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Pepper pig 第一集字幕及指导

Pepper pig 第一集字幕及指导
Pepper pig 第一集字幕及指导

01 Muddy Puddles

下雨了,Peppa 和George不能外出玩了。雨停了,可出去玩了吧。Peppa 去泥潭里跳泥巴了,妈妈让她穿上雨靴。George也跳泥巴了,Peppa让弟弟穿雨靴。Peppa 总是照顾George,Peppa和George找了一个非常大的泥潭,George想第一个跳泥潭,但是Peppa是怎么做的呢?两个人身上都是泥,他们回家让爸爸猜他们干了什么,爸爸猜到了吗,有没有嫌弃他们脏呢?Peppa George邀请爸爸妈妈去跳泥潭了,全家开心吗?

I'm Peppa Pig.This is my little brother, George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig.

Muddy Puddles

It is raining today. So, Peppa and George cannot play outside.

“Daddy, it's stopped raining.Can we go out to play?”

Alright, run along you two.

Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles.

I love muddy puddles.

Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles,you must wear your boots.

Sorry, Mummy.

George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too.

George. If you jump in muddy puddles,you must wear your boots.

Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George.

George, let's find some more puddles.

Peppa and George are having a lot of fun.

Peppa has found a little puddle.

George has found a big puddle.

Look, George. There's a really big puddle.

George wants to jump into the big puddle first.

Stop, George. I must check if it's safe for you.

Good. It is safe for you. Sorry, George. It's only mud. Peppa and George love jumping in muddy puddles. Come on, George. Let's go and show Daddy. Goodness me.

Daddy. Daddy.

Guess what we've been doing.

Let me think...

Have you been watching television?

No. No. Daddy.

Have you just had a bath?

No. No.

I know. You've been jumping in muddy puddles.

Yes. Yes. Daddy. We've been jumping in muddy puddles. Ho. Ho. And look at the mess you're in.


Oh, well, it's only mud.

Let's clean up quickly before Mummy sees the mess.

Daddy, when we've cleaned up, will you and Mummy Come and play, too? Yes, we can all play in the garden.

Peppa and George are wearing their boots.

Mummy and Daddy are wearing their boots.

Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.

Oh, Daddy pig, look at the mess you're in.

It's only mud.


英美影视剧字幕特点及其翻译策略英语字幕的特点 电影电视的英语字幕有着与文字作品完全不同的特点:口语化、时尚性、服务性、时空受限性。 (一) 口语化 众所周知,除了科普、科教、纪录等影视节目由于其特定的目的,决定了其使用的语言带阐述性质,显得比较正式和书面化之外,一般以剧情为主的影视剧主要都是靠人物角色间的互动来推动情节。而最重要也最常用的互动手段就是对话。既然是对话,其语句就绝不会太长太复杂,以免观众在欣赏过程中出现理解困难。也就是说,绝大部分影视剧所使用的语言都是浅显易懂的日常口语。所以,字幕中常出现Um , Yeah , Yup , Gosh , Damn it , Dude 等只在口语中存在的词;出现So what , After you , Anything else , You oweme one 等短句和不完整句;并且大量出现all wet , hot num2ber , have a ball 之类的俚语。 (二) 时尚性 作为目前影响最大的娱乐传媒之一,电影电视节目不可避免地紧跟时代潮流。节目中所使用的英语自然而然会包含大量新词和被赋予新鲜意义的词。比如随着互联网的飞速发展,很多与网络有关的词大量涌现。在很多影视剧中,青少年的对话都会使用很多网络流行用语,如:web2page , short message , MSN , e - mail 等。此外,很多电影电视都会提到当时最热门的话题。例如美剧South Park (《南方公园》) 第10 季第9 集影射美国副总统切尼射偏的那一箭,第10 集里影射了美国中学女教师Debra Lafave 引诱学生一案。还有美剧Supernatural (译为《狙魔人》或者《邪恶力量》)里的哥哥Dean 常会脱口而出某部电影里的角色名。 (三) 服务性 与文字作品不同,英语字幕不是独立存在的。它必须与影视作品的画面、声音等结合在一起才具有意义。如果把一段字幕抽取出来,单看其内容,是无法了解其真正涵义的。比如美剧Veronica Mars (又译《校园私探》) 第2 季第18集预告片的一段字幕: (1) Can you look right in the camera and tell America you’vedone nothing wrong ? (2) I’ve made mistakes , (3) but I sw ear onmy life I did not kill Lilly Kane. (4) Switch it ? (5)Dude , are youkidding ? (6)Don’t you want to see how it ends ? (7) Almost asfamous as the man himself . (8) are the other members of Echolls’family , (9) their sordid lives an endless source of ta bloid fodder.(10)Dude , your dad’s really leaned out in the big house. (11)Probably all


