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2024届高三英语二轮复习读后续写 写日记改掉抱怨的坏毛病 讲义素材


I'll admit it. I can be a complainer. After all, there's so much in this life to complain about: the dirty clothes that don't make it into the basket, that annoying neighbor's loud music, my husband's shoes spread out at the front door, rainy days, traffic...


Complaining is a habit I cultivated since childhood, a skill I developed through the years. My parents didn't seem to mind—they were great complainers, too—though I do recall some eye-rolling and long-drawn sighs from friends and schoolmates when I would voice my negative opinions. In fact, I can distinctly recall the exact moment when I first realized my complaining habit reached its expert level.


One day, as I reminded ray husband once again to remove his bills from the dining-room table, put his shoes away, and lower that bothersome radio, he put up his hand." Stop! You’re your complaining. It's driving me crazy."


I looked at him blank-eyed.

He took a deep breath. "You never hear me complaining, do you?"

"Well," I answered, "you're complaining about my complaining, so actually, yes, I am hearing you complain right now."

His eyes widened. A drop of sweat formed his upper lip. Then he grabbed his car keys and ran out of the door.






Perhaps I'd gone too far, I thought. Maybe I really did complain too much. But, what to do about it? After all, it had been a lifetime habit. And habits are hard to break.

I took a break and sat down to think about solution. When I felt annoyed, I could lock myself in the bathroom and scream. No. The neighbors would probably hear me. Phone a friend? She probably wouldn't be a friend for very long. Then it hit me.

I'd been in the habit of keeping a journal for most of my life. It provided a sort of timeline for me,and I liked to review past entries occasionally to review the path I had been on at that point. Journaling kept me honest with myself, and I liked it for that reason. Perhaps, I though, a complaint journal might be the answer I was seeking.







That day, I decided to give it a try.

Besides the improved relationship with my husband, I saw other effects soon.








That day, I decided to give it a try. Without hesitation, I got a pen in my hand and unloaded all my dissatisfaction and disappointment about my husband onto the paper. It felt so good and relaxing to say exactly what was on my mind without anyone judging mc or my thoughts. With the last word put down, I felt relieved as if a heavy weight had been lifted off my shoulder. Later, each time I found myself feeling the urge to voice a petty irritation, I promised myself to write it in my complaint journal that evening. Gradually, without fear of triggering a quarrel, my reserved husband opened up to me more and our relationship got better.

Besides the improved relationship with my husband, I saw other effects soon. Old friendships became deeper, and new friendships appeared. Neighbors became more neighborly. Overall, I started to just feel happier and less stressed. When I looked back on some of my initial entries, I had to laugh out loud. Some of my complaints appeared truly ridiculous when read in hindsight Those few moments' when I could sit down and free myself of whatever is bothering me made a big difference for the better in my life. Reflecting on this experience, I firmly believed that with determination and smart approaches, I could not only break a bad habit but also achieve anything.


That day, I decided to give it a try. Each time I found myself feeling the urge to voice a petty irritation, I promised myself to write it in my complaint journal that evening —no holds barred. At first, I couldn’t wait to get that pen

in my hand and really unload onto the paper. It felt so good, so freeing, to say exactly what was on my mind without anyone judging me or my thoughts.

Besides the improved relationship with my husband, I saw other effects soon. The initial benefit was immediate. Without fear of recrimination, my generally reticent husband opened up to me more. Other benefits took more time to become apparent, yet I eventually became aware of them all the same. Old friendships became deeper, and new friendships appeared. Neighbors became more neighborly. Overall, I started to just feel better —happier and less stressed.


That day, I decided to give it a try. Without hesitation, I quickly took a pen and wrote down my dissatisfaction and disappointment with my husband on paper, letting my thoughts flow out with the tip of the pen. Writing my thoughts without anyone judging or caring about them feels relaxed and relieves the burden in my heart. Finally, I felt a sense of relief, as if the burden on my shoulders had been lifted. Later on, every time I found myself impulsively expressing a little anger, I would immediately write it down in my log. Gradually, without worrying about sparking an argument, my reserved husband opened up to me, and our relationship became more harmonious.

Besides the improved relationship with my husband, I saw other effects soon. After no longer complaining, my interpersonal relationships are getting better and better. The neighbors have become more friendly. Since writing a diary to release my negative emotions, I have started to feel happier and less stressed. When I looked back at some of my initial complaint diaries, I had to burst out laughing. After the fact, some of my complaints seem really ridiculous. The moments that made me sit down and get rid of my troubles made my life better. Looking back on this experience, I firmly believe that with determination and smart methods, I can not only break bad habits but also achieve success.

