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The Color Purple Alice Walker

The Color Purple    Alice Walker
The Color Purple    Alice Walker

The Color Purple Alice Walker

The Color Purple is an epistolary novel by American author Alice Walker in 1982. It received the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award. It was later adapted into a film and musical of the same name. The Color Purple has become the indispensable reading works of Black literature and women's literature in American universities. The novel has been appeared on the American Library Association list of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books at number seventeen.

The Color Purple is a novel that reflects female black thinking and life, it uses the new angle of view, original in choice of subject and special characteristics of art to approach female black from different angles. The novel shows female black who oppresses by race and gender try to find the way to liberate themselves. And the novel writes about the relationship between sister, homosexuality, writing to show female black recognize themselves in the end, and they are able to be equal to men.

The story is told through a series of diary entries and letters. Celie is a poor, uneducated young woman who, at 14, is abused and impregnated twice by her stepfather- Alphonso. After her children are taken away, she is physically, and mentally abusive. Her stepfather gives her away to be married to Albert, who had originally wanted to marry her sister, Nettie. After Albert tried to seduce Nettie and fails, he forces her to leave, but she promises to write to Celie. As time passes, no such letters appear to arrive, and Celie assumes that her sister is dead. In her writings, Celie refers to her husband as "Mr.__", and it is some time in the book until we find out his name is actually Albert.

"Mr.__" was married previously, but his wife was murdered by a lover. Originally, he seeks a relationship with Nettie, but settles for Celie. He mistreats Celie just as her father did, and he uses Celie to help raise his children. He has a mistress, singer Shug Avery, and she comes to live with the family because of her poor health. Like "Mr.__", at first, Shug has little respect for Celie and the life she lives. When Shug discovers that "Mr.__" beats Celie, she decides to remain in the house for a short while in order to protect her.

After that Celie becomes friends with Shug, who leads to a sexual relationship between the two. Celie learns many things about herself and her body due to Shug. The more she listens to Shug's views and opinions. She becomes more independent. From Shug, Celie learns that "Mr.__"has been hiding letters written to her from Africa by her sister Nettie. These letters tell of Nettie's travels to Africa with a missionary couple, Samuel and Corrine, and their adopted children, Olivia and Adam. Corrine becomes ill and then died, Nettie fills her role and marries her husband. She then learns that Olivia and Adam are Celie's long-lost children, and she is the children's biological aunt.

Celie is now an independent woman, she and "Mr.__" eventually reconcile, he begins to help her with her business, and sewing with her. Meanwhile, Nettie and Samuel are preparing for their return to America. Adam falls in love with and marries an African girl named Tashi, who undergoes the painful rituals of female genital cutting and facial scarring. Adam also goes through the facial scarring ritual in solidarity. Sofia and Harpo remarry, and Sofia also works for Celie. Nettie and Samuel return with the children, and Celie and her sister are happily reunited.

Celie is the main character, who has been oppressed by men her whole life. She is insensitive and has no status and happiness in her life. Her stepfather not only deprives the chance to receive education of her, but also force her to do a lot of housework. However, she regains hope for life after she meets Shug. Shug is a transcendental character. She enters and exits Celie's life, normally making it for the better. She also influences "Mr.__" and he ends up treating Celie better than he ever had. Sofia is the wife of Harpo, who is a strong and feisty character and cannot be controlled by men. She is an independent woman who take pride for what she does. Miss Millie represent the typical hypocrite in the story. She is the woman by whom Sofia is forced into slavery as punishment for hitting the mayor. She considers herself very liberal, tolerant and humanitarian, because she does things like organize fundraisers for black children, but she reveals her own behaviour to be deceptive and phony. She isn't progressive, she is still a bigot.

There are many symbols in the story. The title of the book is a very important

symbol. I think the title has two meanings. First, it is the site of sexual violation, because Sofia's swollen, beaten face is described as the color of "eggplant." Second, it stands for the beauty and the hope of life. When Shug talks with Celie, she points that the color purple is traditionally a color of royalty and purple seems rare in nature. When they are in a field of purple flowers, Shug tells Celie that life must be enjoyed and to look at the flowers and embrace their beauty. She says," You must look at all the good and acknowledge them because God placed them all on earth." After learning this, Celie has a better respect for life.

