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Many people believe that classical music is not relevant to young people today . However, this issue (问题) frequently causes heated debate.

Some people say that classical music is associated only with old people .For example,

if you look at the audience at a classical concert , the majority is over the age of fifty.

Others say it is more popular than we first imagine . Many young people listen to

classical music without realising .It is often used in films and advertisements. For example.a

famous piece of classical music was used as the theme music for the 1990 World Cup . Not

many people could have given its name , but millions enjoyed it .

Also,some people point out that young people produce new music based on classical

ideas: for example, it is said that rap(说唱)music was invented by a classical musician in 1912, but it is now used by young people in pop music.

However, young people point to the fact that classical music has been outstripped(超越) by technology. To play a classical instrument, such as a violin, you need to study hard

and practise for hours. Nowadays, you don't need to get aching arms from practising. A

teenager can write and make music using a computer program in the comfort of their own bedroom.

A final point to in mind is that the term "classical music" is used to refer to a great

variety of music, from jazz to pieces for large orchestras(管弦乐队).This makes it even more difficult to say whether classical music is relevant to young people.

So, it may be only a minority of young people who play classical instruments , but

when it comes to enjoying classical music, it depends on the piece of music. It may be

more relevant to young people in the modern world than they realise!

Title Classical Music



The issue of whether classical music is (76) to young people causes heated debate.

Opinions Evidence

●Classical music is associated only with old peonl.

●(77) of the audience at a classical concert are over fifty.

●Many young people don’t (78)

some music they listen to is classical.

● Classical music is often found in films and advertisements.

● Classical ideas provide a (79) for producing new music.

●Young people now (80) rap in popular music.

●(81) has put classical music at a disadvantage.

● A young man can write and make music on

a computer (82) in his bedroom.

●“Classical music”can refer to various (83) of music.

● Classical music (84) from jazz to pieces for large orchestras.

Conclusion Classical music may still be (85) by young people today.



是这一说法引起了人们的热烈讨论。第一段第一句classical music is not relevant to young people可知本句应该选relevant。

77. 【答案】most

【试题解析】同义词转换。根据第二段最后一句the majority is over the age of fifty.可知参加这样的演唱会的人主要都是50多岁的人,把majority换成了most,都表示“大部分的,主要的人”。

78. 【答案】realize/know/recognize

【试题解析】词形转换。根据第三段第一句Many young people listen to classical music without realising .很多人在没有意识到的情况下都在听古典音乐。原文中使用的是动名词



79. 【答案】basis

【试题解析】同义词转换。根据第四段第一句young people produce new music based on classical ideas很多年轻人是在古典音乐的基础上创造新音乐的。也就是说古典音乐是很多心


80. 【答案】use

【试题解析】原词再现。根据第四段第二句it is said that rap(说唱)music was invented by a classical musician in 1912, but it is now used by young people in pop music.可知在现代音乐里年轻人使用了rap的形式。

81. 【答案】technology

【试题解析】原词再现。根据第五段第一句young people point to the fact that classical music


2013年全国高考理科数学试题分类汇编1:集合 一、选择题 1 .(2013年普通高等学校招生统一考试重庆数学(理)试题(含答案))已知全集 {}1,2,3,4U =,集合{}=12A ,,{}=23B ,,则 ()=U A B ( ) A.{}134, , B.{}34, C. {}3 D. {}4 【答案】D 2 .(2013年普通高等学校招生统一考试辽宁数学(理)试题(WORD 版))已知集合 {}{}4|0log 1,|2A x x B x x A B =<<=≤=,则 A.()01, B.(]02, C.()1,2 D.(]12, 【答案】D 3 .(2013年普通高等学校招生统一考试天津数学(理)试题(含答案))已知集合A = {x ∈R | |x |≤2}, A = {x ∈R | x ≤1}, 则A B ?= (A) (,2]-∞ (B) [1,2] (C) [2,2] (D) [-2,1] 【答案】D 4 .(2013年普通高等学校招生统一考试福建数学(理)试题(纯WORD 版))设S,T,是R 的两个非空子集,如果存在一个从S 到T 的函数()y f x =满足:(){()|};()i T f x x S ii =∈ 对任意12,,x x S ∈当12x x <时,恒有12()()f x f x <,那么称这两个集合“保序同构”.以下集合对不是“保序同构”的是( ) A.* ,A N B N == B.{|13},{|8010}A x x B x x x =-≤≤==-<≤或 C.{|01},A x x B R =<<= D.,A Z B Q == 【答案】D 5 .(2013 年高考上海卷(理))设常数a R ∈,集合 {|(1)()0},{|1}A x x x a B x x a =--≥=≥-,若A B R ?=,则a 的取值范围为( ) (A) (,2)-∞ (B) (,2]-∞ (C) (2,)+∞ (D) [2,)+∞ 【答案】B. 6 .(2013年普通高等学校招生统一考试山东数学(理)试题(含答案))已知集合 A ={0,1,2},则集合 B ={},x y x A y A -∈∈中元素的个数是 (A) 1 (B) 3 (C)5 (D)9 【答案】C


