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当前位置:文档库 › 2021牛津译林版选修十unit2《peopleonthemove》word教案





Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:

1.Get to know something about population mobility including different reasons;

2.Practise listening and speaking by sharing information;

3.Get ready for the reading part of this unit.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Brainstorming

The teacher begins the lesson by asking students to share their experiences in pairs by finding out when, where and why they moved

【设计说明】教师通过让学生分享自身或是周围的人的迁移经历而自然进入本单元的主题“People on the move”。

Step 2 Pair work

Ask students to look at the five pictures and discuss where the people in the pictures are moving and why.


Step 3 Group discussion

Ask students to find out various reasons for population mobility.

Possible answers: marriage, job, environment, study …


Step 4 Pair work

Ask students to discuss after graduation, where they would like to study, in a nearby city or in a faraway place? Why?


Step 5 Group work

Ask students to think about whether population mobility is good for the development of our world, why or why not?

Possible answer: Population mobility is good for the development of our country and our world. Because now we’re all making contributions to building a global village and population mobility

is helpful for us to share our knowledge, science and technology and even labor force. It’s good for globalization.


Step 6 Homework

Ask students to surf the Internet and try to find out something about the history of immigrants to America.

Reading :period one

Teaching aims:

1.Know something about the population mobility in the USA;

2.Try to improve students’ reading ability;

3.Know how to match pictures with quotations when reading newspapers or magazines.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

The teacher begins the lesson by asking students to say something about the history of immigrants to America according to their survey. The teacher just shows a picture to help students fulfill the presentation.

【设计说明】教师通过presentation这一形式,一来检查了学生作业的完成情形,二来能够为文章的导入做好预备。教师运用美国殖民时期的一张地图,能够让学生关于美国这一移民国家有更为深入的了解。美国移民的历史可查阅网上资料,参考网站:://zhidao.baidu /question/55021957.html。美国不仅是一个移民国家,而且时至今日,美国国内人口的迁移依旧在进行着。

Step 2 Listening

Ask students to listen to the tape and answer the question: What are the two groups of people discussed in this passage?

Answer: The old and the young in the USA.


Step 3 Fast reading


Step 4 Reading

Ask students to read the passage again and try to answer questions in Part C2 on page 20.

1. Where in the USA are the older people who are moving south from?

2. What state in the USA is most popular with older people ?

3. Why is Charlotte County in central Florida called the oldest place in the USA?

4. What has been done in Florida for older people?

5. What is the percentage of people in the USA who move house every year?

6. Why are young people moving to cities?

7. Why does Daniel want to move to a big city?

8. How many people are quoted in the article?


Step 5 Task-based reading

Ask students to complete the task-based reading in the hand-out according to the passage.


Step 6 Group discussion

Ask students to discuss the following question: Do you think it is good for many immigrant laborers to flow into cities from the countryside? Why or why not?


Step 7 Homework

Do Exercise D on page 20 and Exercise E on page 21.

Reading : period two

Teaching aims:

1. Learn the language points in the passage;

2. Practice listening and speaking.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Learn the new language points

1. on the move

1) traveling from place to place 在行进中,在移动中

We’ll be on the move next week, so you won’t be able to reach us.

2) busy or active all the time 繁忙的,活跃的

He’s always on the move and never has time to talk / rest.

3) developing quickly 快速进展

It’s an industry on the move.

2.look at

1)In this edition of American Living, we are looking at some population trends in the USA.

The effects of the new law need to be looked at. 摸索,考虑,研究

2)I haven’t had time to look at the papers yet. (认真)观看,检查

3)The Americans look at life differently from the British. 观看或看待事物

look down on/look into/look through/ look up/look up to/ look back on

4)She looked through her notes before the examination. 快速扫瞄

5)If you want to catch the next train, please look up the time in the timetable. 查看

6)A working party has been set up to look into the case.调查,审查

7)Looking back on my childhood, I feel so good. 回忆

8)He was looked down on because of his shabby beginnings.鄙视,瞧不起

He was such a great person that was worth looking up to. 赞扬,尊敬(某人)

3. account for

Drinking too much accounted for his accident.

How do you account for losing 5 games?

Please account for your behavior.

There’s no accounting for taste. 人各有所好。

take ……into account = take account of

on account of: because of

on this/that account 因此

4. submit to

He submitted the report to the committee. 提交

She submitted to her parents’ decision at last. 服从

I was unwilling to submit (myself) to his orders.

