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2020-2021学年沪教牛津版(深圳用)五年级英语第一学期期末测试卷 及答案

2020-2021学年沪教牛津版(深圳用)五年级英语第一学期期末测试卷 及答案
2020-2021学年沪教牛津版(深圳用)五年级英语第一学期期末测试卷 及答案






()()()()() 三、听录音,选择正确的答句。(10分)

()1. A. Yes, he is. B. Paul is collecting shells.

()2. A. Walk straight and then turn right. B. I want to see monkeys.

()3. A. Excuse me. B. You're welcome.

()4. A. We mustn't play with matches! B. Fire can burn down a lot of trees. ()5. A. I'm in the bathroom. B. I like playing volleyball.


My mother works in a 1. ____________ shop. She usually goes to work by 2. ____________. She gets off at Spring Street 3. ____________and then she 4. ____________ to the flower shop. My mother is 5. ____________ late for work.



1. 2. 3.

__________ __________ __________

4. 5.

__________ __________


on with about to by

1. The Browns are ________ holiday in Beijing.

2. What do you know ________ water?

3. We must be careful ________ fire.

4. My mother uses water ________ wash clothes.

5. I go home ________ bike.


1. My sister is good at ________(sing).

2. Please be ________(care), or you will hurt yourself.

3. The flowers are dancing in the wind ________(soft).

4. —What are you doing?

—I'm ________(cut)some paper.

5. —What do you know about school rules?

—We must ________(go) to school on time.


()1. Peter is ________ the sunshine.

A. enjoy

B. enjoys

C. enjoying

()2. They are making ________ model planes.

A. their

B. they

C. them

()3. We mustn't ________ in the forest.

A. smokes

B. smoking

C. smoke

()4. Water ________ from the sea.

A. coming

B. come

C. comes

()5. We use water to________ our hands.

A. wash

B. washes

C. washing

()6. —________ does Jack go to the park?

—By taxi.

A. What

B. How

C. When

()7. My father and mother ________ like watching TV.

A. are

B. all

C. both

()8. Look! Paul ________ shells.

A. collect

B. collects

C. is collecting

()9. Go ________ and you can see the cinema on your left.

A. along

B. straight

C. left

()10. ________ the party begin at two o'clock?

A. What time

B. Does

C. Do


1. I'm flying a kite. (改为否定句)

___________________________________________________________________ 2. Paul is collecting shells. (改为一般疑问句)

___________________________________________________________________ 3. My birthday is on 3rd May. (对画线部分提问)


4. I'm in the living room. (对画线部分提问)

___________________________________________________________________ 5. I'm playing table tennis. (对画线部分提问)

___________________________________________________________________ 十、阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)

It is three o'clock in the afternoon now. Classes are over. Some students are drawing pictures and some students are reading magazines. Some students are playing football in the playground. My friends are playing in the classroom. Joe and Peter are playing chess. They can play very well. Alice is playing cards with Kitty and Jill. Billy and Mark are not in the classroom. They are in the library. Perhaps they are cleaning the library.

1. Some students are flying kites in the playground. ()

2. Joe is playing chess with Peter. ()

3. Kitty and Jill are playing cards. ()

4. Billy and Alice are cleaning the library. ()

5. Mark is in the classroom. ()


It's nine o'clock in the evening. The family are at home. Jim's father is sitting in a chair. He's watching TV. His mother is standing near the window. She's giving some food(喂食) to the bird, Polly. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks!” Where's Jim? Oh, he's behind the door. Kate is looking for him. They are playing games. There is no homework on Sunday evening.

()1. There are ________ people in the family.

A. three

B. four

C. five

()2. Who is watching TV in a chair?

A. Jim.

B. Jim's mother.

C. Jim's father.

()3. Jim and Kate are ________.

A. good friends

B. two girls

C. brother and sister ()4. The children are ________.

A. playing games

B. watching TV

C. doing the housework

()5. What's Kate doing?

A. She's doing her homework.

B. She's looking for Jim.

C. She's washing clothes.


你去过你朋友的生日聚会吗?根据以下提示写几句话描述一下。题目为“My friend's birthday party”。

1. Who is your friend?

2. How old is he/she?

3. When is your friend's birthday?

4. What do you have for him/her?

5. Do you have a good time?

_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 附加测试



1. —Is Peter reading a book? — No, he isn't.

2. —What do you know about fire safety?—We mustn't play with matches.


Today is Sunday. The wind is blowing gently. My parents and I go to the park. The park is far from my home. We walk along Winter Street and turn left at Spring Street. In the park, my parents and I fly kites together. We all have a good time.