2024届高三英语二轮复习读后续写 写日记改掉抱怨的坏毛病 讲义素材

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成篇完整的短文。 I'll admit it. I can be a complainer. After all, there's so much in this life to complain about: the dirty clothes that don't make it into the basket, that annoying neighbor's loud music, my husband's shoes spread out at the front door, rainy days, traffic... 我承认。我可以抱怨。毕竟,这辈子有太多可抱怨的事情:脏衣服进不了篮子,那个烦人的邻居大声的音乐,我丈夫的鞋子铺在前门,雨天,交通。。。 Complaining is a habit I cultivated since childhood, a skill I developed through the years. My parents didn't seem to mind—they were great complainers, too—though I do recall some eye-rolling and long-drawn sighs from friends and schoolmates when I would voice my negative opinions. In fact, I can distinctly recall the exact moment when I first realized my complaining habit reached its expert level. 抱怨是我从小养成的习惯,也是我多年来养成的技能。我的父母似乎并不介意——他们也是很爱抱怨的人——尽管我确实记得当我发表负面意见时,朋友和同学们会翻白眼,长叹一口气。事实上,我清楚地记得我第一次意识到我的抱怨习惯达到专家水平的确切时刻。 One day, as I reminded ray husband once again to remove his bills from the dining-room table, put his shoes away, and lower that bothersome radio, he put up his hand." Stop! You’re your complaining. It's driving me crazy." 有一天,当我再次提醒雷丈夫把账单从餐桌上拿下来,把鞋子收起来,放下那台烦人的收音机时,他举起了手。“住手!你在抱怨。这快把我逼疯了。” I looked at him blank-eyed. He took a deep breath. "You never hear me complaining, do you?" "Well," I answered, "you're complaining about my complaining, so actually, yes, I am hearing you complain right now." His eyes widened. A drop of sweat formed his upper lip. Then he grabbed his car keys and ran out of the door. 我茫然地看着他。 他深吸了一口气。“你从来没听我抱怨过,是吗?” “嗯,”我回答,“你在抱怨我的抱怨,所以实际上,是的,我现在听到你


一.读后续写原题目 When I was in middle school, my social studies teacher asked me to enter a writing contest, I said no without thinking. I did not love writing. My family came from Brazil, so English was only my second language. 【举例子】Writing was so difficult and painful for me that my teacher had allowed me to present my paper on the sinking of the Titanic by acting out a play, where I played all the parts. No one laughed harder than he did. So, why did he suddenly force me to do something at which I was sure to fail? His reply: "Because I love your stories. If you're willing to apply yourself, I think you have a good shot at this." Encouraged by his words, I agreed to give it a try. 【写作思路】I chose Paul Revere's horse as my subject. Paul Revere was a silversmith(银匠)in Boston who rode a horse all night on April 18, 1775 to Lexington to warn people that British soldiers were coming. My story would come straight from the horse's mouth. Not a brilliant idea, but funny, and unlikely to be anyone else's choice. 【写作过程】What did the horse think, as he sped through the night? Did he get tired? Have doubts? Did he want to quit? I sympathized immediately. I got tired. I had doubts. I wanted to quit. But, like Revere's horse, I kept going. I worked hard. I checked my spelling. I asked my older sister to correct my grammar. I checked out a half-dozen books on Paul Revere from the library. I even read a few of them. When I handed in the essay to my teacher, he read it, laughed out loud, and said, "Great. Now, write it again." I wrote it again, and again, and again. When I finally finished it, the thought of winning had given way to the enjoyment of writing. If I didn't win, I wouldn't care.


2024届高三英语二轮复习读后续写练习写 作指导讲义素材 读后续写练习写作指导讲义 文题题目 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 It was the day of the big cross-country run. Students from seven different primary schools in and around the small town were warming up and walking the route(路线)through thick evergreen forest. I looked around and finally spotted David, who was standing by himself off to the side by a fence. He was small for ten years old. His usual big toothy smile was absent today. I walked over and asked him why he wasn't with the other children. He hesitated and then said he had decided not to run. What was wrong He had worked so hard for this event! I quickly searched the crowd for the school's coach and asked him what had happened. "I was afraid that kids from other schools would laugh at him," he explained uncomfortably. "I gave him the choice to run or not, and let him decide." I bit back my frustration(懊恼). I knew the coach meant well — he thought he was doing the right thing. After making sure that David could


