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Venice is one of the most romantic and beautiful city in the world. There are only two ways that people travel on foot and by boat.

威尼斯无疑是世界上最浪漫最唯美的一座水城. 在这里,人们的出行方式只有两种,徒步和乘船

When Venetian is dominated by tourism, "gondola" doesn't only mean transportation. It means that the romance and style. Volume is a small boat, which can accommodate 6 guests. It is 11 meters long, nearly 1.5 meters wide.

当威尼斯人以旅游业为主的时候,"贡多拉"就不仅仅是代步工具了. 它意味着浪漫和风情. 体积不大,长11米,宽近1.5米,一般可容纳6位客人.

If you are a visitor who pays attention to mood, you should invite two fellow musicians, one play and one sing. You’ll visit night view with the beautiful music loud and infectious song of tenor playing by accordion.

如果你是一位讲究情调的游客,你应该邀请两位音乐家同行,一位拉琴,一位唱歌. 在手风琴奏出的优美乐曲声中洪亮而富有感染力的男高音将一直伴你游历威尼斯的夜景.

St Mark‘s Square is the heart of Venice, whose quality the best demonstrated by Venice. Square white stone decorations to the ground in 17th century. Each building in the square has its own style.

圣马克广场是威尼斯的心脏,也是最能体现威尼斯气质的地方. 广场地面以17世纪的白色石头装饰而成,广场上的每一座建筑都有自己的风格.

St Mark’s Cathedral as the protagonist of St Mark‘s Square is a symbol of glory of Venice. In the centuries - old full, St Mark‘s cathedral has become a large-scale, complex and mysterious temple. It is both church and museum.

作为圣马克广场主角的圣马克大教堂是威尼斯辉煌的象征. 进过几个世纪的充实,圣马克大教堂已经成为一座规模宏大、复杂而神秘的殿堂. 既是教堂,也是博物馆.

Travel Venice, the streets of beautiful dessert shop has become a must visit. There is delicious ice cream, a hot piece of toast out of the toaster, pancake with honey, dessert with various sliced nuts , a variety of exquisite food.

行走威尼斯,大街小巷漂亮的甜品店也成为必访之地. 诱人的冰激凌、吐司机里跳出来热腾腾的土司片、浇了蜂糖汁的pancake,各色夹杂坚果的切片甜点,各种精致美食应有尽有. Venetian mask culture in European is civilization apart. You can also buy masks for the year, but there’re many kinds of masks in the Carnival.

威尼斯的面具文化在欧洲文明中独具一格,是极少数面具溶入日常生活的城市. 全年都可也买到面具,但狂欢节时种类最多.

Tips : 1.You have to make the time on the yellow clock at the entrance, otherwise you will get heavy fines. 2. You can't wear sleeveless or shorts, otherwise you will not be allowed to enter in . 3. In addition to Saint Mark's Square, feeding pigeons is illegal in any other place.

小提示:1. 乘船,乘车前一定要在入口处的黄色打卡机上打上时间,否则会被处以高额罚款.

2. 宗教性空间不能穿无袖,短裤等袒胸露背的衣服,否则会被拒绝进入.

3. 除了在圣马克广场,在其他任何地方喂鸽子都是违法的.

Travel is all about giving yourself a happy memories of future. Finish it by selecting the most beautiful time. Learning to relax on the road. Look for happiness on the road . Restore to one’s true self.




---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 意大利威尼斯导游词范文 威尼斯是意大利东北部城市,亚得里亚海威尼斯湾西北岸重要港口。那么你们对于威尼斯的景点熟悉吗?如果不是很熟悉的话,你们可以看看下面小编整理的意大利威尼斯导游词范文,希望对你们有帮助。 意大利威尼斯导游词范文【一】 大家好,我是你们今天的自由行讲解员,很高兴可以给你们介绍威尼斯的景点,你们可要认真听了哦。首先跟你们说说叹息桥,它连结着总督府和旁边的地牢有一座非常有名的叹息桥,叹息桥是威尼斯的必访景点之一。 叹息桥造型属早期巴洛克式风格,桥呈房屋状,上部穹隆覆盖,封闭得很严实,只有向运河一侧有两个小窗。叹息桥是一座拱廊桥,架设在总督宫和监狱之间的小河上,享有盛誉。它建于1600年(另一资料:1603年)。因死囚被押赴刑场时经过这里,常常会发出叹息声而得名。当犯人在总督府接受审判之后,重罪犯被带到地牢中,可能就此永别人世,过去临刑死囚走向刑场时必须经过这座密不透气的桥,死囚们只能透过小窗看看蓝天,想到家人在桥下的船上等候诀别,百感交集涌上心头,不由自主地发出叹息之声再向前走便要告别世间的一切了。 据说恋人们在桥下接吻就可以天长地久。有一个传说:有个男人被 1 / 18

