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Pick a giant from dwarfs; choose the best from a mediocre bunch矮子里拔将军
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)
Patriotic democratic personages爱过民主人士
Patriotic united front爱国统一战线
Settling-in allowance安家费
Affordable housing program; housing project for low-income urban residents 安居工程
Euthanasia 安乐死
Safety island
Work safety 安全生产
Safe driving安全行车
Consolation prize安慰奖
Touch-tone phone 按键式电话
Keypad tone 按键音
Mortgage 按揭
Mortgage loan按揭贷款
Mortgage a house 按揭购房
Distribution according to one’s performance; to each according to one’s work 按劳分配
Case study; case analysis案例分析
Unrequited love 暗恋
Covert deals 暗箱操作
Olympic Committee奥委会
Olympic Torch Runner 奥运火炬护跑手
Olympic homestay奥运人家
Olympic torch-lighting ceremony; Olympic flame-lighting ceremony.奥运圣火采集仪式
Olympic merchandise; franchised goods for the Olympics奥运特许商品
The Olympic Extension奥运支线
Olympic common Domain (OCD)奥运中心区
Special driveway for Beijing Olympic vehicles 奥运专用车道
Gossip, gossipy八卦
Eight-hour shift八小时工作制
Bar counter吧台
The “Eight-honor and Eight-shame” Outlook ( The Socialist Outlook on Honor and Shame)八荣八耻
Take measures to ensure safety把安全关
See the whole picture把握大局
Inequality clause; imparity clause霸王条款
Incandescent light白炽灯
White-collar crime白领犯罪
White-collar workers白领工人
Prince Charming白马王子
White paper; government documents白皮书
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White pollution (using and littering of non-degradable plastics)白色污染
Start from scratch 白手起家
Centennial 百年纪念
Century-old shop百年老店
Seeing is believing 百闻不如一见
Talk the talk摆花架子
Put on airs; act arrogant and superior 摆架子
Take care of; get someone back摆平
Show off 摆谱儿
Shake off poverty摆脱贫困
Sworn brothers; buddies; very close friends拜把兄弟,哥们儿
Money worship拜金主义
Pay a New Year’s visit 拜年
Shuttle bus班车
Pedestrian crossing; crosswalk; crossing zone斑马线,人行横道
Unit or household to be relocated; relocated unit or household搬迁户
Crew cut 板儿寸
Copyright law 版权法
Copyright Business版权贸易
Copyright reserved; copyrighted 版权所有
Royalty rate 版税率
Royalty income 版税收入
Chat around the water cooler; water cooler chat 办公室闲聊
Office romance 办公室恋情
Do New Year’s shopping 办年货
Conduct a funeral 办丧事
Half the sky; women半边天
Semi-finished products半成品
Semi-detached house 半独立式房子
Never-to-be finished project半拉子工程
Day care (for kids)

Accompanying satellite伴飞卫星
( for girls) find a sugar daddy; be a rich man’s mistress 傍大款
Charter a bus, train, taxi; a chartered vehicle 包车
Have a mistress 包二奶
Book a room 包房
Work contracted out to households 包干到户
Project contracting for labor and materials 包工包料
Labor contractor 包工头
Charter flight 包机
A clean sweep 包揽
Three guarantees for repair, replacement or compensation for faulty products 三包(包修、包换和包赔)
Packaged foods 包装食品
Steamed bun 包子
Keep members of the Communist Party of China (CPC) progressive, innovative and forward-thinking.保持共产党员先进性
Protect women’s rights against infringement 保护妇女不受侵犯
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Protective duty; protective tariff 保护关税
Support price 保护价格
Conserve natural habitats 保护生存环境
Protectionism 保护主义
Therapeutic massage 保健按摩
Health supplements 保健品
Health food 保健食品
Top songs 保留曲目
Reserve as natural farmland 保留为自然耕地
On bail 保释
Bonded warehouse; tariff-free warehouses 保税仓库
Bonded port area 保税港区
Tariff-free zone; bonded area 保税区
Warranty period 保修期
Postgraduate recommendation 保研
Guaranteed fund 保证基金
Margins; collateral 保证金
Inflation-proof bank savings 保值储蓄
Shelf life 保质期
Retaliatory duty 报复性关税
Price quote 报价单
The press; the media 报界
Report only the god, not the bad 报喜不报忧
Reimburse 报销
Nouveau riche 暴发户
Windfall profits tax 暴利税
Riot 暴力
Outbreak period 爆发期
Upset; unexpected win 爆冷门
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)北约
Spare parts 备件
Spare tire 备用轮胎
Be the scapegoat; bear the blame 背黑锅
Second-hand smoking 被动吸烟
Defendants’ pen 被告席
Under quarantine 被隔离
Be released from quarantine 被解除隔离
Sideline 被迫退出(比赛)
Be accused of accepting bribes 被指控接受贿赂
Bookishness; dogma 本本主义
The year of one’s animal sign 本命年
A slow sparrow should make an early start 笨鸟先飞
Disco dancing 蹦迪
Bungee jumping 蹦极
Forced confession 逼供
Bear down on 逼近
Snuff bottle 鼻烟壶
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Be bound to win 必胜
Commencement ceremony 毕业典礼
Closed-door policy 闭关政策
Closed-book exam闭卷考试
Be given the cold shoulder 闭门羹,受到冷遇
Tax evasion 避税,逃税
Marginal return 边际报酬
Borderline sciences; sciences that combine parts of other sciences together 边缘科学
Remote, poverty-stricken areas 边远贫困地区
Firecracker 鞭炮
Devaluate; depreciate (a currency)贬值
Portable computer; laptop; notebook computer 笔记本电脑
Disguised inflation 变相涨价
Transformers 变形

