Sure. Go straight for two blocks, then turn left. You will see the bus station on your right. Question: Where is the bus station? A. On the left B. On the right C. Straight ahead 答案:B. On the right 解析:根据对话中的描述,我们可以得知公交车站在右边。 2. 你将听到一段旅游介绍,请根据听到的内容选择正确的答案。 Guide: Welcome to our city! Now, let me introduce you to our famous attractions. The first one is the historical museum, which displays artifacts from ancient times. The second one is the beautiful botanical garden, where you can enjoy various plants and flowers. The last one is the modern art gallery, where you can appreciate contemporary artworks.


旅游英语自考试题 一边旅游,一边复习英语自考的试题,学习玩乐两不误。下面是店铺给大家整理的旅游英语自考试题,供大家参阅! 旅游英语自考试题1 I.Multiple choice: (1×15=15) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. 1. ______, which is the tourism market of accommodation facilities and attractions within a country, indicates internal tourism plus inbound tourism. A. Inbound tourism B. Outbound tourism C. International tourism D. Domestic tourism 2. The Grand Tour is a tour of certain cities in ______ undertaken primarily for education and pleasure. A. Southern Asia B. Northern America C. Western Europe D. Eastern Africa 3. Owing to many other complicating factors ______ inflation, investment in tourism therefore remains ______ it does in any other industry. A. so as, so risk as B. such as, as risky as C. such so, so risk such D. as such, such risky as 4. With the invention of ______ in 1853, hotels began to expand upward. A. computers B. steamed ships C. locomotives D. elevators 5. Most nations are especially interested in developing tourism as an ______ industry. A. export B. import


XXXXXXXXXXX学院 2011—2012学年第一学期经济与管理系旅游专业《旅游英语》期中(末)考试试题A卷 考试说明:本课程为闭卷考试,可携带文具(或课程为开卷考试可携带文具和资料) Ⅰ、Match the words given under A with the meanings given under B. List B has extra items.(10 points) A B 1)tour guide a)workplace where clothes are washed and ironed 2)reservation b)A very tall building 3) laundry c)a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts 4)lobby d)A photographic image transferred to paper or a similar surface, usually from a negative. 5) skyscraper e)a district that is reserved for particular purpose 6)vegetarian f) large and often sumptuous tent 7)pavilion g) a guide who leads others on a tour 8)print h)a large entrance or reception room or area 9)calligraphy i)eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) 10)certificate j) beautiful handwriting 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Ⅱ、Choose one answer that best completes the sentences.(20 points) 1._______who would like to go on the trip should put their names on the list. A. Those B. These C. Somebody D. The ones 2.The only thing _______ is that you consult your lawyer abort it. A. which I can suggest B. which can suggest C. that I can suggest D. that can suggest 3.She must know what’s happening _____ a complete idiot. A. so is she B. or she is C. and she is D .nor is she 4.For ten years he did not see Sophia _______to her. A. or to telephone B. nor telephoning C. or telephone D. nor telephone 5.The children were eventually found ______in an old mine shaft. A. to hide B. hiding C. hide D hid 6.After two hours’ waiting, her patience was beginning to . A. break up B. pass by C. run out D. give away 7.One of the of foreign travel is learning how to cope with the unexpected. A. benefits B. interests C. profits D. services 8.So much for a brief _____ to this university. A.talk B.summary C.information D.introduction 9. Some people have birthday cakes ________noodles. A. Instead B. instead for C. instead to D. instead of 10.A hotel's____ comes from payments made for the use of its rooms and other facilities A reservations B. File C. income D. responsibility 11.All of the following are located in Xi'an except____ . A.The Bell Tower B. Tang Paradise C. Fubo Hill D. The Big Wild Goose Pagoda 12.____ examine the travel and identification documents of all people entering a country. A. Customs officials B. First officers C. Customs inspectors D. Immigration officers 13.Is there anyone allergic ______ the monosodium glutamate? A. of B. to C. in D. With 14.Which of the folloing is NOT included in the fabled Five Mountains in China? A. Huashan B. Lushan C. Songshan D. Taishan 15. The department manager ________ a new plan to promote sales at the meeting. A. took away B.put forward C. looked after D. got on 16. Location is the first thing customers consider when ________ to buy a house. A. planning B. planned C. to plan D. having planned 17. Car was put into production in 2007, ________ helped to provide another 1400 jobs. A. that B. when C.what D. which 18. I don’t regret ________ her what I thought about her proposal, even if it upset her. A. tell B. to tell C. told D. Telling 19. They will not start the project until the board chairman ________ back from South Africa. A. will come B.is coming C. came https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7519278944.html,es 20. To obtain a visa to enter that country for the first time, you need to apply ________. A.in part B.in person C. in turn D. in place


旅游饭店英语等级测试(初级) 一、听力理解 1.听英语翻译单词(每题1分,共计10分,每道小题后有2秒钟作答时间) (1)hotel A。车站B。餐厅C。旅游 D.饭店(2)Single room A.单人房B。双人房C。双人对床房 D. 套房 (3)front office A。康乐中心 B.客房部 C.餐饮部D。前厅部 (4) Baggage A.背包 B.书包 C.钱包 D.行李 (5)internet A。互联网B。网吧C。网线D。网页(6)babysitter A。洗衣工B。计时保姆 C.客人 D.管家 (7)brandy A.伏特加B。威士忌 C.金酒 D.白兰地 (8)Airline A.航班 B.天气 C.排队 D.航线 (9)order A。点菜 B.命令C。帮助 D.需要(10)provide A.规定B。提供C。给予D。准备