判了刑,走过这座桥。看最后一眼吧!狱卒说,让那男人在窗前停下。窗棂雕得很精致,是由许多八瓣菊花组合的。男人攀着窗棂俯视,见到一条窄窄长长的贡多拉,正驶过桥下,船上坐着一男一女,在拥吻。那女子竟是他的爱人。男人疯狂地撞向花窗,窗子是用厚厚的大理石造的,没有撞坏,只留下一摊血、一个愤怒的尸体。血没有滴下桥,吼声也不曾传出,就算传出中,那拥吻的女人,也不可能听见。血迹早洗干净了,悲惨的故事也被大多数人遗忘。只说这是叹息桥,犯人们最后一瞥的地方。且把那悲剧改成喜剧,说成神话。 电影情定日落桥就在这取景的。叹息桥两端连结着总督府和威尼斯监狱,是古代由法院向监狱押送死囚的必经之路。 港口 威尼斯港是意大利最大的港口之一,港口长12千米,总面积达250公顷,伸展出去,宽阔广大,每年进出港门的船只在万艘以上。威尼斯不仅风光奇特,而且还是文化名城,早在文艺复兴时期,威尼斯画派就独树一帜。乔尔乔涅、提香、丁托列托、委罗内塞等都是画坛著名大师。在意大利歌剧艺术发展史中,威尼斯也占有重要地位。城内古迹繁多,有120座哥特式、文艺复兴式、巴洛克式教堂,120座钟楼,64座男女修道院,40多座宫殿和众多的海滨浴场。歌德和拜伦都曾对威尼斯城赞扬备至,拿破仑则称其为举世罕见的奇城。 黄金宫 威尼斯最大的哥特式建筑,以整齐的排布和金灿灿的颜色而闻名遐迩。宫殿外表被漆成金黄色,在阳光下十分耀眼夺目。这座所谓的宫


The Merchant of Venice(II) PART 1 D: Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. Do not be so bitter. S: I've promised to take my pound of flesh. If you do not let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws any more. The greatness of Venice will soon be lost. Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him. B: Do all men kill the things they do not love 译文: 第一部分 公爵:宽恕安东尼奥吧,夏洛克,别这样怀恨在心。 夏洛克:我说过一定要拿走我应得的那一磅肉。要是您不准许我得到它,那将是一种软弱的表现,人们将不再信你们的法律了。威尼斯不久就会丧失它的伟大。安东尼奥是我的敌人,我恨他。 巴萨尼奥:难道所有的人都要铲除他们所不爱的东西吗 A: It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. Don't wait any longer. Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants. B: I'll pay you six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed. S: If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. Give me my pound of flesh! D: Let us be calm, gentlemen. Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none S: I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgement. I desire my pound of flesh. As the Duke is wondering what to do, Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer's clerk, arrives with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited. While the Duke is talking to Nerissa, Shylock gets ready to cut his pound of flesh from Antonio. Then the letter is read out for all in the court to hear. "I am very ill. When your letter reached me, I had with me a .learned young doctor from Rome. I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio. We studied many lawbooks and he knows what I would say. I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgement. He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head." After the letter has been read out to the court, Portia, in lawyer's clothes, enters the room and takes her seat as judge. 安东尼奥:跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等待了。对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的东西给他。 巴萨尼奥:我将付给你六千块钱,用来归还安东尼奥借的那三千块钱。 夏洛克:即使你愿意我六倍于你刚才提出的钱数,我仍然要拿我应得的那一磅肉。把那一磅肉判给我! 公爵:先生们,请安静。夏洛克,如果你不宽恕别人,你自己怎能希望得到别人的宽恕呢夏洛克:我并没有做错事,我不怕审判。我要求给我应得的那一磅肉。 正当公爵不知道应该怎么办的时候,尼莉莎打扮成一个律师的书记员,带着鲍西娅刚拜访过的那位着名的律师的一封信,来到法庭。当公爵与尼莉莎谈话时,夏洛克准备好要从安东尼奥身上割下他应得的一磅肉。