"政治に興味のなかった小学校教師?朝倉(木村拓哉)は、ある事情から選挙に出馬。深... "(SP)検索開始!" "(SPたち)はい!" "(SP)マルタイ現着。" "A点通過。" "(SP)了解。行くぞ。" "(記者)今二瓶派会長の二瓶栄議員が到着しました。" "垣内外務大臣です。" "小野田幹事長です。" "(記者)神林総務会長も今到着しました。" "(関係者)おはようございます。" "神林先生。" "(理香)ご苦労さまです。" "(鵜飼)やあ!お待たせ!" "(垣内)おはようございます鵜飼総理。" "(小野田)防衛大学校の卒業式いかがでした?" "(鵜飼)おう。すばらしかった。" "(小野田)ああ。" "(二瓶)今日はテニスですか?" "総理。お若いですな。 "ハハハハ…。" "(鵜飼)ハハハハ…。" "神林君。" "君テニス嫌いなのか?" "(神林)申し訳ありません。" "ご覧のとおり "捻挫をしてしまいまして。" "(鵜飼)ふーん。" "私につきあうのが嫌なのかと思ったよ。" "まさか。今日は私の代わりに秘書がお相手を。" "美山です。" "実はテニスの経験は…。" "(鵜飼)手加減はいらん!若いもんにはまだまだ負けん!" "さあいくぞ!おう!おう!" "(鵜飼)おおお…。" "(記者)来た!" "(警官)止まってください!" "(警官)待ちなさい!" "(キャスター)鵜飼総理が運ばれていきます! "パニックになっています!"

"総理大丈夫ですか!?総理!" "(キャスター)総理!" "何かひと言お願いします!" "(秘書官)ギックリ腰です!ただのギックリ腰ですから!" "(キャスター)今救急車に乗せられました!" "(キャスター)病院に運ばれていくもようです。" "(キャスター)鵜飼総理はギックリ腰という情報ですが "救急車で運ばれるほど重病なんでしょうか?" "すいません!優しく打ったつもりなんですけど。" "(小野田)だからゴルフにしときゃよかったんだよ。" "(店員)お待たせいたしました。" "(理香)どうも。" " "(店員たち)ありがとうございます。" "(理香)あっ。おはようございます。総務会長秘書の美山でございます。" "はい美山です。 "時間変更?" "政府与党連絡会議の? "ちょっと待ってください。" "今手帳を。 "お待たせしました。" "10時改め13時で。 "はい。" "場所の変更ありませんね? "11時半に取りに行きます。そう。カツサンドとシーフードサラダ。 "でもタコは抜いて。" "先生がお嫌いなの。 "そのかわりエビを多めに。" "確認してください。 "タコを抜いてエビを多めに。" "先週お願いしたときは "エビを抜いてタコを増やしてたでしょ? "あんな間違い二度としな…。あっ!待って。乗ります。 "ああすいませーん。" "おはようございます。 "もしもし。" "いやですからタコを…。" "すいません。" "再来週ですね。 "ええー木曜でしたら。"