Transgender 变性人
Convenience store便利店
Play Station Portable 便携式游戏机
Plainclothes policemen 便衣警察
Address both the symptoms and root cause标本兼治
Bid document 标书
Drag racing 飙车
Lip service 表面文章
Don’t be too hard on yourself 别跟自己过不去
Endangered wildlife 濒危野生动物
Ice sculpture冰雕
Ice; crystal meth冰毒
Terracotta warriors; clay figures of soldiers and horses兵马俑
Viral infection 病毒性感染
Sick leave病假
Strip of a gold medal 剥夺金牌
Talent scout; a good judge of talent 伯乐
Lottery industry 博彩业
Post-doctorate 博士后
Doctoral tutor 博士生导师
Small profit margins, big sales; small profits but quick returns 薄利多销
Clear up pension payments in arrears 补发拖欠的养老金
Calcium supplement 补钙
By-election 补缺选举
Unprotected sex不安全性行为,无保护性行为
Perfect record; remain unbeaten or undefeated不败纪录
Make or break 不成则败
No discord, no concord; no agreement without disagreement 不打不成交
He who has not scaled the Great Wall is not a true man 不到长城非好汉
Minister without portfolio 不管部部长
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Secret ballot不记名投票
Non-aligned movement 不结盟运动
Depression 不景气
Unshakeable responsibility 不可推卸的责任
Non-renewable resources不可再生资源
Non-performing loan 不良贷款
Unidentified flying object (UFO)
Refrain from seeking personal favors at the expense of principle. 不拿原则换人情
Spare no effort; go all out 不惜一切代价
Stainless steel 不锈钢
Sleepless city; a city that never sleeps不夜城
Out of reach不在服务区
Avoid self-inflicted setbacks; don’t’ get sidetracked 不折腾
Unfair competition 不正当竞争
Bad (harmful) practice 不正之风
Potala Palace布达拉宫
Pedestrians-only street 步行街
Net ball 擦网球
Be wanting in skills and knowledge 才疏学浅
Property tax 财产税
Property income 财产性收入
Consortium 财团
Financial statement 财务性报表
Accounting scandal 财务丑闻
Financial worries 财务焦虑
Fiscal responsibility system 财政包干
Fiscal deficit 财政赤字
Fiscal year 财政年度
Fiscal revenue 财政收入
Tightened control over expenditure and credit 财政、信贷双紧方针
Government’s financial input in science and technology 财政性科技投入
Lay off surplus staff 裁减冗员
Job cut 裁员
Lighting 采光
Sinkholes in coal mining areas 采煤沉陷区
Take anti-monopoly measures 采取反垄断措施
Color film processing 彩扩
Polyphonic ring tone 彩铃
Lottery ticket 彩票
Color screen 彩屏
Walk on stilts 踩高跷
Vegetable basket program 菜篮子工程
Equity participation 参股
Joint-stock company 参股公

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Follow standard international practices 参照国际通行做法
Participate in the management of State affairs 参政、议政
Parties participating in the management of State affairs; parties involved in the government decision-making process 参政党
Kitchen waste 餐厨垃圾
Catering industry 餐饮业
Paralympic Games 残奥会,残疾人奥运会( Paralyze + Olympic)
Warehouse store 仓储式超市,大型廉价超市
Extra vehicular activity suits(EVA) 舱外航天服
Hideout 藏身之处
Book labels 藏书票
Make arranges 操办
Manipulate the stock market 操控股票市场
Multi-level contracting and illegal subcontracting 层层转包和违法分保
Poke one’s nose into someone else’s business 插杠子
Interrupt 插嘴
Tea ceremony; sado 茶道,茶艺
Tea party 茶话会
Close 查封
Ticket checking 查票
Differential voting 差额投票
Competitive election 差额选举
Allowance for business trips 差旅费
Rob Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙补西墙
Households to be relocated 拆迁户
Watered-down stocks; ordinary stocks that can be bought by insiders at a cost lower than their face value 掺水股票
Dhyana 禅; 日语Zen
Maternity leave 产假
Surplus; excess inventory 产品积压
Product mix 产品结构;产品组合
Life Cycle Assessment ( LCA) 产品生命周期分析
Industrial policies 产业政策
The river surges forward wave upon wave. The new generation performs better than the old.长江后浪推前浪,一代更比一代强
Yangtze River Delta长江三角洲
The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River 长江中下游
Long-term coexistence, supervision of one another, sincere treatment and sharing of well-being or woe.长期共存、互相监督、肝胆
Long-distance calls 长途电话
Lasting political stability 长治久安
Conventional disarmament 常规裁军
Conventional weapons常规武器
Permanent international tribunal 常设国际法庭
Standing committee常委会
Managing director; executive director 常务董事
Permanent representative 常驻代表
Foreign correspondent; resident correspondent 常驻记者( 驻国外记者)
Permanent Representative to the United Nations常驻联合国代表
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Floor trader; floor broker 场内交易人
Over-the-counter (OTC) market 场外证券市场
Best selling lines 畅销货
Put on a rival show 唱对台戏
All talk and no action 唱高调
Roll call vote 唱名表决
Ultra-short wave 超短波
Excessive consumption 超前消费
Outdo oneself 超水品发挥
Surrealism 超现实主义
Tidal power station 潮汐电站
Speculate in foreign currency 炒汇
Speculation 炒买炒卖
Hype; commercial speculation 炒作
Traffic flow 车流量
Plate number 车牌号
Hold someone back 扯后腿
Shirk; pass the

buck 扯皮
Dismiss someone from a post 撤销职务
Cost-effective 成本效益高的
Survival rate 成活率
Genghis Khan 成吉思汗
Sense of achievement 成就感
Ready-to-wear line 成品系列
Adult shop 成人用品点
High-integrity enterprise; enterprise of high-integrity才诚信企业
Urban management officer 城管
Inter-city train城际列车
Urban residents entitled to basic living allowances 城市低保对象
Urban fixed-asset investment 城市固定资产投资
Urban planning 城市规划
Collectively owned factories operated by state-owned enterprises and municipalities.城市和国有企业厂办大集体
Urban construction城市建设
Fear of city life 城市恐惧症
Urban social security system 城镇社会保障体系
Urban housing fund 城镇住房公积金
Computer-programmed telephone switchboard 程控交换台
Orange alert 橙色预警
Have enough food to eat and enough clothing to wear; have adequate food and clothing 吃饱穿暖
Be jealous; be green with envy;吃醋
Everyone getting a ladle from the same cauldron;吃大锅饭
On the government payroll; 吃皇粮
Live on worker’s compensation; live on worker’s comp; 吃劳保
Live off one’s past gains or achievements; rest on one’s laurels; 吃老本
Stay idle; 吃闲饭
Sought-after 吃香
Hold the line 持平
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Red tide ; 赤潮
People living in abject poverty; destitute population 赤贫人口
Brush up on something; 充电(进一步学习或培训)
Give full play to people’s initiative and creativity; 充分调动人得积极性和创造性
Rechargeable card 充值卡
Impulse buying; impulse shopping 冲动购买
Write off accounts; write-offs; 冲销账目
Overlapping projects; redundant project; duplicate project; 重复建设
Worship things foreign;崇洋媚外
The foreigner moon is fuller in their eyes.
Pet clinic 宠物医院
Pets-only airline 宠物专线
Spot check 抽检
Sample survey 抽象调查
Preparatory committee 筹备委员会
Raise capital 筹资
Appearance fee 出场费
Craze for going abroad 出国热
Exit visa 出境签证
Outbound tourism 出境游
Capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports 出口创汇能力
Export tax rebate 出口退税制度
Export credit 出口信贷
Set catchy or tricky questions 出难题偏题
Punching bag 出气筒
Attendance rate 出勤率
Unveil 出台
Leasing 出租业务
First-time mother; new mother;初为人母
Primary election; preliminary screening test 初选
Bargain price; reduced price 处理价格
Items for disposal; 处理品
Maiden work; 处女作
Philosophy of life; 处世哲学
On the same platform and at the same starting point 处于同一起跑线
Goof; mistake 穿帮
Shuttle diplomacy—a figure of speech referring to frequent diplomatic activities; 穿梭外交
Make life difficult for; make it hot for;穿小鞋
Wearing new shoes to walk