威尼斯 Venice, Italy is a magical place. It is one of the few cities in the world where the sound of cars are never heard. Instead, when it is quiet, one hears the lapping of waves against the city s magnificent Renaissance buildings. 意大利的威尼斯是一个神奇的天堂,它是世界上少数几个城市听不到汽车声音的城市之一。取而代之的宁静,你可以听到水浪拍打着城市里伟大的文艺复兴时期的建筑 Venice is located in a lagoon in the Adriat ic Sea and is built on islands linked by more than 400 bridges. 威尼斯坐落于亚得里亚海的泻湖之上,由400多座桥梁连接而成 We will visit St. Mark's Square圣马可广场 Napoleon called the square the"finest drawing room in Europe. 拿破仑称此广场为"欧洲最美的客厅"。 In the evening, a ship after the coast near saint mark's square, is very beautiful 傍晚时分有巨轮经过圣马可广场附近海岸,很美。 We can listen to live music,walk in the piazza,and take

威尼斯 景点介绍中英文

威尼斯 ●Venice, Italy is a magical place. It is one of the few cities in the world where the sound of cars are never heard. Instead, when it is quiet, one hears the lapping of waves against the city s magnificent Renaissance buildings. 意大利的威尼斯是一个神奇的天堂,它是世界上少数几个城市听 不到汽车声音的城市之一。取而代之的宁静,你可以听到水浪拍 打着城市里伟大的文艺复兴时期的建筑 Venice is located in a lagoon in the Adriatic Sea and is built on islands linked by more than 400 bridges. 威尼斯坐落于亚得里亚海的泻湖之上,由400多座桥梁连接而成 ◆ We will visit St. Mark's Square圣马可广场Napoleon called the square the"finest drawing room in Europe. 拿破仑称此广场为"欧洲最美的客厅"。 In the evening, a ship after the coast near saint mark's square, is very beautiful 傍晚时分有巨轮经过圣马可广场附近海岸,很美。 We can listen to live music,walk in the piazza,and take photos.◆. Next St. Mark's Basilica. 圣马可大教堂 St. Mark's Basilica stands at one end of St.


长沙碧桂园威尼斯中英文学校 一、学校概况:湖南双语品牌名校 长沙碧桂园威尼斯中英文学校创办于2007年,是碧桂园教育集团在广东省外的第一家连锁学校。学校以双语教学和个性发展为特色,实施中国教育优秀传统与国际教育先进理念相融合的双语教育,学生不仅在面对国内传统教育时拥有明显的能力竞争优势,又可在英语能力、学习方法和文化理念上实现与英美教育的无缝对接。 立足终身发展的人才培养方向,放眼世界的双语教育模式,国内国外双线发展的成长路径——碧桂园威尼斯中英文学校:崛起在湖湘大地的双语教育品牌。 地理位置:长沙县北端松雅湖畔腾飞岛上(四面环水,环境清幽,远离都市喧嚣)学校性质:民办寄宿制学校 办学范围:幼儿园、小学、初中 在校学生:2118人 师资力量:164名中外籍专业教师,超过10%的教师有英美留学或游学经历 小班教学,个性辅导。班额低于40人,师生比为1:13 幼儿园起即配备专业英语教师和外教 硬件设施:全现代化教学设施,整体配置超省一级标准 建筑面积4万平米,各类现代化实验室、音体美舞功能室、电脑 室、各类体育运动场所齐全,尽可能满足各类学生个性发展 名校长办学: 校长段佳琪,小学数学高级教师,20年职业校长经历,历任广东碧桂园学校高小部校长、国际部MYP校长,东莞御花苑外国语学校校长,长沙碧桂园威尼斯中英文学校校长,同时兼任碧桂园教育集团区域总监。有着先进的教育理念、成熟的办学经验,多次赴欧、美、澳考察交流,对国际教育和中英双语教学模式有深