A10 字幕插件使用手册

AVXA10字幕插件用户使用手册 新奥特(北京)视频技术有限公司

目录 A VXA10字幕插件用户使用手册 (1) 第一章A VX字幕插件启用和设置 (3) 第一节字幕插件启用和退出 (3) 一、字幕插件启用 (3) 二、字幕插件退出 (6) 第二节字幕插件设置 (6) 第二章A VX字幕制作 (8) 第一节制作唱词字幕 (8) 一、制作唱词 (8) 二、录制唱词 (18) 三、修改唱词 (21) 第二节制作滚屏字幕 (23) 一、上滚滚屏 (23) 二、滚屏修改 (33)

第一章 AVX 字幕插件启用和设置 第一节 字幕插件启用和退出 一、 字幕插件启用 1.启动MC 软件,打开需要添加字幕的工程(Project )。 2.在节目序列(Sequence )最上层创建新的视频轨。 3.根据字幕时长,在新建视频轨上添加两个编辑点(建议:单段唱词字幕时长不要超过5分钟,以免造成唱词临时文件太多,响应变慢)。 4.在MC 特技面板中选择A VX2NewautoCG 特技,选择“song ”或“Scroll ”拖拽到新建视频轨的两个编辑点中。 2.根据字幕时长添加编辑 1.创建新视频



二、字幕插件退出 1.字幕创作完成之后,单击左上角菜单栏“文件”菜单 2.选择“完成并退出” 第二节字幕插件设置 初次使用字幕插件,要对其做一些设置: 1.选中任意A VX字幕插件创建的特技,打开MC特技编辑界面


1.Muddy Puddles 泥水坑 It is raining today. So, Peppa and George cannot play outside. 今天下雨了,所以佩奇和乔治不能去外面玩耍。 Daddy,it's stopped raining. 爸爸,雨停了。 Can we go out to play? 我们可以出去玩了吗? Alright, run along you two. 好的,你们两个一起去吧。 Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. 佩奇喜欢在泥坑里玩。 I I love muddy puddles. 我喜欢在泥坑里玩。 Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. 如果你在泥泞的水坑里跳,你必须穿上你的靴子。 Sorry, Mummy. 对不起,妈咪。 George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too. 乔治也喜欢跳在泥泞的水坑。 George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. 乔治。如果你在泥泞的水坑里跳,你必须穿上你的靴子。 Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George. 佩奇喜欢照顾她的弟弟,乔治。 George, let's find some more puddles. 乔治,让我们找到一些更多的水坑。 Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. 佩奇和乔治玩得很开心。 Peppa has found a little puddle. George has found a big puddle. 佩奇发现一个小水坑。乔治发现了一个大水坑。 Look, George. There's a really big puddle. 你看,乔治。有一个真正的大水坑。 George wants to jump into the big puddle first. 乔治希望第一个跳大水坑。 Stop, George. I must check if it's safe for you. Good. It is safe for you. 停止,乔治。我必须检查一下这个对你来说是不是安全的。很好。它很安全。Sorry, George. It's only mud. 对不起,乔治。那只是泥而已。 Peppa and George love jumping in muddy puddles. 佩奇和乔治很爱在泥泞的水坑里跳。 Come on, George. Let's go and show Daddy! Goodness me.