一、1. on the beach

2. cook dinner

3. brush my teeth

4. make a phone call

5. in the bedroom

二、1. Turn left at Spring Street.

2. She is writing emails to her grandparents.

3. They are seeing the pandas.

4. The fireman uses water to put out the fire.

5. The wind is blowing strongly.

三、1. Is Paul collecting shells?

2. How do I get to the cinema?

3. Thank you very much.

4. What mustn't we do at home?

5. Where are you?

四、My mother works in a flower shop. She usually goes to work by

underground. She gets off at Spring Street Station and then she walks to the flower shop. My mother is never late for work.


一、1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B

二、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F

三、1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. A

四、1. flower 2. underground 3. Station 4. walks 5. never

五、1. cook food

2. make phone calls

3. help old people cross the street

4. carry a heavy bag

5. fly a plane

六、1. on 2. about 3. with 4. to 5. by

七、1. singing 2. careful

3. softly

4. cutting

5. go

八、1. C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B7. C 8. C9. B10. B

九、1. I am not flying a kite.

2. Is Paul collecting shells?

3. When is your birthday?

4. Where are you?

5. What are you doing?

十、1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F

十一、1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B


My friend's birthday party

Today is my friend Sally's birthday. She has a birthday party at two o'clock this afternoon. She is ten years old. She has a big birthday cake for us. I bring some beautiful flowers to her. And I give her a red cap. Red is her favourite colour. We have a good time.





5、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。Thursday, October 8, 2020October 20Thursday, October 8, 202010/8/2020



8、有花堪折直须折,莫待无花空折枝。09:2209:22:1310.8.2020Thursday, October 8, 2020 亲爱的读者: 春去燕归来,新桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉人芬芳的季节,愿你生活像春天一样阳光,心情像桃花一样美丽,感谢你的阅读。

牛津深圳版小学英语一年级上 1A教案完整版

—-可编辑修改,可打印—— 别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务—— 全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式

一年级英语教案设计2012-2013年度第一学期 设计: 李爽 内容:牛津英语一年级上册 班级: 一年级(3、4、5)班

一年级(3、4、5)班英语教学工作计划 2012-2013学年度第一学期李爽 本人这学期担任一年级(3、4、5)班的英语教学工作。为了更好的完成本学期的教学任务和提高学生的学习效率,制定以下教学计划。 一、学生基本情况分析 一年级新生,面临着学习习惯,生活习惯的培养,学生的能力也各不相同,有的上过幼儿园,有的没有接受过任何教育,这给教学带来了很大难度。新教材难度大,对学生要求高,听说读写都要掌握,家长要重视和配合,共同努力培养学生的良好的学习习惯和方法。 二、教学要求 本学期使用的教材是新教材,本套教材根据牛津英语教材New English First! , New On Target! 和New Oxford English, 由上海市中小学(幼儿园)课程改革委员会和牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司合作改编、为了使教材更加的适合深圳学生的实际情况,又由深圳市教育科学研究院对现行英语教材(牛津上海版)进行适当改编。教材提供两本书,一本学生用书和一本活动手册。本教材一共有4个模块,每个模块包括三个学习单元和一个复习单元。每一单元分Let's act. Let's talk. Let'slearn . Let'act . Let's play. Let's enjoy六个版块。整本书教学内容与学生生活紧密联系,围绕“文具,身体部位,家庭,数字,动物,颜色,食物”几个话题,学习简单的交际用语。每一单元穿插字母音和形的学习。本学期要求学生掌握的基础知识有: 1、学会问候语,自我介绍; 2、部分文具得名称; 3、学会身体部位名称; 4、学会介绍自己的家人和朋友; 5、学会10以内的数字和简单的水果名称; 6、学会几种食物的名称动物的名称; 7、学会问颜色; 8、学会简单的祈使句; 9、学会用what's this?问话。 三、学期教学总目标:1 激发小朋友学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,并具有一定的语音、语调,及良好的学习习惯和英语交际的能力,为以后学习打下良好的基础。2 能听懂、理解Let's act.中的句子,并能根据指令,做出动作反应。3能说Let's talk中的句子,能在情景中进行简单的交流.4.能认读Let's learn中的单词.5 能做一些英语小游戏。6 能唱Let's enjoy中的歌谣和小诗,理解小故事。 四、具体措施 为了能够更有效的完成以上的教学任务,并给学生打下坚实的英语基础,现制定以下几项措施:1. 对于单词,要求学生起码做到听、读过关,然后就是写和运用于句型当中。主要通过单词游戏来检测。 2. 关于句型,要求他们熟练掌握书上的句式和句子并作简单的运用;对于基础较好的学生要求他们能够灵活运用。主要通过短剧表演的形式来提高他们对于运用英语和他人沟通的兴趣与信心。 3. 因为新教材更贴近学生的真实生活,应多鼓励他们在日常生活中运用学过的知识和他们的朋友、家长进行沟通。