刻见解和成熟运作经验,办学实践中既能立足民族优秀传统的传承,又能放眼国际,积极引进欧美教育先进元素,以未来时代需求为考量,策划学生的终身发展。先后获评长沙市小学管理名优校长、湖南省民办教育优秀校长、全国特色兴教管理杰出人物、《中国教师报》2011年度最具创新力榜样人物。北京大学首届教 育家型校长高级研修班优秀学员、教育家型校长。 二、文化传承:湖湘精神+国际元素 “惟楚有材,于斯为盛。”有着三千年历史的古城长沙,是楚文明和湘楚文化的发源地,其三面环山、北临洞庭的独特地理环境,孕育了湖湘人民独立而又开放,坚毅且敢于创新的性格品质。从魏源的“开眼看世界”,曾国藩左宗棠开办洋务,到谭嗣同倡导戊戌变法,黄兴宋教仁力推民主革命,再到毛泽东、刘少奇探索无产阶级革命道路,湖湘文化始终彰显着心忧天下、变革求新、开拓进取的独特魅力,并深刻影响着中国历史的进程。 广东碧桂园学校是国内第一家完全突破应试教育,从幼儿园到高中全体系实施 IB教育的国际学校。IB教育是全球公认的国际教育的领跑者,致力于为未来时代培养合格的世界公民,要求青少年通过学习探究建立自身与世界的广泛联系,并成为具有理性批判思维的思考者、多元文化的包容者和世界事务的参与者。 长沙碧桂园威尼斯中英文学校立足湖湘千年人文沃土,传承广东碧桂园20年国际教育成熟经验,致力于探寻民族与国际、历史与未来之间的平衡点,并建立中西教育完美融合的新模式。 三、学校使命:培养走向世界的现代文明人 为未来时代培养走向世界的现代文明人,使之不仅具有良好的现代知识技能素养,同时还拥有优秀的人格品质、独立的思维能力和适应未来时代发展的综合素质。 四、核心措施:用更多的精力做学生一生有益的事 ★ 追求野性而高贵的碧桂园气质的养成


The Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare England Venice, 1596. Melancholy Antonio loves the youthful Bassanio, so when Bassanio asks for 3000 ducats, Antonio says yes before knowing it's to sue for the hand of Portia. His capital tied up in merchant ships at sea, Antonio must go to Shylock, a Jewish moneylender he reviles. Shylock wraps his grudge in kindness, offering a three-month loan at no interest, but if not repaid, Antonio will owe a pound of flesh. The Jew's daughter elopes with a Christian, whetting Shylock's hatred. While Bassanio's away wooing Portia, Antonio's ships founder, and Shylock demands his pound of flesh. With court assembled and a judgment due, Portia swings into action to save Bassanio's friend. Although critics tend to agree that Shylock is The Merchant of Venice’s most noteworthy figure, no consensus has been reached on whether to read him as a bloodthirsty bogeyman, a clownish Jewish stereotype, or a tragic figure whose sense of decency has been fractured by the persecution he end ures. Certainly, Shylock is the play’s antagonist, and he is menacing enough to seriously imperil the -happiness of Venice’s businessmen and young lovers alike. Shylock is also, however, a creation of circumstance; even in his single-minded pursuit of a pound of flesh, his frequent mentions of the cruelty he has endured at Christian hands make it hard for us to label him a naturalborn monster. In one of Shakespeare’s most famous monologues, for example, Shylock argues that Jews are humans and calls his quest for vengeance the product of lessons taught to him by the cruelty of Venetian citizens. On the other hand, Shylock’s coldly calculated attempt to revenge the wrongs done to him by murdering his persecutor, Antonio, prevents us from viewing him in a primarily positive light. Shakespeare gives us unmistakably human moments, but he often steers us against Shylock as well, painting him as a miserly, cruel, and prosaic figure. Portia Quick-witted, wealthy, and beautiful, Portia embodies the virtues that are typical of Shakespeare’s heroines—it is no surprise that she emerges as the antidote to Shylock’s malice. At the beginning of the play, however, we do not see Portia’s potential for initiative and resourcefulness, as she is a near prisoner, feeling herself absolutely bound to follow her father’s dying wishes. This opening appearance, however, proves to be a revealing introduction to Portia, who emerges as that rarest of combinations—a free spirit who abides rigidly by rules. Rather than ignoring the stipulations of her father’s will, she watches a stream of suitors pass