5. vote

vote on sth. / for / in favor / against sth. / to do 投票决定做/ sb. as sth.

vote on the proposal

vote against strike

vote to put off the contest

be voted (as) “Actress of the year”

n. vote for / in favour / against sth.

cast a vote 投票

have / take a vote on sth.

6. take to

I took to John immediately. (begin to like)

He has taken to drinking recently. (start doing …as a habit)

7. in part : to some degree; partly

The accidents were due in part to the bad weather.

His success is due in part to my financial support.

for one’s part 就······而言

on one’s part 在某人方面


Step 2 Homework

Try to make up a story by using the words and phrases we’ve learned in this passage.

Word power

Teaching aims:

1.Learn some words and phrases about the country, the city and sociology;

2.Learn some words with the suffix –ation;

3.Practise reading by doing question and answer exercises.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Brainstorming

The teacher begins the lesson by asking students to list out some words and phrases related to the city and the country.

The city: industrial, expensive, business people, skyscrapers, urban, busy

The country: agricultural, peaceful, farmers, plants and animals, nature, beautiful scenery


Step 2 Reading

Ask students to read the passage in Part A and answer the following questions:

1. How does industrialization affect where people living?

People on farms and in the countryside begin to move to cities.

2. How can rural areas develop into industrialized areas?

People bring technology to rural areas.

3. What happens through the process of industrialization and modernization?

The living standards and the cost of living are raised.


Step 3 Pair work

Ask students to match each word with its definition in the hand-out.

Answer:industry: producing goods in factories

agriculture: growing food on farms

industrialization: the process by which a place starts to develop industries

rural area: the countryside

urban: area covered by a town or city

urbanization: the process of areas of countryside turning into industrial cities

population: the number of people in an area or a country

migration patterns: the mass movement of people in a area or a country

modernization: the process of introducing new ideas and concepts to the development of

an area or a country

living standards: a way of measuring how people’s lives are

cost of living: how expensive people find it to live their everyday life


Step 4 Group work

First tell students the Chinese meaning for the suffix “-ation” is “行为,过程,结果“,then ask students to have a discussion in groups trying to find out more words ending with the suffix “-ation”.

Modernization, industrialization, globalization, localization, realization personalization, idealization, civilization


Step 5 Reading

Ask students to read the passage the importance of sociology in Part A (page 23) and answer the following questions:

1. What is sociology?

Sociology is the study of society and the groups within society such as the family.

2. Why do we study sociology?

By studying sociology, we can identify important factors such as education that help make people more successful within a society.


Step 6 Vocabulary learning

Ask students to read the new words listed on the screen and get to know the Chinese meanings for the words and phrases.

sociology 社会学

society 社会

socialization 社会化

primary socialization 初级社会化

secondary socialization 中级社会化

norms 规范、标准

values 价值

behaviours 行为

sociological theories 社会学理论

individuals 个体


Step 7 Consolidation

Ask students to do part B on page 23.


Sociology is the study of society and the groups within society.

Education and the media are types of secondary socialization.

Social behavior rules and called norms.

Sociological theories can influence society, including governments and individuals.


Step 8 Homework

Read the passage on page 111 and do the exercises.

Grammar and usage

Teaching aims:

1.Get to know the elements of a paragraph;

2.Do some exercises to consolidate the different elements of a paragraph;

3.Ask students to write a paragraph to practise writing.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

The teacher begins the lesson by asking students to put the following sentences in the correct order to form a well-developed paragraph on page 108 and ask students to divide the paragraph into three parts.

a. Another way to improve your listening comprehension is to watch English news programs on TV or to listen to English-language radio programs.

b. Besides focusing on listening and writing skills, you should also take every opportunity to speak English in and after class.

c. I have been doing all these things, so I have made great progress in learning English.

d. Today, I would like to tell you about different ways to study English.

e. Secondly, you might want to watch English-language films, as these can help you learn some useful words and expressions, and they make practising English listening a lot more interesting.

f. Thirdly, you should work on your English writing by doing something like keeping a diary in English or writing to an English-speaking pen friend.

g. Firstly, you should be sure to read something in English every day.

h. For example, you can read articles in an English newspaper like China Daily.

i. In this way, you can use English every day and improve your fluency.

j. However, if newspapers do not interest you, you may choose a novel that appeals to you and read one or two pages every day.

Keys: d, g, h, j, e, a, f, b, i, c

Divide the paragraph into three parts.