百度文库- 让每个人平等地提升自我 广州八年级英语(上册)主要知识点Unit 1 Newspapers phrases and expressions Take charge of 主管,掌管 V ote for …投赞成票 Take note 记录 Be responsible for 负责,有责任 Talk ....over 详谈 Make a list of .....把…列成清单 Be free for (someone) 对(某人)免费Pay....for 付费 Make a decision about.... 对…作出决定 In one week's time 一周后 A copy of 一份 For free 免费From the air 从空中 Of one's own 某人自己的 Have the habit of.... 有…的习惯 Try one's best 尽力 Try to (do something) 尽力(做某事)Try doing something 尝试做某事Believe in oneself 相信自己 Once a week 每周一次 Be pleased with.... 对…满意 Keep fit 保持健康 Have a high fever 发高烧 At break 课间休息 Not at all 一点也不,完全不 Get on well 相处得好 For this reason 因为这样 2.语法language: should and ought to (positive) should not and ought not to (negative) 3.辨析 3.1Other, the other, another (1) Other 表示泛指,没有特定的范围。 . Lei Feng always helped other people. (2) The other 意为“另一个”,一般用于两者之间。其句型为:one...the other...(一个…另一个…) . The old man has two sons. One is a soldier, the other is a worker. (3) another 表示三者或者三者以上的其他任何一个。意为“再一;又一”。 . Would you like another cup of tea? 注意:the other 和other 后均可加名词,但是意思有所不同,“the other+名词”表示一定范围内出一部分外其余的全部,而"other+名词"表示出去部分以后的另一些,但不是剩下的全部。 S pend, cost, take, pay “花费” A. spend 主语必须为人,常用于一下结构: (1) spend time/money on sth. 在某物上花费时间、金钱。 . I spend two hours on this maths problem.


语法填空专项训练(一) 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。 A There are many festivals in China. We celebrate (庆祝)different festivals (1)______ different ways. Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for (2) ______ (family) to get together. On that evening, (3) ______ Moon is round and bright. Family members get home at this festival (4) ______ they eat mooncakes in the open air. They also enjoy (5) ______ (stay) and talking with each other. Dragon Boat Festival is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar (农历)month. There (6) ______ (be) boat races (竞赛)in rivers and lakes in many places of China. Every boat just (7) ______ (look) like a dragon on the water. Qing Ming Festival is a day for people (8) ______ (remember) their dead relatives. It is often a (9) ______ (rain) day. People often go to the graves (坟墓)and put food and flowers there. Chong Yang Festival is a festival for old people. At this festival, people go home for the old. They give old people presents and best wishes. It’s also a time for (10) ______ (climb). : B Your junior high school years are coming to (1) ______ end. After the big exam, most of you will go to a senior high school soon. (2) ______ are you expecting (期待)from senior high school Every student (3) ______ (have) different ideas. Let’s see the plans some students are going (4) ______ (take) for the future. Zhou Jie, 15, from Shanghai: I have heard that although (尽管)student in senior high school are busy with their lessons, I hope there will be time (5) ______ (enjoy) sports, especially (尤其)tennis. There (6) ______ (be) a chess match in Shanghai and I’m going to help out and I’m sure I’l l (7) ______ (real) enjoy it. Jin Li, 16, from Harbin: 1 really enjoy science. I’m crazy about (8)______ (make) model planes, although Tm not good (9) ______ it. I’ll learn more science in senior high school. Wang Ya, 15, from Xiamen: Becoming a tall man is always one of my (10) ______ (dream), so I hope I can be taller in senior high school. C Clothes are important in our life. Different people wear different clothes. Now l et’s listen to some (1) ______ (people) ideas. ~