2020年高考物理试题分类汇编:电路(带详细解析) 〔新课标卷〕19.电源的效率η定义为外电路电阻消耗的功率与电源的总功率之比.在测电源电动势和内电阻的实验中得到的实验图线如下图,图中U 为路端电压,I 为干路电流,a 、b 为图线上的两点,相应状态下电源的效率分不为a η、b η.由图可知a η、b η的值分不为 A 、34、14 B 、13、23 C 、12、12 D 、23、13 答案:D 解析:电源效率E U = η,E 为电源的总电压〔即电动势〕,依照图象可知U a =E 32 U b =E 3 1,因此选项D 正确。 〔上海理综〕41.中国馆、世博中心和主题馆等要紧场馆,太阳能的利用规模达到了历届世博会之最,总发电装机容量达到4.6×103kW 。设太阳能电池板的发电效率为18%,地球表 面每平方米接收太阳能的平均辐射功率为 1.353kW ,那么所使用的太阳能电池板的总面积为 m 2。 答案:1.9×1014 〔上海理综〕42.各场馆的机器人专门引人注目。在以下图设计的机器人模块中,分不填入传感器和逻辑门的名称,使该机器人能够在明亮的条件下,听到呼吁声就来为你服务。

答案:光;声;与〔&〕 〔上海理综〕44.在世博园区,运行着许多氢燃料汽车,其动力来源是氢燃料电池〔结构如图〕。 〔1〕以下是估测氢燃料电池输出功率的实验步骤: ①把多用表的选择开关调至电流档,并选择恰当量程,串联在电路中。读出电流I; ②把多用表的选择开关调至电压档,把红、黑表笔并联在电动机两端,其中红表笔应该接在图中〔填〝A〞或〝B〞〕端。读出电压U; ③重复步骤①和②,多次测量,取平均值; ④依照公式P= 运算氢燃料电池输出功率。 〔2〕在上述第②步中遗漏的操作是; 〔3〕假如该电动机的效率为η,汽车运动的速度为v,那么汽车的牵引力为。 答案:〔1〕A;UI;(2)选择恰当量程;〔3〕 UI v η 〔上海物理〕5. 在图的闭合电路中,当滑片P向右移动时,两电表读数的变化是 〔A〕○A变大,○V变大〔B〕○A变小,○V变大 〔C〕○A变大,○V变小〔D〕○A变小,○V变小答案:B


第一篇基础知识梳理 第一章数与式 §1.1实数 A组2015年全国中考题组 一、选择题 1.(2015·浙江湖州,1,3分)-5的绝对值是() A.-5 B.5 C.-1 5 D. 1 5 解析∵|-5|=5,∴-5的绝对值是5,故选B. 答案 B 2.(2015·浙江嘉兴,1,4分)计算2-3的结果为() A.-1 B.-2 C.1 D.2 解析2-3=-1,故选A. 答案 A 3.(2015·浙江绍兴,1,4分)计算(-1)×3的结果是() A.-3 B.-2 C.2 D.3 解析(-1)×3=-3,故选A. 答案 A 4.(2015·浙江湖州,3,3分)4的算术平方根是() A.±2 B.2 C.-2 D. 2 解析∵4的算术平方根是2,故选B. 答案 B 5.(2015·浙江宁波,3,4分)2015年中国高端装备制造业收入将超过6万亿元,其中6万亿元用科学记数法可表示为()