The letter is another symbol in the story. Celie writers to God and later to her sister Nettie, these letters symbolize the certain voice of Celie. She is able to express her true desires and display any emotion in her letters. In the letter, she asks God the question "why," this question cannot be answered. However, in her last letter, she writes to everyone, including God. This is to show that she has forgiven him.

Celie writes to God because she has no other way to express her feelings. God is also a symbol. But later she tells Shug that she sees God is white and a male, she will stop writing to God because he does not listen. Shug tells her God has no race or gender. This enables Celie to see God in a different way.

In history, women were supposed to wear dresses while men wore the pants, after Celie takes her freedom from "Mr.__" she begins to make pants, which represent liberation from the common view of women as just homemakers. Celie made pants for women, so they were able to be equal to men in this regard.

The colors in the story are also important symbols. The colors of Celie's clothes are brown, maroon, or navy blue. They show that she loses hope. However, they are some bright colors in the story. Shug twice wears seductive bright-red dresses, and she gives Celie yellow fabric for her quilt. These bright colors are full of energy.

The Color Purple is an epistolary novel and using two different kinds of language. In Celie's letters, no matter black or white, they all have a spoken language of South America's black. On the contrary, in Nettie's letters, they all speck American standard language. This language art shows that black and white have been equal in status. Why they have different language? Because Nettie has chance to receive education

and Celie's language becomes a symbol of nation. Alice Walker uses deviant language in the novel. For example, the first personal pronoun is "Us". It shows that the main character doesn't have confidence to say "I", she cannot recognize herself and find the value of herself. Celie use "He" or "Pa" to stand for her stepfather because she has intensive frightened to her stepfather. And she uses "Mr.__"to stand for her husband, because she thinks he doesn't deserve to have a name. These language arts reveal the relationship between black men and black women, and the family of black. This out of the ordinary language reflects author's consciousness of black and national concept. In the novel, the physical challenges, the traditional and gender relations have a new self-awareness and began to pursue a different personality with the past way of life. The main character Celie gradual awakens the consciousness, and eventually forms a unique characteristic of the spirit of self-identity.

Women in this novel do not accept the conventional society has imposed on the role of the individual, regardless of the identity of that came from their life or any male authority. They try to explore their own self-definition. The novel of black women lives in the bottom of society, who search for self-identity process all the more difficult and tortuous.

The color purple stands for the beauty of the fields and flowers surrounding these poor people. There really is something to live for, but love triumphs over all. This novel makes me to think about the status of women in the society, especially in China. Women inferior to men long time ago in many aspects, such as law, politics, economy and so on. In their eyes, men are God and master. They have to suffer the religious persecution and oppress by men. They are deprived the right to have education and have to do housework. But now, they have equality between the sexes and racial. Like the end of the novel, these women are no longer powerless. They have joined forces and are forging their own lives. The same as us ,we have right and power to do something different.


应县木塔之名的历史演变 蔡升元 应县佛宫寺释迦塔(简称应县木塔)是当今世界上第一奇塔。而这座奇塔之名的历史演变更让我们对木塔十分敬重,对它的历史文化也有了深刻的意识。 (一) 应县木塔北魏时称“应州崇虚寺木塔”。 北魏太平真君三年(442)至太和十五年(491),这不到五十年的时间里,平城(今山西大同)人口急剧上升,居舍建到了静轮宫的四周,人神混杂,无法清净神道,于是孝文帝就于太和十五年(491)将静轮宫移到了“桑干之阴”的应州,改名“崇虚寺”。《魏书》有证:“八月戊戌,移道坛于桑干之阴,改曰崇虚寺。”(《魏书·高祖纪》168页)《资治通鉴二》第137卷767页也有同样的记载。 (二) 应县木塔唐代称“应州宝宫寺木塔”。 唐玄宗天宝元年(742)十分崇道,为了提高其地位,便把皇家敕建的道观升格为“宫”。这样一来,“崇虚寺”这个北魏孝文帝敕建的道观就更名为“宝宫寺”了。也有人讲,因崇虚寺内藏珍宝而改名。《山西通志》记载:“兴光元年秋,敕有司马为太祖以下五帝铸释迦像,各长一丈六尺,用赤金二万五千斤。”(《山西通志》第57卷4129页) 宋雍熙三年(986),著名画师冯清云游应州,写下了《登应州宝