初二(8上)英语语音过关 Unit1 Encyclopaedias 词汇学习四会要求:理解并重复运用是成功记忆之母 ①○会认读:最初新词可通过音标或老师或设备领读模仿熟练直至一看词形便能立刻反射出声音 ②○懂意思:知道中文意思及词性 ③○活运用:结合课本原句或文段去记它的中文意思和用法 ④○能拼写:注意单词中有哪些元音字母或元音字母组合 结合自然拼音法知道对应的字母或组合发什么音在练习和阅读的句子中不断扩充积累新词汇、短语及语法(平时尽力去尝试运用新学的词汇,定期回顾朗读所做的练习、课文、笔记) 词形词性读音中文意思基本用法课本原句(组词造句)****(读准音) (句)(字母&组合)(文句)(巩固记忆)(巩固记忆)(巩固记忆)词形词性音标中文意思遮掩默写3次遮掩默写2次遮掩默写1次 1 encyclopaedia n. [?n?sa?kl??pid??]百科全书 2 human adj [?hjum?n]人的 3 dinosaur n.['da?n?s??]恐龙 4 Italian n.[?'t?lj?n]意大利人 5 inventor n.[?n?vent?(r)]发明家 6 musician n.[mju?z???n]音乐家 7 scientist n. [?sa??nt?st]科学家;科学工作者 8 born v. [b?:rn]出生;诞生; 9 countryside n. [?k?ntri?sa?d]乡村\农村郊野 0 intelligence n. [?n?t?l?d??ns]智力;聪颖;情报; 1 artistic adj [ɑr?t?st?k]艺术的;有美感的 2 ability n. [??b?l?ti]能力,才能 3 perhaps adv. [p??h?ps]或许;(表示不确定)可能,大概 4 invention n. [?n?v?n??n]发明 5 notebook n. [?not?b?k]笔记本 6 include v [?n?klud]包括;包含;计入;包住 7 even adv. [?iv?n]甚至 8 however adv. [ha??ev?]不管到什么程度;无论如何;然而;可是 9 suddenly adv. [?s?dn:l?]意外地,忽然地 0 nobody pron. [?no?bɑdi, -?b?di, -b?di]没有人,无人 1 fossil n. [?fɑs?l]化石 2 win v [w?n](在…中)获胜,赢;战胜(对手 3 dollar n [?dɑl?]美元 in the countryside 在乡村,在农村human being 人die out 灭绝,消失find out 了解,弄清 go for a walk 去散步from an early age从很小的时候artistic ability艺术能力grow older变老 *学习、复习痕迹(备忘) 复习第1次:___月___号星期__ time:______________ 大致时长:_____分钟 加强预定时间:___月___号星期__ time: 复习第2次:___月___号星期__ time:______________ 大致时长:_____分钟 加强预定时间:___月___号星期__ time:______________ 复习第3次:___月___号星期__ time:______________ 大致时长:_____分钟 复习第4次:___月___号星期__ time:______________ 复习第5次:___月___号星期__ time:______________ 复习第6次:___月___号星期__ time:______________


7B Unit 7 Poems 重点单词: Poem n.诗ordinary adj.平凡的,普通的feeling 感觉,情感order 命令,订购advice(不可数n.) 劝告,建议aloud 副词出高声地group 集体名词:群,组crow n. 集体名词人群;v.聚集,挤满 agree 同意disagree 不同意complete 完成 well n.井,adv.很好地shower淋浴narrow n.海峡,adj.狭窄的height n.高度high adj.高的superman 超人 Seller售货员smile 微笑rush充进 常考短语: (not) at all 一点也(不),完全也(不)(放在句末或者在否定词后) (be)worried about 为···担忧 rush out 冲出去 a crowd of 一群be crowded with 挤满; 经典句型: 1.It is ```to do``` 2````too```to 太···(以致于)不能·· 详细讲解: 1.read a poem aloud in a group. aloud 副词出声地,高声地 注意:强调出声时,与“read、speak、thing”等连用;Please read the text aloud。 强调大声时,与“cry、laugh、shout、call”连用。The boy is crying aloud。 2.agree page88: agree to 同意··意见to 后加计划、建议、安排、 决定等 Do you agree to that plan? agree with 同意某人(说的话)with 后加人I agree with you in all your views. agree on (两人以上)取得 一致意见主语一般为复数,宾语只 能是表示某件事、计划 We agreed on a price for the car. 3.Pomes can tell stories. 诗歌可以讲故事page88 Tell 后面常跟双宾语,有tell sb.sth.或者tell sth. to sb 告诉某人某事 Tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人做某事否定形式是:Tell sb. not to do sth.告诉某人不要做某事tell 告诉,后接双宾语My grandma often tells stories to us。 say 强调说的内容Can you say the word in English。 speak 及物v.:说某种语言Can you speak English? 不及物v.:说话的能力He wanted to speak to me. talk 不及物v.交谈,谈话Who are you talking to?