Over one third of our planet is frozen, and yet, the icy worlds of the Arctic and Antarctic are as alien to most of us as the surface of another planet. 我们星球的三分之一是冰冻的,然而,南极和北极的冰冷世界对我们大多数人来说非常陌生,就像另一个星球一样。 There are places of superlatives. From ice caps that hold nearly eighty percent of our planet's fresh water to frozen forests that encircle the entire globe. 这里是最高级的地方。从持有近百分之八十我们星球的淡水的冰帽到环抱整个星球的冰冻森林,这里应有尽有。 These are places that feed our imaginations, places that seem to be borrowed from fairy tales. They're dominated and shaped by the ice, both by its coming and by its going. 这些地方让我们的想象力天马行空,这些地方又好像来自童话故事中。一切都被奇形怪状难以捉摸,来无影去无踪的冰所统治着。 This is our planet's last true wilderness and one that is changing just as we're beginning to understand it. 这是我们星球上的最后一片真正的荒野,改变之一就是我们开始理解它。 In this series, we'll be travelling to all parts of these lonely lands, both north and south, to witness its wonders perhaps for the last time and to discover some extraordinary examples of survival against all the odds, as can be found anywhere on the planet. 在这个系列中,我们将前往这一孤独地域的所有地方,无论是北方还是南方,带领您见证也许是最后一次的奇迹,去发现一些异乎寻常的反对世界常理生存下来的奇迹。 The poles are permanently capped with ice. Nowhere is colder, windier or more hostile to life. 两极被永久覆盖着冰。没有不冷的地方,而在这种条件下生命很难存活 I'm standing at the north pole, the very top of the earth. Up here, is easing sea while the polar regions are so cold. The sun never rises higher enough in the sky to warm my back. And those rays do strike the surface, eventually reflected back from these white wildness. But the fundamental problem is that there's no sun here at all for half the year. 我站在地球的最顶端北极。这里是非常寒冷的极地地区。太阳永远不会天空中升起很高来使我的背保持温暖。光线只是射到地面而已,最终还会从白茫茫的荒野中反射回去。但根本的问题是,这里一年中的一半根本没有太阳。 The polar winter is unrivaled in its harshness, a night that lasts for months. Only the toughest day as temperatures plunge to minus 70 degree centigrade. And yet, the greatest challenge survive here is not the cold, but the extreme swings between the seasons. 极地冬季是无与伦比的荒芜,一个晚上就像好几个月一样。最艰难的一天气温降至零下70摄氏度。然而在这里生存的最大挑战并不是寒冷,而是极端季节之间的变化。 When the sun finally returns, an extraordinary transformation begins. This frozen world begins to


01 muddy puddIes I'm Peppa Pig. This is my Iittle brother, George.This is Mummy Pig.And this is Daddy Pig. Muddy Puddles. It is raining today. So, Peppa and George Cannot play outside. Daddy, it's stopped raining. Can we go out to play? Alright, run along you two. Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles. I love muddy puddles. Peppa. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. Sorry, Mummy. George likes to jump in muddy puddles, too. George. If you jump in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots. Peppa likes to look after her little brother, George. George, let's find some more puddles. Peppa and George are having a lot of fun. Peppa has found a little puddle. George has found a big puddle. Look, George. There's a really big puddle. George wants to jump into the big puddle first. Stop, George. I must check if it's safe for you. Good. It is safe for you. Sorry, George. It's only mud.

小猪佩奇 第五季 第一集 英文字幕

Peppa Pig Season 5 Episode 1 Potato city Peppa and her family are going to Potato City. What is potato city mummy? It is a theme park, Peppa. Where the magic of vegetables never ends. It sounds a bit boring. It will be fun. Potato city, here we come. Here we are. The family have arrived at a field of potatoes. Is this potato city? And it looks like we pick the right day to visit. There are no crowds. Are you sure this is the right place, daddy pig? It just looks like a farmer’s field to me. Excuse me, is this potato city? No, that’s potato city. It isn’t quite what I was expecting. It is fantastic! How many tickets? Two adults and two children please, Miss Rabbit. Busy, isn’t it? Busy? No. This is quiet for Potato City. Have a lovely day! Peppa’s frien ds have come to Potato City, too. Hello, everyone! Hello, Peppa. And this is Mr. Potato himself. Welcome to Potato City, where the magic of vegetables never ends! Woo! See how vegetables grow! Learn how they keep us fit and healthy, and get shot into space by the potato rocket! Wee! Peppa and her friends are going to ride on the potato rocket. George wants to ride on the potato rocket too. Are you sure George? It looks a bit high. Daddy pig doesn’t like heights. Moo, hurry up Daddy Pig. Oh, I am not getting on. George is too small to go on his own. Oh, ok. Make it quick.