Venice is one of the most romantic and beautiful city in the world. There are only two ways that people travel on foot and by boat. 威尼斯无疑是世界上最浪漫最唯美的一座水城. 在这里,人们的出行方式只有两种,徒步和乘船 When Venetian is dominated by tourism, "gondola" doesn't only mean transportation. It means that the romance and style. Volume is a small boat, which can accommodate 6 guests. It is 11 meters long, nearly 1.5 meters wide. 当威尼斯人以旅游业为主的时候,"贡多拉"就不仅仅是代步工具了. 它意味着浪漫和风情. 体积不大,长11米,宽近1.5米,一般可容纳6位客人. If you are a visitor who pays attention to mood, you should invite two fellow musicians, one play and one sing. You’ll visit night view with the beautiful music loud and infectious song of tenor playing by accordion. 如果你是一位讲究情调的游客,你应该邀请两位音乐家同行,一位拉琴,一位唱歌. 在手风琴奏出的优美乐曲声中洪亮而富有感染力的男高音将一直伴你游历威尼斯的夜景. St Mark‘s Square is the heart of Venice, whose quality the best demonstrated by Venice. Square white stone decorations to the ground in 17th century. Each building in the square has its own style. 圣马克广场是威尼斯的心脏,也是最能体现威尼斯气质的地方. 广场地面以17世纪的白色石头装饰而成,广场上的每一座建筑都有自己的风格. St Mark’s Cathedral as the protagonist of St Mark‘s Square is a symbol of glory of Venice. In the centuries - old full, St Mark‘s cathedral has become a large-scale, complex and mysterious temple. It is both church and museum. 作为圣马克广场主角的圣马克大教堂是威尼斯辉煌的象征. 进过几个世纪的充实,圣马克大教堂已经成为一座规模宏大、复杂而神秘的殿堂. 既是教堂,也是博物馆. Travel Venice, the streets of beautiful dessert shop has become a must visit. There is delicious ice cream, a hot piece of toast out of the toaster, pancake with honey, dessert with various sliced nuts , a variety of exquisite food. 行走威尼斯,大街小巷漂亮的甜品店也成为必访之地. 诱人的冰激凌、吐司机里跳出来热腾腾的土司片、浇了蜂糖汁的pancake,各色夹杂坚果的切片甜点,各种精致美食应有尽有. Venetian mask culture in European is civilization apart. You can also buy masks for the year, but there’re many kinds of masks in the Carnival. 威尼斯的面具文化在欧洲文明中独具一格,是极少数面具溶入日常生活的城市. 全年都可也买到面具,但狂欢节时种类最多. Tips : 1.You have to make the time on the yellow clock at the entrance, otherwise you will get heavy fines. 2. You can't wear sleeveless or shorts, otherwise you will not be allowed to enter in . 3. In addition to Saint Mark's Square, feeding pigeons is illegal in any other place. 小提示:1. 乘船,乘车前一定要在入口处的黄色打卡机上打上时间,否则会被处以高额罚款. 2. 宗教性空间不能穿无袖,短裤等袒胸露背的衣服,否则会被拒绝进入. 3. 除了在圣马克广场,在其他任何地方喂鸽子都是违法的. Travel is all about giving yourself a happy memories of future. Finish it by selecting the most beautiful time. Learning to relax on the road. Look for happiness on the road . Restore to one’s true self. 旅行的意义在于给未来的自己一个美好的回忆,选择最美的时间去完成.学会在旅途中放松心