A.0.6×1013元B.60×1011元 C.6×1012元D.6×1013元 解析6万亿=60 000×100 000 000=6×104×108=6×1012,故选C.答案 C 6.(2015·江苏南京,5,2分)估计5-1 2介于() A.0.4与0.5之间B.0.5与0.6之间C.0.6与0.7之间D.0.7与0.8之间解析∵5≈2.236,∴5-1≈1.236, ∴5-1 2≈0.618,∴ 5-1 2介于0.6与0.7之间. 答案 C 7.(2015·浙江杭州,2,3分)下列计算正确的是() A.23+26=29B.23-26=2-3 C.26×23=29D.26÷23=22 解析只有“同底数的幂相乘,底数不变,指数相加”,“同底数幂相除,底数不变,指数相减”,故选C. 答案 C 8.★(2015·浙江杭州,6,3分)若k<90<k+1(k是整数),则k=() A.6 B.7 C.8 D.9 解析∵81<90<100,∴9<90<100.∴k=9. 答案 D 9.(2015·浙江金华,6,3分)如图,数轴上的A,B,C,D四点中,与表示数-3的点最接近的是 () A.点A B.点B C.点C D.点D


高考英语试题分类汇编阅 读理解 RUSER redacted on the night of December 17,2020

2017年高考英语试题分类汇编——阅读理解(2016湖南) A L1PITOR

56. What is a major function of Lipitor A. To help quit smoking. B. To control blood pressure. C. To improve unhealthy diet. D. To lower "bad" cholesterol. 57. Taking Lipitor is helpful for . A. breast-feeding women B. women who are pregnant C. adults having heart disease D. teenagers with liver problems. 58. If it has been over 12 hours since you missed a dose, you should A. change the amount of your next dose B. eat more when taking your next dose C. have a dose as soon as you remember D. take the next dose at your regular time 59. Which of the following is a common side effect of taking Lipitor A. Face swelling. B. Upset stomach. C. Kidney failure. D. Muscle weakness.


上海高考英语题型训练: 中译英 2020高三第一学期期末质量抽查 V Translation (15 分)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 松江 72. 他很少意识到与他人交流的重要性o (Seldom) 73. 大学扩招了,这就意味着更多人能有机会接受商等教弃。(access) 74, 应该善待为国家做出巨大贡献的人,这样他们才能全身心投入到工作中去.(in order that) 75. 这本漫画书内容新颖,价格合理,在此次书展上大受追捧,连老年读者都赞不绝口。(It...) 72. Seldom does the realize the important of communicating with others. / Seldom is he aware of the significance of ... 73. The universities have increased their enrollment, which means more people have access to higher education. 74. People who make great contributions to the country should be well treated, in order that they can fully devote themselves to the work. 75. It is the creative content and reasonable price that make the comic book very popular at the book fair and even the elderly readers think highly of it. 崇明 72. 出于好奇,杰克向村民们打听了这座城堡的历史。(curiosity) 73. 我们最好分析一下公司最近几年发展减缓的原因。(analyze) 74. 人人都该意识到,减少人类活动对环境的负面影响是很有必要的。(it) 75. 我决心已定,无论你怎么劝我,我也不会同意放弃这个通过夜以继日的努力工作才获得的机会。(however) 72. Out of curiosity, Jack asked the villagers about the history of the castle. 73. W e’d better analyze(the reasons) why our company’s development has slowed down in recent years. / We’d better analyze the reasons for the slow-down of our company’s development these years. 74. Everyone should realize that it’s quite necessary to reduce th e negative effect that human activity has on the environment. 75. I have made up my mind, however you try to persuade me, I won’t agree to give up the opportunity that I got after workin 宝山 72. 无论时走路、骑车还是开车,遵守交通规则都很重要。(follow) 73. 只有发展好、运用好、治理好互联网,才能使其更好地造福人类。(Only) 74. 鼓励你,给你建议,并提出有建设性的问题的人被称作人生教练或导师。(helpful) 75. 生命充满了挑战,但是只要你有学习新事物的意愿,就能得到克服障碍的正确态度。(willingness) 71. This passage is about the advantages and challenges of starting a business. On one hand, a boss can get financial rewards and independence avoiding control from others. On the other hand, a boss must have passion for his own business, good