纸牌屋第一季第一集 -你干什么Hey- what are you doing? -天哪Jesus! -你看清肇事的车了吗\Did you get a good look? -只看到是辆蓝色丰田佳美lue Toyota Camry- it's all I saw- -是沃顿家的狗It's the Wharton's dog- 天哪-他撑不了多久了 Oh- man- - He's not gonna make it- -去看看他们在不在家\Go see if they're at home- 没事了It's ok- 痛苦分两种There are two kinds of pain- 一种让你变得更强--The sort of pain that makes you strong--- 另一种毫无价值or useless pain--- 只是徒添折磨The sort of pain that's only suffering- 我对没价值的东西也没耐心\I have no patience for useless things- 这种时刻需要有人采取行动Moments like this require someone who will act--- -或做一些不好的事\or do the unpleasant thing- 但也是必要的事or the necessary thing- 好了There--- 痛苦结束了No more pain- 肇事逃逸我很遗憾It was a hit and run- I'm awfully sorry- 他肯定又自己跳出了庭院He must have jumped over the fence again- 史蒂夫会就肇事车信息报案}Look- Steve's gonna file a report on the car- 他会派下属去处理he'll put his people on it- 我们会找到那个司机的We'll track him down- 你真是光彩照人You're stunning- 我们走吧Shall we? 三---二---一---\Three two---one--- 新年快乐Happy New Year! -当选总统加勒特·沃克-Oh- President elected Garrett Walker- -我喜欢他吗不-Do I like him? No- 我信任他吗这不是重点-Do I believe in him? That's beside the point- 任何一个能获得七千万选票的政客Any politician that gets -- million votes -他所象征的含义早已超过了自身-has tapped into something larger than himself- -当然也超过了我尽管我不愿意承认-larger than even me as much as I hate to admit it- -看那胜者的笑脸那些信任的眼神-Look at that winning smile- those trusting eyes- -我一早便抓住了他并扮演了重要角色-I clung to him early on- and made myself vital- -在国会待了--年-After -- years in congress -我能嗅到风头的走向-I can smell which way the wind is going- -吉姆·马修斯尊敬的副总统阁下-Jim Matthews- his right honorably Vice-President- -前宾夕法尼亚州州长-Former Governor of Pennsylvania-


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最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 从饮食的角度看中西文化差异 2 哈代的女性观在苔丝中的反映 3 试论《出狱》中“房子”的意象 4 《藻海无边》中安托瓦内特的身份认同困惑 5 浅论英文原声电影在英语教学中的应用 6 《女勇士》的后殖民女性主义解读 7 谈商务英语中的缩略语现象 8 中学生英语自主学习能力的培养 9 美国校园俚语发展的促动因素看美国的自由精神 10 从词汇对等角度看《红楼梦》中“笑”一词的英译 11 中美家庭教育文化对比及其根源分析 12 广告英语中委婉语的语用研究 13 英语语言中的性别歧视 14 谈英语中的性别差异及其文化内涵 15 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 805 990 74 9 16 Women’s Roles in the Family Based on the Bible 17 文化意识与语言教学 18 《嘉莉妹妹》中男女主人公命运的对比分析 19 Key Factors to Cause the Tragedy of Mariam 20 情景教学法在大学新生英语口语教学课堂中的实施 21 The Tragic Color of Tender Is the Night 22 言语行为理论视角下的商务索赔信函话语分析 23 从《嘉莉妹妹》看本性与理性的斗争 24 On China English as A Localized Variety of English and its Implications for ELT 25 论《弗兰肯斯坦》的叙事技巧 26 论委婉语与国际商务谈判 27 功能翻译理论关照下的新闻英语标题翻译 28 从文化差异角度研究英文新闻标题翻译的策略 29 汉语亲属称谓语的文化内涵及翻译方法 30 Unavoidable Tragedy –A Case Study of Tess of the d’Urbervilles 31 电影名称的翻译特点 32 论《双城记》中卡登形象的塑造及其意义 33 英语专业学生英语口语学习动机调查研究 34 简析商务沟通中的非语言沟通 35 相同的追求,不同的命运——《红楼梦》中的林黛玉和《傲慢与偏见》中的伊丽莎白比较 36 中西方跨文化商务活动中礼貌的语义差别 37 从建立商务关系的角度对比中美商务礼仪 38 《女勇士》中的华裔女性形象浅析 39 中美脱口秀会话分析对比研究(开题报告+论) 40 Reconstructed Motherhood in Beloved 41 礼貌用语中的语用失误


