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当前位置:文档库 › 数据库查询练习及答案


SELECT * FROM tblScore ts1, tblScore ts2
WHERE ts1.stuid = ts2.stuid AND ts1.courseid = '001' AND ts2.courseid = '002'
AND ts1.score > ts2.score

SELECT stu.stuid, AVG(score.score)FROM tblstudent stu, tblscore score
WHERE stu.stuid = score.stuid GROUP BY stu.stuid
HAVING AVG(score.score) > 60

SELECT stu.stuid, stu.stuname,COUNT(score.courseid),SUM(score.score)
FROM tblstudent stu, tblCourse course, tblScore score
WHERE stu.stuid = score.stuid AND course.courseid = score.courseid
GROUP BY stu.stuid,stu.stuname ORDER BY stuid

SELECT COUNT(1) FROM tblteacher t
WHERE t.teaname LIKE '李%'

SELECT * FROM tblstudent
SELECT * FROM tblCourse
SELECT * FROM tblScore
SELECT * FROM tblteacher

SELECT stu2.stuid ,stu2.stuname FROM tblstudent stu2 WHERE stu2.stuid NOT IN
(SELECT DISTINCT stu.stuid FROM tblstudent stu, tblCourse course,tblteacher tea,tblScore score
WHERE stu.stuid = score.stuid AND course.courseid = score.courseid
AND tea.teaid = course.teaid AND tea.teaname = '叶平' )

SELECT * FROM tblstudent
SELECT * FROM tblCourse
SELECT * FROM tblScore
SELECT * FROM tblteacher

SELECT stu.stuid,stu.stuname from tblstudent stu,tblScore score1, tblScore score2
WHERE score1.stuid = score2.stuid AND score1.courseid = '001'
AND score2.courseid = '002' AND stu.stuid = score1.stuid

SELECT * FROM tblstudent
SELECT * FROM tblCourse
SELECT * FROM tblScore
SELECT * FROM tblteacher

SELECT s2.stuname,s2.stuid FROM(
SELECT COUNT( s1.stuid) num,s1.stuname,s1.stuid FROM (
SELECT stu.* FROM tblstudent stu, tblScore score
WHERE stu.stuid = score.stuid AND score.courseid IN (
SELECT course.courseid FROM tblCourse course, tblteacher tea
WHERE course.teaid = tea.teaid
AND tea.teaname = '叶平' ) )s1 GROUP BY s1.stuid,s1.stuname )s2
WHERE s2.num =
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM tblteacher tea,tblCourse course
WHERE tea.teaid = course.teaid AND tea.teaname = '叶平'

--叶平老师授课的 总数
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM tblteacher tea,tblCourse course
WHERE tea.teaid = course.teaid AND tea.teaname = '叶平'

SELECT COUNT(s1.stuid) num,s1.stuname,s1.stuid FROM(
SELECT stu.* FROM tblstudent stu, tblScore score
WHERE stu.stuid = score.stuid AND score.courseid IN (
SELECT course.courseid FR

OM tblCourse course, tblteacher tea
WHERE course.teaid = tea.teaid
AND tea.teaname = '叶平'))s1 GROUP BY s1.stuid,s1.stuname

SELECT DISTINCT stu.stuid, stu.stuname FROM tblScore score1, tblScore score2, tblstudent stu
WHERE score1.stuid = score2.stuid AND stu.stuid = score1.stuid
AND score1.courseid = '001' AND score2.courseid = '002'
AND score1.score > score2.score

SELECT stu.stuid FROM tblScore score, tblstudent stu
WHERE stu.stuid = score.stuid GROUP BY stu.stuid ,stu.stuname
HAVING MAX(score.score) < 60

SELECT s1.stuid,s1.stuname FROM (
SELECT count(score.courseid) num,stu.stuid,stu.stuname
FROM tblstudent stu LEFT JOIN tblScore score
ON stu.stuid = score.stuid
GROUP BY stu.stuid,stu.stuname )s1
WHERE s1.num < (
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM tblCourse course )

SELECT DISTINCT stu.stuid,stu.stuname,score2.courseid FROM tblstudent stu
INNER JOIN tblScore score2 ON stu.stuid = score2.stuid
WHERE score2.courseid IN (
SELECT score.courseid FROM tblScore score WHERE score.stuid = '1001')

SELECT stu.stuid,stu.stuname,COUNT(score2.courseid) FROM tblstudent stu INNER JOIN tblscore score2
ON stu.stuid = score2.stuid WHERE score2.courseid IN (
SELECT courseid FROM tblscore score WHERE score.stuid = '1001' )
GROUP BY stu.stuid,stu.stuid,stu.stuname
HAVING COUNT(score2.courseid) = (
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM tblscore score WHERE score.stuid = '1001' )