班级____________ 姓名_____________ 座号_____________ 牛津深圳版小学英语一年级下册单元测试卷 Unit 1 Look and see 听力部分(40%) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(12分) 1.()A.one B.two C.three 2.()A.four B.five C.six 3.()A.seven B.eight C.nine 4.()A.ten B.green C.see 5.()A.what B.colour C.look 6.()A.it B.is C.a 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(8分) ()()()() 三、判断图片与录音内容是否相符,用“T”或“F”表示。(8分) ()()()() 四、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(8分)

1.()A.What colour is it?B.What do you see? 2.()A.I am a frog.B.It's a frog. 3.()A.It's a tiger.B.It's a rabbit. 4.()A.It's a bear. B.It's a panda. 五、听句子,选答语。(4分) 1.()A.I see a frog.B.It's green. 2.()A.I see a rabbit. B.It's white. 笔试部分(60%) 一、看图,选词,填字母编号。(16分) A.bear B.rabbit C.bird D.panda E.frog F.bee G.monkey H.tiger ()()()() ()()()()二、找出不同类的一项。(10分)


八年级上册英语知识点总结全册(广州地区) Unit 1 Encyclopedias (4) ?单词 (4) ?短语 (5) ?重点句型 (5) ?课文翻译 (6) ?知识点解析 (7) ?习题 (13) Unit 2 Numbers (16) ?单词 (16) ?短语 (17) ?重点句型 (18) ?课文翻译 (18) ?知识点解析 (19) ?习题 (36) Unit 3 Computers (38) ?单词 (38) ?短语 (39) ?重点句型 (39) ?课文翻译 (40) ?知识点解析 (41) ?习题 (48) Unit4 Inventions (51) ?单词 (51) ?短语 (52) ?重点句型 (53) ?课文翻译 (53) ?知识点解析 (54)

?习题 (58) Unit5 Educational exchange (61) ?单词 (61) ?短语 (62) ?重点句型 (62) ?课文翻译 (63) ?知识点解析 (64) ?习题 (73) Unit 6 Ancient stories (75) ?单词 (75) ?短语 (77) ?重点句型 (77) ?课文翻译 (78) ?知识点解析 (79) ?习题 (85) Unit 7 Memory (90) ?单词 (90) ?短语 (91) ?重点句型 (91) ?课文翻译 (92) ?知识点解析 (93) ?习题 (99) Unit 8 English Week (104) ?单词 (104) ?短语 (105) ?重点句型 (105) ?课文翻译 (106) ?知识点解析 (107) ?习题 (112)


词汇专项训练(一) I 词汇测试 i)从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ()1.— It will probably rain. Look, there are dark clouds in the sky. —Then let’s go home quickly. I am afraid we will get wet. A. finally B. possibly C. completely ()2. — How cheerful you are! Is there any good news? —Yes. We are going to have a school trip next Saturday. A. happy B. sad C. friendly ()3. — What a smart dog! It follows you everywhere. —Yes. It can also find the way home alone. A. weak B. strong C. clever ()4. — Oh, I forget to take the umbrella. Now it is raining heavily. —Don’t worry. I think it will stop soon. A. don’t remember B. don’t plan C don’t want ()5.. — I think our friendship will remain forever. —Yes, it will. A. work B. last C. finish ()6. — I am going to go on holiday. Would you like to go with me? —Yes, Td love to. I also want to make myself relaxed. A. take a trip B. go to bed C. take a photo ()7. — Can you go to school by yourself, Lily? —Yes, I can. A. in fact B. without help C. on your own ()8. — Nancy comes from England, right? —No. She is an American. A. is away B. lives in C. is from ii)根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项选出当的词语完成句子。 ()9. To _________ something with a person is to talk about something with him or her. A. discuss B. play C. hear ()10. If you complete the work_________, you finish the work at last. A. successfully B. finally C. happily ()11. — The plane takes off at ten in the morning, so I have to arrive at the_________ at eight. —I see. Have a good time in Beijing. A. airport B. station C. garden ()12. — What does the word_________?