宫寺木塔》之诗篇,这就告诉我们“崇虚寺”已改成了“宝宫寺”。 (三) 应县木塔五代时称“应州兴王寺木塔”。 明《应州志》载:“天王词,在古旧城帅府东北隅。唐魏公李靖创建。相传晋王李克用母,尝祷于祠,见壁裂,金甲神人跃出。后生克用。”(《应州志·营建志》第2卷49页)《大明一统志》云:“天王祠,在应州城内,旧为天王村,晋王李克用母祷此祠,有金甲神人跃出,果生克用。”天王祠即李靖的家庙,也有人叫“天王寺”,为纪念李克用出世,后改名为“兴王寺”。 “考异《地理志》云,兴王寺有白衣观音像,军还,入幽州,幸大悲阁,指此像曰‘我梦神人令送石郎为中国帝,即此。’因移木叶山,建庙告赛,尊为家神。纪未载。”(《辽史纪事本末》第10卷249页)据《辽史》记载:太宗天显十一年(936)冬十月甲子,封敬瑭为晋王,幸其府。十一月丁酉,册敬瑭为大晋皇帝。十二月庚寅,发太原。戊戌,次雁门,以沙太保所部兵分隶诸将。庚戌,幸应州。由上可见,大悲阁隶属兴王寺。而历史上人们曾把“应州”讹称“幽州”,宋辽大战中的幽州,也是根据民间传说演变而来的。实际上辽太宗“军还”时所幸的正是应州,并非“幽州”。 “《元一统志》云,大悲阁在旧城之中,建自有唐,自辽开泰中重修,圣宗遇雨,飞驾来临,改寺圣恩,而阁隶也,金皇统九年重葺,元至元壬午春复修,中奉大夫领道教事安藏撰记,二十四年四月立

Everyday Use-Alice Walker(《祖母的日常用品》爱丽丝.沃克)原版辅导教学问题

Everyday Use Alice Walker I will wait for her in the yard that Maggie and I made so clean and wavy yesterday afternoon. A yard like this is more comfortable than most people know. It is not just a yard. It is like an extended living room. When the hard clay is swept clean as a floor and the fine sand around the edges lined with tiny, irregular grooves, anyone can come and sit and look up into the elm tree and wait for the breezes that never come inside the house. Maggie will be nervous until after her sister goes: She will stand hopelessly in corners, homely and ashamed of the burn scars down her arms and legs, eyeing her sister with a mixture of envy and awe. She thinks her sister had held life always in the palm of one hand, that “no” is a word the world never learned to say to her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 You?ve no doubt seen those TV shows where the child who has “made it” is confronted, as a surprise, by her own mother and father, tottering in weakly from backstage. (A pleasant surprise, of course: What would they do if parent and child came on the show only to curse out and insult each other?) On TV mother and child embrace and smile into each other?s faces. Sometimes the mother and father weep; the child wraps them in her arms and leans across the table to tell how she would not have made it without their help. I have seen these programs. Sometimes I dream a dream in which Dee and I are suddenly brought together on a TV program of this sort. Out of a dark and soft-seated limousine I am ushered into a bright room filled with many people. There I meet a smiling, gray, sporty man like Johnny Carson who shakes my hand and tells me what a fine girl I have. Then we are on the stage, and Dee is embracing me with tears in her eyes. She pins on my dress a large orchid, even though she had told me once that she thinks orchids are tacky flowers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 In real life I am a large, big-boned woman with rough, man-working hands. In the winter I wear flannel nightgowns to bed and overalls during the day. I can kill and clean a hog as mercilessly as a man. My fat keeps me hot in zero weather. I can work outside all day, breaking ice to get water for washing; I can eat pork liver cooked over the open fire minutes after it comes steaming from the hog. One winter I knocked a bull calf straight in the brain between the eyes with a