Part 1 d

Part 2 g —b

Part 3 i —c


Step 2 The elements of a paragraph

Topic sentence

Supporting sentences

Concluding sentence


Step 3 Introduction to the three parts

Topic sentence:

1. Each paragraph should have a point. The topic sentence clearly states what information the

paragraph will give.

2. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence of a paragraph.

( e.g. Young adults give many reasons for moving to cities. Today, I would like to tell you

different ways to study English.)


1. Not all paragraphs have a topic sentence. Sometimes, a paragraph continues a topic introduced in the previous paragraph.

2. In the first paragraph of an essay, a story or an article, the topic sentence may follow a hook.

(e.g. Older Americans are on the move. The questions, is, though, why are so many people

retiring and spending their pensions in Florida?)

Supporting sentences:

1. follow the topic sentence

help explain or prove the topic sentence

2. We use transitions to link each sentences to the previous or following ones.

( 1. for example, for instance 2. furthermore, also

3. first(ly), second(ly), third(ly)

4.on the other hand, however )

Concluding sentence:

1. appear at the end of a paragraph

2. repeat the topic in a new way

3. express a final idea about the topic or to help introduce the topic of the next paragraph

( e.g. Across the USA, people are noticing the same thing: young people want to live in cities.) 【设计说明】通过阅读课本和举例的方式,让学生对段落的三大组成部分有更深刻的明白得和认识。

Step 4 Homework

Write an article with the title “What is success”.

1.in 150 words

2.pay attention to the elements in the paragrap


Teaching aims:

1.Learn some key expressions while listening for the sequence of events;

2.Learn to use convincing language to write a letter to a friend;

3.Improve listening, speaking and writing abilities.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Aim and analysis

Our task is to write a letter to convince your friend abroad whether it’s good or not to come back. Before it we must make some preparations.

Skills Building 1:

Listening for the sequence of events

Skills Building 2:

Answering questions with more than one response

Skills Building3:

Using convincing language



Step 2 Skills building1

Ask students to read the guidelines on page 26, trying to remember:

Sequence of events means order of event

Useful phrases: in the beginning, originally, after that, then, after, when, before, eventually, in the end


Step 3 Step 1

Ask students to listen to the report about Zhu Lin and also phone her to get more information.( Part A and B on page 26)


Step 4 Step 2

Ask students to read the passage on page 27 and do some exercises.

What is the “ brain drain”?

Answer: Brain drain means skilled workers and educated people move to other countries for work or study.

When did the phenomenon begin?

Answer: It began in the 1970s.

Reasons for reversal of brain drain

1. The combination of economic & career opportunities

2. Preferential government policies

3. Sponsorship for studying abroad

4. Friends tell friends about the good opportunities in China, and the news spread.

Step 5 Skills building2

Read the instruction on page 28 and learn different connecting words.

Support: and/ also/ furthermore/ moreover/ in addition

Contradict: however/ but/ even tough/ despite


Step 6 Step 3

Group discussion: What do you want to ask the careers officers about?

Pair work: Make up a dialogue between the student and the careers officer and then Switch role. 【设计说明】这一环节要紧是为学生提供说的机会,练习口语。

Step7 Skills building 3

Tips for convincing someone of something

1. Avoid the passive voice.

2. Find good sources of information.

3. Tell the truth.

4. Do not be afraid to use strong language.


Step 8 Homework

Write a letter to convince your friend that moving back to China is the best thing to do.


Teaching aims:

1.Get to know some important information about the Roma;

2.Learn some important words and expressions;

3.Get ready for the classroom display about the Jewish people.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Ask students to look at the pictures and answer the question:

Who are those people in the pictures?

The Roma.

Show some parts from a film about the life of the Roma.


Step 2 Fast reading

What is this article aimed to do?

To explain the history of the Roma and the reasons for their movement.


Step 3 Listening

Ask students to answer the question:

What’s the route of the Roma’s movement?


Step 4 Reading

Ask students to answer the following questions:

1. Where did the Roma originally live?

They originally lived in northern India in an area that is now Pakistan.

2. What problems did the Roma experienced throughout their travels?

One of the Roma’s traditions, fortune telling, earned them a reputation as liars and witches. Europeans were alarmed because of their traditions.

3. Why did the Roma live in terror?

Because many of the Roma were killed by the Nazis.

4. When were the International Romani Union founded?

It was founded in the 1970s.