2020年高考数学试题分类汇编 应用题 精品

应用题 1.(四川理9)某运输公司有12名驾驶员和19名工人,有8辆载重量为10吨的甲型卡车和 7辆载重量为6吨的乙型卡车.某天需运往A 地至少72吨的货物,派用的每辆车虚满载且只运送一次.派用的每辆甲型卡车虚配2名工人,运送一次可得利润450元;派用的每辆乙型卡车虚配1名工人,运送一次可得利润350元.该公司合理计划当天派用两类卡车的车辆数,可得最大利润z= A .4650元 B .4700元 C .4900元 D .5000元 【答案】C 【解析】由题意设派甲,乙,x y 辆,则利润450350z x y =+,得约束条件 08071210672219 x y x y x y x y ≤≤??≤≤?? +≤??+≥?+≤??画 出可行域在12219x y x y +≤??+≤?的点7 5x y =??=?代入目标函数4900z = 2.(湖北理10)放射性元素由于不断有原子放射出微粒子而变成其他元素,其含量不断减少, 这种现象称为衰变。假设在放射性同位素铯137的衰变过程中,其含量M (单位:太贝克) 与时间t (单位:年)满足函数关系:30 0()2 t M t M - =,其中M 0为t=0时铯137的含量。已知t=30时,铯137含量的变化率是-10In2(太贝克/年),则M (60)= A .5太贝克 B .75In2太贝克 C .150In2太贝克 D .150太贝克 【答案】D 3.(北京理)。根据统计,一名工作组装第x 件某产品所用的时间(单位:分钟)为 ??? ??? ? ≥<=A x A c A x x c x f ,,,)((A ,C 为常数)。已知工人组装第4件产品用时30分钟,组装第A 件产品用时15分钟,那么C 和A 的值分别是 A .75,25 B .75,16 C .60,25 D .60,16 【答案】D 4.(陕西理)植树节某班20名同学在一段直线公路一侧植树,每人植一棵,相邻两棵树相距 10米。开始时需将树苗集中放置在某一树坑旁边,使每位同学从各自树坑出发前来领取树苗往返所走的路程总和最小,这个最小值为 (米)。 【答案】2000 5.(湖北理)《九章算术》“竹九节”问题:现有一根9节的竹子,自上而下各节的容积成等 差数列,上面4节的容积共为3升,下面3节的容积共4升,则第5节的容积为 升。 【答案】67 66 6.(湖北理)提高过江大桥的车辆通行能力可改善整个城市的交通状况。在一般情况下,大 桥上的车流速度v (单位:千米/小时)是车流密度x (单位:辆/千米)的函数。当桥上的的车流密度达到200辆/千米时,造成堵塞,此时车流速度为0;当车流密度不超过20 辆/千米时,车流速度为60千米/小时,研究表明;当20200x ≤≤时,车流速度v 是车流密度x 的一次函数.


专题01 直线运动 【2018高考真题】 1.高铁列车在启动阶段的运动可看作初速度为零的均加速直线运动,在启动阶段列车的动能() A. 与它所经历的时间成正比 B. 与它的位移成正比 C. 与它的速度成正比 D. 与它的动量成正比 【来源】2018年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试物理(新课标I卷) 【答案】 B 2.如图所示,竖直井中的升降机可将地下深处的矿石快速运送到地面。某一竖井的深度约为104m,升降机运行的最大速度为8m/s,加速度大小不超过,假定升降机到井口的速度为零,则将矿石从井底提升到井口的最短时间是 A. 13s B. 16s C. 21s D. 26s 【来源】浙江新高考2018年4月选考科目物理试题 【答案】 C