应县木塔之结构定性分析 结22班江中华 2002010385 一、 背景知识 山西应县木塔建于公元 1056 年、现高为 65.86 米、塔底直径以木柱外接圆计算为33.15 米,平面呈八角形,有明层五层及明层间设平座层(暗层)四层,实际上是九层高耸木结构建筑。塔身全部用木材建造,各层均设内外两槽。在各层内外槽均有 8 个弦面,以柱、柱间叠枋和斗拱形成弦向平面构架,在角柱处交汇。在内外槽的径向,以内柱、外柱和梁栿及斗拱组成空间构架,内槽内供奉佛像,外檐柱内为游人空间。它是我国保存完好的年代最早的木塔,也是世界上现存的唯一木结构楼阁式宝塔。1961 年国务院将其公布为全国重点文物保护单位。 右图就是应县木塔的实体照片,可以看出 有以下建筑特点: 二层以上各层均以斗拱挑出平座并设置栏 杆供人登临凭栏远眺,塔身逐层向内递收,上 部高达十余米的相轮铁刹耸立,造型优美,轮 廓线变化富于韵律感,塔身雄壮巍峨,挺拔向 上,稳如泰山,正如古人赋诗赞曰: 远观擎天柱,近似百尺莲。 二、塔的结构定性分析 中国的塔不在少数,但是能够流传上千年 而依旧巍然挺立的并不多,而像应县木塔这样 有特色的更是寥寥无几,真可谓前无古人后无 来者了。要想知道为什么唯独此塔能够经历住 千百年的风雨侵蚀、地震、雷电、兵事而不倒,这里面的确有不少偶然的因素在里面,但更多的是反映了事物必然性的原理,因此不可不从其内部结构去进行探究。 塔属于高耸建筑物,对于高耸建筑物常常需要以下问题得到解决方能流芳百世: z沉降; z结构抗震; z抗水平荷载的能力。 下面分别对塔的这些问题一一进行探究。 1.沉降 对于高耸建筑物,沉降是个比较敏感的话题,因为它上部荷载大,截面小,对地基的承载力要求就高,为了防止出现沉降差,对地基土的均匀性要求也高。著名的比萨斜塔之所以会在尚未建完时就明显的有大倾斜,就是地基土承载力不够,最关键的是承载力不均匀。 现代也有不少大型或高层建筑发生整体变形或大规模损坏,大多由于地基选择、处理不当或基础达不到设计施工需求,导致地基或基础失效,从而发生不均匀沉陷、变形而造成,应该让我们引以为戒。 要控制建筑物的沉降,要么提高地基土的承载力,要么减轻结构本身的自重。对于应县木塔而言,前辈建筑师们既对地基做了适当的处理,如用灰土夯实作为垫层,同时在减轻结


山西博物馆介绍 山西省建筑设计研究院赵友亭 山西是华夏文明的发源地之一,其文物的数量和质量都在全国占据着重要位置,尤其是丰厚的人文景观确立了其在我国的独特地位。面对着凝重独特的地域文化特征和深厚的建筑文化背景,作为文物的载体、文明殿堂的山西博物馆,以明敞的空间建立其必要的物理功能,以简练的建筑语汇展示了著名文物大省的风采,反映了华夏文明发源地特色,传承与光大了山西传统建筑文化,升华了山西现代城市品质。 山西博物馆的设计思想根植于山西,以山西文化为背景和给养,在深刻剖析山西古建筑内在生命力的基础上,找出传统建筑深层内涵的延续本质,从而激发出创作灵感,巧妙地捕捉到了“如斗似鼎”这一灵光闪现为突破点,反复推敲,逐渐成型,并兼容了多种文化内涵,以单纯简炼的体形,凝重浑厚的风格,较高层次地达到了这一标志性建筑的外观审美要求。简洁而不失意象丰富,单纯而独具有个性魅力,凝重飘逸而不厚重沉闷。并能使人们从这似曾相识的体形中既可以感悟到“斗”所代表丰收喜悦、纳财聚宝的象征意义,也可以体会到“鼎”所追求的四方安定、太平盛世、吉祥如

意的美好期盼;从而巧妙地使这两个古老的形体赋予了现代的生命。并以“借——龙图之气,法——古建之道,隐——斗鼎之形,见——青铜之色,融——生态之绿,创——时代之筑”的设计理念,总体呈现———殿堂之壮美、圣坛之神怡,以“如斗似鼎、如山似阙”、“如鸟斯革、如翚斯飞”的建筑形态,贴切把握了山西历史文脉,集中体现了建筑的地域性、时代性、文化性、标志性。 在现代景观设计中,可持续发展与人文主义已成为不变的主体,设计者从城市设计的角度出发,深入分析滨河周围环境以及博物馆所处的场所特性,融合和利用汾河公园良好的生态环境与景观,塑造出绿色与生态、人本与文脉、传统与时代共融的空间氛围。 山西博物馆位于美丽的汾河公园的西侧,是公园景色的延伸与拓展,站在汾河河畔就可以看到博物馆的全貌,因而其外环境就成为整个滨河景区不可或缺的组成部分。博物馆的总体布局采用了中国传统的构图形式——中轴对称,主轴线前为东礼仪广场,中为主体建筑,后为西端主题广场。次轴线则由北边景观广场、主馆、南端休憩广场连贯而成。站在汾河东岸,目光掠过广阔的河面、颐人的绿地及滨河西路就可以看到博物馆的全貌,空间层层递进,轴线清晰,使人