on an old path; put old wine in new wine-skins; 穿新鞋走老路
Communicable disease; infectious disease 传染病
Pyramid scheme; pyramid selling 传销
Set a new record 创纪录
Generate profit 创利
Innovation-driven country 创新型国家
Growth Enterprise Board 创业板
Entrepreneurial spirit 创业精神
Start-up business 创业企业
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Ideas; creativity 创意
Singer-composer 创作型歌手
Briefing; 吹风会
Bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new; ring in the new year; 辞旧迎新
Step down 辞职,下台
Magnetic card telephone 磁卡电话
Maglev 磁力悬浮火车
A guilty person gives himself away by taking the initiative to vindicate his innocence; 此地无银三百两
Subprime mortgage crisis次贷危机
Subprime mortgage 次级抵押贷款
Secondary geological disaster 次生地质灾害
Conform 从众行为
Whip-round 凑份子
Rough-wrought product 粗加工产品
Four-letter word 粗口
Facilitate the sound development of the markets culture and products.
Promote sales 促销
Tear gas 催泪当
Give a life 搭便车
Tie-in sale 搭售
Throw sth. In 搭送、额外奉送
Pay with IOUs (I own you) 打白条
Doggy bag; wrap up 打包
Guarantee; oath; 打包票, 保证
Play one’s trump card 打出王牌
Turn the situation around 打翻身战
Crack down on the abduction of women and children 打拐
Crack down on mafia-style gangs; against mafia-style gangs
Crackdown 打击
Conduct reprisals; retaliate 打击报复
Crack down on speculation; 打击非法投机活动
Punch in (out)打卡
Frankly speaking; put all cards on the table; 打开天窗说亮话
Break the deadlock 打破僵局
Break up a monopoly 打破垄断
Break business monopolies; 打破垄断企业
Break the Three Irons: iron wages (guaranteed pay), iron rice bowls (life-time employment) and iron armchairs (life-time posts) 打破
“三铁” (铁工资、铁饭碗、铁交椅)
Squeal on someone; 打小报告
Discount 打折
Discount store;打折店
Take on all things 大包大揽
Super-Ministry System 大部制
Be caught out; be exposed; be proven wrong; 大跌眼镜
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Open one’s eyes 大开眼界
Marijuana 大麻
Food stand; snack stand 大排档
High-emission car 大排量车
Big-budget movie 大片
Very important person (VIP)
Laissez-faire 大撒把;放任主义,不干涉
The three direct links “大三通”
Turn a big problem into a small problem, a small problem into no problem;大事化小、小事化了
Play up; 大肆渲染
Superstar; big shot 大腕
Kidult; 大小孩儿Kidult is a portmanteau of “kid” and “adult”.
Mass media 大众媒体
Junior college student 大专生
Block trading system 大宗交易系统
Make a fuss 大做文章
Bad account 呆账
Generation gap代购
Gift card 代金卡

r 代金券
Substitute teacher 代课教师
Acting Secretary 代理秘书长
Code 代码
Work on commission; sell goods on a commission basis 代销
Surrogate birth代孕
Serve as 代职
Paid maternity leave 带薪产假
Paid annual leave 带薪年假
Dress rehearsal 带妆彩排
Lending rate 贷款利率
Credit ceiling 贷款限额
Standby mode 待机模式
Standby time 待机时间
Unilateralism 单边主义
Do something by oneself; work on one’s own; 单挑,单干
Single line 单行线
Single round-robin tournament 单循环制
Single eyelid 单眼皮
Single-product economy 单一经济
Flat fare 单一票制
Light makeup 淡妆
Protein engineering 蛋白质工程
Active user 当前用户
Turn a deaf ear to something 当做耳旁风
Excuse; pretext 挡箭牌
Congress of Party representatives 党代会
Three generations of central collective leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) 党的三代中央领导集体
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Non-Party personage; public figure outside the communist Party of China;党外人士
Open management of Party affairs 党务公开
Navigation bar 导航栏
Unusually cold spell in early spring; 倒春寒
Profiteer 倒爷
Be adopted; be in place 到位
Pirated book 盗版书
People of integrity and professional competence 德才兼备
Be of high prestige; command respect 德高望重
Registered unemployment rate 登记失业率
Low profile 低调
Low-end product 低端产品
At a low point 低谷
Low-tar cigarette 低焦油香烟
Fly at a low altitude 低空飞行
Low-carbon economy 低碳经济
Hip huggers 低腰裤
Low-noise subway低噪音地铁
Bottom line 底线
Base pay 底薪merit pay 绩效工资
Regional protectionism 地方保护主义
Regional hegemonism 地方霸权主义
Regional differences 地区差异
Geothermal resources 地热资源
The second classroom; experiential learning 第二课堂
The sixth sense 第六感
Service sector; the tertiary industry 第三产业
Third-generation mobile; 3G mobile
First Lady
First-hand information
Request (a song) 点播
Click fraud 点击欺诈
Roll call; 点名
Penalty kick 点球
Electric car 电动汽车
Pre-paid phone card 电话储值卡
Call-in programs 电话访谈节目
Teleconference 电话会议
Telephone extortionist 电话勒索者
Computer virus 电脑病毒
Cyberspace 电脑空间
Computer illiterate; not knowing how to use a computer 电脑盲
Videophone conference 电视电话会议
Spot ad 电视或广播节目中的广告
Television reality show 电视真人秀
TV home shopping 电视直销
Telecom operator 电信运营商
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E-crime 电信诈骗
Telecommunication cost 电信资费
Electronic publishing 电子出版
Electronic savings bonds 电子国债
Electronic surveillance 电子监视
e-ticket 电子客票
electronic commerce; e-busines