高考英语读后续写素材 一、场景描写 (一)自然场景 A 1.夜幕降临darkness fell 2.天气寒冷The day was bitterly cold 3.天空蔚蓝,阳光明媚 The sky was blue and the sun was shining 4.大雨倾盆而下It was pouring really hard 5.皓月当空The moon was shining brightly in the sky 6.天空繁星密布The sky was dotted with stars 7.云散开了,太阳出来了 The clouds parted and the sun shone 山丘沐浴在阳光下 The hills were bathed in the sunshine 风越来越大,天空开始乌云密布 The wind was getting up and it was becoming cloudy 11.浓雾笼罩着整个大地The thick fog blanketed the field 12.夜里一点声音都没有,只有萤火虫还醒着,小心翼翼的在夜空里织着一幅画. There's not a single sound at night.Only the glowworms were still awake,carefully weaving a picture in the night sky. 13.不远处有一条小溪,在绿油油的两岸间潺潺流动。 14.晴空万里,火热的太阳晒得我后背发烫Blue sky stood tall and far,and the sun was searing my back. 15.阳光下河面波光粼粼. The river glitters in the sunshine. 16.月亮在天空中好像一盏夜灯,闪烁的星好奇地眨着眼睛Like a lamp,the moon shone from above.The stars twinkled their eyes with curiosity. B the blue sky 蓝天 the songs of birds 鸟鸣 the thundering clouds 雷霆万钧的云 the fragile flowers 娇嫩的花 the green grass 青草 the fragrant roses 芬芳的玫瑰 the setting / rising sun 落日 / 冉冉升起的太阳 Dark clouds were gathering in the sky. 乌云密布。 The night sky was lit up by flashes of light. 一道道灯光照亮了夜空。 The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky. 云彩扩散开来,几乎遮住了整个天空。 The sun was now high in the southern sky.


高三返校考以来近一个月各地读后续写话题整理分类 读后续写之教育感悟篇 Passage 1 I looked out at the smiling faces packed into the school hall. Flashes from cameras lit up in all directions. The applause filled my ears. I had done it. I had really done it. Just a few months earlier, I would never have pictured myself acting in a play in front of two hundred people. But when the time came I got up on stage and faced one of my greatest fears-and proved I could do more than l ever gave myself credit for. I found a new person inside me, a much more daring, outgoing person who had been hidden all along, just waiting for the opportunity to appear. If not for my teacher, Mrs, Sather, I might never have found that opportunity. In the first and second grade, I was extremely shy. I had friends, but it just wasn't in my personality to be very outgoing, even when I knew someone well. I was afraid I would do or say something wrong, so usually I just smiled and listened to other people's conversations. I did well in school and I loved to write. However, I would escape into my writing, where I could be myself and never had to worry about what other people thought of me In my stories, I was never shy. My teacher, Mrs Sather, always encouraged me to write more. She told our class to go after our dreams and dig in with both hands. I think she was one of the first people to see my inner strength. One day, she announced that our class was going to perform a play she had written. " I'll begin to cast everyone tomorrow, "she said. "I need someone who is not afraid to be on stage in front of the public to play the lead part of Dorothy. Anybody want to try? "A few excited hands shot up---mine, of course, was not one of them-and Mrs Sather smiled We'll talk more about it tomorrow "she said. Then the bell rang and my classmates slowly left the classroom. 注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后请用下划标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph I: When I was loading p my backpack, Mrs Sather asked me to go to her. Paragraph 2: Fast-forward through five months of practicing, we were ready. 参考范文: When I was loading up my backpack, Mrs. Sather asked me to go to her. Mrs Sather stared into my eyes as if seeing my inner self locked away inside. “I was thinking you would be perfect for Dorothy.”Mrs. Sather wanted me in this role. She shocked me, for I was always a shy person, not even dare to speak loud in public. Hearing Mrs Sather's words, I realized it was time to make a change. I decided to throw off my shy cloak. I wanted to prove that I also could do something good in public. After seconds of hesitation, I nodded my head, confidently saying "Mrs Sather, I want to, no, I am determined to play the role.” Fast forward through fire months of practicing, we were ready.Still, I was as nervous as I had ever been. “It doesn’t matter how you do tonight, "Mrs, Sather encouraged me, as if reading my thoughts when she came backstage for a final check. You have already shown yourself how wonderful you are.” She was right and the performance was very successful. At the end of the play, when the audience stood and applauded, I knew they were not just cheering for my performance that night, but for the performances they knew would come in later years because of my new found