一,威尼斯简介 Basic information: Location: northeast city of Italy Alternative name: Water city, Bridge city and so on。 Venice is a beautiful city water, Venice looks like a dolphin. Urban area of less than 7.8 square kilometers. it has 118 islands and 177 canals 威尼斯是一个美丽的水上城市,他的外星看起来就像是一个海豚,城市面积不到7.8平方公里,由118个小岛和177条运河组成 威尼斯(意大利语:Venezia,英文:Venice),意大利北部威尼托大区首府,威尼斯省省会,世界著名的历史文化名城,威尼斯因“因水而生,因水而美,因水而兴”的美誉,享有“水城”“水上都市”“百岛城”等美称。Venice is famous for its ornate glass-work, known as Venetian glass. It is world-renowned for being colourful, elaborate, and skilfully made. One of these districts, San Marco, is home to many of Venice's main attractions, including St. Mark's Basilica. This spectacular church has five main arches and some extraordinary onion-shaped domes. It is decorated with priceless treasures, many of which were stolen from other countries when medieval Venice was a leading sea power. 行政区之一的圣马可是许多威尼斯主要旅游景的中心,包括圣马可大教堂。这座雄伟的大教堂有五道大拱门和数座壮观的洋葱形圆顶。

旅游英语:Introduction to Venice 介绍威尼斯

旅游英语:Introduction to Venice 介绍威尼斯 Introduction to Venice 介绍威尼斯 Have you visited Venice? 你参观过威尼斯吗? Yes. Venice is a fascinating city between sea and sky. 威尼斯是一座海天相连的迷人城市。 Could you tell me something about it? 你能告诉我它的相关情况吗? Of course. It is built on 117 islands. There aren’t any cars and buses. But it has 150 canals and 400 bridges. The narrow streets, with their historic names, are paved with flagstones but have no footpaths. They are lined with flower decked balconies, Ma donna, shop signs and lanterns. Artisans’ stalls and palaces stand side by side. The squares are charming. The brick bridges, with white stone trimmings are pitched high to allow barges to pass under them. 当然能够。它建立在117个岛屿之上。没有任何汽车,单挑呀150 条运河和400座桥。那些历有名的狭窄街道是用石板铺就的,但没有 人行道。街道两旁有点缀着鲜花的阳台、圣母雕像、商店招牌和灯笼。工匠们的店铺与宫殿比邻共存,广场富有魅力,用白色大理石装饰的 砖桥巍然屹立着,桥下游船如梭。 So, a lot of tourists visit Venice every day. 所以说,每天有很多游客参观威尼斯。


Set in the lavish era of 16th century Venice, Shakespeare's most powerf ul play comes to bear in Michael Radford's THE MERCHANT OF VENIC E, which follows the interlocking lives of a captivating assortment of clas sic Shakespearean characters. Bassanio (Joseph Fiennes) is the typical Elizabethan lover and aristocrat ?young, impulsive and romantic ?whose lavish lifestyle has left him d eep in debt and desperately in love with the fair Portia (Lynn Collins) of Belmont. But to win her hand, he must prove his worth. To prove his worth, he must not only raise money he doesn't have, but he must also correctly solve the riddle of matrimony bequeathed by Portia's late fathe r. Determined to call Portia his bride, Bassanio employs the support of his dear friend Antonio (Jeremy Irons), a successful merchant residing in Ve nice. But with no word from his trading fleet, Antonio is short of resourc es and must use his credit for a loan. This loan comes in the form of S hylock (Al Pacino), a Jewish loan shark who, like all his people, is force d to live in "ghettoes" and has limited access to the city. Yet, all is not as it appears between Antonio and Shylock. Antonio has publicly denounced Shylock and other Jews for their practice of usury (lo aning money at exorbitant rates of interest), and consistently hurts their business by offering loans with no interest. This set of circumstances, al ong with the persecution of Jews at the time, has made Shylock spiteful towards Antonio, who jumps at the chance to have the merchant in his debt. However, this time Shylock decides to offer his loan at no interest; inste ad, he demands a pound of flesh from Antonio if his loan is not repaid on time. Confident that Bassanio will return his good fortune three times over, Antonio agrees to the unusual terms. As Bassanio travels to Belmont with Gratiano (Kris Marshall) to woo his beloved, other events threaten to ruin his quest before it is fulfilled. Porti a, in the company of her lady-in-waiting Nerissa (Heather Goldenhersh), has already been welcoming potential suitors, who at any time could sol ve the mystery of her father's will which states that she must marry the