s; e-commerce 电子商务
Road camera 电子眼
Video game 电子游戏,电玩
Pique someone’s interest 吊胃口
Revoke a license 吊销执照
Degrade oneself 掉价
Drop a certain percentage 跌幅
DINKS (double income, no kids) 丁克一族
Nail household 钉子户
Top-Level Domain 顶级域名
Backbone; team leader; franchise player 顶梁柱
Designated hospital 定点医院
Set the tone 定调子
Pricing mechanism 定价机制
Training for a specific post 定向培训
Feel relieved; set one’s mind at rest; 定心丸
Give a pawn to save the king; sacrifice something minor to save something major 丢车保帅
Host country 东道国,东道主
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)东盟
Bullet train 动车组
Head for 动身
Pep talk 动员讲话
Metropolis circle 都市圈
Bullfighter 斗牛士
Jerry-built project 豆腐渣工程
Scoop 独家新闻
Detached house 独立式房子
Independent college 独立学院
Only child 独生子女,独苗
Internship 短期实习
Short-term housing; short-term apartments短租房
A Dear John letter (from woman to man, ending a relationship between them) 断交信
Take one’s words out of context 断章取义
Captain’s arm band 队长袖标(足球)
Collect call 对方付费电话
To one’s taste 对口味
Revitalize the domestic economy, open up to the outside world.对内搞活,对外开放
Dunhuang Grottoes 敦煌石窟
Multi-polarization polarise BrE /?p?ul?ra?z US ?pou-/ v [ 多极化
More pay for more work 多劳多得
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The policy of giving more, taking less and loosening control 多予少取放活
Multi-culture 多元文化
Multiple citizenship 多重国籍
Win a title; win a championship 夺冠
Hidn-and-seek game躲猫猫
Spoof 恶搞
Vicious circle; vicious cycle; 恶性循环
Mischief 恶作剧
Crocodile tears 鳄鱼的眼泪
Immature and irresponsible; stupid 二百五
Secondary pollution 二次污染
Cut-rate goods 二流货,劣质的
Second-hand house 二手房
Secondhand smoke二手烟
Have a cow 发飙
Express one’s political views 发表政见
Give full play to one’s advantages 发挥滋生的优势
Issuing bank 发卡行
Lateral thinking; expansive thinking; 发散思维
Fever clinic 发烧门诊
Enthusiast; fan 发烧友
Blast off 发射升空
Launch window 发射时限
Launch pad 发射台
Salon; hairdresser’s 发屋
Issue price 发行价
Build on our achievements 发扬成绩
Origin 发源地
Disparate development 发展不平衡
Develop and manage Internet culture 发展和管理网络文化
Growth mode; mode of growth 发展模式
Development is of utmost importance 发展是硬道理
Deduction of salary as penalty 罚薪
Legal tender 法定货币
Legal loophole 法律漏洞
All are equal before the law 法律面前人人平等
Legal awareness 法制观念
Legal environment

Cover version 翻唱
Flip phone 翻盖式电话
Renovate 翻建
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Somersault 翻斗筋
Open old wounds 翻老账
Quadruple 翻两番
Rebound 反弹
Opposition party 反对党
The Anti-Secession Law 《反分裂国家法》
Fight corruption and build a clean government 反腐倡廉
Rehire after retirement 返聘
Anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施
Instant food; snacks 方便食品
Bullet-proof vest 防弹背心
Flood control project 防洪工程
Shelter forest belt 防护林, 防护林带
Firewall 防火墙
Eavesdropping-proof telephone 防窃听电话
Prevent and control the spreading of the desert 防沙治沙
Personal defense skills 防身术
Excessive defense 防卫过当
Flood control and drought relief; 防汛抗旱
Real estate evaluator 房产估价师
Property ownership certificate 房产证
Real estate developer 房地产开发商
Mortgage slave 房奴
Letting agent; estate agent 房屋中介
Visiting scholar 访问学者
Extend a loan 房贷款
Stand someone up 放(某人)鸽子
Radiotherapy; radiation treatment 放疗
Radioactive contamination 放射性污染
Have a global view 放眼全球
Ad hoc organization 非常设机构
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)非典型肺炎
Severe acute respiratory syndrome 非典
SARS-affected area 非典疫区
Illegal foreign exchange transaction 非法外汇交易
Unauthorized transmission 非法转播
Illegitimate child; child born out of wedlock 非婚生子女
Income not from work 非劳动收入
Non-tradable share 非流通股
Intangible cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产
Non-renewable resources 非再生资源
Smear 诽谤
Recovery and recycling of used resources; 废旧资源回收利用
Invalid ticket 废票
Recycling of waste 废物的循环使用
Comprehensive utilization of waste materials 废物综合利用
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Subcontractor 分包商
Distribute dividends 分红
Go Dutch 分开买单
Separatism 分裂主义
Reposition of superfluous employees 分流
Installment payment 分期付款
Minimum enrollment score; lowest mark for admission 录取分数线
Panel discussion 分组讨论
Venture capital fund 风险基金(VC fund)
The mechanisms for risk management 风险控制机制
Venture capital investment; risk investment风险投资
Close-ended fund封闭式基金
Hush money 封口费
Eliminate 封杀出局
Canonization; canonized as saints 封圣
News blackout 封锁消息
Mad cow disease; bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)疯牛病
Ugly duckling 凤凰男,丑小鸭
Abide by the law 奉公守法
Vote down 否决
Poverty alleviation; poverty relief 扶贫
Service-oriented government 服务性政府
Pagoda 浮屠
Radiation protection 辐射防护
Welfare lottery 福利彩票
Welfare housing;

free housing 福利分房
Welfare house; charity house 福利院
Fuwa 福娃
Comfort fund 抚恤金
Corrupt officials 腐败官员
Dictates of parents and words of matchmakers 父母之命,媒人之言
Negative growth 负增长
Manage with a loan 负债经营
Tax surcharge 附加税
Supplemental accident insurance 附加意外险
Comeback 复出
Return and repeat student—students re-attending classes after failing the college entrance examination复读生
Resume classes 复课
Duplex apartment 复式住宅
Be discharged from active military service 复原
Affluent second generation 富二代
Coverage rate 覆盖率
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Reform and opening-up 改革开放
Pilot reform; reform experimentation; trial reform 改革试点
Improve the environment for investment 改善投资环境
(of an enterprise) get listed on the stock market after being reorganized 改制上市
Reshuffle 改组
Great; excellent; wonderful; superb 盖帽了
Concept car 概念车
Dry spell 干旱期
Intervene in干涉
Lack ambition; be resigned to lagging behind; be resigned to losing;甘居下游
Surpass the advanced 超赶先进
Follow trends; be trendy; be hip; be fashionable 赶时髦
Investment in human relationships 感情投资
Contract the virus 感染病毒
Rigid demand 刚性需求
Post allowance 岗位津贴
Pole dancing 钢管舞
Hong Kong governed by the people of HK.港人治港
Hi-fi stereo 高保真音响
Rave review 高度好评
High-end product高端产品
High scores but low ability 高分低能
Peak season 高峰期
High heel running 高跟鞋赛跑
Elevated highway; overhead road 高架公路
Advanced technology; cutting-edge technology; 高精尖技术
NCEE( National College Entrance Examination) migrant. 高考移民
Top scorer of the national college entrance exam 高考状元
High-tech sector 高科技板块
High-resolution satellite photo 高清卫星照片
High definition高清晰度
Master; expert 高手
High-caliber military personnel 高素质新型军事人才
High-risk group 高危人群
Hot and humid 高温湿热
High temperature alert 高温预警
High consumption 高消费
High-voltage wire 高压线
Altitude sickness 高原反应
Invigorate large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises 搞活国有大中型企业
Cancel 告吹
Be in an emergency; report an emergency; ask for emergency help 告急
Isolation ward隔离病房
Median 隔离带(公路)
Individual case 个案
Personal care products 个人护理用品
Personal income tax; individual income tax 个人所得税
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Individual credit rating system 个人信用系统
Solo concert 个人演唱会
Individual income tax threshold 个税起征点
Self-employed people个体户
Single digit 个位数
Personalized license plates 个性化车牌
On your mark!各就各