【解析】升降机先做加速运动,后做匀速运动,最后做减速运动,在加速阶段,所需时间 ,通过的位移为,在减速阶段与加速阶段相同,在匀速阶段所需时间为:,总时间为:,故C正确,A、B、D错误;故选C。 【点睛】升降机先做加速运动,后做匀速运动,最后做减速运动,根据速度位移公式和速度时间公式求得总时间。 3.(多选)甲、乙两汽车同一条平直公路上同向运动,其速度—时间图像分别如图中甲、乙两条曲线所示。已知两车在t2时刻并排行驶,下列说法正确的是() A. 两车在t1时刻也并排行驶 B. t1时刻甲车在后,乙车在前 C. 甲车的加速度大小先增大后减小 D. 乙车的加速度大小先减小后增大 【来源】2018年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试物理(全国II卷) 【答案】 BD 点睛:本题考查了对图像的理解及利用图像解题的能力问题

4.(多选)地下矿井中的矿石装在矿车中,用电机通过竖井运送至地面。某竖井中矿车提升的速度大小v随时间t的变化关系如图所示,其中图线①②分别描述两次不同的提升过程,它们变速阶段加速度的大小都相同;两次提升的高度相同,提升的质量相等。不考虑摩擦阻力和空气阻力。对于第①次和第②次提升过程, A. 矿车上升所用的时间之比为4:5 B. 电机的最大牵引力之比为2:1 C. 电机输出的最大功率之比为2:1 D. 电机所做的功之比为4:5 【来源】2018年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试物理(全国III卷) 为2∶1,选项C正确;加速上升过程的加速度a1=,加速上升过程的牵引力F1=ma1+mg=m(+g),减速上升过程的加速度a2=-,减速上升过程的牵引力F2=ma2+mg=m(g -),匀速运动过程的牵引力F 3=mg。第次提升过程做功W1=F1××t0×v0+ F2××t0×v0=mg v0t0;第次提升过 程做功W2=F1××t0×v0+ F3×v0×3t0/2+ F2××t0×v0 =mg v0t0;两次做功相同,选项D错误。


2008年高考数学试题分类汇编 圆锥曲线 一. 选择题: 1.(福建卷11)又曲线22 221x y a b ==(a >0,b >0)的两个焦点为F 1、F 2,若P 为其上一点,且|PF 1|=2|PF 2|,则双曲线离心率的取值范围为B A.(1,3) B.(]1,3 C.(3,+∞) D.[)3,+∞ 2.(海南卷11)已知点P 在抛物线y 2 = 4x 上,那么点P 到点Q (2,-1)的距 离与点P 到抛物线焦点距离之和取得最小值时,点P 的坐标为( A ) A. ( 4 1 ,-1) B. (4 1 ,1) C. (1,2) D. (1,-2) 3.(湖北卷10)如图所示,“嫦娥一号”探月卫星沿地月转移轨道飞向月球,在月球附近一点P 轨进入以月球球心F 为一个焦点的椭圆轨道Ⅰ绕月飞行,之后卫星在P 点第二次变轨进入仍以F 为一个焦点的椭圆轨道Ⅱ绕月飞行,最终卫星在P 点第三次变轨进入以F 为圆心的圆形轨道Ⅲ绕月飞行,若用12c 和22c 分别表示椭轨道Ⅰ和Ⅱ的焦距,用12a 和 22a 分别表示椭圆轨道Ⅰ和Ⅱ的长轴的长,给出下列式子: ①1122a c a c +=+; ②1122a c a c -=-; ③1212c a a c >; ④11c a <22 c a . 其中正确式子的序号是B A. ①③ B. ②③ C. ①④ D. ②④ 4.(湖南卷8)若双曲线22 221x y a b -=(a >0,b >0)上横坐标为32a 的点到右焦点 的距离大于它到左准线的距离,则双曲线离心率的取值范围是( B ) A.(1,2) B.(2,+∞) C.(1,5) D. (5,+∞)


2014全国高考汇编阅读新题型 一(2014安徽卷) 第一节任务型读写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。 注意:每个空格只填一个单词。 Many people believe that classical music is not relevant to young people today . However, this issue (问题) frequently causes heated debate. Some people say that classical music is associated only with old people .For example, if you look at the audience at a classical concert , the majority is over the age of fifty. Others say it is more popular than we first imagine . Many young people listen to classical music without realising .It is often used in films and advertisements. For example.a famous piece of classical music was used as the theme music for the 1990 World Cup . Not many people could have given its name , but millions enjoyed it . Also,some people point out that young people produce new music based on classical ideas: for example, it is said that rap(说唱)music was invented by a classical musician in 1912, but it is now used by young people in pop music. However, young people point to the fact that classical music has been outstripped(超越) by technology. To play a classical instrument, such as a violin, you need to study hard and practise for hours. Nowadays, you don't need to get aching arms from practising. A teenager can write and make music using a computer program in the comfort of their own bedroom. A final point to in mind is that the term "classical music" is used to refer to a great


III. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. (A) Being alone in outer space can be frightening. That is one reason why astronauts on solo (单独的) space flights were given plenty of work to keep them___45___. They were also constant communication with people on the earth. ___46___, being with people from whom you cannot get away might be even harder than being alone. This is what happens on long submarine (潜水艇) voyages. It will also happen on___47___space flights in the future. Will there be special problem of adjustment under such conditions? Scientists have studied the reactions of men to one another during long submarine voyages. They have found that the longer the voyage lasts, the more serious the problem of___48___is. When men are___49___together for a long period, they begin to feel uneasy. Everyone has little habits of speaking and behaving that are ordinarily acceptable. In the limited space over a long period of time, however, these little habits may become very___50___. Apparently, although no one wants to be___51___all the time, everyone needs some degree of privacy. When people are enclosed together, they are in what is called a stress situation. That means that they are under an unusual amount of___52___or stress. People who are well-adjusted are able to___53___stress situations better than others. That is one reason why so much care is taken in___54___our astronauts. These men undergo a long period of testing and training. One of the things tested is their behavior under stress. 45. A. tired B. asleep C. conscious D. busy 46. A. So far B. After all C. However D. Therefore 47. A. long B. fast C. dangerous D. direct 48. A. fuel B. entertainment C. adjustment D. health 49. A. shut up B. held up C. brought up D. picked up 50. A. pleasing B. annoying C. common D. valuable


2019---2020年真题分类汇编 一、 集合(2019) 1,(全国1理1)已知集合}242{60{}M x x N x x x =-<<=--<,,则M N = A .}{43x x -<< B .}42{x x -<<- C .}{22x x -<< D .}{23x x << 2,(全国1文2)已知集合{}{}{}1,2,3,4,5,6,72,3,4,52,3,6,7U A B ===,,,则U B A = A .{}1,6 B .{}1,7 C .{}6,7 D .{}1,6,7 3,(全国2理1)设集合A ={x |x 2–5x +6>0},B ={x |x –1<0},则A ∩B = A .(–∞,1) B .(–2,1) C .(–3,–1) D .(3,+∞) 4,(全国2文1)已知集合={|1}A x x >-,{|2}B x x =<,则A ∩B = A .(-1,+∞) B .(-∞,2) C .(-1,2) D .? 5,(全国3文、理1)已知集合2{1,0,1,2}{|1}A B x x =-=≤,,则A B = A .{}1,0,1- B .{}0,1 C .{}1,1- D .{}0,1,2 6,(北京文,1)已知集合A ={x |–11},则A ∪B = (A )(–1,1) (B )(1,2) (C )(–1,+∞) (D )(1,+∞) 7,(天津文、理,1)设集合{1,1,2,3,5},{2,3,4},{|13}A B C x x =-==∈≤∈R ,则A B = . 10,(上海1)已知集合{1A =,2,3,4,5},{3B =,5,6},则A B = . 一、 集合(2020) 1.(2020?北京卷)已知集合{1,0,1,2}A =-,{|03}B x x =<<,则A B =( ). A. {1,0,1}- B. {0,1} C. {1,1,2}- D. {1,2} 2.(2020?全国1卷)设集合A ={x |x 2–4≤0},B ={x |2x +a ≤0},且A ∩B ={x |–2≤x ≤1},则 a =( ) A. –4 B. –2 C. 2 D. 4 3.(2020?全国2卷)已知集合U ={?2,?1,0,1,2,3},A ={?1,0,1},B ={1,2},则()U A B ?=( ) A. {?2,3} B. {?2,2,3} C. {?2,?1,0,3} D. {?2,?1,0,2,3} 4.(2020?全国3卷)已知集合{(,)|,,}A x y x y y x =∈≥*N ,{(,)|8}B x y x y =+=,则A B 中元素的个数为( ) A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 6 5.(2020?江苏卷)已知集合{1,0,1,2},{0,2,3}A B =-=,则A B =_____.