2.听英语翻译句子(每题2分,共计20分,每道小题后有2秒钟作答时间)(1)Where is the washroom? A。前台在哪里? B.商店在哪里? C.可以为我叫出租车吗? D.洗手间在哪里? (2) What kind of room do you prefer? A.您有预定吗? B.您想要什么酒水? C.您想要什么房型?D。请告诉我您的房间号码? (3)May I see your passport? A。您能在这签名吗?B。我可以带您去您的房间吗? C。有什么需要帮忙的吗?D。可以看一下您的护照吗? (4)I' ll pick up you laundry right now? A。我们马上就派人去修。B。我马上就去您的房间。 C.很抱歉给您带来不便. D。我马上就去取您要洗的衣服。 (5)Are you ready to order? A。您准备好点餐了吗?B。早餐几分钟后就会送到您的房间去. C.您还要点什么? D.您还有其他命令吗? (6)We provide fax and internet service. A.我们提供寄信服务。 B.我们提供打印服务 C.我们提供传真和网络服务D。我们提供衣物快洗服务。 (7)I' m sorry to keep you waiting。 A。真的很抱歉 B.抱歉让您久等了。 C 我马上为您处理。.D。我保证以后不会出现这种情况. (8)We have several conference rooms for you to choose from.


I.Single Choice Questions: Choose the right option to complete the sentence. (30%) 1.The waiter __________ the table and stands straight to the right of the guest and presents the bill in the folder. A.approaches B. moves C. returns D. turns 2.--What time should we be ready? --I think we’d better make it 7.00, in case we get caught in traffic. A.blocked B. difficulties C. caught D. jam 3.Tomorrow morning I will escort you to visit the Panda Base. A.accompany B. spend C. with D. escort 4.The kingdom was economically booming while serving as a peaceful and paradisal town for its citizens and visitors. A.Increasing B. blooming C. decreasing D. booming 5.The Potala Palace stands up so high that it resembles a magnificent castle in the heaven. A.means B.likes C. resembles D. similiars 6.Travel agents hold the role of selling and administering packages from various tour operators to their personal clients based on what they’re looking for and what package suits each client best. A. agents B. agencies C. guides D. operators 7.The “Guard Mounting” ceremony takes place every day around 11.30 a.m. which attracts lots of visitors to ___________. A.watching B. witness C. wit D. withhold 8.A huge stock of cultural relics including stone and jade tools and stone arrowheads ____________ the Neolithic Age. A.originated from B. coming from C. comes out of D. dates back to 9.The Elephant Trunk Hill was ___________ its shape, appearing to be a huge elephant siphoning up water from the Li River below her feet. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7519278944.html,d after B. named for C. named on D. named of 10.Aboriginal people became economically marginalized and were exposed to new diseases. Among the consequences were massive depopulation and even __________ for some aboriginal tribes. A.dispersal B. disappear C. extinction D. evolution 11.The Metropolitan Museum of Art offers collections and special exhibits ______________ Ancient Egyptian Vases and Roman Statues to Tiffany Stained Glass and Rembrandt Paintings and much, much more. A.being included B. ranging from C. inclusive of D. extending from 12._____________, “when people feel economically insecure, they tend to reassure themselves by shopping.” Says George Loewenstein, Ph. D., professor of economics and psychology at Carnegie Mellon University. A.generally B. Ironically C. Frankly D. Fabulously 13.Cruise tours are often referred to as northbound or southbound depending on the ___________ of the cruise, while a pre-or post-cruise land tour indicates whether travelers are touring Alaska by land before their cruise or after. A.Intention B. orientation C. attention D. direction 14.During the past few decades gambling has been _____________ in a number of states, which


河南省2012年普通高等学校对口招收中等职业学校毕业生考试 旅游类专业课试题卷 考生注意:所有答案都要写在答题卡上,写在试题卷上无效 一、选择题(饭店服务与管理英语1-10;补全对话11-18;阅读理解19-25;餐饮服务与管理26-45。每小题2分,共90分。每小题中只有一个选项是正确的,请将正确选项涂在答题卡上) 饭店服务与管理英语1-10 1.快餐 A.dim sum B.dessert C.snack D.snap 2.织锦缎 A.brocade B.velvet C.silk D.brogue 3.预订客未到 A.walk-in guest B.reserved guest C.no-show D.guaranteed guest 4.清洁工 A.washer B.presser C.seamstress D.P.A. man 5.针织品柜台 A.knitwear counter B.garment counter C.pharmacy counter D.foodstuff counter 6.灵活的 A.ideal B.critical C.fixed D.flexible 7.表现,业绩 A.personality B.perspiration C.policy D.performance 旅游类专业课试题卷第 1 页(共10 页)

8.(女)上衣 A.frock B.garment C.shirt D.dress 9.保证性预订 A.confirmed reservation B.guaranteed reservation C.advanced reservation D.non-guaranteed reservation 10.人事部 A.Personal Department B.Personnel Department C.Security Department D.Administration Department 补全对话11-18 (Dialogue-1) (R-Receptionist G-Guest) 11.R: Good afternoon, Sir. Welcome to the Palace Hotel. G: Good afternoon. My name is Sims. 12.R: I see that you have your reservation confirmed, but I can’t find any record of it. It has been misplaced. G: Well, 13.R: I am sorry, Mr. Sims. But I am afraid that we are booked solid. There are no rooms available. G: What? Give me a room right now! 14.R: It’s our fault. May I send you to another hotel? G: Well, it seems to me that I have to accept your offer. 旅游类专业课试题卷第 2 页(共10 页)

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