On your mark. Get set. Go!
Bring both opportunities and challenges to 给XX带来几乎和挑战
Bring a positive impact on 给XX 带来积极的影响
Root out corruption; eliminate corruption 根除腐败
Achilles’ tendon 跟腱
Package tour 跟团旅游
Follow one’s heart; do what one thinks is right 跟着感觉走
Follow-up service 跟踪服务
The Olympic spirit of Faster, Higher, Stronger, or Citius, altius, forties 更快、更高、更强的奥运精神
Farmland use tax 耕地占用税
Traditional Chinese realistic painting 工笔画
Seniority pay工龄工资
Employment injury insurance 工伤保险
Business income tax 工商所的税
Wage earners 工薪阶层
Day off; holiday 公休
Industrial solid waste 工业固体废物
Integrated industrial control 工业控制一体化
Producer Price Index (PPI)工业品出厂价格指数
Payroll tax工资税
Salary guideline 工资指导线
Workaholic 工作狂
Studio 工作室
Working lunch 工作午餐
Government-supported student 公费生
Free medical service; free Medicare; public health service 公费医疗
Bulletin Board Service (BBS) 公告板服务
Public oversight公共监察
But shelter 公共汽车候车亭
Monthly bus pass 公共汽车月票
Culture-related facilities for public use 公共文化基础设施
Public relations 公关
Public security organs, procuratorial organs and people’s courts 公检法机关
Senior-only bus 公交老人专车
Wining and dining on public funds; entertainment on taxpayers’ money公款吃喝
Public school 公立学校
Referendum; plebiscite 公民投票
State-financed vehicle公务车
Civil servant 公务员
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Public-interest advertisement; public-serviced ad公益广告
Nonprofit cultural programs 公益文化活动
Just, fair and open 公正,公平、公开
Notarize one’s documents 公证
Public hearings 公众听证会
Congou—a kind of Chinese tea prepared with care 功夫茶
Kung fu film 功夫片
Water safety 供水安全
May you be prosperous 恭喜发财
Common prosperity 共同富裕
Henchman; lackey; hired thug 狗腿子
Paparazzi (journalists who haunt celebrities) 狗仔队
Discount coupon 购物券
Shopping guide; shoppers’ guide; buyers’ guide 购物指南
Limited liability company 股份有限公司
Stock option 股票期权
State share sale reform; equity division reform; spilt-share reform 股权分置改革
Bullish year 股市牛年
Stock index股指
Encourage, support and guide the growth of the non-public sector of the economy鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济
Installation fee for hard-line telephones福鼎电话初装费
Employment agreement 雇佣协议
Guasha; Holographic Meridian Scraping Therapy 刮痧
Be attached to; affiliated with; be a subordinate of挂靠
Report the loss; 挂失
Turning point 拐点
Human trafficking 拐卖人口
Power off关

Closely-related units 关系户
Connections; relationship network关系网
Those who take a wait-and-see attitude; fence-sitter; 观潮派,观望态度
Officialdom 官场、官僚作风
Official website 官方网站
Official language; political jargon 官话
Government officials in cahoots with coalmine operations; government officials act in collusion with coalmine operators 官煤勾结
Title sponsor 冠名赞助商
Singles’ Day 光棍节
Optic cable光缆
Advertise; spread the word; get the word out 广而告之
Poster boy 广告明星
China Export Commodities Fair 广交会中国出口商品交易会
China Hi-tech Fair中国国际高新技术成果交易会
Create jobs; find jobs 广开就业门路
Returned overseas students; students who return to china after studying overseas;
Chinese who lived overseas but have returned to China; returned overseas Chinese 归侨
Scale economy, economies of scale 规模经济
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Snowball ( of a plan, problem) to grow bigger and bigger 滚雪球
Localized production国产化率
Homemade products国货
Areas of public interest 国计民生
International Standards Organization. (ISO)国际标准化组织
International multilateral financial institution 国际多边金融机构
Common International practice国际惯例
The State Development Planning Commission 国家发展计划委员会
The State Commission for Restructuring the Economic Systems.国家经济体制改革委员会
A united national salary system based on position and rank and a mechanism for regular pay increases国家统一的植物与级别相结
National inspection exemption国家免检
First-grade State protection 国家一级保护
National key scientific and technological project 国家重点科技攻关项目
Treasury bond国库券
Gross national product (GNP) 国民生产总值
The populace’s cultivation国民素质
Gross domestic product (GDP)国内生产总值
State visit 国事访问
State credentials 国书
Ministry of Land and Resources国土资源部
Reduce the state’s stake in listed companies 国有股减持
Treasury bond investment 国债投资
The method of outstanding balance management for its national debt 国债余额管理方式
Overgraze 过度放牧
Transitional period 过渡期
Go too far 过火
Transit visa过境签证
Road toll 过路费
Glut; surplus (商品)过剩
Customs revenue 海关税收
Mirage 海市蜃楼
Gulf War Syndrome 海湾战争综合症
Strait Exchange Foundation (SEF) 海峡交流基金会,海基会
Wide selection from a large number of candidates 海选
Correspondence university 函授大学
South Korean fad 韩流
Chinese-speaking community 汉语文化圈
Chinese character processing software 汉字处理软件
Mock ski park 旱地滑雪
Aircraft carrier 航空母舰
Hollywood block