The summary of everyday use by Alice walker

Class:英语09-1 Name:包红梅Number:200920801033 The summary of everyday use by Alice walker Everyday use for grandmama is an essay by Alice Walker, Who was born in America, 1944. Alice Walker, an American author and poet, most of whose writing portrays the lives of poor, oppressed African American women in early 1900s.the Color Purple which won the Pulitzer Prize of fiction and The American Book Award. She was also active in the moments for civil war and women’s rights. The short story everyday use, from the collection In Love and Trouble was published in 1973.Alice Walker conceptually expresses her wariness of the Black Power Movement. During the mid-1960’, young black African Americans proclaimed they would shake off their current lifestyle and began to celebrate African culture by exotic names and ethnic appeal. In this story Walker’s attitude is that for the culture heritage, they should not reflect it on purpose, instead it should be treated as a kind of lifestyle. It is a narrative fiction story, about the different attitudes of three black women in a family to Africa-American heritage. The mother, Mrs. Johnson, who is a less educated worker but intelligent and upright, works in a church and raises money to support one of her two daughters, Dee, to school. Dee is a beautiful, smart, brave but selfish, bad temper and arrogant girl. On contrast, her little sister, Maggie, is a homely girl who had scars on her face. Totally different from Dee, Maggie is a timid, shy, inferior but easy-going, kind and generous girl. Mrs. Johnson is proud of Dee and also she loves Maggie. The story begins in a day when Dee visits her mother’s house and Mrs. Johnson and Maggie waiting for her. They find Dee has changed a lot than before, for she changes her name to a long African name which is very different to pronounce so does her dress. to their surprise she also changes her attitude toward ,everything she used to hate very much. She asks for many things from her mother which she regards as the symbolic of the African culture. But later she focuses on two pairs of old quilts made by their grandmamma which Maggie also wants to have. Dee wants to hang them up, but Maggie thinks it can remind her of her grandmamma. After a long time discussion, their mother gives the quilts to Maggie. The story ends happily with Mrs. Johnson and M aggie still enjoying their simple but happy life. But Dee goes away disappointly. From the story, we can see the author’s deep respect of their culture, and her attitude towards their culture is that the cultural relic heritage should be regarded as a kind of lifestyle not a study. The story is well-knit, and make readers imaginable .The plot and the end are favorable just as you wish to have. Though the story is very long, you will not feel bored, for the funny and plain words used. By reading her story, readers can feel excited and have a sense of happiness, since they can realize their dream through their continuous struggle.


释迦塔 释迦塔全称佛宫寺释迦塔位于山西省朔州市应县城西北佛宫寺内,俗称应县木塔。建于辽清宁二年(宋至和三年公元1056年),金明昌六年(南宋庆元一年公元1195年)增修完毕,是中国现存最高最古的一座木构塔式建筑,全国重点文物保护单位,国家AAAA级景区。与意大利比萨斜塔、巴黎埃菲尔铁塔并称“世界三大奇塔”。 建筑布局 释迦塔位于寺南北中轴线上的山门与大殿之间,属于“前塔后殿”的布局。塔建造在四米高的台基上,塔高67.31米,底层直径30.27米,呈平面八角形。 第一层立面重檐,以上各层均为单檐,共五层六檐,各层间夹设有暗层,实为九层。因底层为重檐并有回廊,故塔的外观为六层屋檐。各层均用内、外两圈木柱支撑,每层外有24根柱子,内有八根,木柱之间使用了许多斜撑、梁、枋和短柱,组成不同方向的复梁式木架。整个木塔共用红松木料3000立方,约2600多吨重。 该塔身底层南北各开一门,二层以上周设平座栏杆,每层装有木质楼梯,游人逐级攀登,可达顶端。二至五层每层有四门,均设木隔扇。塔内各层均塑佛像。一层为释迦牟尼,高11米。内槽墙壁上画有六幅如来佛像,门洞两侧壁上也绘有金刚、天王、弟子等。二层坛座方形,上塑一佛二菩萨和二胁侍。 塔顶作八角攒尖式,上立铁刹。塔每层檐下装有风铃。 释迦塔的设计,大胆继承了汉、唐以来富有民族特点的重楼形式,充分利用传统建筑技巧,广泛采用斗拱结构,全塔共用斗拱54种,每个斗拱都有一定的组合形式,有的将梁、坊、柱结成一个整体,每层都形成了一个八边形中空结构层。 塔内文物佛牙舍利 塔内供奉着两颗佛牙舍利,盛装在两座七宝供奉的银廓里,经考证确认为是释迦牟尼灵牙遗骨。佛灭度后,共留下七颗佛牙舍利。应县佛宫寺释迦塔发现的两颗佛牙舍利,是南本《大般涅槃经》中记载的捷疾罗刹所隐身盗取的一双佛牙。 莲花台下八力士 木塔底层大门对面有一尊高大的如来像,坐在一个巨大的莲花台上。这个莲花台被八个力士扛着,个个力举千钧,形象生动逼真。这八个力士本是驻守八个方向的护法天神,乘如来古佛外出讲经说法之机,汇聚一处,私下凡尘。他们八个下了凡间,排山倒海。本来天下三山五岳、五湖四海排列得整整齐齐,像棋子一样,所以有“星罗棋布”一说。 历史发展 释迦塔于辽清宁二年(1056年)建成,由辽兴宗的萧皇后倡建,田和尚奉敕募建,至金明昌四年,增修益完。以作家庙,彰显家威,并有礼佛观光和登高料敌之用。