“亚得里亚海明珠”——威尼斯导游词 各位游客: 每一个曾经在历史上赫赫有名的城市,多半会有一条孕育城市生命的河流;每一个到现 在还迷人的城市,也必然缺少不了水色丽景。即使早已过了海上霸权的时代,威尼斯展现出 来的气势仍旧是独树一帜,颓废与美感并存。而我们面前的这片岛屿,就仿佛与世隔绝一般, 独自过着属于威尼斯的慵懒时光。 沿着威尼斯窄窄的运河,我们还可以看见修建于己世纪之前的古老房屋,这些房屋依然 保持着当时的面貌和风采,鲜艳的花朵从阳台伸展出来,带来了无限的生机。做“贡得拉”, 纵情与威尼斯的怀抱,听船夫高唱意大利民歌,就会仿佛忘记了时间的存在。 “威尼斯”,本是“最宁静的处所”的意思。恬静的威尼斯给人带来心旷神怡的感觉。运 河对岸是著名的圣玛丽亚?沙留特教堂,它有着300多年的历史;还有圣马可广场,那里是威 尼斯最值得骄傲的地方。隔岸望去,可以非常清楚地看到教堂美丽轮廓构成的威尼斯海湾这 一最迷人的景致。 威尼斯的魅力离不开水,蜿蜒的水港,流动的水波,就好像漂浮在碧波上的浪漫的梦, 诗情画意。依水而建的房屋、教堂清晰地倒映在水面上。诗人拜伦在1817年初来到威尼斯时, 惊艳于这座水都的脱俗之美,仍不住送给它“亚得里亚海之后”的封号,因为由海面上眺望 威尼斯,它就像矗立在亚得里亚海上的海市蜃楼,令人目眩神迷。 水是威尼斯的灵魂。如果说中国江南的水是朴素的,温馨的,亲和的,那么,威尼斯的 水就是豪华的,壮丽的,艺术的。美日,海浪拍击日渐下沉的暗礁,海风送来海鸟或欢畅或 忧伤的咏叹,而延安人家石墙上的斑驳旧印,也在日复一日的沉默中渐渐成为经典。 威尼斯的妙处在于:不仅仅因为它有那么多的水,那么多的乔,更在于此中油然而生的 一种柔情似水而又风情万种的生活状态。清晨,空中还有薄雾,街角是悄悄的路人饮泉,肃 穆的教堂传来钟声,住家的窗前是招摇的盆花,世界变得很安静。这里没有喧嚣的车马,耳 根清静,让人觉得仿佛活在古老的15世纪。 威尼斯的浪漫种多少掺杂着一些凄美,地下水抽取过多,造成威尼斯陆地不断下沉,再 加上周期性的潮水,因水而美丽的威尼斯正在被洪水慢慢侵蚀。他还会为我们的世界美丽多 久?这已经不是我们能够左右得了的事情。我们能做的,仅仅是靠近它,欣赏它,把心乘满 浪漫的感受,然后离开。所以,我们的游客,请不要破坏这美丽的水都,当一切成为记忆, 记忆里也希望能有威尼斯浪漫的水的气息?? 衷心祝愿每位游客能在威尼斯领略到来自几个世纪的美丽,谢谢大家!篇二:导游词 苏州石公山导游词: 朋友们,我们已身在仙山妙境。请看,我的背后是蜿蜒葱翠的丛林,面前是无边无垠的 太湖,青山绕着湖水,湖水托着青山,山石伸出了湖面,湖面“咬”住了山石。头上有山, 脚下有水,真是:天外有天,山外有山;岛中有岛,湖中有湖;山如青螺伏水,水似碧海浮 动。扬州瘦西湖虹桥导游词: 朋友们,我们脚下的这座桥,就是瘦西湖的著名风景点之一的虹桥,虹桥,原名“红桥”, 始建于明代崇祯年间,清朝乾隆时改建为石桥。虹桥为拱形桥,远看好似一道彩虹横卧在水 上。清代名士王士祯曾有诗赞道:“红桥飞跨水当中,一字栏杆几曲红。日午画船桥下过,衣 香人影太匆匆。”虹桥近几年经过拓宽垫平,改建为三拱洞石桥。 思考:如何写好导游词? 1、首先,要将自己的热情融入景观的介绍中,要注重景物的神似,运用恰当的比喻, 引起游客的遐思。 2、其次,介绍景观时要穿插介绍与景观有关的人文知识。以丰富解说的内容,激发游 客的浏览兴趣。