buster 好莱坞大片
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To conform with the national conditions and the will of the people 合乎国情,顺乎民意
Be one of the guys; get on well with others; mix well with others合群
Collegiate bench 合议庭
Five Principles of Peaceful coexistence: mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression,
non—interference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence 和平共处五项原则: 互相
Peace saboteur 和平破坏者
Harmony brings business 和气生财
Waterway dredging project 河道整治
Size of nuclear arsenal 核武器数量
Write off bad loans 核销贷款呆账
Nuclear family 核心家庭
Core competitiveness 核心竞争力
New Year blockbuster 贺岁大片
Hacker 黑客
Dark horse 黑马,冷门
Blacklist 黑名单
Black whistle; referee who accepts bribes 黑哨
Mafia-style organization 黑社会
Black box黑匣子
Red envelope containing money as a gift 红包
Kickback 红包(回扣)
Red chips 红筹股
Bonus share 红股
Macroeconomic fundamentals宏观经济基本状况
Flood crest 洪峰
Mouthpiece 喉舌,代言人
Alternate committee member 候补委员
Candidate cities; 候选城市
Outgoing call 呼出电话
Call forwarding; call divert 呼叫转移
Respiratory failure 呼吸衰竭
Foxtrel 狐狸精
Carrot and stick policy 胡萝卜加大棒政策
Interactive demonstration 互动演示
Internet Service Provider (ISP) 互联网服务提供商
Flame war 互联网上的激烈争论
Head of a household 户主
Amulet; talisman 护身符
Grass skating 滑草
Feed on illusions 画饼充饥
Welcome ceremony 欢迎仪式
Redeem a wish 还愿
Environment-friendly product 环保产品
Environmental protection law enforcement inspection 环保执法监察
Special projects to address serious environmental problems 环保专项治理
Environmental degradation 环境恶化
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Circular-screen movie 环幕电影
Loop line 环形线路
Ease the tension 缓和紧张状况
Suspended sentence 缓刑
Transfer stop; transfer station; interchange station换乘站
Twilight romance; romance of the elderly 黄昏恋
Prime time 黄金时段
Scalped ticket 黄牛票scalp, tout
Loess Plateau 黄土高原
Gray economy 灰色经济
Gray income; off-the-books income 灰色经济
Emblem 会标, 徽标
Returning emigrants 回流移民
Returning customers回头客
Money order 汇款单
Exchange rate 汇率
Be tireless in leading young people astray 毁人不倦
Disfigured 毁容
Matchmaking agency; matrimonial agency 婚介所
Premarital cohabitation 婚前同居
Prenuptial agreement 婚前协议
Premarital sex 婚前性行为
Pre-wedding photos 婚纱照

affair 婚外恋
Diversified ownership; mixed ownership混合所有制
Movable plank house; movable house 活动板房
Demand deposit interest rate; interest rate of a demand deposit 活期存款利率
In full swing 活跃,全面展开
Thermal power plant 火电站
Hot pot 火锅
Torchbearer 火炬手
Mars exploration rover 火星探测器
Withdrawal of currency from circulation; withdrawal of money from circulation. 货币回笼
Currency revaluation 货币升值
Cash on delivery 货到付款
Airport construction fee; airport tax; 机场建设费
Mechanical and electrical products 机电产品
Set-top box (STB);set-top unit (STU) 机顶盒
Institutional reform; institutional restructuring 机构改革
Institutional investor 机构投资者
Organizational overlapping 机构重叠
Machine translation (MT)机译
Strike a rock with an egg; attack someone stronger than oneself; 鸡蛋碰石头
Steamed egg custard鸡蛋羹
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Essence of chicken 鸡精
Chick lit鸡仔文学
Old habits die hard 积习难改
Overstocked commodity; surplus inventory 积压产品
Basic wage; minimum wage 基本工资
National policy; basic state policy 基本国策
Fundamental realities of the country 基本国情
Basic allowance 基本生活费
Democracy at the grassroots level; grassroots democracy 基层民主
Grassroots community 基层社区
Grassroots organizations 基层组织
Main industry 基础产业
Infrastructure 基础设施ultra structure 超微结构
Genetic engineering 基因工程
Gene bank 基因库
Genetic mutation 基因突变
Merit pay 绩效工资
Blue chip 绩优股、蓝筹股
Narcotics squad 缉毒队
Laser printer 激光打印机
Laser navigation 激光导航
A system of incentives and disincentives; 激励和制约体制。
Cut-throat competition; fierce competition 激烈竞争
GuinnessWorld Records 吉尼斯世界纪录
Auspicious date; lucky date 吉日良辰
Mascot 吉祥物
Extreme sports; X-sports极限运动
Dissolvable bikini 即溶泳衣
Ready meal 即食餐
Impromptu speaking; make an impromptu speech; off-the-cut remarks 即席讲话
Instant photo 即印相片(一拍得)
Eager for instant success and quick profits 急功近利
Put people’s interests first; making the desires and worries of the people one’s own. 急人们所急, 忧人民所忧。
Draw on collective wisdom of the people 集思广益
Be contracted to collectives; collective contract 集体承包
Group wedding ceremony 集体婚礼
Collective economy 集体经济
Collective ownership 集体所有制
Institutional spending 集团消费
Intensive mode of economic growth 集约型经济增长模式
Container freighter 集装箱运输船
Raise funds; raise money 集资
Bank run 挤兑
City with independent budgetary status 计划单列市
Planned economy; mandate economy 计划经济
Off-plan investment 计划外投资

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Ballot counting 计票
Pay by the hour 计时工资
Computer integrated manufacturing system (CIMS)计算机集成制造系统
Get a demerit 记过
Disclosed ballot 记名投票
Book-entry treasure bonds 记账式国债
Press box 记者席
Press card记者证
Commemorative bank note 纪念钞
Commemorative envelope 纪念封
Memorial service 纪念仪式,悼念仪式
Reportage 纪实文学(报告文学)
Disciplinary inspection commission 纪委
Technological innovation 技术创新
Technological upgrade; technological upgrading 技术改造
Skilled laborer 技术工人,技工
Commercialization of technological achievements 技术成国商品化
Technology-intensive product 技术密集产品
Give farmers tips on faring techniques 技术下乡
Technology transfer 技术转让
Seasonal worker 季节工
Seasonal price adjustment 季节性调价
Pre-season game 季前赛
Fait accompli 既成事实
Carry on the fine historical and cultural traditions继承历史文化优秀传统
Home stay寄宿家庭
Work overtime加班
Strengthen pollution control 加大污染治理力度
Speed up efforts 加快努力
Encrypt 加密
Reinforce the conservation of water and soil 加强水土保持
Cut the line 加塞
Salary raise 加薪
Parent-teacher conference 家长会
Play the authoritarian parent 家长制
Family tree; genealogy 家谱
Family background 家庭出身
Household contract responsibility system 家庭联产承包责任制
Family hotel 家庭旅馆
Home theater 家庭影院
Home improvement products 家庭装修用品
Household electrical appliance 家用电器
Family firm 家族企业
Distinguished guest; honored guest 嘉宾
Inscriptions on oracle bones 甲骨文
Price fluctuation 价格波动
Price manipulation; price rigging 价格操纵
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Price rebound 价格反弹
Price-intervention measure 价格干预措施
Divergence between price and value 价格脱离价值
Price gyration 价格震荡
Make someone a figurehead; deprive someone of his authority while keeping him in office 架空
Fake mortgage loan 假按揭
Counterfeit money; fake note 假钞
Counterfeit products 假冒产品
Match-fixing 假球
Be released on parole 假释
Fake diploma 假文凭
Tomboy 假小子
Keep a controlling share in the state’s hand保持国家绝对控股
Stick to the basic state policy of family planning 坚持计划生育的基本国策
Indirect election 间接选举
The integration of supervision and investigation 监察合一
Watchdog organization; supervisory committee 监督部门
Custodial care of a child 监护权
Merge; merger ; 兼并
Compatibility 兼容
Procuratorial organ 检察机关
Cut the ribbon 剪彩
Diet tea 减肥茶
Weight loss camp 减肥训练营
Alleviate someone’s burdens 减负
Decelerating glas