沪教版七年级上单词表 Unit 1 German adj. 德国的 blog n. 博客 grammar n.语法 sound n. 声音 complete v. 完成 hobby n. 爱好 country n. 国家 age n. 年龄 dream n.梦想 everyone pron. 人人;所有人Germany n. 德国 mountain n. 山;山脉 elder adj. 年长的 friendly adj. 友爱的;友好的engineer n.工程师 world n. 世界 Japan n. 日本 flat n. 公寓 yourself pron.你自己 US n. 美国 close to (在空间、时间上)接近go to school 去上学 (be) good at 擅长 make friends with 与......交朋友 all over 遍及 ’d like to = would like to 愿意 Unit2 daily adj. 每日的;日常的 article n. 文章 never adv. 从不 table tennis n.兵乓球 ride v. 骑;驾驶 usually adv. 通常地 so conj. 因此;所以 seldom adv.不常;很少Geography n. 地理 break n. 休息 bell n. 钟;铃 ring v. (使)发出钟声,响起铃声end v. 结束;终止 band n. 乐队 practice n. 练习 together adv. 在一起 market n. 集市;市场 guitar n. 吉他 grade n. 年级 junior high school 初级中学 on foot步行 take part in 参加have a good time 过得愉快 go to bed 去睡觉 get up 起床 Unit3 Earth n. 地球 quiz n. 知识竞赛;小测试 pattern n. 模式;形式 protect v.保护 report n. 报告 part n. 部分 land n. 陆地 field n.田地;田野 large adj. 大的 provide v. 提供 pollution n. 污染 burn v. 燃烧 energy n. 能量;能源 pollute v. 污染 into prep. 到......里面;进入 ground n. 地面 kill v. 杀死 must modal v. 必须 important adj. 重要的 fact n. 事实 kilometer n. 公里;千米 own adj. 自己的 catch v. 捕捉 few adj. 不多;很少 away adv. 去别处;朝另一个方向 problem n. 问题;难题 provide...with... 为......提供...... put..into.. 把......倒入...... throw away 扔掉 Unit4 Australia n. 澳大利亚 footprint n. 脚印;足迹 wet adj. 湿的 puddle n. 水坑 kick v. 踢 town n. 镇 blow v. 吹 everything pron. 所有事物;一切 trip n. 旅行 shine v. 照耀 brightly adv. 明亮地 picnic n. 野餐 dry adj. 干的;干燥的 snowy adj. 下雪多的 spend v. 花(时间);度过 relative n. 亲戚;亲属 during prep. 在......期间 grandparent n. 祖父(母);外祖 父(母) packet n. 小包装纸袋 take a trip 去旅行 go on a picnic 去野餐 make snowmen 堆雪人 fly kites 放风筝 go swimming 去旅游 have a picnic 野餐 Unit5 diary n. 日记;日记簿 space n. 太空 spaceship n. 宇宙飞船 spacesuit n. 宇航服;航天服 nervous adj. 紧张的 leave v. 离开 gravity n. 重力;地球引力 able adj. 能;能够 float v. 漂浮;浮动 tie v. 系;捆;绑 ourselves pron. 我们自己 without prep. 没有;缺乏 weak adj. 虚弱的;无力的 breathe v. 呼吸 if conj. 如果 camera n. 照相机 work v. 运转;运行 garden n.花园 rock n. 岩石 postcard n. 明信片 machine n.机器 return v. 返回 more than 多于 (be) able to 能够 have to 不得不;必须 so that 以便 take photos 拍照 as...as 像......一样;如同 that is 也就是说;即 such as 例如 Unit6 Asia n. 亚洲 guide n. 手册;指南 area n. 地域;地区 traditional adj. 传统的 modern adj. 现代的;近代的;现 代化的


—-可编辑修改,可打印— — 别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务—— 全力满足教学需求,真实规划教 学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教 学模式 小学一年级上英语词汇表 Unit1 hello 你好 hi嗨 goodbye 再见 morning 早上

afternoon中午,下午evening晚上 night深夜 nice好的 see看见 you 你 unit2 give给 me我 a 一,一个 please请 thank you 谢谢你ruler 尺子 book书 pencil 铅笔 rubber橡皮 how多么 for 为,给 unit3 this这,这个 is是, my 我的your 你的touch 摸摸not 不是face脸mouth嘴巴nose 鼻子eye 眼睛ear 耳朵cute 可爱的can会,能unit 4 I 我 you 你what什么flower花house房子sing 唱歌dance 跳舞read阅读draw画画Unit5 who 谁

she她 he他grandfather爷爷grandmother 奶奶father 父亲mother母亲 yes 是 no 不 mummy妈妈daddy爸爸 sister姐,妹brother 兄,弟baby 宝贝 finger手指 unit 6 look看 tall高的 thin 瘦的 fat肥的 short矮的classmate同学friend 朋友unit 7 how many多少one 一 two 二 three三 four 四 five 五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine 九 ten十 paper纸张 rabbit兔子 let’s 让我们 unit8 apple苹果 pear梨 peach桃子orange橘子 like喜欢 them他们(宾格)