展板一:土木工程简介 土木工程发展历史简述 展板二:古代土木工程 展板三:北京故宫 展板四:都江堰水利工程 展板五:山西应县木塔 展板六:埃及金字塔 展板七:近代土木工程 展板八:帝国大厦 展板九:埃菲尔铁塔 展板十:金门大桥 展板十一:现代土木工程 展板十二:广州塔 展板十三:台北101大厦 展板十四:长江三峡工程 土木工程的展望 展板十五:工程材料发展展望、建造理论发展展望展板十六:建造技术发展展望、土木工程建造场所的拓展 展板十七:香港国际机场 展板十八:榆靖高速公路

土木工程 civil engineering 土木工程是建造各类工程设施的科学技术的总称,它既指工程建设的对象,即建在地上、地下、水中的各种工程设施,也指所应用的材料、设备和所进行的勘测、设计、施工、保养、维修等技术。 土木工程范畴 从建造的对象看,土木工程包括建筑工程、道路工程、隧道工程、机场工程、地下工程、市政工程、港口工程、海洋工程、水利工程等。 从使用的材料看,土木工程可分为金属结构、混凝土结构、高分子材料结构、木结构、石结构、土结构等。 从技术性质看,涉及到勘测、设计、施工、管理、养护、维修等。 从职业分工看,有从事土木工程的工程技术人员、工程管理人员、研究人员和教师等。 土木工程教育 为培养土木工程所需的各类人员,世界各国在大学本科教学中都设立土木工程专业。世界上最早培养土木工程师的大学是1747年法国创办的国立路桥学校。我国土木工程教育事业最早出现在1895年创办的北洋西学学堂(后称北洋大学,今天津大学)。 经过一个多世纪,特别是经历改革开放三十多年迅速发展,我国目前已有300多所高等院校开设土木工程本科专业,培养能从事土木工程设计、施工、管理、咨询、监理等方面工作的专业技术人员。