重庆市高2022届学业质量调研抽测(第二次) 英语读后续写试题 第二节读后续写(满分25 分) 阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。 Last December, Alvin Bamburg, was deep in the woods in Grand Cane, Louisiana, when something caught his eye. As Alvin approached, he figured out that the object was a broken balloon. Attached was a piece of paper decorated with bright star stickers. It was a child’s New Year’s wish list. “Dear Uncles or Aunts,” the handwritten note reads. “My name is Luna. I am four years old. I live in Liberal, Kansas. This year I have been nice. I would only like candy, a Spider-Man ball, a frozen doll and a puppy (小狗) for my coming new year. With Love. Luna.” Alvin’s heart hammered in his chest. Ever since he was a child, he had dreamed of this very scene. He believed this was exactly like his own childhood New Year’s wish, which eventually broke. At the thought of this, he determined that he would make Luna’s wish come true too. He just wasn’t sure how to do it. Liberal is more than 600 miles from Grand Cane. But Alvin’s wife was not held back by the distance. As a passionate user of social media, she had seen people find all sorts of connections through the social media site and she thought it might help her husband find Luna. Alvin came to know how to find the sender. So Alvin posted a photo of the balloon and the child’s New Year’s wish list on his social media site, asking for help to locate the sender. At first, he wasn’t sure whether it would work. But as he noticed the number of people sharing his post climbed up to the hundreds and thousands, his hope grew into expectation. Meanwhile, Leticia, the mother of five-year-old Luna had no idea that such an effort was underway. It had definitely been a hard year for Leticia and her daughter. As COVID-19 spread, the family felt lonely, desperate, scared and isolated. On a particularly tough day last December, Leticia came up with the idea of letting her daughter send a letter to someone by balloon. One day in early January, Leticia noticed that a friend had been calling her all the morning. When Leticia finally called her back, the friend shouted, “Someone found Luna’s balloon!” 注意: 1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右; 2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; Paragraph 1: Urged by her friend many times, she logged on (登录) to the site and saw Alvin’s post. Paragraph 2: Still, there was one wish on the list that couldn’t go in the box: A puppy. 【试题信息】


读后续写 I finally worked hard for my college 试题呈现: Living in the shadow of my two elder sisters at college who already had their lives planned out since they were little, I was always undecided about everything. As a teenager, I was fickle(反复无常的). I would like one thing for a week and then hate it the next. But I was constantly searching for the beginning of the rainbow. Changing my dream from a vet to an astronaut, I thought there were various options available to me. However, my parents would shake their heads and repeatedly asked me such questions as, “Why can’t you be more like your sisters? What are you going to do with your life? Aren’t you interested in anything at all?” After a couple of shrugs(耸肩), my parents usually stopped talking. I was not sure if they gave up or anticipated my dull reactions. I often responded, “I couldn’t answer all of your questions now.” Actually, my parents just had high expectations that never seemed to be fulfilled. Plus, like other parents, they just wanted to give the best to me and expected me to achieve success. The arguments with my parents seemed childish. One day, my mother made her thoughts clear, “Your grades aren’t high enough. No schools are going to want you, dear. We didn’t pay so much money for nothing.” Hesitating for a while, I said, “No matter what you say, I believe I will enter a good college.” Still, I let my emotions control myself. Certainly, I had never planned not to go to college. After another debate with my mom, I decided to make a change. No longer would I sit back and let my parents mistake me for a bad boy. It was time to take action. I knew it was a crucial year at high school. Releasing my feelings, I began to collect all the knowledge I had learned and review it with all my heart. I didn’t argue with my parents any more, but instead turned to my sisters for help and tried my best to study. Finally, I took the national college entrance examination with ease and confidence.


高考英语读后续写素材 情绪描写句 一、表示“流泪” 1.Tears blurred one’s eyes./One’s eyes got misty./One’s eyes misted/dimmed with tears.泪眼模糊 2....be close to tears几乎要哭了 3.tears (roll down one’s eyes/cheeks/face)泪水落下 【例句】 1)当得知我被重点大学录取时,我妈差点儿就哭了。My mother was close to tears when she heard I was admitted to a key university. 2)他站在一个角落里,泪流满面。He stood in a corner with tears rolling down his face. 二、表示“因……颤抖” tremble/shiver/shake (with fear, panic excitement, rage...) 【例句】 1)她双唇颤抖着,泪珠顺着面颊滚落下来。Her lips shivered and big tears rolled down her cheeks. 2)他握紧拳头,气得发抖。He clenched his fists, trembling with rage. 3)他躺在那里很长时间,害怕得发抖。He lay there for a long time, shivering with fear. 三、表示“好像……” 1.It was like doing sth.好像…… 2.It seemed as if/ that...好像…… 【例句】 1)我似乎觉得所有的希望都破灭了。It seemed to me that all hope faded/died. 2)我们聊呀聊呀,就像遇到了久别的朋友一样。We talked and talked, and it was like meeting a long-lost friend. 3)好像进入了另一个世界。It was like entering another world. 4)我丢了工作,感觉我的世界崩溃了。I lost my job and it was like my world collapsed./I lost my job and it seemed as if the world was at an end. 四、表示“不知道做……” 1.sb.did sth., wondering what to do next. 2. sb.did sth., not knowing what to do next. 3.sb.did sth., unsure of what to do next. 4.sb.was at a loss what to do.手足无措 5.sb.was in a dilemma about whether to do or not.感到难以决定…… 【例句】 1)他吃惊地站在那里,不知道接下来做什么。He stood there in shock, unsure what to do next. 2)老师突然出现,他不知所措。The teacher suddenly appeared, and he was at a loss what to do. 五、表示“某人想到/明白……;有了主意” 1.It suddenly occurred to sb.that从句=It hit sb.that从句=It struck sb.that从句