Step 5 Task-based reading

What are talked about in the article?



way of life


Step 6 Discussion

What are the things we have to do to make a classroom display about the Jewish.


1. Form a group of 4 members.

2. Every member research one related topic: history, culture, politics…..to show the Jewish are a distinct cultural group.


1. Discuss the information from various sources on the topic.

2. Decide what to include and what to leave out.


1. Draw an outline of your display.

2. Use some examples or statistics to help you.

3. Use some illustrations to make your display attractive.

4. Correct any mistake.


Present your display to the class.


Step7 Homework

Get ready for the classroom display about the Jewish.


阅读强化训练(十六) (建议用时:25分钟) Ⅰ阅读理解 Don Quixote,the classic by Spanish Renaissance writer Cervantes,has inspired literary movements from the 18th-century picaresque novels to the most special works of the 21st-century post-modernism and has pr ovided the power for critical works by everyone from Thackeray to Ortegay Gasset.Shakespeare paid Cervantes(his contemporary) the rare compliment of using Quixote as source material for one of his later plays,Cardenio. The concept of the novel is simple:Alonso Quijano,a landowner from La Mancha,is attracted by the books about knights(骑士).Driven mad by the special plots,characters and philosophy in these 17th-century novels,Quijano decides to bring dignity back to the lost profession of knight under the name Don Quixote.He carries a sword,a suit of armor(盔甲) and a horse,and sets out into Spain. The first few scenes involve Quixote alone against the world,meeting various people,but before a hundred pages Cervantes introduced Sancho Panza,Quixote’s talkative squire(侍从).In the endless discussions,Quixote’s crazy conception of the world is brought crashing to earth by Sanc ho’s practical ideas.The reader faces,at the same moment,an ideal view of the world and the cruel facts of the actual world. Quixote’s insistenc e on his own reality in the face of arguments to the contrary makes him an interesting character because we know that Quixote is just wrong.Yet,despite all of the pain he suffers in pursuit of that wrong,he continues to believe that he’s right.So we read on page after page,waiting to see how much more the man who considers himself a knight is able to take before he gives in. Just as Quixote builds his castles from criminal campfires,we build our understanding of Cervantes’ Spain,which was so cruelly real and so dream-like.We,like Don Quixote,are driven to hallucinate(产生幻觉) by what might be,in the end,just a very good story. 【解题导语】本文主要介绍了西班牙文艺复兴代表作家塞万提斯的著作《堂吉诃德》。 1.We can learn from the first paragraph that Don Quixote ________. A.is not very popular among young people B.changed the writing style of Shakespeare C.wasn’t well recognized at Cervantes’ time


M11U1 carpenter 木工,木匠n. suited 合适,适当 a. career 职业,生涯;事业n. actually 实际上,事实上ad. so-called 所谓的;人称……的a. glamorous 有吸引力的,迷人的,非同凡响的 a. cushion 坐垫,靠垫,垫子n. jet 喷气式飞机n. baggage 行李n. suitcase 手提箱n. trunk 旅行箱;树干;象鼻n. waiter (男)服务员n. grocer 食品杂货商n. option 选择;选修课n. lawyer 律师n. well-paid 薪酬丰厚的 a. canyon 峡谷n. zone 地带,区域n. brewery 啤酒厂n. litre 升(容量单位)n. shopkeeper (小商店)店主n. barber(为男士理发、修面的)理发师n. barbershop (男士)理发店n. cleaner 清洁工;吸尘器;清洁剂n. rat 老鼠n. go about 忙于某事;继续做某事 salesgirl 女店员,女售货员n. cucumber 黄瓜n sly 狡猾的,诡诈的 a. fox 狐狸n. cast-iron 坚强的;铸铁制的 a. nerve 神经;勇气n. martial 战争的,军事的 a. martial art 武术(常用复数形式) weed 杂草n. 除草vt. spear 矛;标枪n. magician 魔术师;巫师n. bath 洗澡;浴缸n. bedding 被褥,铺盖n. bandage 绷带n. 用绷带包扎vt. ward 病房;选区n. creative 有创造力的;创造性的 a. self-confident 自信的 a. artistic 艺术的;艺术家的 a. realistic 现实的;可实现的;逼真的 a. greengrocer 果蔬商n. tailor 裁缝n. 专门制作,定做vt. investigative 探究性的,调查研究的 a. pianist 钢琴家,钢琴师n.violinist 小提琴手n. librarian 图书馆管理员n. stewardess 女乘务员,女服务员n. enterprising 有事业心的,有进取心的,有创业精神的 a. take pleasure in 从……中获得乐趣 typist 打字员n. M11U2 Ltd (Limited )有限责任公司engineering 工程(学)n. covering 覆盖物n. covering letter附信(与某物一起寄出)n. gap 间断;裂口;差距n. gap year (中学和大学之间暂停学业的)生活实践年(用于实习或旅行)n. session 一场,一节,一段时间;(法庭)开庭期;(大会)会期n. employer 雇主,老板n. employee 雇工,雇员n. interviewer 面试官;采访者n. off the top of one's head 未多加思考地,脱口而出地 have butterflies in one's stomach心慌,紧张refresh 使恢复精力,使凉爽;刷新,更新vt. yawn 打哈欠vi. 哈欠n. razor 剃刀,剃须刀n. shaver 电动剃须刀n. shave 刮脸,刮胡子n. 剃,刮vt. & vi. haircut 理发n. conservative 保守的;守旧的 a. allowance 津贴;限额n. make allowance (s )for 考虑到roundabout 交通环岛n. 迂回的,曲折的;拐弯抹角n. parking 停车位;停车n. look somebody in the eye (s )直观某人,正视 wag 摆动,摇头或晃动手指(表示不赞成)vt.&vi. follow sth up 采取后继行动,跟进 give sb the edge 使某人略占优势punctuation 标点符号n. as easy as pie 十分容易,轻而易举management 管理,经营;经营者,管理层n. trainee 受训者n. smartly 整洁地;得体地;灵敏地ad. garage 汽车修理厂;车库n. relaxed 放松的;宽松的 a. team player 善于团队合作的成员n.