《威尼斯的小艇》作业设计 一、学习目标 1、利用拼音,会正确认读书写“小艇、船艄、船舱、保姆、祷告、哗笑、停泊、威尼斯、雇定、纵横交叉、操纵自如、手忙脚乱”,通过查工具书或联系上下文理解“祷告、雇定、操纵自如、手忙脚乱”等词语的意思。 2、通过朗读课文,说说威尼斯的小艇有哪些特点,作者是怎样描写这些特点的。 3、通过联系有关语句,说说小艇和威尼斯人生活的密切关系。 4、通过熟读课文,背诵课文第4-6自然段。 二、作业设计 【预习作业】 1.走近威尼斯:威尼斯是()的一座古城,一个美丽的()城市,“开门见水,出门乘船”是它独特风光的写照。城市面积不到7.8平方公里,却由118个小岛组成,177条运河蛛网一样密布期间,这些小岛和运河由大约350座桥相连。整个城市只靠一条长堤与意大利大陆半岛连接。城内风光秀美,古迹众多,令游人乐而忘返。 2.我把课文读了()遍,做到了读通顺、读准确。 3.想想课文从哪几方面介绍威尼斯的小艇? 威尼斯小艇的特点,船夫驾驶小艇的以及小艇和 的密切关系,为我们展示了威尼斯这座水上名城特有的风光。读了课文我最想说的 是。 4.背景资料 我搜集的有关威尼斯或小艇的资料有:(简介) 【课堂探究】 一、检查预习: 互相读字词,合作读课文并交流自主学习环节中不懂的问题。 二、整体感知 1.根据句意写词语。 (1)信教的人向神祈祷,乞求保佑。 ( )。 (2)高声喧哗谈笑。 ( )。 (3)驾驶小艇熟练灵活,得心应手。 ( )。

(4)手忙乱,脚也忙乱。形容做事慌忙。( )。 2.读课文填空。 威尼斯小艇在构造上有与众不同的特点:①长度为________尺,“又________又________”,有点像__________。②制作比较讲究,“船头和船尾向上________,像__________;③行动轻快灵活,仿佛_________________。④船内舒适自在,皮垫子软软的像________。 三、精读品味 1.完成表格。 把威尼斯小艇比作独木舟,写出了小艇___________的特点;把小艇比作新月,写出了小艇___________的特点;把小艇比作水蛇,写出了小艇___________的特点。 四、发散思维、升华主题 1.假如你坐在小艇里浏览威尼斯,你会有怎样的感受? 2.学完了本课,说说威尼斯人的生活给你留下了什么印象?


威尼斯商人英文简介 Venice, 1596. Melancholy Antonio loves the youthful Bassanio, so when Bassanio asks for 3000 ducats, Antonio says yes before knowing it's to sue for the hand of Portia. His capital tied up in merchant ships at sea, Antonio must go to Shylock, a Jewish moneylender he reviles. Shylock wraps his grudge in kindness, offering a three-month loan at no interest, but if not repaid, Antonio will owe a pound of flesh. The Jew's daughter elopes with a Christian, whetting Shylock's hatred. While Bassanio's away wooing Portia, Antonio's ships founder, and Shylock demands his pound of flesh. With court assembled and a judgment due, Portia swings into action to save Bassanio's friend. Although critics tend to agree that Shylock is The Merchant

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