The last hidden world China 最后的隐世净土中国 For centuries, travellers to China have told tales of magical landscapes 数世纪来旅人传诵着关于这片神奇土地 and surprising creatures 以及那些神奇生物的传说 Chinese civilization is the world's oldest 中国文明是世界最古老的文明 and today it's largest 而如今是最宏博的 with well over a billion people 那数十亿的人民 It's home to more than 50 distinct ethnic groups 现存超过五十个民族 and a wide range of traditional life styles 以及各式各样贴近自然的 often inclose partnership with nature 传统生活方式 We know that China faces immense social and environmental problems 我们都知道中国面对着着众多社会环境问题 but there is great beauty here too 但这里也存在着令人窒息的美丽 China is home to the world's highest mountains, 中国有着世界最高峰 vast deserts ranging from from searing hot 从无垠的炙热沙漠 to mind numbing cold 到麻木大脑的寒冷地带 steaming forests 以及那蒸笼般的森林中 harboring rare creatures 隐匿的各种珍稀生物 grassy plains beneath vast horizons 天际下广阔无垠的草原 and rich tropical seas 以及富饶的热带海洋 Now, for the first time ever 现在我们第一次有机会 we can explore the whole of this great country 深入探索这片伟大的土地 meet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live here 接触栖息于此的珍奇生物 and consider the relationship of the people and wildlife of China 目睹中国这片神奇土地上 to the remarkable landscaping which they live 人与野生世界的羁绊 This is wild China 这就是最原味的中国 Our exploration of China begins in the warm subtropical south 我们的中国探索之旅始于南方的亚热带 On the Li River fishermen and birds perch on bamboo rafts 漓江的渔人和鱼鸟栖坐在竹筏上 a partnership that goes back more than a thousand years 这个组合已延续千年之久 This scenery is known throughout the world 这景致已为世人所熟悉 a recurring motif in Chinese paintings 那是中国水墨永恒的主题 and a major tourist attraction 和旅人永远的胜地 The south of China is a vast area 中国南部是片有英国国土 eight times larger than the UK 九倍之大的广阔土地 It's a landscape of hills 这里 but also of water 是山雨的国度 It rains here for up to 250 days a year 这里一年之中有250天在降雨 and standing water is everywhere 到处都是积水 In a floodplain of the Yangtse River 在扬子江的涝原 black-tailed godwits probe the mud in search of worms 黑尾鹬在泥泞中寻索着虫子 But it isn't just wildlife that thrive in this environment 并非只有野生动物在这样的环境下茁壮成长 the swampy ground provides ideal conditions for the remarkable member of the grass family 沼泽般湿润肥沃的土地为作物家族最显著的成员提供了最理想的环境 rice 这就是稻米 The Chinese have been cultivating rice for at least 8 thousand years 中国有着至少8000年的稻米种植史 It has transformed the landscape 他们改变了这块土地 1


你想他们有昨天的《每日新闻报》吗 Do you think they have yesterday's Daily News? 干吗 Why? 我只想看看我的星座占卜准不准 I just wanna check my horoscope, see if it was right. 天啊菲比别看你背后有个男的 Oh,my God! Don't look now. Behind you there's a guy... 完全有可能让咱俩心碎欲绝痛不欲生 ...who can break our hearts and plunge us into depression. 哪呢 Where? 到妈妈这来吧 Come to mama. 他来了冷静淡定淡定 He's coming. Be cool. Be cool. Be cool. -帽子不错 -谢谢 - Nice hat. - Thanks. 咱们得做点什么吹口哨 We should do something. Whistle. 不能吹口哨 I'm not whistling. -来吧吹吧 -不 - Come on, do it! - No.