Alice Walker

Alice Walker From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Alice Malsenior Walker(born February 9, 1944) is an American author and activist. She wrote the critically acclaimed novel The Color Purple(1982) for which she won the National Book Awardand the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. 爱丽丝沃克 英文摘录自维基百科,自由的百科全书,罗金佑翻译 爱丽丝.马尔瑟尼奥.沃克(Alice Malsenior Walker出生于1944年2月9日)是一位美国作家和活动家。她写的广受好评的小说《紫色》(1982)为她赢得了国家图书奖和普利策小说奖。 Early life Walker was born in Putnam County, Georgia,the youngest of eight children, to Willie Lee Walker and Minnie Lou Tallulah Grant. Her father, who was, in her words, "wonderful at math but a terrible farmer," earned only $300 ($4,000 in 2013 dollars) a year from sharecroppingand dairy farming. Her mother supplemented the family income by working as a maid. She worked 11 hours a day for $17 per week to help pay for Alice to attend college. 早期的生活 沃克是出生在乔治亚州普特南县,是威利.里.沃克和米妮.楼.塔露拉.格兰特的八个孩子中最小的一位。她的父亲,用她的话说,是“在数学上令人惊叹却还是一个很厉害的农民,”每年从事谷租佃农和奶牛养殖中只能赚到300美元(在2013年为4000美元)。她的母亲给人当女仆来补充家庭收入。她每天工作11小时,每周挣17美元来帮助支付爱丽丝上大学的学费。 Living under Jim Crow laws, Walker's parents resisted landlords who expected the children of black sharecroppers to work the fields at a young age. A white plantation owner said to her that black people had "no need for education". Minnie Lou Walker, according to her daughter, replied "You might have some black children somewhere, but they don't live in this house. Don't you ever come around here again talking about how my children don't need to learn how to read and write." Her mother enrolled Alice in first grade when the girl was four years old. 生活在对黑人种族歧视的法律下,沃克的父母反对地主让佃农的孩子们在尚年轻时就去田间干活。一个白人种植园主对她说,黑人“不需要接受教育”。据她的女儿说,米妮.楼.塔露拉.格兰特当时回答说:“你可能会有一些黑人孩子在某处,但是他们不住在这所房子里。你不要再到这里来谈论什么我的孩子不需要学习如何读和写了。”当爱丽丝四岁的时候她母亲送她进入一年级学习。 Growing up with an oral tradition, listening to stories from her grandfather (who was the model for the character of Mr. In The Color Purple), Walker began writing, very privately, when she was eight years old. "With my family, I had to hide things," she said. "And I had to keep a lot in my mind." 听着口头传说,听着她祖父讲的故事(她祖父是《紫色》里的人物先生的原型)渐渐长大,沃克便开始写作,非常私人的,当时她才八岁的。“涉及到我的家庭,我不得不把许多事情隐藏起来,”她说。“我已经把很多事情记在脑海里了。” In 1952, Walker was accidentally wounded in the right eye by a shot from a BB gunfired by one of her brothers.[9]In 2013, on BBC Radio's Desert Island Discs, she said the act was actually deliberate but she agreed to protect her brother against their parents' anger if they knew the truth. Because the family had no car, the Walkers could not take their daughter to a hospital for immediate treatment. By the time they reached a doctor a week later, she had become permanently blind in that eye. When a layer of scar tissue formed over her wounded eye, Alice

紫色简介 人物分析

艾丽斯沃克 The Color Purple is an acclaimed 1982 epistolary novel by American author Alice Walker. It received the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Award for Fiction. It was later adapted into a film and musical of the same name. Taking place mostly in rural Georgia, the story focuses on female black life during the 1930s in the Southern United States, addressing the numerous issues including their exceedingly low position in American social culture. The novel has been the frequent target of censors and appears on the American Library Association list of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 2000-2009 at number seventeen because of the sometimes explicit content, particularly in terms of violence.[1] Celie Celie is the main character, who has been oppressed by men her whole life. As an adolescent she is raped by her stepfather and soon thereafter gives birth. Her children are taken away. Her stepfather gives her away to be married to Albert. She becomes friends with Shug, which leads to a sexual relationship between the two. Celie learns many things about herself and her body due to Shug. She models herself after Shug and becomes more independent the more she listens to Shug's views and opinions. Shug influences not only the way that Celie allows Albert to treat her, but also her religious views. In showing Celie that it is all right to commit sin but still believe in and live for God, she broadens Celie's view on religion. It is also Shug who frees Celie from Albert's bondage, first by loving her, then by helping her to start a custom sewing business. From Shug, Celie learns that Albert has been hiding letters written to her from Africa by her sister Nettie, a missionary. These letters, full of educated, firsthand observation of African life, form a moving counterpoint to Celie's life. They reveal that in Africa, just as in America, women are persistently oppressed by men.[6] Shug Avery Shug is a very extroverted and transcendental character. She is Albert's mistress, the one who always got away. When she comes back to visit Albert, she shakes up not only his feelings, but also those of Celie. Celie harbors an admiration for Shug and the life that she has lived. Shug enters and exits Celie's life, normally making it for the better. She influences Albert to the point that he ends up treating Celie better than he ever had. Eventually, Shug herself develops a physical relationship with Celie. By showing Celie the wonders of life and her body, she helps Celie develop herself emotionally and spiritually. Shug also helps Celie discover the long lost letters that her sister Nettie had written to her. In allowing Celie to view these letters, Shug is supplying her with even more hope and inspiration, letting Celie see that in the end, everything works out for the best. Sofia Sofia is the wife of Harpo, the son of Mr. Johnson. She loves Harpo well, but she insists "she killem dead before he hits her." She is a strong, independent, and feisty character who takes pride in what she does, and cannot be controlled by men, no matter who they are. She is humbled -and perhaps even broken- when she is beaten by white people for hitting the mayor, and then forced to work for his wife.