阅读文章,了解其大意,然后选择正确选项填空。 You’re (1) _____ vacation. Going places (2) _____ you always wanted to go. (3) _____ of anything unexpected happening are pretty small. But that is before you rent your car from Avis. There’s an Avis Hotline telephone number (4) _____ right in newspaper. We’re (5) _____ to help you out. Even if you just (6) _____ the keys inside your car, you can give us a call. “Avis Cares”. That’s a fact, and it’s also a fact-filled program (7) _____ helpful guides you receive (8) _____ you rent from Avis. Full of information (9) _____ where to find the wiper controls. Can you (10) _____ a right turn on red? What (11) _____ station you turn on for the local weather and driving (12) _____. And because you have got (13) _____ things to think about than your renting a car, we do it for you. With the Avis 49-Step Quality Program, we make (14) _____ that things work the way (15) _____ supposed to. No surprises. So, when we say, “we’re trying harder than (16) _____,” that means a lot more than just our (17) _____ rates. A lot more than free (18) _____ mileage(里程), no matter how (19) _____ you drive. “Trying harder”means being there for you, (20) _____ you go. So call Avis at 1-800-331. Avis We’re trying harder than ever 1. A. on B. for C. with D. during 2. A. which B. that C. where D. to that 3. A. opportunities B. Chances C. Problems D. Dangers 4. A. printed B. reported C. impressed D. published 5. A. prepare B. ready C. will D. anxious 6. A. forgot B. put C. lay D. left 7. A. supplying B. providing C. offering D. suggesting 8. A. when B. before C. after D. unless 9. A. for B. as C. about D. like 10. A. have B. take C. turn D. make 11. A. TV B. radio C. gas D. service 12. A. situation B. speed C. conditions D. skills 13. A. many B. other C. important D. better 14. A. possible B. clear C. certainly D. sure 15. A. they’re B. we’re C. you’re D. it’s 16. A. once B. then C. recently D. ever 17. A. high B. cheap C. low D. dear 18. A. unlimit B. unlimited C. limit D. uncharged 19. A. far B. long C. fast D. carelessly 20. A. whatever B. however C. whenever D. Wherever