s 减速玻璃
Have one’s sentence commuted 减刑
Downsizing; cut payroll减员
Downsizing for efficiency; cut payroll to improve efficiency 减员增效
Makeshift shelter 简易过渡房
Under-the-table deals 见不得人的勾当
Build a strong national defense 建立强大的国防
Public bonds for construction 建设公债
Build a socialist country under the rule of law 建设社会主义法治国家
Promote socialist material progress and cultural advancement 建设社会主义物质文明和精神文明
Build a new countryside with socialist characteristics; Build the socialist new countryside.建设社会主义新农村
Build computerized armed forces 建设信息化军队
Constructive, strategic partnership 建设性伙伴关系
Build socialism with Chinese characteristics 建设由中国特色的社会主义
Suggested retail price 建议零售价
Floor space建筑面积
Health insurance 健康保险
Establish a sound performance evaluation system for state capital 健全国有资本经营业绩考核体系
Establish a sound operating and budget system for state capital 健全国有资本经营预算制度
Establish a sound system for assigning responsibility for major losses of state assets for state capital 健全国有资产重大损失责任追
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Fighter jets ( able to land on battleships)舰载飞机
Draw to a close 渐进尾声
Beer belly 将军肚
Standoff; deadlock 僵局
Honor credibility and no cheating讲诚信,反欺诈
Extravagance 讲排场,摆阔气
Loyal; faithful to friends 讲义气
Medal tally 奖牌榜
Reduce consumption of resources 降低消耗
Reduction of interest rate 降息
Transmission of viruses from patient to patient 交叉感染
Compare notes 交换意见
Handover ceremony 交接仪式
Exchange scholar 交流学者
Travel allowance 交通补助
Traffic artery交通干线
Traffic warden交通协管员
Turnkey project交钥匙工程
Throw cold water on 浇一瓢冷水
Be down to earth 脚踏实地
Be a big draw at the box office 叫座
Impart knowledge and educate people教书育人
Accept a compromise接受妥协
Vaccinate 接种疫苗
On one’s heels 接踵而至
Tip-off 举报,揭发
Reveal a deep secret about someone 揭老底
Gossip; rumor 街谈巷议
Holiday rotation 节假日轮流值班
Energy-saving; energy-efficient节能
Energy-efficient light bulb 节能灯
Save energy, lower energy consumption and reduce pollutants discharge节能降耗减排。
Energy-efficient car 节能型轿车
Water-saving agriculture 节水农业
Contraception 节育法
Rhythm and blues (R&B音乐)节奏布鲁斯音乐
Hijack an airplane劫机
Settle a foreign exchange account; settlement of exchange deals 结汇
Tie the knot 结婚
Dam; the damming of; 截流
Sever labor relations 解除劳动关系
Emancipate the productive forces解放生产力
Severance pay解雇金

Tackle problem of labor force employment解决劳动力就业问题
Whoever caused the trouble should solve it; It is better for the doer to undo what he has done;解铃还须系铃人
Drug rehabilitation center 戒毒所
Borrow-and-spend 借钱消费
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Today’s special offer 今日特别推介
Gilt-edged bonds 金边债券
Escape like a cicada by casting off its skin; slink off 金蝉脱壳
Golden parachute 金降落伞
Golden goal金球制
Oligarchy; tycoon金融寡头
A responsibility system for financial supervision 金融监管责任制
Financial crisis金融危机
Financial center 金融中心
Financial liberalization 金融自由化
FYI; FYR for your information/reference
Emergency; state of emergency 紧急状态
Sense of urgency紧迫感
Sell well; in short supply 紧俏
Commodities in short supply and highly sought after 紧俏产品
Tight money policy; monetary restraint 紧缩银根
Tension 紧张局势
Close on one’s heels; thunder on one’s trail 紧追
Be put in prison; be sent to jail 进宫
Import duty; import tariff 进口税
Hold peace talks进行谈判
Make strategic readjustment 进行战略性调整
Class for crash courses 进修班
Offshore area 近海区域
Offshore drilling 近海钻探
Perihelion 近日点
A waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first; the one nearer the waterside sees the moon first; have the convenience to do sth.近水
Fishing moratorium; fishing ban禁渔期
Amateur Peking Opera singer 京剧票友
Economic stimulus bill 经济刺激方案
Manage economic affairs according to law; put economic operation on a legal basis; 经济法制化
Economic boom 经济繁荣
Economic blockade 经济封锁
Economic recovery 经济复苏
Economic lever; economic leverage 经济杠杆
Overheated economy 经济过热
Economic downturn 经济滑坡
Economic and technological development zone 经济技术开发区
Cash crop trees经济林
Economic globalization 经济全球化
Affordable housing 经济适用房
Special economic zone 经济特区
A head for business; business sense经济头脑
Economic crisis经济危机
Depression; slump经济萧条
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Economic returns 经济效益
Economic and trade frictions 经贸摩擦
Mismanagement; poor management; poor operation and management 经营不善
Have fewer, shorter meetings; cut down on meeting length and frequency 精简会议
Streamline government organs; streamlining 精简机构
Cut costs精简开支
Nourishment for the mind精神食粮
Spiritual strength; spiritual pillar 精神支柱
Elitism 精英治国论
Sperm bank精子库
Warning water level; danger water level 警戒水位
Election debate 竞选辩论
Election campaign 竞选运动
Run for the presidency竞选总统
Competitive mechanism 竞争机制