2007年高考数学试题分类汇编(导数) (福建理11文) 已知对任意实数x ,有()()()()f x f x g x g x -=--=,,且0x >时,()0()0f x g x ''>>,,则0x <时( B ) A .()0()0f x g x ''>>, B .()0()0f x g x ''><, C .()0()0f x g x ''<>, D .()0()0f x g x ''<<, (海南理10) 曲线12 e x y =在点2(4e ),处的切线与坐标轴所围三角形的面积为( D ) A.29 e 2 B.24e C.22e D.2e (海南文10) 曲线x y e =在点2(2)e ,处的切线与坐标轴所围三角形的面积为( D ) A.294e B.2 2e C.2 e D.2 2 e (江苏9) 已知二次函数2()f x ax bx c =++的导数为'()f x ,'(0)0f >,对于任意实数x 都有()0f x ≥, 则(1)'(0) f f 的最小值为( C ) A .3 B .52 C .2 D .3 2 (江西理9) 12.设2:()e ln 21x p f x x x mx =++++在(0)+∞,内单调递增,:5q m -≥,则p 是q 的( B ) A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件 C.充分必要条件 D.既不充分也不必要条件 (江西理5) 5.若π 02 x <<,则下列命题中正确的是( D ) A.3sin πx x < B.3sin πx x > C.2 24sin π x x < D.2 24sin π x x >

(江西文8) 若π 02x << ,则下列命题正确的是( B ) A.2sin πx x < B.2sin πx x > C.3sin πx x < D.3 sin π x x > (辽宁理12) 已知()f x 与()g x 是定义在R 上的连续函数,如果()f x 与()g x 仅当0x =时的函数值为0,且()()f x g x ≥,那么下列情形不可能... 出现的是( ) A .0是()f x 的极大值,也是()g x 的极大值 B .0是()f x 的极小值,也是()g x 的极小值 C .0是()f x 的极大值,但不是()g x 的极值 D .0是()f x 的极小值,但不是()g x 的极值 (全国一文11) 曲线313y x x =+在点413?? ???,处的切线与坐标轴围成的三角形面积为( A ) A.19 B.29 C.13 D.23 (全国二文8) 已知曲线2 4 x y =的一条切线的斜率为12,则切点的横坐标为( A ) A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 (浙江理8) 设()f x '是函数()f x 的导函数,将()y f x =和()y f x '=的图象画在同一个直角坐标系中,不可能正确的是( D ) (北京文9) ()f x '是3 1()213 f x x x = ++的导函数,则(1)f '-的值是____.3 (广东文12)


阅读理解 专题一广告信息类 2018年 Passage 1 2018全国卷Ⅰ,6分话题:骑自行车在华盛顿特区观光词数:274 Washington,D.C. Bicycle Tours Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. Duration:3 hours This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see the world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington, D.C. Your guide will provide a history lesson about the trees and the famous monuments where they blossom. Reserve your spot before availability —and the cherry blossoms — disappear! Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour Duration:3 hours(4 miles) Join a guided bike tour and view some of the most popular monuments in Washington, D.C. Explore the monuments and memorials on the National Mall as your guide shares unique facts and history at each stop. Guided tour includes bike, helmet, cookies and bottled water. Capital City Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. Duration:3 hours Morning or Afternoon, this bike tour is the perfect tour for D.C. newcomers and locals looking to experience Washington, D.C. in a healthy way with minimum effort. Knowledgeable guides will entertain you with the most interesting stories about Presidents, Congress, memorials, and parks. Comfortable bikes and a smooth tour route(路线) make cycling between the sites fun and relaxing. Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour Duration:3 hours(7 miles) Join a small group bike tour for an evening of exploration in the heart of Washington, D.C. Get up close to the monuments and memorials as you bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall. Frequent stops are made for photo taking as your guide offers unique facts and history. Tour includes bike, helmet, and bottled water. All riders are equipped with reflective vests and safety lights. 1. Which tour do you need to book in advance? A. Cherry Blossom Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. B. Washington Capital Monuments Bicycle Tour. C. Capital City Bike Tour in Washington, D.C. D. Washington Capital Sites at Night Bicycle Tour. 2. What will you do on the Capital City Bike Tour? A. Meet famous people. B. Go to a national park. C. Visit well-known museums. D. Enjoy interesting stories. 3. Which of the following does the bicycle tour at night provide? A. City maps. B. Cameras. C. Meals.