SELECT stu.stuid, stu.stuname FROM tblstudent stu
--筛选出 学生1001选修的课,不是学生1001选修的课剔除掉
--最后使用计数函数,再次筛选出其中字表的课程数和1001选修的课相同的 学生学号
SELECT t1.stuid FROM tblscore t1
INNER JOIN tblscore t2
ON t1.courseid = t2.courseid
WHERE t1.stuid <> 1001 AND t2.stuid = 1001
AND stu.stuid = t1.stuid
GROUP BY t1.stuid
HAVING COUNT(1) >= (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM tblscore WHERE stuid = 1001 )

SELECT stuid FROM tblscore t2
WHERE courseid IN
(SELECT courseid FROM tblscore t1
WHERE stuid = 1001)
AND t2.stuid <> 1001
GROUP BY stuid

eid) = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM tblscore WHERE stuid = 1001)


-- “叶平”老师教的课课程号
SELECT courseid FROM tblCourse course ,tblteacher tea
WHERE course.teaid = tea.teaid AND tea.teaname = '叶平'

-- “叶平”老师教的课课程号的平均成绩
SELECT AVG(score2.score) FROM tblScore score2 WHERE score2.courseid IN (
SELECT courseid FROM tblCourse course ,tblteacher tea
WHERE course.teaid = tea.teaid AND tea.teaname = '叶平' )
GROUP BY score2.courseid

UPDATE tblscore t1
SET t1.score = (
SELECT AVG(score) FROM tblscore t2 WHERE EXISTS (
SELECT DISTINCT sc.courseid FROM tblscore sc, tblcourse c, tblteacher tc
WHERE tc.teaname = '叶平' AND sc.courseid = c.courseid
AND c.teaid = tc.teaid
AND t2.courseid = sc.courseid
SELECT sc.courseid FROM tblscore sc, tblcourse c, tblteacher tc
WHERE tc.teaname = '叶平' AND sc.courseid = c.courseid
AND c.teaid = tc.teaid
AND t1.courseid = sc.courseid

UPDATE tblscore t1
SET t1.score = (
SELECT AVG(score) FROM tblscore t2 WHERE EXISTS (
SELECT DISTINCT sc.courseid FROM tblscore sc, tblcourse c, tblteacher tc
WHERE tc.teaname = '叶平' AND sc.courseid = c.courseid
AND c.teaid = tc.teaid
AND t2.courseid = sc.courseid
WHERE t1.courseid IN (
SELECT sc.courseid FROM tblscore sc, tblcourse c, tblteacher tc
WHERE tc.teaname = '叶平' AND sc.courseid = c.courseid
AND c.teaid = tc.teaid


SELECT stu.stuid,stu.stuname,COUNT(score.courseid) num FROM tblstudent stu
INNER JOIN tblScore score ON stu.stuid = score.stuid
AND score.courseid IN (
SELECT score.courseid FROM tblScore score WHERE score.stuid = '1002')
GROUP BY stu.stuid,stu.stuname
HAVING COUNT(score.courseid) = (
SELECT COUNT(1) num FROM tblScore score WHERE score.stuid = '1002'

SELECT stu.stuid ,stu.stuname FROM tblstudent stu WHERE EXISTS(
SELECT sc2.stuid FROM tblscore sc2 WHERE sc2.courseid IN (
SELECT DISTINCT courseid FROM tblscore sc1 WHERE sc1.stuid = 1002)
AND stuid <> 1002
AND stu.stuid = sc2.stuid
GROUP BY stuid
HAVING COUNT(sc2.courseid) = (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM tblscore WHERE stuid = 1002)

SELECT sc3.stuid FROM tblscore sc3
WHERE stu.stuid = sc3.stuid
GROUP BY stuid HAVING COUNT(sc3.courseid) =
(SELECT Count(1) FROM tblscore WHERE stuid = 1002 GROUP BY stuid )


SELECT courseid FROM tblCourse course INNER JOIN tblteacher tea
ON course.teaid = tea.teaid AND tea.teaname = '叶平'

DELETE FROM tblscore WHERE courseid IN (
SELECT DISTINCT sc.courseid FROM tblscore sc, tblcourse cu, tblteacher tc
WHERE sc.courseid = cu.courseid AND cu.teaid = tc.teaid
AND tc.teaname = '叶平')

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