Reading--- Give a man a fish 1.In 1985, there was little rainfall led to destroyed harvests and killed in Ethiopia, which cattle.(P2)佃85年,埃塞俄比亚几乎没有降雨,这导致收成损毁,牛蓄死亡。 1.lead to 1)通向 All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马. 2)导致 Reduc ing speed limits should lead to fewer deaths on the roads. lead …to (some place带领…去(某地) The waiter led us to our table. lead …to do =cause … 导致…做 What led you to believe this? 高考链接: 1. ---It took me ten years to build up my bus in ess, and it almost killed me. ---Well, you know what they say. _________________ . A. There is no smoke without fire B. Practice makes perfect C. All roads lead to Rome D. No pains, no gains 2. Once a decision has been made , all of us should _________________ it . A . direct to B . stick to C. lead to D. refer to 答案及解析:1. D. All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。 2. B. stick to 坚持,不放弃 2. cattle 用作为复数的集体名词 It seems the cattle on the sides of the dikes were the only living creatures in these desolate surroundin gs. people,police,cattle、poultry,goods 作主语时,谓语用复数. The people in the city are very frien dly. The police are search ing for the murderer. The cattle are grazing near the river. All the goods have arrived. 2.The concert took place on 13 July 1985 in two locations— in London and in Philadelphia —and included the biggest stars of the time.(P2) 1985 年7 月13 日,音乐会在伦敦和费城两地举行,出席者包括了当时最红的巨星。take place发生,举行 [词义辨析] take place, happen, occur, come about和break out 用法区另U 这些词或短语都有发生”的意思,但用法各不相同,区别如下: (1). take place表示发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的发生”即这种事件的发生 一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如: Great cha nges have take n place in our hometow n duri ng the past ten years. The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.

江苏省无锡市第一中学译林牛津版高中英语选修十重点短语句型背诵:unit3-4 精品

江苏省无锡第一中学牛津英语模块短语复习 M10U3-4重点知识背诵M10 U3重点短语 1. 沐浴在……中;沉浸在…中be bathed in 2. 向旁边瞥了一眼give a sideways glance 向一边滑slide sideways 3. 突然出现burst on the scene 在事发地点;在现场on the scene 4. 申办奥运bid for the Olympic Games (拍卖时)出价……买bid... for sth. 企图/努力做bid to to sth. =make a bid to do/ for sth. =in a bid to do/ for sth. 5. 提在日程之上be high on the agenda 6. 处方药prescription medicine/drug 7. 止疼药,止痛片pain pill 8. 个案研究case study 9. 没胃口lose one's appetite 渴望得到知识 have an appetite for knowledge 10. 被困在……中be trapped in 诱骗某人做trap sb. into doing 中了圈套fall into a trap =be caught in a trap 11. 吸干某人的活力,吞噬某人的生命 suck the life out of sb. 消耗……的实力suck the strength out of 糟糕It sucks. 12. 再次,重新over again=once again=once more 13. 消除,去除wipe away/off

【精品课堂】高中英语选修十一牛津译林版学案:Unit 2 当堂检测(GL)

M11U2当堂检测 (Word study; Important phrases and sentences) 1. relax形容词和名词:relaxed; relaxing; relaxation 2. fluency的形容词和副词:fluent; fluently 说流利的德语(3种)speak fluent German=speak German fluently= speak German with fluency 3. I felt refreshed after having a refreshing sleep. (refresh) 4. a chief engineer=an engineer in chief 5. at the roundabout; in a roundabout way 6. look somebody in the eye(s) 直视某人;正视某人look sb. up and down 上下打量某人look down upon / on sb. 轻视某人look back upon / on sb. 回顾 7. 效法某人(2种)follow in one’s footsteps; follow one’s example 8. 在英语上胜过其它班级have the edge/ an advantage over / on other classes in English 9.十分容易(3种) as easy as pie ; a piece of cake ; as easy as ABC 10. narrow the gap between the rich and the poor 缩小贫富之间的差距 11. allow的词组:allow doing; allow sb. to do ; allow for= make allowance(s) for; allow of… 12. 为答复(2种;用respond名词)make a response to; in response to 13. switch中文:switch from a bad guy to a good man(改变); switch roles with you(交换);turn off the light switch (电器开关) 14. a follow-up instruction补充的指示; follow it up with a letter/ by writing a letter 15.刮他的络腮胡子shave(off) his beard 16. No Parking! 不准停车!a parking lot 一个停车场 17. land 中文:land a plane登陆; land him at the airport把…送到; land a good job捞到 18. every point of the compass中文:四面八方 19. 没必要紧张。There is no need to be nervous. 20. 改写:(用follow适当形式) Following the advice I’ve given you today, you’ll find landing a job as easy as pie . Follow the advice I’ve given you today, and landing a job should be as easy as pie . The advice I’ve given you today followed, landing a job should be as easy as pie. M11U2当堂检测