八年级下册英语单词UNIT 1 1.募集增加 v 2.准许n 3.丧失能力的adj 4.青少年n 5.主动提出v 6.(因疾病等)受苦、受折磨v 7.严重的adj 8.使疼痛、受伤v(三种形式) 9.组织v 10.表达v 11.痛苦n 12.孤独的adj 13.友情n 14.困难n 15.愉快n 16.平静n 17.勇气n 18.情绪、心境n 19.社区n 20.需要帮助的 21.义务性工作 22.报请批准 23.因…受苦、受折磨 24.使振奋、使鼓起勇气 25.目的在于

UNIT 2 1.语言n 2.交流n 3.接受v 4.意义、意思n 5.手势n 6.信息、消息n 7.厌倦的、厌烦的adj 8.兼职的adj 9.衣着入时的adj 10.怎么了n 11.表情、神色n 12.外貌、外表n 13.印象n 14.使保持v 15.以后、后来adv 16.提醒v 17.握手v(三种形式) 18.肢体语言 19.发生 20.坐直、坐起来 21.给…留下好印象 22.提醒某人做某事

UNIT 3 1.说明n 2.描述v 3.渔民n 4.虽然、尽管conj 5.健壮的adj 6.下潜v 7.准备好adj 8.到达v 9.悬挂v(三种形式) 10.需要、依靠v 11.从事、练习v 12.图案n 13.文字、符号、角色n 14.健康n 15.幸运n 16.大小n 17.简单的adj 18.有吸引力的,迷人的adj 19.剪纸 20.到达(数量、程度) 21.动身、出发 22.起伏 23.天黑后、黄昏后 24.再也不 25.一直、始终

UNIT 4 1.动画片n 2.警告、警示n 3.符号n 4.心思、思想n 5.程序n 6.录制v 7.基本的、基础的adj 8.步骤、段n 9.友好的、和善的adj 10.显得、看来v 11.演员n 12.与…相配v 13.单独地adv 14.得分v 15.小岛n 16.暴风雨n 17.夹克衫n 18.连环漫画 19.决定、选定 20.同…比赛 21.天气预报 22.获得成功

沪教牛津版(深圳用)五年级下册英语Module 1 Changes and differences单元测试卷

Module1(Unit1-3)测试卷 听力部分(45分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( ) 1. A. umbrella B. crayon C. socks ( ) 2. A. yours B. mine C. theirs ( ) 3. A. living room B. dining room C. bedroom ( ) 4.A .changes B. move C. change ( ) 5. A .bicycle B. plane C. machine 二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子中含有的短语。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( ) 6. A full of B tidy up C. a few ( ) 7.A. all day B. every year C. in the north ( ) 8. A. wear glasses B. do exercise C. weak in ( ) 9. A. good at B. too much C. take a photo ( ) 10. A. in the future B. in the south C. in front of 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(共5小题,每小题1分) ( ) 11. A. Whose cap is this? B. Whose socks are these? C. Who is she? ( ) 12. A. Is the book hers? B. Are the socks yours? C. Is it theirs? ( ) 13. A. Why do you like our new home? B. Why do you like this dress? C. Why do wild geese change homes? ( ) 14. A. In 20 years, I will be tall and thin. B. I will be a pilot in the future. C. In 20 years, I won’t live in Beijing. ( ) 15. A. What will Alice do in the future? B. Where will Sue live? C. Will Betty have long hair in the future?