ive edge 竞争优势
Nursing home敬老院
Be professional; professionalism 敬业精神
Yasukuni Shrine靖国神社
Nine-year compulsory education 九年义务教育
Drunk driving酒后驾车
Fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友
Relief 救济;救济品
Disaster relief materials 救灾物资
Obtain materials from local sources; use local resources 就地取材
Job opening; job opportunity就业机会
Take into custody 拘留
Military exercise军事演习
Military training (for high school and college students)军训
Balanced development, shared benefits and win-win progress 均衡、普惠、共赢
Completion ceremony竣工仪式
Go-kart 卡丁车
Card slave 卡奴
Bid opening 开标
Mining rights 开采权
Expelled from public office 开除公职
Development company 开发公司
Make out an invoice开发票
Develop new products 开发新产品
Open the border 开放边境
Open-ended fund 开放式基金
Rate of construction 开工率
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Consecration 开光
Open-book exam 开卷考试
Corkage fee 开瓶费
Write out a receipt 开收据
Opening speech; opening report 开题报告
Put telephone lines into operation 开通电话
Open up new ways forward 开拓前进
Give extra help (as a favor) 开小灶
Burn the midnight oil; work late into the night 开夜车
Put into high gear; go full steam 开足马力
Karez-an irrigation system of wells connected by underground channels 坎儿井
Chew the fat; chatter 侃大山
Big talker 侃爷
The difficulty and high cost of getting medical treatment and receiving an education. 看病难、看病贵、上学难、上学贵
Caretaker cabinet 看守政府
Recuperation center; rehabilitation center 康复中心
War of Resistance Against Japan抗日战争
Drug-resistant 抗药性的
Note of protest 抗议照会
Employee evaluation form 考核表
Take entrance exams for graduate schools 考研
Increase the deficit to spend more on development 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设
Backer; patron 靠山
Professional training; traditional Peking Opera school 科班(cross-talker 相声)
Science-fiction novel 科幻小说
Scientific and technological achievements turned into productivity; 科技成果转化为生产力
Tackle difficult problems involving science and technology 科技攻关
Science and technology constitute a primary productive force 科技是第一生产力
Revive the country by boosting science and education 科教兴国
Dissemination of science 科普
Scientific Outlook on Development 科学发展观
Scientific and democratic decision-making 科学及民主决策
Kowtow 磕头、俯首
Comparable prices 可比价格
Recoverable reserves 可采储量
Sustainable development可持续发展
Bio-degradable plastic bags可降解塑料带
Exchangeable bonds可交换债券
Plastic bo

Feasibility study
Printable battery
Disposable income 可用收入
Renewable resources
Convertible bond可转换债券
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CD burner 刻录机
Guest star客串
Visiting team
Passenger flow客流量
Guest professor
Empty nest/empty-next family
Space station
Plane crash空难
Air pollution
Air pollutants空气污染物
Air bath空气浴
All-time record空前纪录
Surpass the past and the future; unique空前绝后
Bad check; empty promise; blank check空头支票
Frequent flyer 空中飞人
Castle in the air; daydream 空中楼阁
Horror movie
Holding company; controlling company
Word of mouth
Foot-and-mouth (FMD)口蹄疫
Pet phrase口头禅
Put a label on扣帽子
Dry season枯水季节
Complain about not being rich enough; pretend to be poor 哭穷
A bitter pill to swallow苦果
Inter-caste marriage跨等级婚姻
Multinational company跨国公司
Mixed marriage跨国婚姻
Cross-border trade settlement跨境结算
Inter-bank transfer service跨行转账
Express delivery
Express line
Courier 快递公司
Rapid-response force快速反应部队
Fast track快速通道
News flash; flash快讯
Broadband access宽带接入
Broadband network
Grace period宽限期
Rabies vaccine狂犬疫苗
Coal mine accident矿难
Expand domestic demand扩大内需
Widen the gap between the rich and the poor扩大贫富差距
Increase market access扩大市场准入
Increase enrollment扩招
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Garbage treatment 垃圾处理
Spam message垃圾短信
Spam 垃圾邮件
Junk bond垃圾债券
Seek a vote拉选票
Cheerleaders; cheerleading squad啦啦队
Process materials supplied by clients来料加工
Blue-collar worker
A mess烂摊子
Abuse of power 滥用权力
It’s never too late to change
Labor contract system 劳动合同制
Labor surplus劳动力过剩
Movement of labor劳动力流动
Model worker 劳动模范
Export of labor; labor export劳力输出
Dispute between labor and management劳资纠纷
Labor insurance劳保
Long-standing problem 老大难问题
Beat a dead horse老调重弹
Aging society老龄化社会
The same old trick; the same old story老一套
A business in China of good repute with a long history老字号
Tighten one’s belt
Radar tracking
Third-time offender 累犯
The bench冷板凳
Bad joke冷笑话
ColdWar mentality冷战思维
Kindness deserves reciprocation;礼尚往来
Put theory into practice理论与实践相结合
Within one’s power; to the best of one’s ability
Strive for the best; aim high力争上游
Problem left over from history历史遗留问题
Legislative hearing立法听证会
Legislation vacuum
Three-way farming economy立体农业
Remain invincible立于不败之地
Tax-for-profit reform 利改税
Comic strip连环漫

Serial killer 连环杀手
Domino effect/ chain effect
UN Security Council
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UN membership dues (fees)联合国会费
United Nations Peace Keeping Forces
League match联赛
Online network
Budget airline廉价航空公司
Discount shop
Bargain market; bargain center 廉价市场
Build a clean and honest government 廉政建设
Low-rent houses
Virtuous cycle良性循环
Subsidies for cultivating superior grain seeds
Grain procurement agencies粮食收购部门
Direct charter flight across the Taiwan Straits
The three direct cross-Straits links, namely mail, transportation, and trade
Cross-Straits weekend charter flight
Place equal emphasis on material progress and spiritual development两个文明一起抓
Show one’s hand/cards亮底牌
Memorandum of understanding (MOU)谅解备忘录
Substandard goods劣质产品
Jerry-built housing project劣质工程
Heat-hunting company
Clinical trial
Temporary job
Interim price control measure临时价格干预措施
Temporary line/detour
Interim coach临时主教练
Zero-sum games
Zero Emissions House零排放屋
Territorial entitlement领土归属
Territorial integrity领土完整
Make a fresh start 另起炉灶
Left-behind children留守儿童
Transient workers and people流动人口
Streaming media流媒体
Malicious software (Malware)流氓软件
Ledger 流水账
Fashion; the in thing流行款式
Pop culture流行文化
The in word流行字眼
Honeymoon trip旅行结婚
Tourism city旅游城市
Tourism wave旅游热
Fulfill obligations履行义务
Green coverage绿地覆盖率
Afforestation 绿化
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Afforested area; greening space绿化面积
Green card 绿卡
Green Olympics, Technology Olympics and cultural Olympics;
Green recovery绿色复苏
Green tourism 绿色旅游
Green energy
Green agriculture
Green channel
Green-credit policy绿色信贷政策
Arbitrary charges乱收费
Edge out略胜一筹
In turn; rotate轮流坐庄
Rotating chairman轮值主席
Oral defense of a thesis or dissertation论文答辩
Give priority to seniority论资排辈
Nude photo裸照
Buyer’s market
Marathon meeting
Two-for-one; buy one’ get one free.
Selling point
Satisfaction rate满意度
Slow motion慢镜头
Shoot the breeze; casual chatter 漫话
Informal discussion漫谈
Roaming service
Roaming fees
Busy tone; busy signal
Blind investment
Trade protectionism; trade barrier贸易壁垒
Trade deficit贸易逆差
Trade surplus贸易顺差
Trade war
Trade liberalization贸易自由化
Gourmet festival 美食节
Portal 门户网站
Access Control system 门禁系统
Army fatigues迷彩服
Be born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth蜜罐里长大
VisaWaiver Program 免签证计划
Duty-free shop
Disclaimer 免责