2021牛津译林版选修十unit1《buildingthefuture》 word教案 ●Period 1 Welcome to the unit Teaching aims: 1.Get to know something about the development of the world, the issue of poverty, the causes of poverty as well as the possible solutions to the problem; 2.Practise listening and speaking by sharing information; 3.Get ready for the learning of this unit. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Brainstorming The teacher begins the lesson by asking students to find out the causes of poverty and the possible solutions to the problem by means of pair work. 【设计说明】教师通过学生头脑风暴活动进入本单元的主题“Building the future”。 Step 2 Pair work Ask students to look at the four pictures and discuss questions according to the each picture. 【设计说明】利用图片关心学生结合自身的经历和生活体会展开两人活动,培养了学生的听说能力。 Step 3 Group discussion Ask students to find out the great changes that have taken place in Wuxi, where they are living and studying so that they will care more about their hometown and try their best to learn more knowledge to serve the hometown in the future. 【设计说明】教师让学生通过小组讨论,谈谈他们生活和学习的都市无锡的庞大变化,真正做到学以致用,把发生在周围的情况用英语表达出来,做到了“Localization”。从而通过小组讨论培养学生合作学习的能力。 ●Period 2 Reading (1) Teaching aims: 1.Try to help Ss know something about the poverty in developing countries and the way to help them solve the problem; 2.Try to cultivate Ss’ abilities in listening、speaking、reading and writing; 3. Help Ss master the reading strategy: understanding a title. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Introduction The teacher begins the lesson by asking students to say something about the title.

英语周报高中英语 Unit1 Building the future重点词汇讲解练习 牛津译林版选修10

Unit 1重点词汇讲解 1. gravity n.严重性;重力;地球引力 Newton’s law of gravity 牛顿万有引力定律 I don’t think you realize the gravity of the situation. 我认为你没有意识到形势的严重性。 2. headline n. (报纸的)大字标题 headline news 头条新闻 The scandal was in the headlines for several days. 这一丑闻连续几天都刊登在头版头条。 hit/make the headlines 成为重要新闻 3.put (great) pressure on somebody (to do something) 促使;强迫;劝说;给某人 施加压力做某事,迫使某人做某事 Industrial development has put (great) pressure on the environment. 工业发展已给环境带来了(巨大的)压力。 Their parents were putting pressure on them to get married. 他们的父母正对他们施加压力,要求他们结婚。 拓展: under pressure from 在来自……的压力下 pressure sb. into doing sth. 迫使某人做某事 4. wrestle vi.奋力对付;努力处理;全力解决;摔跤 wrestle with sb. Armed guards wrestled with the intruder. 武装警卫和闯入者扭打起来。 wrestle with sth. She had spent the whole weekend wrestling with the problem.


Unit 1  Project 第六课时(Period 6)精练卷 时间:45分钟 满分:50分得分 一二课文理解:根据课文内容分段并写出段意(每空1分,满分8分) Parts Paragraphs Main idea Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4 二二短语翻译(每小题0.5分,满分10分) 1.对 造成伤害 2.增加到 3.敲响警钟 4.做出调整 5.付诸实践 6.处于危险之中 7.被用完 8.以更高的速度 9.对 有害 10.除 之外,在 上面 11.(某事)用尽,用完 12.采取措施做 13.替代能源 14.蓄意破坏 15.努力争取 16.可持续发展 17.生活标准 18.为 提供 三二单项选择(每小题2分,满分20分) 1.(2012四福建)China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals all its citizens. A.in charge of B.for the benefit of C.in honor of D.for the purpose of 2.(2012四辽宁)If you’re buying today’s paper from the stand,could you get for me?A.that B.such C.this D.one 3.(2012四江西)He seems to be giving the impression that he didn’t enjoy himself in Paris. ,he had a wonderful time.A.Above all B.What’s more C.On the contrary D.As a result 4.The new product will not sell well it properly. A.if;is designed B.unless;is promoted C.until;is improved D.as long as;is developed 5.Bob Geldof,who organized Live Aid, to raise money for the famine and it to be a great success.A.intended;turned out B.tried;turned over C.hoped;turned in D.wished;turned up 6.It is time that we action to the plan. A.will make;carry out B took;try out C have made;carry on D should take;try on 7.They him to sell his precious land,but he decided to give it up under no circumstances. A.place an order with B.put pressure on C.put up with https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8217371252.html,id emphasis on