2019年高考真题分类汇编 第一节 集合分类汇编 1.[2019?全国Ⅰ,1]已知集合{} }2 42{60M x x N x x x =-<<=--<,,则M N ?= A. }{43x x -<< B. }{42x x -<<- C. }{22x x -<< D. }{23x x << 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】 本题考查集合的交集和一元二次不等式的解法,渗透了数学运算素养.采取数轴法,利用数形结合的思想解题. 【详解】由题意得,{}{} 42,23M x x N x x =-<<=-<<,则 {}22M N x x ?=-<<.故选C . 【点睛】不能领会交集的含义易致误,区分交集与并集的不同,交集取公共部分,并集包括二者部分. 2.[2019?全国Ⅱ,1]设集合A ={x |x 2-5x +6>0},B ={ x |x -1<0},则A ∩B = A. (-∞,1) B. (-2,1) C. (-3,-1) D. (3,+∞) 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】 本题考查集合的交集和一元二次不等式的解法,渗透了数学运算素养.采取数轴法,利用数形结合的思想解题. 【详解】由题意得,{}{} 2,3,1A x x x B x x ==<或,则{} 1A B x x ?=<.故选A . 【点睛】本题考点为集合的运算,为基础题目,难度偏易.不能领会交集的含义易致误,区分交集与并集的不同,交集取公共部分,并集包括二者部分. 3.[2019?全国Ⅲ,1]已知集合{}{} 2 1,0,1,21A B x x ,=-=≤,则A B ?=( ) A. {}1,0,1- B. {}0,1 C. {}1,1- D. {}0,1,2 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】 先求出集合B 再求出交集. 【详解】由题意得,{} 11B x x =-≤≤,则{}1,0,1A B ?=-.故选A . 【点睛】本题考查了集合交集的求法,是基础题. 4.[2019?江苏,1]已知集合{1,0,1,6}A =-,{} 0,B x x x R =∈,则A B ?=_____. 【答案】{1,6}.


中考数学试题分类汇编 一、选择题 1、(2007湖北宜宾)实数a 、b 在数轴上的位置如图所示,则化简代数式||a +b –a 的结果是( )D A .2a +b B .2a C .a D .b 2、(2007重庆)运算)3(623m m -÷的结果是( )B (A )m 3- (B )m 2- (C )m 2 (D )m 3 3、(2007广州)下列运算中,正确的是( )C A .33x x x =? B .3x x x -= C .32x x x ÷= D .336x x x += 4、(2007四川成都)下列运算正确的是( )D A.321x x -= B.22122x x --=- C.236()a a a -=· D.23 6()a a -=- 4、(2007浙江嘉兴)化简:(a +1)2-(a -1)2=( )C (A )2 (B )4 (C )4a (D )2a 2+2 5、(2007哈尔滨)下列运算中,正确的是( )D A .325a b ab += B .44a a a =? C .623a a a ÷= D .3262()a b a b = 6.(2007福建晋江)关于非零实数m ,下列式子运算正确的是( )D A .9 23)(m m =;B .623m m m =?;C .532m m m =+;D .426m m m =÷。 7.(2007福建晋江)下列因式分解正确的是( )C A .x x x x x 3)2)(2(342++-=+-; B .)1)(4(432-+-=++-x x x x ; C .22)21(41x x x -=+-; D .)(232y x y xy x y x xy y x +-=+-。 8、(2007湖北恩施)下列运算正确的是( )D A 、623a a a =? B 、4442b b b =? C 、1055x x x =+ D 、87y y y =? 9、(2007山东淮坊)代数式2346x x -+的值为9,则2463x x - +的值为( )A A .7 B .18 C .12 D .9 10、(2007江西南昌)下列各式中,与2(1)a -相等的是( )B A .21a - B .221a a -+ C .221a a -- D .2 1a + 二、填空题 b 0a

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