吹吹吹 Do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. 我不敢相信你居然这么干了 I can't believe you did that. 我为什么要喊"呜哇哦"啊 Why did I whoo- hoo? 难道我期望他回过头来然后说 Was I hoping he'd turn around and say... "我喜欢那声音我现在就要你" ..."I love that sound. I must have you now"? 我只希望我们能帮上一点忙 I wish there was something we could do. 你好 Hello. 你好昏迷的帅哥 Hello, coma guy. 起来你个美女杀手起来起来 Get up, you Girl Scout! Up,up,up! 菲比你在干什么 Phoebe, what are you doing? 也许没人试过这个方法 Maybe nobody's tried this. 希望至少能知道他的名字 I wish we at least knew his name.

绝望主妇 第一季第一集 字幕

My name is Mary Alice Young. 我是Mary Alice Young. When you read this morning's paper, you may come across an article 当你浏览今天的晨报,可能会读到一篇文章 about the unusual day I had last week. 关于上个星期我所渡过的不平常的一天. Normally, there's never anything newsworthy about my life, 通常,我的生活里是没有什么有新闻报道价值的, but that all changed last thursday. 但是上个星期四一切都了. Of course, everything seemed quite normal at first. 当然,起初,一切看起来都很平常. I made breakfast for my family. 我给一家人做好早餐. I performed my chores. 做家务. I completed my projects. 完成我的手工作品. I ran my errands. 完成我的使命. In truth, I spent the day as I spent every other day 事实上, 和平时没什么不同-- quietly polishing the routine of my life until it gleamed with perfection. 一切都和往常一样,直到一件不寻常的事情的发生. That's why it was so astonishing when I decided to go to my hallway closet 这就是为什么一切令人震惊,当我决定走向走廊的壁橱, and retrieve a revolver that had never been used. 拿起一把从没用过的左轮手枪. My body was discovered by my neighbor mrs. Martha Huber, 我的尸体是被我的邻居Martha Huber发现的, who had been startled by a strange popping sound. 她被一声奇怪的声音吓了一跳. Her curiosity aroused, 她觉得很好奇, mrs. Huber tried to think of a reason for dropping in on me unannounced. Huber太太想了一个来不请自来的理由. After some initial hesitation, 在犹豫了一会之后, she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me six months before. 她决定来归还她6个月前从我这里借去搅拌器. It's my neighbor. I think she's been shot. 我的邻居,我觉得她被枪击了. There's blood everywhere. 到处都是血. Yes. You've got to send an ambulance. You've got to send one right now.是的,赶紧派救护车,叫救护车. And for a moment, 过了一会之后, mrs. Huber stood motionless in her kitchen, Huber太太呆呆地站在厨房里, grief-stricken by this senseless tragedy...


THE BIG BANG THEORY S02E07 —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— -Sheldon: -Leonard: -Howard: -Penny: -Raj: 1 00:00:08,700 --> 00:00:09,830 时间到 Time! 2 00:00:09,900 --> 00:00:11,900 好的克林贡迷们放下铅笔 All right, Klingons, pencils down. 3 00:00:13,960 --> 00:00:15,960 好的我这有 "pokh"[星际迷航里的克林贡语] Okay, I have "pokh."

4 00:00:16,030 --> 00:00:17,630有了有了 Have it. Got it. 5 00:00:17,700 --> 00:00:18,630 "Potl" "Potl." 6 00:00:18,700 --> 00:00:19,900有了有了 Yup. Have it. Have it. 7 00:00:19,960 --> 00:00:20,900 "Pukhpa" "Pukhpa." 8

00:00:20,960 --> 00:00:22,230有了有了 Have it. Got it. Yup. 9 00:00:22,300 --> 00:00:23,230我有"chorrr" I have "chorrr." 10 00:00:23,300 --> 00:00:24,130有了 Got it. Yup. 11 00:00:24,200 --> 00:00:25,330 -"Nekhmakh" -有了-"Nekhmakh." -Yeah. Yeah. 12 00:00:25,400 --> 00:00:26,760

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