第一单元  综合提优测评卷Unit 1 时间:90分钟 满分:100分 题 序一二三四总分结分人核分人 得  分 一二单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分) 1.(2012四北京)When deeply absorbed in work, he often was,he would forget all about eating or sleeping. A.that B.which C.where D.when 2.(2012四湖北)I’m so glad you’ve come here to this matter in person. A.lead to B.see to C.turn to D.refer to 3.(2012四湖北)Finally,my thanks go to my tutor,who has offered a lot of suggestions and comments on my paper and every page of my draft. A.approved B.polished C.quoted D.folded 4.(2011四四川)Dr.Peter Spence, headmaster of the school,told us, fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge. A./;A B./;The C.the;The D.a;A 5.(2011四安徽) You can have a pet dog,but suppose you get bored with it in a few day, ? We won’t,we promise. A.All right B.How come C.Then what D.So what 6.Many people went to the street to have a strike to the government to pay attention to the Greece’s debt crisis. A.stand at a crossroads B.put pressure on C.share with D.appeal 7.What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has ? A.been given out B.put out https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8217371252.html,ed up D.run out 8.What a pity it is that Bob the habit of smoking at such an early age! A.developed into B.slid into C.switched into D.slipped into 9.Many countries are aware of the limits of Earth’s natural resources and are the use of alternative energy sources. A.taking steps to B.setting alarm bells ringing for C.pushing for https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8217371252.html,ed to 10. your teacher’s advice,I think,and the problems could be settled. A.Follow B.Following C.Followed D.Follows 11.My enthusiasm for Chinese football team gradually because of their countless failures. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/8217371252.html,ed up B.faded C.ran out D.gave up 12. Can I pay the bill by check? Sorry,sir.But it is the management rules of our hotel that payment be made in cash. A.shall B.need C.will D.can 13.It was three years ago that I first met Lisa,when she at a computer company. A.has worked B.has been working C.was working D.is working 14. some teenagers don’t realize is difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs. A.What;what B.That;how C.What;how D.That;what 15.As the proverb ,an enemy in disguise is a wolf in sheep’s . A.runs;dress B.says;clothes C.speaks;cloth D.goes;clothing 二二完形填空(每小题2分,满分40分) A couple of years ago,I went to a lady’s house to buy some vitamins.Upon entering the house,I 16 that there was an electronic keyboard on a stand,leaning 17 the wall.Being a piano music lover and 18 ,I asked,if the woman played.She nodded and added that she had been 19 lessons at age54!I told her that it was very 20 that she was pursuing(追求)her passion to play the piano. Then she asked me 21 question. I have been playing for8years now,”I answered. Then you must play a song for me before you leave,”she 22 .I thought she was joking and I simply smiled.

牛津译林版高中英语选修8 阅读训练十五

阅读强化训练(十五) (建议用时:25分钟) Ⅰ阅读理解 Palanichamy Sarathkumar has been focused on the messages of support since news of the rescue in Tamil Nadu State appeared.Many wanted to know how he carried the animal, which weighs more than he does. Mr. Sarathkumar is a member of a forest guard team stationed near Mettupal ayam.“Many people called to congratulate me.Everyone in my village is now asking me the same question‘How did you lift an elephant?’I was scared of losing my balance.But my friends controlled the calf(小象) a bit and helped me to carry the animal.” The rescue happened when Mr. Sarathkumar took a call as he was heading home after a night shift.“The caller informed me that a female elephant was blocking the road.”He and his colleagues managed t o drive the elephant back into the jungle.The team then searched the area for other elephants.“We saw this calf stuck inside a small ditch(沟),” he said.They realized the calf was the reason for the female’s distress and started trying to reunite them,but the calf was too weak to walk.“Firstly four of us carried the calf.We wanted to take it to the other side of the road to reunite it with its mother.But there was a danger of being attacked as she was still nearby.So,instead of all four of us being put at risk,I decided to carry the calf by myself.”After carrying the baby elephant for about 50 meters,he put it down near a water hole,hoping the mother would find it. “The next day when I went there,the calf wasn’t there.But I could see the steps of a big elephant on the forest floor.It seems they were reunited before dawn and slipped away into the forest.” Elephants are highly evolved social animals which live in large groups.Forest officials say the calf would have died if they had not made it. 【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。Sarathkumar因成功营救了一只小象而成了新闻焦点人物。 1.What did many people ask Sarathkumar? A.How he could keep balance. B.Where he found the elephant. C.Whether he rescued the calf alone.

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