应县木塔:中国古代建筑抗震能力的杰出代表 山西应县佛宫寺释迦塔(应县木塔)是中国古代传统建筑杰出抗震能力的集中代表。这座木塔是当今世界现存最高的木结构建筑,竣工于1056年,处于大同盆地地震带上。木塔建成200多年即遭受大震,余震连续7天,木塔附近的房屋全部倒塌,而木塔岿然不动;在此后的近千年中,木塔经历了多次大地震的考验而安然无恙。在战乱之际,木塔还承受过200余发炮弹的轰击,亦无大损。木塔之所以有如此杰出的抗震能力,在于前述诸多抗震技法的综合和提高:木塔平面是规则的正八角形,利于抵抗地震波产生的扭曲力;木塔高达4.4米的砖石基座坚实、稳定,形成一个“浮筏”,承载着全塔的重量(约1300吨);木塔内梁与柱的连接完全通过斗栱完成,各种构件则通过榫卯连接,全塔的主要构件不用一钉一铆,这种连接形式类似于半固结半活铰的状态,能承受较大的弯矩;构架水平分层,在地震波中的垂直冲击波攻击下,可以通过“弹跳”的方式消解巨大的破坏能量;构架的整体性有力地抵抗旋转波,所有的柱子都用顶部的梁枋连结成一个筒形的框架,保证了构架的稳定性;柱子之间砌筑有厚实的墙体,牢牢地“抱”住各柱子,增加了构架的整体性,而且这些墙体能作为剪力墙发挥作用;立柱侧脚、平面逐层缩小,有效地降低了塔的重心,并使整体结构重心向内倾斜,增强了塔的稳定性,这样既使塔身形成美丽的曲线,又能把水平的地震冲击力分解成垂直方向的压力;周边有一圈柱廊,各圈柱廊被水平构件连接成一个刚中带柔的整体;为了加固结构框架,在八边形木塔的四个斜向应面上,自上而下采用了剪刀撑做法。 整座木塔表现出结构、技术与艺术形象的高度和谐,表里如一,这是中国古代木结构建筑,也是我们中华民族的“传统美德”之一。在近千年前我们的祖先就能建造出如此庄严美丽而坚固耐久的建筑,充分显示出当时的匠人对数学、力学、材料学、结构学的研究已经相当深入,而且对地震的破坏机理已有了相当的了解,抗震经验已积累到了很高的水平,既令人惊奇,也令人自豪。(来源:中国国家地理杂志) 英文的应县木塔的简介,一份山西省的英文简介 The county should allay Jiada the Fogong Temple in Shanxi Province in the northwest county should Buddhist Temple Temple, commonly known as Yingxian Wooden Tower. Built in Liao - Ning 2002 (Y ear 1056), Jinmengchang six years (Y ear 1195) Upgrading completed. China is the most ancient existing maximum configuration of a wooden tower construction, and only a wooden structure pavilion-style tower, as the nation's key units to be protected. 木塔at Temple Shanmen north-south axis line between the Basilica and, as "the former tower后殿" layout. Tower construction in the LMH four meters high, the tower high 67.31 meters, bottom diameter of 30.27 meters, was octagonal-shaped plane. The first layer Facade Tongyan, the above floors were Dandan, a total of five six canopies, trapped between layers of a dark, in fact, Chinese Academy. As a result of bottom Tong Y an and corridors, so look for the six-storey tower in the eaves of the house. Upper floors are used inside and outside twice木柱support each floor, there are 24 pillars, there are eight,木柱between the use of a lot of diagonal bracing, beam, Fang and short columns, the composition of the complex beam different directions -木架. It was calculated, the entire木塔sharing Korean pine wood 3,000 cubic meters, about more than 2,600 tons heavy, the overall proportion of appropriate, the magnificent architecture, art sophistication, shape prudent solemn.