读后续写原题: It's a perfect family summer seaside holiday. Occasionally, some white clouds floated(漂浮) across the blue sky. The sandy beach was soft and comfortable. The water was glistening(发光) in the morning sunlight and the surf was cool on their feet as Krin and Paula leisurely(悠闲地) walked along the water edge. The brother and sister began to make some sandcastles. Not far away, mother sat under a big umbrella, reading a book with a bottle of lemonade in her hand. Father was busy exchanging a few words of greetings with(与...交谈)the strangers he met on the beach. 这是一个完美的家庭夏季海滨度假。偶尔会飘一些白云(漂浮)穿过蓝天。沙滩柔软舒适。水面闪闪发光(发光)在清晨的阳光下,当Krin和Paula悠闲地散步时,海浪在他们的脚上很凉爽(悠闲地)沿着水边走着。兄弟姐妹开始做沙堡。不远处,母亲坐在一把大伞下,手里拿着一瓶柠檬水看书。父亲正忙着和(与...交谈)他在海滩上遇到的陌生人。 Suddenly, Krin spotted some pieces of seashells lying scattered(分散) on the picturesque(美如画的) beach and small holes stretching along it where the crabs had hidden. He immediately invited Paula to collect shells and search the holes together with him. They were having a ball(= have fun) exploring what appeared to be a never-ending beach(似乎没有尽头的海滩). 突然,Krin发现一些散落的贝壳碎片(分散)论风景如画(美如画的)海滩和沿着它延伸的小洞,螃蟹就藏在那里。他立即邀请宝拉和他一起收集炮弹并在洞里搜寻。他们在一个似乎永无止境的海滩上玩得很开心(似乎没有尽头的海滩). After a while, they stopped and looked back. Their parents and the umbrellas, beach chairs and crowds were a long way off. But just ahead, hidden amongst sea grape trees stood run-down house(倒装句:在海葡萄树中隐藏着一座破旧的房子)that seemed to be out of repair for years. It appeared to be unoccupied. Curious, they went to investigate.


读后续写练习写作讲义 读后续写 试题呈现: 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Pumpkin(南瓜) carving at Halloween is a family tradition. We visit a local farm every October. In the pumpkin field, I compete with my three brothers and sister to seek out the biggest pumpkin. My dad has a rule that we have to carry our pumpkins back home, and as the eldest child I have an advantage - I carried an 85 -pounder back last year. This year, it was hard to tell whether my prize or the one chosen by my 14-year. Old brother, Jason, was the winner. Unfortunately we forgot to weigh them before taking out their insides, but I was determined to prove my point. All of us were hard at work at the kitchen table, with my mom filming the annual event. I'm unsure now why I thought forcing my head inside the pumpkin would settle the matter,but it seemed to make perfect sense at the time. With the pumpkin resting on the table,hole uppermost,I bent over and pressed my head against the opening.At first I got jammed just above my eyes and then, as I went on with my task,unwilling to quit,my nose briefly prevented entry. Finally I managed to put my whole head into it,like a cork(软木塞)forced into a bottle.I was able to straighten up with the huge pumpkin resting on my shoulders. My excitement was short-lived. The pumpkin was heavy. "I'm going to set it down, now," I said,and with Jason helping to support its weight, I bent back over the table to give it somewhere to rest. It was only when I tried to remove my head that I realized getting out was going to be less straightforward than getting in. When I pulled hard, my nose got in the way. I got into a panic as I pressed firmly against the table and moved my head around trying to find the right angle, but it was no use. "I can't get it out!" I shouted, my voice sounding unnaturally loud in the enclosed space. 注意:

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