牛津深圳版小学英语一 年级上A教案完整版 Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】

一年级英语教案设计2012-2013年度第一学期 设计: 李爽 内容:牛津英语一年级上册 班级: 一年级(3、4、5)班

一年级(3、4、5)班英语教学工作计划 2012-2013学年度第一学期李爽 本人这学期担任一年级(3、4、5)班的英语教学工作。为了更好的完成本学期的教学任务和提高学生的学习效率,制定以下教学计划。 一、学生基本情况分析 一年级新生,面临着学习习惯,生活习惯的培养,学生的能力也各不相同,有的上过幼儿园,有的没有接受过任何教育,这给教学带来了很大难度。新教材难度大,对学生要求高,听说读写都要掌握,家长要重视和配合,共同努力培养学生的良好的学习习惯和方法。 二、教学要求 本学期使用的教材是新教材,本套教材根据牛津英语教材New English First! , New On Target! 和 New Oxford English, 由上海市中小学(幼儿园)课程改革委员会和牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司合作改编、为了使教材更加的适合深圳学生的实际情况,又由深圳市教育科学研究院对现行英语教材(牛津上海版)进行适当改编。教材提供两本书,一本学生用书和一本活动手册。本教材一共有4个模块,每个模块包括三个学习单元和一个复习单元。每一单元分Let's act. Let's talk. Let's learn . Let'act . Let's play. Let's enjoy六个版块。整本书教学内容与学生生活紧密联系,围绕“文具,身体部位,家庭,数字,动物,颜色,食物”几个话题,学习简单的交际用语。每一单元穿插字母音和形的学习。本学期要求学生掌握的基础知识有: 1、学会问候语,自我介绍; 2、部分文具得名称; 3、学会身体部位名称; 4、学会介绍自己的家人和朋友; 5、学会10以内的数字和简单的水果名称; 6、学会几种食物的名称动物的名称; 7、学会问颜色; 8、学会简单的祈使句; 9、学会用what's this问话。 三、学期教学总目标:1 激发小朋友学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,并具有一定的语音、语调,及良好的学习习惯和英语交际的能力,为以后学习打下良好的基础。2 能听懂、理解Let's act.中的句子,并能根据指令,做出动作反应。3能说Let's talk中的句子,能在情景中进行简单的交流.4.能认读Let's learn中的单词.5 能做一些英语小游戏。 6 能唱Let's enjoy中的歌谣和小诗,理解小故事。 四、具体措施 为了能够更有效的完成以上的教学任务,并给学生打下坚实的英语基础,现制定以下几项措施: 1. 对于单词,要求学生起码做到听、读过关,然后就是写和运用于句型当中。主要通过单词游戏来检测。


8A unit 1 短语归纳 Be born 出生in the countryside 在农村 for example 例如more than 多于 Human being 人类die out 灭绝 come out of 从…..出来at the end of在什么的末端 just like 正如something important 重要的事be famous for 以……而闻名some ….others 一些……..一些how long 多长时间find out 了解 would like to 想要next to 紧挨着,在旁边 go for a walk 去散步look like看起来像(p11)take pictures of 给……..拍照look at 看…… look up 查阅 用法集萃 Learn to do sth 学习做某事 As +anj/adv +as 与…….一样………Like to do sth Used to do sth So much +不可数名词Help sb to do sth 帮助某人做某事 It be +adj (for sb ) +to do sth (对某人来说)做某事是…….的 Make sb do sth 使某人做某事 A number of +名词复数许多……….. 语法 Some and Any I have some questions about dinosours Do they have any questions about dinosaurs ? Would you like some teq? We don’t have any bread。 Some 和any Some 一般用于肯定句和表示请求,建议并希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中。David has some friends in Shanghai. May I have some chicken ? Would you like some noodles? What about some coffee? Any 一般用于否定和疑问句中 Many hasn’t got any pens Any 还可以表示任何的,任一的 Any colour is ok


小学一年级上英语词汇表Unit1 hello 你好 hi嗨 goodbye 再见 morning 早上afternoon中午,下午evening晚上 night深夜 nice好的 see看见 you 你 unit2 give给 me我 a 一,一个 please请 thank you 谢谢你 ruler 尺子 book书 pencil 铅笔 rubber橡皮how多么 for 为,给unit3 this这,这个is是, my 我的your 你的touch 摸摸not 不是face脸mouth嘴巴nose 鼻子eye 眼睛ear 耳朵cute 可爱的can会,能unit 4 I 我 you 你 what什么flower花house房子

sing 唱歌 dance 跳舞 read阅读 draw画画 Unit5 who 谁 she她 he他grandfather爷爷grandmother 奶奶father 父亲mother母亲 yes 是 no 不 mummy妈妈daddy爸爸sister姐,妹brother 兄,弟baby 宝贝 finger手指 unit 6 look看tall高的 thin 瘦的 fat肥的 short矮的classmate同学friend 朋友unit 7 how many多少one 一 two 二 three三 four 四 five 五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine 九 ten十 paper纸张rabbit兔子let’s 让我们unit8

apple苹果 pear梨 peach桃子 orange橘子 like喜欢 them他们(宾格)supermarket超市 unit 9 may 可以 have 有,吃,喝 help 帮助 hamburger 汉堡包 pizza披萨 cake蛋糕 pie 派 banana香蕉 soup 汤 at 在什么地方 snack bar小吃部,小卖部unit 10 farm农场 that那,那个peep 鸡叫声 moo 牛叫声 chick小鸡 duck鸭子 cow 奶牛 pig 猪 oink猪叫声 quack 鸭叫声 it’s它是 cut 切 stick 粘 unit 11 zoo 动物园 there’s在什么地方有bear 熊 tiger老虎 monkey猴子 panda熊猫 unit 12 colour =color颜色 red 红色的 blue蓝色的

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